Amstrad CPC - 2542 Jeux
1 - 1942
2 - 2088
3 - 007 - Dangereusement Votre
4 - 007 - Vivre et laisser mourir
5 - 007 : Tuer n'est pas Jouer
6 - 1001 B.C. - A Mediterranean Odyssey
7 - 10th Frame
8 - 12 Jeux Exceptionnels
9 - 12 Lost Souls
10 - 1943: The Battle of Midway
11 - 1st Division Manager
12 - 2 Player Super League
13 - 20 000 avant J.C.
14 - 20 000 Lieues sous les Mers
15 - 2112 AD
16 - 3D Boxing
17 - 3D Fight
18 - 3D Grand Prix
19 - 3D Invaders
20 - 3D Monster Chase
21 - 3D Morpion
22 - 3D Pool
23 - 3D Quasars
24 - 3d Snooker
25 - 3D Starfighter
26 - 3D Starstrike
27 - 3D Stunt Rider
28 - 3D Time Trek
29 - 3D Voicechess
30 - 3DC
31 - 3D-Sub
32 - 4 Soccer Simulators
33 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing
34 - 5 Estrellas
35 - 500cc Grand Prix 2
36 - 7 Card Stud
37 - 720°
38 - 750cc Grand Prix
39 - A 320
40 - A Question of Sport
41 - A.P.B.
42 - Abracadabra
43 - Abu Simbel Profanation
44 - Academy
45 - ACE
46 - Ace 2: The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict
47 - Ace of Aces
48 - Acrojet
49 - Action Fighter
50 - Action Force
51 - Activator
52 - Actref
53 - Adidas Championship Football
54 - Adidas Championship Tie Break
55 - Adult Two
56 - Advanced Destroyer Simulator
57 - Advanced Pinball Simulator
58 - Advanced Tactical Fighter
59 - Adventure C: Ship Of Doom
60 - Affaire Sydney
61 - African Trail Simulator
62 - After Burner
63 - After Shock
64 - After the War
65 - Aftermath
66 - Afteroids
67 - Agent 1
68 - Agent Orange
69 - Agent X 2: The Mad Prof's Back
70 - Ahhh!!
71 - Aigle D'or, L'
72 - Airballs
73 - Airborne Ranger
74 - Airwolf
75 - Airwolf 2
76 - Aladdin's Cave
77 - Alex Higgins World Pool
78 - Alex Higgins World Snooker
79 - Ali Candil Y El Tesoro De Sierra Morena
80 - Alien
81 - Alien 8
82 - Alien Attack
83 - Alien Highway - Encounter 2
84 - Alien Storm
85 - Alien Syndrome
86 - Aliens
87 - Alinka
88 - Alive
89 - Alkahera
90 - Almirante Graf Spee
91 - AlphaJet
92 - Alphakhor
93 - Alpine Games
94 - Al-Strad
95 - Altered Beast
96 - Alternative World Games
97 - Amaurote
98 - Amelie Minuit
99 - American Football
100 - American Tag Team Wrestling
101 - American Turbo King
102 - America's Cup Challenge
103 - Amo Del Mundo
104 - Amsgolf
105 - Amsilvania Castle
106 - Amstra' Dames
107 - Amstrad Shuffle
108 - Amstroids
109 - Anarchy
110 - Android 2
111 - Android One - The Reactor Run
112 - Anduril
113 - Andy Capp
114 - Ange De Cristal
115 - Angel Nieto Pole 500
116 - Angelique - A Grief Encounter
117 - Angleball
118 - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
119 - Anna
120 - Annals Of Rome
121 - Antares
122 - Apocalypse
123 - Apprenti Sorcier
124 - Aquanaute
125 - Arachnophobia
126 - Arcade Flight Simulator
127 - Arcade Fruit Machine
128 - Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulator
129 - Archon - The Light And The Dark
130 - Archon II : Adept
131 - Arcticfox
132 - Arcturus
133 - Ardoise Magique, L'
134 - Argo Navis
135 - Ariane
136 - Arkanium
137 - Arkanoid
138 - Arkanoid : Revenge of Doh
139 - Arkanoid 3: Doh Strikes Again
140 - Arkanoid Construction Set
141 - Arkanoid III - The Last Chance
142 - Arkanoid IV
143 - Arkanoid V
144 - Arkos
145 - Army Moves
146 - Artura
147 - Ashkeron
148 - Aspar Grand Prix Master
149 - Asphalt
150 - Asphyxie
151 - Assault Course
152 - Assault On Port Stanley
153 - Asterix & La Potion Magique
154 - Asterix Chez Rahazade
155 - Astro Attack
156 - Astro Marine Corps
157 - Astro Plumber
158 - Astroball
159 - Atahualpa
160 - Athlete
161 - Atlantis
162 - Atlantis Aventure
163 - Atlas Geographique
164 - Atom Ant
165 - Atom Smasher
166 - Atomic
167 - Atomic Battle
168 - Atomic Driver
169 - Atomic Fiction
170 - Atrog
171 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
172 - Attentat
173 - ATV Simulator
174 - Au Nom De L'hermine
175 - Au Revoir Monty
176 - Aussie Safari
177 - Australian Rules Football
178 - Autocras: Diabolico
179 - Automec
180 - Autre Aventure
181 - Avenger
182 - Aventura Espacial
183 - Aventura Original
184 - Aventures Au Chateau
185 - Axys - The Last Battle
186 - B.A.T.
187 - Baby Jo in Going Home
188 - Baca
189 - Bachou
190 - Back to Reality
191 - Back to the Future
192 - Back to the Future II (3)
193 - Back to the Future III (2)
194 - Back to the Future Part II
195 - Back to the Future Part III
196 - Back To The Golden Age
197 - Backgammon
198 - Bacterik Dream
199 - Bactron
200 - Bad Cat
201 - Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja
202 - Bad Max
203 - BadLands
204 - Bagne de Nepharia
205 - Balade Au Pays De Big-ben
206 - Ball Bearing
207 - Ball Breaker
208 - Ball Breaker II
209 - Ball Crazy
210 - Ballblazer
211 - Balle de Match
212 - Balloon Buster
213 - Balrog
214 - Bangers & Mash
215 - Barbarian
216 - Barbarian : Le Guerrier Absolu
217 - Barbarian II : The Dungeon of Drax
218 - Barbarian Part 3
219 - Barrier Reef
220 - Barry McGuigan champion du monde de boxe
221 - Basil the great mouse detective
222 - Basket Coach
223 - Bataille Pour La RFA
224 - Batman
225 - Batman : The Caped Crusader
226 - Battle Beyond the Stars
227 - Battle Command
228 - Battle For Midway
229 - Battle Of Austerlitz
230 - Battle of Britain
231 - Battle of the Planets
232 - Battle Of Waterloo
233 - Battle Ships
234 - Battle Spheres
235 - Battle Valley
236 - Batty
237 - Beach Buggy Simulator
238 - Beach Head
239 - Beach Head II : The Dictator Strikes Back !
240 - Beach Volley
241 - Beast
242 - Beat the Clock
243 - Bedlam
244 - Beetle Mania
245 - Berks III
246 - Bestial Warrior
247 - Bestiary
248 - Better Spelling
249 - Beurk Roger
250 - Beyond the Ice Palace
251 - Biff
252 - Big League Soccer
253 - Big League Soccer 2
254 - Big Screen Hero
255 - Bigfoot
256 - Biggles
257 - Bigtop Barney
258 - Billard Americain
259 - Billy la Banlieue
260 - Billy La Banlieue 2
261 - Billy the Kid
262 - Binky
263 - Bio Spheres
264 - Bionic Commando
265 - Bionic Ninja
266 - Birdie
267 - Black Beard
268 - Black Magic
269 - Black Tiger
270 - Blade Runner
271 - Blade Warrior
272 - Blagger
273 - Blasteroids
274 - Blazing Thunder
275 - Blokker
276 - Blood Brothers
277 - Blood Valley
278 - Bloodwych
279 - Blowaway Bob
280 - Blue Star
281 - Blue Tomb
282 - Blue War
283 - BMX Kidz
284 - BMX Ninja
285 - BMX Simulator
286 - BMX Simulator 2
287 - Bo
288 - Bob Morane - Jungle
289 - Bob Morane : Océan
290 - Bob Morane Chevalerie
291 - Bob Morane Science Fiction
292 - Bob Winner
293 - Bobby Bearing
294 - Bobo
295 - Bobsleigh
296 - Boeing 727
297 - Boinggg
298 - Bomb Jack
299 - Bomb Jack II
300 - Bombfusion
301 - Bombscare
302 - Bonanza Bros.
303 - Book of the Dead
304 - Booty
305 - Bored of the Rings
306 - Boredom
307 - Borse 79
308 - Bosconian '87
309 - Boulder Dash
310 - Boulder Dash 2
311 - Boulder Dash 3
312 - Boulder Dash 6
313 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit
314 - Boule Infernale
315 - Bounder
316 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back
317 - Bounty Hunter
318 - Boxer Manager
319 - Boy Racer
320 - Brainache
321 - Brainstorm
322 - BraveStarr
323 - Brawn Free
324 - Braxx Bluff
325 - Breakthru
326 - Brian Bloodaxe
327 - Brian Clough's Football Fortunes
328 - Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge
329 - Brick Breaker
330 - Bride of Frankenstein
331 - Bridge
332 - Bridge It
333 - Bridge Of Arnhem
334 - Bridge Player 3
335 - Bronx
336 - Bronx Street Cop
337 - Bruce Lee
338 - Bubble Bobble
339 - Bubble Bobble 2
340 - Bubble Dizzy
341 - Bubble Ghost
342 - Bubbler
343 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
344 - Buggy 2
345 - Buggy Boy
346 - Buggy Ranger
347 - Bugsy
348 - Builderland
349 - Bump, Set, Spike!
350 - Bumpy
351 - Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
352 - Bunny Bricks
353 - Buran
354 - BurgerTime
355 - Bust Out
356 - Butcher Hill
357 - Cabal
358 - California Games
359 - California Games (2)
360 - Camelot Warriors
361 - Campeon Rally: Campeones
362 - Can I Cheat the Death
363 - Canadair
364 - Canyons Of Cannons
365 - Cap Horn
366 - Cap Sur Dakar
367 - Capitan Sevilla
368 - Captain America Defies the Doom Tube
369 - Captain Blood
370 - Captain Gordon
371 - Captain Kidd
372 - Captain Planet
373 - Car Massacre
374 - Carlos Sainz
375 - Carrier Command
376 - Carson City
377 - Casanova
378 - Castle Assault
379 - Castle Blackstar
380 - Castle Master
381 - Castle Master 2: The Crypt
382 - Catastrophes: Ile Infernale
383 - Catch 23
384 - Cauldron
385 - Cauldron 2 -La Citrouille Contre-Attaque
386 - Cava Peter Zorglub
387 - Cavemania
388 - Caverns of Mars
389 - Caves of Doom
390 - Centipods
391 - Centre Court Tennis
392 - Centurions
393 - Cerberus
394 - Cessna Over Moscow
395 - Chain Reaction
396 - Challenge of the Gobots
397 - Chamonix Challenge: Bivouac
398 - Championship Baseball
399 - Championship Jet Ski Simulator
400 - Championship Sprint
401 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
402 - Charlie Chaplin
403 - Charly Diams
404 - Chase H.Q.
405 - Chateau de Diable
406 - Chevalier Blanc
407 - Chevy Chase
408 - Chicago 30's
409 - Chicago 90
410 - Chickin Chase
411 - Chiffres Magiques
412 - Chiller
413 - Chimera
414 - Chip's Challenge
415 - Cholo
416 - Chopper Squad
417 - Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior
418 - Chronos
419 - Chubby Gristle
420 - Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
421 - Chuckie Egg
422 - Chuckie Egg II
423 - Cine Clap
424 - Circus Games
425 - Cisco Heat: All American Police Car Race
426 - Cite Perdue
427 - City For Ransom
428 - City Slicker
429 - Ci-U-Than Trilogy I: La Diosa de Cozumel
430 - Ci-U-Than Trilogy II: Los Templos Sagrados
431 - Clash
432 - Classic Adventure
433 - Classic Axiens
434 - Classic Invaders
435 - Classic Muncher
436 - Classic Punter
437 - Classic Racing
438 - Clever and Smart: Mortadelo Y Filemon
439 - Climb It
440 - Clive Barker's Nightbreed : The Action Game
441 - Cluedo
442 - Cobra Force
443 - Cobra Loriciel
444 - Cobra Pinball
445 - Cobra Stallone
446 - Cobra's Arc
447 - Code De La Route
448 - Codename Mat 2
449 - Codename: MAT
450 - Collapse
451 - Colony
452 - Coloric
453 - Colossal Cave
454 - Colosseus
455 - Colossus 4 Chess
456 - Colossus Bridge 4
457 - Colossus Mahjong
458 - Colour of Magic
459 - Comando Quatro
460 - Combat Lynx
461 - Combat School
462 - Combat Zone Mentor
463 - Comet Encounter
464 - Comet Game
465 - Commando
466 - Commando: Space Invasion
467 - Commonwealth Games
468 - Compendium
469 - Computer Scrabble
470 - Conflit En L'an 2000
471 - Confuzion
472 - Con-quest
473 - Conspiration de L'An 3
474 - Contamination
475 - Continental Circus
476 - Contraption
477 - Convoy Raider
478 - Cop Out
479 - CORE: Cybernetic Organism Recovery Expedition
480 - Corridor Conflict
481 - Corruption
482 - Corsarios
483 - Cosa Nostra
484 - Cosmic Sheriff
485 - Cosmic Shock Absorber
486 - Cosmo
487 - Costa Capers
488 - Count Duckula 2
489 - Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian
490 - Countdown
491 - Country Cottages
492 - Cowboy Kidz
493 - CPC Invaders
494 - Crack Down
495 - Crack Up
496 - Crafton & Xunk
497 - Crafton et Xunk 2 : L'ange de Cristal
498 - Crash Garrett
499 - Crash Garrett (2)
500 - Cray 5
501 - Crazy Cars
502 - Crazy Cars 3
503 - Crazy Cars II
504 - Crazy Er*bert
505 - Crazy Golf
506 - Crazy Shot
507 - Crazy Worm
508 - Cricket Captain
509 - Cricket Crazy
510 - Crime Busters
511 - Crimen Perfecto
512 - Critical Mass
513 - Croc Madam
514 - Croco Magneto
515 - Crystal Castles
516 - Crystal Theft
517 - Cubit
518 - Curro Jimenez
519 - Cursed Be The City
520 - Custard Pie Factory
521 - CutThroats
522 - Cybernoid : The Fighting Machine
523 - Cybernoid II : The Revenge
524 - Cybor
525 - Cycit
526 - Cylu
527 - Cyrus II Chess
528 - Dakar 4x4
529 - Dakar Moto
530 - Daley Thompson's Decathlon
531 - Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
532 - Daley Thompson's Super-Test
533 - Dallas
534 - Dame Scanner
535 - Dames 3D Champion
536 - Damstar
537 - Dan Dare : Pilot of the Future
538 - Dan Dare II : Mekon's Revenge
539 - Dan Dare III : The Escape
540 - Dandy
541 - Danger Mouse in Double Trouble
542 - Danger Mouse: Makin' Whopee
543 - Danger Street
544 - Dark Century
545 - Dark Fusion
546 - Dark Power
547 - Dark Sceptre
548 - Dark Side
549 - Dark Star 1: Time of Changes
550 - Darkman
551 - Darts
552 - Darts 180
553 - Dash
554 - Dawnssley
555 - D-Day
556 - Deactivators
557 - Dead or Alive
558 - Deadline
559 - Deadly Evil
560 - Death or Glory
561 - Death Pit
562 - Death Stalker
563 - Death Wake
564 - Death Wish 3
565 - Deathsville
566 - Deep Strike
567 - Defcom
568 - Defcom 1
569 - Defend or Die
570 - Defender of the Crown
571 - Defenders of the Earth
572 - Defi Au Tarot
573 - Deflektor
574 - Demain Holocauste
575 - Demon Attack
576 - Demon's Revenge
577 - Dents de Sa Mere
578 - Der Diamant vom Rabenfels
579 - Derniere Mission
580 - Dervish
581 - Desert Fox
582 - Desert Rats
583 - Desolator
584 - Desperado 2
585 - Despotik Design
586 - Detective
587 - Devil's Crown
588 - Diamant De L'ile Maudite
589 - Diamond Mine
590 - Dick Tracy
591 - Die Alien Slime
592 - Digger Barnes
593 - Disc
594 - Dive-Dive-Dive
595 - Dizzy : The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure
596 - Dizzy 2: Treasure Island Dizzy
597 - Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy
598 - Dizzy 5: Spellbound Dizzy
599 - Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
600 - Dizzy Collection
601 - Dizzy Dice
602 - Dizzy VI - Prince of the Yolkfolk
603 - Dizzy: Down the Rapids
604 - Dodgy Geezers
605 - Dog Fight 2187
606 - Dogfight
607 - Dogsbody to the Rescue
608 - Dominator
609 - Domino
610 - Dominoes
611 - Don Juan
612 - Donald and Riri
613 - Donald's Alphabet Chase
614 - Donkey Kong
615 - Don't Panic
616 - Doodle Bug
617 - Doomsdark's Revenge
618 - Doomsday Blues
619 - Doors of Doom
620 - Doppleganger
621 - Dora
622 - Dossier G: Rainbow Warrior
623 - Double Detente
624 - Double Dragon
625 - Double Dragon (animagic)
626 - Double Dragon II : The Revenge
627 - Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone
628 - Dr. Doom's Revenge
629 - Dr. Dustbin
630 - Dr. Jackle and Mr Wide
631 - Dr. Scrime's Spook School
632 - Dr. Who & The Mines of Terror
633 - Dracula
634 - Dragon Breed
635 - Dragon Spirit
636 - Dragon Torc
637 - Dragon's Gold
638 - Dragon's Lair
639 - Dragon's Lair 2: Escape from Singe's Castle
640 - Dragons of Flame
641 - Drakkar
642 - Drazen Petrovic Basket
643 - Dream Warrior
644 - Driller
645 - Druid
646 - Duct
647 - Duel 2000
648 - Duet
649 - Dun Darach
650 - Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists
651 - Dustin
652 - Dwarf
653 - Dynamic Duo
654 - Dynamite Dan
655 - Dynamite Dux
656 - Dynamix
657 - Dynasty Wars
658 - Eagle
659 - Eagle's Rider
660 - Echelon
661 - Edd the Duck!
662 - Eden Blues
663 - Edge Grinder
664 - Eidolon
665 - El Capitán Trueno
666 - El Cid
667 - El Juego de la Oca
668 - El Misterio del Nilo
669 - Electric Runner
670 - Electric Wonderland
671 - Electro Freddy
672 - Elektraglide
673 - Elevator Action
674 - Elidon
675 - Eliminator
676 - Elite
677 - Elven Warrior
678 - Emerald Isle
679 - Emilio Butragueno Futbol
680 - Emilio Butragueno Futbol II
681 - Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam
682 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
683 - E-motion
684 - Empty Tummy
685 - Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles
686 - End Zone
687 - Endurance
688 - Enduro Racer
689 - Energic
690 - Energy Warrior
691 - Enigme A Oxford
692 - Enlightenment : Druid II
693 - Enterprise
694 - Equinox
695 - Erebus
696 - Escape
697 - Escape From Prison Planet
698 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters
700 - Escoba
701 - Espada Sagrada
702 - Espionage
703 - Espionage Island
704 - Espionage Island (Europe)
705 - Estimator Racer
706 - Estimator Racer (Europe)
707 - E-SWAT: Cyber Police
708 - Etats Unis D'amerique
709 - European Superleague
710 - Eve of Shadows
711 - Evening Star
712 - Everyone's A Wally
713 - Excalibur Quest
714 - Execution
715 - Exit
716 - Exolon
717 - Experience
718 - Exploding Wall
719 - Explorer
720 - Express Raider
721 - Exterminator
722 - Extreme
723 - Eye
724 - F-1 Tornado Simulator
725 - F-15 Strike Eagle
726 - F-16 Combat Pilot
727 - F-16 Fighting Falcon
728 - F-16 Fighting Falcon 2
729 - FACE-A
730 - Faial - Chevalier Du Levant
731 - Fairlight
732 - Fairlight 2
733 - Fallout
734 - Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island
735 - Fantasia Diamond
736 - Fantastic Voyage
737 - Fantasy Land
738 - Fantasy World Dizzy
739 - Fantomas
740 - Fast Food
741 - Fer Et Flamme
742 - Fernandez Must Die
743 - Fernando Martin Basket Master
744 - Ferry Captain
745 - Feud
746 - Fighter Bomber
747 - Fighter Pilot
748 - Fighting Soccer
749 - Fighting Warrior
750 - Final Matrix
751 - Finders Keepers
752 - Fire
753 - Fire & Forget II
754 - Fire and Forget
755 - Fire Ant
756 - Fire Lord
757 - Firefox 2
758 - Fireman Sam: The Hero Next Door
759 - Firestone
760 - FireTrap
761 - Firezone
762 - First Steps With The Mr Men
763 - Five A Side Footy
764 - Five a Side Soccer
765 - Flash
766 - Flash Gordon
767 - Fleche
768 - Flight Path 737
769 - Flight Simulation
770 - Flimbo's Quest
771 - Flippit
772 - Fluff
773 - Fly Spy
774 - Flying Shark
775 - Football Manager
776 - Football Manager 2
777 - Football Manager 3
778 - Football Manager World Cup Edition
779 - Footballer of the Year
780 - Footballer of the Year 2
781 - For Gold or Glory
782 - Forbidden Planet
783 - Forest at World's End
784 - Forest Land
785 - Foret Infernale
786 - Forgotten Worlds
787 - Formula 1 Simulator
788 - Formula One
789 - Forteresse
790 - Fortune en Mer du Nord
791 - Foso
792 - Fourtris
793 - Fourtron
794 - Fox
795 - France Et Ses Cours D'eau, La
796 - Frank Bruno's Boxing
797 - Frank N Stein
798 - Frankenstein
799 - Frankenstein Junior
800 - Frankie Crashed on Jupiter
801 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
802 - Freddy Hardest
803 - Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan
804 - Freedom : Rebels in the Darkness
805 - Freedom Fighter
806 - Freestyle BMX Simulator
807 - Frestris
808 - Friday the 13th
809 - Front Line
810 - Frontiers
811 - Frost Byte
812 - Fruit Bank Supernudge 2000
813 - Fruit Machine
814 - fruitms
815 - fruitms2
816 - Fruity Frank
817 - Fugitif - Les Aventures De Jack Bludfield - Part 1
818 - Fu-Kung in Las Vegas
819 - Fury
820 - Fusion 2
821 - Future Bike Simulator
822 - Future Knight
823 - Future Shock
824 - G.I. Hero
825 - Gabrielle
826 - Galachip
827 - Galactic Conqueror
828 - Galactic Games
829 - Galaxia
830 - Galaxian's Revenge
831 - Galaxy Force
832 - Galivan
833 - Galletron
834 - Game Over
835 - Game Over II
836 - Game Set And Match
837 - Garfield 2 - Winter's Tail
838 - Garfield : Big, Fat, Hairy Deal
839 - Gary Lineker's Hot-Shots
840 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills
841 - Gary Lineker's Super Star Football
842 - Gate Crasher
843 - Gauntlet II
844 - Gauntlet Micropower
845 - Gazza 2
846 - Gazza's Super Soccer
847 - GBA Championship Basketball : Two-on-Two
848 - Gee Bee Air Rally
849 - Gemini Wing
850 - Gems of Stradus
851 - Geoff Capes Strongman
852 - Géographe - France, Le
853 - Géographe - Monde, Le
854 - Geste D' Artillac
855 - GFL Championship Football
856 - Ghengis Kahn
857 - Ghost Hunters
858 - Ghostbusters
859 - Ghostbusters II
860 - Ghostbusters II (2)
861 - Ghosts
862 - Ghosts'n Goblins
863 - Ghouls
864 - Ghouls'n Ghosts
865 - Gilbert Escape From Drill
866 - Gilligan's Gold
867 - Gladiator
868 - Glass
869 - Glen Hoddle Soccer
870 - Glider Rider
871 - G-Loc R360
872 - Gnome Ranger
873 - Gnome Ranger (2)
874 - GOB
875 - Goblin Towers
876 - Gogly
877 - Golden Axe
878 - Golden Axe (4)
879 - Golden Basket
880 - Golden Path
881 - Golden Path (2)
882 - Goldhunter
883 - Goliath
884 - Gonzzalezz
885 - Goody
886 - Gorbaf El Vikingo
887 - Gothik
888 - Gp Formula 1 Simulator
889 - Graham Gooch's Test Cricket
890 - Grand Prix 500 Cc
891 - Grand Prix Circuit
892 - Grand Prix Driver
893 - Grand Prix Simulator
894 - Grand Prix Simulator 2
895 - Grand Prix Tennis
896 - Grange Hill
897 - GRAPHCI1
898 - Graphic City
899 - Great Courts
900 - Great Gurianos
901 - Green Beret
902 - Gregory Loses His Clock
903 - Grell and Falla
904 - Gremlins : The Adventure
905 - Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (2)
906 - Gremlins 2: The New Batch
907 - Greyfell
908 - Grid Trap
909 - Gridrider
910 - Griffes de la Nuit
911 - Griffes de la Nuit, Les (2)
912 - Ground Zero
913 - Grumpy Gumphrey Supersleuth
914 - Gryzor
915 - Guadalcanal
916 - Guardian
917 - Guardian Angel
918 - Guardian II Revenge of the Mutants
919 - Guerra de las Vajillas
920 - Guerrilla War
921 - Guillem De Bergueda
922 - Guillermo Tell
923 - Gun.Smoke
924 - Gunboat
925 - Gundogs
926 - Gunfighter
927 - Gunfright
928 - Gunship
929 - Gunslinger: Play Dead
930 - Gunstar
931 - Gusanin
932 - Gutter
933 - Guzzler
934 - Gyroscope
935 - H Myga
936 - H.A.T.E.
937 - H.e.r.o.
938 - Hacker
939 - Hacker II : The Doomsday Papers
940 - Hagar
941 - Halls of the Things
942 - Hammer Boy
943 - Hammerfist
944 - Hanse
945 - Happy Letters
946 - Happy Letters - Les Lettres Magiques
947 - Happy Numbers
948 - Happy Writing
949 - Hard Drivin'
950 - Hard Hat Mack
951 - HardBall!
952 - Harricana - Raid International Motoneige
953 - Harrier Attack
954 - Harry & Harry
955 - Harry & Harry: Mission Torpedo
956 - Harvey Headbanger
957 - Haunted Hedges
958 - Havoc
959 - Hawaii
960 - Hawk Storm
961 - Head over Heels
962 - Heartland
963 - Heathrow International Air Traffic Control
964 - Heavy Metal
965 - Heavy On The Magick
966 - Hedge Hog
967 - Helichopper
968 - Helter Skelter
969 - Herbert's Dummy Run
970 - Hercules - Slayer of the Damned
971 - Here & There With The Mr. Men
972 - Hermitage
973 - Hero of the Golden Talisman
974 - Hero Quest
975 - Hero Quest : Return of the Witch Lord
976 - Herobotix
977 - Heroes of Karn
978 - Heroes of the Lance
979 - Hideous
980 - High Frontier
981 - High Steel
982 - Highlander
983 - Highway Encounter
984 - Highway Patrol
985 - Hijack
986 - Hi-Q Quizz
987 - HiRise
988 - Histo Quizz
989 - Histoire De France
990 - Hit Pak : 6 Pak
991 - Hit Squad
992 - Hive
993 - Hms Cobra
994 - Hobgoblin
995 - Hockey
996 - Hold Up
997 - Holdfast
998 - Hollywood Hijinx
999 - Hollywood Or Bust
1000 - Holocauste
1001 - Homerunner
1002 - Hong Kong Phooey - No.1 Super Guy
1003 - Hopital Danger
1004 - Hopper Copper
1005 - Hoppin' Mad
1006 - Hostages - Operation Jupiter
1007 - Hot Rod
1008 - Hotshot
1009 - Hounds of Hell
1010 - House of Usher
1011 - How to be a Complete Bastard
1012 - How to be a Hero
1013 - Howard the Duck
1014 - Hudson Hawk
1015 - Human Killing Machine
1016 - Humphrey
1017 - Hunchback
1018 - Hunchback : The Adventure
1019 - Hunchback II : Quasimodo's Revenge
1020 - Hundra
1021 - Hunt for Red October, The: The Movie
1022 - Hunter Killer
1023 - Hurlements
1024 - Huxley Pig
1025 - Hybrid
1026 - Hydra
1027 - Hydrofool
1028 - Hyper Sports
1029 - Hyperbowl
1030 - Hyperspace 4
1031 - I Ball II - Quest for the Past
1032 - I, Ball
1033 - Ian Botham's Test Match
1034 - Ice Breaker
1035 - Ice Temple
1036 - Icon Jon
1037 - IK+
1038 - Ikari Warriors
1039 - Ile
1040 - Imagination
1041 - Imagine's Arcade Giants
1042 - Impact
1043 - Imperialis
1044 - Impossaball
1045 - Impossamole
1046 - Impossible Mission
1047 - Impossible Mission 2
1048 - Incantation
1049 - Incredible Shrinking Sphere
1050 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
1051 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (2)
1052 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade : The Action Ga
1053 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
1054 - Indoor Bowling
1055 - Indoor Race
1056 - Indoor Soccer
1057 - Indoor Sports
1058 - Inertie
1059 - Infection
1060 - Infernal Runner
1061 - Infidel
1062 - Infiltrator
1063 - Infodroid
1064 - Ingrid's Back!
1065 - Insector Hecti In The Interchange
1066 - Inteligencia
1067 - Interdictor Pilot
1068 - Interieur
1069 - International 3D Tennis
1070 - International Karate
1071 - International Manager
1072 - International Ninja Rabbits
1073 - International Rugby
1074 - International Rugby Simulator
1075 - International Speedway
1076 - Into Oblivion
1077 - Into the Eagle's Nest
1078 - Invasion
1079 - Invitation
1080 - Iron Lord
1081 - Iron Lord (4)
1082 - Iron Trackers
1083 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road
1084 - Ishido
1085 - Island
1086 - Isoleur
1087 - Italia '90 - World Cup Soccer
1088 - Italian Supercar
1089 - Italy 1990
1090 - Italy 1990: Winners Edition
1091 - Iznogoud
1092 - Jabato
1093 - Jack and the Beanstalk
1094 - Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Champion
1095 - Jack the Nipper
1096 - Jack the Nipper 2: Coconut Capers
1097 - Jack The Ripper
1098 - Jackal
1099 - Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash
1100 - Jai Alai
1101 - Jail Break
1102 - James Bond 007 : The Spy Who Loved Me
1103 - James Debug - Mystere De L'ile Perdue
1104 - Jammin
1105 - Jason and the Argonauts
1106 - Jaws
1107 - Jet 37
1108 - Jet Bike Simulator
1109 - Jet Boot Jack
1110 - Jet Set Willy
1111 - Jet Set Willy: The Final Frontier
1112 - Jeu Du Roy
1113 - Jeux sans frontières
1114 - Jewels of Babylon
1115 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy I: Colossal Adventure
1116 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy II: Adventure Quest
1117 - Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III: Dungeon Adventure
1118 - Jimmy Business
1119 - Jimmy's Soccer Manager
1120 - Jinks
1121 - Jinxter
1122 - Jo Visits the Planet Qor
1123 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
1124 - Joe Blade
1125 - Joe Blade 3
1126 - Joe Blade II
1127 - Joe Contre Les Pharaons
1128 - John Elway's Quarterback
1129 - Johnny Proot 2
1130 - Johnny Reb 2
1131 - Jonah Barrington's Squash
1132 - Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld
1133 - Joust
1134 - Juggernaut
1135 - Jump Jet
1136 - Jump Mania
1137 - Jungle Book
1138 - Jungle Warfare
1139 - Jungle Warrior
1140 - Kaiser
1141 - Kane
1142 - Karateka
1143 - Karl's Treasure Hunt
1144 - Karnov
1145 - Kat Trap
1146 - Keep Yourself Alive
1147 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager
1148 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match
1149 - Kentilla
1150 - Kentucky Racing
1151 - Kettle
1152 - Key Factor
1153 - Kick Off
1154 - Kick Off 2
1155 - Kikstart 2
1156 - Killapede
1157 - Killed Until Dead
1158 - Killer Cobra
1159 - Killer Gorilla
1160 - Killer Ring
1161 - Killer Star
1162 - Killerball
1163 - Kim
1164 - Kinetik
1165 - Kingdom of Hamil
1166 - Kingdoms
1167 - Klax
1168 - Knight Force
1169 - Knight Games
1170 - Knight Ghost
1171 - Knight Lore
1172 - Knight Orc
1173 - Knight Rider
1174 - Knight Tyme
1175 - Knightmare
1176 - Kobyashi Naru
1177 - Kokotoni Wilf
1178 - Konami's Golf
1179 - Kong Strikes Back
1180 - Koronis Rift
1181 - Krakout
1182 - Kristal
1183 - Kristax
1184 - Kung-Fu (Europe)
1185 - Kung-Fu Master
1186 - Kwik Snax
1187 - L.E.D. Storm
1188 - La Chose de Grotemburg
1189 - La Corona Magica
1190 - La Formule
1191 - La peste interstellaire
1192 - La Quete de la Pierre de Mindstone
1193 - La Ville Infernale
1194 - Labynotaure
1195 - Labyrinth Hall
1196 - Labyrinthe
1197 - L'Affaire Santa Fe
1198 - L'Affaire Vera Cruz
1199 - Lagaf: Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida
1200 - L'Aigle d'Or : Le Retour
1201 - Lancelot
1202 - L'Armure Sacrée d'Antiriad
1203 - L'Art de la Guerre
1204 - Las 3 Luces De Glaurung
1205 - Las Vegas Video Poker
1206 - Laser Squad
1207 - Lasersquad Expansion Kit 1
1208 - Laserwarp
1209 - Last Duel
1210 - Last Ninja 2
1211 - Last Ninja 2 (2)
1212 - Lazertag
1213 - Le 5ème Axe
1214 - Le Crepuscule du Naja
1215 - Le Dernier Metro
1216 - Le Flic de Beverly Hills
1217 - Le Maître des âmes
1218 - Le Pacte
1219 - Le Passager du Temps
1220 - Le Secret du Tombeau
1221 - Le Survivant
1222 - Le Syndrome
1223 - Le Talisman d'Osiris
1224 - Leaderboard Tournament
1225 - League Challenge
1226 - Leather Goddesses of Phobos
1227 - Legend
1228 - Legend of Apache Gold
1229 - Legions of Death
1230 - Lemmings
1231 - Leonard
1232 - Les Adventures du ka Traitement Bzzz
1233 - Les Aventures de Jack Burton
1234 - Les Aventures de Pepito au Mexique
1235 - Les Dragons
1236 - Les Envahisseurs de L'au Dela
1237 - Les Mines du Roi Aquantus
1238 - Les Passagers du Vent
1239 - Les Pyramides d'Atlantys
1240 - Les Tuniques Bleues - North & South
1241 - Leviathan
1242 - L'Héritage : Panique à Las Vegas
1243 - Liberator
1244 - Life Expectancy Zero
1245 - Life Term
1246 - Light Corridor
1247 - Light Force
1248 - Line of Fire
1249 - Link
1250 - Little Computer People
1251 - Little Puff in Dragonland
1252 - Liverpool
1253 - Livingstone Supongo 2
1254 - Livingstone, I Presume
1255 - Lo Mejor De Dinamic
1256 - Loco-motion
1257 - Lode Runner
1258 - Logistic
1259 - Lone Wolf
1260 - Long-way
1261 - Loopz
1262 - Lop Ears
1263 - Lord of the Rings: Game Two: Shadows of Mordor
1264 - Lords
1265 - Lords of Chaos
1266 - Lords of Midnight
1267 - Lorna
1268 - Los Angeles SWAT
1269 - Los Inhumanos
1270 - Los Pájaros de Bangkok
1271 - Lost Caves
1272 - Lost Crown
1273 - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
1274 - Lucky Fruits
1275 - Lucky Luke - Nitroglycerine (2)
1276 - Lucky Luke: Nitroglycerine
1277 - Mac 2
1278 - Macadam Bumper
1279 - Mach 3
1280 - Macrocosmica
1281 - Mad Flunky
1282 - Mad Mix
1283 - Mad Mix 2
1284 - Madballs
1285 - Maddog
1286 - Maffia
1287 - Mag Max
1288 - Maggot Splat
1289 - Magic Johnson's Basketball
1290 - Magic Sword
1291 - Maitre Absolu
1292 - Malediction de Thaar
1293 - Malefice des Atlantes
1294 - Manchester United Europe
1295 - Manchester United Football Club
1296 - Mandragore
1297 - Mange Cailloux
1298 - Manhattan 95
1299 - Manic Miner
1300 - Manic Miner 2
1301 - Manoir de Mortevielle, Le (2)
1302 - Manoir de Rochebrune
1303 - Manoir du Comte Frozarda. Le
1304 - Map Rally
1305 - MapGame
1306 - Maquina Del Tiempo
1307 - Maracaibo
1308 - Marauder
1309 - Marble Madness
1310 - Marble Madness Construction Set
1311 - Mario Bros.
1312 - Marius Tresor Foot
1313 - Marmelade
1314 - Marque Jaune
1315 - Marsport
1316 - Martianoids
1317 - Mask
1318 - Mask 2
1319 - Mask 3: Venom Strikes Back
1320 - Masque
1321 - Master
1322 - Master Chess
1323 - Master Chess 2
1324 - Master of the Lamps
1325 - Master Rubik's Cube
1326 - Masters Of Space
1327 - Masters of the Universe: The Movie
1328 - Mata Hari
1329 - Match Day II
1330 - Matchday
1331 - Max Headroom
1332 - Maze
1333 - Maze Mania
1334 - Mazie
1335 - Mega Bombers
1336 - Mega Phoenix
1337 - Mega-Apocalypse
1338 - Megablasters
1339 - Mega-Bucks
1340 - Mega-Corp
1341 - Meganova
1342 - Megawar
1343 - Meltdown & Control Reactor
1344 - Menace sur L'Arctique
1345 - M'enfin: Gaston
1346 - Mercenaire
1347 - Mercenary - Escape From Targ
1348 - Mercs
1349 - Mermaid Madness
1350 - Message From Andromeda
1351 - Metal Army
1352 - Metalyx
1353 - Metaplex
1354 - Metro 2018
1355 - Metro Cross
1356 - Metropol: The Big Hack
1357 - Metropolis
1358 - Meurtre A Grande Vitesse
1359 - Meurtre Sur L'atlantique
1360 - Meurtres En Serie
1361 - Mewilo
1362 - Meynaupede
1363 - MGT - Magnetic Tank
1364 - Miami Dice
1365 - Miami Vice
1366 - Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills
1367 - Mickey Mouse
1368 - Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging
1369 - Micro Sapiens
1370 - Micro Scrabble
1371 - Microball
1372 - MicroProse Soccer
1373 - Midnight Resistance
1374 - Mig Buster 128k
1375 - Mig-29 Soviet Fighter
1376 - Mike Gunner
1377 - Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz
1378 - Mikie
1379 - Military School
1380 - Milk Race
1381 - Mille Bornes FGB
1382 - Millionnaire
1383 - Minder
1384 - Mindfighter
1385 - Mindshadow
1386 - Mindtrap
1387 - Mineur
1388 - Mission
1389 - Mission 2
1390 - Mission Delta
1391 - Mission Elevator
1392 - Mission En Rafale
1393 - Mission Genocide
1394 - Mission I: Project Volcano
1395 - Mission Jupiter
1396 - Mission Omega
1397 - Mission Secrete a Colditz
1398 - MLM 3D - Evasion de la Lune
1399 - Mobile Man
1400 - Mokowe
1401 - Molecularr 2
1402 - Molecule Man
1403 - Momie Blues
1404 - Money Molch
1405 - Monopolic
1406 - Monopoly
1407 - Monte Carlo Casino
1408 - Monty on the Run
1409 - Monty Python's Flying Circus
1410 - Monument
1411 - Moon Blaster
1412 - Moon Buggy
1413 - Moon Cresta
1414 - Moonmist
1415 - Moontorc
1416 - Moonwalker
1417 - Moors Challenge
1418 - Mordon's Quest
1419 - Morpions
1420 - Morris Meets the Biker
1421 - Mortadelo y Filemon 2
1422 - Mortevielle Manor
1423 - MOT
1424 - Moto Driver
1425 - Moto Driver (France)
1426 - Moto X Simulator
1427 - Motor Massacre
1428 - Motorbike Madness
1429 - Motos
1430 - Moulinsart
1431 - Mountain Bike Racer
1432 - Mountain Bike Simulator
1433 - Mountains of Ket
1434 - Mountie Mick's Death Ride
1435 - Movie
1436 - Moving Target
1437 - Mr. Freeze
1438 - Mr. Gas
1439 - Mr. Heli
1440 - Mr. Pingo
1441 - Mr. Wong Loopy Laundry
1442 - Muggins the Spaceman
1443 - Multicorp
1444 - Munch-it
1445 - Mutan Zone
1446 - Mutant Fortress
1447 - Mutant Monty
1448 - Mutants
1449 - Mystere de Kikekankoi
1450 - Mystery of Arkham Manor
1451 - Mystery of the Indus Valleys
1452 - Mystery of the Java Star
1453 - Mystical
1454 - Myth : History in the Making
1455 - Mythos
1456 - N.E.X.O.R.
1457 - N.O.M.A.D.
1458 - Nakamoto
1459 - NARC
1460 - Narco Police
1461 - Navy Moves
1462 - Nebulus
1463 - Necris Dome
1464 - Necromancien
1465 - NEIL Android
1466 - Nemesis
1467 - Nemesis 4
1468 - Nemesis the Warlock
1469 - Nervous Breakdown
1470 - Nether Earth
1471 - Netherworld
1472 - New York Warriors
1473 - Nexus
1474 - Nibbler
1475 - Nick Faldo Plays the Open
1476 - Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix
1477 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship
1478 - Night Booster
1479 - Night Gunner
1480 - Night Raider
1481 - Night Shift
1482 - NightHunter
1483 - Nightmare Park
1484 - Nightshade
1485 - Ninja
1486 - Ninja Commando
1487 - Ninja Hamster
1488 - Ninja Massacre
1489 - Ninja Master
1490 - Ninja Scooter Simulator
1491 - Ninja Spirit
1492 - Nocturne
1493 - Nodes of Yesod
1494 - Nonamed
1495 - Nonterraqueous
1496 - Nonterraqueous II: Soul of a Robot
1497 - North Star
1498 - Nosferatu the Vampyre
1499 - Nova
1500 - Nuclear Defense
1501 - Nuclear Heist
1502 - Number One
1503 - Obliterator
1504 - Obsidian
1505 - Ocean Conqueror
1506 - Octoplex
1507 - Oeil De Set
1508 - Off Shore Warrior
1509 - Official Father Christmas
1510 - Oh Mummy
1511 - Oilmania
1512 - Oink!: Piggy Tales
1513 - Old Sam's Saloon Gamble Machine
1514 - Ole
1515 - Ole, Toro
1516 - Olli & Lissa 3: The Candlelight Adventure
1517 - Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmore Castle
1518 - Olympiad '86
1519 - Omega Dimension
1520 - Omega Planete Invisible
1521 - Omeyad
1522 - On Cue
1523 - On the Run
1524 - One
1525 - One Man and his Droid
1526 - Operation Gunship
1527 - Operation Hanoi
1528 - Operation Hormuz
1529 - Operation Nemo
1530 - Operation Thunderbolt
1531 - Operation Wolf
1532 - Oriental Games
1533 - Orifice from Outer Space
1534 - Orion
1535 - Orphée : Voyage aux Enfers
1536 - Osprey
1537 - Othello Master
1538 - Othello-reversi
1539 - Out Board
1540 - Out of This World
1541 - Outlaw
1542 - OutRun
1543 - OutRun Europa
1544 - Overlander
1545 - Overlord 2
1546 - Oxphar
1547 - Oxyda
1548 - P.H.M. Pegasus
1549 - P47 Thunderbolt : The Freedom Fighter
1550 - Pac-Ball 2
1551 - Pac-Boy
1552 - Pacific
1553 - Pack Dinamic (S) (-) (Disk 1 of 2)
1554 - Pack Dinamic (S) (-) (Disk 2 of 2)
1555 - Pac-Land
1556 - Pac-Man
1557 - Pac-Man 2
1558 - Pac-Mania
1559 - Pac-Punk
1560 - Paladin
1561 - Palitron
1562 - Pang
1563 - Panic Dizzy
1564 - Panza Kick Boxing
1565 - Panza Kick Boxing (Europe)
1566 - Panzadrome
1567 - Paperboy
1568 - Paperboy 2
1569 - Para Academy
1570 - Para Assault Course
1571 - Parabola
1572 - Paragliding
1573 - Paranoia Complex
1574 - Paris-dakar
1575 - Park Patrol
1576 - Passagers du Vent 2
1577 - Passing Shot
1578 - Pasteman Pat
1579 - Patrice Martin-Les Dieux de la Mer
1580 - Paws
1581 - Pearl Harbour
1582 - Peasant's Tale
1583 - Pegasus Bridge
1584 - Penguin
1585 - Peppe Bequilles
1586 - Perestroika
1587 - Perfume Hunter
1588 - Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo
1589 - Periscope Up
1590 - Permis de Tuer
1591 - Peter Beardsley's Soccer
1592 - Peter Pack Rat
1593 - Peter Pan
1594 - Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona
1595 - Peur Sur Amityville
1596 - Phantom Club
1597 - Pharaon
1598 - Phenix Noir
1599 - Pheonix Mission
1600 - Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles
1601 - Philosopher's Quest
1602 - Pick'n Pile
1603 - Pictionary
1604 - Pinball Magic
1605 - Pinball Power
1606 - Pinball Wizard
1607 - Pinball Wizard (Europe)
1608 - Ping Pong
1609 - Pink Panther
1610 - Pipe Mania
1611 - Pirates
1612 - Pit-Fighter
1613 - Planetfall
1614 - Plasmatron
1615 - Platoon
1616 - Play Bac
1617 - Plot
1618 - Plumpy
1619 - Pneumatic Hammers
1620 - Poder Oscuro
1621 - Pogostick Olympics
1622 - Poli Diaz Boxeo
1623 - Polluting Bacteria
1624 - Poogaboo : La Pulga 2
1625 - Popeye
1626 - Popeye 2
1627 - Popeye 3: Wrestle Crazy
1628 - Pop-Up
1629 - Poseidon
1630 - Postman Pat
1631 - Postman Pat 2
1632 - Postman Pat 3
1633 - Potsworth & Co.
1634 - Pouvoir
1635 - Power and Magic
1636 - Power Drift
1637 - Power Tetris
1638 - Powerplay: The Game of the Gods
1639 - Predator
1640 - Predator 2
1641 - Prehistorik
1642 - Prehistorik 2
1643 - Premier 2
1644 - President
1645 - Prince De Perse
1646 - Prison Riot
1647 - Pro Boxing Simulator
1648 - Pro Golf Simulator
1649 - Pro Mountain Bike Simulator
1650 - Pro Powerboat Simulator
1651 - Pro Skateboard Simulator
1652 - Pro Tennis Simulator
1653 - Pro Tennis Tour
1654 - Prodigy
1655 - Profanation
1656 - Professional BMX Simulator
1657 - Professional Boxing Simulator
1658 - Professional Ski Simulator
1659 - Professional Snooker Simulator
1660 - Prohibition
1661 - Project Future
1662 - Project Genesis
1663 - Project-X Microman
1664 - Protector
1665 - Psi-5 Trading Company
1666 - Psyborg
1667 - Psycho City
1668 - Psycho Hopper
1669 - Psycho Pigs UXB
1670 - Psycho Soldier
1671 - Pub Games
1672 - Pub Trivia
1673 - Puffy's Saga
1674 - Puissance 4
1675 - Pulsator
1676 - Pulsoid
1677 - Punch and Judy
1678 - Punchy
1679 - Punk Star
1680 - Purple Saturn Day
1681 - Puzzle
1682 - Puzznic
1683 - Pyjamarama
1684 - Pyramydya
1685 - Python
1686 - Q10 Tankbuster
1687 - Qabbalah
1688 - Qin
1689 - Quack a Jack
1690 - Quad
1691 - Quadrel
1692 - Quad-X
1693 - Quartet
1694 - Quest for the Golden Eggcup
1695 - Question Of Scruples, A
1696 - Questor
1697 - Questprobe featuring The Human Torch and The Thing
1698 - Quick Draw McGraw
1699 - Quijote
1700 - R.A.M.
1701 - R.B.I. Baseball 2
1702 - Rad Ramp Racer
1703 - Rad Zone
1704 - Radius
1705 - Raffles
1706 - Raid Over Moscow
1707 - Raid sur Tenere
1708 - Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2
1709 - Rally CPC
1710 - Rally Cross Challenge
1711 - Rally Driver
1712 - Rally II
1713 - Rally Simulator
1714 - Ramblas
1715 - Rambo : First Blood Part II
1716 - Rambo III
1717 - Rampage
1718 - Ramparts
1719 - Rana Rama
1720 - Ransom
1721 - Rasputin
1722 - Rastan
1723 - Raster Runner
1724 - Rasterscan
1725 - Rath-Tha
1726 - Real Stunt Experts
1727 - Realm
1728 - Rebel Planet
1729 - Rebelstar
1730 - Reckless Rufus
1731 - Red Arrows
1732 - Red Coats
1733 - Red Hawk
1734 - Red Led
1735 - Red Scorpion
1736 - Redhawk II: Kwah
1737 - Reflex
1738 - Reisende Im Wind 2
1739 - Relief Action
1740 - Renaud : Marche à l'Ombre
1741 - Renegade
1742 - Renegade III : The Final Chapter
1743 - Renegade: Kuma
1744 - Rescate
1745 - Rescate En El Golfo
1746 - Rescue from Atlantis
1747 - Rescue on Fractalus
1748 - Return Of The Exploding Fist
1749 - Return to Eden
1750 - Reveal
1751 - Revenge on the C5
1752 - Reversi Champion
1753 - Revolution
1754 - Revolver
1755 - Reward
1756 - Rex
1757 - Rick Dangerous
1758 - Rick Dangerous 2
1759 - Ricochet (blaby Computer Games)
1760 - Riding the Rapids
1761 - Rig Attack
1762 - Rigel's Revenge
1763 - Rik the Roadie
1764 - Ring des Lichtes
1765 - Ring of Darkness
1766 - River Race
1767 - Road Blasters
1768 - Road Runner
1769 - Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
1770 - Robbbot
1771 - Robin Hood - Legend Quest
1772 - Robin of Sherlock
1773 - Robin of Sherwood : The Touchstones of Rhiannon
1774 - Robinson Crusoe
1775 - Robocide
1776 - RoboCop
1777 - Robot Ron
1778 - Robozone
1779 - Rocco
1780 - Rock and Wrestle
1781 - Rock Hopper
1782 - Rock 'n Roller
1783 - Rock Raid
1784 - Rockford - The Arcade Game
1785 - Rock'n Roll
1786 - Rockstar
1787 - Rodeo
1788 - Rodland
1789 - Rogue
1790 - Rogue Trooper
1791 - Roland Ahoy
1792 - Roland Goes Digging
1793 - Roland in Space
1794 - Roland in the Caves
1795 - Roland in Time
1796 - Roland on the Ropes
1797 - Roland on the Run
1798 - Rollaround
1799 - Rolling Thunder
1800 - Roog
1801 - Room Ten
1802 - Rooster Run
1803 - Roy Of The Rovers
1804 - Royal Quest
1805 - R-Type
1806 - Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure
1807 - Rugby League Manager
1808 - Run for Gold
1809 - Run the Gauntlet
1810 - Runestone
1811 - Running Man, The (2)
1812 - RX 220
1813 - Rygar
1814 - S.D.I. - Strategic Defence Initiative
1815 - S.T.U.N. Runner
1816 - S.W.I.V.
1817 - Sabotage
1818 - Saboteur
1819 - Saboteur II
1820 - Sabre Wulf
1821 - Sabrina
1822 - Saga
1823 - Sai Combat
1824 - Saigon Combat Unit
1825 - Sailing
1826 - Saint and Greavsie
1827 - Saint Dragon
1828 - Saint Valentin
1829 - Salamander
1830 - Samantha Fox Strip Poker
1831 - Samurai
1832 - Samurai (Europe) (Unl)
1833 - Samurai Trilogy
1834 - Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usaji Yojimbo
1835 - San Pablo
1836 - Sandman
1837 - Sandman: Love and Magic
1838 - Sapiens
1839 - Saracen
1840 - Sas Assault Cource
1841 - SAS Combat Simulator
1842 - Satan
1843 - Sattelite Warrior
1844 - Savage
1845 - Scalextric
1846 - Scapeghost
1847 - Scarabaeus
1848 - Scary Tales
1849 - Sceptre D' Anubis
1850 - Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo
1851 - Scooby Doo in the Castle Mystery
1852 - Score 3020
1853 - Scramble Spirits
1854 - Screwball
1855 - Scrounch
1856 - Scuba Kidz
1857 - Sdaw
1858 - Sea Warrior 2
1859 - Seabase Delta
1860 - Search for Largo Grann
1861 - Seas of Blood
1862 - Seastalker
1863 - Secret Defense
1864 - Secret of Bastow Manor
1865 - Seesaw
1866 - Sentinel
1867 - Sepulcri
1868 - Sergeant Seymour Robotcop
1869 - Serie Noire
1870 - Serpent Madness
1871 - Seymour goes to Hollywood
1872 - Seymour: Take One
1873 - Sgrizam
1874 - Shackled
1875 - Shade of Swords
1876 - Shadow Dancer
1877 - Shadow of the Bear
1878 - Shadow of the Beast
1879 - Shadow of the Beast (2)
1880 - Shadow Skimmer
1881 - Shadow Warriors
1882 - Shadowfire
1883 - Shanghai
1884 - Shanghai Karate
1885 - Shao-Lin's Road
1886 - Shark
1887 - Sharkey's Moll
1888 - Sherman M4
1889 - Shinobi
1890 - Ship Pilot
1891 - Shockway Rider
1892 - Shoe People
1893 - Shogun
1894 - Short Circuit
1895 - Short's Fuse
1896 - Shufflepuck Cafe
1897 - Sid Meier's Pirates!
1898 - Side Arms
1899 - Sideral War
1900 - Sigma 7
1901 - Silent Shadow
1902 - Silkworm
1903 - Silva
1904 - SimCity
1905 - Simulador Profesional de Tenis
1906 - Sir Fred
1907 - Sir Lancelot
1908 - Sir Wood
1909 - Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix
1910 - Skaal
1911 - Skate Ball
1912 - Skate Crazy
1913 - Skate or Die
1914 - Skate Rock
1915 - Skateboard Joust
1916 - Skateboard Kidz
1917 - Skatin' USA
1918 - Skull & Crossbones
1919 - Skweek
1920 - Sky Hunter
1921 - Skyfox
1922 - Skyx
1923 - Sláine, the Celtic Barbarian
1924 - Slap Fight
1925 - Slapshot
1926 - Sliders
1927 - Slightly Magic
1928 - Sly Spy : Secret Agent
1929 - Smash T.V.
1930 - Smashed
1931 - Smugglers Cove
1932 - Snoball in Hell
1933 - Snodgits
1934 - Snooker
1935 - Snoopy and Peanuts
1936 - Snowball
1937 - Snowstrike
1938 - Soccer '86
1939 - Soccer Pinball
1940 - Soccer Star
1941 - Software Star
1942 - Sokoban
1943 - Sol Negro
1944 - Solar Coaster
1945 - Solar Empire
1946 - Soldier of Light
1947 - Solid Gold
1948 - Solo
1949 - Solomon's Key
1950 - Solomon's Key 3
1951 - Sonic Boom
1952 - Sootland
1953 - Sooty and Sweep
1954 - Sorcerer
1955 - Sorcerer Lord
1956 - Sorcery
1957 - Sorcery +
1958 - Souls of Darkon
1959 - Southern Belle
1960 - Soviet
1961 - Space Crusade
1962 - Space Froggy
1963 - Space Froggy 2
1964 - Space Harrier
1965 - Space Harrier II
1966 - Space Hawks
1967 - Space Invaders
1968 - Space Mania
1969 - Space Racer
1970 - Space Rescue
1971 - Space Rider - Jet Pack Co.
1972 - Space Shuttle : A Journey into Space
1973 - Space Shuttle Simulateur
1974 - Space Smugglers
1975 - Space Taxi
1976 - Space Thief
1977 - Spaced-Out
1978 - Spaghetti Western Simulator
1979 - Spannerman
1980 - Special Operations
1981 - Speed King
1982 - Speed Zone
1983 - Spellbound
1984 - Spheric
1985 - Spherical
1986 - Spiky Harold
1987 - Spindizzy
1988 - Spindrone
1989 - Spirits
1990 - Spitfire '40
1991 - Spitting Image
1992 - Splat!
1993 - Split Personalities
1994 - Spooked
1995 - Spooky Castle
1996 - Sport of Kings
1997 - Spots 94
1998 - Spy Hunter
1999 - Spy vs Spy
2000 - Spy vs Spy : The Island Caper
2001 - Spy vs Spy III : Arctic Antics
2002 - Spy-Trek Adventure
2003 - Sram
2004 - Sram (2)
2005 - Sram 2
2006 - Stainless Steel
2007 - Stairway to Hell
2008 - Star Avenger
2009 - Star Bowls
2010 - Star Byte
2011 - Star Commando
2012 - Star Control
2013 - Star Driver
2014 - Star Fight
2015 - Star Firebirds
2016 - Star Fox
2017 - Star Raiders II
2018 - Star Ranger
2019 - Star Trap
2020 - Star Trooper
2021 - Star Wars
2022 - Star Wars : Return of the Jedi
2023 - Star Wars Droids
2024 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
2025 - Star Watcher
2026 - Star Wreck
2027 - Starcross
2028 - Stardust
2029 - Starglider
2030 - Starion
2031 - Starquake
2032 - Starstrike II
2033 - Starting Blocks
2034 - Stationfall
2035 - Steel Eagle
2036 - Stellar Outpost
2037 - Steve Davis Pool
2038 - Steve Davis Snooker
2039 - Steve McQueen Westphaser
2040 - Stifflip & Co.
2041 - Stock Market
2042 - Stomp
2043 - Storm
2044 - Storm II: The Fear
2045 - Storm Warrior
2046 - Stormbringer
2047 - Stormlord
2048 - Stormlord II: Deliverance
2049 - Strangeloop
2050 - Strangeloop Plus
2051 - Strategy
2052 - Streaker
2053 - Street Cred Boxing
2054 - Street Cred Football
2055 - Street Fighter
2056 - Street Fighter 2
2057 - Street Gang
2058 - Street Gang Football
2059 - Street Hawk
2060 - Street Machine
2061 - Street Sports Basketball
2062 - Strider
2063 - Strider 2
2064 - Strike
2065 - Strike Force Cobra
2066 - Strike Force Harrier
2067 - Strike Force SAS
2068 - Striker
2069 - Strip Ball
2070 - Strip Poker
2071 - Strip Poker 2
2072 - Strip Poker Animado
2073 - Strip Takin
2074 - Stryfe: The Everlasting Battle
2075 - Stryker in the Crypts of Trogan
2076 - Stunt Bike Simulator
2077 - Stunt Car Racer
2078 - Stunt Man Seymour
2079 - Sub Sunk
2080 - Subbuteo: The Computer Game
2081 - Submarino Experimental Neptuno
2082 - Subterranean Stryker
2083 - Subway Vigilante
2084 - Sultan's Maze
2085 - Summer Games
2086 - Summer Games 2
2087 - Sun Star
2088 - Super Ali
2089 - Super Cars
2090 - Super Cauldron
2091 - Super Chess
2092 - Super Cycle
2093 - Super Gran
2094 - Super Hang-On
2095 - Super Hero
2096 - Super Monaco GP
2097 - Super Pac (loisitech)
2098 - Super Pipeline II
2099 - Super Puzzle
2100 - Super Robin Hood
2101 - Super Sam
2102 - Super Sapiens
2103 - Super Scramble Simulator
2104 - Super Seymour Saves the Planet
2105 - Super Ski
2106 - Super Skweek
2107 - Super Space Invaders
2108 - Super Sports: The Olympic Challenge
2109 - Super Sprint
2110 - Super Stock Car
2111 - Super Stunt Man
2112 - Super Tank Simulator
2113 - Super Ted: The Search for Spot
2114 - Super Tetris
2115 - Super Trolley
2116 - Super Trux
2117 - Super Wonder Boy in Monster Land
2118 - Superkid
2119 - Superman: The Game
2120 - Superman: The Man of Steel
2121 - SuperStar Soccer
2122 - Supertripper
2123 - Survivor
2124 - Survivors
2125 - Survivre
2126 - Suspect
2127 - Suspended
2128 - Swap
2129 - Sweevo's World
2130 - SwitchBlade
2131 - Swivel
2132 - Sword of the Samurai
2133 - Sword Of Truth
2134 - Sword Slayer
2135 - Swords & Sorcery
2136 - Synopsis de Biat
2137 - Syntax
2138 - T.L.L. - Tornado Low Level
2139 - Table Football
2140 - Tac Tic
2141 - Tai-Pan
2142 - Tales of the Arabian Nights
2143 - Talisman of Power
2144 - Tanium
2145 - Tank
2146 - Tank Busters
2147 - Tank Command
2148 - Tank Invader
2149 - Tapper
2150 - Target : Renegade
2151 - Target Plus
2152 - Targhan
2153 - Tarzan
2154 - Task Force
2155 - Tau Ceti
2156 - Tau Ceti Special Edition
2157 - T-Bird
2158 - Technician Ted
2159 - Techno Cop
2160 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
2161 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II : The Arcade Game
2162 - Teenage Queen
2163 - Teenage Queen (2)
2164 - Tempest
2165 - Templiers d' Orven
2166 - Tenebres
2167 - Tennis 3D
2168 - Tennis Cup
2169 - Tennis Manager
2170 - Tenpin Challenge
2171 - Tensions
2172 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day
2173 - Terminus: The Prison Planet
2174 - Terra Cognita
2175 - Terramex
2176 - Terror En La Facultad
2177 - Terror of the Deep
2178 - Terrormolinos
2179 - Terrorpods
2180 - Tetris
2181 - Tetris 2
2182 - Tetris '95
2183 - Tetrix
2184 - Thai Boxing
2185 - Thanatos
2186 - The Hunt for Red October-The Ultimate Submarine Combat Simulation
2187 - The abbey of crime
2188 - The Addams Family
2189 - The Adventures of Bond... Basildon Bond
2190 - The Apprentice
2191 - The Armageddon Man
2192 - The Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires
2193 - The A-Team
2194 - The Bard's Tale : Tales of the Unknown, Volume I
2195 - The Base
2196 - The Beer Hunter
2197 - The Bells
2198 - The Big Sleaze
2199 - The Blues Brothers
2200 - The Boggit
2201 - The Brick
2202 - The Chessmaster 2000
2203 - The Curse of Sherwood
2204 - The Cycles : International Grand Prix Racing
2205 - The Dam Busters
2206 - The Duel : Test Drive II
2207 - The Fifth Quadrant
2208 - The Flintstones
2209 - The Fourth Protocole
2210 - The Games - Winter Edition
2211 - The Goonies
2212 - The Great Escape
2213 - The Great Giana Sisters
2214 - The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
2215 - The Guild of Thieves
2216 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2217 - The Hobbit
2218 - The Hustler
2219 - The Island of Dr. Destructo
2220 - The Jetsons
2221 - The Krypton Factor
2222 - The Last Commando
2223 - The Last Mission
2224 - The Last V8
2225 - The Legend of Kage
2226 - The Lurking Horror
2227 - The Match
2228 - The Munsters
2229 - The Neverending Story
2230 - The New Zealand Story
2231 - The Ninja Warriors
2232 - The Pawn
2233 - The Prize
2234 - The Race
2235 - The Race Against Time For Sport Aid 88
2236 - The Real Ghostbusters
2237 - The Rocky Horror Show
2238 - The Running Man
2239 - The Saga of Erik the Viking
2240 - The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
2241 - The Spiro Legacy
2242 - The Train : Escape to Normandy
2243 - The Trap Door
2244 - The Very Big Cave Adventure
2245 - The Vindicator
2246 - The Way of the Exploding Fist
2247 - The Way of the Tiger
2248 - The Wild Bunch
2249 - The Worm in Paradise
2250 - Theatre Europe
2251 - Theseus
2252 - They Stole a Million
2253 - Thing
2254 - Thing Bounces Back
2255 - Thing on a Spring
2256 - Thingy and the Doodahs
2257 - Think
2258 - Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
2259 - Thorn Sea
2260 - Three Bears
2261 - Three Weeks in Paradise
2262 - Throne of Fire
2263 - Through the Trap Door
2264 - Thrust
2265 - Thrust 2
2266 - Thunder Blade
2267 - Thunder Burner
2268 - Thunder Fighter
2269 - Thunder Zone
2270 - Thunderbirds
2271 - Thundercats
2272 - ThunderJaws
2273 - Tie Break
2274 - Tiger Road
2275 - Time And Magik Pack
2276 - Time and Magik Trilogy I: Lords of Time
2277 - Time and Magik Trilogy II: Red Moon
2278 - Time and Magik Trilogy III: The Price of Magik
2279 - Time Machine
2280 - Time Scanner
2281 - Time Trax
2282 - Timelord
2283 - Timeman One
2284 - Times of Lore
2285 - Tintin sur la Lune
2286 - Tiny Skweeks
2287 - Tir Na Nog
2288 - Titan
2289 - Titanic
2290 - Titanic (Europe)
2291 - Titanic Blinky
2292 - Titus Classiques 2
2293 - Titus Classiques I
2294 - Titus the Fox
2295 - Toad Runner
2296 - Tobrouk 1942
2297 - Toi Acid Game
2298 - Tokyo Gang
2299 - Tom and Jerry
2300 - Tom And Jerry 2
2301 - Tomahawk
2302 - Tomb of Kuslak
2303 - Tombstowne
2304 - TomCat
2305 - Tony Truand
2306 - Toobin'
2307 - Top By Topo
2308 - Top Cat
2309 - Top Gun
2310 - Top Level
2311 - Top Secret
2312 - Total Eclipse
2313 - Total Eclipse 2: Sphinx Jinx
2314 - Total Recall
2315 - Touch Down USA
2316 - Toujours Pret
2317 - Tour 91
2318 - Tour De Force
2319 - Tour du Monde en 80 Jours
2320 - Toyota Celica GT Rally
2321 - Track & Field
2322 - Tracksuit Manager
2323 - Trafalgar
2324 - Traffic
2325 - Trailblazer
2326 - Trailblazer+
2327 - Trakers
2328 - Trance
2329 - Trans Muter
2330 - Transat One
2331 - Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge
2332 - Trantor the Last Stormtrooper
2333 - Trap
2334 - Trashman
2335 - Traveller
2336 - Treble Champions
2337 - Trial of Arnold Blackwood
2338 - Triaxos
2339 - Tribble Trouble
2340 - Trigger
2341 - Tripods
2342 - Trivia
2343 - Trivial Pursuit Baby Boomer
2344 - Trivial Pursuit Edition Genius
2345 - Trivial Pursuit Revolution Edition
2346 - Trivial Pursuit: A New Beginning
2347 - Troglo
2348 - Troll
2349 - Trollie Wallie
2350 - Trucking
2351 - TT-Racer
2352 - Tuareg
2353 - Tubaruba
2354 - Tujad
2355 - Tuma 7
2356 - Turbo Boat Simulator
2357 - Turbo Chopper
2358 - Turbo Cup
2359 - Turbo Esprit
2360 - Turbo Girl
2361 - Turbo Kart Racer
2362 - Turbo the Tortoise
2363 - Turlogh le Rodeur
2364 - Turrican
2365 - Turrican (2)
2366 - Turrican 2 (2)
2367 - Turrican II : The Final Fight
2368 - Tusker
2369 - Tut's Pyramid
2370 - Twice Shy
2371 - Twin Turbo V8
2372 - Twin World (2)
2373 - Twins
2374 - TwinWorld: Land of Vision
2375 - Typhoon
2376 - Tyrann
2377 - U.N. Squadron
2378 - U-29 Submarine
2379 - Uchi Mata
2380 - Ulises
2381 - Ultima Ratio
2382 - Ultimate Fight
2383 - Une Affaire en Or
2384 - Unitrax
2385 - Untouchables
2386 - Up For Grabs
2387 - Uridium
2388 - V: The Visitors
2389 - Vagan Attack
2390 - Vampire
2391 - Vampire (Europe)
2392 - Vampire Killer
2393 - Vector Ball
2394 - Vendetta
2395 - Venganza de Johny Comomolo
2396 - Venom
2397 - Vermeer
2398 - Viaje Fin de Curso
2399 - Victory Road
2400 - Video Poker
2401 - Vigilante
2402 - Vikings
2403 - Village of the Lost Souls
2404 - Vindicators
2405 - Vindicators (Europe)
2406 - Virgin Atlantic Challenge
2407 - Virus
2408 - Vixen
2409 - Viz - The Computer Game
2410 - Volley Ball
2411 - Volley Ball Simulator
2412 - Voodoo Rage
2413 - Votez Pour Moi
2414 - Voyage au Centre de la Terre
2415 - VS4
2416 - Vulcan
2417 - Wacky Races
2418 - Wanderer
2419 - War
2420 - War Cars Construction Set
2421 - War Hawk
2422 - War in Middle Earth
2423 - War Machine
2424 - War Space by Alain Massoumipour
2425 - Warlock
2426 - Warlord
2427 - Warrior
2428 - Warzone
2429 - WEC Le Mans
2430 - Weetabix vs. the Titchies
2431 - Welladay
2432 - Wells & Fargo
2433 - Welltris
2434 - Werewolves of London
2435 - Werner
2436 - West Bank
2437 - Western Games
2438 - Who Dares Wins II
2439 - Who Said That
2440 - Whopper Chase
2441 - Wibstars
2442 - Wild Streets
2443 - Wild West Seymour
2444 - Willow Pattern Adventure
2445 - Willy Wino's Stag Night
2446 - Windsurf Willy
2447 - Wings of Fury
2448 - Winter Games
2449 - Winter Games (2)
2450 - Winter Olympics
2451 - Winter Sports
2452 - Winter Wonderland
2453 - Wipeout
2454 - Wise and Fool of Arnold Blackwood
2455 - Wishbringer
2456 - Witness
2457 - Wizard Warz
2458 - Wizard Willy
2459 - Wizard's Lair
2460 - Wizball
2461 - Wiz-Biz
2462 - Wolfman
2463 - Wonder Boy
2464 - Wooky and Moty
2465 - World Championship Boxing Manager
2466 - World Championship Soccer
2467 - World Class Leaderboard
2468 - World Cup
2469 - World Cup Challenge
2470 - World Games
2471 - World Series Baseball
2472 - World War 3
2473 - Wrath of Olympus
2474 - Wriggler
2475 - Wulfpack
2476 - WWF Wrestlemania
2477 - Xalk
2478 - Xanadu
2479 - Xanagrams
2480 - Xarq
2481 - Xcel
2482 - Xeno
2483 - Xenon
2484 - Xenophobe
2485 - Xevious
2486 - Xor
2487 - X-Out
2488 - Xybots
2489 - Xyphoes Fantasy
2490 - Xyphoes Fantasy (3)
2491 - Yabba Dabba Doo!
2492 - Yam 5 Colonnes
2493 - Yes, Chancellor!
2494 - Yes, Prime Minister
2495 - Yie Ar Kung Fu II : The Emperor Yie-Gah
2496 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu
2497 - Yogi Bear
2498 - Yogi Bear & Friends In The Greed Monster
2499 - Yogi's Great Escape
2500 - Young Ones
2501 - Z
2502 - Zampabolas
2503 - Zania
2504 - Zap't'Balls
2505 - Zarkon
2506 - Zaxon
2507 - Zaxx
2508 - Zelda 2
2509 - Ziggurat
2510 - Zipi y Zape
2511 - Zodera: Schloss des Todes
2512 - Zoids : The Battle Begins
2513 - Zolyx
2514 - Zombi
2515 - Zona 0
2516 - Zone
2517 - Zone 2
2518 - Zorakkk the Conqueror
2519 - Zorgos
2520 - Zork I: The Great Underground Empire
2521 - Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
2522 - Zork III: The Dungeon Master
2523 - Zorro
2524 - Zox 2099
2525 - Zub
2526 - Zygy
2527 - Zynaps
2528 - ZZZ(notgame):50 Games Disk
2529 - ZZZ(notgame):Amsoft Pack 1
2530 - ZZZ(notgame):Amsoft Pack 2
2531 - ZZZ(notgame):Anatomie - La Digestion
2532 - ZZZ(notgame):Anglais
2533 - ZZZ(notgame):Arc Educational Software
2534 - ZZZ(notgame):Bas Unprotect
2535 - ZZZ(notgame):Conjugasions
2536 - ZZZ(notgame):Driller And Total Eclipse
2537 - ZZZ(notgame):Exercises In Arithmetic
2538 - ZZZ(notgame):Geografia De Espana
2539 - ZZZ(notgame):Number Painter
2540 - ZZZ(notgame):S S E R V I C E
2541 - ZZZ(notgame):Silicon Dreams Pack
2542 - ZZZ(notgame):Word Hang
Arcade FBA - 2461 Jeux
1 - 10-yard Fight (World, set 1)
2 - 18 Holes Pro Golf (set 1)
3 - 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)
4 - 1942 (Revision B)
5 - 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan)
6 - 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)
7 - 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US)
8 - 1943mii
9 - 1944 : The Loop Master (USA 000620)
10 - 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)
11 - 1945k III
12 - 1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB)
13 - 19XX : The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)
14 - 19XX: The War Against Destiny (USA 951207)
15 - 2020 Super Baseball
16 - 2020 Super Baseball (set 1)
17 - 3 Count Bout
18 - 3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043)(NGH-043)
19 - 3x3 Puzzle (Enterprise)
20 - 4 En Raya (set 1)
21 - 4 Fun In 1
22 - 4-D Warriors (315-5162)
23 - 4play
24 - 64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)
25 - 7 Ordi (Korea)
26 - '88 Games
27 - '96 Flag Rally
28 - A. D. 2083
29 - A.B. Cop (World, FD1094 317-0169b)
30 - Ace Attacker (FD1094 317-0059)
31 - Acrobat Mission
32 - Acrobatic Dog-Fight
33 - Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)
34 - Act-fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3)
35 - Action Fighter (FD1089A 317-0018)
36 - Adventure Quiz 2 - Hatena? no Daibouken (Japan 900228)
37 - Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611)
38 - Adventure Quiz: Capcom World (Japan)
39 - Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware)
40 - Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
41 - Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3
42 - After Burner II
43 - Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion)
44 - Aggressors of Dark Kombat
45 - Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008)(ADH-008)
46 - Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Japan)
47 - Ah Eikou No Koshien (Japan)
48 - Air Assault (World)
49 - Air Attack (set 1)
50 - Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World)
51 - Air Duel (Japan)
52 - Air Duel (World, M82-A-A + M82-B-A)
53 - Air Gallet (Europe)
54 - Airwolf
55 - Ajax
56 - Akuu Gallet (Europe)
57 - Alcon (US)
58 - Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected)
59 - Ali Baba And 40 Thieves
60 - Alien Arena
61 - Alien Challenge (World)
62 - Alien Invaders
63 - Alien Sector
64 - Alien Storm (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0154)
65 - Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected)
66 - Alien VS Predator (Euro 940520)
67 - Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)
68 - Aliens (World set 1)
69 - alinvade
70 - Alligator Hunt
71 - Alligator Hunt (World, protected)
72 - Alpha Mission II
73 - Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007)(NGH-007)
74 - Alpine Ski (set 1)
75 - Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078)
76 - Ambush
77 - American Horseshoes (US)
78 - American Speedway (set 1)
79 - Amidar
80 - Andro Dunos
81 - Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049)
82 - Android (prototype, later build)
83 - androidp
84 - Angel Kids (Japan)
85 - Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette)
86 - Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette, US)
87 - Anteater
88 - Appoooh
89 - Aqua Jack (World)
90 - Aquarium (Japan)
91 - Aquarium (US)
92 - Arabian
93 - Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06)
94 - Arbalester
95 - Arcade Classics (Prototype)
96 - Arcadia (NMK)
97 - Area 88 (USA)
98 - Argus
99 - Ark Area
100 - Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh (World)
101 - Arkanoid (World)
102 - Arkanoid (World, older)
103 - Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10)
104 - Arm Wrestling
105 - Armed Formation
106 - Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998)
107 - Armed Police Batrider (Europe, Fri Feb 13 1998)
108 - Armored Car (set 1)
109 - Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)
110 - Art of Fighting
111 - Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044)(NGH-044)
112 - Art of Fighting 2
113 - Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056)
114 - Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior
115 - Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
116 - Ashura Blaster (World)
117 - Aso - Armored Scrum Object
118 - Assault (rev B)
119 - Asterix (ver EAD)
120 - Asteroids (rev 4)
121 - Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
122 - Astro Fantasia (DECO Cassette)
123 - Astro Fantasia (DECO Cassette, US)
124 - Asuka & Asuka (World)
125 - Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty (Japan)
126 - Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan)
127 - Athena
128 - Athena No Hatena ?
129 - Atomic Point (Korea)
130 - Atomic Robo-kid
131 - Atomic Robo-kid (World, Type-2)
132 - Aurail (set 3, US, unprotected)
133 - Avengers (US set 1)
134 - Avengers In Galactic Storm (US)
135 - Avenging Spirit
136 - Aztarac
137 - Azurian Attack
138 - B.C. Kid - Arcade Version
139 - B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin
140 - B.c. Story (set 1)
141 - B.rap Boys (World)
142 - b2b
143 - Back Fire (Tecmo, bootleg)
144 - Back Street Soccer (KRB-0031 PCB)
145 - Backfire! (set 1)
146 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US)
147 - Bad Lands
148 - Badlands
149 - Bagman
150 - Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002)
151 - Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002)(MOH-002)
152 - Bakumatsu Roman Dai Ni Maku: Gekka no Kenshi
153 - Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi
154 - Bakutotsu Kijuutei
155 - Bal Cube
156 - Balloon Brothers
157 - Baluba-louk No Densetsu (Japan)
158 - BanBam
159 - Bang Bang Ball (v1.05)
160 - Bang Bang Busters (2010 NCI release)
161 - Bang Bead
162 - Bang!
163 - Bank Panic
164 - Baryon - Future Assault
165 - Baryon - Future Assault (set 1)
166 - Baseball Stars 2
167 - Baseball Stars Professional
168 - Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002)
169 - Batman
170 - Batsugun
171 - Battlantis (program code G)
172 - Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999)
173 - Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA, Tue Jun 8 1999)
174 - Battle Chopper
175 - Battle Circuit (Euro 970319)
176 - Battle Cross
177 - Battle Cruiser M-12
178 - Battle Flip Shot
179 - Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996)
180 - Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia, Sat Feb 3 1996)
181 - Battle K-Road
182 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 1)
183 - Battle Of Atlantis (set 1)
184 - Battle Shark (World)
185 - Battle Zone (rev 2)
186 - Bay Route (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0116)
187 - beast
188 - Beast Busters (World)
189 - Bells & Whistles (Version L)
190 - Beraboh Man (Japan, Rev C)
191 - Bermuda Triangle (World?)
192 - Best Of Best
193 - Bestri (Korea)
194 - Bestri (Korea, set 1)
195 - Big Bucks
196 - Big Karnak
197 - Big Striker
198 - Big Twin
199 - Bikkuri Card (Japan)
200 - Bio Attack
201 - Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1885)
202 - Bionic Commando (Euro)
203 - Bio-ship Paladin
204 - Birdie Try (Japan)
205 - Birdiy
206 - Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken (ver JAA, 3 Players)
207 - Black Heart
208 - Black Hole
209 - Black Panther
210 - Black Tiger
211 - Black Touch '96
212 - Black Widow
213 - Blade Master (World)
214 - Blades Of Steel (version T)
215 - Blandia
216 - Blast Off (Japan)
217 - Blaster
218 - Blasteroids (rev 4)
219 - Blasto
220 - Blaze On (Japan)
221 - Blazer (Japan)
222 - Blazing Star
223 - Blazing Tornado
224 - Block Block (World 910910)
225 - Block Block (World 911219 Joystick)
226 - Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 2
227 - Block Carnival / Thunder And Lightning 2
228 - Block Gal (MC-8123B, 317-0029)
229 - Block Hole
230 - Block Out (set 1)
231 - Blockade
232 - Blomby Car
233 - Blood Bros. (set 1)
234 - Blood Storm (v2.22)
235 - Blood Warrior
236 - Bloxeed (Japan, FD1094 317-0139)
237 - Blue Hawk
238 - Blue Print (Midway)
239 - Blue's Journey
240 - Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001)(ALH-001)
241 - Boardwalk Casino
242 - Body Slam (8751 317-0015)
243 - Bogey Manor
244 - Boggy '84
245 - Bomb Bee
246 - Bomb Jack (set 1)
247 - Bomb Kick (set 1)
248 - Bomber Man World
249 - Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest
250 - Bomberman
251 - Bombjack Twin (set 1)
252 - Bongo
253 - Bonze Adventure (World, newer)
254 - Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07)
255 - Boomer Rang'r / Genesis (set 1)
256 - Botanic (English / Spanish)
257 - Botanic (French)
258 - Bottom Of The Ninth (version T)
259 - Boulder Dash (DECO Cassette)
260 - Boulder Dash (DECO Cassette, US)
261 - Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World)
262 - Bouncing Balls
263 - Bowl-O-Rama
264 - Boxy Boy (SB?)
265 - Bradley Trainer
266 - Brain
267 - Break Thru (US)
268 - Breakers
269 - Breakers Revenge
270 - Breywood (US)
271 - Bubble 2000
272 - Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1)
273 - Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05)
274 - Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)
275 - Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.4O 1996/02/15)
276 - Bubble Trouble (Japan, Rev C)
277 - Bubble Trouble (World, Rev B)
278 - Bubbles
279 - Buccaneers (set 1)
280 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
281 - Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB)
282 - Bullet (FD1094 317-0041)
283 - Bullfight (315-5065)
284 - Burger Time (Data East set 1)
285 - Burger Time (DECO Cassette)
286 - Burglar X
287 - Burnin' Rubber
288 - Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette, set 1)
289 - Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette, US, set 1)
290 - Burning Fight
291 - Burning Fight (NGM-018)(NGH-018)
292 - Burning Force (Japan, new version (Rev C))
293 - Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's (Japan, English)
294 - B-wings (Japan new Ver.)
295 - Bygone
296 - Bygone (Prototype)
297 - Cabal (World, Joystick version)
298 - Cabal (World, Joystick)
299 - Cachat (Japan)
300 - Cadash (World)
301 - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)
302 - Caliber 50
303 - Calipso
304 - Calorie Kun Vs Moguranian
305 - Cameltry (US, YM2610)
306 - Cannon Ball (Pac-Man hardware)
307 - Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, horizontal)
308 - Canvas Croquis
309 - Canyon Bomber
310 - Capcom Bowling (set 1)
311 - Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017)
312 - Capcom World (Japan)
313 - Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611)
314 - Captain America And The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.4)
315 - Captain Commando (World 911202)
316 - Captain Silver (World)
317 - Captain Tomaday
318 - Car Jamboree
319 - Carnival (Upright)
320 - Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)
321 - Casanova
322 - Cash Quiz (Type B, Version 5)
323 - Catacomb
324 - Cavelon
325 - Caveman Ninja (World ver 4)
326 - Centipede (revision 3)
327 - Centipede (revision 4)
328 - cfboy0a1
329 - Chack'n Pop
330 - Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25)
331 - Chameleon
332 - Champion Wrestler (World)
333 - Chanbara
334 - Chance Kun (Japan)
335 - Change Air Blade (Japan)
336 - Changes
337 - Charlie Ninja
338 - Chase Bombers (World)
339 - Chase H.q. (World)
340 - Check Man
341 - Cheeky Mouse
342 - Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World)
343 - Chequered Flag
344 - Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz
345 - Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype)
346 - Chimera Beast (prototype)
347 - China Gate (US)
348 - China Town (Japan)
349 - Chojin Gakuen Gowcaizer
350 - Choky! Choky!
351 - Choplifter (8751 315-5151)
352 - Chopper I (US set 1)
353 - Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron clad (Prototype)
354 - Chuka Taisen (World)
355 - Chuka Taisen (World, P0-028-A PCB)
356 - Chuugokuryuu 2001 [dragon World 2001] (V100?, Japan)
357 - Chuugokuryuu Pretty Chance [dragon World Pretty Chance] (V101, Japan)
358 - Circus Charlie (level select, set 1)
359 - City Bomber (World)
360 - City Connection (set 1)
361 - Clash-road
362 - Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1J 1996/09/05)
363 - Cliff Hanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3)
364 - Cloak & Dagger (rev 5)
365 - Cloud 9 (Prototype)
366 - Cluster Buster (DECO Cassette)
367 - Cluster Buster (DECO Cassette, US)
368 - Clutch Hitter (US, FD1094 317-0176)
369 - cnbe
370 - cndi
371 - Cobra-Command (World revision 5)
372 - Cobra-command (World/US revision 5)
373 - cocean1a
374 - Codename - Blut Engel
375 - Colony 7 (set 1)
376 - Columns
377 - columnsn
378 - Combat Hawk
379 - Combat School (Joystick)
380 - Come Back Toto
381 - Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J) (Prototype)
382 - Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J, prototype)
383 - Commando (Sega)
384 - Commando (World)
385 - Comotion
386 - Complex X
387 - Congo Bongo (Rev C, 2 board stack)
388 - Continental Circus (World)
389 - Contra (US, set 1)
390 - Cookie & Bibi (set 1)
391 - Cookie & Bibi 2
392 - Cookie & Bibi 3
393 - Cop 01 (set 1)
394 - Cosmic Avenger
395 - Cosmic Cop (World)
396 - Cosmo Gang the Video (US)
397 - Cosmo Police Galivan (12/26/1985)
398 - Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0181a)
399 - Cotton (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0181a)
400 - Counter Run (NS6201-A 1988.3)
401 - Country Club
402 - cphd
403 - cps1demo
404 - cps1frog
405 - Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan)
406 - Crazy Balloon (set 1)
407 - Crazy Climber (US set 1)
408 - Crazy Climber (US)
409 - Crazy Climber 2 (Japan)
410 - Crazy Fight
411 - Crazy Kong
412 - Crazy Rally (set 1)
413 - Crime City (World)
414 - Crime Fighters (US 4 players)
415 - Crime Fighters (World 2 Players)
416 - Cross Pang
417 - Crossed Swords
418 - Crossed Swords (ALM-002)(ALH-002)
419 - Crossed Swords 2
420 - Crouching Pony Hidden Dragon
421 - crswd2bl
422 - Crude Buster (World FX version)
423 - Crush Roller (set 1)
424 - Crusher Makochan (Japan)
425 - Crystal Castles (version 4)
426 - Cuby Bop (location test)
427 - Cue Brick (World version D)
428 - Cue Brick (World, version D)
429 - Cute Fighter
430 - cutefght
431 - Cutie Q
432 - Cybattler
433 - Cyber Tank (V1.4)
434 - Cyberbots : Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)
435 - Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)
436 - Cyber-Lip
437 - Cyber-Lip (NGM-010)
438 - Cyvern (US)
439 - D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0190)
440 - Dacholer
441 - Daioh
442 - Daioh (set 1)
443 - Daitoride
444 - Dambusters (US, set 1)
445 - Dangerous Seed (Japan)
446 - Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13) (Prototype)
447 - Dan-ku-ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)
448 - Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels
449 - Darius (World)
450 - Darius (World, rev 2)
451 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)
452 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
453 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06, Official Hack)
454 - Darius II (triple screen) (Japan)
455 - Darius II (triple screen, Japan)
456 - Dark Planet
457 - Dark Seal (World revision 3)
458 - Dark Seed (development board)
459 - Dark Tower
460 - Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)
461 - Darkwing Duck
462 - Darwin 4078 (Japan)
463 - Date Quiz Go Go (Korea)
464 - D-con
465 - D-day
466 - D-day (Jaleco set 1)
467 - ddp3
468 - Dead Connection (World)
469 - Death Brade (World ver EM-5)
470 - decomult
471 - Deer Hunting Usa V4.3
472 - Defend The Terra Attack On The Red Ufo
473 - Defender (Red label)
474 - Deluxe 5 (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000, set 1)
475 - Demolition Derby
476 - Demon Front (68k label V105, ROM M105XX 08/05/02) (ARM label V105, ROM 08/05/02 S105XX)
477 - Demon Front (68k label V105, ROM M105XX 08/05/02, ARM label V10)
478 - Demon's World (set 1)
479 - Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1)
480 - Deroon Derodero
481 - Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196)
482 - Desert Dan
483 - Detana Twinbee ! (World, version L)
484 - Devastators (ver. Z)
485 - Devil Fish
486 - Devil World
487 - Dharma Doujou
488 - Diamond Run
489 - Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26)
490 - Dig Dug (rev 2)
491 - Dig Dug II (New Ver.)
492 - Digger Man (Prototype)
493 - Dimahoo (Euro 000121)
494 - Dingo
495 - Dino Rex (World)
496 - Dirt Fox (Japan)
497 - Disco No.1
498 - Disco No.1 (DECO Cassette)
499 - Disco No.1 (DECO Cassette, US)
500 - Discs Of Tron (Upright)
501 - divebomb
502 - Diver Boy
503 - Dj Boy (set 1)
504 - Do! Run Run (set 1)
505 - Dock Man
506 - Dodge Man
507 - dodgeman
508 - DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)
509 - DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
510 - DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (World, ver. 102)
511 - Dog Fight (Thunderbolt)
512 - Dog-Fight
513 - Dogyuun
514 - Dokaben (Japan)
515 - Dolmen
516 - Domino Man
517 - Dommy
518 - Don Doko Don (World)
519 - donight
520 - Donkey Kong (US set 1)
521 - Donkey Kong 3 (US)
522 - Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)
523 - DonPachi (US)
524 - Dorachan
525 - Dora-chan (Japan)
526 - Dorodon (set 1)
527 - Dottori Kun (New version)
528 - Double Axle (US)
529 - Double Dragon
530 - Double Dragon (Japan)
531 - Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)
532 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone
533 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (US)
534 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge
535 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (World)
536 - Double Dribble
537 - Double Dynamites, The (Japan, 13NOV89)
538 - Double Point
539 - Double Wings
540 - Downtown (set 1)
541 - DownTown / Mokugeki (set 1)
542 - Dr. Micro
543 - Dr. Tomy
544 - Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World)
545 - Dragon Blaze
546 - Dragon Bowl
547 - Dragon Bowl (set 1, encrypted program)
548 - Dragon Breed (M81 PCB version)
549 - Dragon Buster
550 - Dragon Gun (US)
551 - Dragon Master
552 - Dragon Saber
553 - Dragon Saber (World, DO2)
554 - Dragon Spirit (new version (DS3))
555 - Dragon Unit / Castle Of Dragon
556 - Dragon World 2001 (V100?, Japan)
557 - Dragon World II (ver. 110X, Export)
558 - Dragon World Pretty Chance (V101, Japan)
559 - DragonBall Z (rev B)
560 - Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle
561 - Dragonninja (US)
562 - dragonsh
563 - Drakton (DK conversion)
564 - Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy (Japan)
565 - Dream Ball (Japan V2.4)
566 - Dream Shopper
567 - Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware)
568 - Dream World
569 - Dribbling
570 - Drift Out (Europe)
571 - Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan)
572 - Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion)
573 - Ds Telejan (DECO Cassette, Japan)
574 - ducki
575 - Dungeon Magic (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)
576 - Dungeons & Dragons : Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)
577 - Dungeons & Dragons : Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)
578 - Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)
579 - Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)
580 - Dunk Shot (FD1089A 317-0022)
581 - Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022)
582 - dwi
583 - Dyger (Korea set 1)
584 - Dyna Gear
585 - Dynablaster / Bomber Man
586 - Dynamite Duke (Europe set 1)
587 - Dynamite Duke (Europe, 03SEP89)
588 - Dynamite Dux (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0096)
589 - Dynamite League (US)
590 - Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)
591 - E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force
592 - E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1)
593 - Eagle Shot Golf
594 - Eco Fighters (World 931203)
595 - eeekk
596 - Eeekk!
597 - efdt
598 - Egg Hunt
599 - Eggor
600 - Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)
601 - Eight Forces
602 - Eight Man
603 - Eight Man (NGM-025)(NGH-025)
604 - El Fin Del Tiempo
605 - Elevator Action
606 - Elevator Action (5 pcb version, 1.1)
607 - Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20)
608 - Eliminator (2 Players, set 1)
609 - Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?)
610 - Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A)
611 - Enforce (World)
612 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (set 1)
613 - Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players)
614 - ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22)
615 - Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver)
616 - Espial (Europe)
617 - E-swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0130)
618 - Euro Champ '92 (World)
619 - Evil Stone
620 - Excelsior (set 1)
621 - Excite League (FD1094 317-0079)
622 - Exed Exes
623 - Explorer (DECO Cassette)
624 - Explorer (DECO Cassette, US)
625 - Explosive Breaker
626 - Extermination (World)
627 - Extreme Downhill (v1.5)
628 - Exzisus (Japan, dedicated)
629 - Eyes (US set 1)
630 - F-1 Dream
631 - F-1 Grand Prix
632 - F-1 Grand Prix Part II
633 - Face Off (Japan 2 Players)
634 - Face Off (Japan)
635 - Fancy World - Earth Of Crisis
636 - Fantasia (940429 PCB, set 1)
637 - Fantasia II (Explicit)
638 - Fantastic (Galaga conversion on Galaxian hardware)
639 - Fantasy (US)
640 - Fantasy Land (set 1)
641 - Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected)
642 - Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (MC-8123, 317-0057)
643 - Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version)
644 - Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash
645 - Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den
646 - Fast Lane
647 - Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (Prototype)
648 - Fatal Fury - King of Fighters
649 - Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - shukumei no tatakai (NGM-033)(NGH-033)
650 - Fatal Fury 2
651 - Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - arata-naru tatakai (NGM-047)(NGH-047)
652 - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory
653 - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - haruka-naru tatakai (NGM-069)(NGH-069)
654 - Fatal Fury Special
655 - Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (set 1)(NGM-058)(NGH-058)
656 - fball
657 - Fever SOS (International, Ver. 98/09/25)
658 - Fight Fever
659 - Fight Fever (set 1)
660 - Fighter's History (World ver 43-07, DE-0380-2 PCB)
661 - Fighter's History (World ver 43-09, DE-0395-1 PCB)
662 - Fighting Basketball
663 - Fighting Golf (World?)
664 - Fighting Hawk (World)
665 - Fighting Ice Hockey (DECO Cassette)
666 - Fighting Ice Hockey (DECO Cassette, US)
667 - Fighting Roller
668 - Fighting Soccer (version 4)
669 - Final Blow (World)
670 - Final Fight (World, set 1)
671 - Final Star Force (US)
672 - Final Tetris
673 - Finalizer - Super Transformation
674 - Finest Hour (Japan)
675 - Fire Ball (FM Work)
676 - Fire Battle
677 - Fire Shark
678 - Fire Trap (US)
679 - Fire Trap (US, set 1)
680 - Firebeast (Prototype)
681 - Fixeight (Europe)
682 - flagrall
683 - Flash Boy
684 - Flash Point (set 2, Japan, FD1094 317-0127A)
685 - Flashgal (set 1)
686 - Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051)
687 - Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051)
688 - Flipper Jack
689 - Flower (US)
690 - Fly-boy
691 - Flying Ball (DECO Cassette)
692 - Flying Ball (DECO Cassette, US)
693 - Flying Shark (World)
694 - Flying Tiger (set 1)
695 - Food Fight (rev 3)
696 - Football Champ (World)
697 - Football Frenzy
698 - Football Frenzy (NGM-034)(NGH-034)
699 - Forgotten Worlds (World)
700 - Forgotten Worlds (World, newer)
701 - Formation Z
702 - Free Kick (NS6201-A 1987.10)
703 - Freeze
704 - Frisky Tom (set 1)
705 - Frog & Spiders (bootleg?)
706 - Frog Feast
707 - Frogger
708 - froman2b
709 - Front Line
710 - Funky Bee
711 - Funky Fish
712 - Funky Jet (World, rev 1)
713 - Funny Bubble
714 - Future Spy (315-5061)
715 - G.i. Joe (World, EAB, set 1)
716 - Gaia - The Last Choice Of Earth
717 - Gaia Crusaders
718 - gaialast
719 - Gaiapolis (ver EAF)
720 - Galactic Warriors
721 - Galaga (Namco rev. B)
722 - Galaga '88
723 - Galaxian (Namco set 1)
724 - Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors
725 - Galaxy Force 2
726 - Galaxy Gunners
727 - Galaxy Ranger
728 - Galmedes (Japan)
729 - Gals Panic (Unprotected)
730 - Gals Panic 4 (Japan)
731 - Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe)
732 - Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 1)
733 - Gals Panic S2 (Europe)
734 - Gals Panic S2 (Japan)
735 - Gals Panic S3 (Japan)
736 - Gals Pinball
737 - Games V25.4x
738 - Ganbare Ginkun
739 - Ganbare! Marine Kun (Japan 2K0411)
740 - Gang Busters (set 1)
741 - Gang Wars
742 - Ganryu
743 - Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
744 - Gaplus (GP2 rev. B)
745 - Gardia (317-0006)
746 - Garogun Seroyang (Korea)
747 - Garou - Mark of the Wolves
748 - Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530)
749 - Garyo Retsuden (Japan)
750 - Gauntlet (rev 14)
751 - Gauntlet II
752 - Gee Bee (Japan)
753 - Gekirindan (Ver 2.3O 1995/09/21)
754 - Gemini Wing (Japan)
755 - Genix Family
756 - Genpei Toumaden
757 - Ghost Pilots
758 - Ghost Pilots (NGM-020)(NGH-020)
759 - ghostbi
760 - Ghostlop
761 - Ghostlop (prototype)
762 - Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg)
763 - Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1)
764 - Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)
765 - Ghox (spinner)
766 - Giga Wing (USA 990222)
767 - Gigandes
768 - Gigas (MC-8123, 317-5002)
769 - Gigas Mark II
770 - gigasm2
771 - Ginga Ninkyouden (set 1)
772 - Gladiator / Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian, The (M68k label V101, ARM label V107, ROM 06/06/03 SHEN)
773 - Gladiator 1984
774 - Glass (Ver 1.1)
775 - Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Checksum 49D5E66B, Version)
776 - G-LOC Air Battle (US)
777 - G-loc Air Battle (World)
778 - Go 2000
779 - Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun
780 - Go Go! Mile Smile
781 - Go Go! Mile Smile (newer)
782 - Goal! Goal! Goal!
783 - Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95/06/20)
784 - Goindol (World)
785 - Gold Medalist (set 1)
786 - Golden Axe
787 - Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A)
788 - Golden Fire II
789 - Golden Tee 2k (v1.00)
790 - Golden Tee 3d Golf (v1.93N)
791 - Golden Tee '97 (v1.30)
792 - Golden Tee '98 (v1.10)
793 - Golden Tee '99 (v1.00)
794 - Golden Tee Classic (v1.00)
795 - Golly! Ghost!
796 - Got-cha Mini Game Festival
797 - Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh Cooking (Japan)
798 - GP Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163)
799 - Gp Rider (World, FD1094 317-0163, Twin setup)
800 - Gradius (ROM version)
801 - Gradius III (World, program code R)
802 - Grand Tour
803 - Grasspin
804 - Gravitar (version 3)
805 - Great Mahou Daisakusen (Euro 000121)
806 - Green Beret
807 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O)
808 - Grind Stormer
809 - Grobda (New Ver.)
810 - Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan)
811 - Growl (World)
812 - Growl (World, rev 1)
813 - Gryzor (US / Asia, set 1)
814 - Guardian (US)
815 - Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted)
816 - Guardians / Denjin Makai II
817 - Guardians: Denjin Makai II
818 - Guerrilla War (US)
819 - Gulf Storm (set 1)
820 - Gulf War II (set 1)
821 - Gumbo
822 - Gun & Frontier (World)
823 - Gun Dealer '94
824 - Gun Force II
825 - Gun Force II (US)
826 - Gun Master
827 - Gun.Smoke (World)
828 - Gun.Smoke (World, 851115)
829 - Gunbarich
830 - Gunbird (World)
831 - Gunbird 2
832 - Gunbuster (World)
833 - Gundhara
834 - Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island
835 - Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)
836 - Gunlock (Ver 2.3O 1994/01/20)
837 - GunNail (28th May. 1992)
838 - Gururin
839 - Guts'n (Japan)
840 - Guwange (Japan, Master Ver. 99/06/24)
841 - Guzzler
842 - Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan)
843 - Gyrodine
844 - Gyruss
845 - Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991)
846 - Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected)
847 - Hachoo!
848 - Hal21
849 - hamaway
850 - Hamburger (DECO Cassette) (DECO Cassette, US)
851 - Hammer Away (Japan, prototype)
852 - Hammerin' Harry (World)
853 - Hammerin' Harry (World, M81)
854 - Hang-on (rev A)
855 - Hang-on Jr.
856 - hangzo
857 - Hangzo (Japan, prototype)
858 - Happy 6-in-1 (ver. 102CN)
859 - Hard Head
860 - Hard Head 2 (v2.0)
861 - Hard Yardage (v1.20)
862 - Hasamu (Japan)
863 - Hatch Catch
864 - Hatris (US)
865 - Haunted Castle (version M)
866 - Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz
867 - Head On (2 Players)
868 - Head Panic (ver. 0117, 17/01/2000)
869 - Heavy Barrel (US)
870 - Heavy Metal (315-5135)
871 - Heavy Smash (Europe version -2)
872 - Heavy Unit (World)
873 - Heavyweight Champ
874 - Hellfire (2P set)
875 - Hero
876 - Heuk Sun Baek Sa (Korea)
877 - Hexa
878 - Hexion (Japan ver JAB)
879 - High Way Race
880 - Highway Chase (DECO Cassette)
881 - Highway Chase (DECO Cassette, US)
882 - Himeshikibu (Japan)
883 - Hippodrome (US)
884 - Hissatsu Buraiken (US set 1)
885 - Hit The Ice (US)
886 - Hoccer (set 1)
887 - Hole Land
888 - Hole Land (Japan)
889 - Honey Dolls
890 - Hook (World)
891 - Hoops '96 (Europe/Asia 2.0)
892 - Hoops'96 (Europe/Asia 2.0)
893 - Hopper Robo
894 - Hopping Mappy
895 - Horizon (Irem)
896 - Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware)
897 - Hot Pinball
898 - Hot Shocker
899 - Hotdog Storm (International)
900 - Hunchback (set 1)
901 - Hunchback Olympic
902 - Hustle
903 - Hydra
904 - Hyper Crash (version D)
905 - Hyper Pacman
906 - Hyper Sports
907 - Hyper Street Fighter 2: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202)
908 - Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202)
909 - Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2
910 - Igmo
911 - Ikari III - The Rescue (World, 8-way Joystick)
912 - Ikari Warriors (US JAMMA)
913 - Ikki (Japan)
914 - I'm Sorry (315-5110, US)
915 - Image Fight (World, revision A)
916 - Imago (cocktail set)
917 - In The Hunt (World)
918 - In Your Face
919 - Insector X (World)
920 - International Cup '94 (Ver 2.2O 1994/05/26)
921 - Intrepid (set 1)
922 - inyourfa
923 - Iq-block
924 - Iron clad
925 - Iron Horse
926 - Iron Horse (version K)
927 - Itazura Tenshi (Japan)
928 - Ixion (Prototype)
929 - J. J. Squawkers
930 - Jack The Giantkiller (set 1)
931 - Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick)
932 - Jackie Chan - The Kung-fu Master
933 - Jackie Chan In Fists Of Fire
934 - Jail Break
935 - Jan Jan Paradise
936 - Jan Jan Paradise 2
937 - Janpai Puzzle Choukou (Japan 010820)
938 - Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster
939 - Jibun Wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen
940 - Jin
941 - Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
942 - Jockey Grand Prix
943 - Jockey Grand Prix (set 1)
944 - Joe & Mac (World ver 4)
945 - Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27)
946 - Joinem
947 - JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (USA 990128)
948 - JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927)
949 - JoJo's Venture (USA 990128)
950 - Jolly Jogger
951 - Jonas Indiana and the Lost Temple of RA
952 - jongpute
953 - Jongputer
954 - Journey
955 - Joust (White/Green label)
956 - Joyful Road (Japan)
957 - Jr. Pac-man (11/9/83)
958 - Jump Bug
959 - Jump Coaster
960 - Jump Kids
961 - Jump Shot
962 - Jumping Cross
963 - Jumping Cross (set 1)
964 - Jumping Jack
965 - Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean bootleg of Plump Pop)
966 - Jumping Pop (Nics, Korean hack of Plump Pop)
967 - Jumping Pop (set 1)
968 - jumpkun
969 - Jungle King (Japan)
970 - Jungler
971 - Juno First
972 - Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527)
973 - Jyanshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster
974 - Kabuki-z (World)
975 - Kageki (US)
976 - Kageki (World)
977 - Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29)
978 - Kaitei Takara Sagashi
979 - Kamikaze Cabbie
980 - Kangaroo
981 - Karate Blazers (World)
982 - Karate Blazers (World, set 1)
983 - Karate Champ (US)
984 - Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0)
985 - Karnov (US, rev 6)
986 - Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite
987 - Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0)
988 - Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver.)
989 - Kick (Upright)
990 - Kick And Run (World)
991 - Kick Boy
992 - Kick Off (Japan)
993 - Kick Rider
994 - Kick Start - Wheelie King
995 - Kicker
996 - Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World)
997 - Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen
998 - Kiki Kaikai
999 - Killer Instinct
1000 - Killer Instinct (v1.5d)
1001 - Killer Instinct 2
1002 - Killer Instinct 2 (v1.4)
1003 - King & Balloon (US)
1004 - King of the Monsters
1005 - King of the Monsters (set 1)
1006 - King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing
1007 - King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039)(NGH-039)
1008 - Kingdom Grandprix
1009 - Kirameki Star Road (Ver 2.10J 1997/08/29)
1010 - Kitten Kaboodle
1011 - Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle
1012 - Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle
1013 - Klax (set 1)
1014 - Knights of the Round (World 911127)
1015 - Knights of Valour (ver. 117)
1016 - Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 117)
1017 - Knights of Valour 2 (ver. 107, 102, 100HK)
1018 - Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 107, 102, 100HK)
1019 - Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)
1020 - Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sangoku Senki 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)
1021 - Knights of Valour Plus (ver. 119, set 1)
1022 - Knights of Valour Plus / Sangoku Senki Plus (ver. 119, set 1)
1023 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)
1024 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)
1025 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (ver. 101)
1026 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (ver. 101)
1027 - Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan (ver. 201, China)
1028 - Knights of Valour: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan / Sangoku Senki: Yi Tong Zhong Yuan (ver. 201, China)
1029 - Knuckle Bash
1030 - Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg)
1031 - Knuckle Joe (set 1)
1032 - Koi Koi Shimasho 2 - Super Real Hanafuda (Japan)
1033 - Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan)
1034 - Konami Gt
1035 - Konami Test Board (GX800, Japan)
1036 - Konami's Ping-pong
1037 - Kong (Donkey Kong conversion on Galaxian hardware)
1038 - Koro Koro Quest (Japan)
1039 - Kosodate Quiz My Angel (Japan)
1040 - Kosodate Quiz My Angel 2 (Japan)
1041 - Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1)
1042 - Kozmik Kroozr
1043 - Kozure Ookami (Japan)
1044 - Kram (set 1)
1045 - Krazy Bowl
1046 - Kung-fu Master (World)
1047 - Kung-fu Taikun (set 1)
1048 - Kuri Kinton (World)
1049 - Kusayakyuu
1050 - Kyros
1051 - Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (Rev B))
1052 - Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad
1053 - Lady Bug
1054 - Lady Killer
1055 - Lady Master of Kung Fu
1056 - Lady Master Of Kung Fu (set 1, newer)
1057 - Land Maker (Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)
1058 - Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94)
1059 - Laser Ghost (World, FD1094 317-0166)
1060 - Lasso
1061 - Last Duel (US New Ver.)
1062 - Last Fortress - Toride
1063 - Last Hope
1064 - Last Hope Cd Beta
1065 - Last Km
1066 - Last Mission (US revision 6)
1067 - Last Resort
1068 - Last Striker
1069 - Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker
1070 - Last Survivor (Japan, FD1094 317-0083)
1071 - lasthope
1072 - lastkm
1073 - Le Bagnard
1074 - League Bowling
1075 - League Bowling (NGM-019)(NGH-019)
1076 - Led Storm Rally 2011 (World)
1077 - leds2011
1078 - Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (World?)
1079 - Legend
1080 - Legend Of Hero Tonma
1081 - Legend Of Makai (World)
1082 - Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu
1083 - Legendary Wings (US set 1)
1084 - Legion - Spinner-87 (World ver 2.03)
1085 - Lemmings (US prototype)
1086 - Lethal Crash Race (set 1)
1087 - Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04)
1088 - Lethal Thunder (World)
1089 - Levers
1090 - lhcdb
1091 - Libble Rabble
1092 - Liberation
1093 - Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)
1094 - Lightning Fighters (World)
1095 - Lightning Swords
1096 - Line Of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World, FD1094 317-0136)
1097 - Liquid Kids (World)
1098 - Live Quiz Show
1099 - Lizard Wizard
1100 - Lock On (Philko)
1101 - Lock'n'chase
1102 - Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette)
1103 - Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) (DECO Cassette, US)
1104 - lockonph
1105 - Loco-motion
1106 - Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B)
1107 - Lode Runner (set 1)
1108 - Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back
1109 - Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth
1110 - Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu
1111 - Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu (Japan)
1112 - Logic Pro (Japan)
1113 - Logic Pro 2 (Japan)
1114 - Lord Of Gun (USA)
1115 - Lost Tomb (easy)
1116 - Lot Lot
1117 - Lotto Fun
1118 - Lovely Pop Mahjong Jangjang Shimasho (Japan)
1119 - Lovely Pop Mahjong Jangjang Shimasho 2 (Japan)
1120 - Lover Boy
1121 - ltorb1
1122 - ltswords
1123 - Lucky & Wild
1124 - Lucky Poker (DECO Cassette)
1125 - Lucky Poker (DECO Cassette, US)
1126 - Lucky Today
1127 - Lunar Lander (rev 2)
1128 - M.i.a. - Missing In Action (version T)
1129 - Macho Mouse
1130 - Macross Plus
1131 - Mad Crasher
1132 - Mad Donna (set 1)
1133 - Mad Gear (US)
1134 - Mad Motor
1135 - Mad Motor (Prototype)
1136 - Mad Planets
1137 - Mad Shark
1138 - Magic Bubble
1139 - Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)
1140 - Magical Cat Adventure
1141 - Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10)
1142 - Magical Drop II
1143 - Magical Drop III
1144 - Magician Lord
1145 - Magician Lord (NGM-005)
1146 - Magix / Rock
1147 - Mahjong Gakuen
1148 - Mahjong Gakuen 2 Gakuen-chou No Fukushuu
1149 - Mahjong G-taste
1150 - Mahjong Hot Gimmick Integral (Japan)
1151 - Mahjong Hyper Reaction (Japan)
1152 - Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2 (Japan)
1153 - Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004 ~ NGH-004)
1154 - Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004)(NGH-004)
1155 - Mahjong Quest (Japan)
1156 - Main Event (1984)
1157 - Major Havoc (rev 3)
1158 - Major League
1159 - Major Title (World)
1160 - Major Title 2 (World)
1161 - Major Title 2 (World, set 1)
1162 - Mang-Chi
1163 - Manhattan (DECO Cassette)
1164 - Manhattan (DECO Cassette, Japan)
1165 - Mania Challenge (set 1)
1166 - Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE)
1167 - Maniac Square (unprotected)
1168 - Many Block
1169 - Mappy (US)
1170 - Marchen Maze (Japan)
1171 - Marine Boy
1172 - Mariner
1173 - Mario Bros. (US, Revision F)
1174 - Markham
1175 - Mars
1176 - Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412)
1177 - Martial Champion (ver EAB)
1178 - Martial Masters
1179 - Martial Masters (ver. 104, 102, 102US)
1180 - Marvel Land (US)
1181 - Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)
1182 - Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)
1183 - Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
1184 - Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
1185 - Marvin's Maze
1186 - Masked Riders Club Battle Race
1187 - mastboyo
1188 - Master Boy
1189 - Master Of Weapon (World)
1190 - Mat Mania
1191 - Match It
1192 - Match It II
1193 - Matrimelee
1194 - Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660) (NGH-2660)
1195 - Mayday (set 1)
1196 - Maze Of Flott (Japan)
1197 - Mazinger Z (World)
1198 - Mechanized Attack (World)
1199 - Mega Blast (World)
1200 - Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)
1201 - Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)
1202 - Mega Twins (World 900619)
1203 - Mega Zone (Konami set 1)
1204 - Mega Zone (program code L)
1205 - Megadon
1206 - Meijinsen
1207 - Meikyu Jima (Japan)
1208 - Meosis Magic (Japan)
1209 - Mercs (World 900302)
1210 - Merlins Money Maze
1211 - Meta Fox
1212 - Metal Black (World)
1213 - Metal Clash (Japan)
1214 - Metal Freezer (Japan)
1215 - Metal Hawk (rev C)
1216 - Metal Saver
1217 - Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
1218 - Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II
1219 - Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410)(NGH-2410)
1220 - Metal Slug 3
1221 - Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560)
1222 - Metal Slug 4
1223 - Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)
1224 - Metal Slug 5
1225 - Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB)
1226 - Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680)
1227 - Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001
1228 - Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500)(NGH-2500)
1229 - Metal Soldier Isaac II
1230 - Metamoqester (International)
1231 - Metamorphic Force (ver EAA)
1232 - metlfrzr
1233 - Metro-cross (set 1)
1234 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)
1235 - Midnight Resistance (World)
1236 - Mighty Guy
1237 - Mighty Monkey
1238 - Mighty Warriors
1239 - Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010)
1240 - Mikie
1241 - Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24)
1242 - Millipede
1243 - Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai
1244 - Minasanno Okagesamadesu! Daisugorokutaikai (MOM-001)(MOH-001)
1245 - Minefield
1246 - Minesweeper
1247 - Mini Vaders
1248 - Minky Monkey
1249 - Mirage Youjuu Mahjongden (Japan)
1250 - Mirai Ninja (Japan)
1251 - Mirax (set 1)
1252 - Miss Bingo
1253 - Miss Bubble II
1254 - Miss Puzzle
1255 - Miss World 2002
1256 - Miss World '96 (Nude) (set 1)
1257 - Miss World '96 (Nude, C-3000A PCB, set 1)
1258 - Mission 660 (US)
1259 - Mission-X (DECO Cassette)
1260 - Mission-x (DECO Cassette, US)
1261 - missw02
1262 - Mister Viking (315-5041)
1263 - Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin
1264 - mmagic
1265 - Mobil Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Japan)
1266 - Mobile Suit Gundam
1267 - Mobile Suit Gundam Ex Revue
1268 - Mogu Chan (bootleg?)
1269 - Mogura Desse (Japan)
1270 - Mole Attack
1271 - Momoko 120%
1272 - Momoko 120% (Japanese text)
1273 - Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
1274 - Monkey Magic
1275 - Monster Maulers (ver EAA)
1276 - Monster Slider (Japan)
1277 - Monsters World (bootleg of Super Pang)
1278 - Moon Alien Part 2
1279 - Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
1280 - Moon Patrol
1281 - Moon Quasar
1282 - Moon Shuttle (US? set 1)
1283 - Moonwar
1284 - More More
1285 - More More Plus
1286 - Moriguchi Hiroko No Quiz De Hyuu!hyuu! (Ver 2.2J 1995/05/25)
1287 - Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93)
1288 - Mortal Kombat 2 (rev L3.1)
1289 - Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)
1290 - Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)
1291 - Mosaic
1292 - moshougi
1293 - Motos
1294 - Mouse Shooter Gogo
1295 - Mouser
1296 - Mr. Do!
1297 - Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)
1298 - Mr. Do's Wild Ride
1299 - Mr. Goemon (Japan)
1300 - Mr. Jong (Japan)
1301 - Mr. Kougar
1302 - Mr. Tnt
1303 -'s Nightmare
1304 - Ms. Pac-man
1305 - Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 198 (V1.08)
1306 - Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08)
1307 - Mtv Rock-n-roll Trivia (Part 2)
1308 - Mug Smashers
1309 - MuHanSeungBu (SemiCom Baseball) (Korea)
1310 - Muhanseungbu (SemiCom Baseball, Korea)
1311 - Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 1)
1312 - Multi Champ (World, ver. 2.5)
1313 - Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 0106, 06/01/2000)
1314 - Muscle Bomber Duo : Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)
1315 - Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)
1316 - Music Ball
1317 - Mustache Boy
1318 - Mustache Boy (Japan)
1319 - Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5)
1320 - Mutant Night
1321 - Mutation Nation
1322 - Mutation Nation (NGM-014)(NGH-014)
1323 - Mvp (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143)
1324 - Mx5000
1325 - My Hero (US, not encrypted)
1326 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure
1327 - Mystic Riders (World)
1328 - Mystic Warriors (ver EAA)
1329 - NAM-1975
1330 - NAM-1975 (NGM-001)(NGH-001)
1331 - Naname De Magic! (Japan)
1332 - Nastar (World)
1333 - Naughty Boy
1334 - Naughty Mouse (set 1)
1335 - Navarone
1336 - Nemesis (ROM version)
1337 - Nemo (World 901130)
1338 - Neo Bomberman
1339 - Neo Drift Out - New Technology
1340 - Neo Mr. Do!
1341 - Neo No Panepon
1342 - Neo Pong
1343 - Neo Thunder
1344 - Neo Turf Masters
1345 - Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf
1346 - neo2500
1347 - neo3ddmo
1348 - neocdz
1349 - neocstlv
1350 - neodemo
1351 - neogalag
1352 - NeoGeo 2-Player Tetris
1353 - Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory
1354 - neonopon
1355 - neopong
1356 - neoprimo
1357 - neotet
1358 - neothndr
1359 - neoww2
1360 - Net Wars
1361 - New Fantasia (1995 copyright)
1362 - New Rally X
1363 - New Sinbad 7
1364 - New Sinbad 7 (set 1)
1365 - News (set 1)
1366 - NGEM2K
1367 - ngfrog
1368 - ngftdemo
1369 - Nibbler (rev 9)
1370 - Night Driver
1371 - Night Slashers (Korea Rev 1.3)
1372 - Night Slashers (Korea Rev 1.3, DE-0397-0 PCB)
1373 - Night Star (DECO Cassette, set 1)
1374 - Night Star (DECO Cassette, US, set 1)
1375 - Night Striker (World)
1376 - Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316)
1377 - Nightmare in the Dark
1378 - Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World)
1379 - Ninja Combat
1380 - Ninja Combat (NGM-009)
1381 - Ninja Commando
1382 - Ninja Emaki (US)
1383 - Ninja Kazan (World)
1384 - Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho
1385 - Ninja Spirit
1386 - Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1)
1387 - Ninjakun Majou No Bouken
1388 - Nitro Ball (US)
1389 - Nitro Ball (World, set 1)
1390 - Noboranka (Japan)
1391 - Nostradamus
1392 - Nouryoku Koujou 2nkai
1393 - Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai
1394 - Nova 2001 (Japan)
1395 - Ocean To Ocean
1396 - Oh My God! (Japan)
1397 - Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka
1398 - Oli-boo-chu
1399 - Omega
1400 - Omega Fighter
1401 - Omega Race (set 1)
1402 - One + Two
1403 - One Shot One Kill
1404 - Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal
1405 - Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (set 1)
1406 - Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette, Japan)
1407 - Opa Opa (MC-8123, 317-0042)
1408 - Operation Thunderbolt (World)
1409 - Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1)
1410 - Operation Wolf (World, set 1)
1411 - Operation Wolf 3 (World)
1412 - Orbitron
1413 - Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?)
1414 - Ordyne (Japan, English Version)
1415 - Ordyne (World)
1416 - Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 126)
1417 - Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 101, Korean Board)
1418 - Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan
1419 - Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus
1420 - Osman
1421 - Osman (World)
1422 - Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B)
1423 - Out Zone
1424 - Over Top
1425 - Ozma Wars (set 1)
1426 - Ozon I
1427 - P.o.w. - Prisoners Of War (US version 1)
1428 - P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World)
1429 - Pac & Pal
1430 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Japan)
1431 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Japan)
1432 - packbang
1433 - Pack'n Bang Bang (Prototype)
1434 - Pac-land (World)
1435 - Pac-man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00)
1436 - Pac-man Plus
1437 - Pac-mania
1438 - Paddle Mania
1439 - Pairs (V1.2, 09/30/94)
1440 - Pairs Love
1441 - Pairs Redemption (V1.0, 10/25/94)
1442 - Palamedes (Japan)
1443 - Palamedes (US)
1444 - Pandora's Palace
1445 - Pang (World)
1446 - Pang Pang
1447 - Pang Pom's
1448 - Pang! 3 (Euro 950601)
1449 - Panic Bomber
1450 - Panic Street (Japan)
1451 - Paparazzi
1452 - Parallel Turn
1453 - Parodius Da! (World, set 1)
1454 - Party Time - Gonta The Diver 2 / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (World Release)
1455 - Party Time: Gonta the Diver II / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (World Release)
1456 - Pass
1457 - Passing Shot (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0080)
1458 - pastelis
1459 - Pata Pata Panic
1460 - patapata
1461 - Peek-a-boo!
1462 - Pengo (set 1 rev c)
1463 - Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version)
1464 - Penguin Brothers (Japan)
1465 - Penguin-kun Wars (US)
1466 - Perfect Billiard
1467 - Performan (Japan)
1468 - Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette, set 1)
1469 - Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (DECO Cassette, US, set 1)
1470 - pgemeni
1471 - P-gemeni
1472 - pgmdemo
1473 - pgmfrog
1474 - Phelios
1475 - Phelios (Japan)
1476 - Phoenix (Amstar)
1477 - Phoenix (Amstar, set 1)
1478 - Photo Y2k (ver. 105)
1479 - Phozon (Japan)
1480 - Pickin'
1481 - Pinball Action (set 1)
1482 - Pinbo (set 1)
1483 - Ping Pong Masters '93
1484 - Pioneer Balloon
1485 - Pipe Dream (World)
1486 - Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1)
1487 - Pipi And Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1)
1488 - Pirate Ship Higemaru
1489 - Pirates
1490 - Pirates (set 1)
1491 - Pisces
1492 - Pistol Daimyo No Bouken (Japan)
1493 - Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 1)
1494 - Pit Fighter (rev 9)
1495 - Pitfall II (315-5093)
1496 - Pk Scramble
1497 - Planet Probe (prototype?)
1498 - Play Girls
1499 - Play Girls 2
1500 - Pleasure Goal
1501 - Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219)
1502 - Pleiads (Tehkan)
1503 - Plotting (World set 1)
1504 - Plump Pop (Japan)
1505 - Plus Alpha
1506 - Pnickies (Japan 940608)
1507 - Pochi and Nyaa
1508 - Pocket Fighter (USA 970904)
1509 - Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00)
1510 - Pocket Gals V.i.p (set 1)
1511 - Poitto!
1512 - Poker Ladies
1513 - Poker Night
1514 - poknight
1515 - pokonyan
1516 - Pokonyan! Balloon (Japan 940322)
1517 - Pollux (set 1)
1518 - Ponpoko
1519 - Pooyan
1520 - Pop Bingo
1521 - Pop Flamer (protected)
1522 - Pop 'n Bounce
1523 - Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin
1524 - Popeye (revision D)
1525 - Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07O 1998/02/09)
1526 - Popper
1527 - Pop's Pop's
1528 - Porky
1529 - Pound For Pound (World)
1530 - Power Drift (World, Rev A)
1531 - Power Instinct (USA)
1532 - Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94/04/08)
1533 - Power Spikes (World)
1534 - Power Spikes II
1535 - Power Spikes II (NGM-068)
1536 - Power Surge
1537 - Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Euro 941024)
1538 - Prehistoric Isle 2
1539 - Prehistoric Isle In 1930 (World)
1540 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Europe)
1541 - Primo Demo
1542 - Pro Bowling (DECO Cassette)
1543 - Pro Bowling (DECO Cassette, US)
1544 - Pro Soccer
1545 - Pro Soccer (DECO Cassette)
1546 - Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette)
1547 - Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette, US)
1548 - Progear (USA 010117)
1549 - Progress
1550 - Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 1)
1551 - Psychic 5 (set 1)
1552 - Psychic 5 (World)
1553 - Psycho Soldier (US)
1554 - Psycho-nics Oscar (World revision 0)
1555 - Puchi Carat (Ver 2.02O 1997/10/29)
1556 - Puck Man (Japan set 1)
1557 - Pulirula (World)
1558 - Pulstar
1559 - Punch-Out!!
1560 - Punch-out!! (rev B)
1561 - Punk Shot (US 4 Players)
1562 - Pururun
1563 - Pushman (Korea, set 1)
1564 - Puzz Loop (Europe, v0.94)
1565 - Puzz Loop 2 (Euro 010302)
1566 - Puzzle Bobble
1567 - Puzzle Bobble (Japan, B-System)
1568 - Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo) (NGM-083)
1569 - Puzzle Bobble 2
1570 - Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.3O 1995/07/31)
1571 - Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo)
1572 - Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/27)
1573 - Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04O 1997/12/19)
1574 - Puzzle Break
1575 - Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)
1576 - Puzzle Club (yun Sung) (Yun Sung, set 1)
1577 - Puzzle Club (Yun Sung, set 1)
1578 - Puzzle De Bowling (Japan)
1579 - Puzzle De Pon!
1580 - Puzzle King (includes bootleg of Snow Bros.)
1581 - Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.)
1582 - Puzzle Star (ver. 100MG)
1583 - Puzzle Uo Poko (International)
1584 - Puzzled
1585 - Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021)(NGH-021)
1586 - Puzzli
1587 - Puzzli 2 (ver. 100)
1588 - Puzzlove
1589 - Puzznic (World)
1590 - Q*bert (US set 1)
1591 - Q*bert's Qubes
1592 - Qix (rev 2)
1593 - Quantum (rev 2)
1594 - Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194)
1595 - Quester (Japan)
1596 - Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701)
1597 - Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan)
1598 - Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan)
1599 - Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023 ~ NGH-023)
1600 - Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023)(NGH-023)
1601 - Quiz De Idol! Hot Debut (Japan)
1602 - Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan)
1603 - Quiz Gakumon No Susume (Japan ver. JA2 Type L)
1604 - Quiz H.q. (Japan)
1605 - Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan)
1606 - Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080 ~ SAH-080)
1607 - Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080)(SAH-080)
1608 - Quiz Kokology
1609 - Quiz Kokology 2
1610 - Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (NGM-042)(NGH-042)
1611 - Quiz Meitantei Neo&Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2 (NGM-042 ~ NGH-042)
1612 - Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 960826)
1613 - Quiz Olympic (set 1)
1614 - Quiz Quest - Hime To Yuusha No Monogatari (Japan)
1615 - Quiz Sangokushi (Japan)
1616 - Quiz Sekai Wa Show By Shobai (Japan)
1617 - Quiz Theater - 3tsu No Monogatari (Ver 2.3J 1994/11/10)
1618 - Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Japan)
1619 - Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123)
1620 - Quiz Torimonochou (Japan)
1621 - Rabio Lepus (Japan)
1622 - Racing Beat (World)
1623 - Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144)
1624 - Rack + Roll
1625 - Rack 'em Up (program code L)
1626 - Radar Scope
1627 - Radical Radial
1628 - Radical Radial (US)
1629 - Rafflesia (315-5162)
1630 - Rage of the Dragons
1631 - Rage of the Dragons (NGM-264?)
1632 - Ragnagard
1633 - Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken
1634 - Raiden (set 1)
1635 - Raiden Dx (UK)
1636 - Raiden II (set 1, US Fabtek)
1637 - Raiden II (US, set 1)
1638 - Raiden II / DX (newer V33 PCB)
1639 - Raiden II New / Raiden DX (newer V33 PCB, Raiden DX EEPROM)
1640 - Raiders5
1641 - Raiga - Strato Fighter (US)
1642 - Rail Chase (World)
1643 - Raimais (World)
1644 - Rainbow Islands (Extra)
1645 - Rainbow Islands (New version)
1646 - Rally Bike
1647 - Rally Bike / Dash Yarou
1648 - Rally X (32k Ver.?)
1649 - Rambo III (Europe)
1650 - Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3)
1651 - Rastan (World Rev 1)
1652 - Razzmatazz
1653 - Reaktor (Track & Field conversion)
1654 - Reaktor (Track & Field conversion)
1655 - Real Bout Fatal Fury
1656 - Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095)(NGH-095)
1657 - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers
1658 - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - the newcomers (NGM-2400)
1659 - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
1660 - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
1661 - Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11) (Prototype)
1662 - Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11, prototype)
1663 - Recordbreaker (World)
1664 - Red Baron (Revised Hardware)
1665 - Red Earth (Euro 961121)
1666 - Red Robin
1667 - Regulus (315-5033, Rev A.)
1668 - Relief Pitcher (set 1, 07 Jun 1992 / 28 May 1992)
1669 - Renegade (US)
1670 - Repulse
1671 - Rescue
1672 - Return Of The Invaders
1673 - Return Of The Jedi
1674 - Revenger '84
1675 - revngr84
1676 - Rezon
1677 - Riddle Of Pythagoras (Japan)
1678 - Riding Fight (Ver 1.0O)
1679 - Riding Hero
1680 - Riding Hero (NGM-006)(NGH-006)
1681 - Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)
1682 - Ring Rage (Ver 2.3O 1992/08/09)
1683 - Riot
1684 - Riot City (Japan)
1685 - Risky Challenge
1686 - River Patrol (Japan)
1687 - River Patrol (Orca)
1688 - Road Fighter (set 1)
1689 - Robo Army
1690 - Robo Wres 2001
1691 - Robocop (World revision 4)
1692 - Robocop 2 (Euro/Asia v0.10)
1693 - robocopi
1694 - Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label)
1695 - Rock Climber
1696 - Rock Duck (prototype?)
1697 - Rock Tris
1698 - Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)
1699 - Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006)
1700 - Rock'n 3 (Japan)
1701 - Rock'n 4 (Japan, prototype)
1702 - Rock'n Rage (World)
1703 - Rock'n Tread (Japan)
1704 - Rock'n Tread 2 (Japan)
1705 - Roc'n Rope
1706 - Rod-land (World)
1707 - Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0)
1708 - rolcrush
1709 - Rollergames (US)
1710 - Rolling Crush (version 1.07.E - 1999/02/11, Trust license)
1711 - Rolling Thunder (rev 3)
1712 - Rolling Thunder 2
1713 - Rompers (Japan, new version (Rev B))
1714 - Rootin' Tootin' / La-Pa-Pa (DECO Cassette)
1715 - Rootin' Tootin' / La-pa-pa (DECO Cassette, US)
1716 - Round-up
1717 - Route 16 (set 1)
1718 - R-shark
1719 - R-type
1720 - R-Type (World)
1721 - R-Type II
1722 - R-type Leo (World)
1723 - Rumba Lumber
1724 - Rygar (US set 1)
1725 - Ryu Jin (Japan)
1726 - Ryukyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023)
1727 - S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N)
1728 - S.r.d. Mission
1729 - S.s. Mission
1730 - S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V200) (ARM label V200, ROM 10/11/05 S.V.G V201)
1731 - S.v.g. - Spectral Vs Generation (M68k label V200, ARM label V200, ROM 10/11/05 S.V.)
1732 - Saboten Bombers (set 1)
1733 - Sadari
1734 - Safari Rally (World)
1735 - Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku (US)
1736 - Saint Dragon (set 1)
1737 - Salamander (version D)
1738 - Samurai Aces (World)
1739 - Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 1)
1740 - Samurai Shodown
1741 - Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045)
1742 - Samurai Shodown II
1743 - Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru jigokuhen (NGM-063)(NGH-063)
1744 - Samurai Shodown III
1745 - Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087)
1746 - Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge
1747 - Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222)
1748 - Samurai Shodown V
1749 - Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700)
1750 - Samurai Shodown V Special
1751 - Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)
1752 - Sand Scorpion
1753 - Sankokushi (Japan)
1754 - Sar - Search And Rescue (World)
1755 - Sasuke Vs. Commander
1756 - Satan Of Saturn (set 1)
1757 - Satan's Hollow (set 1)
1758 - Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)
1759 - Saturn
1760 - Sauro
1761 - Savage Reign
1762 - Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - kakutou sousei
1763 - Schmeiser Robo (Japan)
1764 - Scion
1765 - Scooter Shooter
1766 - Scorpion (set 1)
1767 - Scramble
1768 - Scrambled Egg
1769 - Scrum Try (DECO Cassette, set 1)
1770 - Scrum Try (DECO Cassette, US, set 1)
1771 - Sd Fighters (Korea)
1772 - Sd Gundam Neo Battling (Japan)
1773 - Sd Gundam Psycho Salamander No Kyoui
1774 - Sdi - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, newer, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027)
1775 - SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027)
1776 - Sea Fighter Poseidon
1777 - Search Eye
1778 - Search Eye (English / Korean / Japanese / Italian)
1779 - Search Eye Plus V2.0
1780 - Secret Agent (World)
1781 - Section Z (set 1)
1782 - Sega Ninja (315-5102)
1783 - Seicross
1784 - Sel Feena
1785 - Sen Jing - Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted)
1786 - Sengeki Striker (Asia)
1787 - Sengoku
1788 - Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017)(NGH-017)
1789 - Sengoku 2
1790 - Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2
1791 - Sengoku 3
1792 - Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001
1793 - Senjyo
1794 - Sen-know (Japan)
1795 - Sf-x
1796 - sfzch
1797 - Shackled (US)
1798 - Shadow Dancer
1799 - Shadow Dancer (World)
1800 - Shadow Force (US Version 2)
1801 - Shadow Force (World, Version 3)
1802 - Shadow Warriors (World, set 1)
1803 - Shadowland (YD3)
1804 - Shingen Samurai-fighter (Japan, English)
1805 - Shinobi (Korean System 16 bootleg, ISG Selection Master Typ)
1806 - Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected)
1807 - Shinobi / FZ-2006 (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006)
1808 - Shock Troopers
1809 - Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad
1810 - Shock Troopers (set 1)
1811 - Shocking
1812 - Shogun Warriors (World)
1813 - Shoot Out (US)
1814 - Shot Rider
1815 - Shuffleshot (v1.40)
1816 - Shuuz (version 8.0)
1817 - Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)
1818 - Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129)
1819 - Side Pocket (World)
1820 - Silent Dragon (World)
1821 - Silk Worm (World)
1822 - Silver Millennium
1823 - Sinistar (revision 3)
1824 - Skater (DECO Cassette, Japan)
1825 - Skull & Crossbones (rev 5)
1826 - Skull Fang (World)
1827 - Sky Adventure (World)
1828 - Sky Alert
1829 - Sky Army
1830 - Sky Base
1831 - Sky Fox
1832 - Sky Kid (New version)
1833 - Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)
1834 - Sky Lancer
1835 - Sky Robo
1836 - Sky Skipper
1837 - Sky Smasher
1838 - Sky Soldiers (US)
1839 - Slap Shooter
1840 - Slap Shot (Japan)
1841 - slapshtr
1842 - Slither (set 1)
1843 - Sly Spy (World revision 3)
1844 - Snap Jack
1845 - Snapper (Korea)
1846 - SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (JAMMA PCB, set 1)
1847 - SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690)(NGH-2690)
1848 - Snow Board Championship (Version 2.1)
1849 - Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)
1850 - Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves
1851 - Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise
1852 - Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure
1853 - Soccer Brawl
1854 - Soccer Brawl (NGM-031)
1855 - Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan)
1856 - Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness
1857 - Solar Fox (Upright)
1858 - Soldam
1859 - Soldier Girl Amazon
1860 - Solitary Fighter (World)
1861 - Solomon's Key (US)
1862 - Son Son
1863 - Sonic Blast Man (Japan)
1864 - Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053)
1865 - Sonic Wings (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan,)
1866 - Sorcer Striker (set 1)
1867 - Sos
1868 - Sotsugyo Shousho
1869 - Space Bomber (ver. B)
1870 - Space Cruiser
1871 - Space Duel
1872 - Space Duel (version 2)
1873 - Space Dungeon
1874 - Space Firebird (rev. 04-u)
1875 - Space Fury (Revision C)
1876 - Space Gun (World)
1877 - Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A)
1878 - Space Invaders / Space Invaders M
1879 - Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14)
1880 - Space Invaders Dx (US, v2.1)
1881 - Space Position (Japan)
1882 - Space Raider
1883 - Space Seeker
1884 - Space Stranger
1885 - Spark Man (v2.0, set 1)
1886 - Sparkz (Prototype)
1887 - Spatter
1888 - Spatter (315-xxxx)
1889 - Speak & Rescue
1890 - Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1)
1891 - Spectrum 2000 (Euro)
1892 - Spectrum 2000 (vertical)
1893 - Speed Ball
1894 - Speed Ball - Contest at Neonworld (Prototype)
1895 - Speed Coin (Prototype)
1896 - Speed Spin
1897 - Spelunker
1898 - Spelunker II
1899 - Spelunker II: 23 no Kagi (Japan)
1900 - spidermi
1901 - Spin Master
1902 - Spin Master / Miracle Adventure
1903 - Spinal Breakers (World)
1904 - Splat!
1905 - Splatter House (World, new version (SH3))
1906 - Springer
1907 - Squash (Itisa)
1908 - Squash (Ver. 1.0)
1909 - Stadium Hero (Japan)
1910 - Stadium Hero '96 (World, EAJ)
1911 - Stagger I (Japan)
1912 - Stakes Winner
1913 - Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI kinzen seiha e no michi
1914 - Stakes Winner 2
1915 - Star Fighter (V1)
1916 - Star Force
1917 - Star Jacker (Sega)
1918 - Star Trek
1919 - Star Trek (Head On hardware)
1920 - Star Wars (rev 2)
1921 - Star Wars (set 1)
1922 - Stargate
1923 - startrks
1924 - Steel Force
1925 - Steel Gunner (rev B)
1926 - Steel Gunner 2 (US)
1927 - Stinger
1928 - Storm Blade (US)
1929 - Strategy X
1930 - Streaking (set 1)
1931 - Street Fighter (US, set 1)
1932 - Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons)
1933 - Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)
1934 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
1935 - Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727)
1936 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (World 920513)
1937 - Street Fighter II : Hyper Fighting (World 921209)
1938 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)
1939 - Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)
1940 - Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (USA 970930)
1941 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Futur (Euro 990608)
1942 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608)
1943 - Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204)
1944 - Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020)
1945 - Street Fighter Zero (Euro 950727)
1946 - Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826)
1947 - Street Fighter Zero 3 (Euro 980904)
1948 - Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12)
1949 - Street Hoop
1950 - Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004)(DEH-004)
1951 - Street Smart (US version 2)
1952 - Strength & Skill
1953 - Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
1954 - Strider Hiryu (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
1955 - Strike Fighter (World)
1956 - Strike Gunner S.t.g
1957 - Strikers 1945 (World)
1958 - Strikers 1945 II
1959 - Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)
1960 - Strikers 1945 Plus
1961 - Submarine (Sigma)
1962 - Subroc-3d
1963 - Success Joe (World)
1964 - Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-5021)
1965 - Suna Quiz 6000 Academy (940620-6)
1966 - Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)
1967 - supduck
1968 - Super Astro Fighter (DECO Cassette)
1969 - Super Astro Fighter (DECO Cassette, US)
1970 - Super Bagman
1971 - Super Basketball (version I, encrypted)
1972 - Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver JAA, 2 Players)
1973 - Super Burger Time (World, set 1)
1974 - Super Casino
1975 - Super Champion Baseball (US)
1976 - Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World)
1977 - Super Cobra
1978 - Super Contra
1979 - Super Cross II (Japan, set 1)
1980 - Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13)
1981 - Super Dodge Ball
1982 - Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
1983 - Super Doubles Tennis (DECO Cassette, Japan)
1984 - Super Duck
1985 - Super Duper Casino (California V3.2)
1986 - Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904)
1987 - Super Glob
1988 - Super Hang-on (sitdown/upright, unprotected)
1989 - Super League (FD1094 317-0045)
1990 - Super Locomotive (Rev.A)
1991 - Super Marukin-ban (Japan 901017)
1992 - Super Model
1993 - Super Monaco Gp (World, Rev B, FD1094 317-0126a)
1994 - Super Mouse
1995 - Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout (Euro 940902)
1996 - Super Pac-man
1997 - Super Pang (World 900914)
1998 - Super Punch-Out!!
1999 - Super Punch-out!! (rev B)
2000 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (USA 960620)
2001 - Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Euro 960529)
2002 - Super Ranger (v2.0)
2003 - Super Real Darwin (World)
2004 - Super Real Mahjong P7 (Japan)
2005 - Super Real Mahjong Piv (Japan)
2006 - Super Rider
2007 - Super Sidekicks
2008 - Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou
2009 - Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship
2010 - Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - real fight football (NGM-061)(NGH-061)
2011 - Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory
2012 - Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - eikou e no michi
2013 - Super Space Invaders '91 (World, rev 1)
2014 - Super Spacefortress Macross
2015 - Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross
2016 - Super Spacefortress Macross II
2017 - Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II
2018 - Super Speed Race Junior (Japan)
2019 - Super Stingray (Japan)
2020 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223)
2021 - Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911)
2022 - Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005)
2023 - Super Ten V8.3
2024 - Super Trio
2025 - Super Trivia Master
2026 - Super Volleyball (Japan)
2027 - Super World Stadium (Japan)
2028 - Super World Stadium '92 (Japan)
2029 - Super World Stadium '93 (Japan)
2030 - Super Zaxxon (315-5013)
2031 - Superior Soldiers (US)
2032 - Superman (World)
2033 - Super-x (NTC)
2034 - Surprise Attack (World Ver. K)
2035 - Survival Arts (World)
2036 - SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom
2037 - SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom (JAMMA PCB, set 1)
2038 - Swat (315-5048)
2039 - Swat Police
2040 - Swimmer (set 1)
2041 - Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi
2042 - syscheck
2043 - Syusse Oozumou (Japan)
2044 - Syvalion (Japan)
2045 - T.N.K III (US)
2046 - Tac/scan
2047 - Tactician (set 1)
2048 - Tail To Nose - Great Championship
2049 - Taisen Hot Gimmick (Japan)
2050 - Taisen Hot Gimmick 3 Digital Surfing (Japan)
2051 - Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Japan)
2052 - Taisen Hot Gimmick Kairakuten (Japan)
2053 - Taito Cup Finals (Ver 1.0O 1993/02/28)
2054 - Taito Power Goal (Ver 2.5O 1994/11/03)
2055 - Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000)
2056 - Tank Busters
2057 - Tank Force (US, 2 Player)
2058 - Tank Force (US, 2 Players)
2059 - Tao Taido (2 button version)
2060 - Tao Taido (set 1)
2061 - Tapper (Budweiser, set 1)
2062 - Target Hits (Ver 1.1)
2063 - Task Force Harrier
2064 - Tatakai no Banka (US set 1)
2065 - Tattoo Assassins (US prototype)
2066 - Tazz-mania (set 1)
2067 - Tecmo Bowl (World)
2068 - Tecmo World Cup '90
2069 - Tecmo World Soccer '96
2070 - Teddyboy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.)
2071 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
2072 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA)
2073 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players)
2074 - Teki Paki
2075 - Tel Jan
2076 - Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware)
2077 - Tenchi wo Kurau (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)
2078 - Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031)
2079 - Tengai (World)
2080 - Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)
2081 - Terra Force
2082 - Terranean (DECO Cassette)
2083 - Terranean (DECO Cassette, US)
2084 - Test Tape (DECO Cassette)
2085 - Tetris (D.R. Korea)
2086 - Tetris (Japan, System E)
2087 - Tetris (set 1)
2088 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16a) (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093)
2089 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093)
2090 - Tetris / Bloxeed (Korean System 16 bootleg) (ISG Selection Master Type 2006)
2091 - Tetris / Bloxeed (Korean System 16 bootleg, ISG Selection Master Typ)
2092 - Tetris Plus 2 (World)
2093 - Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2
2094 - Th Strikes Back
2095 - The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea
2096 - The Astyanax
2097 - The Battle-Road
2098 - The Berlin Wall
2099 - The Big Pro Wrestling!
2100 - The Bounty
2101 - The Bounty (set 1)
2102 - The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3)
2103 - The Combatribes (US)
2104 - The Dealer
2105 - The Deep (Japan)
2106 - The Double Dynamites (Japan)
2107 - The Electric Yo-Yo (set 1)
2108 - The Empire Strikes Back
2109 - The End
2110 - The FairyLand Story
2111 - The Final Round (version M)
2112 - The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian (M68k label V101) (ARM label V107, ROM 06/06/03 SHEN JIAN V107)
2113 - The Great Ragtime Show
2114 - The Irritating Maze
2115 - The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou
2116 - The Karate Tournament
2117 - The Killing Blade (ver. 109, Chinese Board)
2118 - The Killing Blade Plus (China, ver. 300)
2119 - The King Of Dragons (World 910805)
2120 - The King of Fighters 2000
2121 - The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570) (NGH-2570)
2122 - The King of Fighters 2001
2123 - The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?)
2124 - The King of Fighters 2002
2125 - The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650)(NGH-2650)
2126 - The King of Fighters 2003
2127 - The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB)
2128 - The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710)
2129 - The King of Fighters '94
2130 - The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055)(NGH-055)
2131 - The King of Fighters '95
2132 - The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084)
2133 - The King of Fighters '96
2134 - The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214)
2135 - The King of Fighters '97
2136 - The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320)
2137 - The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest
2138 - The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (NGM-2420)
2139 - The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510)
2140 - The King of Fighters '99 : Millennium Battle
2141 - The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)
2142 - The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430)(NGH-2430)
2143 - The Last Day (set 1)
2144 - The Legend of Kage
2145 - The Legend of Silkroad
2146 - The Lost Castle In Darkmist
2147 - The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y)
2148 - The Masters of Kin
2149 - The NewZealand Story (World, new version) (newer PCB)
2150 - The NewZealand Story (World, new version, P0-043A PCB)
2151 - The Next Space (set 1)
2152 - The Ninja Kids (World)
2153 - The Ninja Warriors (World)
2154 - The Ninja Warriors (World, later version)
2155 - The Percussor
2156 - The Pit
2157 - The Punisher (World 930422)
2158 - The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2)
2159 - The Return of Ishtar
2160 - The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)
2161 - The Speed Rumbler (set 1)
2162 - The Super Spy
2163 - The Super Spy (NGM-011)(NGH-011)
2164 - The Tin Star (set 1)
2165 - The Tower of Druaga (New Ver.)
2166 - The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero
2167 - The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship
2168 - Thrash Rally
2169 - Thrash Rally (ALM-003)(ALH-003)
2170 - Three Wonders (World 910520)
2171 - Thunder & Lightning
2172 - Thunder Blade
2173 - Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056)
2174 - Thunder Ceptor
2175 - Thunder Cross (set 1)
2176 - Thunder Cross II (World)
2177 - Thunder Dragon (8th Jan. 1992, unprotected)
2178 - Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992)
2179 - Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993)
2180 - Thunder Fox (World)
2181 - Thunder Heroes
2182 - Thunder Hoop
2183 - Thunder Hoop (Ver. 1)
2184 - Thunder Zone (World, rev 1)
2185 - Thundercade
2186 - Thundercade / Twin Formation
2187 - Thunderjaws (rev 3)
2188 - Tiger Heli (US)
2189 - Tiger Road (US)
2190 - Timber
2191 - Time Fighter (Time Pilot conversion on Galaxian hardware)
2192 - Time Killers (v1.32)
2193 - Time Limit
2194 - Time Pilot
2195 - Time Pilot '84 (set 1)
2196 - Time Scanner
2197 - Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B)
2198 - Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)
2199 - Time Tunnel
2200 - Time's Up Demo
2201 - timesupd
2202 - tmnti
2203 - Toki (World, set 1)
2204 - Toki No Senshi - Chrono Soldier
2205 - Tokio
2206 - Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer)
2207 - Toobin' (rev 3)
2208 - Top Hunter
2209 - Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046)
2210 - Top Player's Golf
2211 - Top Player's Golf (NGM-003)(NGH-003)
2212 - Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1O 1993/05/21) (New Version)
2213 - Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1O 1993/05/21, New Version)
2214 - Top Secret (Euro)
2215 - Top Speed (World)
2216 - Toppy & Rappy
2217 - Tora e no Michi (US)
2218 - Toride II Adauchi Gaiden
2219 - Tornado (DECO Cassette)
2220 - Tornado (DECO Cassette, US)
2221 - Toryumon
2222 - totc
2223 - toto
2224 - Touch & Go (World)
2225 - Touchdown Fever (US)
2226 - Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104)
2227 - Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614)
2228 - Tournament Arkanoid (US)
2229 - Tournament Pro Golf (DECO Cassette)
2230 - Tournament Pro Golf (DECO Cassette, US)
2231 - Toypop
2232 - Track & Field
2233 - Transformer
2234 - Traverse Usa
2235 - Traverse USA / Zippy Race
2236 - Treasure Island (DECO Cassette, set 1)
2237 - Treasure Island (DECO Cassette, US, set 1)
2238 - Treasure of the Caribbean
2239 - Trick Trap (World?)
2240 - Tricky Doc (set 1)
2241 - Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World)
2242 - Triple Draw Poker
2243 - Triple Punch (set 1)
2244 - Tri-pool (Casino Tech)
2245 - Trivia Master (set 1)
2246 - Trojan (US set 1)
2247 - Tron (8/9)
2248 - Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0
2249 - Tropical Angel
2250 - Truxton / Tatsujin
2251 - Truxton II
2252 - Truxton II / Tatsujin Oh
2253 - Tumble Pop (World)
2254 - Turbo
2255 - Turbo (program 1513-1515)
2256 - Turbo Force (old revision)
2257 - Turbo Force (World)
2258 - Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118)
2259 - Turkey Hunting Usa V1.0
2260 - Turtle Ship (North America)
2261 - Turtles
2262 - Tutankham
2263 - twcup90
2264 - Twin Action
2265 - Twin Adventure (World)
2266 - Twin Brats (set 1)
2267 - Twin Cobra (World)
2268 - Twin Cobra II (Ver 2.1O 1995/11/30)
2269 - Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother
2270 - Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission
2271 - Twin Falcons
2272 - Twin Falcons / Whizz
2273 - Twin Hawk (World)
2274 - Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17) (Prototype)
2275 - Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17, prototype)
2276 - Twinbee (ROM version)
2277 - Twinkle
2278 - Twinkle Star Sprites
2279 - Two Crude (World FX version)
2280 - Two Tigers (dedicated)
2281 - twsoc96
2282 - U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan)
2283 - U.N. Squadron (USA)
2284 - U.s. Championship V'ball (US)
2285 - U.s. Classic
2286 - Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)
2287 - Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987)
2288 - Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (MC-8123, 317-0064)
2289 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)
2290 - Ultra Balloon
2291 - Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan)
2292 - Ultra X Weapons
2293 - Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai
2294 - ultracin
2295 - Ultraman (Japan)
2296 - Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!
2297 - Uncle Poo
2298 - Under Fire (World)
2299 - Undercover Cops (World)
2300 - Uniwar S
2301 - Unknown Pac-man Gambling Game
2302 - Up'n Down (315-5030)
2303 - Us Aaf Mustang (25th May. 1990)
2304 - Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan)
2305 - Valtric
2306 - Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929)
2307 - Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 970929)
2308 - Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316)
2309 - Vampire Savior 2 : The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)
2310 - Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)
2311 - Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)
2312 - Vampire: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705)
2313 - Vandyke (Japan)
2314 - Vanguard (SNK)
2315 - Vanguard II
2316 - Van-van Car
2317 - Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)
2318 - Varia Metal
2319 - Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)
2320 - Vasara
2321 - Vasara 2 (set 1)
2322 - Vastar (set 1)
2323 - Vendetta (World 4 Players ver. T)
2324 - Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T)
2325 - Victory Road
2326 - Video Hustler
2327 - Viewpoint
2328 - Vigilante (World, Rev E)
2329 - Vigilante (World, set 1)
2330 - Vimana (World, set 1)
2331 - Vindicators (rev 5)
2332 - Vindicators Part II (rev 3)
2333 - Violence Fight (World)
2334 - Violent Storm (ver EAC)
2335 - V-Liner (set 1)
2336 - Volfied (World, revision 1)
2337 - Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer
2338 - VS Block Breaker (Asia)
2339 - Vs Block Breaker (Europe)
2340 - Vs Gong Fight
2341 - VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran
2342 - Vs Mahjong Otome Ryouran (set 1)
2343 - Vulcan Venture (NEW)
2344 - Vulgus (set 1)
2345 - Wacko
2346 - Wai Wai Jockey Gate-in!
2347 - Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan)
2348 - Waku Waku 7
2349 - Wall Crash (set 1)
2350 - Wally Wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B)
2351 - Wanted
2352 - War Of Aero - Project Meiou
2353 - War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushr
2354 - War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze
2355 - Wardner (World)
2356 - Warp & Warp
2357 - Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan)
2358 - Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
2359 - Warzard (Euro 961121)
2360 - Water Balls
2361 - Water Match (315-5064)
2362 - Water Ski
2363 - Welltris (World?, 2 players)
2364 - Wheels Runner
2365 - Wiggie Waggie
2366 - Wild Fang
2367 - Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight
2368 - Wild West C.o.w.-boys Of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)
2369 - Wild Western (set 1)
2370 - Willow (USA)
2371 - Willow (World)
2372 - Wily Tower
2373 - Windjammers
2374 - Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
2375 - Wing Force (Japan, prototype)
2376 - Wing Shooting Championship V2.00
2377 - wingforc
2378 - Wiping
2379 - Wit's (Japan)
2380 - Wiz
2381 - Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1)
2382 - Wizz Quiz (Konami version)
2383 - wofch
2384 - Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177)
2385 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B, 8751 317-0098)
2386 - Wonder Boy In Monster Land (Japan New Ver., MC-8123, 317-0043)
2387 - Wonder League '96 (Korea)
2388 - Wonder League Star - Sok-magicball Fighting (Korea)
2389 - Wonder Momo
2390 - Wonder Planet (Japan)
2391 - Wonder Stick
2392 - Wonder Stick (set 1)
2393 - Woodpecker (set 1)
2394 - World Class Bowling (v1.66)
2395 - World Class Bowling Deluxe (v2.00)
2396 - World Court (Japan)
2397 - World Cup Volley '95 (Japan v1.0)
2398 - World Heroes
2399 - World Heroes (ALM-005)
2400 - World Heroes 2
2401 - World Heroes 2 (ALM-006)(ALH-006)
2402 - World Heroes 2 Jet
2403 - World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007)(ADH-007)
2404 - World Heroes Perfect
2405 - World Rally (set 1)
2406 - World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 0E56)
2407 - World Rally 2: Twin Racing
2408 - World Stadium (Japan)
2409 - World Wars (World?)
2410 - Wow New Fantasia
2411 - Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103)
2412 - Ww2 Demo - Arcade Development Project
2413 - Wwf Superstars (Europe)
2414 - WWF WrestleFest (US set 1)
2415 - Wwf Wrestlefest (World)
2416 - Wyvern F-0
2417 - wyvernf0
2418 - X Multiply (World, M81)
2419 - Xain'd Sleena (World)
2420 - Xess - The New Revolution
2421 - XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1)
2422 - Xexex (ver EAA)
2423 - X-men (4 Players ver UBB)
2424 - X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004)
2425 - X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
2426 - Xor World (Prototype)
2427 - Xx Mission
2428 - Xybots (rev 2)
2429 - Xyonix
2430 - Yamato (US)
2431 - Yes/no Sinri Tokimeki Chart
2432 - Yie Ar Kung-fu (program code I)
2433 - Youjyuden (Japan)
2434 - Yuuyu No Quiz De Go!go! (Japan)
2435 - Zaviga
2436 - Zaxxon (set 1)
2437 - Zaxxon (set 1, rev D)
2438 - Zed Blade
2439 - Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok
2440 - Zektor (Revision B)
2441 - Zero Point (set 1)
2442 - Zero Point 2
2443 - Zero Team USA (set 1, US, Fabtek license)
2444 - Zero Team Usa (US)
2445 - Zero Wing
2446 - Zero Wing (2P set)
2447 - Zero Zone
2448 - Zeroize (DECO Cassette)
2449 - Zeroize (DECO Cassette, US)
2450 - Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1)
2451 - zigzagb
2452 - Zing Zing Zip
2453 - Zintrick (bootleg of CD version)
2454 - Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (hack)
2455 - Zip & Zap
2456 - Zoar
2457 - Zodiack
2458 - Zombie Raid (9/28/95, US)
2459 - Zoo Keeper (set 1)
2460 - Zupapa
2461 - Zupapa!
Arcade MAME - 2101 Jeux
1 - 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/07/18)
2 - 10-yard Fight (World, set 1)
3 - 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)
4 - 1942 (Revision B)
5 - 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan)
6 - 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro)
7 - 1945k III
8 - 1945k III (newer, OPCX2 PCB)
9 - 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21)
10 - 280-ZZZAP
11 - 4 En Raya (set 1)
12 - 4 Fun In 1
13 - 4-D Warriors (315-5162)
14 - 64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)
15 - 720° (rev 4)
16 - 7jigen No Youseitachi - Mahjong 7 Dimensions (Japan)
17 - 800 Fathoms
18 - '88 Games
19 - 9 Ball Shootout (set 1)
20 - '99 The Last War (alternate)
21 - '99: The Last War (set 1)
22 - 9-Ball Shootout (set 1)
23 - A.B. Cop (World, FD1094 317-0169b)
24 - Acclaim PSX
25 - Acrobat Mission
26 - Acrobatic Dog-Fight
27 - Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)
28 - Act-fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3)
29 - Action Hollywood
30 - Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan) (newer hardware)
31 - After Burner
32 - After Burner II
33 - Age Of Heroes - Silkroad 2 (v0.63 - 2001/02/07)
34 - Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion)
35 - Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Japan)
36 - Ah Eikou No Koshien (Japan)
37 - Air Assault (World)
38 - Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (World)
39 - Air Duel (Japan)
40 - Air Duel (World, M82-A-A + M82-B-A)
41 - Air Gallet (Europe)
42 - Air Inferno (US)
43 - Air Rescue
44 - Air Rescue (US)
45 - Airwolf
46 - Ajax (Japan)
47 - Akuu Gallet (Europe)
48 - aladbl
49 - Aladdin (bootleg of Japanese MegaDrive version)
50 - Alcon
51 - Alex Kidd (set 2)
52 - Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (set 2, unprotected)
53 - Alien Challenge (World)
54 - Alien Sector
55 - Alien Storm (World, 2 Players, FD1094 317-0154)
56 - Alien Syndrome (set 2, System 16A, FD1089A 317-0033)
57 - Alien3: The Gun (World)
58 - Aliens (World set 1)
59 - aligatun
60 - All American Football (rev C)
61 - Alley Master
62 - Alligator Hunt (Unprotected)
63 - Alpha Fighter / Head On
64 - Alpine Ski (set 2)
65 - Altair
66 - Altered Beast (set 8, 8751 317-0078)
67 - Amazing Maze
68 - Ambush (Tecfri)
69 - ambusht
70 - American Horseshoes (US)
71 - American Speedway (set 1)
72 - Amidar
73 - Angel Kids (Japan)
74 - Anteater
75 - Apache 3
76 - Apb - All Points Bulletin (rev 7)
77 - Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue)
78 - Apparel Night (Japan 860929)
79 - Appoooh
80 - Aqua Jack (World)
81 - Aquarium (Japan)
82 - Aquarium (US)
83 - Arabian (Atari)
84 - Arabian Fight (World)
85 - Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0O 1992/07/06)
86 - Arbalester
87 - Arcade Classics (Prototype)
88 - arcadia
89 - Arcadia 2001
90 - Arch Rivals (rev 4.0 6/29/89)
91 - Area 88 (Japan)
92 - Argus
93 - Ark Area
94 - Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh (World)
95 - Arkanoid (World)
96 - Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10)
97 - Arlington Horse Racing (v1.21-D)
98 - Arm Wrestling
99 - Armed Formation
100 - Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998)
101 - Armed Police Batrider (Europe, Fri Feb 13 1998)
102 - Armor Attack (Rock-Ola)
103 - Armored Car (set 1)
104 - Ashura Blaster (World)
105 - Aso - Armored Scrum Object
106 - Assault (Japan)
107 - Asterix (ver EAD)
108 - Asteroids (rev 4)
109 - Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)
110 - Astro Blaster (version 3)
111 - Astro Fighter (set 1)
112 - Astro Invader
113 - Asuka & Asuka (World)
114 - Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty (Japan)
115 - Asylum (Prototype)
116 - Atari Baseball (set 1)
117 - Atari Football (revision 1)
118 - Atari Soccer
119 - Ataxx (set 1)
120 - Athena
121 - Athena No Hatena ?
122 - Atlantic City Action
123 - Atomic Boy (Revision B)
124 - Atomic Point (Korea)
125 - Atomic Punk (US)
126 - Atomic Robo-kid
127 - Aurail (set 2)
128 - Aurail (set 2, FD1089B 317-0168)
129 - Avalanche
130 - Avengers (set 2)
131 - Avenging Spirit
132 - Aztarac
133 - Azurian Attack
134 - B.C. Kid - Arcade Version
135 - B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin
136 - B.c. Story (set 1)
137 - B.rap Boys (World)
138 - Back Fire (Tecmo, bootleg)
139 - Back Street Soccer (KRB-0031 PCB)
140 - Backfire! (set 1)
141 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US)
142 - Bad Lands
143 - Bagman
144 - Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002)
145 - Bakutotsu Kijuutei
146 - Bal Cube
147 - Balloon Bomber
148 - Balloon Brothers
149 - Baluba-louk No Densetsu (Japan)
150 - BanBam
151 - Bang Bang Ball (v1.05)
152 - Bang!
153 - Bank Panic
154 - Barrier
155 - Baseball: The Season II
156 - Basketball
157 - Batman
158 - Batsugun
159 - Battlantis (program code G)
160 - Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999)
161 - Battle Bubble (v2.00)
162 - Battle Chopper
163 - Battle Circuit (Japan 970319)
164 - Battle Cross
165 - Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996)
166 - Battle K-Road
167 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 1)
168 - Battle Of Atlantis (set 2)
169 - Battle Rangers (World)
170 - Battle Shark (World)
171 - Battlecry
172 - Battletoads
173 - Bay Route (Datsu bootleg)
174 - Beach Festival World Championship 1997
175 - Beam Invader
176 - Beast Busters (World)
177 - Beathead (Prototype)
178 - Bells & Whistles (Version L)
179 - Ben Bero Beh (Japan)
180 - Beraboh Man (Japan, Rev C)
181 - Bermuda Triangle (World?)
182 - Berzerk (set 1)
183 - Best Bout Boxing
184 - Best Of Best
185 - Big Bang (9th Nov. 1993)
186 - Big Event Golf (US)
187 - Big Fight - Big Trouble In The Atlantic Ocean
188 - Big Karnak
189 - Big Run (11th Rallye version)
190 - Big Striker
191 - Bio Attack
192 - Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1885)
193 - Bio-ship Paladin
194 - Birdie King
195 - Birdie King 2
196 - Birdie King 3
197 - Birdie Try (Japan)
198 - Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken (ver JAA, 3 Players)
199 - Black Heart (Japan)
200 - Black Hole
201 - Black Panther
202 - Black Touch '96
203 - Black Widow
204 - Blade Master (World)
205 - Blades Of Steel (version T)
206 - Blandia
207 - Blandia (Prototype)
208 - Blast Off (Japan)
209 - Blasted
210 - Blaster
211 - Blasteroids (rev 4)
212 - Blasto
213 - Blaze On (Japan)
214 - Blazer (Japan)
215 - Blazing Lazers
216 - Blazing Lazers (United Amusements PC Engine)
217 - Blazing Tornado
218 - blkhearj
219 - blmbycau
220 - Block Block (World 910910)
221 - Block Block (World 911219 Joystick)
222 - Block Carnival / Thunder And Lightning 2
223 - Block Gal (bootleg)
224 - Block Hole
225 - Block Out (set 1)
226 - Blockade
227 - BlockBuster
228 - Blocken (Japan)
229 - Blomby Car (not encrypted)
230 - Blood Bros. (set 1)
231 - Blood Storm (v2.22)
232 - Blood Warrior
233 - Bloxeed (World, C System)
234 - Blue Hawk
235 - Blue Print (Midway)
236 - Boardwalk Casino
237 - Body Slam (8751 317-0015)
238 - Bogey Manor
239 - Boggy '84
240 - Bomb Bee
241 - Bomb Jack (set 1)
242 - Bomber Man World
243 - Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest
244 - Bomberman
245 - Bombjack Twin (set 1)
246 - Bombs Away
247 - Bombs Away (Prototype)
248 - Bonanza Bros (US, Floppy DS3-5000-07d? Based)
249 - Bonze Adventure (World, newer)
250 - Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07)
251 - Boomer Rang'r / Genesis (set 1)
252 - Boot Hill
253 - Borderline
254 - Borench
255 - Borench (set 1)
256 - Born To Fight
257 - Bosconian (New version)
258 - Botanic (English / Spanish)
259 - Botanic (French)
260 - Bottom Of The Ninth (version T)
261 - Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World)
262 - Bouncing Balls
263 - Bowl-O-Rama
264 - Boxy Boy (SB?)
265 - Brain
266 - Break Thru (US)
267 - Breywood (US)
268 - Brute Force
269 - Bubble 2000
270 - Bubble 2000 (Korea, with adult pictures)
271 - Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1)
272 - Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.5O 1994/10/05)
273 - Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)
274 - Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.4O 1996/02/15)
275 - Bubbles (Solid Red label)
276 - Buccaneers (set 1)
277 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
278 - Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB)
279 - Buggy Boy/speed Buggy (cockpit)
280 - Buggy Challenge
281 - Bull Fighter
282 - Bullfight (315-5065)
283 - Bulls Eye Darts
284 - Burger Time (Data East set 1)
285 - Burglar X
286 - Burnin' Rubber
287 - Burning Force (Japan, new version (Rev C))
288 - Burning Rival (World)
289 - Butasan - Pig's & Bomber's (Japan, English)
290 - B-wings (Japan new Ver.)
291 - Bygone
292 - Bygone (Prototype)
293 - Cabal (World, Joystick version)
294 - Cachat
295 - Cactus (bootleg of Saboten Bombers)
296 - Cadash (World)
297 - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)
298 - Cadillacs: Kyouryuu Shin Seiki (Japan 930201)
299 - Caliber 50
300 - Calipso
301 - Calorie Kun Vs Moguranian
302 - Cameltry (US, YM2610)
303 - Cannon Ball (Yun Sung, horizontal)
304 - Canyon Bomber
305 - Capcom Baseball (Japan)
306 - Capcom Baseball: Suketto Gaijin Oo-Abare (Japan)
307 - Capcom Bowling (set 1)
308 - Captain America And The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.4)
309 - Captain Silver (World)
310 - Car Hunt / Deep Scan
311 - Car Jamboree
312 - Carrera (Version 6.7)
313 - Cash Quiz (Type B, Version 5)
314 - Cat And Mouse (set 1)
315 - Cavelon
316 - Caveman Ninja (World ver 4)
317 - Centipede (bootleg of Centipede)
318 - Cerberus
319 - Chack'n Pop
320 - Chain Reaction (World, Version 2.2, 1995.09.25)
321 - Challenger
322 - Chameleon
323 - Chameleon 24
324 - Champion Base Ball
325 - Champion Boxing
326 - Champion Pro Wrestling
327 - Champion Wrestler (World)
328 - Championship Sprint (rev 3)
329 - Chance Kun (Japan)
330 - Change Air Blade (Japan)
331 - Changes
332 - Charlie Ninja
333 - Chase H.q. (World)
334 - Check Man
335 - Checkmate
336 - Cheeky Mouse
337 - Cheese Chase
338 - Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World)
339 - Chequered Flag
340 - Cheyenne (version 1.0)
341 - Chicken Shift
342 - Chiller (version 3.0)
343 - Chimera Beast (prototype)
344 - China Gate (US)
345 - China Town (Japan)
346 - Chinese Hero
347 - Choplifter (8751 315-5151)
348 - Chopper I (US set 1)
349 - Chuka Taisen (World)
350 - Chuka Taisen (World, P0-028-A PCB)
351 - Circus
352 - Circus / Acrobat TV
353 - Circus Charlie (level select, set 1)
354 - Cisco Heat
355 - City Bomber (World)
356 - City Connection (set 1)
357 - Clash-road
358 - Clay Pigeon (Version 2.0)
359 - Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1J 1996/09/05)
360 - Cliff Hanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3)
361 - Cloak & Dagger (rev 5)
362 - Cloud 9 (Prototype)
363 - Clutch Hitter (US, FD1094 317-0176)
364 - Cobra-command (World/US revision 5)
365 - Colony 7 (set 1)
366 - Columns (World)
367 - Columns II: The Voyage Through Time (World)
368 - Combat School (Joystick)
369 - Command War - Super Special Battle & War Game (Ver 0.0J) (Prototype)
370 - Commando (Sega)
371 - Congo Bongo (Rev C, 2 board stack)
372 - Continental Circus (World)
373 - Contra (US, set 1)
374 - Cookie & Bibi 2
375 - Cool Minigame Collection
376 - Cop 01 (set 1)
377 - Cosmic Alien (version II)
378 - Cosmic Avenger
379 - Cosmic Cop (World)
380 - Cosmic Guerilla
381 - Cosmo
382 - Cosmo Gang the Video (US)
383 - Cosmo Police Galivan (12/26/1985)
384 - Cosmos
385 - Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0181a)
386 - Cotton (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0181a)
387 - Country Club
388 - Country Girl (World?)
389 - Crack Down (World, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-04c)
390 - Crackshot (Version 2.0)
391 - Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan)
392 - Crazy Climber (US)
393 - Crazy Climber 2 (Japan)
394 - Crazy Cross (ver JAA)
395 - Crazy Fight
396 - Crazy Kong
397 - Crazy Rally (set 1)
398 - Crazy War
399 - Crazzy Clownz (version 1.0)
400 - Crime City (World)
401 - Crime Fighters (US 4 Players)
402 - Crime Fighters (World 2 Players)
403 - crimfghtu
404 - Cross Pang
405 - Crossbow (Version 2.0)
406 - Crude Buster (World FX version)
407 - Crush Roller (set 1)
408 - Crusher Makochan (Japan)
409 - Crystal Castles (version 4)
410 - Crystal Gal (Japan 860512)
411 - Crystal Gal 2 (Japan 860620)
412 - Cuby Bop (location test)
413 - Cue Brick (World version D)
414 - Cue Brick (World, version D)
415 - Curve Ball
416 - Cute Fighter
417 - cutefght
418 - Cybattler
419 - Cyber Commando (Rev. CY1, Japan)
420 - Cyber Sled (World)
421 - Cyberball (rev 4)
422 - Cycle Warriors (rev C)
423 - Cyvern (US)
424 - D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players, FD1094 317-0190)
425 - Dacholer
426 - Daikaiju No Gyakushu
427 - Daioh
428 - Daioh (set 1)
429 - Daisu-kiss (ver JAA)
430 - Danger Zone
431 - Dangerous Dungeons (set 1)
432 - Dangerous Seed (Japan)
433 - Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13) (Prototype)
434 - Dan-ku-ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)
435 - Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat
436 - Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels
437 - Darius (World)
438 - Darius (World, rev 2)
439 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (Ver 2.5O 1994/09/19)
440 - Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk Extra Version (Ver 2.7J 1995/03/06) (Official Hack)
441 - Darius II (triple screen) (Japan)
442 - Dark Edge (World)
443 - Dark Planet
444 - Dark Seal (World revision 3)
445 - Dark Tower
446 - Darwin 4078 (Japan)
447 - Datsun 280 Zzzap
448 - D-con
449 - D-day
450 - Dead Angle
451 - Dead Connection (World)
452 - Dead Eye
453 - Death Brade (World ver EM-5)
454 - Deer Hunting Usa V4.3
455 - Defense (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028)
456 - Demolition Derby
457 - Demon Front (68k label V105, ROM M105XX 08/05/02, ARM label V10)
458 - Demoneye-x
459 - Demons & Dragons (Prototype)
460 - Demon's World (set 1)
461 - Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1)
462 - Denjin Makai
463 - Depthcharge
464 - Desert Breaker (World, FD1094 317-0196)
465 - Desert War
466 - Desert War / Wangan Sensou
467 - Destroyer (Cidelsa) (set 1)
468 - Detana Twinbee ! (World, version L)
469 - Devastators (ver. Z)
470 - Devil Fish
471 - Devil World
472 - Devil Zone
473 - Dharma Doujou
474 - Diamond Run
475 - Diet Go Go (Euro v1.1 1992.09.26)
476 - Dig Dug (rev 2)
477 - Dig Dug II (New Ver.)
478 - Digger
479 - Dimahoo (Euro 000121)
480 - Dingo
481 - Dino Rex (World)
482 - Dirt Fox (Japan)
483 - Disco Boy
484 - Disco No.1
485 - Diver Boy
486 - Dj Boy (set 1)
487 - Do! Run Run (set 1)
488 - Dock Man
489 - DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05)
490 - DoDonPachi DaiOuJou (Japan, 2002.04.05.Master Ver)
491 - DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou V101 (2002.04.05.Master Ver)
492 - DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (World, ver. 102)
493 - Dog Fight (Thunderbolt)
494 - Dog Patch
495 - Dog-Fight
496 - Dogyuun
497 - Doki Doki Penguin Land
498 - Domino Man
499 - Dominos
500 - Dommy
501 - Don Doko Don (World)
502 - Donkey Kong (US set 1)
503 - Donkey Kong 3 (US)
504 - Donkey Kong Junior (US set F-2)
505 - DonPachi (US)
506 - Dorachan
507 - Dora-chan (Japan)
508 - Dorodon (set 1)
509 - Dottori Kun (New version)
510 - Double Axle (US)
511 - Double Dragon (Japan)
512 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone
513 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge
514 - Double Dribble
515 - Double Wings
516 - Downtown (set 1)
517 - DownTown / Mokugeki (set 1)
518 - Dr. Micro
519 - Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World)
520 - Dragon Ball Z V.r.v.s. (Japan)
521 - Dragon Blaze
522 - Dragon Bowl
523 - Dragon Breed (M81 PCB version)
524 - Dragon Buster
525 - Dragon Gun (US)
526 - Dragon Master
527 - Dragon Saber (Japan, Rev B)
528 - Dragon Unit / Castle Of Dragon
529 - Dragon World II (ver. 110X, Export)
530 - DragonBall Z (rev B)
531 - Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle
532 - Dragonninja (US)
533 - Dramatic Adventure Quiz Keith & Lucy (Japan)
534 - Dream Shopper
535 - Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware)
536 - Dream World
537 - Dribbling
538 - Drift Out (Europe)
539 - Drift Out '94 - The Hard Order (Japan)
540 - Driving Force (Pac-Man conversion)
541 - Dungeon Magic (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)
542 - Dunk Mania (World, DM2/VER.C)
543 - Dyger (Korea set 1)
544 - Dyna Gear
545 - Dynablaster / Bomber Man
546 - Dynamic Country Club (World, ROM Based)
547 - Dynamic Shoot Kyousou
548 - Dynamite Duke (Europe set 1)
549 - Dynamite Dux (Datsu bootleg)
550 - Dynamite League (US)
551 - E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force
552 - Eagle Shot Golf
553 - Egg Venture (Release 10)
554 - Eggor
555 - Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)
556 - Eight Forces
557 - Elevator Action
558 - Elevator Action (5 pcb version, 1.1)
559 - Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20)
560 - Eliminator (2 Players, set 1)
561 - Emeraldia (World)
562 - Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?)
563 - Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A)
564 - Enforce (World)
565 - Enigma II
566 - Equites
567 - Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (set 1)
568 - Escape Kids (Japan, 2 players)
569 - ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22)
570 - Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver)
571 - Espial (Europe)
572 - E-swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World, FD1094 317-0130)
573 - Evil Stone
574 - Excelsior (set 1)
575 - Exciting Soccer
576 - Exciting Soccer II
577 - Exed Exes
578 - Exerion
579 - Explosive Breaker
580 - Express Raider (World, Rev 4)
581 - Extermination (World)
582 - Exterminator
583 - Extra Bases
584 - Extreme Downhill (v1.5)
585 - Exvania (World)
586 - Exzisus (Japan, dedicated)
587 - Eyes (US set 1)
588 - F-1 Dream
589 - F1 Exhaust Note
590 - F1 Exhaust Note (World)
591 - F-1 Grand Prix
592 - F-1 Grand Prix Part II
593 - Face Off (Japan 2 Players)
594 - Face Off (Japan)
595 - Fancy World - Earth Of Crisis
596 - Fantasy (Japan)
597 - Fantasy Land (set 1)
598 - Fantasy Zone (Rev A, unprotected)
599 - Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (MC-8123, 317-0057)
600 - Fast Lane
601 - Faster, Harder, More Challenging Q*bert (Prototype)
602 - Fever SOS (International, Ver. 98/09/25)
603 - Field Day
604 - Fighter & Attacker (US)
605 - Fighter's History (World ver 43-09, DE-0395-1 PCB)
606 - Fighting Basketball
607 - Fighting Golf (World?)
608 - Fighting Hawk (World)
609 - Fighting Roller
610 - Fighting Soccer
611 - Final Blow (World)
612 - Final Lap (Rev E)
613 - Final Lap R (rev. B)
614 - Final Star Force (US)
615 - Final Tetris
616 - Finalizer - Super Transformation
617 - Finest Hour (Japan)
618 - Fire Battle
619 - Fire One
620 - Fire Shark
621 - Fire Trap (US)
622 - Fire Truck / Smokey Joe
623 - Firebeast (Prototype)
624 - Fishin' Frenzy (Prototype)
625 - Fixeight (Europe)
626 - Flashgal (set 1)
627 - Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051)
628 - Flicky (128k Version, System 2, 315-5051)
629 - Flower (US)
630 - Fly-boy
631 - Flying Shark (World)
632 - Flying Tiger (set 1)
633 - Food Fight (rev 3)
634 - Football Champ (World)
635 - Formation Z
636 - Forty-Love
637 - Forty-love (World)
638 - Four Trax
639 - Freeze
640 - Frenzy
641 - Frisky Tom (set 1)
642 - Frog & Spiders (bootleg?)
643 - Frog Feast
644 - Frogger
645 - Frogs
646 - From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams
647 - Front Line
648 - Fruits & Bunny (World?)
649 - Funky Bee
650 - Funky Fish
651 - Funky Jet (World, rev 1)
652 - Funny Bubble
653 - Funny Mouse (Japan)
654 - Funny Strip
655 - Future Spy (315-5061)
656 - G.i. Joe (World, EAB, set 1)
657 - Gaia Crusaders
658 - Gaiapolis (ver EAF)
659 - Gain Ground (World, 3 Players, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-03d Rev A)
660 - Galactic Warriors
661 - Galaga (Namco rev. B)
662 - Galaga '88
663 - Galaxian (Namco set 1)
664 - Galaxy Force 2
665 - Galaxy Games Bios
666 - Galaxy Gunners
667 - Galaxy Ranger
668 - Galaxy Wars (Universal set 1)
669 - Galmedes (Japan)
670 - Gals Hustler
671 - Ganbare Ginkun
672 - Gang Busters (set 1)
673 - Gang Wars
674 - Gaplus (GP2 rev. B)
675 - Gardia (317-0006)
676 - Garyo Retsuden (Japan)
677 - Gauntlet (rev 14)
678 - Gauntlet II
679 - Gee Bee (Japan)
680 - gekirido
681 - Gekirindan (Ver 2.3J 1995/09/21)
682 - Gekisou (Japan)
683 - Gemini Wing (Japan)
684 - Genix Family
685 - Genpei Toumaden
686 - Ghost Chaser Densei (SNES bootleg)
687 - Ghost Hunter
688 - Ghox (spinner)
689 - Gigandes
690 - Gigas (bootleg)
691 - Gigas Mark II (bootleg)
692 - Gimme A Break (7/7/85)
693 - Ginga Ninkyouden (set 1)
694 - Gionbana [bet] (Japan 890207)
695 - Gladiator (US)
696 - Gladiator / Road Of The Sword / Shen Jian, The (M68k label V101, ARM label V107, ROM 06/06/03 SHEN)
697 - Gladiator 1984
698 - G-LOC Air Battle (US)
699 - G-loc Air Battle (World)
700 - Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi / Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun
701 - Go Go! Mile Smile
702 - Go Go! Mile Smile (newer)
703 - Goal! '92
704 - Goalie Ghost
705 - Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95/06/20)
706 - Goindol (World)
707 - Gold Bug
708 - Gold Medalist (set 1)
709 - Golden Axe
710 - Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World)
711 - Golden Canaries (1VXFC5462, New Zealand)
712 - Golden Fire II
713 - Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.1)
714 - Golgo 13 (Japan, GLG1/VER.A)
715 - Gomoku Narabe Renju
716 - Gondomania (US)
717 - Gorf
718 - Got-cha Mini Game Festival
719 - Gradius (Japan, ROM version)
720 - Gradius (ROM version)
721 - Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (Japan New Ver.)
722 - Gradius III (World, program code R)
723 - Grand Champion
724 - Grand Cross
725 - Grand Cross V1.02f
726 - Grand Prix Star
727 - Grand Prix Star (v3.0)
728 - Grand Striker
729 - Grand Striker - Human Cup (Europe, Oceania)
730 - Grand Striker 2 (Europe and Oceania)
731 - Gratia - Second Earth (92047-01 version)
732 - Gravitar (version 3)
733 - Great Mahou Daisakusen (Euro 000121)
734 - Great Sluggers '94
735 - Great Swordsman (World?)
736 - Green Beret
737 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver 1.3O)
738 - Gridiron Fight
739 - Gridlee
740 - Grind Stormer
741 - Grobda (New Ver.)
742 - Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan)
743 - Growl (World)
744 - Grudge Match (Yankee Game Technology)
745 - Gryzor (US / Asia, set 1)
746 - Guardians / Denjin Makai II
747 - Guardians Of The 'hood
748 - Guardians: Denjin Makai II
749 - Guerrilla War (US)
750 - Guided Missile
751 - Gulf Storm (set 1)
752 - Gulf War II (set 1)
753 - Gun & Frontier (World)
754 - Gun Fight (set 1)
755 - Gun Force II
756 - Gun Master
757 - Gunbarich
758 - Gunbird (Korea)
759 - Gunbird 2
760 - Gunbuster (World)
761 - Gundhara
762 - Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World)
763 - Gunlock (Ver 2.3O 1994/01/20)
764 - GunNail (28th May. 1992)
765 - Guts N' Glory (Prototype)
766 - Guts'n (Japan)
767 - Guwange (Japan, Master Ver. 99/06/24)
768 - Guzzler
769 - Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan)
770 - Gypsy Juggler
771 - Gyrodine
772 - Gyruss
773 - Hachoo!
774 - Hal21
775 - Halley's Comet (US)
776 - Hammer
777 - Hammerin' Harry (World)
778 - Hana to Ojisan [BET] (Japan 911209)
779 - Hanafuda Hana Gokou (Japan)
780 - Hang-on (rev A)
781 - Hang-on Jr.
782 - Happy 6-in-1 (ver. 102CN)
783 - Hard Dunk (World)
784 - Hard Hat
785 - Hard Head
786 - Hard Head 2 (v2.0)
787 - Hard Yardage (v1.20)
788 - Hasamu (Japan)
789 - Hat Trick
790 - Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0J 1993/02/28)
791 - Hatris (US)
792 - Haunted Castle (version M)
793 - Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo (Japan)
794 - Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo 2 (Japan)
795 - Head On (2 Players)
796 - Head On (Irem, M-15 Hardware)
797 - Head On 2
798 - Heated Barrel (World version 3)
799 - Heavy Barrel (US)
800 - Heavy Metal (315-5135)
801 - Heavyweight Champ
802 - Hebereke No Popoon (Japan)
803 - Heiankyo Alien
804 - Helifire (set 1)
805 - Hellfire (2P set)
806 - Hexa
807 - Hexion (Japan ver JAB)
808 - High Impact Football (rev LA5 02/15/91)
809 - High Voltage
810 - High Way Race
811 - Hippodrome (US)
812 - Hissatsu Buraiken (US Set 2)
813 - Hit 'n Miss (version 3.0)
814 - Hit The Ice (US)
815 - Hoccer (set 1)
816 - Hole Land
817 - Holosseum (US)
818 - Hook (World)
819 - Hoops '96 (Europe/Asia 2.0)
820 - Hopper Robo
821 - Hopping Mappy
822 - Horizon (Irem)
823 - Hot Bubble
824 - Hot Chase
825 - Hot Chase (set 1)
826 - Hot Rod (World, 3 Players, Turbo set 1, Floppy Based)
827 - Hot Shocker
828 - Hot Shots Tennis (v1.1)
829 - Hotdog Storm (International)
830 - House Mannequin (Japan 870217)
831 - House Mannequin Roppongi Live Hen (Japan 870418)
832 - Hunchback (set 1)
833 - Hunchback Olympic
834 - Hustle
835 - Hydra
836 - Hyper Crash (version D)
837 - Hyper Pacman
838 - Hyper Sports
839 - I, Robot
840 - Igmo
841 - Ikari III - The Rescue (World, 8-way Joystick)
842 - Ikari Warriors (US JAMMA)
843 - Ikki (Japan)
844 - I'm Sorry (315-5110, US)
845 - Image Fight (World, revision A)
846 - Imago (cocktail set)
847 - Imola Grand Prix (set 1)
848 - In The Hunt (World)
849 - Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (set 1)
850 - Indoor Soccer (set 1)
851 - Inferno (Williams)
852 - Insector (Prototype)
853 - Insector X (World)
854 - Intrepid (set 1)
855 - Invader's Revenge (set 1)
856 - Invinco
857 - Invinco / Deep Scan
858 - Invinco / Head On 2
859 - Ipm Invader
860 - Iq-block
861 - Iron Fortress
862 - Iron Horse
863 - Iron Horse (version K)
864 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road
865 - Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-road Track-pak
866 - Itazura Tenshi (Japan)
867 - Ixion (Prototype)
868 - J. J. Squawkers
869 - Jack Rabbit (set 1)
870 - Jack The Giantkiller (set 1)
871 - Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick)
872 - Jackie Chan - The Kung-fu Master
873 - Jackie Chan In Fists Of Fire
874 - Jail Break
875 - Jangou Lady (Japan)
876 - Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
877 - J-league Soccer V-shoot (Japan)
878 - Joe & Mac (World ver 4)
879 - Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27)
880 - John Elway's Team Quarterback (set 1)
881 - Journey
882 - Joust (White/Green label)
883 - Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest
884 - Joust 2 - Survival Of The Fittest (revision 2)
885 - Joyful Road (Japan)
886 - Jr. Pac-man (11/9/83)
887 - Judge Dredd (rev LA1, prototype)
888 - Jump Bug
889 - Jump Coaster
890 - Jump Shot
891 - Jumping Cross
892 - Jumping Jack
893 - Jungle King (Brazil)
894 - Jungler
895 - Juno First
896 - Jurassic Park (World)
897 - Kabuki-z (World)
898 - Kageki (World)
899 - Kaiser Knuckle (Ver 2.1O 1994/07/29)
900 - Kamikaze
901 - Kamikaze Cabbie
902 - Kangaroo (Atari)
903 - Kaos
904 - Karate Blazers (World)
905 - Karate Champ (US)
906 - Karian Cross (Rev. 1.0)
907 - Karnov (US, rev 6)
908 - Ken-Go
909 - Kero Kero Keroppi's Let's Play Together (USA, Version 2.0)
910 - Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver.)
911 - Kick (cocktail)
912 - Kick And Run (World)
913 - Kick Boy
914 - Kick Goal
915 - Kick Off (Japan)
916 - Kick Rider
917 - Kick Start - Wheelie King
918 - Kicker
919 - Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World)
920 - Kid No Hore Hore Daisakusen
921 - Kiki Kaikai
922 - Killer Comet
923 - King & Balloon (US)
924 - King Of Boxer (World)
925 - King Of Dynast Gear (Version 1.8)
926 - Kitten Kaboodle
927 - Klax (set 1)
928 - Knightmare (Prototype)
929 - Knights of the Round (World 911127)
930 - Knights of Valour (ver. 117)
931 - Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 117)
932 - Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 107, 102, 100HK)
933 - Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sangoku Senki 2 Plus - Nine Dragons (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)
934 - Knights of Valour Plus / Sangoku Senki Plus (ver. 119, set 1)
935 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)
936 - Knuckle Bash
937 - Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg)
938 - Knuckle Heads (World)
939 - Knuckle Joe (set 1)
940 - Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan)
941 - Konami Gt
942 - Konami's Ping-pong
943 - Konek-gorbunok
944 - Konkyuu No Hoshi
945 - Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan set 1)
946 - Kozmik Kroozr
947 - Kozure Ookami (Japan)
948 - Krazy Bowl
949 - Krull
950 - Kung-fu Master (World)
951 - Kung-fu Taikun (set 1)
952 - Kuri Kinton (World)
953 - Kusayakyuu
954 - Kyros
955 - Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan, new version (Rev B))
956 - Lady Bug
957 - Lady Master Of Kung Fu
958 - Laguna Racer
959 - Land Maker (Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)
960 - Land Sea Air Squad
961 - Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen
962 - Lasso
963 - Last Duel (US New Ver.)
964 - Last Fighting
965 - Last Mission (US revision 6)
966 - Last Striker
967 - Last Striker / Kyuukyoku no Striker
968 - Lazarian
969 - Lazer Command
970 - Le Bagnard
971 - Lead Angle
972 - Leader
973 - Leader (version Z 2E, Greece)
974 - Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (World?)
975 - Legend
976 - Legend Of Hero Tonma
977 - Legend Of Heroes
978 - Legend Of Makai (World)
979 - Legion - Spinner-87 (World ver 2.03)
980 - Lemmings (US prototype)
981 - Leprechaun
982 - Lethal Crash Race (set 1)
983 - Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04)
984 - Lethal Justice
985 - Lethal Justice (Version 2.3)
986 - Lethal Thunder (World)
987 - Levers
988 - Liberation
989 - Liberator (set 1)
990 - Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)
991 - Lightning Fighters (World)
992 - Liquid Kids (World)
993 - Lizard Wizard
994 - Lock'n'chase
995 - Lock-on (rev. E)
996 - Loco-motion
997 - Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B)
998 - Lode Runner (set 1)
999 - Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back
1000 - Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth
1001 - Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu
1002 - Logger
1003 - Logic Pro (Japan)
1004 - Logic Pro 2 (Japan)
1005 - Looping
1006 - Lost Tomb (easy)
1007 - Lot Lot
1008 - Lover Boy
1009 - Lucky & Wild
1010 - Lunar Rescue
1011 - Lupin III (set 1)
1012 - M.i.a. - Missing In Action (version T)
1013 - M-4
1014 - Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Japan)
1015 - Mach Breakers (World, MB2)
1016 - Macho Mouse
1017 - Macross Plus
1018 - Mad Alien
1019 - Mad Alien (set 1)
1020 - Mad Crasher
1021 - Mad Donna (set 1)
1022 - Mad Motor
1023 - Mad Planets
1024 - Mad Shark
1025 - Mag Max
1026 - Magic Bubble
1027 - Magical Cat Adventure
1028 - Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10)
1029 - Magical Spot
1030 - Mahjong Angel Kiss
1031 - Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)
1032 - Main Event (1984)
1033 - Major Havoc (rev 3)
1034 - Major Title (World)
1035 - Malzak
1036 - Mania Challenge (set 1)
1037 - Maniac Square (unprotected)
1038 - Many Block
1039 - Mappy (US)
1040 - Marble Madness (set 1)
1041 - Marine Boy
1042 - Marine Date
1043 - Mariner
1044 - Mario Bros.
1045 - Markham
1046 - Mars
1047 - Martial Champion (ver EAB)
1048 - Martial Masters
1049 - Marvel Land (US)
1050 - Marvin's Maze
1051 - Masao
1052 - Masked Riders Club Battle Race
1053 - Master Boy (Spanish, PCB Rev A)
1054 - Master Of Weapon (World)
1055 - Mat Mania
1056 - Match It II
1057 - Max Rpm (ver 2)
1058 - Mayday (set 1)
1059 - Mayhem 2002
1060 - Maze Invaders (Prototype)
1061 - Maze Of Flott (Japan)
1062 - Mazinger Z (World)
1063 - Meadows Lanes
1064 - Mechanized Attack (World)
1065 - Mega Blast (World)
1066 - Mega Zone (Konami set 1)
1067 - Megatack
1068 - Megatack (set 1)
1069 - Meikyu Jima (Japan)
1070 - Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, set 2)
1071 - Meosis Magic (Japan)
1072 - Merlins Money Maze
1073 - Mermaid
1074 - Meta Fox
1075 - Metal Black (World)
1076 - Metal Clash (Japan)
1077 - Metal Hawk (rev C)
1078 - Metal Soldier Isaac II
1079 - Metamoqester (International)
1080 - Metamorphic Force (ver EAA)
1081 - Meteoroids
1082 - Metro-cross (set 1)
1083 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)
1084 - Midnight Resistance (World)
1085 - Mighty Guy
1086 - Mighty Monkey (bootleg on Scramble hardware)
1087 - Mighty Warriors
1088 - Mikie
1089 - Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24)
1090 - Millipede
1091 - Millpac (bootleg of Centipede)
1092 - Mini Golf (11/25/85)
1093 - Mini Vaders
1094 - Minky Monkey
1095 - Mirai Ninja (Japan)
1096 - Mirax (set 1)
1097 - Missile Command (rev 3)
1098 - Mission 660 (US)
1099 - Mission Craft (version 2.7)
1100 - Mister Viking (315-5041)
1101 - Mobil Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Japan)
1102 - Mobile Suit Gundam
1103 - Mobile Suit Gundam Ex Revue
1104 - Mogu Chan (bootleg?)
1105 - Mogura Desse (Japan)
1106 - Momoko 120%
1107 - Money Money
1108 - Monster Bash
1109 - Monster Maulers (ver EAA)
1110 - Monster Slider (Japan)
1111 - Monte Carlo
1112 - Moon Alien Part 2
1113 - Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
1114 - Moon Patrol
1115 - Moon Quasar
1116 - Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2)
1117 - Moonwar
1118 - More More
1119 - Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93)
1120 - Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)
1121 - Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)
1122 - Mosaic
1123 - Motos
1124 - Mouja (Japan)
1125 - Mouse Attack
1126 - Mouse Shooter Gogo
1127 - Mouse Trap (version 5)
1128 - Mouser
1129 - Mr. Dig
1130 - Mr. Do!
1131 - Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)
1132 - Mr. Do's Wild Ride
1133 - Mr. Driller (US, DRI3/VER.A2)
1134 - Mr. Goemon (Japan)
1135 - Mr. Jong
1136 - Mr. Kougar
1137 - Ms. Pac-man
1138 - Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 198 (V1.08)
1139 - Mug Smashers
1140 - Multi 5 / New Multi Game 5 (set 1)
1141 - Multi Game (set 1)
1142 - Multi Game 2
1143 - Multi Game III
1144 - Mustache Boy
1145 - Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5)
1146 - Mutant Night
1147 - Mvp (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143)
1148 - Mx5000
1149 - My Hero (US, not encrypted)
1150 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure
1151 - Mystic Marathon
1152 - Mystic Riders (World)
1153 - Mystic Warriors (ver EAA)
1154 - N.y. Captor
1155 - Namco Classic Collection Vol.1
1156 - Namco Classic Collection Vol.2
1157 - Narc (rev 7.00)
1158 - Nastar (World)
1159 - Nato Defense
1160 - Naughty Boy
1161 - Naughty Mouse (set 1)
1162 - Nba Hangtime (rev L1.1 04/16/96)
1163 - Nba Jam (rev 3.01 04/07/93)
1164 - NBA Jam TE (rev 4.0 03/23/94)
1165 - NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 03/23/94)
1166 - Nebulas Ray (World, NR2)
1167 - Neck-n-neck (v1.2)
1168 - Nemesis (ROM version)
1169 - Net Wars
1170 - Nettou! Gekitou! Quiztou!! (Japan)
1171 - New Rally X
1172 - New Sinbad 7
1173 - New York! New York!
1174 - Nibbler (rev 9)
1175 - Night Bunny (Japan 840601 MRN 2-10)
1176 - Night Driver
1177 - Night Gal (Japan 840920 AG 1-00)
1178 - Night Slashers (Korea Rev 1.3)
1179 - Night Stocker (10/6/86)
1180 - Night Striker (World)
1181 - Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World)
1182 - Ninja Clowns (08/27/91)
1183 - Ninja Clowns (27 oct 91)
1184 - Ninja Emaki (US)
1185 - Ninja Spirit
1186 - Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 1)
1187 - Ninjakun Majou No Bouken
1188 - Nitro Ball (US)
1189 - Nitro Ball (World, set 1)
1190 - Niyanpai (Japan)
1191 - No Man's Land
1192 - Noboranka (Japan)
1193 - Nostradamus
1194 - Nova 2001 (Japan)
1195 - N-sub (Upright)
1196 - Numan Athletics (World)
1197 - Nunchackun
1198 - Off Road Challenge (v1.63)
1199 - Off The Wall (2/3-player upright)
1200 - Off The Wall (Sente)
1201 - Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka
1202 - Ojousan (Japan 871204)
1203 - Oli-boo-chu
1204 - Omega Fighter
1205 - Omega Race (set 1)
1206 - Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal
1207 - Operation Thunderbolt (World)
1208 - Operation Wolf (World, set 1)
1209 - Operation Wolf 3 (World)
1210 - Orbs (10/7/94 prototype?)
1211 - Oriental Legend / Xi You Shi E Zhuan (ver. 126)
1212 - Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 101, Korean Board)
1213 - Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan
1214 - Oriental Legend Special Plus / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus
1215 - Osman
1216 - Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B)
1217 - Out Zone
1218 - Over Drive
1219 - Over Drive (set 1)
1220 - Ozma Wars (set 1)
1221 - P.o.w. - Prisoners Of War (US version 1)
1222 - P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World)
1223 - P-47 Aces
1224 - Pac & Pal
1225 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction (Japan)
1226 - Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 (Japan)
1227 - packbang
1228 - Pack'n Bang Bang (Prototype)
1229 - Pac-land (World)
1230 - Pac-man Plus
1231 - Pac-mania
1232 - Paddle Mania
1233 - Pairs (Nichibutsu) (Japan 890822)
1234 - Palamedes (US)
1235 - Pandora's Palace
1236 - Pang (World)
1237 - Pang Pom's
1238 - Panic Road (Japan)
1239 - Panic Street (Japan)
1240 - Panther
1241 - Paperboy (rev 3)
1242 - Parallel Turn
1243 - Paranoia
1244 - Parodius Da! (World, set 1)
1245 - Pass
1246 - Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg)
1247 - Passing Shot (World, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0074)
1248 - Peek-a-boo!
1249 - Peggle (Joystick, V1.0)
1250 - Pengo (set 1 rev c)
1251 - Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version)
1252 - Penguin Brothers (Japan)
1253 - Penguin-kun Wars (US)
1254 - Pepper II (version 8)
1255 - Perfect Billiard
1256 - Performan (Japan)
1257 - Pesadelo (bootleg of Knightmare on MSX)
1258 - Peter Pack Rat
1259 - Pettan Pyuu (Japan)
1260 - P-gemeni
1261 - Phantom II
1262 - Phelios
1263 - Phoenix (Amstar)
1264 - Photo Y2k (ver. 105)
1265 - Phozon (Japan)
1266 - Pig Newton (version C)
1267 - Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (set 1)
1268 - Pigskin 621ad (rev 1.1K 8/01/90)
1269 - Pinball Action (set 1)
1270 - Pinbo (set 1)
1271 - Ping Pong Masters '93
1272 - Pioneer Balloon
1273 - Pipe Dream (World)
1274 - Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1)
1275 - Pirates
1276 - Pistol Daimyo No Bouken (Japan)
1277 - Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 1)
1278 - Pit Fighter (rev 9)
1279 - Pitfall II (315-5093)
1280 - Playball! (Prototype)
1281 - Pleiads (Tehkan)
1282 - Plotting (World set 1)
1283 - Plump Pop (Japan)
1284 - Plus Alpha
1285 - Pocket Gal (Japan)
1286 - Pocket Gal Deluxe (Euro v3.00)
1287 - Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B)
1288 - Polaris (Latest version)
1289 - Pole Position (Atari version 1)
1290 - Pole Position II (Japan)
1291 - Police Trainer (rev 1.3)
1292 - Pollux (set 1)
1293 - Poly-Play
1294 - Ponpoko
1295 - Poolshark
1296 - Pooyan
1297 - Pop Flamer (protected)
1298 - Popeye (revision D)
1299 - Pop'n Pop (Ver 2.07O 1998/02/09)
1300 - Popper
1301 - Porky
1302 - Poto Poto (Japan)
1303 - Pound For Pound (World)
1304 - Power Balls
1305 - Power Drift (World, Rev A)
1306 - Power Drive
1307 - Power Instinct (USA)
1308 - Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94/04/08)
1309 - Power Play
1310 - Power Spikes (World)
1311 - Power Surge
1312 - Prebillian
1313 - Prehistoric Isle In 1930 (World)
1314 - Premier Soccer (ver EAB)
1315 - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Europe)
1316 - Primal Rage (Version 2.3)
1317 - Prime Goal Ex (Japan, PG1/VER.A)
1318 - Pro Baseball Skill Tryout (Japan)
1319 - Pro Soccer
1320 - Pro Sports - Bowling, Tennis, And Golf
1321 - Progress
1322 - Psychic 5 (set 1)
1323 - Psycho Soldier (US)
1324 - Psycho-nics Oscar (World revision 0)
1325 - Puchi Carat (Ver 2.02O 1997/10/29)
1326 - Puck Man (Japan set 1)
1327 - Puckman Pockimon (set 1)
1328 - Pulirula (World)
1329 - Pulsar
1330 - Punch-Out!!
1331 - Punisher, The (Japan)
1332 - Punk Shot (US 2 Players)
1333 - Punk Shot (US 4 Players)
1334 - Pururun
1335 - Puyo Puyo (World)
1336 - Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan)
1337 - Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan)
1338 - Puzzle Bobble
1339 - Puzzle Bobble 2
1340 - Puzzle Bobble 3 (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/27)
1341 - Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04O 1997/12/19)
1342 - Puzzle Break
1343 - Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)
1344 - Puzzle De Bowling (Japan)
1345 - Puzzle King (includes bootleg of Snow Bros.)
1346 - Puzzle King (PacMan 2, Tetris, HyperMan 2, Snow Bros.)
1347 - Puzzle Star (ver. 100MG)
1348 - Puzzle Uo Poko (International)
1349 - Puzzli
1350 - Puzznic (World)
1351 - Q*bert (US set 1)
1352 - Q*bert's Qubes
1353 - Quantum (rev 2)
1354 - Quarterback (set 1)
1355 - Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194)
1356 - Quester (Japan)
1357 - Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Chiryoku Tairyo
1358 - Quiz Bisyoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Chiryoku Tairyoku Toki no Un
1359 - Qwak (Prototype)
1360 - R2d Tank
1361 - Rabbit (Asia 3/6)
1362 - Rabbit (Japan)
1363 - Rabio Lepus (Japan)
1364 - Racing Beat (World)
1365 - Racing Hero (FD1094 317-0144)
1366 - Rack 'em Up (program code L)
1367 - Rad Mobile (World)
1368 - Radar Scope
1369 - Radical Radial
1370 - Rafflesia (315-5162)
1371 - Raiden (set 1)
1372 - Raiden Dx (UK)
1373 - Raiden Fighters (Japan set 1)
1374 - Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (China, SYS386I)
1375 - Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive 2000 (China, SYS386I)
1376 - Raiden Fighters Jet (Germany)
1377 - Raiden II (US, set 1)
1378 - Raiders
1379 - Raiga - Strato Fighter (US)
1380 - Raimais (World)
1381 - Rainbow Islands (New version)
1382 - Rally Bike
1383 - Rally Bike / Dash Yarou
1384 - Rally X (32k Ver.?)
1385 - Rambo III (Europe)
1386 - Rampage (Rev 3, 8/27/86)
1387 - Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3)
1388 - Rampart (Trackball)
1389 - Rapid Fire V1.1 (Build 239)
1390 - Rapid Hero
1391 - Rastan (World Rev 1)
1392 - Razzmatazz
1393 - Reactor
1394 - Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11, prototype)
1395 - Recordbreaker (World)
1396 - Red Alert
1397 - Red Robin
1398 - Redline Racer (2 Players)
1399 - Regulus (315-5033, Rev A.)
1400 - Reikai Doushi (Japan)
1401 - Relief Pitcher (set 1, 07 Jun 1992 / 28 May 1992)
1402 - Renegade (US)
1403 - Repulse (set 1)
1404 - Rescue (bootleg of Rescue)
1405 - Rescue Raider (5/11/87) (non-cartridge)
1406 - Return Of The Invaders
1407 - Return Of The Jedi
1408 - Rezon
1409 - Ribbit!
1410 - Riddle Of Pythagoras (Japan)
1411 - Riding Fight (Ver 1.0O)
1412 - Rim Rockin' Basketball (v2.2)
1413 - Ring Rage (Ver 2.3O 1992/08/09)
1414 - Riot City (Japan)
1415 - Rip Cord
1416 - Risky Challenge
1417 - River Patrol (Japan)
1418 - River Patrol (Orca)
1419 - Road Blasters (upright, rev 4)
1420 - Road Fighter (set 1)
1421 - Road Riot 4wd (set 1, 04 Dec 1991)
1422 - Road Riot 4WD (set 1, 13 Nov 1991)
1423 - Road Riot's Revenge (prototype, Sep 06, 1994)
1424 - Road Runner (rev 2)
1425 - Robo Wres 2001
1426 - Robocop (World revision 4)
1427 - Robocop 2 (Euro/Asia v0.10)
1428 - Robotron: 2084 (Solid Blue label)
1429 - Rock Climber
1430 - Rock'n Rage (World)
1431 - Roc'n Rope
1432 - Rod-land (World)
1433 - Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0)
1434 - Roller Jammer
1435 - Rollergames (US)
1436 - Rolling Crash / Moon Base
1437 - Rolling Thunder (rev 3)
1438 - Rolling Thunder 2
1439 - Rompers (Japan, old version)
1440 - Rough Racer (Japan, Floppy Based, FD1094 317-0058-06b)
1441 - Rough Ranger (v2.0)
1442 - Round Up 5 - Super Delta Force
1443 - Round-up
1444 - Route 16 (set 1)
1445 - R-shark
1446 - R-type
1447 - R-Type II
1448 - R-type Leo (World)
1449 - Run And Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8)
1450 - Rygar (US set 1)
1451 - Ryu Jin (Japan)
1452 - Ryukyu (Japan, FD1094 317-5023)
1453 - S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N)
1454 - S.r.d. Mission
1455 - S.s. Mission
1456 - S.t.u.n. Runner (rev 6)
1457 - S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V200) (ARM label V200, ROM 10/11/05 S.V.G V201)
1458 - Saboten Bombers (bootleg of Saboten Bombers)
1459 - Saboten Bombers (set 1)
1460 - Sadari
1461 - Sai Yu Gou Ma Roku (US)
1462 - Saint Dragon (set 1)
1463 - Salamander (version D)
1464 - Salamander 2 (ver JAA)
1465 - Samurai
1466 - Samurai Aces (World)
1467 - Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 1)
1468 - Sand Scorpion
1469 - Sar - Search And Rescue (World)
1470 - Sarge
1471 - Sasuke Vs. Commander
1472 - Satan Of Saturn
1473 - Satan's Hollow (set 1)
1474 - Saturn
1475 - Sauro
1476 - Schmeiser Robo (Japan)
1477 - Scion
1478 - Scooter Shooter
1479 - Scramble
1480 - Scrambled Egg
1481 - Screw Loose (Prototype)
1482 - Sd Fighters (Korea)
1483 - Sd Gundam Neo Battling (Japan)
1484 - Sd Gundam Psycho Salamander No Kyoui
1485 - Sdi - Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028)
1486 - Sea Fighter Poseidon
1487 - Sea Wolf (set 1)
1488 - Secret Agent (World)
1489 - Sega Ninja (315-5102)
1490 - Segasonic The Hedgehog (Japan, rev. C)
1491 - Sei Senshi Amatelass
1492 - Seibu Cup Soccer
1493 - Seicross
1494 - Sel Feena
1495 - Sengeki Striker (Asia)
1496 - Senjyo
1497 - Sen-know (Japan)
1498 - Sf-x
1499 - Shackled (US)
1500 - Shadow Dancer
1501 - Shadow Dancer (World)
1502 - Shadow Force (US Version 2)
1503 - Shadow Force (World, Version 3)
1504 - Shadow Warriors (World, set 1)
1505 - Shadowland (YD3)
1506 - Shanghai (World)
1507 - Shanghai III (World)
1508 - Shanghai Kid
1509 - Shark Attack
1510 - Shingen Samurai-fighter (Japan, English)
1511 - Shinobi (set 6, System 16A, unprotected)
1512 - Shocking
1513 - Shogun Warriors (World)
1514 - Shoot Out (US)
1515 - Shuffleshot (v1.40)
1516 - Shuuz (version 8.0)
1517 - Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)
1518 - Side Pocket (World)
1519 - Side Trak
1520 - Silent Dragon (World)
1521 - Silk Worm (World)
1522 - Sindbad Mystery
1523 - Sinistar (revision 3)
1524 - Skull & Crossbones (rev 5)
1525 - Skull Fang (World)
1526 - Sky Adventure (World)
1527 - Sky Alert
1528 - Sky Army
1529 - Sky Base
1530 - Sky Bumper
1531 - Sky Chuter
1532 - Sky Diver
1533 - Sky Fox
1534 - Sky Kid (New version)
1535 - Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)
1536 - Sky Lancer
1537 - Sky Skipper
1538 - Sky Smasher
1539 - Sky Soldiers (US)
1540 - Slap Fight (English bootleg)
1541 - Slap Shot (Japan)
1542 - Sly Spy (World revision 3)
1543 - Smash T.v. (rev 8.00)
1544 - Snacks'n Jaxson
1545 - Snake Pit
1546 - Snap Jack
1547 - Snapper (Korea)
1548 - Snezhnaja Koroleva
1549 - Snow Board Championship (Version 2.1)
1550 - Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (set 1)
1551 - Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves
1552 - Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise
1553 - Sokonuke Taisen Game (Japan)
1554 - Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness
1555 - Solar Quest
1556 - Soldam
1557 - Soldier Girl Amazon
1558 - Solitary Fighter (World)
1559 - Solomon's Key (US)
1560 - Solvalou (Japan)
1561 - Son Of Phoenix (alternate)
1562 - Sonic Blast Man (Japan)
1563 - Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053)
1564 - Sonic Wings (World / USA + Canada / Korea / Hong Kong / Taiwan,)
1565 - Sonic Wings Limited (Japan)
1566 - Sorcer Striker (Japan)
1567 - Space Attack (upright set 1)
1568 - Space Beam
1569 - Space Cruiser
1570 - Space Encounters
1571 - Space Fighter Mark II (set 1)
1572 - Space Firebird (rev. 04-u)
1573 - Space Force
1574 - Space Force (set 1)
1575 - Space Fury (Revision C)
1576 - Space Gun (World)
1577 - Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A)
1578 - Space Intruder
1579 - Space Invaders / Space Invaders M
1580 - Space Invaders '95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14)
1581 - Space Invaders Dx (US, v2.1)
1582 - Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)
1583 - Space Invaders Part II (Taito)
1584 - Space Laser
1585 - Space Lords (rev C)
1586 - Space Odyssey (version 2)
1587 - Space Position (Japan)
1588 - Space Trek (Upright)
1589 - Space Walk
1590 - Space Zap
1591 - Spatter
1592 - Speak & Rescue
1593 - Special Criminal Investigation (World set 1)
1594 - Special Forces
1595 - Spectar (revision 3)
1596 - Speed Ball
1597 - Speed Ball - Contest at Neonworld (Prototype)
1598 - Speed Spin
1599 - Spelunker
1600 - Spelunker II
1601 - Spelunker II: 23 no Kagi (Japan)
1602 - Spider-Man: The Videogame (World)
1603 - Spiders (set 1)
1604 - spidey
1605 - Spiker
1606 - Spinal Breakers (World)
1607 - Splash! (Ver. 1.2 World)
1608 - Splat!
1609 - Splatter House (World, new version (SH3))
1610 - Splendor Blast
1611 - Springer
1612 - Sprint 1
1613 - Sprint 4 (set 1)
1614 - Sprint 8
1615 - Spy Hunter
1616 - Spy Hunter II (rev 2)
1617 - Squash (Ver. 1.0)
1618 - Stack Columns (World)
1619 - Stadium Hero (Japan)
1620 - Stagger I (Japan)
1621 - Star Castle (version 3)
1622 - Star Cruiser
1623 - Star Fire (set 1)
1624 - Star Force
1625 - Star Jacker (Sega)
1626 - Star Sweep (World, STP2/VER.A)
1627 - Star Wars (rev 2)
1628 - Star Wars Arcade
1629 - Starblade (World)
1630 - Stargate
1631 - Steel Force
1632 - Steel Gunner (rev B)
1633 - Steel Gunner 2 (US)
1634 - Steel Worker
1635 - Stinger
1636 - Stocker (3/19/85)
1637 - Stompin' (4/4/86)
1638 - Stone Ball (4 Players)
1639 - Storm Blade (US)
1640 - Straight Flush
1641 - Strata Bowling (V3)
1642 - Strategy X
1643 - Streaking (set 1)
1644 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II, bootleg)
1645 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (M4, bootleg)
1646 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (USA 920513)
1647 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (V004, bootleg)
1648 - Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition (World 920513)
1649 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II, bootleg)
1650 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M4, bootleg)
1651 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (USA 920513)
1652 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (V004, bootleg)
1653 - Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)
1654 - Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12)
1655 - Street Football (11/12/86)
1656 - Street Heat
1657 - Street Smart (US version 2)
1658 - Strength & Skill
1659 - Strike Bowling
1660 - Strike Fighter (World)
1661 - Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91)
1662 - Strike Gunner S.t.g
1663 - Strikers 1945 (Japan)
1664 - Strikers 1945 II
1665 - Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)
1666 - Submarine (Sigma)
1667 - Subs
1668 - Success Joe (World)
1669 - Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD)
1670 - Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC)
1671 - Super Bagman
1672 - Super Basketball (version I, encrypted)
1673 - Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver JAA, 2 Players)
1674 - Super Breakout (rev 04)
1675 - Super Bug
1676 - Super Burger Time (World, set 1)
1677 - Super Champion Baseball (US)
1678 - Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World)
1679 - Super Cobra
1680 - Super Contra
1681 - Super Cross II (Japan, set 1)
1682 - Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13)
1683 - Super Dodge Ball (US)
1684 - Super Doubles Tennis
1685 - Super Game III
1686 - Super Glob
1687 - Super Hang-on (sitdown/upright, unprotected)
1688 - Super High Impact (rev LA1 09/30/91)
1689 - Super League (FD1094 317-0045)
1690 - Super Locomotive (Rev.A)
1691 - Super Monaco Gp (World, Rev B, FD1094 317-0126a)
1692 - Super Mouse (Japan)
1693 - Super Pac-man
1694 - Super Pang (World 900914)
1695 - Super Pinball Action (US)
1696 - Super Punch-Out!!
1697 - Super Punch-out!! (rev B)
1698 - Super Qix (World, Rev 2)
1699 - Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.2)
1700 - Super Ranger (v2.0)
1701 - Super Real Darwin (World)
1702 - Super Rider
1703 - Super Slam (set 1)
1704 - Super Space Invaders '91 (World, rev 1)
1705 - Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross
1706 - Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II
1707 - Super Speed Race
1708 - Super Sprint (rev 4)
1709 - Super Stingray (Japan)
1710 - Super Tank
1711 - Super Toffy
1712 - Super Trio
1713 - Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup
1714 - Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup (rev A)
1715 - Super Volleyball (Japan)
1716 - Super World Court (World)
1717 - Super World Stadium (Japan)
1718 - Super World Stadium '92 (Japan)
1719 - Super World Stadium '93 (Japan)
1720 - Super World Stadium '95 (Japan)
1721 - Super World Stadium '96 (Japan)
1722 - Super World Stadium '97 (Japan)
1723 - Super Zaxxon (315-5013)
1724 - Superbike
1725 - Superior Soldiers (US)
1726 - Superman (World)
1727 - Super-x (NTC)
1728 - Surprise Attack (World Ver. K)
1729 - Survival
1730 - Survival Arts (World)
1731 - Suzuka 8 Hours (World, Rev C)
1732 - Suzuka 8 Hours 2 (World, Rev B)
1733 - Swat (315-5048)
1734 - Swat Police
1735 - Swimmer (set 1)
1736 - Syusse Oozumou (Japan)
1737 - Syvalion (Japan)
1738 - T.N.K III (US)
1739 - Tac/scan
1740 - Tactician (set 1)
1741 - Tail To Nose - Great Championship
1742 - Taisen Puzzle-dama (ver JAA)
1743 - Taisen Tokkae-dama (ver JAA)
1744 - Taito Cup Finals (Ver 1.0J 1993/02/28)
1745 - Taito FX1
1746 - Taito Power Goal (Ver 2.5O 1994/11/03)
1747 - Talbot
1748 - Tank Battalion
1749 - Tank Busters
1750 - Tank Force (US, 2 Players)
1751 - Tao Taido (2 button version)
1752 - Tao Taido (set 1)
1753 - Tapper (Budweiser, set 1)
1754 - Targ
1755 - Target Hits (Ver 1.1)
1756 - Task Force Harrier
1757 - Tattoo Assassins (US prototype)
1758 - Taxi Driver
1759 - taxidrvr
1760 - Tazz-mania (set 1)
1761 - Tecmo Bowl (World)
1762 - Tecmo World Cup '90 (World)
1763 - Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 1)
1764 - Teddyboy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.)
1765 - Tee'd Off (Japan)
1766 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1767 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (2 Players ver UDA)
1768 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver UAA)
1769 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players)
1770 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japan 2 Players, version 1)
1771 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players)
1772 - Teeter Torture (Prototype)
1773 - Tehkan World Cup (set 1)
1774 - Teki Paki
1775 - Tempest (rev 3, Revised Hardware)
1776 - Tengai (World)
1777 - Tennis (bootleg of Pro Tennis)
1778 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA4 08/03/92)
1779 - Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)
1780 - Terra Force (US)
1781 - Tetris (D.R. Korea)
1782 - Tetris (Japan, Taito B-System, Nastar Conversion Kit)
1783 - Tetris (set 1)
1784 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16a) (Japan, Taito B-System, Nastar Conversion Kit)
1785 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16a) (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093)
1786 - Tetris (set 4, Japan, System 16A, FD1094 317-0093)
1787 - Tetris Plus
1788 - Tetris Plus 2 (World)
1789 - Th Strikes Back
1790 - The Adventures of Robby Roto!
1791 - The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea
1792 - The Astyanax
1793 - The Battle-Road
1794 - The Berenstain Bears in Big Paw's Cave
1795 - The Berlin Wall
1796 - The Big Pro Wrestling!
1797 - The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (World ver 3)
1798 - The Combatribes (US)
1799 - The Crystal of Kings
1800 - The Deep (Japan)
1801 - The End
1802 - The FairyLand Story
1803 - The Final Round (version M)
1804 - The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!
1805 - The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian (M68k label V101) (ARM label V107, ROM 06/06/03 SHEN JIAN V107)
1806 - The Great Ragtime Show
1807 - The Hand
1808 - The History of Martial Arts
1809 - The Karate Tournament
1810 - The Killing Blade Plus (China, ver. 300)
1811 - The King Of Dragons (bootleg)
1812 - The Last Day (set 1)
1813 - The Legend of Kage
1814 - The Legend of Silkroad
1815 - The Lost Castle In Darkmist
1816 - The Main Event (4 Players ver. Y)
1817 - The Masters of Kin
1818 - The NewZealand Story (World, new version) (newer PCB)
1819 - The NewZealand Story (World, new version, P0-043A PCB)
1820 - The Next Space (set 1)
1821 - The Ninja Kids (World)
1822 - The Ninja Warriors (World)
1823 - The Outfoxies (World, OU2)
1824 - The Percussor
1825 - The Pit
1826 - The Punisher (Japan 930422)
1827 - The Punisher (World 930422)
1828 - The Real Ghostbusters (Japan, set 2)
1829 - The Return of Ishtar
1830 - The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1)
1831 - The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)
1832 - The Super Spy
1833 - The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1)
1834 - The Tin Star (set 1)
1835 - The Tower of Druaga (New Ver.)
1836 - Thief
1837 - Thunder & Lightning
1838 - Thunder Blade
1839 - Thunder Blade (upright, FD1094 317-0056)
1840 - Thunder Ceptor
1841 - Thunder Cross (set 1)
1842 - Thunder Cross II (World)
1843 - Thunder Dragon (8th Jan. 1992, unprotected)
1844 - Thunder Dragon (9th Jan. 1992)
1845 - Thunder Dragon 2 (9th Nov. 1993)
1846 - Thunder Force Ac
1847 - Thunder Fox (World)
1848 - Thunder Heroes
1849 - Thunder Hoop
1850 - Thunder Hoop (Ver. 1)
1851 - Thunder Strike (set 1)
1852 - Thunder Zone (World, rev 1)
1853 - Thundercade
1854 - Thundercade / Twin Formation
1855 - Thunderjaws (rev 3)
1856 - Tickee Tickats
1857 - Tiger Heli (US)
1858 - Timber
1859 - Time Killers (v1.32)
1860 - Time Pilot
1861 - Time Pilot '84 (set 1)
1862 - Time Scanner
1863 - Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B)
1864 - Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)
1865 - Time Tunnel
1866 - Tinkle Pit (Japan)
1867 - Toffy
1868 - Toki (World, set 1)
1869 - Toki No Senshi - Chrono Soldier
1870 - Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg)
1871 - Tomahawk 777 (rev 5)
1872 - Toobin' (rev 3)
1873 - Top Landing (World)
1874 - Top Ranking Stars (Ver 2.1O 1993/05/21) (New Version)
1875 - Top Secret (Exidy) (version 1.0)
1876 - Top Speed (World)
1877 - Tornado Baseball
1878 - Tornado Baseball / Ball Park
1879 - Toryumon
1880 - Total Carnage (rev LA1 03/10/92)
1881 - Touchdown Fever (US)
1882 - Tough Turf (Datsu bootleg)
1883 - Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (VER. 960614)
1884 - Tournament Arkanoid (US)
1885 - Tournament Table (set 1)
1886 - Toypop
1887 - Track & Field
1888 - Tranquilizer Gun
1889 - Transformer
1890 - Traverse Usa
1891 - Traverse USA / Zippy Race
1892 - Trick Trap (World?)
1893 - Tricky Doc (set 1)
1894 - Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World)
1895 - Triple Fun
1896 - Triple Punch (set 1)
1897 - Tri-pool (Casino Tech)
1898 - Trog (rev LA5 03/29/91)
1899 - Tron (8/9)
1900 - Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0
1901 - Tropical Angel
1902 - Truxton / Tatsujin
1903 - Truxton II
1904 - Tube Panic
1905 - Tube-It
1906 - Tugboat
1907 - Tumble Pop (World)
1908 - Turbo
1909 - Turbo (program 1513-1515)
1910 - Turbo Force (old revision)
1911 - Turbo Force (World)
1912 - Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118)
1913 - Turkey Hunting Usa V1.0
1914 - Turkey Shoot
1915 - Turkey Shoot (Prototype)
1916 - Turtle Ship (North America)
1917 - Turtles
1918 - Tutankham
1919 - Twin Action
1920 - Twin Bee Yahhoo! (ver JAA)
1921 - Twin Cobra (World)
1922 - Twin Cobra II (Ver 2.1O 1995/11/30)
1923 - Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother
1924 - Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission
1925 - Twin Falcons
1926 - Twin Falcons / Whizz
1927 - Twin Hawk (World)
1928 - Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17) (Prototype)
1929 - Twin Qix (Ver 1.0A 1995/01/17, prototype)
1930 - Twin Squash
1931 - Twinbee (ROM version)
1932 - Two Crude (World FX version)
1933 - Two Tigers (dedicated)
1934 - Tylz (Prototype)
1935 - U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan)
1936 - U.s. Championship V'ball (US)
1937 - U.s. Classic
1938 - Ufo Robo Dangar (12/1/1986)
1939 - Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987)
1940 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)
1941 - Ultimate Tennis
1942 - Ultra Balloon
1943 - Ultra Tank
1944 - Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Japan)
1945 - Ultra X Weapons
1946 - Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai
1947 - Ultraman (Japan)
1948 - Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!!
1949 - Uncle Poo
1950 - Under Fire (World)
1951 - Undercover Cops (World)
1952 - Uniwar S
1953 - Up'n Down (315-5030)
1954 - Us Aaf Mustang (TAB Austria bootleg)
1955 - V Goal Soccer (Europe)
1956 - V Goal Soccer (set 1)
1957 - Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan)
1958 - Valtric
1959 - Vamf x1/2 (Europe)
1960 - Vamf X1/2 (Europe, version 1.1.0908)
1961 - Vandyke (Japan)
1962 - Vanguard (SNK)
1963 - Vanguard II
1964 - Van-van Car
1965 - Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)
1966 - Varia Metal
1967 - Vasara
1968 - Vasara 2 (set 1)
1969 - Vastar (set 1)
1970 - Vendetta (World 2 Players ver. W)
1971 - Venture (version 5 set 1)
1972 - Victory Road
1973 - Video Eight Ball
1974 - Video Hustler
1975 - Vigilante (World, set 1)
1976 - Vimana (World, set 1)
1977 - Vindicators (rev 5)
1978 - Vindicators Part II (rev 3)
1979 - Violence Fight (World)
1980 - Violent Storm (ver EAC)
1981 - Viper
1982 - Viper Phase 1 (New Version, World)
1983 - Virtua Bowling (World, V101XCM)
1984 - Volfied (World, revision 1)
1985 - Vortex
1986 - VS Block Breaker (Asia)
1987 - Vs Block Breaker (Europe)
1988 - Vs Gong Fight
1989 - Vs. Atari R.b.i. Baseball (set 1)
1990 - Vs. Balloon Fight (set BF4 A-3)
1991 - Vs. Baseball (US, set BA E-1)
1992 - Vs. Battle City
1993 - Vs. Castlevania
1994 - Vs. Clu Clu Land
1995 - Vs. Dr. Mario
1996 - Vs. Duck Hunt (set DH3 E)
1997 - Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E)
1998 - Vs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 B-1)
1999 - Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version)
2000 - Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan)
2001 - Vs. Ninja Jajamaru Kun (Japan)
2002 - Vs. Platoon
2003 - Vs. Raid On Bungeling Bay (RD4-2 B)
2004 - Vs. Star Luster
2005 - Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E)
2006 - Vs. Super Xevious
2007 - Vs. T.k.o. Boxing
2008 - Vs. Tetris
2009 - Vs. The Goonies (set E)
2010 - Vs. Top Gun
2011 - Vs. Wrecking Crew
2012 - Vulcan Venture (Japan new Ver.)
2013 - Vulcan Venture (NEW)
2014 - Wacko
2015 - Wai Wai Jockey Gate-in!
2016 - Wall Street
2017 - Wally Wo Sagase! (rev B, Japan, FD1094 317-0197B)
2018 - Wanted
2019 - War Of Aero - Project Meiou
2020 - Wardner (World)
2021 - Warp & Warp
2022 - Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan)
2023 - Water Match (315-5064)
2024 - Water Ski
2025 - WEC Le Mans 24 (set 1)
2026 - Wec Le Mans 24 (v2.00, set 1)
2027 - Welltris (World?, 2 players)
2028 - Wheel Of Fortune (set 1)
2029 - Wild Fang
2030 - Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight
2031 - Wild West C.o.w.-boys Of Moo Mesa (ver EA)
2032 - Wild Western (set 1)
2033 - Wily Tower
2034 - Wing Shooting Championship V2.00
2035 - Wink (set 1)
2036 - Winning Run '91 (Japan)
2037 - Wiping
2038 - Wit's (Japan)
2039 - Wiz
2040 - Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1)
2041 - Wizard Of Wor
2042 - Wizz Quiz (Konami version)
2043 - Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177)
2044 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B, 8751 317-0098)
2045 - Wonder League '96 (Korea)
2046 - Wonder League Star - Sok-magicball Fighting (Korea)
2047 - Wonder Momo
2048 - Wonder Planet (Japan)
2049 - World Beach Volley (set 1)
2050 - World Court (Japan)
2051 - World Grand Prix (US)
2052 - World Rally (set 1)
2053 - World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 0E56)
2054 - World Rally 2: Twin Racing
2055 - World Series: The Season
2056 - World Soccer Finals
2057 - World Stadium (Japan)
2058 - World Wars (World?)
2059 - Wrestle War (set 3, World, 8751 317-0103)
2060 - Wwf Superstars (Europe)
2061 - WWF WrestleFest (US set 1)
2062 - Wwf Wrestlefest (World)
2063 - WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30 08/10/95)
2064 - Wyvern F-0
2065 - X Multiply (World, M81)
2066 - Xain'd Sleena (World)
2067 - Xenophobe
2068 - Xevious (Namco)
2069 - Xexex (ver EAA)
2070 - X-men (2 Players ver AAA)
2071 - X-men (4 Players ver UBB)
2072 - Xor World (Prototype)
2073 - Xx Mission
2074 - Xybots (rev 2)
2075 - Xyonix
2076 - Yam! Yam!?
2077 - Yamato (US)
2078 - Yankee DO!
2079 - Yes/no Sinri Tokimeki Chart
2080 - Yie Ar Kung-fu (program code I)
2081 - Yosaku To Donbei (set 1)
2082 - Youjyuden (Japan)
2083 - Zarzon
2084 - Zaviga
2085 - Zaxxon (set 1)
2086 - Zaxxon (set 1, rev D)
2087 - Zektor (Revision B)
2088 - Zero Hour (set 1)
2089 - Zero Point (set 1)
2090 - Zero Point 2
2091 - Zero Wing
2092 - Zero Wing (2P set)
2093 - Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1)
2094 - zigzagb
2095 - Zing Zing Zip
2096 - Zoar
2097 - Zodiack
2098 - Zombie Raid (9/28/95, US)
2099 - Zunzunkyou No Yabou (Japan)
2100 - Zwackery
2101 - Zzyzzyxx (set 1)
Atari 2600 - 2271 Jeux
1 - 11 Invaders (demo) (200x)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
2 - 11 Sprite Demo (demo) (1997-03-27)(Cavina, Piero)
3 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 1 (1991)(Atari)(AU)
4 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 2 (1991)(Atari)(AU)
5 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 3 (1991)(Atari)(AU)
6 - 128-in-1 Junior Console - Set 4 (1991)(Atari)(AU)
7 - 2 Pak Special Black - Challenge & Surfing (1990)(HES)(AU)
8 - 2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master & Creature Strike (1992)(HES)(AU)
9 - 2 Pak Special Dark Blue - Wall Defender & Planet Patrol (1990)(HES)(AU)
10 - 2 Pak Special Green - Dolphin & Pigs 'N Wolf (1990)(HES)(AU)
11 - 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy & Alien Force (1992)(HES)(AU)
12 - 2 Pak Special Magenta - Cavern Blaster & City War (1992)(HES)(AU)
13 - 2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage & Fire Alert (1992)(HES)(AU)
14 - 2 Pak Special Red - Motocross & Boom Bang (1990)(HES)(AU)
15 - 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior & Frogger (1990)(HES)(AU)
16 - 2600 Collison Demo 1 (19xx)(Cavina, Piero)
17 - 2600 Collison Demo 2 (19xx)(Cavina, Piero)
18 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 1 (demo) (1997-10-03)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
19 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 2 (demo) (1997-10-03)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
20 - 2600 Digital Clock - Demo 3 (demo) (1997-10-04)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
21 - 2600 Digital Clock v1 (1998-09-07)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
22 - 2600 Digital Clock v2 (1998-09-07)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
23 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
24 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09-11)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
25 - 2600 Digital Clock v3 (1998-09-16)(Cracknell, Chris 'Crackers')
26 - 2600 Intro (demo) (200x)(Vantage)
27 - 3 Bars Background (demo) (200x)(-)
28 - 32-in-1 - 00 - UFO (1988)(Atari)[aka Space Jockey]
29 - 32-in-1 - 01 - Human Cannonball (1988)(Atari)[aka Cannon Man]
30 - 32-in-1 - 02 - Fun with Numbers (1988)(Atari)
31 - 32-in-1 - 03 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1988)(Atari)
32 - 32-in-1 - 04 - Flag Capture (1988)(Atari)
33 - 32-in-1 - 05 - Reversi (1988)(Atari)
34 - 32-in-1 - 06 - Golf (1988)(Atari)
35 - 32-in-1 - 07 - Surround (1988)(Atari)
36 - 32-in-1 - 08 - Checkers (1988)(Atari)
37 - 32-in-1 - 09 - Blackjack (1988)(Atari)
38 - 32-in-1 - 10 - Freeway Rabbit (1988)(Atari)
39 - 32-in-1 - 11 - Miniature Golf (1988)(Atari)
40 - 32-in-1 - 12 - Football (1988)(Atari)
41 - 32-in-1 - 13 - Slot Racers (1988)(Atari)
42 - 32-in-1 - 14 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (1988)(Atari)
43 - 32-in-1 - 14 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (1988)(Atari)[b2]
44 - 32-in-1 - 15 - Space War (1988)(Atari)
45 - 32-in-1 - 16 - Boxing (1988)(Atari)
46 - 32-in-1 - 17 - Air-Sea Battle (1988)(Atari)
47 - 32-in-1 - 18 - Freeway Chicken (1988)(Atari)[aka Freeway]
48 - 32-in-1 - 19 - Tennis (1988)(Atari)
49 - 32-in-1 - 20 - Combat (1988)(Atari)
50 - 32-in-1 - 21 - Slot Machine (1988)(Atari)
51 - 32-in-1 - 22 - Skiing (1988)(Atari)
52 - 32-in-1 - 23 - Stampede (1988)(Atari)
53 - 32-in-1 - 24 - Outlaw (1988)(Atari)
54 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1988)(Atari)
55 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1998)(Atari)
56 - 32-in-1 - 25 - Fishing Derby (1998)(Atari)[b2]
57 - 32-in-1 - 26 - Sky Diver (1988)(Atari)
58 - 32-in-1 - 27 - Laser Blast (1988)(Atari)
59 - 32-in-1 - 28 - Basketball (1988)(Atari)
60 - 32-in-1 - 29 - Ant Party (1988)(Atari)[aka Cosmic Swarm]
61 - 32-in-1 - 30 - Bowling (1988)(Atari)
62 - 32-in-1 - 31 - Home Run (1988)(Atari)
63 - 32-in-1 Game Cartridge (1988)(Atari)
64 - 3-D Corridor (demo) (2003-09-23)(Slocum, Paul)
65 - 3-D Corridor + Music (demo) (2003-03-29)(Slocum, Paul)
66 - 3-D Corridor Demo (demo) (2003-03-27)(Polik, Manuel)
67 - 3-D Corridor Demo 2 (demo) (2003-03-29)(Polik, Manuel)
68 - 3-D Corridor Green (demo) (2003-03-30)(Davie, Andrew)
69 - 3-D Corridor Pink Spiral (demo) (2003-03-31)(Davie, Andrew)
70 - 3-D Corridor Spiral + Words (demo) (2003-03-31)(Davie, Andrew)
71 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe
72 - 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1978)(Atari)
73 - 3dcopper (demo) (2003-07-06)(SmileyDude)
74 - 6 Digit Score Display (demo) (1998)(Harbron, Robin)
75 - A Mysterious Thief
76 - Ace (2003)(Rotschkar, Manuel)[h Driving Controller][Combat]
77 - Acid Drop (1992)(Salu)
78 - Acid Drop (1992)(Salu)[f NTSC Jentzsch, Thomas]
79 - Action Force
80 - Action Force (1983)(Parker Brothers)
81 - Adventure
82 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)
83 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)[h New Graphics]
84 - Adventure (1978)(Atari)[t]
85 - Adventure 34 (2002)(Howe, Kurt)[Adventure]
86 - Adventure 8k (2004-04-07)(Nukey Shay)[Adventure]
87 - Adventure II (19xx)(-)[Adventure]
88 - Adventure Invaders (2003)(Krytol)[Space Invaders]
89 - Adventure Plus (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Adventure]
90 - Adventure SI (2003)(Channel2)[h Color Scrolling][Adventure]
91 - Adventure4WI (2005)(-)[Adventure]
92 - Adventures of TRON
93 - Adventures of Tron (1982)(Mattel)
94 - Adventures on GX-12 (198x)(Telegames)
95 - Air Raid
96 - Air Raid (19xx)(Men-A-Vision)
97 - Air Raiders
98 - Air Raiders (1982)(Mattel)
99 - Air Raiders (2003)(Rotschkar, Manuel - Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Unlimited Ammo][Air Raiders]
100 - Airlock
101 - Airlock (1982)(Data Age)
102 - Air-Sea Battle
103 - Air-Sea Battle (1977)(Atari)
104 - Air-Sea Battle (1977)(Atari)[h Graphics]
105 - Alice's Abenteuer (198x)(StarSoft)(DE)
106 - Alien
107 - Alien (1982)(20th Century Fox)
108 - Alien (198x)(CCE)(BR)
109 - Alien Ants (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Thunderground]
110 - Alien Attack (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Gremlins]
111 - Alien Menace (2005)(neotokeo2001)[River Raid]
112 - Alien Pac-Man 2 (2003-01-05)(PacManPlus)[Alien]
113 - Alien Planet (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Pitfall!]
114 - Alienated - Balloons and Umbrellas (2004)(mojofltr)[Space Invaders Arcade]
115 - Alienated - Bricks and Saucers (2004)(mojofltr)[Space Invaders Arcade]
116 - Alien's Return (198x)(ITT Family Games)
117 - Alligator People (1983)(20th Century Fox)(proto)
118 - Alpha Beam with Ernie
119 - Alpha Beam with Ernie (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]
120 - Alpha Demo - The Beta Demo (2000)(Polik, Manuel)
121 - Alpha Demo - The Beta Demo 2 (2000)(Polik, Manuel)
122 - Alternate Adventure (2005)(Pac-man Plus)[Adventure]
123 - Amanda Invaders (2000)(Thompson, Greg)
124 - Amidar
125 - Amidar (1982)(Parker Bros)
126 - Amidar (1983)(Parker Bros)
127 - Amidar DS - Faster Enemies (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Amidar]
128 - Amidar DS (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Amidar]
129 - Amiga Boing (demo) (200x)(Kudla, Rob)
130 - Amoebaoids (2005)(Jamcat)[Asteroids]
131 - An Exercise In Minimalism 1 (1999)(de Smet, Marc)
132 - An Exercise In Minimalism 2 (1999)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
133 - Analog Clock v0.0 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)
134 - Analog Clock v0.0 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)[Additional Frame Info]
135 - Analog Clock v0.1 (2003-01-20)(Davie, Andrew)
136 - Ancipital - Ode to Yak the Hairy (2004)(GodMedia)[Bezerk]
137 - Anglen (198x)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Fishing Derby]
138 - Angriff der Luftflotten (198x)(Quelle)(DE)[aka Paris Attack]
139 - Ant Attack (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Pepsi Invaders]
140 - Aphex Invaders (200x)(-)[Space Invaders]
141 - Apples and Dolls (19xx)(CCE)(BR)
142 - Aquaventure
143 - Aquaventure (198x)(CCE)(BR)
144 - Aquaventure (198x)(CCE)(BR)[b2]
145 - Aquaventure 8-12 (1983-08-12)(Atari)(proto)
146 - Arcade Golf (1977)(Sears)
147 - Armor Ambush
148 - Armor Ambush (1982)(Mattel)
149 - Armor Ambush (1982)(Telegames)
150 - Artificial Lifeform #1 (2004)(neotokeo2001)[King Kong]
151 - Artillery Duel
152 - Artillery Duel (1983)(Xonox)
153 - Assault
154 - Assault (1983)(Bomb)
155 - Aster-Hawk (2002)(Morgan, Charles)[Asteroids]
156 - Asterix (1983)(Atari)
157 - Asterix (1983)(Atari)(proto)
158 - Asteroid Fire
159 - Asteroids
160 - Asteroids (1981)(Atari)
161 - Asteroids (198x)(Atari)
162 - Asteroids (1999)(Atari Freak 1 - Cruz, Franklin)
163 - Asteroids (1999)(Cruz, Franklin)
164 - Asteroids DC+ (2002)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Driving Controller][Asteroids]
165 - Astro Attack
166 - Astro Attack (198x)(Goliath)[aka Astrowar]
167 - Astro War (19xx)(-)['Taiwan Cooper']
168 - Astroblast
169 - Astroblast (1982)(Mattel)
170 - Astroblast (1982)(Mattel)[Early Version - Controller Bugs]
171 - Astroblast (198x)(Telegames)
172 - Astrowar
173 - Asymmetric Playfield (19xx)(Williams, Roger)
174 - Asymmetric Reflected Playfield (19xx)(Saunders, Glenn - Williams, Roger)
175 - Atar v0.1 (2007-12-07)(Fort Apocalypse)
176 - Atar v0.2 (2007-12-10)(Fort Apocalypse)
177 - Atar v0.3 (2007-12-10)(Fort Apocalypse)
178 - Atari 2600 Invaders (19xx)(-)[Space Invaders]
179 - Atari Invaders (19xx)(Ataripoll)[Space Invaders]
180 - Atari Logo (demo) (19xx)(-)
181 - Atari Logo Playfield Demo (2001)(Ball, Eric)
182 - Atari Shot (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]
183 - Atari Shot 2005 (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]
184 - Atari Shot Remix (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Carnival]
185 - Atari Softball (2004)(OutofGas)[Home Run]
186 - Atari Video Cube
187 - Atari Video Cube (1982)(Atari)
188 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_1 (2004)(5-11under)
189 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_2 (2004)(5-11under)
190 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_3 (2004)(5-11under)
191 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - 5-11under_4 (2004)(5-11under)
192 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_1 (2004)(AdrianM)
193 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_2 (2004)(AdrianM)
194 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AdrianM_3 (2004)(AdrianM)
195 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - agenteqze_1 (2004)(agenteqze)
196 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_1 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)
197 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_2 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)
198 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlEufrasio_3 (2004)(Eufrasio, Al)
199 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_1 (2004)(Kuester, Al)
200 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_2 (2004)(Kuester, Al)
201 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_3 (2004)(Kuester, Al)
202 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AlKuester_4 (2004)(Kuester, Al)
203 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AndyKovacs_1 (2004)(Kovacs, Andy)
204 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - AndyKovacs_2 (2004)(Kovacs, Andy)
205 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_1 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
206 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_2 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
207 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_3 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
208 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_4 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
209 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_5 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
210 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_6 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
211 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BillLoguidice_7 (2004)(Loguidice, Bill)
212 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - BrianPrescott_1 (2004)(Prescott, Brian)
213 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_1 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
214 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_10 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
215 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_11 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
216 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_12 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
217 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_2 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
218 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_3 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
219 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_4 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
220 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_5 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
221 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_6 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
222 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_7 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
223 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_8 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
224 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_9 (2004)(Johnson, Chris)
225 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_1 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)
226 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_2 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)
227 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_3 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)
228 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_4 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)
229 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - ChristopherAbles_5 (2004)(Ables, Christopher)
230 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Compacho_1 (2004)(Compacho)
231 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Compacho_2 (2004)(Compacho)
232 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Csonicgo_1 (2004)(Csonicgo)
233 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DDCecil_1 (2004)(DDCecil)
234 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DionTorraville_1 (2004)(Torraville, Dion)
235 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DionTorraville_2 (2004)(Torraville, Dion)
236 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DiscoSnorlax_1 (2004)(DiscoSnorlax)
237 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DiscoSnorlax_2 (2004)(DiscoSnorlax)
238 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_1 (2004)(dor-x)
239 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_2 (2004)(dor-x)
240 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_3 (2004)(dor-x)
241 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_4 (2004)(dor-x)
242 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_5 (2004)(dor-x)
243 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - dor-x_6 (2004)(dor-x)
244 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DougMandeville_1 (2004)(Mandeville, Doug)
245 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - DougMandeville_2 (2004)(Mandeville, Doug)
246 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_1 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)
247 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_2 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)
248 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_3 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)
249 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FrankBailey_4 (2004)(Bailey, Frank)
250 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FredrikAberg_1 (2004)(Aberg, Fredrik)(SW)
251 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - FredrikAberg_2 (2004)(Aberg, Fredrik)
252 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_1 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
253 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_2 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
254 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_3 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
255 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_4 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
256 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_5 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
257 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregoryDGeorge_6 (2004)(George, Gregory D)
258 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - GregThompson_1 (2004)(Thompson, Greg)
259 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_1 (2004)(Higgs, James)
260 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_2 (2004)(Higgs, James)
261 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_3 (2004)(Higgs, James)
262 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_4 (2004)(Higgs, James)
263 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_5 (2004)(Higgs, James)
264 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_6 (2004)(Higgs, James)
265 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_7 (2004)(Higgs, James)
266 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JamesHiggs_8 (2004)(Higgs, James)
267 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_1 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
268 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_2 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
269 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_3 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
270 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_4 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
271 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_5 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
272 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_6 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
273 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JanHagelskamp_7 (2004)(Hagelskamp, Jan)
274 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JasonTorchinsky_1 (2004)(Torchinsky, Jason)
275 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JasonTorchinsky_2 (2004)(Torchinsky, Jason)
276 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_1 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)
277 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_2 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)
278 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_3 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)
279 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_4 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)
280 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JefferyGrajkowski_5 (2004)(Grajkowski, Jeffery)
281 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_1 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
282 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_10 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
283 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_11 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
284 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_12 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
285 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_13 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
286 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_14 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
287 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_15 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
288 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_16 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
289 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_17 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
290 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_18 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
291 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_19 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
292 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_2 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
293 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_20 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
294 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_21 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
295 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_3 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
296 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_4 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
297 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_5 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
298 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_6 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
299 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_7 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
300 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_8 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
301 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JeffThompson_9 (2004)(Thompson, Jeff)
302 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JoeGrand_1 (2004)(Grand, Joe)
303 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_1 (2004)(Jerky)
304 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_2 (2004)(Jerky)
305 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_3 (2004)(Jerky)
306 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JohnTielli_4 (2004)(Jerky)
307 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JordanBienkowski_1 (2004)(Bienkowski, Jordan)
308 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - JordanBienkowski_2 (2004)(Bienkowski, Jordan)
309 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_1 (2004)(Kyle Clark)
310 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_2 (2004)(Kyle Clark)
311 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - KyleClark_3 (2004)(Kyle Clark)
312 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LeeBolton_1 (2004)(Lee Bolton)
313 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LeeBolton_2 (2004)(Lee Bolton)
314 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LincolnBraun_1 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)
315 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - LincolnBraun_2 (2004)(LincolnBraun)
316 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_1 (2004)(max-t)
317 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_2 (2004)(max-t)
318 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_3 (2004)(max-t)
319 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - max-t_4 (2004)(max-t)
320 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_1 (2004)(Mechanized)
321 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_10 (2004)(Mechanized)
322 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_11 (2004)(Mechanized)
323 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_12 (2004)(Mechanized)
324 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_13 (2004)(Mechanized)
325 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_14 (2004)(Mechanized)
326 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_15 (2004)(Mechanized)
327 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_16 (2004)(Mechanized)
328 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_2 (2004)(Mechanized)
329 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_3 (2004)(Mechanized)
330 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_4 (2004)(Mechanized)
331 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_5 (2004)(Mechanized)
332 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_6 (2004)(Mechanized)
333 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_7 (2004)(Mechanized)
334 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_8 (2004)(Mechanized)
335 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Mechanized_9 (2004)(Mechanized)
336 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_1 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
337 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_2 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
338 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_3 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
339 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_4 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
340 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_5 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
341 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_6 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
342 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - NelsonRamirez_7 (2004)(Nelson Ramirez)
343 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_1 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
344 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_2 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
345 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_3 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
346 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_4 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
347 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_5 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
348 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_6 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
349 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_7 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
350 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - PhilipRFrey_8 (2004)(Philip R Frey)
351 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_1 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
352 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_10 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
353 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_11 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
354 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_12 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
355 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_13 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
356 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_14 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
357 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_15 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
358 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_16 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
359 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_17 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
360 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_18 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
361 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_2 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
362 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_3 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
363 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_4 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
364 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_5 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
365 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_6 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
366 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_7 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
367 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_8 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
368 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - pmitch_3m_9 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
369 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_1 (2004)(Robert Johnson)
370 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_2 (2004)(Robert Johnson)
371 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RobertJohnson_3 (2004)(Robert Johnson)
372 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_1 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
373 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_10 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
374 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_2 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
375 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_3 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
376 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_4 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
377 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_5 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
378 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_6 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
379 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_7 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
380 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_8 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
381 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RonCorcoran_9 (2004)(Ron Corcoran)
382 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_1 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)
383 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_2 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)
384 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_3 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)
385 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - RyanWinchester_4 (2004)(Ryan Winchester)
386 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_1 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)
387 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_2 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)
388 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SalManfredonia_3 (2004)(Sal Manfredonia)
389 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SeanCrooks_1 (2004)(Sean Crooks)
390 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SeanCrooks_2 (2004)(Sean Crooks)
391 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_1 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
392 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_10 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
393 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_11 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
394 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_12 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
395 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_13 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
396 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_14 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
397 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_15 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
398 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_16 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
399 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_2 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
400 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_3 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
401 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_4 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
402 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_5 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
403 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_6 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
404 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_7 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
405 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_8 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
406 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SheldonSims_9 (2004)(Sheldon Sims)
407 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_1 (2004)(SPIKE)
408 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_10 (2004)(SPIKE)
409 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_11 (2004)(SPIKE)
410 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_12 (2004)(SPIKE)
411 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_13 (2004)(SPIKE)
412 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_14 (2004)(SPIKE)
413 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_15 (2004)(SPIKE)
414 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_16 (2004)(SPIKE)
415 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_17 (2004)(SPIKE)
416 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_18 (2004)(SPIKE)
417 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_19 (2004)(SPIKE)
418 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_2 (2004)(SPIKE)
419 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_20 (2004)(SPIKE)
420 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_21 (2004)(SPIKE)
421 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_22 (2004)(SPIKE)
422 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_23 (2004)(SPIKE)
423 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_24 (2004)(SPIKE)
424 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_25 (2004)(SPIKE)
425 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_26 (2004)(SPIKE)
426 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_27 (2004)(SPIKE)
427 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_28 (2004)(SPIKE)
428 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_29 (2004)(SPIKE)
429 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_3 (2004)(SPIKE)
430 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_30 (2004)(SPIKE)
431 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_31 (2004)(SPIKE)
432 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_4 (2004)(SPIKE)
433 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_5 (2004)(SPIKE)
434 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_6 (2004)(SPIKE)
435 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_7 (2004)(SPIKE)
436 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_8 (2004)(SPIKE)
437 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Spike_9 (2004)(SPIKE)
438 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_1 (2004)(Steve)
439 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_2 (2004)(Steve)
440 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_3 (2004)(Steve)
441 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - Steve_4 (2004)(Steve)
442 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_1 (2004)(Steve Juon)
443 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_2 (2004)(Steve Juon)
444 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_3 (2004)(Steve Juon)
445 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveJuon_4 (2004)(Steve Juon)
446 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - SteveKnox_1 (2004)(Steve Knox)
447 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_1 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
448 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_2 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
449 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_3 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
450 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_4 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
451 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_5 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
452 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_6 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
453 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - StevePierson_7 (2004)(Steve Pierson)
454 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TonyMason_1 (2004)(Tony Mason)
455 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_1 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
456 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_2 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
457 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_3 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
458 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_4 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
459 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_5 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
460 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - TroyWhelan_6 (2004)(Troy Whelan)
461 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WalterLauer_1 (2004)(WalterLauer)
462 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WalterLauer_2 (2004)(WalterLauer)
463 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WesMorrison_1 (2004)(Wes Morrison)
464 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_1 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)
465 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_2 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)
466 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_3 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)
467 - AtariAge Combat Redux Design Contest - WestonDHilton_4 (2004)(Weston D Hilton)
468 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AdamKing_1 (2004)(Adam King)
469 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AlexGrosholz_1 (2004)(Alex Grosholz)
470 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AlexGrosholz_2 (2004)(Alex Grosholz)
471 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_1 (2004)(Allen Manley)
472 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_2 (2004)(Allen Manley)
473 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AllenManley_3 (2004)(Allen Manley)
474 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_1 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)
475 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_2 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)
476 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_3 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)
477 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - AndyKovacs_4 (2004)(Andy Kovacs)
478 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_1 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
479 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_10 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
480 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_2 + 3 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
481 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_4 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
482 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_5 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
483 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_6 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
484 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_7 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
485 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_8 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
486 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisCotter_9 (2004)(Chris Cotter)
487 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_1 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
488 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_10 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
489 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_11 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
490 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_12 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
491 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_13 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
492 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_14 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
493 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_15 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
494 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_16 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
495 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_17 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
496 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_18 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
497 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_19 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
498 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_2 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
499 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_20 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
500 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_21 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
501 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_22 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
502 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_23 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
503 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_24 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
504 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_3 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
505 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_4 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
506 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_5 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
507 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_6 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
508 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_7 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
509 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_8 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
510 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - ChrisJohnson_9 (2004)(Chris Johnson)
511 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_1 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
512 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_2 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
513 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_3 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
514 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_4 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
515 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_5 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
516 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - CurtisKaylor_6 (2004)(Curtis Kaylor)
517 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_1 (2004)(Dion Torraville)
518 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_2 (2004)(Dion Torraville)
519 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_3 (2004)(DionTorraville)
520 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DionTorraville_4 (2004)(Dion Torraville)
521 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DougDingus_1 (2004)(Doug Dingus)
522 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_1 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)
523 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_2 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)
524 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - DuaneAlanHahn_3 (2004)(Duane Alan Hahn)
525 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_1 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
526 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_10 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
527 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_11 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
528 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_12 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
529 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_13 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
530 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_14 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
531 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_15 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
532 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_16 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
533 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_17 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
534 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_18 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
535 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_19 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
536 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_2 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
537 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_20 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
538 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_21 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
539 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_22 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
540 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_23 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
541 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_24 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
542 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_25 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
543 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_26 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
544 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_27 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
545 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_28 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
546 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_29 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
547 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_3 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
548 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_4 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
549 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_5 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
550 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_6 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
551 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_7 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
552 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_8 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
553 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JeffThompson_9 (2004)(Jeff Thompson)
554 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_1 (2004)(John Kless)
555 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_2 (2004)(John Kless)
556 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_3 (2004)(John Kless)
557 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JohnKless_4 (2004)(John Kless)
558 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JonStewart_1 (2004)(Jon Stewart)
559 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - JonStewart_2 (2004)(Jon Stewart)
560 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - LincolnBraun_1 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)
561 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - LincolnBraun_2 (2004)(Lincoln Braun)
562 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_1 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
563 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_10 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
564 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_11 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
565 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_12 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
566 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_13 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
567 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_14 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
568 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_15 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
569 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_16 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
570 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_17 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
571 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_18 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
572 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_19 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
573 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_2 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
574 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_3 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
575 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_4 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
576 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_5 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
577 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_6 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
578 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_7 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
579 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_8 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
580 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MariaPoklemba_9 (2004)(Maria Poklemba)
581 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_1 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
582 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_10 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
583 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_11 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
584 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_12 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
585 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_13 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
586 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_14 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
587 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_15 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
588 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_16 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
589 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_17 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
590 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_18 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
591 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_19 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
592 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_2 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
593 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_20 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
594 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_21 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
595 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_22 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
596 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_23 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
597 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_24 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
598 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_25 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
599 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_26 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
600 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_27 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
601 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_28 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
602 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_29 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
603 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_3 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
604 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_30 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
605 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_31 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
606 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_32 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
607 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_33 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
608 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_34 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
609 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_35 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
610 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_36 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
611 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_4 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
612 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_5 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
613 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_6 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
614 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_7 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
615 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_8 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
616 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - MoJoFLTR_9 (2004)(MoJoFLTR)
617 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_1 (2004)(Pato)
618 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_10 (2004)(Pato)
619 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_2 (2004)(Pato)
620 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_3 (2004)(Pato)
621 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_4 (2004)(Pato)
622 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_5 (2004)(Pato)
623 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_6 (2004)(Pato)
624 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_7 (2004)(Pato)
625 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_8 (2004)(Pato)
626 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Pato_9 (2004)(Pato)
627 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_1 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
628 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_10 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
629 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_11 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
630 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_12 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
631 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_13 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
632 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_14 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
633 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_15 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
634 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_16 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
635 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_17 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
636 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_18 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
637 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_19 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
638 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_2 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
639 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_3 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
640 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_4 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
641 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_5 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
642 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_6 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
643 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_7 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
644 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_8 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
645 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - PMitch_9 (2004)(pmitch_3m)
646 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_1 (2004)(Ray J)
647 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_2 (2004)(Ray J)
648 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_3 (2004)(Ray J)
649 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_4 (2004)(Ray J)
650 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_5 (2004)(Ray J)
651 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RayJ_6 (2004)(Ray J)
652 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_1 (2004)(Rico Dones)
653 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_10 (2004)(Rico Dones)
654 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_11 (2004)(Rico Dones)
655 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_12 (2004)(Rico Dones)
656 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_13 (2004)(Rico Dones)
657 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_14 (2004)(Rico Dones)
658 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_15 (2004)(Rico Dones)
659 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_16 (2004)(Rico Dones)
660 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_17 (2004)(Rico Dones)
661 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_18 (2004)(Rico Dones)
662 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_19 (2004)(Rico Dones)
663 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_2 (2004)(Rico Dones)
664 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_20 (2004)(Rico Dones)
665 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_21 (2004)(Rico Dones)
666 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_22 (2004)(Rico Dones)
667 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_23 (2004)(Rico Dones)
668 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_24 (2004)(Rico Dones)
669 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_25 (2004)(Rico Dones)
670 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_26 (2004)(Rico Dones)
671 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_27 (2004)(Rico Dones)
672 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_28 (2004)(Rico Dones)
673 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_29 (2004)(Rico Dones)
674 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_3 (2004)(Rico Dones)
675 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_30 (2004)(Rico Dones)
676 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_31 (2004)(Rico Dones)
677 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_32 (2004)(Rico Dones)
678 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_33 (2004)(Rico Dones)
679 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_4 (2004)(Rico Dones)
680 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_5 (2004)(Rico Dones)
681 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_6 (2004)(Rico Dones)
682 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_7 (2004)(Rico Dones)
683 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_8 (2004)(Rico Dones)
684 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - RicoDones_9 (2004)(Rico Dones)
685 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_1 (2004)(Scuttle130)
686 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_2 (2004)(Scuttle130)
687 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_3 (2004)(Scuttle130)
688 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_4 (2004)(Scuttle130)
689 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - Scuttle130_5 (2004)(Scuttle130)
690 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_1 (2004)(Steve Napierski)
691 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_2 (2004)(Steve Napierski)
692 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - SteveNapierski_3 (2004)(Steve Napierski)
693 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_1 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
694 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_2 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
695 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_3 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
696 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_4 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
697 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_5 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
698 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_6 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
699 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - TimLehner_7 (2004)(Tim Lehner)
700 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_1 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
701 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_10 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
702 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_11 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
703 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_12 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
704 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_13 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
705 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_14 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
706 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_15 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
707 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_16 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
708 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_17 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
709 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_18 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
710 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_19 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
711 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_2 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
712 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_20 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
713 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_21 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
714 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_22 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
715 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_3 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
716 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_4 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
717 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_5 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
718 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_6 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
719 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_7 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
720 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_8 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
721 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - WalterLauer_9 (2004)(Walter Lauer)
722 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_1 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
723 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_10 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
724 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_11 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
725 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_12 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
726 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_13 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
727 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_14 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
728 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_15 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
729 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_16 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
730 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_17 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
731 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_18 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
732 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_19 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
733 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_2 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
734 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_3 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
735 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_4 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
736 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_5 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
737 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_6 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
738 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_7 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
739 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_8 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
740 - AtariAge Indy 500 XE Track Design Contest - YvesLarouche_9 (2004)(Yves Larouche)
741 - Atarivox Test Cartridge (2004)(AtariAge)
742 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team - 50Hz]
743 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team - 60Hz]
744 - A-Team (2002)(Polik, Manuel - Zavagli, Fabrizio)[A-Team]
745 - A-Team, The (1984-03-30)(Atari)(proto)
746 - Atlantis
747 - Atlantis (1982)(CCE)(BR)
748 - Atlantis (1982)(HES)(AU)
749 - Atlantis (1982)(Imagic)
750 - Atlantis (1988)(Activision)
751 - Atlantis FH (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Atlantis]
752 - Atlantis FH (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h2][Atlantis]
753 - Atlantis II
754 - Atlantis II (1982)(Imagic)
755 - Attack Of The Mutant Space Urchins (2002)(Laws Jr, Barry)[Alien]
756 - Aufruhr im Zoo (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Zoo Fun]
757 - Autoduel Targ (2005)(Jim C.)[Targ]
758 - Automaton (200x)(Ledbetter, Derek)
759 - Automazeon Trainer (2004)(Stan Jr)[Outlaw]
760 - Auto-mobile Demo (2001)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
761 - Autorennen (19xx)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Grand Prix]
762 - Bachelor Party (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)
763 - Bachelor Party/Gigolo
764 - Bachelorette Party (1982)(Playaround)
765 - Bachelorette Party/Burning Desire
766 - Back to the Future 2 (2003)(Stan Jr)[Adventure]
767 - Backfire (2003)(Lare,Chad)
768 - Backfire (2003)(Lare,Chad)(pre-release)
769 - Backgammon
770 - Backgammon (1979)(Atari)
771 - Backwards Cannonball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Human Cannonball - Gameplay bugs]
772 - Backwards Cannonball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Human Cannonball]
773 - Balls! (2002-09-16)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)
774 - Balthazar (19xx)(SnailSoft)
775 - Bank Heist
776 - Bank Heist (1983)(20th Century Fox)
777 - Bank Heist (1983)(Action Hi-Tech)[Skull Island Label]
778 - Barnstorming
779 - Barnstorming (1982)(-)
780 - Barnstorming (1982)(Activision)
781 - Barnstorming (1982)(CCE)(BR)
782 - Bar-Score Demo (2001)(Williams, Roger)
783 - Base Attack (1983)(HomeVision)[aka Z-Tack]
784 - Basic Math
785 - Basic Programming (1979)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]
786 - Basketball
787 - Basketball (1978)(Atari)
788 - Battle for Naboo (2002)(Josh)[Atlantis]
789 - Battle of the Planets (2005)(s0c7)[Infiltrate]
790 - Battlezone
791 - Battlezone (1983)(Atari)
792 - Battlezone TC (2002)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[h Two Joysticks][Battlezone]
793 - Baubles (2001-11-14)(Patterson, Jake)
794 - Baubles 3 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)
795 - Baubles v0.001 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)
796 - Baubles v0.002 (2001)(Patterson, Jake)
797 - Bazooka Bill (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Space Cavern]
798 - Beamrider
799 - Beamrider (1983)(Activision)
800 - Beanie Baby Bash (2002)(Goebel, Jim 'Inky')[Beany Bopper]
801 - Beany Bopper
802 - Beany Bopper (1982)(20th Century Fox)
803 - Beany Bopper (1982)(CCE)(BR)
804 - Beast Invaders (2000)(Minter, Jeff 'Yak')[h Double Shot][Space Invaders]
805 - Beast Invaders (2000)(Minter, Jeff 'Yak')[Space Invaders]
806 - Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em
807 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)
808 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)[f][Supercharger, 60Hz]
809 - Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em (1982)(Mystique - Playaround)[f][Supercharger]
810 - Berenstain Bears
811 - Berenstain Bears (1983)(Coleco)[Requires Kid Vid Controller and Audio Tape Files]
812 - Bermuda (19xx)(-)[aka Ground Zero - 'Taiwan Cooper']
813 - Bermuda (19xx)(Rainbow Vision)[aka Ground Zero]
814 - Bermuda (19xx)(Starsoft)[aka Ground Zero]
815 - Bermuda Triangle
816 - Bermuda Triangle (1982)(Data Age)
817 - Berzerk
818 - Berzerk - Renegade (2002)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Room of Doom]
819 - Berzerk (1982)(Atari)
820 - Berzerk (1982)(CCE)(BR)
821 - Berzerk Arena (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[h Walls Altered][Berzerk]
822 - Berzerk Neo (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]
823 - Berzerk Neo v2 (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]
824 - Berzerk VE (2002)(Mika, Mike)[h Voice Enhanced][Berzerk]
825 - Beta Demo v1.1 (2002-09-26)(Polik, Manuel)
826 - Better Dukes of Hazzard (2003)(OutofGas)[Dukes of Hazzard]
827 - Better Space Invaders (1999)(Kudla, Rob)[Space Invaders]
828 - Betterblast (2002)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)[Astroblast]
829 - Bi! Bi! (198x)(Rainbow Vision - StarSoft)(AU)[aka Ungeheuer der Tiefe]
830 - Bi! Bi! (198x)(Rainbow Vision - StarSoft)[292]
831 - Big Bird's Egg Catch
832 - Big Bird's Egg Catch (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]
833 - Big Dig (2002-10-20)(Tumber, Christopher)
834 - Big Dig (2003-04-04)(Tumber, Christopher)
835 - Big Dig (2003-04-13)(Tumber, Christopher)
836 - Big Head Bowling Hack (2004)(OutofGas)[Bowling]
837 - Billard (19xx)(Quelle)[aka Trick Shot]
838 - Binary To Decimal Routine (2001)(Davie, Andrew)
839 - Bingo (198x)(CCE)
840 - Bionic Breakthrough (1984)(Atari)(proto)[MindLink Controller Required]
841 - Bioresearch Station 2084 (2005)(Jamcat)[Lost Luggage]
842 - Biplane Air Raiders (2005)(Jamcat)[Air Raiders]
843 - Bitmap Demo (2003-01-13)(Davie, Andrew)
844 - Black Hole (198x)(StarSoft)[aka Cosmic Ark]
845 - Blackjack
846 - Blackjack (1977)(Atari)
847 - Blair Witch Project, The (2000)(Snider, Tim)[Haunted House]
848 - Blob, The (19xx)(Pittman, Cody)[Halloween Hack]
849 - Bloody Human Freeway (1981)(Activision)(proto)
850 - Bloody Human Freeway (1981)(Activision)(proto)[f PAL]
851 - Blueprint
852 - Blueprint (1983)(CBS Electronics)
853 - BMX Air Master
854 - BMX Air Master (1989)(Atari)
855 - BMX Air Master (1989)(TNT Games)
856 - Boardgame Demo (2002-12-20)(Tumber, Christopher)
857 - Bobby Geht Heim (19xx)(Bitcorp)[aka Bobby is Going Home]
858 - Bobby geht nach Hause (19xx)(StarSoft)[aka Bobby is Going Home]
859 - Bobby is Going Home
860 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(CCE)
861 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(CCE)[f NTSC Jentzsch, Thomas]
862 - Bobby is Going Home (19xx)(Rentacom)(BR)
863 - Bogey Blaster (19xx)(Telegames)[aka Air Raiders]
864 - Boggle (1978-08-07)(Atari)(proto)
865 - Boing! (1983)(First Star Software)
866 - Boing! 2004 (2004)(-)[Boing!]
867 - Boom Bang (19xx)(Quelle)[aka Crackpots]
868 - Boom Bang (19xx)(StarSoft)[aka Kampf dem Steinfresser]
869 - Boom! (2004)(OutofGas)[h2][Human Cannonball]
870 - Boom! (2004)(OutofGas)[Human Cannonball]
871 - Borg Ball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Tennis]
872 - Borg Cannonball (2004)(OutofGas)[Human Cannonball]
873 - Borg Defence (19xx)(-)[Astro War]
874 - Borg 'Em (2004)(OutofGas)[Dodge 'Em]
875 - Borg Patrol (2004)(Atari Troll)[Planet Patrol]
876 - Borg Shot (2005)(OutofGas)[Carnival]
877 - Borg Wars Asteroids (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[Asteroids]
878 - Borg Wars Budget Pinball (2004)(Atari Troll)[Video Pinball]
879 - Borg Wars Federation Invasion (2004)(Atari Troll)[Space Robot]
880 - Borg Wars II - Planet (2004-06-05)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]
881 - Borg Wars II - Swirl Torpedo (2004)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]
882 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-06)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]
883 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-09)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]
884 - Borg Wars II (2004-05-16)(Atari Troll)[Astroblast]
885 - Borg Wars III - Invasion (2004)(Atari Troll)[Space Invaders]
886 - Borg Wars IV (2004)(Atari Troll - neotokeo2001)[Berzerk]
887 - Borg Wars Pinball (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Midnight Magic]
888 - Borg Wars Plus (2004)(Atari Troll)[Sadistroids]
889 - Borg Wars Prime Directive (2004)(Atari Troll)[Galaxian]
890 - Borg Wars V - Sector Wars (2004)(Atari Troll)[Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator]
891 - Borg Wars Wormhole (2004)(Atari Troll)[Fantastic Voyage]
892 - Borg's Revenge (2004)(Atari Troll)[Yars' Revenge]
893 - Boring Donkey Kong (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Donkey Kong]
894 - Boring Freeway (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Freeway]
895 - Boring Journey Escape (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Journey Escape]
896 - Boring Pac-man (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Pac-Man]
897 - Boring Pitfall (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Pitfall]
898 - Boring Taz (200x)(Morgan, Charles)[Taz]
899 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2003-12-31)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
900 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2004-04-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
901 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2004-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
902 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-01-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
903 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-02)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
904 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-03)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
905 - Bottomless Pitfall! (2005-02-11)(Nukey Shay)[Pitfall!]
906 - Boulderdash (2003-04-02)(Davie, Andrew)[10 Blocks Wide]
907 - Boulderdash (2003-04-02)(Davie, Andrew)[13 Blocks Wide]
908 - Boulderdash Demo (2002-12-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
909 - Boulderdash Demo (2002-12-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Brighter Version]
910 - Boulderdash Demo (2003-04-05)(Davie, Andrew)
911 - Bounce! (2003)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)
912 - Bounce! (2003-03-17)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)
913 - Bounce! (2003-03-18)(Zavagli, Fabrizio)
914 - Bowling
915 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)
916 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)[b Screen Rolls]
917 - Bowling (1978)(Atari)[b2 Screen Rolls]
918 - Bowling (1978)(Dactar)(NTSC-PAL)
919 - Boxen (1981)(Ariola)(DE)[aka Boxing]
920 - Boxing
921 - Boxing (1981)(-)
922 - Boxing (1981)(Activision)
923 - Boxing (1981)(Dactar)
924 - Brain Games
925 - Brain Games (1982)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]
926 - Breaking News (2002)(Pryor, Ric)[Bump 'n' Jump]
927 - Breakout
928 - Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978)(Atari)
929 - Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978)(Atari)[t]
930 - Brick Kick
931 - Brick Kick (198x)(-)[aka Peter Penguin - RJPG]
932 - Brick Kick (198x)(-)[aka Peter Penguin]
933 - Bridge
934 - Bridge (1981)(Activision)
935 - Brooni (2001)(Wallace, Andrew)
936 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom
937 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983)(Sega)
938 - Bugs
939 - Bugs (1982)(Data Age)
940 - Bugs (1983)(Game World)
941 - Bugs Bunny (1983)(Atari)(proto)
942 - Bullet Demo (2002-12-20)(Tumber, Christopher)
943 - Bump 'n' Jump
944 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)
945 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)[b Screen Rolls]
946 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Mattel)[F6]
947 - Bump 'N' Jump (1983)(Telegames)
948 - Bumper Bash
949 - Bumper Bash (1983)(Spectravision)
950 - Bunny BZRK (2003)(Snorlaxnut)[Berzerk]
951 - Burger King Kaboom! (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Kaboom! - Early Version]
952 - Burger King Kaboom! (2005)(neotokeo2001)[Kaboom!]
953 - BurgerTime
954 - Burgertime (1982)(Mattel)
955 - Burning Desire
956 - Burning Desire (1982)(Playaround)
957 - Cakewalk
958 - Cakewalk (1983)(CommaVid)
959 - Cakewalk (1983)(CommaVid)[f PAL Fabrizio Zavagli]
960 - Calculator (200x)(atari2600land)
961 - California Games
962 - California Games (1987)(Epyx)
963 - California Games (1988)(Epyx)
964 - Candi Invaders (2000)(Thompson,Greg)[Space Invaders]
965 - Canguru (19xx)(Zirok)(BR)
966 - Canyon Bomber
967 - Canyon Bomber (1978)(Atari)
968 - Capture (1978)(Dynamics-Goliath)[aka Breakdown or Flag Capture]
969 - Carnival
970 - Carnival (1982)(CCE)(BR)
971 - Carnival (1982)(Coleco)
972 - Carnival (1983)(CBS Electronics)
973 - Casino (1979)(Atari)[aka Poker Plus]
974 - Cat and Mouse (2001)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Pac-Man]
975 - Cat Trax
976 - Cat Trax (1983)(UA Limited)
977 - Cat Trax (1983)(UA Limited)[f PAL Jentzsch, Thomas]
978 - Cathouse Blues
979 - Cathouse Blues (1982)(Playaround)
980 - Cave 1K v1.01 (2003)(-)
981 - Cave 1K v1.02 (2003)(-)
982 - Cave 1K v1.03 (2003)(-)
983 - Cave 1k v1.04 (2003)(-)
984 - Cave 1k v1.06 (2003)(-)
985 - Cave 1K v1.08 (2003)(-)
986 - Cave Demo (2003-04-21)(Tumber, Christopher)
987 - Caveman (2004-07-15)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP2.2]
988 - Caveman (2004-07-15)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP4]
989 - Caveman (2004-07-17)(-)[Kangaroo - WIP6]
990 - Caveman (2004-07-20)(-)[Kangaroo - V2]
991 - Centipede
992 - Centipede (1982)(Atari)
993 - Centipede (1982)(Atari)(proto)
994 - Centipede 2K (19xx)(Eduardo)[Centipede]
995 - Challenge
996 - Challenge (198x)(HES - Funvision)
997 - Challenge (198x)(Zellers)
998 - Challenge of Nexar, The (1982)(Spectravision)
999 - Championship Soccer (1980)(Atari)[aka Pele's Soccer]
1000 - Chase the Chuck Wagon
1001 - Chase the Chuckwagon (1983)(Spectravision)
1002 - Checkers
1003 - Checkers (1980)(Activision)
1004 - Chicken Crossing (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Taz]
1005 - China Syndrome
1006 - China Syndrome (1982)(Spectravision)
1007 - Chopper Command
1008 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)
1009 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)[Choplifter]
1010 - Chopper Command (1982)(Activision)[f Supercharger]
1011 - Chopper Command (1982)(CCE)(BR)
1012 - Chopper Command (1982)(Supervision)
1013 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-13)(Kozlowski, Maciej)
1014 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-15)(Kozlowski, Maciej)
1015 - Chronicles of Ataria (2004-10-29)(Kozlowski, Maciej)
1016 - Chronocolor Frame Demo (2003-01-10)(Davie, Andrew)
1017 - Chronocolor Frame Demo 2 (2003-01-10)(Davie, Andrew)
1018 - Chuck Norris Superkicks
1019 - Chuck Norris Superkicks (1983)(Xonox)
1020 - CIFS - Communist Invaders From Space (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Space Invaders]
1021 - Circus (1978)(Zellers)[Joystick]
1022 - Circus Atari
1023 - Circus Atari (1978)(Atari)[Paddles]
1024 - City Defender (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Missile Command]
1025 - Climber 5 (2002-10-30)(Debro, Dennis)(proto)
1026 - Climber 5 (2003-03-20)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)
1027 - Climber 5 (2003-04-16)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)[For Philly Classic 4]
1028 - Climber 5 (2003-05-01)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)
1029 - Climber 5 (2003-05-07)(Debro, Dennis)(pre-release)
1030 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)
1031 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)(proto)[random ladders]
1032 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC4 - Alt - Easy version]
1033 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC4]
1034 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC5 - Alt - Easy version]
1035 - Climber 5 (2004)(Debro, Dennis)[RC5]
1036 - Climber 5 (2004)(XYPE - Debro, Dennis)
1037 - Climber 5 (200x)(Debro, Dennis)
1038 - Coco Nuts
1039 - Coconuts (1982)(Telesys)
1040 - Code Breaker
1041 - Codebreaker (1978)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]
1042 - Coffee Cup Soccer (2000)(Jaap, Matthias)[Pele's Soccer]
1043 - Col 'N (198x)(Home Vision)
1044 - Colony 7 (2005-09-17)(Rotschkar, Manuel)(pre-release)
1045 - Color Bar Generator (1984)(Videosoft)
1046 - Color Test (2002-09-26)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1047 - Color Tweaker (2001)(Watson, B.)
1048 - Color Tweaker v1.0 (2001)(Watson, B.)
1049 - Colour Display Programme (1997)(Cracknell, Chris)[not working]
1050 - Colour Test (200x)(Happy-Dude)
1051 - Colours Selector (2002)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1052 - Combat
1053 - Combat (1977)(Atari)
1054 - Combat AI (2003-02-13)(Matley, Zach)
1055 - Combat AI (2003-04-19)(Matley, Zach)
1056 - Combat Plus (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Combat]
1057 - Combat Redux (2004)(Matley, Zach - AtariAge)[Combat]
1058 - Combat Rock (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[h Music][Combat]
1059 - Combat Rock (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[h2 Music][Combat]
1060 - Combat Two (1982)(Atari)(proto)
1061 - Commando
1062 - Commando (1988)(Activision)
1063 - Commando Raid
1064 - Commando Raid (1982)(US Games)
1065 - Communist Mutants from Space
1066 - Communist Mutants From Space (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1067 - Communist Mutants From Space (demo-rolling) (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1068 - CompuMate (198x)(Spectravideo - Universum)
1069 - Computer Chess (1983)(Atari)(proto)
1070 - Condor Attack
1071 - Condor Attack (19xx)(High-Score Games)
1072 - Confrontation
1073 - Confrontation (1983)(Answer Software)
1074 - Congo Bongo
1075 - Congo Bongo (1983)(Sega)
1076 - Console Wars (2000)(Thompson, Greg)[Space Jockey]
1077 - Cookie Monster Munch (1983)(Atari - CCW)[Kid's Controller]
1078 - Corrida da Matematica (1982)(CCE)(BR)[aka Math Gran Prix]
1079 - Cosmic Ark
1080 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(CCE)
1081 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(Imagic)
1082 - Cosmic Ark (1982)(Imagic)[White Label]
1083 - Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Bit Corp)[aka Starmaster]
1084 - Cosmic Bowling (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Bowling]
1085 - Cosmic Commuter
1086 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(Activision)
1087 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(Activision)[f PAL Jentzsch, Thomas]
1088 - Cosmic Commuter (1984)(CCE)
1089 - Cosmic Corridor
1090 - Cosmic Corridor (198x)(Zimag)
1091 - Cosmic Creeps
1092 - Cosmic Creeps (1982)(Telesys)
1093 - Cosmic Swarm (1982)(CommaVid)
1094 - Cosmic Swarm (1982)(CommaVid)[MilliBlast]
1095 - Cosmic Town (1983)(ITT Family Games)[aka Z-Tac]
1096 - CPS 2600 Diagnostic Test Cartridge 2.6 (19xx)(Atari)
1097 - Crack'ed
1098 - Crack'ed (1988)(Atari)(proto)
1099 - Crackpots
1100 - Crackpots (1983)(Activision)
1101 - Crackpots (1983)(CCE)
1102 - Crash Dive
1103 - Crash Dive (1983)(20th Century Fox)
1104 - Crash Dive (1983)(20th Century Fox)[f PAL Fabrizio Zavagli]
1105 - Crazy Balloon (2005)(Rotschkar, Manuel)
1106 - Crazy Climber
1107 - Crazy Climber (1983)(Atari)[Atari Fan Club Exclusive]
1108 - Crazy Combat (2003)(Krytol)[Combat]
1109 - Crazy Otto v1.0 (2004)(Racoon Lad)[Ms. Pac-Man]
1110 - Crazy Valet
1111 - Crazy Valet (2000)(Prescott, Brian)
1112 - Create Your Own Adventure - Software Example (2004-04-03)(Atarius Maximus)[Adventure]
1113 - Create Your Own Adventure - Software Example (2004-04-18)(Atarius Maximus)[Adventure]
1114 - Create Your Own Adventure - Template Binary (2004-04-04)(Nukey Shay)[Adventure]
1115 - Criminal Persuit
1116 - Criminal Pursuit (198x)(Emag)
1117 - Cross Force
1118 - Cross Force (1982)(Spectravision)
1119 - Crossbow
1120 - Crossbow (1987)(Atari)
1121 - Cruise Missile (1987)(Froggo)[aka Radar]
1122 - Crypts of Chaos
1123 - Crypts of Chaos (1982)(20th Century Fox)
1124 - Crystal Castles
1125 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)
1126 - Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)(proto)
1127 - Cubicolor (1982)(Fulop, Rob - Imagic)(proto)
1128 - Cubo Magico (1982)(CCE)[aka Cubicolor]
1129 - Custer's Revenge
1130 - Custer's Revenge (1982)(Mystique)
1131 - Custer's Revenge (1982)(Mystique)[f Supercharger]
1132 - Custer's Revenge 2 (2004)(Lesser Raven)[Demon Attack]
1133 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[Custer's Revenge]
1134 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[h2][Custer's Revenge]
1135 - Custer's Viagra (2004)(Atari Troll)[h3][Custer's Revenge]
1136 - Cute Dead Things House (2002)(Samuel, Christian)[Haunted House]
1137 - Cybergoth Galaxian (2002)(Polik, Manuel)[Galaxian]
1138 - Cyplix (2004)(Gray, Charles F 'Atari Charles')[Bi! Bi!]
1139 - Dan Kitchen's Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter Simulator
1140 - Dancing Baby Center Animation (demo) (2003)(Davie, Andrew)
1141 - Dancing Baby v1 (demo) (2003-01-17)(Davie, Andrew)
1142 - Dancing Baby v2 (demo) (2003-01-18)(Davie, Andrew)
1143 - Dancing Baby v3 (demo) (2003-01-18)(Davie, Andrew)
1144 - Dancing Baby v4 (demo) (2003-01-08)(Davie, Andrew)
1145 - Dancing Plates (1982)(BitCorp)
1146 - Dancing Plates (1982)(Quelle)
1147 - Dark Cavern
1148 - Dark Cavern (1982)(Mattel)
1149 - Dark Chambers
1150 - Dark Chambers (1988)(Atari)
1151 - Dark Mage (1997)(Troutman, Greg)
1152 - Dark Mage (1997)(Troutman, Greg)[SuperCharger]
1153 - Dark Mage (1997)[Final Beta]
1154 - Dark Mage (1997)[Rough Beta]
1155 - Dark Mage 4k (1997)(Troutman, Greg)
1156 - Dark Mage 8k (1997)(Troutman, Greg)
1157 - Dawn of the Dead (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Worm War I]
1158 - Deadly Duck
1159 - Deadly Duck (1982)(20th Century Fox)
1160 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[h2][River Raid]
1161 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[h3][River Raid]
1162 - Death Race (2003)(neotokeo2001)[River Raid]
1163 - Death Trap (1983)(Avalon Hill)
1164 - Decathlon (1983)(Activision)
1165 - Defender
1166 - Defender (1981)(Atari)
1167 - Defender (1981)(CCE)(BR)
1168 - Defender II
1169 - Defender II (1984)(Atari)[aka Stargate]
1170 - Defender Vector (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Defender]
1171 - Demo Image Series #0 - Star Parker (2003-02-12)(Davie, Andrew)
1172 - Demo Image Series #1 - Samantha Fox (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1173 - Demo Image Series #10 - It's Art (2003-02-28)(Davie, Andrew)
1174 - Demo Image Series #11 - Donald And Mario (2003-02-28)(Davie, Andrew)
1175 - Demo Image Series #12 - Luigi And Mario (2003-03-01)(Davie, Andrew)
1176 - Demo Image Series #13 - Mario - 4K Interleaved Chronocolour (2003-03-05)(Davie, Andrew)
1177 - Demo Image Series #14 - Two Marios - 4K Interleaved Chronocolour Vertical Movement (2003-03-05)(Davie, Andrew)
1178 - Demo Image Series #15 - Three Marios - Non-Interleave (2003-03-06)(Davie, Andrew)
1179 - Demo Image Series #15 - Three Marios (2003-03-06)(Davie, Andrew)
1180 - Demo Image Series #2 - Clown (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1181 - Demo Image Series #3 - Baboon (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1182 - Demo Image Series #4 - Donald (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1183 - Demo Image Series #5 - Animegirl (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1184 - Demo Image Series #5 - Baboon (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1185 - Demo Image Series #5 - Boofly (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1186 - Demo Image Series #5 - Clown (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1187 - Demo Image Series #5 - Flag (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1188 - Demo Image Series #5 - Sam (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1189 - Demo Image Series #6 - Mario - Fixed (2003-02-26)(Davie, Andrew)
1190 - Demo Image Series #6 - Mario (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1191 - Demo Image Series #7 - Two Marios (2003-02-27)(Davie, Andrew)
1192 - Demo Image Series #8 - Two Marios - Different Interlacing (2003-02-27)(Davie, Andrew)
1193 - Demo Image Series #9 - Genius (2003-02-28)(Davie, Andrew)
1194 - Demolition Herby
1195 - Demolition Herby (1982)(Telesys)
1196 - Demon Attack
1197 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)
1198 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)[f Supercharger]
1199 - Demon Attack (1982)(Imagic)[t +1]
1200 - Demon Attack (1983)(Activision)
1201 - Demons to Diamonds
1202 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)
1203 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)[f joystick]
1204 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(Atari)[f Supercharger]
1205 - Demons to Diamonds (1982)(CCE)(BR)
1206 - Demons! (2003)(Spk Leader)[Phoenix]
1207 - Desert Falcon
1208 - Desert Falcon (1987)(Atari)
1209 - Detect Console (2005-03-18)(batari)
1210 - Diagnostic Cartridge (19xx)(Atari)
1211 - Diagnostic Temp 2600 (19xx)(-)
1212 - Dice Puzzle (1983)(Panda)
1213 - Dice Puzzle (1983)(Sancho)
1214 - Dig Dug
1215 - Dig Dug (1983)(Atari)
1216 - Dishaster (198x)(Zimag)[aka Mr Chin]
1217 - DK 2.0 (2003)(Dr. Kwack)[Donkey Kong]
1218 - DKJR Improved (2005)(Dr. Kwack)[Donkey Kong Jr]
1219 - DKJR Improved (2005)(Dr. Kwack)[h2][Donkey Kong Jr]
1220 - Dodge Blinky (2004)(Atari Troll)[Dodge 'Em]
1221 - Dodge 'Em
1222 - Dodge 'Em (1981)(Atari)
1223 - Dolphin
1224 - Dolphin (1983)(Activision)
1225 - Dolphin (198x)(CCE)(BR)
1226 - Donald Duck's Speedboat (1983-04-12)(Atari)(proto)
1227 - Donkey Claus (2001)(Frey, Philip R)[Donkey Kong]
1228 - Donkey Kong
1229 - Donkey Kong (1982)(CBS Electronics)
1230 - Donkey Kong (1982)(Coleco)
1231 - Donkey Kong (1982)(Pet Boat)
1232 - Donkey Kong Invisible (2004)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[h Invisible Barrels][Donkey Kong]
1233 - Donkey Kong Jr (198x)(CCE)
1234 - Donkey Kong Junior
1235 - Donkey Kong Junior (1982)(CBS Electronics)
1236 - Donkey Kong Junior (1982)(Coleco)
1237 - Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Coleco)
1238 - Donkey Kong Vector (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Donkey Kong]
1239 - Donkey Kong Vector BW (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Donkey Kong]
1240 - Donkey Kong Vector Green (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Donkey Kong]
1241 - Don't Get Hit! (2004)(vb Master)[Freeway]
1242 - Doomzerk (2000)(Eduardo)[Berzerk]
1243 - Double Dragon
1244 - Double Dragon (1989)(Activision)
1245 - Double Dragon (1989)(CCE)
1246 - Double Dunk
1247 - Double Dunk (1989)(Atari)
1248 - Double-click Draw (2008-03-18)(Fort Apocalypse)
1249 - Double-click Draw (2008-03-22)(Random Terrain)
1250 - Double-click Draw Special (2008-03-22)(Random Terrain)
1251 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)
1252 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)[Background Color Change]
1253 - Double-Height 6-Digit Score Display (2001)(Davie, Andrew)[Two Background Color Change]
1254 - DP Kong (2003)(Keir)[Donkey Kong]
1255 - DP Kong (2003)(Keir)[h2][Donkey Kong]
1256 - Dr. Who - Dalek Invasion (2005)(Jamcat)[Berzerk]
1257 - Drag Race (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragster]
1258 - Drag Race (2003)(Engelhardt, Steve)[h Auto Shift][Dragster]
1259 - Dragon Chase (2004)(neotokeo2001)[Blue Print]
1260 - Dragon Defender (198x)(Ariola-Rainbow Vision)
1261 - Dragon Defender (200x)(Ariola)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]
1262 - Dragon Fighter (2004)(OutofGas)[Double Dragon]
1263 - Dragonfire
1264 - Dragonfire (1982)(Imagic)
1265 - Dragonfire Easy 1 (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]
1266 - Dragonfire Easy 2 (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]
1267 - Dragonfire Sadistic (2004)(Engelhardt, Steve)[Dragonfire]
1268 - Dragonstomper
1269 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 1 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]
1270 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 2 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]
1271 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)(Part 3 of 3)[Supercharger Cassette]
1272 - Dragonstomper (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1273 - Dragonstomper Preview (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1274 - Dragster
1275 - Dragster (1980)(Activision)
1276 - Dragster (1980)(Activision)[t Auto Shift]
1277 - Dschungle Boy (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Tom Boy]
1278 - Dueling Borg (2004)(Atari Troll)[Joust]
1279 - Dukes of Hazzard (1980)(Atari)(proto)[Stunt Cycle Version]
1280 - Dukes of Hazzard (1983)(Atari)(proto)
1281 - Dumbo's Flying Circus (1983)(Atari)(proto)
1282 - Dune (1984-07-10)(Atari)(proto)[Very Early Demo]
1283 - E.T. - Pits Hack (19xx)(Stilphen, Scott)[E.T.]
1284 - E.T. Tennis (2005)(Jamcat)[Tennis]
1285 - E.T. The Extra Testical (2001)(Samuel, Christian)[E.T.]
1286 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
1287 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)(Atari)
1288 - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)(CCE)(BR)
1289 - E.T. vs. HSW (2005)(Gray, Charles F 'Atari Charles')[Pac-Man]
1290 - Earth Attack
1291 - Earth Attack (198x)(Zellers)(CA)[u][aka Defender]
1292 - Earth Dies Screaming (1983)(20th Century Fox)
1293 - Ed Invaders (2000)(-)[Pepsi Invaders]
1294 - Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb (19xx)(Starsoft - Quelle)(DE)[aka Criminal Pursuit]
1295 - Edtris 2600 (1994)(Federmeyer, Ed)
1296 - Edtris 2600 (1995)(Federmeyer, Ed)
1297 - Egghead (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Pac-Man]
1298 - Eggomania
1299 - Eggomania (1982)(US Games)
1300 - Eishockey-Fieber (198x)(Starsoft-Quelle)[aka Ice Hockey]
1301 - Elevator Action (1983)(Atari)(proto)
1302 - Eli's Ladder
1303 - Eli's Ladder (198x)(Simage)
1304 - Elk Attack
1305 - Elk Attack (1987)(Atari)(proto)
1306 - Encounter at L-5
1307 - Encounter at L5 (1982)(Data Age)
1308 - Enduro
1309 - Enduro (1983)(Activision)
1310 - Enduro (1983)(Activision-Dactar)
1311 - Enduro (1983)(CCE)(BR)
1312 - Enduro (1983)(Digivision)
1313 - Enduro (1983)(Digivision)(BR)
1314 - Enhanced Pitfall + (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[Pitfall]
1315 - Enhanced Pitfall + (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[t +1][Pitfall]
1316 - Enhanced Pitfall + Revisited (2003)(Kortkamp, Jack)[t +1][Pitfall]
1317 - Enigma 2600 (2005)(VandeWettering, Mark)
1318 - Ente und der Wolf, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Pooyan]
1319 - Entombed
1320 - Entombed (1982)(US Games)
1321 - Escape from the Mindmaster
1322 - Escape from the Mindmaster (1982)(Starpath)
1323 - Escape from the Mindmaster Preview (1982)
1324 - Espial
1325 - Espial (1983)(Tigervision)
1326 - Espial (1984)(Tigervision)
1327 - Euchre (2001-06-15)(Eid, Erik)
1328 - Euchre (2001-07-13)(Eid, Erik)
1329 - Euchre (2001-07-20)(Eid, Erik)
1330 - Euchre (2001-07-28)(Eid, Erik)
1331 - Euchre (2001-08-19)(Eid, Erik)
1332 - Euchre (2001-11-09)(Eid, Erik)
1333 - Euchre (2001-11-25)(Eid, Erik)
1334 - Euchre (2002)(Eid, Erik)(pre-release)
1335 - Euchre (2002-07-15)(Eid, Erik)
1336 - Euchre (2002-07-28)(Eid, Erik)
1337 - Euchre (2002-08-22)(Eid, Erik)
1338 - Euchre (2002-08-31)(Eid, Erik)
1339 - Euchre (2002-09-12)(Eid, Erik)
1340 - Euchre (2002-09-26)(Eid, Erik)
1341 - Euchre (2002-09-28)(Eid, Erik)
1342 - Euchre (2002-10-01)(Eid, Erik)
1343 - Euchre (200x)(Eid, Erik)[Long Winding Road]
1344 - Eurocon 2005 (demo) (2005)(Quernhorst, Simon)
1345 - Evil Dead (2003)(Pittman, Kyle)[Haunted House]
1346 - Exocet (198x)(Panda)[aka Space Eagle]
1347 - Exocet (198x)(Sancho-Goliath)[aka Space Eagle]
1348 - Extinction (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Demon Attack]
1349 - Face Invaders 2 (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Astroblast]
1350 - Face Invaders Deluxe (2000)(Laws, Barry Jr)[Space Invaders]
1351 - Fall Down (2004-06-24)(Curtis, Aaron)
1352 - Fall Down (2004-06-30)(Curtis, Aaron)
1353 - Fall Down (2004-07-11)(Curtis, Aaron)
1354 - Fall Down (2004-07-31)(Curtis, Aaron)
1355 - Fall Down (2004-08-07)(Curtis, Aaron)
1356 - Fall Down (2004-08-21)(Curtis, Aaron)
1357 - Fall Down (2004-08-26)(Curtis, Aaron)
1358 - Fall Down (2004-09-03)(Curtis, Aaron)
1359 - Fall Down (2004-09-07)(Curtis, Aaron)
1360 - Fall Down (2004-09-11)(Curtis, Aaron)
1361 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)
1362 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]
1363 - Fall Down (2004-10-01)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]
1364 - Fall Down (2005)(Curtis, Aaron)
1365 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)
1366 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]
1367 - Fall Down (2005-02-05)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]
1368 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)
1369 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]
1370 - Fall Down (2005-02-09)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]
1371 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)
1372 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)[50Hz]
1373 - Fall Down (2005-02-15)(Curtis, Aaron)[60Hz]
1374 - Fantastic Voyage
1375 - Fantastic Voyage (1982)(20th Century Fox)
1376 - Farmyard Fun (198x)(Telegames)
1377 - Fast Eddie
1378 - Fast Eddie (1982)(20th Century Fox)
1379 - Fast Eddie (1982)(Activision)
1380 - Fast Eddie (198x)(CCE)(BR)
1381 - Fast Food
1382 - Fast Food (1982)(Telesys)
1383 - Fast Food (198x)(Zirok)(BR)
1384 - Fat Albert (2000)(Marli, David)[Fast Food]
1385 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-04)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[Pac-Man Jr]
1386 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-07)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[Pac-Man Jr]
1387 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-10)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[RC5 - Pac-Man Jr]
1388 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-10)(OutofGas)(pre-release)[RC6 - Pac-Man Jr]
1389 - Fat Freddie (2004-05-11)(OutofGas)[Pac-Man Jr]
1390 - Fatal Run
1391 - Fatal Run (1990)(Atari)
1392 - Fatal Run (1990)(Atari)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]
1393 - Fathom
1394 - Fathom (1983)(Imagic)
1395 - Felix Return (198x)(Goliath)
1396 - Festival (198x)(-)[Carnival]
1397 - Feuerwehr im Einsatz (1982)(Starsoft-Quelle)(DE)
1398 - Final Approach
1399 - Final Approach (1982)(Apollo)
1400 - Fire Bird (198x)(Taiwan Cooper)[Phoenix]
1401 - Fire Birds (198x)(ITT Family Games)
1402 - Fire Fighter
1403 - Fire Fighter (1982)(Imagic)
1404 - Fire Fly
1405 - Fire Fly (1983)(Mythicon)
1406 - Fire Queen (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Tron - Deadly Discs]
1407 - Fire Spinner (198x)(Emag)
1408 - Fireball
1409 - Fireball (1982)(Starpath - Arcadia)[Supercharger Cassette]
1410 - Fireball Preview (1982)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1411 - Fish Revenge (2003)(Zumwalt, Greg)[Space Invaders]
1412 - Fisher Price (198x)(CCE)[Sea Hunt]
1413 - Fishing Derby
1414 - Fishing Derby - Crabs (198x)(Atari)[Going Fishing]
1415 - Fishing Derby (1980)(Activision)
1416 - Fishing Derby (198x)(CCE)
1417 - Fisticuffs (2003)(King Atari)[Double Dragon]
1418 - Flag Capture
1419 - Flag Capture (1978)(Atari)
1420 - FlapPing (2005)(Israel, Kirk)
1421 - Flash Gordon
1422 - Flash Gordon (1983)(20th Century Fox)
1423 - Flippern (1980)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Video Painball]
1424 - Football
1425 - Football (1978)(Atari)
1426 - Forest (198x)(Sancho)
1427 - Fox & Goat (198x)(Starsoft)
1428 - Frame Timed Sound Effects (1997-06-22)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1429 - Frankenstein's Monster
1430 - Frankenstein's Monster (1983)(Data Age)
1431 - Freeway
1432 - Freeway (1981)(Activision)
1433 - Freeway (1981)(CCE)(BR)
1434 - Freeway (1981)(Dactar)
1435 - Frog Pond (1982)(Atari)(proto)
1436 - Frogger
1437 - Frogger - The Official (1983)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1438 - Frogger - The Official Preview (1983)(Starpath)[Supercharger Cassette]
1439 - Frogger (1982)(Parker Bros)
1440 - Frogger (1982)(Parker Bros)[f Supercharger]
1441 - Frogger II - Threedeep! (1984)(Parker Bros)
1442 - Frogger II - Threeedeep!
1443 - Frogs and Flies
1444 - Frogs and Flies (1982)(Mattel)
1445 - Front Line
1446 - Front Line (1982)(Coleco)
1447 - Frostbite
1448 - Frostbite (1983)(Activision)
1449 - Frostbite (1983)(CCE)(BR)
1450 - Frostbite (1983)(Digitel)(BR)
1451 - Frostbite (1983)(Digivision)
1452 - Fuchs & Schweinchen Schlau (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Oink]
1453 - Fun with Numbers (1977)(Atari)[aka Basic Math]
1454 - Funky Fish (1983)(UA Limited)(proto)
1455 - Fussball (1982)(Ariola)[aka International Soccer]
1456 - G.I. Joe - Cobra Strike (1983)(Parker Bros)
1457 - Galactic (198x)(Funvision)
1458 - Galactic (198x)(Rainbow Vision)
1459 - Galactic (198x)(Starsoft)
1460 - Galaga (19xx)(-)[River Raid]
1461 - Galaxian
1462 - Galaxian (1983)(Atari)
1463 - Galaxian (1983)(Atari)[Fake Atari Silver]
1464 - Galaxian (1983)(CCE)(BR)
1465 - Galaxian (2001)(Ragan, Jass)
1466 - Galaxian ND (2004)(Retrofan)
1467 - Galaxian Targ (2005)(Jim C.)[Targ]
1468 - Game of 2600 Concentration, A (2004)(Snorlaxnut)[Concentration]
1469 - Game of Concentration, A (1978)(Atari)[Atari Keypad]
1470 - Gangster (1981)(Ariola)[aka Outlaw]
1471 - Gangster Alley
1472 - Gangster Alley (1982)(Spectravision)
1473 - Gangster Alley (1983)(Spectravideo)
1474 - Garden Invaders (2005)(Jamcat)[Space Invaders]
1475 - Garfield (1984)(Atari)(proto)
1476 - Gas Gauge Demo - Revisited (2001)(Grand, Joe)
1477 - Gas Gauge Demo (2001)(Grand, Joe)
1478 - Gas Hog
1479 - Gas Hog (1983)(Spectravideo)
1480 - Gas Hog (1983)(Spectravideo)[aka Marspatrouille]
1481 - Gauntlet
1482 - Gauntlet (1983)(Answer Software)
1483 - Gefaehrliche Maeusejagt (198x)(Starsoft)
1484 - Gefecht im All (198x)(Starsoft)[Space Jockey]
1485 - Geheimkurier, Der (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Mr Postman]
1486 - General Retreat (198x)(Playground)[aka Custer's Revenge]
1487 - Ghost Manor
1488 - Ghost Manor (1983)(Xonox)
1489 - Ghost Trap (2005)(Snorlaxnut)[Mouse Trap]
1490 - Ghostbusters
1491 - Ghostbusters - Improved (2003)(King Atari)
1492 - Ghostbusters (1984)(Activision)
1493 - Ghostbusters II
1494 - Ghostbusters II - Easy (2003)(King Atari)
1495 - Ghostbusters II (1992)(Salu)
1496 - Ghostbusters II (1992)(Salu)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]
1497 - Gigolo
1498 - Gigolo (1982)(Playaround)
1499 - Glacier Patrol
1500 - Glacier Patrol (1983)(Telegames)
1501 - Glib
1502 - Glib (1983)(Selchow & Righter)
1503 - Globe Trotter (demo) (2003-03-24)(Weston)
1504 - Glorb (2000)(-)[Pac-Man]
1505 - Go Go Home Monster
1506 - Golf
1507 - Golf (1978)(Atari)
1508 - Golf (1978)(Atari)[MiniGolf]
1509 - Gopher
1510 - Gopher (1982)(Carrere Video)
1511 - Gopher (1982)(US Games)
1512 - Gorf
1513 - Gorf (1982)(CBS Electronics)
1514 - Gorf Arcade (2004)(Dr. Kwack)
1515 - Grand Prix
1516 - Gravitar
1517 - Gremlins
1518 - Grover's Music Maker (1982-12-29)(Atari)(proto)[CX-26106]
1519 - Guardian
1520 - Gyruss
1521 - Gyruss (1998)(Parker Brothers)[F4]
1522 - H.E.R.O.
1523 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]
1524 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 2]
1525 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test Fixed]
1526 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test]
1527 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Violins]
1528 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1529 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1530 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1531 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1532 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1533 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1534 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]
1535 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1536 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1537 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1538 - Hack 'Em (2004-05-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1539 - Hack 'Em (2004-07-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1540 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1541 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1542 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1543 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1544 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1545 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Fast]
1546 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1547 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1548 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-26)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1549 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-26)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1550 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1551 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1552 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1553 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1554 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1555 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1556 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1557 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1558 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1559 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1560 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1561 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1562 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1563 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-30)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1564 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-31)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1565 - Hack 'Em (2004-08-31)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1566 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-01)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1567 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-01)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1568 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1569 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1570 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1571 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1572 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1573 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1574 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1575 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Toggle]
1576 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1577 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1578 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1579 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1580 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3 - Diferent Ghosts by Breakpack]
1581 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1582 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1583 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]
1584 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1585 - Hack 'Em (2004-09-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1586 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Release Candidate 1]
1587 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-07)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Release Candidate 2]
1588 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1 - Test 1]
1589 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - Test 2]
1590 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-27)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1591 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1592 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-28)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1593 - Hack 'Em (2004-10-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1594 - Hack 'Em (2004-12-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1595 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1596 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1597 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1598 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-12)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1599 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1 - 7800 pause]
1600 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]
1601 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3 - 7800 pause]
1602 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1603 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]
1604 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1605 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2 - 7800 pause]
1606 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Pause Test]
1607 - Hack 'Em (2005-01-23)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1608 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 1]
1609 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 2]
1610 - Hack 'Em (2005-02-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - Bugfix 3]
1611 - Hack 'Em (2005-09-22)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1612 - Hack 'Em (2005-09-22)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1613 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-12)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1614 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-12)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1615 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-19)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1616 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-19)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1617 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1618 - Hack 'Em (2005-11-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1619 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1620 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1621 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1622 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1623 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1624 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1625 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1626 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1627 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1628 - Hack 'Em (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1629 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1630 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-10)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1631 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1632 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-15)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1633 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1634 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-24)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1635 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1636 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-27)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1637 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco - 60Hz]
1638 - Hack 'Em 16k (2006-04-29)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1639 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-03)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]
1640 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-04)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]
1641 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - 180 dots]
1642 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - equal points]
1643 - Hack 'Em 4k (2004-05-06)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - unnamed version]
1644 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-05)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1645 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1646 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1647 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1648 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1649 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 6]
1650 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1651 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1652 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1653 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1654 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1655 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1656 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1657 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4 - timecheck]
1658 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1659 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1660 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1661 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1662 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1663 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-13)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1664 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-13)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1665 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1666 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1667 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1668 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1669 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-14)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 5]
1670 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1671 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1672 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-15)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1673 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-16)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1674 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1675 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-17)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1676 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1677 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1678 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1679 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1680 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1681 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1682 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1683 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-20)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1684 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-21)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1685 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1686 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1687 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 3]
1688 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-22)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 4]
1689 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1690 - Hack 'Em and Hangly Man (2004-08-23)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1691 - Halloween
1692 - Hanged Man, The (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Hangman]
1693 - Hangly Man (2004-05-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 1]
1694 - Hangly Man (2004-05-08)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release 2]
1695 - Hangly Man (2004-05-09)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1696 - Hangly Man (2004-05-10)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1697 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 1]
1698 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 2]
1699 - Hangly Man (2004-05-11)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test 3]
1700 - Hangly Man (2004-05-12)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Intermission Test]
1701 - Hangly Man (2004-05-18)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1702 - Hangly Man (2004-05-19)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1703 - Hangly Man (2004-05-24)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1704 - Hangly Man (2004-05-25)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1705 - Hangly Man (2004-07-29)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1706 - Hangly Man (2004-08-02)(Nukey Shay)(pre-release)[Pesco - Daily Release]
1707 - Hangman
1708 - Hang-On (2003)(mojofltr)[Enduro]
1709 - Hang-On ATV (2003)(mojofltr)[Enduro]
1710 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 2 - Old Graphics]
1711 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 3]
1712 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 4]
1713 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 5]
1714 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 6]
1715 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)(pre-release)[Adventure - Release Candidate 7]
1716 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[Adventure]
1717 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[f][Adventure]
1718 - Haunted Adventure - Boo! v1.03 (2004)(Wong, Anthony W)[Adventure]
1719 - Haunted House
1720 - Headhunter (2003)(neotokeo2001)[Galaxian]
1721 - Hell Driver (1983)(ITT Family Games)[f NTSC - Jentzsch, Thomas]
1722 - Hell-O-Ween (2003)(Racoon Lad)[Pitfall!]
1723 - Helo Wars (2004)(Atari Troll)[Time Pilot - Final]
1724 - Holiday Combat - Menorah (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]
1725 - Holiday Combat - Snowman (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]
1726 - Holiday Combat - Tree (2003)(Matley, Zach)[Combat]
1727 - Home Run
1728 - Homestar Runner DK (2004)(Lesser Raven)[Donkey Kong]
1729 - Human Cannonball
1730 - Human Cannonball (1979)(Atari)[Cannonfire]
1731 - hungrige Panda, Der (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Panda Chase]
1732 - Hungrigen Froesche, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Frogs & Flies]
1733 - Hunt & Score
1734 - I Want My Mommy
1735 - I.Q. 180 (198x)(HomeVision)
1736 - Ice Hockey
1737 - Ikari Warriors
1738 - Image - Baboon (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)
1739 - Image - Baboon (2003-02-10)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
1740 - Image - Baboon 2 (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)
1741 - Image - Baboon Interlaced Demo 1 (2003-02-15)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
1742 - Image - Baboon Interlaced Demo 2 (2003-02-15)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
1743 - Image - Clown - Full Screen (2003-02-12)(Davie, Andrew)
1744 - Image - Clown (2003-02-09)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
1745 - Image - Clown (2003-02-10)(Davie, Andrew)
1746 - Image - Girl (2003)(Davie, Andrew)
1747 - Image - Megaman (2003)(Davie, Andrew)
1748 - Image - Nude1 (2003)(Davie, Andrew)
1749 - Image - Nude2 (2003)(Davie, Andrew)
1750 - Image - Qb (2003-02-16)(Jentzsch, Thomas)
1751 - Image - Qb Cover Art (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)
1752 - Image - Samantha Fox - Colour (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)
1753 - Image - Samantha Fox (2003-02-09)(Davie, Andrew)
1754 - Image - USA Flag (2003-02-15)(Davie, Andrew)
1755 - Image - Woody (2003-02-19)(Davie, Andrew)
1756 - Imagic Selector (1982)(Imagic)
1757 - Immies & Aggies
1758 - Indy 500
1759 - Infiltrate
1760 - International Soccer (1982)(Mattel)
1761 - James Bond 007
1762 - James Bond 007 (1983)(Parker Bros)
1763 - Jawbreaker
1764 - Journey Escape
1765 - Joust
1766 - Jr. Pac-Man
1767 - Jungle Fever/Knight on the Town
1768 - Jungle Hunt
1769 - Kaboom!
1770 - Kamikaze Saucers
1771 - Kampf um die Schatzinsel (198x)(Starsoft - Quelle)(GR)[aka Duck Shoot]
1772 - Kangaroo
1773 - Karate
1774 - Keystone Kapers
1775 - Killer Satellites
1776 - King Kong
1777 - Klax
1778 - kleine Bar, Der (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Frostbite]
1779 - Knight on the Town
1780 - Kool-Aid Man
1781 - Krull
1782 - Krull (1983)(Atari)
1783 - Krull (198x)(CCE)(BR)
1784 - Kung-Fu Master
1785 - Lady in Wading
1786 - Lady in Wading (1982)(Playaround)
1787 - Ladybug Playfield Demo - Alternate Colors (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)
1788 - Ladybug Playfield Demo - Alternate Colors 2 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)
1789 - Ladybug Playfield Demo 1 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)
1790 - Ladybug Playfield Demo 2 (demo) (2006-01-13)(johnnywc)
1791 - Laser Base
1792 - Laser Blast
1793 - Laser Gates
1794 - Laser Volley
1795 - Lilly Adventure
1796 - Lochjaw
1797 - Lochjaw (1981)(Apollo)
1798 - Lock 'n' Chase
1799 - London Blitz
1800 - LoopCart (2005)(Slocum, Paul)
1801 - LoopCart (2005-06-13)(Slocum, Paul)
1802 - Looping (1983)(Coleco)(proto)
1803 - Lost Luggage
1804 - M*A*S*H
1805 - M.A.D.
1806 - Magic Show (2003)(Randy)[Adventure]
1807 - Magicard (1982)(CommaVid)[Atari Keypad]
1808 - Magicard Sample Program 1 - Display of Character Set (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]
1809 - Magicard Sample Program 2 - Memo Pad (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]
1810 - Magicard Sample Program 3 - Target Practice (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F100]
1811 - Magicard Sample Program 4 - Generating Your Own Display (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F200]
1812 - Magicard Sample Program 5 - Life (1982)(CommaVid)[Magicard Format, Atari Keypad, Address F15E]
1813 - Mangia'
1814 - Mangia' (1983)(Spectravideo)
1815 - Mangia' (1983)(Spectravision)[SE]
1816 - Marauder
1817 - Marauder (1982)(Tigervision)
1818 - Marine Wars
1819 - Mario Bros.
1820 - Master Builder
1821 - Masters of the Universe - He Man (198x)(M Network)[F4]
1822 - Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man
1823 - Math Gran Prix
1824 - Math Gran Prix (1982)(Atari)
1825 - Maze Craze
1826 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-03-27)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1827 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-01)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1828 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-04)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1829 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-18)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1830 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-22)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1831 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-27)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1832 - Medieval Mayhem (2006-04-28)(Spice, Darrell Jr.)
1833 - Mega Force
1834 - Megaboy (198x)(Dynacom)(BR)
1835 - Megamania
1836 - Meteor Smasher by Snailsoft (Meteor Defense Hack)
1837 - Midnight Magic
1838 - Millipede
1839 - Miner 2049er (1982)(Tigervision)
1840 - Miner 2049er Volume II
1841 - Miner 2049er Volume II (1983)(Tigervision)
1842 - Miner 2049er Volume II (1983)(Tigervision)[b2]
1843 - Mines of Minos
1844 - Miniature Golf
1845 - Miss Piggy's Wedding (19xx)(Prototype)[b2]
1846 - Missile Command
1847 - Missile Command (1981)(Atari)
1848 - Missile Sprite Demo (2005)(Walton, Chris)
1849 - Mission Survive
1850 - Mogul Maniac
1851 - Montezuma's Revenge
1852 - Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)[t Unliminited Lives]
1853 - Moon Patrol
1854 - Moon Patrol (1983)(Atari)
1855 - Moonsweeper
1856 - Moto Laser
1857 - Motocross Racer
1858 - MotoRodeo
1859 - Mountain King
1860 - Mouse Trap
1861 - Mr. Do!'s Castle
1862 - Mr. Postman
1863 - Mr.Do!
1864 - Ms. Hack (2005)(Nukey Shay)[Pesco]
1865 - Ms. Pac-Man
1866 - Multi-Sprite Demo (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1867 - Multi-Sprite Demo v1.1 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1868 - Multi-Sprite Demo v2.0 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1869 - Multi-Sprite Game v1.0 (demo) (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1870 - Music Selector (200x)(-)
1871 - My Golf
1872 - Name This Game
1873 - NECG Drumma v0.01 (200x)(Israel, Kirk)
1874 - Night Driver
1875 - No Escape!
1876 - Obelix
1877 - Ocean City Defender
1878 - Off the Wall
1879 - Off the Wall (1989)(Atari)
1880 - Off Your Rocker
1881 - Oink!
1882 - Omega Race
1883 - OS2600 v1.2 (2011)(Engelhardt, Steve)
1884 - Othello
1885 - Out of Control
1886 - Outlaw
1887 - Oystron v2.0 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)
1888 - Oystron v2.1 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)
1889 - Oystron v2.2 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)
1890 - Oystron v2.3 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)
1891 - Oystron v2.4 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)(pre-release)
1892 - Oystron v2.5 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1893 - Oystron v2.6 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1894 - Oystron v2.7 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1895 - Oystron v2.8 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1896 - Oystron v2.82 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1897 - Oystron v2.85 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1898 - Oystron v2.9 (1997)(Cavina, Piero)
1899 - Oystron X (1999)(Cavina, Piero)
1900 - Pac-Man
1901 - Pac-Man with legs (200x)(Nukey Shay)[Ms. Pac-Man]
1902 - PAL-NTSC Detector (2002-11-15)(Tumber, Christopher)
1903 - Panda Chase
1904 - Parachute
1905 - Party Mix
1906 - Pelé's Soccer
1907 - Pengo
1908 - Pepsi Invaders (1983)(Atari)(proto)[aka Coke Wins]
1909 - Pete Rose Baseball
1910 - Pete Rose Baseball (2002)(Skyworks)
1911 - Phantom Tank
1912 - Pharaoh's Curse
1913 - Phaser Patrol
1914 - Philly Flasher
1915 - Phoenix
1916 - Pick Up
1917 - Picnic
1918 - Piece o' Cake
1919 - Pigs in Space starring Miss Piggy
1920 - Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
1921 - Pitfall!
1922 - Pizza Chef
1923 - Planet Patrol
1924 - Plaque Attack
1925 - Plaque Attack (1983)(Activision)
1926 - Poker Plus (1978)(Sears)[aka Casino]
1927 - Polaris
1928 - Pole Position
1929 - Pooyan
1930 - Popeye
1931 - Porky's
1932 - Pressure Cooker
1933 - Pressure Gauge
1934 - Private Eye
1935 - Q*Bert's Qubes
1936 - Quadrun
1937 - Quest for Quintana Roo
1938 - Quick Step!
1939 - Rabbit Transit
1940 - Racquetball
1941 - Radar
1942 - Radar Lock
1943 - Raft Rider
1944 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
1945 - Rainbow Invaders v0.99 (2006-02-20)(Mogno, Silvio)
1946 - Rampage!
1947 - Rampage! (1989)(Activision)
1948 - Ratte und die Karotten, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Gopher]
1949 - Reactor
1950 - RealSports Baseball
1951 - RealSports Basketball
1952 - RealSports Beach Babe Volleyball (2005)(Jamcat)[RealSports Volleyball]
1953 - RealSports Boxing
1954 - RealSports Chicken Egg Soccer (2005)(Jamcat)[RealSports Soccer]
1955 - RealSports Football
1956 - RealSports Soccer
1957 - RealSports Tennis
1958 - RealSports Volleyball
1959 - Rescue Terra I
1960 - Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes
1961 - Riddle of the Sphinx
1962 - River Patrol
1963 - River Raid
1964 - River Raid II
1965 - Road Runner
1966 - Robin Hood
1967 - Robot Tank
1968 - Roc 'N Rope
1969 - Room of Doom
1970 - Sabotage
1971 - Sadistroids (200x)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Asteroids]
1972 - Sadistroids v1.1 (2003)(Jentzsch, Thomas)[Asteroids]
1973 - Save the Whales
1974 - Scroll Test (demo) (2006)(Maus Games)
1975 - Scrolling Grid (demo-playable) (199x)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1976 - Scrolling Text Demo 1 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1977 - Scrolling Text Demo 2 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1978 - Scrolling Text Demo 3 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1979 - Scrolling Text Demo 4 (19xx)(Stolberg, Eckhard)
1980 - Sea Hawk
1981 - Sea Hunt
1982 - Seaquest
1983 - Secret Quest
1984 - Sentinel
1985 - Shootin' Gallery
1986 - Shuttle Orbiter
1987 - Sinistar
1988 - Sir Lancelot
1989 - Skate Boardin'
1990 - Skeet Shoot
1991 - Skiing
1992 - Skiing (1980)(Activision)[Alpine Ski]
1993 - Sky Diver
1994 - Sky Jinks
1995 - Sky Jinks (1982)(Activision)
1996 - Sky Skipper
1997 - Slot Machine
1998 - Slot Racers
1999 - Smells Like TIA Spirit (2006-04-15)(Atari Senior Riot)[BREAKPOINT_OLDSCHOOL_EXECUTABLEMUSIC]
2000 - Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
2001 - Smurfs Save the Day
2002 - Snail Against Squirrel
2003 - Sneak 'n Peek
2004 - Snoopy and the Red Baron
2005 - Solar Fox
2006 - Solar Storm
2007 - Solaris
2008 - Sorcerer
2009 - Sorcerer's Apprentice
2010 - Sound Paddle v1.0 (19xx)(Caswell, Dennis - Nitchals, Jim)
2011 - Sound Paddle v2.0 (19xx)(Caswell, Dennis - Nitchals, Jim)
2012 - Sound X (1994)(Federmeyer, Ed)
2013 - Sound X (1996)(Federmeyer, Ed)
2014 - Sound X (199x)(Federmeyer, Ed)
2015 - Space Attack
2016 - Space Cavern
2017 - Space Invaders
2018 - Space Jockey
2019 - Space Robot
2020 - Space Shuttle: A Journey into Space
2021 - Space War
2022 - Space War (1978)(Atari)
2023 - Space War (1978)(Atari)[b2]
2024 - Spacechase
2025 - SpaceMaster X-7
2026 - Spider Fighter
2027 - Spider Maze
2028 - Spiderdroid
2029 - Spider-Man
2030 - Spike's Peak
2031 - Spitfire Attack
2032 - Springer
2033 - Springteufel, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)
2034 - Sprint Master
2035 - Spy Hunter
2036 - Squeeze Box
2037 - Sssnake
2038 - Stampede
2039 - Stand Alone Test Cart (198x)(Atari)[SALT Diagnostics]
2040 - Star Fox
2041 - Star Raiders
2042 - Star Ship
2043 - Star Strike
2044 - Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
2045 - Star Voyager
2046 - Star Wars - The Battle of Alderaan (2001)(Laws Jr, Barry)[Star Strike]
2047 - Star Wars : The Arcade Game
2048 - Star Wars: Jedi Arena
2049 - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle
2050 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
2051 - Stargate
2052 - Stargunner
2053 - Starmaster
2054 - Steeplechase
2055 - Stellar Track
2056 - Strawberry Shortcake - Musical Match-Ups
2057 - Street Racer - Speedway II
2058 - Stronghold
2059 - Stunt Man
2060 - Sub Rescue
2061 - Submarine Commander
2062 - Sub-Scan
2063 - Subterranea
2064 - Suicide Adventure (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]
2065 - Suicide Adventure II (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]
2066 - Suicide Adventure III (2003)(Veeder, George 'Pixellated Ghost')[Adventure]
2067 - Suicide Mission
2068 - Summer Games
2069 - Super Baseball
2070 - Super Breakout
2071 - Super Challenge Baseball
2072 - Super Challenge Football
2073 - Super Cobra
2074 - Super Ferrari
2075 - Super Football
2076 - Super VoleyBall
2077 - Superman
2078 - Surf's Up
2079 - Surround
2080 - Survival Island
2081 - Survival Run
2082 - Sword of Saros
2083 - Swordfight
2084 - SwordQuest - EarthWorld
2085 - SwordQuest - FireWorld
2086 - SwordQuest - WaterWorld
2087 - Synthcart (2002)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]
2088 - Synthcart (2002-01-14)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]
2089 - Synthcart Plus (2003-02-09)(Slocum, Paul)[Atari Keypad]
2090 - Tac-Scan
2091 - Tanks But No Tanks
2092 - Tape Worm
2093 - Tapper
2094 - Task Force
2095 - Tax Avoiders
2096 - Taz
2097 - Teleterm 2600 (2001)(Harvey, John K.)
2098 - Tennis
2099 - TestCart (2002)(Slocum, Paul)
2100 - The Activision Decathlon
2101 - The Challenge of... NEXAR
2102 - The Earth Dies Screaming
2103 - The Music Machine
2104 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2105 - Threshold
2106 - Thunderground
2107 - Time Pilot
2108 - Titans by SnailSoft (Combat Hack)
2109 - Title Match Pro Wrestling
2110 - Tomarc the Barbarian
2111 - Tone Toy (2005)(Hahn, Duane Alan)[m10d02e01]
2112 - Tone Toy v2 (200x)(atari2600land)
2113 - Towering Inferno
2114 - Track & Field
2115 - Treasure Below
2116 - Trick Shot
2117 - TRON: Deadly Discs
2118 - Tunnel Runner
2119 - Turmoil
2120 - Tutankham
2121 - UFO Patrol
2122 - Undersea Adventure (2003)(Stan Jr)[Adventure]
2123 - Universal Chaos
2124 - Unterwasser-Bestien, Die (198x)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Mariana]
2125 - Up 'n Down
2126 - Vanguard
2127 - Vanguard (1982)(Atari)
2128 - Vault Assault
2129 - Venture
2130 - Video Checkers
2131 - Video Chess
2132 - Video Life
2133 - Video Olympics
2134 - Video Pinball
2135 - Vielfrass, Der (19xx)(Starsoft)(DE)[aka Fast Food]
2136 - Wabbit
2137 - Walker
2138 - Wall Ball
2139 - Wall-Defender
2140 - Warlords
2141 - Warplock
2142 - Wing War
2143 - Winter Games
2144 - Wizard of Wor
2145 - Word Zapper
2146 - Word Zapper (1982)(US Games)
2147 - Words - Attack (1983)(Sancho)
2148 - Worm War I
2149 - Xevious
2150 - Xevious (1983)(Atari)(proto)
2151 - Xevious (198x)(CCE)(BR)
2152 - Yahtzee
2153 - Yars' Revenge
2154 - Zaxxon
2155 - Zaxxon (1982)(Coleco)
2156 - Zelda (2003)(Pittman, Kyle)[Adventure]
2157 - Zoo Fun
2158 - Z-Tack
2159 - ZZZ-UNK-2600F8gameon7800RAMcart_galaxian_ram
2160 - ZZZ-UNK-2-in-1 - Freeway and Tennis
2161 - ZZZ-UNK-2-in-1 - Frostbite and River Raid [b1]
2162 - ZZZ-UNK-4 Pak (Dark Green)
2163 - ZZZ-UNK-4 Pak (Light Green)
2164 - ZZZ-UNK-A Free Hack v2.2
2165 - ZZZ-UNK-Angling (19xx)(-)
2166 - ZZZ-UNK-Atari 2600 Invaders (hack) [b1]
2167 - ZZZ-UNK-Baf6ef06ac67a44feeb9d956612055ba
2168 - ZZZ-UNK-Bionic
2169 - ZZZ-UNK-Blue Dot Demo
2170 - ZZZ-UNK-bombsawa (Jumpman Selected levels)
2171 - ZZZ-UNK-Booster (-)(Junkosoft)
2172 - ZZZ-UNK-Breakout - Breakaway IV (1978) (Atari) [o2](possibly 4-in-1)
2173 - ZZZ-UNK-Brick Kick [b1]
2174 - ZZZ-UNK-Bridge (19xx)(-)
2175 - ZZZ-UNK-California Games
2177 - ZZZ-UNK-Chopper Command (1982)(Activision) [o1](possibly 4in 1)
2178 - ZZZ-UNK-Coke Wins(possibly Pepsi Invaders)
2179 - ZZZ-UNK-Color Table Display Helper
2180 - ZZZ-UNK-Combat Plus (19xx)(-)
2181 - ZZZ-UNK-Condor Attack (Ultravision - CCE)
2182 - ZZZ-UNK-Crash 'n Dive
2183 - ZZZ-UNK-Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari)
2184 - ZZZ-UNK-Cubis (6K) (1997) (Stolberg, Eckhard)
2185 - ZZZ-UNK-CX2637
2186 - ZZZ-UNK-Dark Mage Mod (19xx)(-)[aka DM-FOOT]
2187 - ZZZ-UNK-Defender II (1984) (Atari) [b1]
2188 - ZZZ-UNK-Defender Vector (19xx)(-)
2189 - ZZZ-UNK-Dialer 2600
2190 - ZZZ-UNK-Domino (19xx)(Ishido)
2191 - ZZZ-UNK-E_TIAsoundnotetable_nowinSQL_gunfight
2192 - ZZZ-UNK-ElevatorAction
2193 - ZZZ-UNK-Espial (1983) (Tigervision) [b2]
2194 - ZZZ-UNK-Fathom (1983) (Imagic) [b1]
2195 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby
2196 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby [16k Version]
2197 - ZZZ-UNK-Fishing Derby [b2]
2198 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Official version by Sega)Starpath
2199 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Preview) (2)Starpath
2200 - ZZZ-UNK-Frogger (Preview)Starpath
2201 - ZZZ-UNK-Ghost Manor (1)
2202 - ZZZ-UNK-Ghost Manor (2)
2203 - ZZZ-UNK-Haunted House beta
2204 - ZZZ-UNK-Ikari Warriors
2207 - ZZZ-UNK-Masters of the Universe - The Power of He-Man
2208 - ZZZ-UNK-Midnight Magic
2209 - ZZZ-UNK-Millipede
2210 - ZZZ-UNK-Miner 2049er (1982) (Tigervision) [b2]
2211 - ZZZ-UNK-Miss Piggy's Wedding (Prototype) [b1]
2212 - ZZZ-UNK-Missile Demo (1998) (Ruffin Bailey)
2213 - ZZZ-UNK-Mission 3000 A.D.
2214 - ZZZ-UNK-Monstercise_2
2215 - ZZZ-UNK-Moon Patrol (1982) (Shock Vision-Brazil)
2216 - ZZZ-UNK-Moonsweeper (1983) (Imagic) [b1]
2217 - ZZZ-UNK-Motocross (Starsoft) [b1]
2218 - ZZZ-UNK-Mr. Postman (CCE) [b1]
2219 - ZZZ-UNK-Music Machine
2220 - ZZZ-UNK-My Golf
2221 - ZZZ-UNK-My Golf (CCE)
2222 - ZZZ-UNK-Nightmare
2223 - ZZZ-UNK-Nightmare (CCE)
2224 - ZZZ-UNK-No Escape! (1983) (Imagic) [b1]
2225 - ZZZ-UNK-Noize Maker Demo
2226 - ZZZ-UNK-Off The Wall (1)
2227 - ZZZ-UNK-Picklock
2228 - ZZZ-UNK-Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984) (Activision) [b1]
2229 - ZZZ-UNK-Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984) (Activision) [b2]
2230 - ZZZ-UNK-Pole Position (1983) (Atari) [b1]
2231 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye
2232 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (1983) (Activision) [b1]
2233 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (CCE)
2234 - ZZZ-UNK-Private Eye (known glitchy version)
2235 - ZZZ-UNK-Qb Release Candidate #2 (v206)
2236 - ZZZ-UNK-Qb Release Candidate #2 (v206) (Stella-compatible vrsion) (
2237 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert (1983) (Parker Bros) [b1]
2238 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert's Qubes (1)
2239 - ZZZ-UNK-Q-bert's Qubes (2)
2240 - ZZZ-UNK-Rampage!
2241 - ZZZ-UNK-Real Sports Baseball
2242 - ZZZ-UNK-Robot Fight (AKA Space Robot) (HomeVision) [b1]
2243 - ZZZ-UNK-Robot Tank (1983) (Activision) [b1]
2244 - ZZZ-UNK-Sea Monster
2245 - ZZZ-UNK-Sea Monster (Bitcorp) [b1]
2246 - ZZZ-UNK-Sentinel
2247 - ZZZ-UNK-Sir Lancelot
2248 - ZZZ-UNK-Sorcerer's Apprentice
2249 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Invaders
2250 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle
2251 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle - Journey Into Space (1983) (Activision)
2252 - ZZZ-UNK-Space Shuttle - Journey Into Space (1983) (Activision) [b1]
2253 - ZZZ-UNK-Space War
2254 - ZZZ-UNK-spacewar
2255 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator
2256 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back
2257 - ZZZ-UNK-Star Wars - The Arcade Game Hack - Reversed Control Scheme
2258 - ZZZ-UNK-Super Baseball (CCE)
2259 - ZZZ-UNK-Super Cobra (1982) (Parker Bros) [b1]
2260 - ZZZ-UNK-SuperCharger Loader (1982) (Starpath) [b1]
2261 - ZZZ-UNK-Sword Quest - Earthworld
2262 - ZZZ-UNK-Sword Quest - Waterworld
2263 - ZZZ-UNK-SwordFight
2264 - ZZZ-UNK-TEST2
2265 - ZZZ-UNK-Time Pilot (1983)(Coleco)
2266 - ZZZ-UNK-Tron - Deadly Discs
2267 - ZZZ-UNK-Up n Down
2268 - ZZZ-UNK-VCS 2600 data-transfer and audio program
2269 - ZZZ-UNK-Video Pinball
2270 - ZZZ-UNK-Wabbit
2271 - ZZZ-UNK-Yahtzee
Atari 5200 - 101 Jeux
1 - A.E. (USA) (Proto)
2 - Activision Decathlon, The (USA)
3 - Asteroids (USA) (Proto)
4 - Astro Chase (USA)
5 - Ballblazer (USA)
6 - Barroom Baseball (USA) (Proto)
7 - Battlezone (USA) (Proto)
8 - Beamrider (USA)
9 - BerZerk (USA)
10 - Black Belt (USA) (Proto)
11 - Blaster (USA) (Proto)
12 - Blue Print (USA)
13 - Boogie (USA) (Demo)
14 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (USA)
15 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (USA)
16 - Carol Shaw's River Raid (USA)
17 - Castle Blast (USA) (Unl)
18 - Castle Crisis (USA) (Unl)
19 - Centipede (USA)
20 - Choplifter! (USA)
21 - Congo Bongo (USA)
22 - Countermeasure (USA)
23 - David Crane's Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
24 - Defender (USA)
25 - Dig Dug (USA)
26 - Dreadnaught Factor, The (USA)
27 - Final Legacy (USA) (Proto)
28 - Frisky Tom (USA) (Proto)
29 - Frogger (USA)
30 - Frogger II - Threeedeep! (USA)
31 - Galaxian (USA)
32 - Gorf (USA)
33 - Gremlins (USA)
34 - Gyruss (USA)
35 - H.E.R.O. (USA)
36 - James Bond 007 (USA)
37 - Joust (USA)
38 - Jr. Pac-Man (USA) (Proto)
39 - Jungle Hunt (USA)
40 - Kaboom! (USA)
41 - Kangaroo (USA)
42 - Keystone Kapers (USA)
43 - Koffi - Yellow Kopter (USA) (Unl)
44 - K-Razy Shoot-Out (USA)
45 - Last Starfighter, The (USA) (Proto)
46 - Looney Tunes Hotel (USA) (Proto)
47 - Mario Bros. (USA)
48 - Meebzork (USA) (Proto)
49 - MegaMania (USA)
50 - Meteorites (USA)
51 - Microgammon SB (USA) (Proto)
52 - Millipede (USA) (Proto)
53 - Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA)
54 - Miniature Golf (USA) (Proto)
55 - Missile Command (USA)
56 - Montezuma's Revenge featuring Panama Joe (USA)
57 - Moon Patrol (USA)
58 - Mountain King (USA)
59 - Mr. Do!'s Castle (USA)
60 - Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
61 - Pac-Man (USA)
62 - Pengo (USA)
63 - Pitfall! (USA)
64 - Pole Position (USA)
65 - Popeye (USA)
66 - Q-bert (USA)
67 - Qix (USA)
68 - Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
69 - RealSports Baseball (USA)
70 - RealSports Basketball (USA) (82-11-05) (Proto)
71 - RealSports Basketball (USA) (83-10-31) (Proto)
72 - RealSports Basketball (USA)
73 - RealSports Football (USA)
74 - RealSports Soccer (USA)
75 - RealSports Tennis (USA)
76 - Rescue on Fractalus! (USA)
77 - Road Runner (USA) (Proto)
78 - Robotron 2084 (USA)
79 - Space Dungeon (USA)
80 - Space Invaders (USA)
81 - Space Shuttle - A Journey Into Space (USA)
82 - Spitfire (USA) (Proto)
83 - Sport Goofy (USA) (Proto)
84 - Star Raiders (USA)
85 - Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (USA)
86 - Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle (USA)
87 - Star Wars - The Arcade Game (USA)
88 - Stargate (USA) (Proto)
89 - Super Breakout (USA)
90 - Super Cobra (USA)
91 - Super Pac-Man (USA) (Proto)
92 - Tempest (USA) (Proto)
93 - Track and Field (USA) (Proto)
94 - Vanguard (USA)
95 - Wizard of Wor (USA)
96 - Xari Arena (USA) (Proto)
97 - Xevious (USA) (Proto)
98 - Yellow Submarine (USA) (Demo)
99 - Zaxxon (USA)
100 - Zenji (USA)
101 - Zone Ranger (USA)
Atari 7800 - 52 Jeux
1 - Ace of Aces
2 - Alien Brigade
3 - Asteroids
4 - Ballblazer
5 - Barnyard Blaster
6 - Basketbrawl
7 - Centipede
8 - Choplifter!
9 - Commando
10 - Crack'ed
11 - Crossbow
12 - Dark Chambers
13 - Desert Falcon
14 - Dig Dug
15 - Donkey Kong
16 - Donkey Kong Junior
17 - Double Dragon
18 - F-18 Hornet
19 - Fatal Run
20 - Fight Night
21 - Food Fight
22 - Galaga
23 - Hat Trick
24 - Ikari Warriors
25 - Impossible Mission
26 - Jinks
27 - Joust
28 - Karateka
29 - Kung-Fu Master
30 - Mario Bros.
31 - Mat Mania Challenge
32 - Mean 18
33 - Meltdown
34 - Midnight Mutants
35 - MotorPsycho
36 - Ms. Pac-Man
37 - Ninja Golf
38 - One-on-One Basketball
39 - Pete Rose Baseball
40 - Planet Smashers
41 - Pole Position II
42 - Rampage
43 - Robotron: 2084
44 - Scrapyard Dog
45 - Summer Games
46 - Super Skateboardin'
47 - Tank Command
48 - Title Match Pro Wrestling
49 - Tower Toppler
50 - Winter Games
51 - Xenophobe
52 - Xevious
Coleco Vision - 151 Jeux
1 - 2010: The Graphic Action Game
2 - Adam's Musicbox Demo
3 - Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress
4 - Alphabet Zoo
5 - Amazing Bumpman
6 - Antarctic Adventure
7 - Aquattack
8 - Artillery Duel
9 - BC's Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge
10 - Beamrider
11 - Blockade Runner
12 - Boulder Dash
13 - Brain Strainers
14 - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
15 - Bump 'N' Jump
16 - BurgerTime
17 - Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park
18 - Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show
19 - Campaign '84
20 - Carnival
21 - Centipede
22 - Choplifter!
23 - Chuck Norris Superkicks
24 - ColecoVision Monitor Test
25 - Congo Bongo
26 - Cosmic Avenger
27 - Cosmic Crisis
28 - Dance Fantasy
29 - Defender
30 - Destructor
31 - Dig Dug
32 - Donkey Kong
33 - Donkey Kong Junior
34 - Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler
35 - Dragonfire
36 - Escape from the Mindmaster
37 - Evolution
38 - FaceMaker
39 - Fall Guy
40 - Fathom
41 - Fisher-Price
42 - Flipper Slipper
43 - Fortune Builder
44 - Fraction Fever
45 - Frantic Freddy
46 - Frenzy
47 - Frogger
48 - Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!
49 - Front Line
50 - Galaxian
51 - Gateway to Apshai
52 - Gorf
53 - Gust Buster
54 - Gyruss
55 - H.E.R.O.
56 - Illusions
57 - James Bond 007
58 - Joust
59 - Juke Box
60 - Jumpman Junior
61 - Jungle Hunt
62 - Ken Uston BlackJack/Poker
63 - Keystone Kapers
64 - Lady Bug
65 - Learning with Leeper
66 - Linking Logic
67 - Logic Levels
68 - Looping
69 - M.A.S.H
70 - Meteoric Shower
71 - Miner 2049er
72 - Monkey Academy
73 - Montezuma's Revenge
74 - Moon Patrol
75 - Moonsweeper
76 - Motocross Racer
77 - Mountain King
78 - Mouse Trap
79 - Mr. Do!
80 - Mr. Do!'s Castle
81 - Ms. Space Fury
82 - Nova Blast
83 - Oil's Well
84 - Omega Race
85 - One-on-One
86 - Pac-Man
87 - Pepper II
88 - Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
89 - Pitfall!
90 - Pitstop
91 - Popeye
92 - Porky's
93 - Power Lords: Quest for Volcan
94 - Q*bert
95 - Q*Bert's Qubes
96 - Quest for Quintana Roo
97 - River Raid
98 - Robin Hood
99 - Roc 'N Rope
100 - Rock n' Bolt
101 - Rocky Super Action Boxing
102 - Rolloverture
103 - Root Beer Tapper
104 - Sammy Lightfoot
105 - Sector Alpha
106 - Sewer Sam
107 - Sir Lancelot
108 - Skiing
109 - Slither
110 - Slurpy
111 - Smurf: Paint 'n' Play Workshop
112 - Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
113 - Space Fury
114 - Space Panic
115 - Spectron
116 - Spy Hunter
117 - Squish 'Em Sam!
118 - Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
119 - Star Wars
120 - Steamroller
121 - Strike It!
122 - Subroc
123 - Super Action Baseball
124 - Super Action Football
125 - Super Action Football (Soccer)
126 - Super Cobra
127 - Super Controller Tester
128 - Super Cross Force
129 - Super DK!
130 - Super DK! Junior
131 - Tank Wars
132 - Tarzan: From Out of the Jungle
133 - Telly Turtle
134 - Threshold
135 - Time Pilot
136 - Tomarc the Barbarian
137 - Tournament Tennis
138 - Tunnels & Trolls
139 - Turbo
140 - Tutankham
141 - Up 'n Down
142 - Venture
143 - Victory
144 - Video Hustler
145 - War Room
146 - WarGames
147 - Wing War
148 - Wizard of Id's WizMath
149 - Word Feud
150 - Zaxxon
151 - Zenji
Commodore 64 - 7294 Jeux
1 - 180
2 - 1942
3 - 1985
4 - 0 and X
5 - 007 Car Chase (USA)
6 - 10 Pin Bowling
7 - 10th Frame
8 - 10th Frame (USA)
9 - 180 (Europe)
10 - 1942 (Europe)
11 - 1943 - One Year After
12 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway
13 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA)
14 - 1985 - The Day After (Europe)
15 - 1991 World Cup Knockout, The (Europe)
16 - 19th Boot Camp
17 - 1st over Germany
18 - 221B Baker St.
19 - 221B Baker St. [Side 3]
20 - 2D Tennis Game
21 - 3 Musketeers, The
22 - 3-D Man
23 - 3-D Pinball - Pinball Power (Europe)
24 - 3D Pool
25 - 3D Pool (Europe)
26 - 3D Scacchi Simulator
27 - 3D Speed Duel (Europe)
28 - 3D Stock Cars 2
29 - 3D Tic Tac Toe (Netherlands)
30 - 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
31 - 3D Time Trek (Europe)
32 - 3D Tunnel (Europe)
33 - 3D-Beee (Europe)
34 - 4 Fathoms (USA)
35 - 4 Soccer Simulators
36 - 4 Soccer Simulators (Europe)
37 - 4. Times Revlex (Germany)
38 - 4th & Inches (USA)
39 - 4th Protocol, The
40 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing
41 - 4x4 Off-Road Racing (D81).d81"
42 - 500cc Grand Prix
43 - 5-a-Side Football
44 - 5-Pin Bowling (Europe)
45 - 5th Axis, The
46 - 5th Gear
47 - 5th Gear (Europe)
48 - 5th Quadrant, The
49 - 64 Mastermind - A Game of Logic (Europe)
50 - 64luff (USA)
51 - 7 Cities of Gold
52 - 720 Degrees
53 - 720 Degrees (USA)
54 - 747 Flight Simulator (Europe)
56 - 9 Princes in Amber
57 - 9 Princes in Amber [Side C]
58 - 9 Princes in Amber [Side D]
59 - 9 to 5 Typing (USA)
60 - 911 Tiger Shark (Europe)
61 - Aaargh! (Europe)
62 - Aardvark (Europe)
63 - ABC
64 - ABC Monday Night Football
65 - A-Boulder 64 (Europe)
66 - Abrasco Golf (Europe)
67 - ACE - Air Combat Emulator (Europe)
68 - Ace 2
69 - Ace 2088
70 - Ace 2088 (Europe)
71 - Ace II (Europe)
72 - Ace of Aces [ESI]
73 - Ace of Aces [REM]
74 - Ace of Aces.crt"
75 - Acid Runner
76 - AcidBuger-HT
77 - Acidman (Germany)
78 - Acrojet
79 - AcroJet (USA)
80 - Action Biker
81 - Action Biker (Europe)
82 - Action Fighter (Europe)
83 - Action Force (Europe)
84 - Action Service (USA, Europe)
85 - Action-Ball (Germany)
86 - Ad Infinitum
87 - Add Fast (USA)
88 - Addams Family, The (Europe)
89 - Addams Family, The [E, SCS]
90 - Addams Family, The [F4CG, Legend]
91 - Addams Family, The [Legacy, Unicess]
92 - Addams Family, The [M8Q, Talent]
93 - Addams Family, The [Vision]
94 - Addgar
95 - Addgar (Europe)
96 - Addicta Ball (Europe)
97 - Addition Magician (USA)
98 - Adidas Championship Football (Europe)
99 - Adidas Championship Tie Break (Europe)
100 - Admiral Graf Spee (USA)
101 - Adonis
102 - Adult Poker (USA)
103 - Advance of the Megacamels
104 - Advance to Boardwalk (USA)
105 - Advanced Pinball Simulator (Europe)
106 - Advanced Tactical Fighter
107 - Adventure 1 - The Mutant Spiders
108 - Adventure 2 - The Ship
109 - Adventure Construction Set
110 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side A]
111 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side B]
112 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side C]
113 - Adventure Construction Set [Alternative copy, Side D]
114 - Adventure Creator
115 - Adventure Creator (USA)
116 - Adventure in Time and Space (Europe)
117 - Adventure Land (Europe)
118 - Adventure Master (USA)
119 - Adventure of the Year (USA)
120 - Adventure Quest (Europe)
121 - Adventure Without a Name (Europe)
122 - Adventureland
123 - Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The (Europe)
124 - Adventures of Bond... Basildon Bond, The (Europe)
125 - Aegean Voyage
126 - Aerobics (USA)
127 - Africa Gardens (Europe)
128 - African Safari (Europe)
129 - After Burner [Sega]
130 - After the Party (Europe)
131 - After the War.crt"
132 - Afterburner
133 - Afterburner (USA)
134 - Aftermath
135 - Aftermath (Alternative Software) (Europe)
136 - Afterworld, The
137 - Age of Adventure - Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (USA)
138 - Age of Adventure - The Return of Heracles (USA)
139 - Agent U.S.A.
140 - Agent USA (USA)
141 - Agent X 2
142 - Agent X II - The Mad Prof's Back (Europe)
143 - Ah Diddums
144 - Aidon - The Apocalypse (Europe)
145 - Air Defender (USA)
146 - Air Rallye (USA)
147 - Air Rescue I (USA)
148 - Air Support
149 - Air Support (USA)
150 - Air Traffic Controller
151 - Airborne Ranger [3532]
152 - Airborne Ranger [NO]
153 - Airborne Ranger [Side A_ESI]
154 - Airborne Ranger [Side B_ESI]
155 - Airborne Ranger.crt"
156 - Aircop 2000
157 - Aircop 2000 (Europe)
158 - Airliner (Europe)
159 - Airraid
160 - Airwolf (Europe)
161 - Airwolf 2
162 - Airwolf II (Europe)
163 - Aktiv
164 - Aktiv (Europe)
165 - Ala
166 - Ala (Europe)
167 - Alcazar
168 - Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
169 - ALCON (USA)
170 - Alderan
171 - Alea Jacta
172 - Alf
173 - Alf - The First Adventure (USA)
174 - Alf in the Color Caves
175 - Algernon - An Introduction to Programming Logic (USA)
176 - Alice in Wonderland
177 - Alien (Europe)
178 - Alien (SoftGold) (USA)
179 - Alien 3.crt"
180 - Alien Attack
181 - Alien Attack (Wicked Software) (Europe)
182 - Alien Killers
183 - Alien Panic (Bubble Bus) (Europe)
184 - Alien Panic (Keypunch Software) (USA)
185 - Alien Sidestep (USA)
186 - Alien Smash [GRB+TRP]
187 - Alien Smash [Laser]
188 - Alien Storm.crt"
189 - Alien Syndrome [Side A_REM]
190 - Alien Syndrome [Side A_TSK]
191 - Alien Syndrome [Side B_REM]
192 - Alien Syndrome [Side B_TSK]
193 - Alien Syndrome.crt"
194 - Aliens
195 - Aliens [Activision]
196 - Aliens from Subterrania (Europe)
197 - Aliens.crt"
198 - Alioth (USA)
199 - All Risks (Netherlands)
200 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [3 unknown]
201 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [FS, TSL, FS+RAD, FS+TED]
202 - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator [L+T, Ikari, Triad, HTL]
203 - All-American Basketball (Europe)
204 - Alley Cat (Europe)
205 - Alley Oops (USA)
207 - Alliance (Europe)
208 - Alloyrun
209 - Alloyrun (USA)
210 - Alpha Omega Run (USA)
211 - Alphabet Zoo (USA)
212 - Alpine Encounter, The
213 - Alpine Tram Ride (USA)
214 - Altair 4 (Europe)
215 - Alter Ego
216 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 01a]
217 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 01b]
218 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 02a]
219 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 02b]
220 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 03a]
221 - Alter Ego [Female, Disk 03b]
222 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 01a]
223 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 01b]
224 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 02a]
225 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 02b]
226 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 03a]
227 - Alter Ego [Male, Disk 03b]
228 - Altered Beast
229 - Altered Beast (USA)
230 - Alternative World Games
231 - Amaurote (Europe)
232 - Amazing Adventure (Europe)
233 - Amazing Spider-Man, The
234 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (USA)
235 - Amazon
236 - Amazon [Disk A]
237 - Amazon [Disk B]
238 - Amazon [Disk C]
239 - Amazon [Disk D]
240 - Amazon Warrior
241 - Ambush (Europe)
242 - AMC - Attack of the Mutant Camels (HesWare) (USA)
243 - Ameisenbar (Europe)
244 - America - Coast to Coast (USA)
245 - American 3D Pool
246 - American 3D Pool (Europe)
247 - American Challenge, The - A Sailing Simulation (USA)
248 - American Express (Europe)
249 - American Football (Europe)
250 - American Tag-Team Wrestling (Europe)
251 - America's Cup, The (Europe)
252 - Amnesia
253 - Amnesia [Disk 1, Side A]
254 - Amnesia [Disk 1, Side B]
255 - Amnesia [Disk 2, Side A]
256 - Amnesia [Disk 2, Side B]
257 - Amoba (CP Verlag) (Germany)
258 - Amorphous (USA)
259 - Amulet, The (Europe)
260 - Anarchy
261 - Anarchy (Europe)
262 - Ancipital
263 - Ancipital (Europe)
264 - Anders Limpar's Proffs Fotboll
265 - Andromeda Conquest (USA)
266 - Andy Capp
267 - Andy Capp - The Game (Europe)
268 - Angel of the Hell (Europe)
269 - Angle
270 - Angle (Europe)
271 - Angle Ball (Europe)
272 - Animal Hotel (USA)
273 - Animal Magic - Save the Baby (Europe)
274 - Animated Strip Poker (Europe)
275 - Ankh (USA)
276 - Annals of Rome
277 - Annals of Rome (Europe)
278 - Annihilator
279 - Annihilator (USA)
280 - Another World
281 - Another World.crt"
282 - Anstoss (Germany)
283 - Ant Attack
284 - Ant Attack (Europe)
285 - Anter Planter (Europe)
286 - Anter-Planter
287 - Antiriad (1986)(Palace Software)[cr REM][t +4 REM][Docs][#039]
288 - Apache Strike (USA)
289 - APB - All Points Bulletin (Europe)
290 - Ape Craze (USA)
291 - Apoxoly (Europe)
292 - Appareil a Jetons (USA)
293 - Apple Cider Spider
294 - Aqua (Europe)
295 - Aqua Racer (Europe)
296 - Aquanaut (Alpha Omega Software) (Europe)
297 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software]
298 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [1404]
299 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [CCS, Ass]
300 - Aquanaut [Interceptor Software] [TMB]
301 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [SAP, ALS, Devils, Ikari]
302 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [TS, Ikari]
303 - Aquanaut [Power House, The] [unknown, Ikari]
304 - Aquaplane (Europe)
305 - Arac (USA, Europe)
306 - Arachne (USA)
307 - Arachnophobia.crt"
308 - Arc of Yesod, the
309 - Arc of Yesod, The (Europe)
310 - Arcade Baseball
311 - Arcade Classics
312 - Arcade Flight Simulator (Europe)
313 - Arcade Trivia Quiz
314 - Arcade Trivia Quiz (Europe)
315 - Arcadia 64 (Europe)
316 - Arcana (Europe)
317 - Archeologist Duel (Europe)
318 - Archipelago
319 - Archon
320 - Archon (USA)
321 - Archon 2
322 - Archon II - Adept (USA)
323 - Arctic Shipwreck [Bombjack]
324 - Arctic Shipwreck [Jedi Crackware]
325 - Arctic Shipwreck [UGS]
326 - Arcticfox
327 - Arcticfox (USA)
328 - Ardok the Barbarian
329 - Ardok the Barbarian (USA)
330 - Arena
331 - Arena (Cult Games) (Europe)
332 - Arex (USA)
333 - Argon Factor, The (USA)
334 - Ark Pandora
335 - Ark Pandora (Europe)
336 - Arkanoid
337 - Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh (Europe)
338 - Arkanoid (Europe)
339 - Arkanoid 2
340 - Armageddon (Ocean) (Europe)
341 - Armageddon Man, The
342 - Armageddon Man, The (Europe)
343 - Armalyte [REM]
344 - Armalyte [Xades]
345 - Armalyte 2
346 - Armalyte 2 [O]
347 - Armalyte.crt"
348 - Armourdillo (Europe)
349 - Army Days (Europe)
350 - Army Moves
351 - Army Moves (Europe)
352 - Arnie
353 - Arnie (Europe)
354 - Arnie II (Europe)
355 - Arrow of Death - Part 1 (Europe)
356 - Arrow of Death - Part 2 (Europe)
357 - Arscet (Europe)
358 - Artillery '90 (Europe)
359 - Artillery Duel
360 - Artillery_100%_Shape
361 - Artris (Europe)
362 - Artura
363 - Artura (Europe)
364 - Ashby Manor (Europe)
365 - Aspar Grand Prix Master
366 - Assault Course
367 - Assault Course (Europe)
368 - Assault Machine (Europe)
369 - Assault on the Shevardino Redoubt (Europe)
370 - Assembly Line (USA)
371 - Astatin
372 - Astatin (Germany)
373 - Asterix
374 - Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (Europe)
375 - Asterix und Obelix
376 - Asteroids (Data Media) (Europe)
377 - Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She Vampires, The (Europe)
378 - Astonishing Adventures of Mr. Weems and the She-Vampires, The
379 - Astro Chase
380 - Astro Chase (USA)
381 - Astro Pilot (Europe)
382 - Astroblaster (Netherlands)
383 - Astroblitz (USA)
384 - Astro-Grover
385 - Astro-Grover (USA)
386 - Astronaut
387 - Asylum
388 - Asylum.crt"
389 - Atalan (Europe)
390 - A-Team, The (Netherlands)
391 - ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter (Europe)
392 - ATG - All Terrain Gardener (Europe)
393 - Athena
394 - Atlantis (Germany)
395 - Atlantis (Multisoft) (Germany)
396 - Atlantis [Argus Specialist Publications]
397 - Atom Ant - Up and Atom (Europe)
398 - Atom Ant [Bonzai]
399 - Atom Ant [Brutal]
400 - Atom Ant [Culture]
401 - Atom Ant [Depredators]
402 - Atom Ant [Dominators]
403 - Atom Ant [F4CG]
404 - Atom Ant [Holocaust+Fresh]
405 - Atom Ant [Hysteric]
406 - Atom Ant [Ikari+Talent+TSM]
407 - Atom Ant [Legend]
408 - Atom Ant [Miracle]
409 - Atom Ant [Paramount]
410 - Atom Ant [Secure]
411 - Atom Ant [TRC+Blasters]
412 - Atom Ant [Vision]
413 - Atom Ant [X-Factor]
414 - Atom Box (USA)
415 - Atomic Handball
416 - Atomic Handball (USA)
417 - Atomic Robo-Kid (USA)
418 - Atomino
419 - Attack of the Atlanteans (USA)
420 - Attack of the Mutant Camels
421 - Attack of the Mutant Camels [Hesware]
422 - Attack of the Mutant Pricks
423 - Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils, The
424 - Attacker (1984) (Europe)
425 - ATV - All Terrain Vehicle Simulator (Europe)
426 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty
427 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Europe)
428 - Auf Wiedersehen Pet (Europe)
429 - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy
430 - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy (Europe)
431 - Auriga
432 - Aussie Assault (Europe)
433 - Aussie Trip (Australia)
434 - Australian Rules Football
435 - Australian Rules Football (Europe)
436 - Auto Mania
437 - Auto Mania - Manic Mechanic (Europe)
438 - Autoduel
439 - Automan (Europe)
440 - Autorennen
441 - Autotest (Europe)
442 - Avenger
443 - Avenger (Commodore) (USA)
444 - Avenger (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Europe)
445 - Avenger [Commodore]
446 - Avenger 64 [Commodore]
447 - Avoid the Noid (USA)
448 - Axe of Rage
449 - Axe of Rage (USA)
450 - Axiens (Europe)
451 - Axis Assassin (USA)
452 - Aztec (USA)
453 - Aztec Challenge
454 - Aztec Challenge (USA)
455 - Aztec Tomb Adventure
456 - Aztec Tomb Adventure (Europe)
457 - Aztec Tomb Revisited (Europe)
458 - Aztec Tomb Revisited Adventure
459 - B.C. Bill
460 - B-1 Bomber Game (USA)
461 - B-24 (USA)
462 - Baby Blues (Europe)
463 - Baby Monty
464 - Baby of Can Guru, The
465 - Baby of Can Guru, The (Europe)
466 - Baby Pac-Man
467 - Babylon Four (Europe)
468 - Back to Nature (USA)
469 - Back to Reality (Europe)
470 - Back to the Future
471 - Back to the Future (Europe)
472 - Back to the Future 3 [3532]
473 - Back to the Future 3 [I+T]
474 - Back to the Future 3 [Preview, CEN]
475 - Back to the Future 3 [Triad]
476 - Back to the Future 3 [V]
477 - Back to the Future Part III (Europe)
478 - Back to the Present (Europe)
479 - Backgammon
480 - Bad Blood.crt"
481 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (USA)
482 - Bad Street Brawler (USA)
483 - Badge Bandit (USA)
484 - Badlands
485 - BadLands.crt"
486 - Bagasaurus (USA)
487 - Bagitman (Europe)
488 - Bagitman [Snoopy+MAM]
489 - Bagitman [Snoopy+MAM+Atheist]
490 - Balakon Raider (Europe)
491 - Ball (Europe)
492 - Ball Fever
493 - Ball Game, The
494 - Ball Game, The (Europe)
495 - Ball-Blasta (Europe)
496 - Ballblazer
497 - Ballblazer (USA)
498 - Ballerup
499 - Ballerup (Europe)
500 - Ballfever (Europe)
501 - Ballistix (USA)
502 - Ball-Job (Germany)
503 - Ball-Land
504 - Ball-Land (Germany)
505 - Balloon Raid (Europe)
506 - Balloon Rescue
507 - Balloon Rescue (Europe)
508 - Ballooning (Europe)
509 - Balls (USA)
510 - Bally
511 - Bally (Europe)
512 - Ballyhoo (USA)
513 - Ballz I (USA)
514 - Baltic 1985 - When Superpowers Collide (USA)
515 - Banana Drama
516 - Banana Drama (Europe)
517 - Bandana City
518 - Bandit (USA)
519 - Bandits
520 - Bandits (USA)
521 - Banger Racer (Europe)
522 - Bangers and Mash
523 - Bangers and Mash (Europe)
524 - Bangkok Knights
525 - Bangkok Knights (Europe)
526 - Bannercatch (USA)
527 - Barbarian
528 - Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior (Europe)
529 - Barbarian (Europe)
530 - Barbarian 2 [REM]
531 - Barbarian 2 [SCG]
532 - Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax.crt"
533 - Barbie
534 - Barmy Builders (Europe)
535 - Barney Brown and the Chicago Connection (Europe)
536 - Barrel Jump (Europe)
537 - Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing (Europe)
538 - Base 3 (Europe)
539 - Basil the Great Mouse Detective
540 - Basil the Great Mouse Detective (Europe)
541 - Basket Manager, The (Italy)
542 - Basket Master
543 - Basket Master (Europe)
544 - Basketball - The Pro Game (USA)
545 - Bat (Europe)
546 - Bat Attack
547 - Batalyx
548 - Batalyx (Europe)
549 - Bath Time
550 - Bath Time (Europe)
551 - Batman - The Caped Crusader (Europe)
552 - Batman - The Movie.crt"
553 - Batman and the Caped Crusader
554 - Batman the Movie [Active]
555 - Batman the Movie [Talent]
556 - Battalion Commander (USA)
557 - Battle Bars
558 - Battle Bound Project
559 - Battle Bound Project (USA)
560 - Battle Buggy (USA)
561 - Battle Chess
562 - Battle Chopper
563 - Battle Command.crt"
564 - Battle Droidz
565 - Battle for Normandy (USA)
566 - Battle Group (USA)
567 - Battle Island
568 - Battle Island (Europe)
569 - Battle of Antietam (USA)
570 - Battle of Britain
571 - Battle of Britain (Europe)
572 - Battle of Midway, The (Europe)
573 - Battle of the Parthian Kings (USA)
574 - Battle of the Planets (Europe)
575 - Battle Ships
576 - Battle Ships (Europe)
577 - Battle Stations (Europe)
578 - Battle Through Time (USA)
579 - Battle Valley
580 - Battle Valley (Europe)
581 - Battlefield (Europe)
582 - Battles in Normandy (Australia)
583 - Battleship (Dynastar) (USA)
584 - Battleship (Epyx) (USA)
585 - Battleship (Wicked Software) (Europe)
586 - Battleships
587 - Battlestar Fighter
588 - Battlezone
589 - Battlezone.crt"
590 - Batty
591 - Batty (Europe)
592 - Bazooka Bill
593 - Bazooka Bill (Europe)
594 - B-Bobs
595 - B-Bobs (Europe)
596 - Bburago Rally.crt"
597 - BC II - Grog's Revenge (USA)
598 - BC's Quest For Tires
599 - BC's Quest for Tires (USA)
600 - Beach Blanket Volleyball
601 - Beach Buggy Simulator
602 - Beach Buggy Simulator (Europe)
603 - Beach Head 2
604 - Beach Volley
605 - Beach Volley [DOM]
606 - Beach-Head
607 - Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back! (USA)
608 - Beaky and the Eggsnatchers
609 - Beaky and the Eggsnatchers (Europe)
610 - BEAM (Europe)
611 - Beamrider
612 - Beamrider (Europe) (Firebird)
613 - Beamrider (USA)
614 - Bear Bovver (Europe)
615 - Bear George (Europe)
616 - Beat Ball
617 - Beatle Quest (Europe)
618 - Because of a Cat (Europe)
619 - Bedlam
620 - Bedlam (Europe)
621 - Bee 52 (Europe)
622 - Beekeeper
623 - Beer Belly Burt's Brew Biz (USA)
624 - Bel Osero (USA)
625 - Below the Root
626 - Ben (Europe)
627 - Berserker Raids (USA)
628 - Bert the Bug Bites Back
629 - Bert the Bug Bites Back (Australia)
630 - Besieged (Europe)
631 - Best of Chess - Volume I - American Triumph (USA)
632 - Betrayal (Europe)
633 - Better Dead Than Alien! (Europe)
634 - Beverly Hills Cop
635 - Beverly Hills Cop (Europe)
636 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
637 - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Europe)
638 - Beyond the Black Hole (USA)
639 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest
640 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest (USA)
641 - Beyond the Forbidden Forest [REM]
642 - Beyond the Ice Palace
643 - Beyond the Ice Palace (Europe)
644 - Biathlon (USA)
645 - Biff (Europe)
646 - Big Ben
647 - Big Ben (Europe)
648 - Big Bird's Special Delivery (USA)
649 - Big Deal, The
650 - Big Deal, The - Floyd the Droid on Food (Netherlands)
651 - Big Game Fishing (Italy)
652 - Big Mac - The Mad Maintenance Man (Europe)
653 - Big Sleaze, The (Europe)
654 - Big Trouble in Little China
655 - Big Trouble in Little China (Europe)
656 - Bigfoot (Europe)
657 - Biggles
658 - Biggles [Original]
659 - Biggles.crt"
660 - Bignoses USA Adventure (Europe)
661 - Bigtop Barney
662 - Bigtop Barney (Europe)
663 - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
664 - Billboard (Europe)
665 - Billiard (USA)
666 - Bionic Commando [Agile]
667 - Bionic Commando [REM]
668 - Bionic Commando.crt"
669 - Bionic Ninja (Europe)
670 - Bird Mother
671 - Bismarck
672 - Bismarck - The North Sea Chase (Europe)
673 - Bit Exorcist (Europe)
674 - Bite of the Sorority Vampires (Europe)
675 - Bitmania (Europe)
676 - Bizy-Beezzzz
677 - Black (USA)
678 - Black and White
679 - Black Belt (USA)
680 - Black Box, The (USA)
681 - Black Gold (Europe)
682 - Black Hawk
683 - Black Hawk (Europe)
684 - Black Hole (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
685 - Black Hornet
686 - Black Hornet (Europe)
687 - Black It! (Europe)
688 - Black Knight
689 - Black Knight (Europe)
690 - Black Knight, The (Europe)
691 - Black Lamp
692 - Black Lamp (Europe)
693 - Black Magic (USA)
694 - Black Pearl, The (USA)
695 - Black Thunder
696 - Black Tiger
697 - Black Tiger (Europe)
698 - Blackjack (Commodore) (USA)
699 - BlackJack Academy (USA)
700 - Blackpool Tower (Europe)
701 - Blackwyche (USA)
702 - Blade Runner (Europe)
703 - Blades of Steel
704 - Blades of Steel (USA)
705 - Blagger [1302, 1701]
706 - Blagger [1701]
707 - Blagger [Collection Disk 1]
708 - Blagger [Collection Disk 2]
709 - Blagger [unknown]
710 - Blagger Goes to Hollywood [Collection Disk 1]
711 - Blagger Goes to Hollywood [Collection Disk 2]
712 - Blagger Junior [ABC]
713 - Blagger Junior [Computerbrains]
714 - Blagger Junior [unknown]
715 - Blakhole (Europe)
716 - Blasteroids
717 - Blasteroids (Europe)
718 - Blaze (Europe)
719 - Blazing Thunder (Europe)
720 - Blind Man's Bluff (USA)
721 - Blinky's Scary School (Europe)
722 - Blip! - Video Classics (Europe)
723 - Blitz (Netherlands)
724 - Blizzard Part 1 - Commando Libya
725 - Blizzard Pass (Europe)
726 - Block Blaster (Netherlands)
727 - Block Out (USA)
728 - Block Shock (USA)
729 - Blockade 64 (USA)
730 - Blockbuster (USA)
731 - Blockbusters - Gold Run (Europe)
732 - Blockbusters (TV Games) (Europe)
733 - Blockhopper.crt"
734 - Block'n'Bubble (Germany)
735 - Block'n'Bubble II (Germany)
736 - Blockrockey - Blockbusters Revenge (USA)
737 - Blocktower
738 - Blocktower (Europe)
739 - Blood and Guts [NO]
740 - Blood and Guts [Side A_SCA]
741 - Blood and Guts [Side B_SCA]
742 - Blood Brothers (Europe)
743 - Blood Hand (USA)
744 - Blood Money
745 - Blood Money (USA)
746 - Blood Valley (Europe)
747 - Bloodwych
748 - Bloodwych (Europe)
749 - Blue Angel 69
750 - Blue Angels
751 - Blue Angels - Formation Flight Simulation (USA)
752 - Blue Baron
753 - Blue Baron (Europe)
754 - Blue Max
755 - Blue Max (USA)
756 - Blue Max 2001
757 - Blue Thunder
758 - Blueprint
759 - Blues Brothers, The (Europe)
760 - BMX Freestyle Simulator
761 - BMX Freestyle Simulator (Europe)
762 - Bmx Kidz
763 - BMX Kidz (Europe)
764 - BMX Ninja (Europe)
765 - BMX Number Jump (Europe)
766 - BMX Racers
767 - BMX Racers (Europe)
768 - Bmx Simulator
769 - BMX Simulator (Europe)
770 - BMX Simulator II (Europe)
771 - BMX Stunts
772 - BMX Trials (Europe)
773 - Bobby Bearing
774 - Bobby Bearing (Europe)
775 - Bob's Full House (Europe)
776 - Bobsled (USA)
777 - Bobsleigh (Europe)
778 - Bocce (Italy)
779 - Bod Squad, The
780 - Bod Squad, The (Europe)
781 - Body Blow (USA)
782 - Body in Focus, The (USA)
783 - Body Slam
784 - Body Slam (Europe)
785 - Body Transparent, The (USA)
786 - Boggit, The - Bored Too (Europe)
787 - Boggles - The Mind Boggler (Europe)
788 - Bogymen (Europe)
789 - Boing
790 - Boing (Bubble Bus) (Europe)
791 - Boing (E J Software) (Europe)
792 - Boing (Markt Technik) (Germany)
793 - Bojo
794 - Bomb Ace (USA)
795 - Bomb Fusion (Europe)
796 - Bomb Jack
797 - Bomb Jack (Europe)
798 - Bomb Jack 2
799 - Bomb Jack II (Europe)
800 - Bomb Mania
801 - Bomb Squad (Germany)
802 - Bomb Uzal
803 - Bomb Uzal (Europe)
804 - Bomberman C64
805 - Bomb-Hunt (Netherlands)
806 - Bombo
807 - Bombuzal
808 - Bonanza Bros
809 - Bonanza Bros (Europe)
810 - BoneCruncher (Europe)
811 - Bongo (Europe)
812 - Bonzo (Europe)
813 - Booga-Boo [Collection Disk 1]
814 - Booga-Boo [Collection Disk 2]
815 - Booga-Boo the Flea (Europe)
816 - boogie2
817 - Book of the Dead (Europe)
818 - Boom (Germany)
819 - Boot Camp (USA)
820 - Bootleg Bandits (Europe)
821 - Booty (Europe)
822 - Bop 'n Rumble
823 - Bop'n Rumble (Europe)
824 - Bop'n Wrestle (Europe)
825 - Boppie's Great Word Chase (USA)
826 - Borrowed Time
827 - Borzak (Europe)
828 - Bosconian 87 (Europe)
829 - Boulder Dash
830 - Boulder Dash (USA)
831 - Boulder Dash 2
832 - Boulder Dash 3
833 - Boulder Dash Construction Kit
834 - Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Revenge (USA)
835 - Boulder Dash III (USA)
836 - Bounce It
837 - Bounce It (Europe)
838 - Bounce!
839 - Bounce! (Europe)
840 - Bouncer
841 - Bouncer (Magic Disk) (Europe)
842 - Bounces
843 - Bounces (USA)
844 - Bouncing Heads
845 - Bouncing Heads (Europe)
846 - Bouncing Kamungas, The (Europe)
847 - Bouncy
848 - Bouncy Balls
849 - Bouncy Cars
850 - Bouncy Cars Revenge
851 - Bounder
852 - Bounder (Europe)
853 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back!
854 - Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (Europe)
855 - Bounty Hunter (Victory Software) (USA)
856 - Bounzy
857 - Bowling
858 - Bowling (High Tech Software) (Europe)
859 - Boxer, The (Europe)
860 - Boxes (Europe)
861 - Boxing Champion (Italy)
862 - Boxing Manager (Europe)
863 - Bozo's Night Out
864 - Bozos Night Out (Europe)
865 - Brain Artitice
866 - Brain Spasm (Europe)
867 - Brainstorm (Europe)
868 - Brave
869 - Brave African Huntress, The (USA)
870 - Bravestarr
871 - BraveStarr (Europe)
872 - Break Ball
873 - Break Ball (Europe)
874 - Break Dance (USA)
875 - Break Fever
876 - Break Street
877 - Breakdance
878 - Breaker
879 - Breaker (Netherlands)
880 - Breakthrough in the Ardennes (USA)
881 - Breakthru (Europe)
882 - Breakthru [DD, TCS, CCM, Yeti]
883 - Breakthru [Eurosoft, DCS, CFO, LDA]
884 - Breakthru [MHI, Triad, NewS, CCS, TDF]
885 - Breakthru [SIR 13, 2 unknown]
886 - Breakthru [SRG, 2 unknown]
887 - Breakthru [unknown]
888 - Breakthru in 3D (USA)
889 - Breathalyzer (Europe)
890 - Brektwon - The Curse of the Keys (Germany)
891 - Brian Bloodaxe (Europe)
892 - Brian Clough's Football Fortunes (Europe)
893 - Brian Jack's Superstar Challenge (Europe)
894 - Brian Jack's Uchi-Mata (Europe)
895 - Brick Busters
896 - Bride of Frankenstein (Europe)
897 - Brig Battle (USA)
898 - Brighton Beach (Europe)
899 - Bristles (USA)
900 - Broadsides (USA)
901 - Bronx Medal
902 - Bronx Medal (Europe)
903 - Bruce Lee
904 - Bruce Lee (USA)
905 - Bruce Lee 2.crt"
906 - Bubble (Germany)
907 - Bubble Bobble
908 - Bubble Bobble (Europe)
909 - Bubble Burst (USA)
910 - Bubble Dizzy
911 - Bubble Dizzy (Europe)
912 - Bubble Ghost
913 - Bubble Ghost (USA)
914 - Bubble It (Europe)
915 - Bubble Mania (Europe)
916 - Bubbles (Germany)
917 - Buck Rogers
918 - Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom.crt"
919 - Buddy Bubble (Europe)
920 - Budokan [DOM_Disk 1]
921 - Budokan [DOM_Disk 2]
922 - Budokan [DOM+AVA_Disk 1]
923 - Budokan [DOM+AVA_Disk 2]
924 - Budokan [HTL_Disk 1]
925 - Budokan [HTL_Disk 2]
926 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show [Cosmos_Disk A_Side 1]
927 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show [Cosmos_Disk A_Side 2]
928 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show [Cosmos_Disk B_Side 1]
929 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show [Cosmos_Disk B_Side 2]
930 - Buffalo Bill's Wild West Rodeo Show [S451]
931 - Buffalo Roundup (USA)
932 - Bug Blast (USA)
933 - Bug Blaster
934 - Bug Blaster (Europe)
935 - Bug Blitz
936 - Bug Squad (Europe)
937 - Bugbomber (Europe)
938 - Buggy Boy
939 - Buggy Boy (Europe)
940 - Bugsy (Europe)
941 - Build It! - Das Bauhaus (Germany)
942 - Builder Ben (Europe)
943 - Bulldog
944 - Bulldog (Europe)
945 - Bulldoze! - Schneeraumer im Kampf (Germany)
946 - Bullet
947 - Bullseye (Europe)
948 - BULLY
949 - Bully's Sporting Darts (Europe)
950 - Bumble Games
951 - Bumble Games v1.3 (USA)
952 - Bump, Set, Spike! (Europe)
953 - Bumping Buggies (Europe)
954 - Bump-n-Run
955 - Bundesliga Manager v2.0 (Germany)
956 - Bunny Zap (USA)
957 - Bureaucracy 1
958 - Burger Time
959 - Burger Time (Europe)
960 - Burger Time '97
961 - Burnin Rubber
962 - Burnin' Rubber (Europe)
963 - Bushido (Europe)
964 - Butcher Hill
965 - Butcher Hill (Europe)
966 - Buzz Off! (Europe)
967 - C21
968 - C22
969 - C5 Clive (Europe)
970 - Cabal (USA)
971 - Cabal [Capcom]
972 - Cabal [Ocean]
973 - Caer Shiraz (USA)
974 - Caesar the Cat
975 - Caesar the Cat (Europe)
976 - Caesar the Cat [Dimple Software]
977 - Caesar the Cat [unknown 1]
978 - Caesar the Cat [unknown 2]
979 - Caesar the Cat [unknown 3]
980 - Caesar's Travels (Europe)
981 - Caesar's Travels [Yak]
982 - Cairo Connection, The (USA)
983 - California Driver (USA)
984 - California Games [Side A_ESI]
985 - California Games [Side A_REM]
986 - California Games [Side B_ESI]
987 - California Games [Side B_REM]
988 - California Games [Side Load_ESI]
989 - California Games.crt"
990 - California Goldrush
991 - California Goldrush (Europe)
992 - California Pro Golf (Europe)
993 - Call Me Psycho (Europe)
994 - Calvin (Australia)
995 - Camel Trophy (USA)
996 - Camelot (Italy)
997 - Camelot Warriors
998 - Camelot Warriors (Spain)
999 - Canabalt
1000 - Candidate, The (Europe)
1001 - Candy Bandit (USA)
1002 - Cannon
1003 - Cannonball (Europe)
1004 - Canoe Race Simulator (USA)
1005 - Canonrider (Europe)
1006 - Canyon
1007 - Canyon (Europe)
1008 - Captain America in the Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann (Europe)
1009 - Captain Blood
1010 - Captain Blood (1988)(Mindscape)[cr ESI+HTL]
1011 - Captain Dynamo (Europe)
1012 - Captain Kidd (Europe)
1013 - Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.crt"
1014 - Captain Stark - The Mission (Germany)
1015 - Captive, The (Europe)
1016 - Capture (Netherlands)
1017 - Captured
1018 - Card Sharks
1019 - Card Sharks (USA)
1020 - Cargo (Europe)
1021 - Carnage (Europe)
1022 - Car-O-Matic (USA)
1023 - Car-Race (Netherlands)
1024 - Carrier Command (Europe)
1025 - Carrier Force (USA)
1026 - Carry on Laughing
1027 - Carry on Laughing (Europe)
1028 - Cartels & Cutthroats (USA)
1029 - Case of the Mixed-up Shymer, The (Europe)
1030 - Casino Poker (USA)
1031 - Casino Royale - Monaco
1032 - Castle Adventure (USA)
1033 - Castle Blackstar (Europe)
1034 - Castle Dracula (USA)
1035 - Castle Master
1036 - Castle Master (Europe)
1037 - Castle Master 2
1038 - Castle Master II - The Crypt (Europe)
1039 - Castle Maze Adventure (Europe)
1040 - Castle Nightmare (Germany)
1041 - Castle of Dreams (USA)
1042 - Castle of Kraizar, The
1043 - Castle of Kraizar, The (USA)
1044 - Castle of Mydor (Europe)
1045 - Castle of Terror
1046 - Castle of Terror (Melbourne House) (Europe)
1047 - Castle of Terror [Melbourne House]
1048 - Castle Raid! (USA)
1049 - Castle Warlock (Europe)
1050 - Castle Wolfenstein
1051 - Castle Wolfenstein (Europe)
1052 - Castle, The (Europe)
1053 - Castle-Kingdom
1054 - Castles of Doctor Creep, The
1055 - Castles of Doctor Creep, The (USA)
1056 - Castlevania (USA)
1057 - Castor (Europe)
1058 - Cataball (Europe)
1059 - Cataball [Channel 4]
1060 - Cataball [Starline]
1061 - Cataball [The Works]
1062 - Cataclysm (Europe)
1063 - Catacombs of Gold (USA)
1064 - Catacombs, The (Europe)
1065 - Catalypse
1066 - Catastrophes
1067 - Catastrophes (Europe)
1068 - Catch a Thief (Europe)
1069 - Catch II (Germany)
1070 - Caterpillar
1071 - Cauldron
1072 - Cauldron (Europe)
1073 - Cauldron 2
1074 - Cauldron II - The Pumpkin Strikes Back (Europe)
1075 - Causes of Chaos, The
1076 - Causes of Chaos, The (Europe)
1077 - Cave Climber
1078 - Cave Explorer (Europe)
1079 - Cave Fighter (Europe)
1080 - Cave Girl Clair (USA)
1081 - Cave of Evil, The (USA)
1082 - Cave of Time, The (USA)
1083 - Cave-Guennie (Europe)
1084 - Cavelon
1085 - Cavelon (Europe)
1086 - Caveman Ugh-Lympics
1087 - Caveman Ugh-Lympics.crt"
1088 - Cavemania
1089 - Cavemania (Europe)
1090 - Cavern Construction Kit (USA)
1091 - Caverns of Eriban, The
1092 - Caverns of Eriban, The (Europe)
1093 - Caverns of Jupiter (USA)
1094 - Caverns of Khafka (USA)
1095 - Caverns of Sillahc
1096 - Caverns of Xydrahpur (Germany)
1097 - Caverns of Xydrahpur, The
1098 - Caves of Silver (Europe)
1099 - Caves, The (USA)
1100 - CBM 64 Golf (Europe)
1101 - Celebrity Squares (Europe)
1102 - Cell Defense
1103 - Cell Defense (USA)
1104 - Celluloid
1105 - Celluloid (Europe)
1106 - Centipede
1107 - Centipede 2025
1108 - Centipede 2025 (Europe)
1109 - Centipede.crt"
1110 - Centripod (USA)
1111 - Centron (USA)
1112 - Centropods (USA)
1113 - Centurions Power X Treme
1114 - Centurions Power X Treme (Europe)
1115 - Chain Reaction
1116 - Chain Reaction (Durell Software) (Europe)
1117 - Chain-Reaction (USA)
1118 - Challenge Golf (Europe)
1119 - Challenge of the Gobots
1120 - Challenge of the Gobots on the Moebius Strip (Europe)
1121 - Challenge, The (Europe)
1122 - Challenger
1123 - Chambers of Shaolin (Germany)
1124 - Chameleon
1125 - Chameleon (Europe)
1126 - Champ, The (Switzerland)
1127 - Champions of Krynn.d81"
1128 - Championship 3D Snooker
1129 - Championship 3D Snooker (Europe)
1130 - Championship Baseball (USA)
1131 - Championship Boxing (USA)
1132 - Championship Chess (USA)
1133 - Championship Golf (Europe)
1134 - Championship Jet Ski Simulator (Europe)
1135 - Championship Lode Runner (USA)
1136 - Championship Sprint
1137 - Championship Sprint (Europe)
1138 - Championship Wrestling (USA)
1139 - Championship Wrestling [REM]
1140 - Championship Wrestling [Side A_ESI]
1141 - Championship Wrestling [Side A_Triad]
1142 - Championship Wrestling [Side B_ESI]
1143 - Championship Wrestling [Side B_Triad]
1144 - Chaos
1145 - Chaos (Europe)
1146 - Chase H.Q. II.crt"
1147 - Chase HQ (Europe)
1148 - Chase HQ [A]
1149 - Chase HQ [Light]
1150 - Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island, The
1151 - Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island, The (USA)
1152 - Cheap Skate
1153 - Cheap Skate (Europe)
1154 - Checkers v2.1 (USA)
1155 - Cheeky Twins (Germany)
1156 - Chem Lab (USA)
1157 - Chemical (Germany)
1158 - Chernobyl (USA)
1159 - Chess 7.0 (USA)
1160 - Chess for Two (USA)
1161 - Chessmaster 2000, the
1162 - Chessmaster 2100 - The Fidelity (USA)
1163 - Chevy Chase (Europe)
1164 - Chevytech
1165 - Chewing Charlie (Europe)
1166 - Chicago's 30 (Europe)
1167 - Chicken Chase (USA)
1168 - Chickin Chase (Europe)
1169 - Chiller
1170 - Chiller (Europe)
1171 - Chillervilla (Europe)
1172 - Chilly Willy (Europe)
1173 - Chimera
1174 - Chimera (Europe)
1175 - China Miner [Jabba]
1176 - China Miner [Manik, Computerbrains]
1177 - China Miner [Superman 1]
1178 - China Miner [Superman 2]
1179 - China Miner [unknown 1]
1180 - China Miner [unknown 2]
1181 - China Miner [unknown 3]
1182 - Chinese Juggler, The (Europe)
1183 - Chip Factory (Europe)
1184 - Chip's Challenge
1185 - Chip's Challenge (USA)
1186 - ChipWits
1187 - ChipWits (USA)
1188 - Cholo (Europe)
1189 - Chomp
1190 - Chomp! (USA)
1191 - Chop n' Drop (USA)
1192 - Choplifter
1193 - Choplifter.crt"
1194 - Chopper 1
1195 - Chopper Hunt (USA)
1196 - Chopp-Hopper (Europe)
1197 - Chrome Brothers, The [Laser]
1198 - Chubbie Chester
1199 - Chubby Gristle
1200 - Chubby Gristle (Europe)
1201 - Chuck Norris (USA)
1202 - Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (USA)
1203 - Chuckie Egg
1204 - Chuckie Egg (Europe)
1205 - Chuckie Egg II (Europe)
1206 - Ciphoid 9 (Europe)
1207 - Circle World (Europe)
1208 - Circus
1209 - Circus (Channel 8 Software) (Europe)
1210 - Circus Attractions
1211 - Circus Attractions (Europe)
1212 - Circus Charlie (USA)
1213 - Circus Games
1214 - Circus Games (Keypunch Software) (USA)
1215 - Circus Games (Tynesoft) (Europe)
1216 - Cisco Heat
1217 - Cisco Heat (Europe)
1218 - Citadel (Europe)
1219 - Citadel [B, Talent, FLT, Cosmos]
1220 - Citadel [HF, 3532, PAN, F4CG]
1221 - Citadel of Chaos, The
1222 - Citadel of Chaos, The (Europe)
1223 - Citadel of Corruption (USA)
1224 - Citadel of Yah-Mon, The (Europe)
1225 - City Fighter (Europe)
1226 - Cityattak! (Europe)
1227 - CJ in the USA (Europe)
1228 - CJ's Elephant Antics (Europe)
1229 - Classic Adventure (Europe)
1230 - Classic Concentration [Game Disk]
1231 - Classic Concentration [Puzzle Disk]
1232 - Classic Punter (USA)
1233 - Claws of Despair, The (Europe)
1234 - Clean Up Service
1235 - Clean Up Service (Europe)
1236 - Clean Up Time (Europe)
1237 - Cleanup Time
1238 - Clemen's Revenge (Europe)
1239 - Clever & Smart (Europe)
1240 - Clever and Smart
1241 - Cliff Hanger
1242 - Cliff Hanger (Europe)
1243 - Clik Clak
1244 - Clone Wars, The (Europe)
1245 - Close Encounters of the Worst Kind (USA)
1246 - Cloud Kingdoms (Europe)
1247 - Clowns
1248 - Clowns (USA)
1249 - Clowns.crt"
1250 - Club Backgammon (USA)
1251 - Club House Sports
1252 - Clue - Master Detective (Europe)
1253 - Clue Master Detective
1254 - Cluedo (Europe)
1255 - Clystron
1256 - Clystron (Europe)
1257 - Co and Co
1258 - Coal Miner
1259 - Coalminer (Europe)
1260 - Cobra
1261 - Cobra (Europe)
1262 - Cobra Force (Europe)
1263 - Cobra Rescue (USA)
1264 - COC - Construction of Confusion (USA)
1265 - Cock'In
1266 - Coco-Notes (USA)
1267 - CODE Hunter (Europe)
1268 - Codebreaker
1269 - Codebreaker (Europe)
1270 - Codename-Mat II (Europe)
1271 - Codeword Arguseye in Secret Mission (Europe)
1272 - Coil Cop (USA)
1273 - Coldiarus (Europe)
1274 - Collapse
1275 - Collapse (Europe)
1276 - Collision (USA)
1277 - Collisions
1278 - Colonial Conquest
1279 - Colonial Conquest (USA)
1280 - Colonial Trader (Europe)
1281 - Colony (Europe)
1282 - Color Buster
1283 - Color Buster (Europe)
1284 - Colora
1285 - Colora (Europe)
1286 - Colors
1287 - Colossal Adventure (Europe)
1288 - Colossal Cave Adventure (USA)
1289 - Colossus Chess 2.0 (Europe)
1290 - Colossus Chess 4 (Europe)
1291 - Colossus Mah Jong (Europe)
1292 - Colour of Magic, The (Europe)
1293 - Coloured (Europe)
1294 - Combat Approach (USA)
1295 - Combat Course (USA)
1296 - Combat Crazy - Warbringer (Europe)
1297 - Combat Leader (USA)
1298 - Combat Lynx (Europe)
1299 - Combat School [FLT]
1300 - Combat School [Original]
1301 - Combat School.crt"
1302 - Combination (Europe)
1303 - Comet Game, The
1304 - Comet Game, The (Europe)
1305 - Comic Bakery
1306 - Comic Bakery (Europe)
1307 - Comic Game, The (Europe)
1308 - Commando
1309 - Commando 86 (Europe)
1310 - Commando Arcade SE.crt"
1311 - Commando.crt"
1312 - Company Director 64
1313 - Compare (Germany)
1314 - Compare II - The New Levels (Germany)
1315 - Complex (The Guild Adventure Software) (Europe)
1316 - Compunet (Europe)
1317 - Computer Ambush (USA)
1318 - Computer Cluedo (Europe)
1319 - Computer Scrabble Deluxe
1320 - Computrivia
1321 - CompuZzler (USA)
1322 - Conan
1323 - Conan (USA)
1324 - Coney Island (USA)
1325 - Conflict (Europe)
1326 - Confusing Quest (USA)
1327 - Confuzion
1328 - Confuzion (Europe)
1329 - Congo Bongo
1330 - Congo Bongo.crt"
1331 - Connect 4 (Europe)
1332 - Connect Four
1333 - Connect Four (Europe)
1334 - Connect'em
1335 - Connection - Gravity (Europe)
1336 - Connection Gravity
1337 - Conquering Everest (Europe)
1338 - Con-Quest (Europe)
1339 - Conquest for the Crown (Europe)
1340 - Construction of Confusion
1341 - Continental Circus
1342 - Continental Circus (Europe)
1343 - Contra.crt"
1344 - Contract Bridge (Alligata Software) (Europe)
1345 - Contract Bridge (Highlight Software) (Europe)
1346 - Convoy Raider
1347 - Convoy Raider (Europe)
1348 - Conway Fighter (Europe)
1349 - Cool Croc Twins
1350 - Cool Croc Twins (Europe)
1351 - Cool World
1352 - Cool World (Europe)
1353 - Coplin Flight Simulator (USA)
1354 - Cops and Robbers
1355 - Cops'n'Robbers (Europe)
1356 - Core
1357 - CORE (Europe)
1358 - Cornwall Enigma, The (Europe)
1359 - Corporation, The
1360 - Corporation, The (USA)
1361 - Corx
1362 - Corx - Rebel Racers (Germany)
1363 - Corya the Warrior-Sage (Europe)
1364 - Cosmic Bounce (Europe)
1365 - Cosmic Brewers (USA)
1366 - Cosmic Capers (Europe)
1367 - Cosmic Carnage
1368 - Cosmic Causeway
1369 - Cosmic Causeway - Trailblazer II (Europe)
1370 - Cosmic Causeway II
1371 - Cosmic Commando
1372 - Cosmic Cruiser
1373 - Cosmic Life
1374 - Cosmic Life (USA)
1375 - Cosmic Pirate (Europe)
1376 - Cosmic Split (Computer Odyssey, Inc.) (USA)
1377 - Cosmic Storm (Europe)
1378 - Cosmic Tunnels, The
1379 - Cosmic Tunnels, The (USA)
1380 - Cosmonut (Europe)
1381 - Cosmox
1382 - Cosmox [Alpha Flight]
1383 - Cosmox [Gothic]
1384 - Cosmox [Tempest]
1385 - Count Duckula II featuring Tremendous Terence (Europe)
1386 - Count, The (USA)
1387 - Countdown (Europe)
1388 - Countdown to Meltdown (Europe)
1389 - Countdown to Shutdown
1390 - Countdown to Shutdown (USA)
1391 - CounterForce (Europe)
1392 - Country Capers (Europe)
1393 - Country Quest (Europe)
1394 - County Cricket (Europe)
1395 - County Racer (Germany)
1396 - Cowboy
1397 - Cowboy (USA)
1398 - Cowboy Kidz
1399 - Cowboy Kidz (Europe)
1400 - Crack Down (Europe)
1401 - Crack It! (Europe)
1402 - Crack Mainia (USA)
1403 - Cracker League
1404 - Crackers Revenge
1405 - Crackers Revenge 2
1406 - Crackers Revenge 3
1407 - Crackers Revenge 4
1408 - Crackers Revenge 5
1409 - Cracks of Fire, The (Europe)
1410 - Crack-Up (Europe)
1411 - Cranmore Diamond Caper, The (USA)
1412 - Crash
1413 - Crazay (Europe)
1414 - Crazy Ballon (Netherlands)
1415 - Crazy Balloon
1416 - Crazy Balloon (Europe)
1417 - Crazy Cars (Europe)
1418 - Crazy Cars III.crt"
1419 - Crazy Caveman (Europe)
1420 - Crazy Climber
1421 - Crazy Comets
1422 - Crazy Comets.crt"
1423 - Crazy Conveyors (Europe)
1424 - Crazy Er-Bert (Europe)
1425 - Crazy Golf
1426 - Crazy Golf (Europe)
1427 - Crazy Kong 64
1428 - Crazy Kong 64 (Europe)
1429 - Crazy Men
1430 - Crazy Men (USA)
1431 - Crazy Paving (Europe)
1432 - Crazy Sue (Europe)
1433 - Creaper (USA)
1434 - Creaper II (USA)
1435 - Creative Contraptions (USA)
1436 - Creatures
1437 - Creatures (Europe)
1438 - Creatures 2
1439 - Creatures 2.crt"
1440 - Creeps (USA)
1441 - Crillion
1442 - Crime Time
1443 - Crime Time (Germany)
1444 - Crisis Mountain
1445 - Crisis Mountain.crt"
1446 - Critical Mass
1447 - Critical Mass (USA)
1448 - Crooked Canyon Caper, The (Europe)
1449 - Cross It
1450 - Cross It (Europe)
1451 - Cross It II - The Revenge (USA)
1452 - Cross Racer (Netherlands)
1453 - Crosscheck (USA)
1454 - Crosses & Cirkels (Germany)
1455 - Crossfire (Atlantis Software Ltd.) (Europe)
1456 - Crossfire (Germany)
1457 - Crossfire (Sierra Online, Inc.) (USA)
1458 - Crossfire [Cosmos Designs]
1459 - Crossfire [Sierra Vision]
1460 - Cross'n Circle
1461 - Crossword Magic 4.0 (USA)
1462 - Crossword Twister (Europe)
1463 - Croussaider (Europe)
1464 - Crown
1465 - Crown (Data Becker GmbH) (Germany)
1466 - Crown (Starbyte Software) (Germany)
1467 - Cruel Zone
1468 - Crunch Point (USA)
1469 - Crusade in Europe (USA)
1470 - Crush
1471 - Crush, Crumble & Chomp (USA)
1472 - Crush, Crumble and Chomp
1473 - Crush'em Up! (Germany)
1474 - Crypt
1475 - CryptoCube (USA)
1476 - Crystal Castles.crt"
1477 - Crystal Frog (Europe)
1478 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (Europe)
1479 - Crystal Orb, The (USA)
1480 - Crystalcave (Europe)
1481 - Crystalcave Deluxe (Europe)
1482 - Crystals of Carus, The
1483 - Crystals Of Zong
1484 - Cube, The (Germany)
1485 - Cubin' (Europe)
1486 - Cubis (Germany)
1487 - Cubulus (Germany)
1488 - Cuddly Cuburt
1489 - Cuddly Cuburt (Europe)
1490 - Cue Boy (Europe)
1491 - Cup Challenge (Australia)
1492 - Cup Football (Europe)
1493 - Cup, The (Europe)
1494 - Curse of Babylon (USA)
1495 - Curse of RA (Europe)
1496 - Curse of RA, The
1497 - Curse of Sherwood, The
1498 - Curse of Sherwood, The (Europe)
1499 - Cursed be the City (Europe)
1500 - Custer
1501 - Cuthbert Goes Walkabout (Europe)
1502 - Cuthbert in Space (Europe)
1503 - Cuthbert in the Jungle (Europe)
1504 - Cuthbert in the Tombs (Europe)
1505 - Cut-In (Europe)
1506 - Cutthroats (USA)
1507 - Cyber World (Europe)
1508 - Cyberball - Football in the 21st Century (Europe)
1509 - Cyberball (Europe)
1510 - Cyberblocks
1511 - Cyberchess (Europe)
1512 - Cyberdine Warrior
1513 - Cybernoid
1514 - Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (Europe)
1515 - Cybernoid 2
1516 - Cybernoid II - The Revenge (Europe)
1517 - CyberTracker V1_01
1518 - Cybertron Mission
1519 - Cybertron Mission (Europe)
1520 - Cyberzone (Australia)
1521 - CYBORG
1522 - Cyborg (Quick Soft) (Europe)
1523 - Cyborg (Sentient Software) (Europe)
1524 - Cyborg [CRL]
1525 - Cyborg [Elite]
1526 - Cybotron
1527 - Cybotron (Europe)
1528 - Cycle Knight (USA)
1529 - Cycles, The - International Grand Prix Racing (USA)
1530 - Cyclones (Germany)
1531 - Cyclons (Europe)
1532 - Cygnus
1533 - Cylogic (Europe)
1534 - Cylu
1535 - Cylu (Europe)
1536 - Cyrus
1537 - Cyrus (Europe)
1538 - Cyrus 2
1539 - Cyrus II - The Grand Master (Europe)
1540 - Daedalus
1541 - Daily Double Horse Racing (USA)
1542 - Dalek Attack
1543 - Dalek Attack (Europe)
1544 - Daley Thompson's Decathlon
1545 - Daley Thompson's Decathlon (Europe)
1546 - Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
1547 - Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge (Europe)
1548 - Daley Thompson's Super Test
1549 - Daley Thompson's Super-Test (Europe)
1550 - Dallas Quest
1551 - Dallas Quest, The (USA)
1552 - Dam Busters, The
1553 - Dam Busters, The (Europe)
1554 - Damsel in Distress
1555 - Damsels in Distress II (Europe)
1556 - Dan Cooper (Europe)
1557 - Dan Dare - Pilot of the Future (Europe)
1558 - Dan Dare 3
1559 - Dan Dare II - Mekon's Revenge (Europe)
1560 - Dan Dare III - The Escape (Europe)
1561 - Dan Dare.crt"
1562 - Dance of the Vampires (Europe)
1563 - Dancing Feats (USA)
1564 - Dancing Monster
1565 - Dandy
1566 - Dandy (Europe)
1567 - Danger Freak
1568 - Danger Freak (Europe)
1569 - Danger Mission (Europe)
1570 - Danger Mouse in Double Trouble (Europe)
1571 - Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau (Europe)
1572 - Danger Ranger (Europe)
1573 - Danger! Adventurer at Work! (Europe)
1574 - Danger! Adventurer at Work! Two (Europe)
1575 - Dante's Inferno
1576 - Dante's Inferno (USA)
1577 - Dare Devil Denis - The Sequel (Europe)
1578 - Dare Devil Denis [Collection Disk 1]
1579 - Dare Devil Denis [Collection Disk 2]
1580 - Dare Devil Denis [Collection Disk 3]
1581 - Dare Devil Denis [Collection Disk 4]
1582 - Dare, The (Europe)
1583 - Daredevil Dave
1584 - Daredevil Dave (Europe)
1585 - Dark Angel
1586 - Dark Castle
1587 - Dark Cosmos
1588 - Dark Dungeons, The (Europe)
1589 - Dark Empire (Europe)
1590 - Dark Fusion
1591 - Dark Fusion (Europe)
1592 - Dark Sky over Paradise, A (Europe)
1593 - Dark Star (Europe) (ACE)
1594 - Dark Tower, The
1595 - Dark Tower, The (Melbourne House) (Europe)
1596 - Dark Tower, The (River Software) (Europe)
1597 - Darkest Road, The (Europe)
1598 - Darkland - The Lost Realm (USA)
1599 - Darkman (Europe)
1600 - Darkman [3532]
1601 - Darkman [Bonzai]
1602 - Darkman [DDT]
1603 - Darkman [DOM]
1604 - Darkman [Faces]
1605 - Darkman [FLT]
1606 - Darkman [FOX]
1607 - Darkman [HTL]
1608 - Darkman [I+T]
1609 - Darkman [L]
1610 - Darkman [Maniax]
1611 - Darkman [V]
1612 - Darkman [X-Rated]
1613 - Darkman [X-Ray]
1614 - Darksword, The
1615 - Darksword, The (Europe)
1616 - Darksyde (Europe)
1617 - Darkwood (Europe)
1618 - Darth Vader - Adventure (Europe)
1619 - Dater, The II (USA)
1620 - Datestones of Ryn, The (USA)
1621 - Dave Speed and the Mutants
1622 - David's Midnight Magic
1623 - David's Midnight Magic (USA)
1624 - Davy - King of the Wild Frontier (Europe)
1625 - Davy Jones Locker (Europe)
1626 - Dawn Beyond UB-11 - Motorhead II (Europe)
1627 - Dawn Patrol (Europe)
1628 - Days of Thunder (USA)
1629 - D-Bug
1630 - D-Bug (USA)
1631 - Deactivators (Europe)
1632 - Dead End (Europe)
1633 - Dead or Alive
1634 - Dead or Alive (Europe)
1635 - Dead Zone
1636 - Dead Zone (Europe)
1637 - Deadenders (Europe)
1638 - Deadline (Infocom) (USA)
1639 - Deadlock
1640 - Deadly Evil (Europe)
1641 - Deadly Messengers
1642 - Deadly Rain (Europe)
1643 - Deadringer
1644 - Deadringer (Europe)
1645 - Death in Effect
1646 - Death or Glory
1647 - Death or Glory (Europe)
1648 - Death Race 64 (Europe)
1649 - Death Star (Europe)
1650 - Death Star Interceptor (Europe)
1651 - Death Sword (USA)
1652 - Death Wake 2
1653 - Death Wish 3
1654 - Death Zone
1655 - Deathlord
1656 - Deathlord [Boot Disk]
1657 - Deathlord [Scenario Disk A]
1658 - Deathlord [Scenario Disk B]
1659 - Deathmaster - The Dungeons of Death (USA)
1660 - Deathscape
1661 - Deathscape - The Warzones of Terra (USA)
1662 - Deathwish III (Europe)
1663 - Decathlon
1664 - Decathlon.crt"
1665 - Deceptor (Europe)
1666 - Decision in the Desert (USA)
1667 - Declem (Europe)
1668 - Decton (Europe)
1669 - Deep Space (Postern) (Europe)
1670 - Deep Space (Sir-Tech Software, Inc.) (USA)
1671 - Deep Strike
1672 - Deep Strike (Europe)
1673 - Deep Trouble (Europe)
1674 - Deep Void
1675 - Deep, The (Europe)
1676 - Defcom
1677 - Defcom (Europe)
1678 - Defender
1679 - Defender 64 (Europe)
1680 - Defender of the Crown [ESI_Side A]
1681 - Defender of the Crown [ESI_Side B]
1682 - Defender of the Crown [FCS_Side A]
1683 - Defender of the Crown [FCS_Side B]
1684 - Defender of the Crown.crt"
1685 - Defender.crt"
1686 - Defenders of the Earth (Europe)
1687 - Deflektor
1688 - Deflektor (Europe)
1689 - De-Lite
1690 - Deliverance
1691 - Deliverance - Stormlord II (Europe)
1692 - Deliverance (Europe)
1693 - Deliverance II
1694 - Delta
1695 - Delta (Europe)
1696 - Delta Drawing (USA)
1697 - Delta Man (USA)
1698 - Delta Patrol (USA).G64"
1699 - Deltaplane
1700 - Deltic Fleet Manager (Europe)
1701 - Demolition Construction Set (Europe)
1702 - Demon Attack (USA)
1703 - Demon Blue (Europe)
1704 - Demon from the Darkside (Europe)
1705 - Demon Knight (Europe)
1706 - Demon Stalkers
1707 - Demon's Kiss (Europe)
1708 - DENARIS
1709 - Denarius
1710 - Denarius (Europe)
1711 - Denniffia
1712 - Denny's Quest I (USA)
1713 - Depthcharge (USA)
1714 - Derby Dash (Europe)
1715 - Derby Day (Europe)
1716 - Derelict (Aardvark Software) (Europe)
1717 - Derelict (The Guild Adventure Software) (Europe)
1718 - Deri Colours (Europe)
1719 - Desert Fox
1720 - Desert Fox (Europe)
1721 - Desert Fox (USA)
1722 - Desert Hawk
1723 - Desert Hawk (Europe)
1724 - Desert Island (Europe)
1725 - Desert Rat (USA)
1726 - Desolator (Europe)
1727 - Destiny (USA)
1728 - Destroyer
1729 - Destroyer (USA)
1730 - Destroyer Escort (USA)
1731 - Destruct (Europe)
1732 - Detective (Europe)
1733 - Detective Game, The (Europe)
1734 - Detonators
1735 - Deus Ex Machina
1736 - Deus Ex Machina (Europe)
1737 - Devastating Blow (Europe)
1738 - Deviants
1739 - Deviants (Europe)
1740 - Devil's Gallery
1741 - Devil's Island (Europe)
1742 - Devon Aire in the Hidden Diamond Caper
1743 - Devon Aire in the Hidden Diamond Caper (USA)
1744 - DEVORATOR (Europe)
1745 - Diablo
1746 - Diablo (Europe)
1747 - Diagon (Europe)
1748 - Diamenty
1749 - Diamond Fever (Europe)
1750 - Diamond Jones (Germany)
1751 - Diamond Jones II (Germany)
1752 - Diamond Mine (USA)
1753 - Diamond Trail (Europe)
1754 - Diamonds are Forever
1755 - Dick Tracy (Europe)
1756 - Dicky's Diamonds
1757 - Dicky's Diamonds (Europe)
1758 - Dictator (Europe)
1759 - Die Hard (Activision) (USA)
1760 - Die Hard (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
1761 - Die Hard 2
1762 - Die Hard II - Die Harder (Europe)
1763 - Die Hard.crt"
1764 - Die! Alien Slime (Europe)
1765 - Dig Dug
1766 - Dig Dug.crt"
1767 - Diggits (Germany)
1768 - Digital Tangram (Europe)
1769 - Dingsda
1770 - Dinky Doo (Europe)
1771 - Dino Eggs
1772 - Dino Eggs (USA)
1773 - Dinorace 64 (Europe)
1774 - Dioroid
1775 - Dioroid (Germany)
1776 - Dip Diver
1777 - Diplomacy (Europe)
1778 - Diplomat's Dilemma (Europe)
1779 - DISC - Damned into Space-Craft (Europe)
1780 - Discovery
1781 - Disc-O-Very
1782 - Discovery (Europe)
1783 - Distance Demon (USA)
1784 - Ditris (Europe)
1785 - Dive Bomber
1786 - Dive Bomber (Epyx) (USA)
1787 - Dive Bomber (Sharedata, Inc. + Green Valley Publishing, Inc.) (USA)
1788 - Diving Max
1789 - Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk! (Europe)
1790 - Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (Europe)
1791 - Dizzy 2
1792 - Dizzy 3
1793 - Dizzy Dice (Europe)
1794 - Dizzy!
1795 - DJ Puff's Volcantic Capers (Europe)
1796 - DNA Warrior
1797 - DNA Warrior (Europe)
1798 - Dneiper River Line (USA)
1799 - Do or Die (Europe)
1800 - Do Your Sums! (Europe)
1801 - Doc the Destroyer (Europe)
1802 - Doctor Doom's Revenge
1803 - Doctor Doom's Revenge.crt"
1804 - Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (Europe)
1805 - Doctors Demise (Europe)
1806 - Dodge
1807 - Dodge'm (Netherlands)
1808 - Dodgy Geezers (Europe)
1809 - Dogfight 2187
1810 - Dogfight 2187 (USA)
1811 - Dolphin Force (USA)
1812 - Dolphin's Rune, The (USA)
1813 - Domain (USA)
1814 - Domination
1815 - Dominator (Europe)
1816 - Dominator [B]
1817 - Dominator [NO]
1818 - Dominator [TCOM]
1819 - Domino
1820 - Dominoes (CDS Software Ltd.) (Europe)
1821 - Donald Duck
1822 - Donald Duck's Playground (USA)
1823 - Donald the Hero (Europe)
1824 - Donald's Alphabet Chase
1825 - Donkey Kong (Ocean) (Europe)
1826 - Donkey Kong [Nintendo]
1827 - Donkey Kong [Ocean]
1828 - Donkey Kong Junior (Europe)
1829 - Donkey Kong.crt"
1830 - Doodle v2.0 (1983)(Omni Unlimited)
1831 - Doolhof (Netherlands)
1832 - Doomdark's Revenge
1833 - Doomdark's Revenge (USA)
1834 - Dot Gobbler (Normal) (USA)
1835 - Dot Gobbler (Wide) (USA)
1836 - Double Dare
1837 - Double Dare (Europe)
1838 - Double Dragon (Melbourne House).crt"
1839 - Double Dragon (Ocean).crt"
1840 - Double Dragon [F4CG]
1841 - Double Dragon [HTL]
1842 - Double Dragon [HTL+ATC]
1843 - Double Dragon [NO, Cartridge]
1844 - Double Dragon [NO]
1845 - Double Dragon 2 [GP]
1846 - Double Dragon 2 [NO]
1847 - Double Dragon 3 [DOM]
1848 - Double Dragon 3 [NO]
1849 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Europe)
1850 - Double Dragon III - The Rosetta Stone (USA)
1851 - Double Dribble (USA)
1852 - Double Falcon (USA)
1853 - Double Feature - Adventures in the Microzone (USA)
1854 - Double Feature - Haunted House (USA)
1855 - Double Feature - Mystery at Pinecrest Manor (USA)
1856 - Double Sphere
1857 - Double Sphere (Europe)
1858 - Double Take
1859 - Double Take.crt"
1860 - Double, The (Europe)
1861 - Downhill - Ski Jump (Europe)
1862 - Downhill Challenge (USA)
1863 - Downhill Racer-64 (USA)
1864 - Dr. Foster
1865 - Dr. J (Netherlands)
1866 - Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide (Europe)
1867 - Dr. Pimples Dog (Europe)
1868 - Dr. Seuss - Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler (USA)
1869 - Dr. Who and the Mines of Terror
1870 - Drack
1871 - Draconus
1872 - Draconus (Europe)
1873 - Dracula
1874 - Dracula 2
1875 - Dracula II (Europe)
1876 - Drag Race Eliminator
1877 - Drago (USA)
1878 - Dragon Breed.crt"
1879 - Dragon Flame (USA)
1880 - Dragon Hunter (Europe)
1881 - Dragon Ninja (Europe)
1882 - Dragon Ninja [Collection Disk 1]
1883 - Dragon Ninja [Collection Disk 2]
1884 - Dragon Ninja [Collection Disk 3]
1885 - Dragon Spirit
1886 - Dragon Spirit (Europe)
1887 - Dragon Strike
1888 - Dragon World (Australia)
1889 - Dragonfire (USA)
1890 - Dragonhawk
1891 - DragonHawk (USA)
1892 - Dragonriders of Pern
1893 - Dragonriders of Pern (USA)
1894 - Dragons
1895 - Dragons Den.crt"
1896 - Dragon's Eye, The (Europe)
1897 - Dragon's Keep (USA)
1898 - Dragon's Kingdom (Europe)
1899 - Dragon's Lair
1900 - Dragon's Lair (Europe)
1901 - Dragon's Lair Part 2
1902 - Dragon's Lair Part II - Escape from Singe's Castle (Europe)
1903 - Dragonsden
1904 - Dragonskulle
1905 - DragonSkulle (USA)
1906 - DragonStrike (USA)
1907 - Draughts
1908 - Draw Poker (Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games, Inc.) (USA)
1909 - Draw Poker (Comptor Software) (USA)
1910 - Drazen Petrovic Basket (Spain)
1911 - Dreadnought 2
1912 - Dreadnought II (USA)
1913 - Dream House (USA)
1914 - Dream Raider (USA)
1915 - Dream Team Challenge 3 on 3 (USA)
1916 - Dream Warrior (Europe)
1917 - DreamTeam Fantasy Football (USA)
1918 - Dreamworld (Europe)
1919 - Drelbs
1920 - Drelbs (USA)
1921 - Driller
1922 - Driller (Europe)
1923 - Drink & Drown (USA)
1924 - Droid
1925 - Droid (Europe)
1926 - Droid Dreams (Europe)
1927 - Droid Muncher (USA)
1928 - Droids (Anglosoft) (USA)
1929 - Droids (MAD) (Europe)
1930 - Dropper (USA)
1931 - Dropzone
1932 - Druid
1933 - Druid (Europe)
1934 - Druids Moon (Europe)
1935 - Dubble Fighter
1936 - Duck Game, The
1937 - Duck Shoot
1938 - Duck Shoot (Europe)
1939 - Duck Tales [Disk 1 Side A]
1940 - Duck Tales [Disk 1 Side B]
1941 - Duck Tales [Disk 2 Side A]
1942 - Duck Tales [Disk 2 Side B]
1943 - Ducks Ahoy
1944 - Duel (Markt Technik) (Germany)
1945 - Duel (Pioneer Software, Inc.) (USA)
1946 - Duel Attack (Europe)
1947 - Duelstrike
1948 - Duet (Europe)
1949 - Dulcedo Cogitationis (Europe)
1950 - Dungeon (Germany)
1951 - Dungeon Adventure (Europe)
1952 - Dungeon Masters Assistant Volume II - Characters and Treasures (USA)
1953 - Dungeon Warriors
1954 - Dungeon Warriors (Europe)
1955 - Dungeons and Demons (Europe)
1956 - Dungeons and Dragons (Europe)
1957 - Dungeons, The (Europe)
1958 - Duonoid
1959 - Duonoid (Europe)
1960 - Duotris
1961 - Duotris (Europe)
1962 - Dylan Dog
1963 - Dylan Dog - Gli Uccisori (The Murderers)
1964 - Dylan Dog - Il Castello delle Illusioni
1965 - Dylan Dog - Le Notti della Luna Piena
1966 - Dylan Dog - The Full Moon Nights
1967 - Dylan Dog - The Murderers
1968 - Dynamic Duo (Europe)
1969 - Dynamite (Europe)
1970 - Dynamite Dan
1971 - Dynamite Dan (Europe)
1972 - Dynamite Dux
1973 - Dynamite Dux (USA)
1974 - Dynamix
1975 - Dynamix (Europe)
1976 - Dynamo Dan - The Electric Man (Europe)
1977 - Dynamo Dan the Electric Man
1978 - Dynamoid
1979 - Dynamoid (Europe)
1980 - Dynasty Wars
1981 - Dynasty Wars (Europe)
1982 - E.T. Puzzle
1983 - E.X.I.S.
1984 - Eagle Empire
1985 - Eagle Empire (Europe)
1986 - Eagles
1987 - Eagles (Hewson Consultants Ltd.) (Europe)
1988 - Eagles (SSI) (USA)
1989 - Eagles and Gators
1990 - Early Days
1991 - Earthquake (Europe)
1992 - Echo Hawk (Germany)
1993 - Edd the Duck
1994 - Edd the Duck! (Europe)
1995 - Eddie Edwards Super Ski
1996 - Eddie Edwards Super Ski (Europe)
1997 - Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge
1998 - Ede (Germany)
1999 - Eggman (USA)
2000 - Eidolon, The (USA)
2001 - Eidolon, The [Activision]
2002 - Eidolon, The [Epyx, TSE]
2003 - Eidolon, The [FCG]
2004 - Einstein
2005 - Einstein (Europe)
2006 - El Toro Downs
2007 - Election (Europe)
2008 - Election Trail (USA)
2009 - Electra (Europe)
2010 - Electro World
2011 - Electro World (USA)
2012 - Elec-Tron (Europe)
2013 - Electron Soccer (Germany)
2014 - Elektra Glide
2015 - Elektra Glide (Europe)
2016 - Elevator Action
2017 - Elevator Action (Europe)
2018 - Elevator Ride (USA)
2019 - Elf Rescue (Europe)
2020 - Elidon (Europe)
2021 - Eliminator
2022 - Eliminator (Adventure International) (USA)
2023 - Eliminator [Americomp]
2024 - Eliminator [Hewson]
2025 - Elite
2026 - Elite (Europe)
2027 - Elite [TCS]
2028 - Elite 128
2029 - Elite German
2030 - Elite German [Collection Disk 1]
2031 - Elite Squad
2032 - Elite Squad (Europe)
2033 - Eliza 3.1 (USA)
2034 - Ellak's Tomb (Europe)
2035 - Elven Warrior
2036 - Elven Warrior (Europe)
2037 - Elvin (Europe)
2038 - Elvira - The Arcade Game (Europe)
2039 - Elvira [Disk 1 Side A]
2040 - Elvira [Disk 1 Side B]
2041 - Elvira [Disk 2 Side A]
2042 - Elvira [Disk 2 Side B]
2043 - Elvira [Disk 3 Side A, Docs]
2044 - Elvira [Disk 3 Side B]
2045 - Elvira 2 [Disk 1 Side A]
2046 - Elvira 2 [Disk 1 Side B]
2047 - Elvira 2 [Disk 2 Side A]
2048 - Elvira 2 [Disk 2 Side B]
2049 - Elvira 2 [Disk 3 Side A, Docs]
2050 - Elvira.crt"
2051 - Emerald Isle (Europe)
2052 - Emerald Mine (Europe)
2053 - Emerald Mine II (Europe)
2054 - Emerald Miner
2055 - Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz [ILS 1]
2056 - Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz [ILS 2]
2057 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (Europe)
2058 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer [Collection Disk 1]
2059 - Emlyn Hughes International Soccer [Ikari]
2060 - E-Motion
2061 - E-Motion (Europe)
2062 - Empire
2063 - Empire (Europe)
2064 - Empire of Karn
2065 - Empire of Karn (Europe)
2066 - Empire Strikes Back, the
2067 - Empire Strikes Back, The (Europe)
2068 - Enchanted Forest (USA)
2069 - Enchanter (USA)
2070 - Enclave (Europe)
2071 - Encounter
2072 - Encounter (Novagen Software) (Europe)
2073 - Encounter Adventure (Europe)
2074 - Endless (Netherlands)
2075 - Enduro Racer
2076 - Enduro Racer (USA)
2077 - Endzone (Europe)
2078 - Energem Enigma (Europe)
2079 - Energy
2080 - Energy (Warrior) (Europe)
2081 - EnForce (Europe)
2082 - Enforcer
2083 - Enforcer, The [The Power House]
2084 - Engineer Humpty (Europe)
2085 - England Championship Special
2086 - England Championship Special (Europe)
2087 - Enigma (Mania-Soft) (Europe)
2088 - Enigma Force
2089 - Enigma Force (USA)
2090 - Enlightenment - Druid II (Europe)
2091 - Enter the Ninja
2092 - Enter the Ninja (Europe)
2093 - Entertainment Tonight (Europe)
2094 - Entombed
2095 - Entombed (USA)
2096 - Eon
2097 - Eoroid
2098 - Equalizer, The
2099 - Equestrian Showjumper (USA)
2100 - Equinox (Europe)
2101 - Erebus
2102 - Erebus (Europe)
2103 - Ernie's Magic Shapes (USA)
2104 - Eruca
2105 - Escape (Argus Press Software + Quicksilva) (Europe)
2106 - Escape (Bantam Electronic Publishing) (USA)
2107 - Escape and Evasion (USA)
2108 - Escape from Colditz (Europe)
2109 - Escape from Mars
2110 - Escape from Mars (Europe)
2111 - Escape from Paradise
2112 - Escape from Paradise (Europe)
2113 - Escape from Pulsar 7 (Europe)
2114 - Escape from the Dungeons of the Gods (Europe)
2115 - Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (Europe)
2116 - Escape from the Waste Disposal Unit (USA)
2117 - Escape II (USA)
2118 - Escape MCP
2119 - Escape MCP (USA)
2120 - Escape to Freedom (USA)
2121 - Escape to Zanuss (Europe)
2122 - Eskimo Games
2123 - Eskimo Games (Europe)
2124 - Espial
2125 - Espial (USA)
2126 - Espionage (Deekster Productions) (USA)
2127 - Espionage (Grandslam Entertainment Ltd.) (Europe)
2128 - Estra
2129 - Estra (Europe)
2130 - E-SWAT
2131 - ESWAT (Europe)
2132 - Eszkimo (Hungary)
2133 - Etarip (USA)
2134 - ET's Rugby League
2135 - Euchre (USA)
2136 - Euroopan Kartta
2137 - Europe Ablaze (Australia)
2138 - Europe Quiz
2139 - European 5-a-Side
2140 - European 5-a-Side (Europe)
2141 - European Champions (Challenge Software) (Europe)
2142 - European Champions (Idea Software) (Europe)
2143 - European Football Champ (Europe)
2144 - European Games (Europe)
2145 - European II (Europe)
2146 - European Soccer Challenge (Europe)
2147 - Evening Star
2148 - Everest Ascent (Europe)
2149 - Every Second Counts (Europe)
2150 - Everyone's a Wally
2151 - Everyone's a Wally (Europe)
2152 - Evil Crown (Europe)
2153 - Evil Crown, The
2154 - Evil Dead, The
2155 - Evil Ridge, The (Europe)
2156 - Evolution
2157 - Examination, The (Europe)
2158 - Excaliba (Europe)
2159 - Excalibur (USA)
2160 - Exchange (Europe)
2161 - Exel's Kirby, The (USA)
2162 - Exile (Europe)
2163 - EXIS - The Planet Far Away (Germany)
2164 - Exodus (Europe)
2165 - Exolon
2166 - Expedition Amazon (Europe)
2167 - Expeditions (USA)
2168 - Expire (USA)
2169 - Exploding Wall (Europe)
2170 - Explorer
2171 - Explorer (Europe)
2172 - Express Raider
2173 - Express Raider (USA)
2174 - Exterminator
2175 - Exterminator (Audiogenic Software Ltd.) (Europe)
2176 - Extreme (Europe)
2177 - Extricator (Europe)
2178 - Eye (Europe)
2179 - Eye of Horus (Europe)
2180 - Eye of the Inca (Europe)
2181 - F. A. Cup Football
2182 - F1 Tornado (Europe)
2183 - F-14 Tomcat
2184 - F-14 Tomcat [Side 3]
2185 - F-14 Tomcat [Side 4]
2186 - F-15 Strike Eagle
2187 - F-15 Strike Eagle (USA)
2188 - F-16 Combat Pilot (Europe)
2189 - F-18 Hornet (USA)
2190 - FA Cup Football (Europe)
2191 - Fabulous Wanda, The - and the Secret of Life, the Universe, and Everything (USA)
2192 - Face Ache - The Man of a Million Faces (USA)
2193 - Face Off!
2194 - Face Off! (USA)
2195 - Facemaker
2196 - Faces of Haarne, The (Europe)
2197 - Factactics - Trivia Game (USA)
2198 - Factory, The (USA)
2199 - Faerie (Europe)
2200 - Fahrenheit 451 [Disk A]
2201 - Fahrenheit 451 [Disk B]
2202 - Fahrenheit 451 [Disk C]
2203 - Fahrenheit 451 [Disk D]
2204 - Fairlight
2205 - Fairlight - A Prelude (Europe)
2206 - Falcon
2207 - Falcon - The Renegade Lord (Europe)
2208 - Falcon Patrol
2209 - Falcon Patrol (Europe)
2210 - Falcon Patrol II (Europe)
2211 - Falklands '82
2212 - Falklands 82 (Europe)
2213 - Fall Guy, The
2214 - Fall of Rome, The (Europe)
2215 - Fallen Angel (Europe)
2216 - Fame Quest (USA)
2217 - Familien-Duell
2218 - Famous Five, The (Europe)
2219 - Fantastic Soccer
2220 - Fantastic Soccer (Europe)
2221 - Fantasy World Dizzy (Europe)
2222 - Fantatron (Netherlands)
2223 - Fantax (USA)
2224 - Fantax II (USA)
2225 - Farmer's Daughter, The (Europe)
2226 - Farm-Spell (USA)
2227 - Farragut's Fortune (Europe)
2228 - Fast Break
2229 - Fast Break (USA)
2230 - Fast Food! (Europe)
2231 - Fast Tracks - The Computer Slot Car Construction Kit (USA)
2232 - Fast Tracks - Tokio Race (Europe)
2233 - Fax
2234 - Feasibility Experiment (Europe)
2235 - Federation (Europe)
2236 - Felix (Europe)
2237 - Felix in the Factory
2238 - Felix in the Factory (Europe)
2239 - Fernandez Must Die
2240 - Fernandez Must Die (Europe)
2241 - Ferrari Formula One
2242 - Ferrari Formula One (D81).d81"
2243 - Ferry (USA)
2244 - Fetz-Out II (Europe)
2245 - Feud - Battle of the Wizards (Europe)
2246 - Fi$tful of Buck$, A (Europe)
2247 - Fidicen (Europe)
2248 - Fields (USA)
2249 - Fields of Hades
2250 - Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun.crt"
2251 - Fifth Axis, The (USA)
2252 - Fifth Quadrant, The (Europe)
2253 - Fifty Mission Crush (USA)
2254 - Fight Night
2255 - Fight Night (Europe)
2256 - Fighter Command (USA)
2257 - Fighter Pilot (Europe)
2258 - Fighting Soccer
2259 - Fighting Soccer (USA)
2260 - Fighting Warrior (Europe)
2261 - Fighting Warrior [Collection Disk 1]
2262 - Fighting Warrior [Collection Disk 2]
2263 - Final Assault
2264 - Final Assault (USA)
2265 - Final Blow (USA)
2266 - Final Conquest, The - Cargo Run (USA)
2267 - Final Encounter, The (Europe)
2268 - Final Fight
2269 - Final Fight (Europe)
2270 - Final Flight! (Europe)
2271 - Final Four College Basketball Game (USA)
2272 - Final Tennis (Europe)
2273 - Finders Keepers
2274 - Finders Keepers (Europe)
2275 - Fiona Rides Out
2276 - Fips (Europe)
2277 - Fire 1
2278 - Fire Ant (Europe)
2279 - Fire Eagle [GRB+TRP, Laser]
2280 - Fire Fighter 64 (USA)
2281 - Fire One (USA)
2282 - Fire Track (Europe)
2283 - Fire Trap [Triad]
2284 - Fire Trap [Triad+TIH]
2285 - Firebird
2286 - Firefly
2287 - Firefly (Europe)
2288 - Firefox (Europe)
2289 - Fire-Galaxy (Europe)
2290 - Firelord
2291 - Firelord (Europe)
2292 - Fireman Sam
2293 - Firepit (Europe)
2294 - Firepower
2295 - Firequest
2296 - Firequest (Europe)
2297 - FireTrap (Europe)
2298 - Firezone (Europe)
2299 - First Australian Hero, The (Australia)
2300 - First Past the Post (Europe)
2301 - First Samurai (Europe)
2302 - First Samurai [Enigma, Preview]
2303 - First Samurai [Legend+NEI]
2304 - First Samurai [Unicess]
2305 - First Starfighter, The (Europe)
2306 - First Steps with the Mr. Men (Europe)
2307 - First Strike
2308 - First Strike (Europe)
2309 - Fish-Metic (USA)
2310 - Fist - The Legend Continues (USA)
2311 - Fist 2 [Original]
2312 - Fist 2 [REM)
2313 - Fist 2 [WCC]
2314 - Fist Fighter (Europe)
2315 - FIST II
2316 - Fist II.crt"
2317 - Fist Plus
2318 - Fist+ (Europe)
2319 - Five a Row (Europe)
2320 - Five Card Stud
2321 - Fix It! (Europe)
2322 - Flak
2323 - Flak - The Ultimate Flight Experience (USA)
2324 - Flaschbier
2325 - Flaschbier 2
2326 - FlaschBier II (USA)
2327 - Flash Gordon
2328 - Flash! (Germany)
2329 - Flash, The (Europe)
2330 - Flex
2331 - Flight 64 (USA)
2332 - Flight Deck (Europe)
2333 - Flight Deck II (Europe)
2334 - Flight of the Unicorn, The (USA)
2335 - Flight Path 737 - Advanced Pilot Trainer (Europe)
2336 - Flight Simulator
2337 - Flight Simulator (Europe)
2338 - Flik Flak
2339 - Flimbo's Quest
2340 - Flimbo's Quest.crt"
2341 - Flintstones, The
2342 - Flintstones, The (Europe)
2343 - Flip and Flop
2344 - Flipper 9
2345 - Flippit (USA)
2346 - Flix
2347 - Flix (Germany)
2348 - Floating Point Action (Europe)
2349 - Flower Man (Croatia)
2350 - Flower-Cubes
2351 - Floyd of the Jungle (USA)
2352 - Floyd the Droid (Netherlands)
2353 - Flunky (Europe)
2354 - Flyer Fox (USA)
2355 - Flying Ace (USA)
2356 - Flying Digger, The (Germany)
2357 - Flying Feathers
2358 - Flying Feathers (Europe)
2359 - Flying in on the Big Bird (USA)
2360 - Flying Shark (Europe)
2361 - Flying Shark [FLT]
2362 - Flying Shark [REM]
2363 - Fool's Gold (Europe)
2364 - Footballer of the Year
2365 - Footballer of the Year (Europe)
2366 - Footballer of the Year 2
2367 - Footballer of the Year II (Europe)
2368 - For Gold or Glory (Europe)
2369 - Forbidden Forest
2370 - Forbidden Forest (USA)
2371 - Force Field (Europe)
2372 - Force One (Europe)
2373 - Force Seven
2374 - Force, The
2375 - Force, The (Argus Press Software) (Europe)
2376 - Force, The (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
2377 - Forced Encounter (Europe)
2378 - Forest of Doom, The (Europe)
2379 - Forester
2380 - Forestland (Europe)
2381 - Forgotten Past (Europe)
2382 - Forgotten Worlds
2383 - Forgotten Worlds (Europe)
2384 - Formula 1 Simulator (Europe)
2385 - Formula One Simulator
2386 - Formula, The (Europe)
2387 - Fort Apocalypse
2388 - Fort Apocalypse (USA)
2389 - Fortress (USA)
2390 - Fortress of the Witch King (USA)
2391 - Fortress Underground (Europe)
2392 - Foto Fitter (Europe)
2393 - Fountain of Youth, The (USA)
2394 - Four Team Tournament (Europe)
2395 - Four Wins (Europe)
2396 - Fourty Five (Europe)
2397 - Fox Fights Back
2398 - Fox Fights Back! (Europe)
2399 - Fraction Fever
2400 - Fraction Fever (USA)
2401 - Frak!
2402 - Frak! (Europe)
2403 - Frank Bruno's Boxing
2404 - Frank Bruno's Boxing (Europe)
2405 - Frankenstein
2406 - Frankenstein (CRL) (Europe)
2407 - Frankenstein (Zeppelin Games) (Europe)
2408 - Frankenstein Jnr. (Europe)
2409 - Frankenstein's Legacy (Europe)
2410 - Frankie Crashed on Jupiter
2411 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
2412 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood (Europe)
2413 - Frantic Freddie
2414 - Frantic Freddy
2415 - Freak Factory (Europe)
2416 - Fred
2417 - Freddy Hardest
2418 - Freddy Hardest (1987)(Dinamic Software)
2419 - Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (Spain)
2420 - Fred's Back (Germany)
2421 - Fred's Back 2
2422 - Fred's Back 3
2423 - Fred's Back II (Germany)
2424 - Fred's in Troubles
2425 - Fred's in Troubles (Europe)
2426 - Frenesis (Europe)
2427 - Friday the 13th
2428 - Friday the 13th (Europe)
2429 - Frightmare (Europe)
2430 - Frog 64
2431 - Frog Jump (Europe)
2432 - Frog Master
2433 - Frog Master (USA)
2434 - Froggee
2435 - Frogger 2
2436 - Frogger 64
2437 - Frogger 93
2438 - Frogger '93 (Europe)
2439 - Frogger II.crt"
2440 - Frogger.crt"
2441 - Froggy
2442 - Froggy 64 - Ivasive Action (Europe)
2443 - Frogs
2444 - Frohn (Europe)
2445 - Front Line
2446 - Front Line (Europe)
2447 - Frost Byte (Europe)
2448 - Fruit Machine Simulator (Europe)
2449 - Fruit Machine Simulator II (Europe)
2450 - Fruitbank
2451 - Fruitmania (Europe)
2452 - Fruity (Europe)
2453 - Fugitive (USA)
2454 - Fun House (Commodore) (USA)
2455 - Fun House (Hi Tech Expressions) (USA)
2456 - Fun with Spelling featuring Heathcliff (USA)
2457 - Funball (Europe)
2458 - Funball [AVT]
2459 - Funball [Original]
2460 - Fungus (Europe)
2461 - Funny Car (USA)
2462 - Further Adventures of Alice in Videoland, The (Europe)
2463 - Future Bike Simulator (Europe)
2464 - Future Knight (Europe)
2465 - Fuzzy Fisherman (USA)
2466 - Fuzzy Fisherman II (USA)
2467 - G.I. Joe
2468 - G.I. Joe (USA)
2469 - Galactic Attack (Europe)
2470 - Galactic Battles (Europe)
2471 - Galactic Conquest (USA)
2472 - Galactic Dogfight (Europe)
2473 - Galactic Drivers II (Germany)
2474 - Galactic Empire (USA)
2475 - Galactic Frontier (Europe)
2476 - Galactic Muncher (Europe)
2477 - Galactyforce (Europe)
2478 - Galaga
2479 - Galaxia 7 (Europe)
2480 - Galaxian
2481 - Galaxian.crt"
2482 - Galax-I-Birds
2483 - Galax-i-Birds (Europe)
2484 - Galaxy (Kingsoft) (Europe)
2485 - Galaxy (Superbyte) (USA)
2486 - Galaxy Conflict (Europe)
2487 - Galaxy Force 2.crt"
2488 - Galaxy Force II.crt"
2489 - Galaxy! (USA)
2490 - Galivan
2491 - Galivan (Europe)
2492 - Galleons (Europe)
2493 - Gambler, The (Europe)
2494 - Game of Harmony, The (USA)
2495 - Game of Trivia, The (Europe)
2496 - Game Over
2497 - Game Over (1987)(Imagine Software)
2498 - Game Over II
2499 - Game Over II (Spain)
2500 - Game Show, The (USA)
2501 - Game, The (Europe)
2502 - gamelist.backup.xml"
2503 - gamelist.copy.xml"
2504 - gamelist.Missing.Serial.txt"
2505 - gamelist.xml"
2506 - Games Creator, The (Europe)
2507 - Games Designer (Europe)
2508 - Games Summer Edition, The [Disk A Back]
2509 - Games Summer Edition, The [Disk A Front]
2510 - Games Summer Edition, The [Disk B Front]
2511 - Games Winter Edition, the
2512 - Games Winter Edition, the [Side C]
2513 - Games Winter Edition, the [Side D]
2514 - Gammaron (Europe)
2515 - Gandalf the Sorcerer (USA)
2516 - Gangbusters (USA)
2517 - Gangster (Europe)
2518 - Gaplus
2519 - Gaplus (Europe)
2520 - Garden of Eden (Europe)
2521 - Garfield
2522 - Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (Europe)
2523 - Garfield - Winter's Tail (Europe)
2524 - Garfield Winter's Tail
2525 - Gary Lineker's Hot Shot
2526 - Gary Lineker's Hot Shot (Europe)
2527 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills
2528 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills (Europe)
2529 - Gary Lineker's Super Skills [Collection Disk 1]
2530 - Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer (Europe)
2531 - Gates of Dawn (Europe)
2532 - Gates Of Dawn [Crazy+Lotus]
2533 - Gates of Dawn [Holocaust]
2534 - Gates Of Dawn [Mystic]
2535 - Gates Of Dawn [Ruthless]
2536 - Gates Of Dawn [Tera]
2537 - Gates of Dawn Part II (Europe)
2538 - Gateway to Apshai
2539 - Gateway to Apshai (USA)
2540 - Gato (USA)
2541 - Gauntlet
2542 - Gauntlet - The Deeper Dungeons (Europe)
2543 - Gauntlet 2
2544 - Gauntlet 3
2545 - Gauntlet 3.crt"
2546 - Gauntlet.crt"
2547 - Gazza 2 [XF, I+T]
2548 - Gazza II (Europe)
2549 - Gazza's Super Soccer
2550 - GBA Championship Basketball
2551 - GBA Championship Basketball - Two-on-Two (USA)
2552 - Gee Bee Air Rally
2553 - GeeBee Air Rally (USA)
2554 - Gemini Wing
2555 - Gemini Wing (Europe)
2556 - Gemstone Warrior
2557 - Gemstone Warrior (USA)
2558 - Gem'x (USA)
2559 - Genesis
2560 - Genloc
2561 - Genocide (USA)
2562 - GeoDestruct (USA)
2563 - Geoff Capes Strongman Challenge (Europe)
2564 - Geo-Matrix
2565 - Geo-Matrix (Europe)
2566 - Geopolitique 1990 (USA)
2567 - Germany 1985 - When Superpowers Collide (USA)
2568 - Gerry the Germ Goes Body Poppin'
2569 - Gerry the Germ Goes Body Poppin' (Europe)
2570 - Gertrude's Puzzles (USA)
2571 - Gertrude's Secrets (USA)
2572 - Get Off My Garden!
2573 - Get Off my Garden! (Europe)
2574 - Gettysburg - The Turning Point (USA)
2575 - GFL Championship Football (USA)
2576 - Gheddafiah (Italy)
2577 - Ghettoblaster
2578 - Ghost Chaser
2579 - Ghost Chaser (USA)
2580 - Ghost Hunt (USA)
2581 - Ghost Hunters
2582 - Ghost Hunters (Europe)
2583 - Ghost Manor (USA)
2584 - Ghost Mansion II (Europe)
2585 - Ghost Mansion III (Europe)
2586 - Ghost N Goblins Arcade.crt"
2587 - Ghost Town (USA)
2588 - Ghostbusters
2589 - Ghostbusters 2
2590 - Ghostbusters II (USA)
2591 - Ghostbusters.crt"
2592 - Ghosthunters
2593 - Ghostland
2594 - Ghosts (Europe)
2595 - Ghosts'n Goblins
2596 - Ghosts'n Goblins.crt"
2597 - Ghosttown (Europe)
2598 - Ghosty
2599 - Ghouls (Europe)
2600 - Ghouls [Anti-ROM 2]
2601 - Ghouls [Anti-ROM 3]
2602 - Ghouls [N0, Anti-ROM]
2603 - Ghouls [unknown 1]
2604 - Ghouls [unknown 2]
2605 - Ghouls'n Gremlins (Europe)
2606 - Ghouls'n'Ghosts
2607 - Ghouls'n'Ghosts (Europe)
2608 - Giants Revenge
2609 - Giants Revenge (Europe)
2610 - Giger Pool (Denmark)
2611 - Gilbert - Escape from Drill (Europe)
2612 - Gilded Age
2613 - Gilligan's Gold
2614 - Gilligans Gold (Europe)
2615 - Girls They Want to Have Fun
2616 - Girltris (USA)
2617 - Give my Regards to Broad Street (Europe)
2618 - Gladiator (Domark) (Europe)
2619 - Gladiator (The Guild Adventure Software) (Europe)
2620 - Gladiator, The
2621 - Gladiators (Europe)
2622 - Gladiator's 2000 (Germany)
2623 - Glider Pilot (Europe)
2624 - Glider Rider
2625 - Glider Rider (Europe)
2626 - Global Commander (USA)
2627 - Globetrotter (Europe)
2628 - G-Loc R360 (Europe)
2629 - Glug Glug (Europe)
2630 - Gnome (Germany)
2631 - Go (Europe)
2632 - Gobang (Netherlands)
2633 - Goblin Towers (Europe)
2634 - Gods and Heroes (Europe)
2635 - Godzilla (USA)
2636 - Gogo the Ghost
2637 - Gogo the Ghost (Europe)
2638 - Go-Kart Sim
2639 - Gold Rush
2640 - Golddigger
2641 - Golddigger (Europe)
2642 - Gold-Dust Island (USA)
2643 - Golden Axe
2644 - Golden Axe (Europe)
2645 - Golden Baton, The (Europe)
2646 - Golden Pyramids, The
2647 - Golden Voyage, The (USA)
2648 - Goldfields (USA)
2649 - Golf (Europe)
2650 - Golf Construction Set (Europe)
2651 - Golf Master (Europe)
2652 - Golf's Best (Pinehurst #2 Course) (USA)
2653 - Golf's Best (St Andrews) (USA)
2654 - Goodness Gracious (USA)
2655 - Goofy's Railway Express
2656 - Goonies, The (USA)
2657 - Goonies, the [Mr Z]
2658 - Goonies, the [REM]
2659 - GooseBusters (Europe)
2660 - Gordian Tomb
2661 - Gorf
2662 - Gothik (Europe)
2663 - Gothmog's Lair (USA)
2664 - GP Tennis Manager (Italy)
2665 - Grab It (Europe)
2666 - Grabber (Europe)
2667 - Gradius
2668 - Graeme Souness International Soccer
2669 - Graeme Souness International Soccer (Europe)
2670 - Graffiti Man (Europe)
2671 - Graham Gooch's All Star Cricket
2672 - Graham Gooch's Test Cricket
2673 - Grand Larceny (Europe)
2674 - Grand Master
2675 - Grand Monster Slam
2676 - Grand Monster Slam (Europe)
2677 - Grand National
2678 - Grand Prix (Europe)
2679 - Grand Prix Circuit (USA)
2680 - Grand Prix Master (Spain)
2681 - Grand Prix Simulator (Europe)
2682 - Grand Prix Simulator II (Europe)
2683 - Grand Slam Baseball - Steve Garvey vs. Jose Canseco (USA)
2684 - Grandell Island (USA)
2685 - Grandma's House
2686 - Grandma's House (USA)
2687 - Grandmaster (Europe)
2688 - Grange Hill (Europe)
2689 - Granny's Garden (Australia)
2690 - Grave Charlie (USA)
2691 - Grave Robbers (USA)
2692 - Gravrace
2693 - Great American Cross-Country Road Race, the
2694 - Great American Cross-Country Road Race, The (USA)
2695 - Great Escape, The
2696 - Great Escape, The (Europe)
2697 - Great Giana Sisters , The (Europe)
2698 - Great Giana Sisters 2.crt"
2699 - Great Giana Sisters Remix
2700 - Great Giana Sisters, The
2701 - Great Gonzo in WordRider, The (USA)
2702 - Great Gurianos
2703 - Great Gurianos (Europe)
2704 - Great Mission (Europe)
2705 - Greed Monster, The
2706 - Green Beret
2707 - Green Beret (Europe)
2708 - Greenhouse (USA)
2709 - Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf - Shark Attack (Europe)
2710 - Grell & Falla (Europe)
2711 - Gremlins (USA)
2712 - Gremlins [Adventure International]
2713 - Gremlins [Atari]
2714 - Gremlins II - The New Batch (Europe)
2715 - Greyfell - The Legend of Norman (USA)
2716 - Greystorm
2717 - Greystorm.crt"
2718 - Gribbly's Day Out
2719 - Gribbly's Day Out (Europe)
2720 - Gribbly's Special Day Out
2721 - Grid
2722 - Grid (Europe)
2723 - Grid Iron (Europe)
2724 - Grid Iron II (Europe)
2725 - Gridlock (USA)
2726 - Gridrunner
2727 - Gridrunner (USA)
2728 - Gridrunner II - Attack of the Mutant Camels (USA).crt"
2729 - Gridtrap (Europe)
2730 - Grog's Revenge
2731 - Grover's Animal Adventures (USA)
2732 - Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The (Europe)
2733 - Grubs
2734 - Gruds in Space (USA)
2735 - Grungy Towers (Europe)
2736 - Gryphon
2737 - Gryzor
2738 - Gryzor (Europe)
2739 - Guadalcanal
2740 - Guadalcanal (USA)
2741 - Guardian
2742 - Guardian II - Revenge of the Mutants (Europe)
2743 - Guerrilla War
2744 - Guerrilla War - Hail the Heroes (Europe)
2745 - Guess That Word! (USA)
2746 - Guess the Number of Stars (USA)
2747 - Guesser (Europe)
2748 - Guild of Thieves
2749 - Gulf Strike (USA)
2750 - Gumball (USA)
2751 - Gun Dogs (Europe)
2752 - Gunboat
2753 - Gunboat (Europe)
2754 - Guns of Fort Defiance, The (USA)
2755 - Gunship [ESI Disk 1]
2756 - Gunship [ESI Disk 2]
2757 - Gunship [Lurid & Tricycle]
2758 - Gunship docs [Lurid & Tricycle]
2759 - Gunslinger (Fantasy Computerware) (USA)
2760 - Gunslinger (Virgin Mastertronic) (Europe)
2761 - Gunsmoke.crt"
2762 - Gunstar (Europe)
2763 - Gusher (Europe)
2764 - Gust Buster (USA)
2765 - Gutt Blaster (USA)
2766 - Gutz
2767 - GUTZ (Europe)
2768 - Guzzler
2769 - Gwendolyn (USA)
2770 - Gypsum Cave (USA)
2771 - Gyroscope
2772 - Gyroscope (Europe)
2773 - Gyruss
2774 - Gyruss.crt"
2775 - H.A.T.E
2776 - H.E.R.O. - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation (USA, Europe).crt"
2777 - Hacker
2778 - Hacker (USA)
2779 - Hacker 2
2780 - Hacker II - The Doomsday Papers (USA)
2781 - Hades Nebula
2782 - Hades Nebula (Europe)
2783 - Hagar the Horrible (Europe)
2784 - Halcyon (Europe)
2785 - Halftime Battlin' Bands (USA)
2786 - Halifax
2787 - Halifax (Europe)
2788 - Halls of Death (Europe)
2789 - Halls of the Dwarven Kings, The (Europe)
2790 - Halls of the Things
2791 - Halls of the Things, The (Europe)
2792 - Hammer Boy
2793 - Hammer Boy (Spain)
2794 - Hammer Bros! (USA)
2795 - Hammer of Grimmold (Europe)
2796 - Hammerfist
2797 - Handicap Golf (Europe)
2798 - Hang Over (USA)
2799 - Hangman (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
2800 - Hangman II (USA)
2801 - Hangman III (USA)
2802 - Hangman IV (USA)
2803 - Hans Kloss
2804 - Happiest Days of Your Life, The (Europe)
2805 - Harboro (Europe)
2806 - Harbour Attack (Europe)
2807 - Hard Drivin'
2808 - Hard Drivin' (Europe)
2809 - Hard Hat Mack
2810 - Hard Hat Mack (USA)
2811 - Hard 'n' Heavy
2812 - Hardball
2813 - HardBall! (USA)
2814 - Hard'n'Heavy
2815 - Harrier 7 (USA)
2816 - Harrier Attack (Europe)
2817 - Harrier Combat Simulator (USA)
2818 - Harvey Headbanger
2819 - Harvey Headbanger (Europe)
2820 - Harvey Smith Showjumper
2821 - Hat Trick
2822 - Hat Trick (USA)
2823 - Hatchet Honeymoon (Europe)
2824 - HATE - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (Europe)
2825 - Haunted Castle
2826 - Haunted House
2827 - Haunted House (Alligata Software) (Europe)
2828 - Haunted House (The Guild Adventure Software) (Europe)
2829 - Have a Nice Day! (USA)
2830 - Havoc (Players Premier) (Europe)
2831 - Hawk
2832 - Hawk (Europe)
2833 - Hawk Storm (Europe)
2834 - Hawkeye
2835 - Hawkeye [Ikari_Side A]
2836 - Hawkeye [Ikari_Side B]
2837 - Hawkeye [Ikari_Tri-Dos_Side A]
2838 - Hawkeye [Ikari_Tri-Dos_Side B]
2839 - Hawkeye [L+T]
2840 - Hawkeye [SCG]
2841 - Hawkeye [TLI_Side A]
2842 - Hawkeye [TLI_Side B]
2843 - Hawkeye [WLD]
2844 - Hazar
2845 - Hazar (Europe)
2846 - Head Coach (Europe)
2847 - Head On (USA)
2848 - Head Over Heels
2849 - Head over Heels (Europe)
2850 - Head Start (Europe)
2851 - Head the Ball (Europe)
2852 - Headache (Europe)
2853 - Heart Attack! (USA)
2854 - Heart of Africa
2855 - Heartland
2856 - Heartland (Europe)
2857 - Heat Wave (USA)
2858 - Heathrow Air Traffic Control (Europe)
2859 - Heatseeker (Europe)
2860 - Heavenbound
2861 - Heavy Metal - Modern Land Combat Vol. I (USA)
2862 - Heist, The
2863 - Hektic
2864 - Hektic (Europe)
2865 - Hektik (Europe)
2866 - Helden (Europe)
2867 - Heli Rescue (Europe)
2868 - Helico Quizz [Disque de jeu]
2869 - Helico Quizz [Disque de travail]
2870 - Helicopter Mission, The (Germany)
2871 - Heli-Jump
2872 - Helikopter Jagd [CCC, Works]
2873 - Helikopter Jagd [FCG, Jabba]
2874 - Hell Cat Ace (USA)
2875 - Hell for Leather (Europe)
2876 - Hellfire
2877 - Hellfire (Europe)
2878 - Hellgate
2879 - Hellgate (Europe)
2880 - Hellhole (Europe)
2881 - Hellion, The (Europe)
2882 - Hellraid (Italy)
2883 - Helm, The (Europe)
2884 - Helter Skelter (Europe)
2885 - He-man and the Masters of the Universe
2886 - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Europe)
2887 - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe in Terraquake
2888 - Heman the Movie
2889 - He-man, Jr
2890 - Henry's House
2891 - Henry's House (Europe)
2892 - Herbert's Dummy Run (Europe)
2893 - Herby (Netherlands)
2894 - Herby Thriller (Netherlands)
2895 - Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (Europe)
2896 - Hercules (Europe)
2897 - Hero
2898 - Hero 2020 (Europe)
2899 - Hero of the Golden Talisman
2900 - Hero of the Golden Talisman (Europe)
2901 - Hero Quest - Return of the Witchlord (Europe)
2902 - Hero Quest 1
2903 - Hero Quest 2
2904 - Herobotix (Europe)
2905 - Heroes of Karn, The
2906 - Heroes of Karn, The (Europe)
2907 - Heroes of the Lance
2908 - Heroes of the Lance (USA)
2909 - Heroes of the Lance [NO]
2910 - Heroes of the Lance [P]
2911 - HES Games
2912 - HES Games (USA)
2913 - Hexpert (Europe)
2914 - Hey Diddle Diddle
2915 - Hey Diddle Diddle (USA)
2916 - Hi Bouncer (Europe)
2917 - Hi Ska Do (Europe)
2918 - Hickory Dickory Dock (USA)
2919 - Hidden Treasure of Inca, The (USA)
2920 - Hideous Bill & the Gi-Gants (Europe)
2921 - Hideous! (Europe)
2922 - Hidihood (Germany)
2923 - High Flyer
2924 - High Frontier
2925 - High Frontier (USA)
2926 - High Memory (Europe)
2927 - High Noon Shootout (Europe)
2928 - High Rise (USA)
2929 - High Rise or Three Card Brag (Europe)
2930 - High Rollers (USA)
2931 - Highlander
2932 - Highlander (Europe)
2933 - Highnoon (Europe)
2934 - Highway Encounter (Europe)
2935 - Hillsfar
2936 - Himalayan Odyssey (Europe)
2937 - Hi-Q-Quiz (Europe)
2938 - Hirnris (Europe)
2939 - Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (Europe)
2940 - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
2941 - HKM - Human Killing Machine (Europe)
2942 - Ho! Ho! Ho! (Europe)
2943 - Hobbit, The [1982]
2944 - Hobbit, The [Disk A]
2945 - Hobbit, The [Disk B]
2946 - Hobgoblin (Europe)
2947 - Hocus Focus
2948 - Hocus Focus (Europe)
2949 - Hole in One Golf (USA)
2950 - Hole-in-One (Europe)
2951 - Holf (Europe)
2952 - Hollywood Hijinx (USA)
2953 - Hollywood or Bust (Europe)
2954 - Hollywood Poker Pro
2955 - Holy Grail, The (Europe)
2956 - Hong Kong Phooey
2957 - Hong Kong Phooey (Europe)
2958 - Hook (Europe)
2959 - Hope to Hopp (Germany)
2960 - Hope to Hopp 2
2961 - Hopeless
2962 - Hopeless (Europe)
2963 - Hopp oder Top
2964 - Hopper Copper (Europe)
2965 - Hoppin' Mad
2966 - Hoppin' Mad (Europe)
2967 - Hopping Hoodlum, The
2968 - Hopping Hoodlum, The (Europe)
2969 - Hopto (Europe)
2970 - Horace Goes Skiing (1984)(Melbourne House)
2971 - Horace Goes Skiing (Europe)
2972 - Hostages (France)
2973 - Hot Air Balloon (Europe)
2974 - Hot Pop (Europe)
2975 - Hot Rod (D81).d81"
2976 - Hot Rod [Censor_Side A]
2977 - Hot Rod [Censor_Side B]
2978 - Hot Rod [REM_Side A]
2979 - Hot Rod [REM_Side B]
2980 - Hot Shot (Europe)
2981 - Hot Wheels
2982 - Hot Wheels.crt"
2983 - Hotel Alien (USA)
2984 - Houdini Escape (USA)
2985 - House Jack Built, The
2986 - House of Usher (Europe)
2987 - House-Mess (USA)
2988 - Hover (Europe)
2989 - Hover Bovver
2990 - Hover Bovver (Europe)
2991 - How About a Nice Game of Chess! (USA)
2992 - How to Be a Complete Bastard
2993 - How to be a Complete Bastard (Europe)
2994 - Howard the Duck - Adventure on Volcano Island (USA)
2995 - Howard the Duck [Collection Disk 1]
2996 - Howard the Duck [UCF]
2997 - ht-oso
2998 - Hudson Hawk
2999 - Hudson Hawk (Europe)
3000 - Human Killing Machine
3001 - Human Race, the
3002 - Human Race, The (Europe)
3003 - Humanoids (Australia)
3004 - Hummdinger (Europe)
3005 - Humphrey (Europe)
3006 - Humpty Dumpty Meets the Fuzzy Wuzzies (Europe)
3007 - Humpty Dumpty Mystery (USA)
3008 - Humpty in the Garden (Europe)
3009 - Hunchback
3010 - Hunchback (Europe)
3011 - Hunchback 2
3012 - Hunchback at the Olympics
3013 - Hunchback at the Olympics (Europe)
3014 - Hunchback II - Quasimodo's Revenge (Europe)
3015 - Hunchback the Adventure
3016 - Hungaroring (Hungary)
3017 - Hungry Horace
3018 - Hungry Horace (Europe)
3019 - Hunt for Red October, The (Europe)
3020 - Hunter
3021 - Hunter (Europe)
3022 - Hunter Patrol
3023 - Hunter Patrol (Europe)
3024 - Hunter's Moon
3025 - Hunter's Moon (Europe)
3026 - Hustler (Europe)
3027 - Huxley Pig (Europe)
3028 - Hyber Blob (Europe)
3029 - Hybrid (USA)
3030 - Hypa-Ball
3031 - Hypa-Ball (Europe)
3032 - Hyper Active
3033 - Hyper Active (Europe)
3034 - Hyper Aggressive
3035 - Hyper Aggressive (Europe)
3036 - Hyper Biker (Europe)
3037 - Hyper Blob
3038 - Hyper Snake (Europe)
3039 - Hyper Sports
3040 - Hyper Sports (Europe)
3041 - Hyperbowl (Europe)
3042 - Hyperion II
3043 - Hyperrace (Europe)
3044 - Hyperthrust (Germany)
3045 - hysteria
3046 - Hysteria (Europe)
3047 - I Play - 3D Soccer (Italy)
3048 - I Play - 3D Tennis (Italy)
3049 - I Play - Football Champ (Italy)
3050 - I Play 3D Soccer
3051 - I Want More Diamonds
3052 - I Was a Cannibal for the FBI (Europe)
3053 - I, Ball
3054 - I, Ball (Europe)
3055 - I, Ball II - The Quest for the Past (Europe)
3056 - I.C.U.P.S.
3057 - I-Alien (Europe)
3058 - Ian Botham's Test Match (Europe)
3059 - I-Ball 2
3060 - Ice Busters (Europe)
3061 - Ice Cream Stall (Europe)
3062 - Ice Hunter (Europe)
3063 - Ice Palace (Creative Sparks) (Europe)
3064 - Ice Palace (K-Tek) (USA)
3065 - Ice Station Zero (Europe)
3066 - Ice Temple, The
3067 - Ice Temple, The (Europe)
3068 - Iceball (Germany)
3069 - Icehockey-Manager (Germany)
3070 - Iceland Adventure (Europe)
3071 - Ice-Mania (Germany)
3072 - Icicle Works (USA)
3073 - Identikit (Europe)
3074 - IK+
3075 - Ikari III - The Rescue
3076 - Ikari Warriors
3077 - Ikari Warriors (Data East) (USA)
3078 - Ikari Warriors (Elite) (Europe)
3079 - Ikari Warriors 2
3080 - Ikarus
3081 - Ikarus (Europe)
3082 - Iketa (Europe)
3083 - Ikkiuchi (Europe)
3084 - Illgen (Germany)
3085 - Imagination (Europe)
3086 - Imhotep
3087 - Imhotep (USA)
3088 - Impact (Europe)
3089 - Imperium Galactum (USA)
3090 - Implosion
3091 - Implosion (Europe)
3092 - Implosion (USA, Europe)
3093 - Impossamole
3094 - Impossible Mission
3095 - Impossible Mission 2
3096 - Impossible Mission II (USA)
3097 - In 80 Days Around the World [ACE_Side A]
3098 - In 80 Days Around the World [ACE_Side B]
3099 - In 80 Days Around the World [TWG_Side A]
3100 - In 80 Days Around the World [TWG_Side B]
3101 - In Search of the Most Amazing Thing
3102 - In Search of the Most Amazing Thing (USA)
3103 - In the Chips
3104 - In the Chips (USA)
3105 - Inca Curse (Europe)
3106 - Incredible Laboratory, The (USA)
3107 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
3108 - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.crt"
3109 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
3110 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Europe)
3111 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
3112 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Europe)
3113 - Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom
3114 - Indiana Jones in the Lost Kingdom (USA)
3115 - Industrial Breakdown (2003)(Booze Design)
3116 - Indy Heat
3117 - Indy Heat (USA)
3118 - Infection (Europe)
3119 - Infernal Runner
3120 - Inferno (Europe)
3121 - Infidel (USA)
3122 - Infiltrator
3123 - Infinis (Netherlands)
3124 - Infodroid (USA)
3125 - Ingrid's Back! - Text Version (Europe)
3126 - Inheritance, The (USA)
3127 - Inherits of the Throne v2.00 (Germany)
3128 - Injured Engine
3129 - Injured Engine (USA)
3130 - Inner Space (Europe)
3131 - Insane Story Adventure
3132 - Insanity
3133 - Insanity (USA)
3134 - Insects in Space (Europe)
3135 - Insects in Space [Collection Disk 1]
3136 - Insects in Space [Collection Disk 2]
3137 - Inside Outing
3138 - Insomnia (Germany)
3139 - Inspector Gadget
3140 - Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear (Europe)
3141 - Institute, The
3142 - Institute, The
3143 - Institute, The (USA)
3144 - Intensity
3145 - Intensity (Europe)
3146 - Interchange
3147 - Interchange (Europe)
3148 - Interdictor Pilot (Europe)
3149 - Intergalactic Cage Match
3150 - Intergalactic Cage Match (Europe)
3151 - International 3D Tennis (Europe)
3152 - International 3D Tennis [Collection Disk 1]
3153 - International 3D Tennis [Collection Disk 2]
3154 - International 3D Tennis [Collection Disk 3]
3155 - International 3D Tennis [Collection Disk 4]
3156 - International 3D Tennis [Collection Disk 5]
3157 - International 5 A-Side (Europe)
3158 - International 5-a-Side Football
3159 - International Basketball (USA)
3160 - International Football (USA, Europe).crt"
3161 - International Hockey
3162 - International Ice Hockey
3163 - International Ice Hockey (Europe)
3164 - International Karate
3165 - International Karate (1986)(System 3)[cr REM]
3166 - International Karate Plus
3167 - International Karate.crt"
3168 - International Manager (Europe)
3169 - International Ninja Rabbits (Europe)
3170 - International Rugby Simulator (Europe)
3171 - International Soccer [Collection Disk 1]
3172 - International Soccer [Collection Disk 2]
3173 - International Soccer.crt"
3174 - International Speedway (Europe)
3175 - International Sports Challenge
3176 - International Sports Challenge (Europe)
3177 - International Tennis (Commodore) (USA)
3178 - International Tennis (Zeppelin Games) (Europe)
3179 - International Truck Racing (Europe)
3180 - Interview [C]
3181 - Interview [Gulas]
3182 - Interview [Yak]
3183 - Into Oblivion
3184 - Into the Eagle's Nest
3185 - Into the Mystic (Europe)
3186 - Into the Nature
3187 - Into the Nature (Germany)
3188 - Intruder - The Space Quest (Europe)
3189 - Intruder (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
3190 - Intruder (CP Verlag - Game On) (Europe)
3191 - Intruder Adventure (Europe)
3192 - Invade-A-Load
3193 - Invade-a-Load! (USA)
3194 - Invader (USA)
3195 - Invaders of the Lost Tomb (USA)
3196 - Invasion (Europe)
3197 - Invasion Fall (Netherlands)
3198 - Invasion II (Europe)
3199 - Inve$t (Germany)
3200 - IO - Into Oblivion (Europe)
3201 - IQ
3202 - Iridis Alpha
3203 - Iridis Alpha (Europe)
3204 - Iron Lord.crt"
3205 - Island (Rescue) (Europe)
3206 - Island of Dr Destructo, the
3207 - Island!, The (USA)
3208 - ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere (Europe)
3209 - Issuar (Italy)
3210 - Italian Cup Football
3211 - Italy 1990 [Collection Disk 1]
3212 - Italy 1990 [S451]
3213 - Italy '90 Soccer
3214 - Italy '90 Soccer (Italy)
3215 - It's a Knockout (Europe)
3216 - It's only Rock'n'Roll (Europe)
3217 - Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road
3218 - Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (Europe)
3219 - Ivasive Action (Europe)
3220 - I-Wizard (Europe)
3221 - Iwo Jima
3222 - Iwo Jima (Europe)
3223 - I-Xera (Europe)
3224 - Jack and the Beanstalk
3225 - Jack and the Beanstalk (Thor Computer Software) (Europe)
3226 - Jack Bullett (Italy)
3227 - Jack Charlton's Match Fishing
3228 - Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (Europe)
3229 - Jack the Nipper
3230 - Jack the Nipper (Europe)
3231 - Jack the Nipper 2
3232 - Jack the Nipper II - Coconut Capers
3233 - Jack the Ripper (Europe)
3234 - Jackal (Europe)
3235 - Jade Necklace, The (Europe)
3236 - Jagd auf Roter Oktober
3237 - Jagd in San Francisco (Germany)
3238 - Jai Alai (Europe)
3239 - Jail Break (USA)
3240 - Jailbreak
3241 - James Bond.crt"
3242 - James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod.crt"
3243 - James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Europe)
3244 - Jammin' 2 [Collection Disk 1]
3245 - Jammin' 2 [FLT]
3246 - Jasg (Europe)
3247 - Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble (Europe)
3248 - Jaw Breaker
3249 - Jaw Breaker (USA)
3250 - Jaws
3251 - Jaws (Europe)
3252 - J-Bird
3253 - Jeep Command
3254 - Jeep Command (Europe)
3255 - Jenny of the Prairie
3256 - Jeremias Ratterflatter (Europe)
3257 - Jet Combat Simulator
3258 - Jet Combat Simulator (USA).G64"
3259 - Jet Flight (Europe)
3260 - Jet Power Jack
3261 - Jet Power Jack (Europe)
3262 - Jet Set Willy (Europe)
3263 - Jet Set Willy 2
3264 - Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (Europe)
3265 - Jet Strike Mission (Europe)
3266 - Jet-Boot Jack
3267 - Jet-Boys (USA)
3268 - Jetmobile (Europe)
3269 - Jetsons, The
3270 - Jetsons, The (Europe)
3271 - Jewel Chest, The
3272 - Jewel Raiders (USA)
3273 - Jewels of Darkness (Europe)
3274 - Jewish IQ Baseball (USA)
3275 - Jhothamia 6 (Europe)
3276 - Jimbo (Europe)
3277 - Jimmy's Soccer Manager (Europe)
3278 - Jimmy's Super League (Europe)
3279 - Jinks (Europe)
3280 - Jinn-Genie (Europe)
3281 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge (Europe)
3282 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium
3283 - Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium (Europe)
3284 - Joe (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
3285 - Joe (Datacompaniet) (Norway)
3286 - Joe Blade
3287 - Joe Blade (Europe)
3288 - Joe Blade 2
3289 - Joe Blade II (Europe)
3290 - Joe Dick - Private Investigator (Europe)
3291 - Joe Gunn
3292 - Joe the Ball
3293 - Joe the Whizz Kid
3294 - John Elway's Quarterback (Europe)
3295 - Johnny Reb
3296 - Johnny Reb (USA, Europe)
3297 - Johnny Reb 2
3298 - Johnny Reb II (Europe)
3299 - Joker Poker (USA)
3300 - Jolly Jack's Run Ashore! (Europe)
3301 - Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld
3302 - Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld (Europe)
3303 - Josh
3304 - Josh (Europe)
3305 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip]
3306 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [3532_Side A]
3307 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [3532_Side B]
3308 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [3532_Start]
3309 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [SF&M_Side A]
3310 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [SF&M_Side B]
3311 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [SF&M_Start]
3312 - Journey to the Center of the Earth [Chip] [Start]
3313 - Journey to the Center of the Earth Adventure
3314 - Journey to the Centre of Eddie Smith's Head (Europe)
3315 - Journey to the Centre of the Earth, A (Australia)
3316 - Journey to the Centre of the World, A
3317 - Jr Pac-Man
3318 - Jr. Pac-Man (Europe)
3319 - Judge Dredd
3320 - Judge Dredd (Virgin Mastertronic) (Europe)
3321 - Juggles' Rainbow (USA)
3322 - Juice! (USA)
3323 - Juice! [Collection Disk 1]
3324 - Juice! [Collection Disk 2]
3325 - Juice! [Collection Disk 3]
3326 - Juke Box (USA)
3327 - Jumbo Jet Lander (Netherlands)
3328 - Jump Jet (Europe)
3329 - Jump Out
3330 - Jump Out (Europe)
3331 - Jump! Machine (Europe)
3332 - Jumpin Jack (Europe)
3333 - Jumpin' Jimmy (Europe)
3334 - Jumping Jack (Europe)
3335 - Jumpman
3336 - Jumpman (USA)
3337 - Jumpman II
3338 - Jumpman Junior
3339 - Jumpman Junior (USA)
3340 - Jungle Book Reading
3341 - Jungle Drums (Europe)
3342 - Jungle Hunt
3343 - Jungle Patrol
3344 - Jungle Patrol (Europe)
3345 - Jungle Quest
3346 - Jungle Raid (Europe)
3347 - Juno First (USA)
3348 - Jupiter Lander
3349 - Jupiter Lander (Commodore) (USA)
3350 - Jupiter Lander (R+M Software) (USA)
3351 - Just a Mot (Europe)
3352 - Kaiser (Europe)
3353 - Kalah (Europe)
3354 - Kaleidokubes (USA)
3355 - Kamikaze
3356 - Kamikaze [Bonzai]
3357 - Kane
3358 - Kane (Europe)
3359 - Kane II (Europe)
3360 - Kangarudy
3361 - Kangarudy (Europe)
3362 - Kapriolen, De
3363 - Karamalz Cup
3364 - Karate Champ
3365 - Karate Champ (USA)
3366 - Karate Chop
3367 - Karateka (USA)
3368 - Karateka [Dr Mengele]
3369 - Karateka [REM]
3370 - Karnov
3371 - Karnov (USA)
3372 - Karting Grand Prix (Europe)
3373 - Kaskade (Europe)
3374 - Kat Trap
3375 - Kat Trap - Planet of the Cat-Men (Europe)
3376 - Katakis [CPX]
3377 - Katakis [Krush_Side A]
3378 - Katakis [Krush_Side B]
3379 - Katakis [S8]
3380 - Katakis [Triad, Preview]
3381 - Katakis.crt"
3382 - Kayak (Europe)
3383 - Kayden Garth
3384 - Kayden Garth (USA)
3385 - Kayles (USA)
3386 - Kayleth
3387 - Kayleth (Europe)
3388 - Kempelen (USA)
3389 - Kendo Warrior (Europe)
3390 - Kennedy Approach
3391 - Kennedy Approach (USA)
3392 - Kenny Dalglish Soccer (Europe)
3393 - Keno
3394 - Keno (USA)
3395 - Kensington (Europe)
3396 - Kentilla
3397 - Kentilla (Europe)
3398 - Kentucky Derby (USA)
3399 - Kentucky Racing (Europe)
3400 - Kermit's Electronic Storymaker
3401 - Kermit's Electronic Storymaker (USA)
3402 - Ket Trilogy, The (Europe)
3403 - Kettle
3404 - Kettle (Europe)
3405 - Key Finders (Europe)
3406 - KGB Agent (Europe)
3407 - KGB Superspy (Europe)
3408 - Kick and Kill (Germany)
3409 - Kick Box Vigilante (Europe)
3410 - Kick off
3411 - Kick Off (Anco) (Europe)
3412 - Kick Off [Bubble Bus]
3413 - KICK OFF 2
3414 - KICK OFF 3
3415 - KICK OFF 4
3416 - Kick Off II (Europe)
3417 - Kicker
3418 - Kickman (USA)
3419 - Kid Grid (USA)
3420 - Kid Grid [N0, unknown]
3421 - Kid Grid 2
3422 - Kid Niki to the Rescue (USA)
3423 - Kidnapped (USA)
3424 - Kids on Keys
3425 - Kids on Keys (USA)
3426 - Kikstart
3427 - Kikstart 2
3428 - Killed until Dead
3429 - Killed Until Dead.crt"
3430 - Killer Piller (USA)
3431 - Killer Ring
3432 - Killer Watt [SR!]
3433 - Killer Watt [unknown, KBR & HJD]
3434 - Killer Watt [unknown, Probyte]
3435 - Killing Fields
3436 - Killing Fields (Europe)
3437 - Killing Machine (Europe)
3438 - Killozapp (Europe)
3439 - Kindercomp
3440 - Kindercomp (USA)
3441 - Kinetic Connection (USA)
3442 - Kinetik
3443 - Kinetik (Europe)
3444 - King Solomon's Mines
3445 - King Solomon's Mines (Europe)
3446 - Kings of Comedy
3447 - Kings of Comedy (Europe)
3448 - Kings of the Beach
3449 - Kings of the Beach (USA)
3450 - Kitron - The Challenge (Europe)
3451 - Klax
3452 - Klax (Europe)
3453 - Klondike
3454 - Kniffel +6
3455 - Knight Games
3456 - Knight Games (A)
3457 - Knight Games (B)
3458 - Knight Games (C)
3459 - Knight Games 2 [Nato]
3460 - Knight Games 2 [TWG]
3461 - Knight 'n' Grail
3462 - Knight Orc - Text Version (Europe)
3463 - Knight Rider (Europe)
3464 - Knightmare
3465 - Knightmare (USA)
3466 - Knights of the Desert (USA)
3467 - Knight-Tyme
3468 - Knight-Tyme (Europe)
3469 - Knockout
3470 - Knockout (Europe)
3471 - Know Your Own IQ & Personality (USA)
3472 - Knuckle Buster (Europe)
3473 - Knucklebuster
3474 - Kobayashi Naru
3475 - Kobayashi Naru (Europe)
3476 - Koko
3477 - Kokotoni Wilf [D'Ram, S8]
3478 - Kokotoni Wilf [Xerox, 2 unknown]
3479 - Koncept
3480 - Kong (Anirog Software) (Europe)
3481 - Kong (Keypunch Software) (USA)
3482 - Kong Strikes Back
3483 - Kopido
3484 - Kopido (Europe)
3485 - Koronis Rift
3486 - Koronis Rift (USA)
3487 - Krakout
3488 - Krakout (Europe)
3489 - Krakout 3
3490 - Krakout 4
3491 - Krazy Kar (Europe)
3492 - Krazy Kong (Europe)
3493 - Kromazone (Europe)
3494 - Krymini
3495 - Krymini (Europe)
3496 - Krypton (Europe)
3497 - Krypton Factor, The (Europe)
3498 - Krystals of Zong (Europe)
3499 - Kulfon W Krainie Zlego Demona (Poland)
3500 - Kung-Fu - The Way of the Exploding Fist (Europe)
3501 - Kung-Fu II - Sticks of Death (Europe)
3502 - Kung-Fu Master
3503 - Kung-Fu Master.crt"
3504 - Kwah
3505 - Kwah (Europe)
3506 - Kwik Snax
3507 - Kwik Snax (Europe)
3508 - L.A. Crackdown
3509 - L.A. Police Department
3510 - Labe Me (Poland)
3511 - Labyrinth
3512 - Labyrinth (CHV Products) (USA)
3513 - Labyrinth (Commodore) (USA)
3514 - Labyrinth (Magic Soft) (Europe)
3515 - Laced Tiles
3516 - Lady Bug
3517 - Lady Tut
3518 - Lady Tut (USA)
3519 - Lancelot
3520 - Lancelot - Text Version (Europe)
3521 - Lancelot (Europe)
3522 - Land of Neverwhere (Europe)
3523 - Land of the Giants (Europe)
3524 - Land, The (Europe)
3525 - Lander (Europe)
3526 - Lands of Havoc, The (Europe)
3527 - Lapis Philosophorum - The Philosophers' Stone (Europe)
3528 - Las Vegas (Anirog Software) (Europe)
3529 - Las Vegas Casino (Europe)
3530 - Las Vegas Video Poker (Europe)
3531 - Laser Force
3532 - Laser Force (Europe)
3533 - Laser Gun
3534 - Laser Gun (USA)
3535 - Laser Squad (Europe)
3536 - Laser Squad 1
3537 - Laser Squad 2
3538 - Laser Storm
3539 - Laser Zone
3540 - Laser Zone.crt"
3541 - Laserblaster (Europe)
3542 - Laserwheel
3543 - Last Battle (Europe)
3544 - Last Battle, The
3545 - Last Chance Racer (USA)
3546 - Last Duel (Europe)
3547 - Last Fight, The (Europe)
3548 - Last Gladiator, The
3549 - Last Mission
3550 - Last Mission (USA)
3551 - Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance.crt"
3552 - Last Ninja 2, the
3553 - Last Ninja 3, the
3554 - Last Ninja 3.crt"
3555 - Last Ninja Remix, The [Side A_I+K]
3556 - Last Ninja Remix, The [Side A_XR]
3557 - Last Ninja Remix, The [Side B_I+K]
3558 - Last Ninja Remix, The [Side B_XR]
3559 - Last Ninja Remix.crt"
3560 - Last Ninja, the [Side A_CCS]
3561 - Last Ninja, the [Side A_Triad]
3562 - Last Ninja, the [Side B_CCS]
3563 - Last Ninja, the [Side B_Triad]
3564 - Last V8, the
3565 - Last V8, The (Europe)
3566 - Last Warrior, The (Europe)
3567 - Laurel & Hardy (Europe)
3568 - Laurel and Hardy
3569 - Law of the West
3570 - Law of the West (USA)
3571 - Law of the West [REM]
3572 - Lawn Tennis (Europe)
3573 - Lazarian
3574 - Lazarian (USA)
3575 - Lazer Maze (Avant-Garde Publishing Corporation) (USA)
3576 - Lazer Maze (Ranger Software) (USA)
3577 - Lazer Tag (Europe)
3578 - Lazer-Force (Europe)
3579 - Lazy Jones
3580 - Lazy Jones (Europe)
3581 - Le Mans
3582 - Le Mans.crt"
3583 - Le Parc (Germany)
3584 - Leader Board - Pro Golf Simulator.crt"
3585 - Leaderboard Executive
3586 - Leaderboard Golf
3587 - LeaderBoard.crt"
3588 - League Challenge (Europe)
3589 - League Football (Europe)
3590 - League Soccer (USA)
3591 - League Soccer '91
3592 - Leaky Roof
3593 - Leaping Larry (USA)
3594 - Learn the Alphabet (USA)
3595 - Learn to Add (USA)
3596 - Learn to Spell (USA)
3597 - Learning Bridge Made Easy (USA)
3598 - Learning with Leeper (USA)
3599 - Led Storm
3600 - LED Storm (USA)
3601 - Legacy of the Ancients
3602 - Legend of Blacksilver, The
3603 - Legend of Blacksilver, The [Side 3]
3604 - Legend of Blacksilver, The [Side 4]
3605 - Legend of Blacksilver.crt"
3606 - Legend of Kage
3607 - Legend of Kage (Europe)
3608 - Legend of Sinbad, The (Europe)
3609 - Legend of the Amazon Women (USA)
3610 - Legend of the Apache Gold, The (Europe)
3611 - Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The
3612 - Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The (Europe)
3613 - Legionnaire (USA)
3614 - Legions of Death (Europe)
3615 - Lemmings
3616 - Lemmings [Side C]
3617 - Lemmings.crt"
3618 - Lemon Blues
3619 - Lemon Blues (Europe)
3620 - Leonardo
3621 - Leonardo (Germany)
3622 - Leppard (Europe)
3623 - Lethal (Europe)
3624 - Lethal Bombs (Europe)
3625 - Lethal Weapon (Europe)
3626 - Lethal Zone
3627 - Lethal Zone (Europe)
3628 - Lethal Zone.crt"
3629 - Letterstress (Netherlands)
3630 - Lettrix v1.0 (Germany)
3631 - leviathan
3632 - Leviathan.crt"
3633 - Lex Feareon (Germany)
3634 - Liberte (Europe)
3635 - Licence to Kill (Europe)
3636 - Life (Europe)
3637 - Lifeboat (Europe)
3638 - Lifeforce
3639 - Lifeforce (CRL) (Europe)
3640 - Lifeforce (Konami) (USA)
3641 - Lifeform (Europe)
3642 - Lifeterm (Europe)
3643 - Light Cycles V3.2b (USA)
3644 - Lightforce
3645 - Light-waves (USA)
3646 - Limes + Napoleon (USA)
3647 - Line of Fire (Europe)
3648 - Lingo
3649 - Lions of the Universe (Europe)
3650 - Little Adventure (USA)
3651 - Little Blue (Germany)
3652 - Little Computer People
3653 - Little Computer People [Mr. Z]
3654 - Little Green Man (Europe)
3655 - Little Icarus (Europe)
3656 - Little Puff in Dragonland (Europe)
3657 - Live and Let Die (Europe)
3658 - Liverpool - The Computer Game (Europe)
3659 - Living Daylights, The
3660 - Living Daylights, The (Europe)
3661 - Living Dead
3662 - Living in a Maze (USA)
3663 - Livingstone I Presume
3664 - Livingstone, I Presume (Europe)
3665 - Load'n Play (Europe)
3666 - Loadstar's Video Poker
3667 - Loco
3668 - Loco (Alligata Software) (Europe)
3669 - Loco (Coplin Software) (USA)
3670 - Locomotion
3671 - Locomotion (Commodore) (USA)
3672 - Locomotion (Kingsoft) (Europe)
3673 - Locomotive Switcher (USA)
3674 - Lode Runner
3675 - Lode Runner.crt"
3676 - Lode Runner's Rescue
3677 - Lode Runner's Rescue (USA)
3678 - Log!cal (Europe)
3679 - Logger (USA)
3680 - Logic (CP Verlag) (Germany)
3681 - Logical
3682 - Logo (Germany)
3683 - Loko-Attack
3684 - Lollipops (Europe)
3685 - London Blitz (USA)
3686 - Lone Ranger, The (Europe)
3687 - Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (Europe)
3688 - Lonely Rider
3689 - Long Lance (Canada)
3690 - Loogaroo - Werewolf Simulator (Europe)
3691 - Loony Balloon (Europe)
3692 - Loopz (Europe)
3693 - Lord of the Balrogs (Europe)
3694 - Lords (Europe)
3695 - Lords of Chaos (Europe)
3696 - Lords of Conquest (USA)
3697 - Lords of Karma (USA)
3698 - Lords of Midnight (USA)
3699 - Lords of Time
3700 - Lords of Time (Europe)
3701 - Lost City, The (Europe)
3702 - Lost Dutchman's Gold (Europe)
3703 - Lost in the Amazon (Europe)
3704 - Lost in the Labyrinth (Europe)
3705 - Lost Ninja, The
3706 - Lost Ninja, The (Europe)
3707 - Lost Robot (Germany)
3708 - Lost Tomb (USA).G64"
3709 - Lost World, The (Europe)
3710 - Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (Europe)
3711 - Lucifer's Realm
3712 - Lunar Lander (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
3713 - Lunar Leeper
3714 - Lunar Outpost
3715 - Lunar Rescue (USA)
3716 - Lunari (Europe)
3717 - Lunattack
3718 - Lunattack (Europe)
3719 - Lupo Alberto
3720 - Lupo Alberto - The Videogame (Europe)
3721 - Lurking Horror, The (USA)
3722 - M.A.C.H.
3723 - M.U.L.E
3724 - Mabel's Mansion (USA)
3725 - Macadam Bumper (Europe)
3726 - MacArthur's War - Battles for Korea (Australia)
3727 - MACH - Maneuverable Armed Computer Humans (USA)
3728 - Macho Programming (2003)(Triad)
3729 - Mad Doctor (Europe)
3730 - Mad Mission (Europe)
3731 - Mad Mix Game - The Pepsi Challenge (Europe)
3732 - Mad Ninja
3733 - Mad Nurse
3734 - Mad Nurse (Europe)
3735 - Mad Planets (Europe)
3736 - Mad Springs (Europe)
3737 - Madballs (Europe)
3738 - Made in France
3739 - Made in France 2
3740 - Madness
3741 - Madness (CP Verlag - Game On) (Europe)
3742 - Madness (Rainbow Arts) (Europe)
3743 - Madrax
3744 - Mag Max (Europe)
3745 - Mag Max [2 unknown, RD+PC, TTW]
3746 - Mag Max [SCI, FCS, unknown]
3747 - Mag Max [Triad, TCS, HTL, SCG]
3748 - Mag Max [Trianon, 2 HTL, TLF]
3749 - Mag Max [unknown 1]
3750 - Mag Max [unknown 2]
3751 - Magazine (Europe)
3752 - Magdom II (Europe)
3753 - Maggotmania (USA)
3754 - Magic (Europe)
3755 - Magic Carpet (Europe)
3756 - Magic Carpet [Collection Disk 1]
3757 - Magic Carpet [Collection Disk 2]
3758 - Magic Carpet [Collection Disk 3]
3759 - Magic Carpet [Collection Disk 4]
3760 - Magic Carpet [Collection Disk 5]
3761 - Magic Events, The (Europe)
3762 - Magic Fields (Europe)
3763 - Magic Johnson's Basketball
3764 - Magic Johnson's Basketball (Europe)
3765 - Magic Journey, The (USA)
3766 - Magic Madness (Europe)
3767 - Magic Micro Mission (Europe)
3768 - Magic Mouse in Goblin Land
3769 - Magic Mouse in Goblin Land (Europe)
3770 - Magic Poker 64 (Europe)
3771 - Magic Serpent C64 (Germany)
3772 - Magic Spells (USA)
3773 - Magic Square (Commodore) (USA)
3774 - Magic Tile (Europe)
3775 - Magician (Europe)
3776 - Magician's Apprentice, A (Europe)
3777 - Magician's Ball, The
3778 - Magician's Ball, The (Europe)
3779 - Magicland Dizzy (Europe)
3780 - Magiers Kugel, Des
3781 - Magiers Kugel, Des (Germany)
3782 - Magnetic
3783 - Magnetic (Europe)
3784 - Magnetron
3785 - Magnetron (Europe)
3786 - Mah Jongg
3787 - Mah Jongg (Germany)
3788 - Mail Order Monsters
3789 - Main Frame (USA)
3790 - Majik (Europe)
3791 - Major Indoor Soccer League
3792 - Mama Llama
3793 - Mama Llama (Europe)
3794 - Man from N-10, The (Europe)
3795 - Manager (Germany)
3796 - Mancala (California Dreams) (USA)
3797 - Manchester United Europe (Europe)
3798 - Mancopter
3799 - Mancopter (USA)
3800 - Mandragore (France)
3801 - Mandroid (Europe)
3802 - Maniac Mansion
3803 - Maniac Mansion.crt"
3804 - Maniac's Computer Diary 1989 (Europe)
3805 - Maniax
3806 - Maniax (Europe)
3807 - Manic Miner (Europe)
3808 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 1]
3809 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 2]
3810 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 3]
3811 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 4]
3812 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 5]
3813 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 6]
3814 - Manic Miner [Collection Disk 7]
3815 - Mansion Quest (Europe)
3816 - Maps 64 - World (Netherlands)
3817 - Marauder
3818 - Marauder (Europe)
3819 - Marble Madness [ESI_1_Side A]
3820 - Marble Madness [ESI_1_Side B]
3821 - Marble Madness [ESI_2_Side A]
3822 - Marble Madness [ESI_2_Side B]
3823 - Marble Madness [HOT_Side A]
3824 - Marble Madness [HOT_Side B]
3825 - Marble Madness.crt"
3826 - Marble Springs (Europe)
3827 - Marie Celeste (Europe)
3828 - Mario Bros (1987)(Ocean Software)
3829 - Mario Bros (USA)
3830 - Mario Bros [Atari]
3831 - Mario Bros [Ocean]
3832 - Mario Bros 2
3833 - Mark Set Go!
3834 - Mark Set Go! (Europe)
3835 - Market Place, The (USA)
3836 - Mask
3837 - MASK (Europe)
3838 - Mask 3
3839 - MASK II (Europe)
3840 - Masquerade (USA)
3841 - Master Blaster (Keypunch Software) (USA)
3842 - Master Blaster (Zeppelin Games) (Europe)
3843 - Master Chess (Europe)
3844 - Master Mind (Europe)
3845 - Master of Magic, The
3846 - Master of the Lamps
3847 - Master of the Lamps (USA)
3848 - Master Trivia (Europe)
3849 - Mastermind
3850 - Mastermind (Leisure Genius) (Europe)
3851 - Masters of the Universe - Super Adventure (Europe)
3852 - Masters of the Universe - The Movie (Europe)
3853 - Masters of Time (USA)
3854 - MasterType (USA)
3855 - Match Day
3856 - Match Day (Europe)
3857 - Match Day 2
3858 - Match Day II (Europe)
3859 - Match of the Day (Europe)
3860 - Match Point
3861 - Match Point (Europe)
3862 - Match Wits (USA)
3863 - Match, The (Europe)
3864 - Matchbox
3865 - Matchbox (Europe)
3866 - Matchboxes (USA)
3867 - Matchmaker (Europe)
3868 - Matchmaker Game (USA)
3869 - Math Attack (Europe)
3870 - Maths Marathon (Europe)
3871 - Mathtime (USA)
3872 - Matrix
3873 - Matrix Crown, The (USA)
3874 - Matt Lucas - Florida Private Investigator (Europe)
3875 - Matterhorn Screamer (USA)
3876 - Max Headroom
3877 - Max Headroom (Europe)
3878 - Max Torque
3879 - Max Torque (Europe)
3880 - Maxwell Manor - Skull of Doom (USA)
3881 - Mayday Squad! (Europe)
3882 - Mayhem in Monsterland
3883 - Maze Mania (Europe)
3884 - Maze Master (USA)
3885 - Maze of Nogard (USA)
3886 - Mazemania (Europe)
3887 - Mazer (Europe)
3888 - Maziacs
3889 - Maziacs (Europe)
3890 - McDonald Land
3891 - Mean Machine (Europe)
3892 - Mean Streak
3893 - Mean Streak (Europe)
3894 - Mean Streets
3895 - Mech Brigade (USA)
3896 - Mechanicus (Europe)
3897 - Mediator (Europe)
3898 - Medicine Man, The (Europe)
3899 - Medieval Adventure (USA)
3900 - Medusa's Cave (USA)
3901 - Mega Apocalypse
3902 - Mega Paratrooper (Europe)
3903 - Mega Paratrooper [COS]
3904 - Mega Paratrooper [DOM]
3905 - Mega Paratrooper [unknown]
3906 - Mega Phoenix
3907 - Mega Phoenix (Spain)
3908 - Mega Starforce
3909 - Mega Starforce - Return to the Great Star (Europe)
3910 - Mega-Apocalypse (Europe)
3911 - Megamax (Europe)
3912 - Meganova
3913 - Meganova - The Weapon (Europe)
3914 - Megawarz (Europe)
3915 - Melonmania
3916 - Melonmania (Europe)
3917 - Memologie (Europe)
3918 - Memomania (Europe)
3919 - Memory (Europe)
3920 - Memory Building Blocks (USA)
3921 - Memory Manor (USA)
3922 - Menage, The (Europe)
3923 - Mental Blocks (USA)
3924 - Mental Moons
3925 - Mercenary - Escape from Targ (Europe)
3926 - Mercs (Europe)
3927 - Merlin (Europe)
3928 - Mermaid Madness
3929 - Mermaid Madness (Europe)
3930 - Merry Christmas (Europe)
3931 - Metabolis
3932 - Metabolis (Europe)
3933 - Metagalactic Llamas
3934 - Metagalactic Llamas - Battle at the Edge of Time (Europe)
3935 - Metal
3936 - Metal Force (Europe)
3937 - Metal Gear
3938 - Metal Warrior 3
3939 - Metamorphosis 4 - Earth Warrior
3940 - Metamorphosis III - The Creators Revenge (Europe)
3941 - Metamorphosis IV - Labyrinth of the Creator (Europe)
3942 - Metaplex (Europe)
3943 - Meteor (Germany)
3944 - Meteor Madness (USA)
3945 - Methodos
3946 - Metro Blitz (Europe)
3947 - Metro Cross
3948 - Metro-Cross (Europe)
3949 - Metron (Australia)
3950 - Metropolis (Topo Soft) (Spain)
3951 - Miami Chase (Europe)
3952 - Miami Dice (Europe)
3953 - Miami Vice
3954 - Mickey Mouse (Europe)
3955 - Mickey's Runaway Zoo
3956 - Micro Ball (Europe)
3957 - Micro Drivin (Europe)
3958 - Micro League Wrestling
3959 - Micro Mouse (Europe)
3960 - Micro Mouse Goes De-Bugging (Europe)
3961 - Micro Olympics (Europe)
3962 - Micro Rescue
3963 - Micro Rescue (Europe)
3964 - Microball
3965 - Microcosm (Europe)
3966 - MicroLeague Baseball II (USA)
3967 - MicroLeague Football (USA)
3968 - Microprose Soccer (USA)
3969 - Microprose Soccer [DOM_CFO]
3970 - Microprose Soccer [HTL]
3971 - Microprose Soccer [Ikari]
3972 - Microprose Soccer [REM]
3973 - Mid, A - Hallow Night's Scream (USA)
3974 - Midnight Resistance
3975 - Midnight Resistance (Europe)
3976 - Midway Campaign (USA)
3977 - Mig Alley Ace (USA)
3978 - Mig-29 Soviet Fighter (Europe)
3979 - Might and Magic Book 1 [Disk A]
3980 - Might and Magic Book 1 [Disk B]
3981 - Might and Magic Book 2
3982 - Might and Magic Book 2 [Side C]
3983 - Might and Magic Book 2 [Side D]
3984 - Might and Magic Book 2 [Side E]
3985 - Might and Magic Book 2 [Side F]
3986 - Mighty Bomb Jack
3987 - Mighty Bombjack (Europe)
3988 - Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz
3989 - Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz (Europe)
3990 - Mike the Cave-Man (Germany)
3991 - Mikie
3992 - Mikie (Europe)
3993 - Milk Race (Europe)
3994 - Milky Weigh, The (Europe)
3995 - Mill Mania (Germany)
3996 - Millenium Warriors (USA)
3997 - Millibug (Europe)
3998 - Millionaire - The Stock Market Simulation (USA)
3999 - Mimi la Fourmie
4000 - Mind Control (Europe)
4001 - Mind Prober (USA)
4002 - Mind Warp (Europe)
4003 - Mindbender (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Europe)
4004 - Mindbreaker
4005 - Mindfighter (USA)
4006 - Mindroll
4007 - Mindroll (USA).G64"
4008 - Mindshadow
4009 - Mind-Stretchers (Europe)
4010 - Mindtrap
4011 - Mindtrap (Europe)
4012 - Mindwarp (Europe)
4013 - Minefields (Europe)
4014 - Miner 2049'er (1983)(Big Five Software)[cr Kracked Knight]
4015 - Miner 2049'er.crt"
4016 - Miner 64
4017 - Minesweeper (Europe)
4018 - Mini Boulder (Europe)
4019 - Mini Golf
4020 - Mini Golf (USA)
4021 - Mini Putt (USA)
4022 - Mini Racers (USA)
4023 - Mini-Golf
4024 - Mining (Germany)
4025 - Minipedes (Europe)
4026 - Minitron (Europe)
4027 - Mini-Zork I (USA)
4028 - Minnesota Fat's Pool Challenger.crt"
4029 - Minotax (Germany)
4030 - Miser, The (Europe)
4031 - MISL - Major Indoor Soccer League (USA)
4032 - Miss Mind Ania
4033 - Miss Mind Ania (Europe)
4034 - Missile Command (Interceptor Software) (Europe)
4035 - Missing Links (USA)
4036 - Mission 1 - Project Volcano (Europe)
4037 - Mission 2 - Project Gibraltar (Europe)
4038 - Mission A.D. (Europe)
4039 - Mission AD
4040 - Mission Asteroid (USA)
4041 - Mission Egg (Europe)
4042 - Mission Elevator
4043 - Mission Elevator (Europe)
4044 - Mission Genocide (Europe)
4045 - Mission Impossible (USA)
4046 - Mission Impossibubble (Europe)
4047 - Mission Jupiter (Europe)
4048 - Mission Nada
4049 - Mission Nada (Europe)
4050 - Mission Omega (Europe)
4051 - Mission X (Europe)
4052 - Model Builder (Europe)
4053 - Moebius
4054 - Mole Attack (USA)
4055 - Molecule Man
4056 - Molecule Man (Europe)
4057 - Monkey Business (USA)
4058 - Monkey Magic (Europe)
4059 - Monkeymath (USA)
4060 - Monolith Tank
4061 - Monolith Tank (Australia)
4062 - Monopoly
4063 - Monopoly (Europe)
4064 - Monopoly Deluxe
4065 - Monopoly Deluxe (Europe)
4066 - Monster Munch (Europe)
4067 - Monster Smash (USA)
4068 - Monster Walk (Germany)
4069 - Monsters & Magic (USA)
4070 - Monstrum (Europe)
4071 - Monte Carlo Casino (Europe)
4072 - Montezuma's Revenge
4073 - Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
4074 - Montrix
4075 - Montrix (Europe)
4076 - Monty Mole (Europe)
4077 - Monty Mole [Collection Disk 1]
4078 - Monty Mole [Collection Disk 2]
4079 - Monty on the Run
4080 - Monty on the Run (Europe)
4081 - Monty Plays Scrabble
4082 - Monty Plays Scrabble (Europe)
4083 - Monty Python's Flying Circus (Europe)
4084 - Moon (Europe)
4085 - Moon Bug (USA)
4086 - Moon Buggy
4087 - Moon Buggy! (Europe)
4088 - Moon Ceti (Europe)
4089 - Moon Cresta
4090 - Moon Cresta (Europe)
4091 - Moon Crises 1999
4092 - Moon Crisis 1999 (USA)
4093 - Moon Crystals
4094 - Moon Crystals (Europe)
4095 - MOON DUST
4096 - Moon Dust (USA)
4097 - Moon Lander
4098 - Moon Patrol
4099 - Moon Patrol (Avalon Hill Microcomputer Games, Inc.) (USA)
4100 - Moon Patrol.crt"
4101 - Moon Shuttle (USA)
4102 - Moonbase
4103 - Moonfall
4104 - Moonfall (Europe)
4105 - Moonmist (USA)
4106 - Moonracer (Germany)
4107 - Moons (Germany)
4108 - MoonShadow (Idea Software) (Europe)
4109 - Moonshadow (Ocean) (Europe)
4110 - Moontorc (Europe)
4111 - Moonwalker
4112 - Moonwalker - The Computer Game (Europe)
4113 - Mopper (Europe)
4114 - Moptown Hotel (USA)
4115 - Moptown Parade (USA)
4116 - Mordon's Quest
4117 - Mordon's Quest (Europe)
4118 - Morfix
4119 - Moribund (Europe)
4120 - Morpheus
4121 - Morphicle - The Transforming Car (Europe)
4122 - Mot
4123 - MOT (Europe)
4124 - Mothership (USA)
4125 - Motley Tetris (Germany)
4126 - Motocross
4127 - Motocross (Codemasters) (Europe)
4128 - Motocross [Tronix]
4129 - Motor Massacre (Europe)
4130 - Motorbike Madness (Europe)
4131 - Motorcycle 500 (Europe)
4132 - Motorcycle Crazy (Europe)
4133 - Motorhead (Europe)
4134 - Motor-Way (Europe)
4135 - Motos
4136 - Motos (Europe)
4137 - Mountain Bike Racer
4138 - Mountain Bike Racer (Europe)
4139 - Mountain King (USA)
4140 - Mountain Palace, The (USA)
4141 - Move
4142 - Move It (Germany)
4143 - Move On!
4144 - Move On! (Europe)
4145 - Movie Monster Game, The
4146 - Movie Monster Game, The (USA)
4147 - Movie Musical Madness (USA)
4148 - Moving Target
4149 - Mr Do
4150 - Mr Do's Castle
4151 - Mr Robot
4152 - Mr. Angry (Europe)
4153 - Mr. Cool (USA)
4154 - Mr. Do! (USA)
4155 - Mr. Do's Castle (USA)
4156 - Mr. Dynamite (Germany)
4157 - Mr. Freeze (Europe)
4158 - Mr. Heli (Europe)
4159 - Mr. Mephisto (Europe)
4160 - Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit (USA)
4161 - Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory (USA)
4162 - Mr. Setam
4163 - Mr. TNT (USA)
4164 - Mr. Wimpy - The Hamburger Game (Europe)
4165 - Mr. Wino (Europe)
4166 - Mr. Wiz
4167 - Mrs. Mop (Europe)
4168 - Ms Pacman.crt"
4169 - Ms. Pacman
4170 - MTV Remote Control
4171 - Muggin (USA)
4172 - Mugsy's Revenge
4173 - MULE (USA)
4174 - Multi-Player Soccer Manager (Europe)
4175 - Multris
4176 - Munch
4177 - Munch (Europe)
4178 - Munch Mania (Europe)
4179 - Muncher Eats Chewits, The (Europe)
4180 - Muncher, the [F4CG]
4181 - Muncher, the [REM]
4182 - Munchie
4183 - Munchie (Europe)
4184 - Munchman (USA)
4185 - Munchy (USA)
4186 - Munsters, The (Europe)
4187 - Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the Carnival
4188 - Murder at Osbourne Castle, The (Europe)
4189 - Murder in Flight (USA)
4190 - Murder off Miami
4191 - Murder off Miami (Europe)
4192 - Murder on the Atlantic (Infogrames) (France)
4193 - Murder on the Mississippi
4194 - Murder on the Mississippi - The Adventures of Sir Charles Foxworth (USA)
4195 - Murder on the Waterfront (USA)
4196 - Murder on the Zinderneuf (USA)
4197 - Murray Mouse Super Cop
4198 - Murray Mouse Super Cop (Europe)
4199 - Mushroom Alley
4200 - Mutant (Europe)
4201 - Mutant Camels Strikes Back
4202 - Mutant Monty
4203 - Mutant Monty (Europe)
4204 - Mutants
4205 - Mutants (Europe)
4206 - Muzzy Zoophyte
4207 - Muzzy Zoophyte (Germany)
4208 - My House (Europe)
4209 - My Secret File (Europe)
4210 - Mychess II (USA)
4211 - Mysterix (Europe)
4212 - Mystery Island (Europe)
4213 - Mystery Master - Felony! (USA)
4214 - Mystery Master - Murder by the Dozen (USA)
4215 - Mystery of Munroe Manor, The (Europe)
4216 - Mystery of the Indus Valleys (Europe)
4217 - Mystery of the Lost Sheep, The (USA)
4218 - Mystery of the Nile, The
4219 - Mystery of the Nile, The (Europe)
4220 - Mystery Voyage (USA)
4221 - Mystic Mansion (Europe)
4222 - Myth
4223 - Myth - History in the Making.crt"
4224 - Myth (Europe)
4225 - N.O.M.A.D [Collection Disk 1]
4226 - N.O.M.A.D [Collection Disk 2]
4227 - N.O.M.A.D [Collection Disk 3]
4228 - NaCl - Natriumchlorid (Europe)
4229 - Namcap (Europe)
4230 - Napoleon at Waterloo (Europe)
4231 - Napoleon in Russia - Borodino 1812 (USA)
4232 - NARC (Europe)
4233 - Narco Police (Spain)
4234 - Narnia (USA)
4235 - National, The (Europe)
4236 - NATO Assault Course (Europe)
4237 - NATO Commander (USA)
4238 - Naughty Nudger
4239 - Nautilus (Netherlands)
4240 - Navcom Six - The Gulf Defense (USA)
4241 - Navy Moves
4242 - Navy Seals [Hotline 2]
4243 - Navy Seals [Hotline]
4244 - Navy Seals [Hotline+RW]
4245 - Navy Seals [Legend]
4246 - Navy Seals [Legend+NEI]
4247 - Navy Seals.crt"
4248 - NBA Basketball
4249 - Nebraska Joe
4250 - Nebulus
4251 - Nebulus (Europe)
4252 - Necris-Dome, The (Europe)
4253 - Necromancer
4254 - Neg Slot Machine (Italy)
4255 - Neighbours (Europe)
4256 - Nellan is Thirsty (Europe)
4257 - Nemesis
4258 - Nemesis (Europe)
4259 - Nemesis the Warlock
4260 - Nemesis the Warlock (Europe)
4261 - Neoclyps (Europe)
4262 - Net Nut (Europe)
4263 - Nether Earth
4264 - Nether Earth (Europe)
4265 - Netherworld (Europe)
4266 - Neuromancer
4267 - Neuromancer [Side 3]
4268 - Neuromancer [Side 4]
4269 - Neuromancer.crt"
4270 - Neuronics (Germany)
4271 - Neuronics [Triad 1]
4272 - Neuronics [Triad 2]
4273 - Neutmare (Europe)
4274 - Neutral Corner (USA)
4275 - Neutral Zone (USA)
4276 - Neutralizor (Europe)
4277 - Neverending Story , The (Europe)
4278 - Neverending Story 2, The
4279 - Neverending Story II, The (Switzerland)
4280 - Neverending Story, the
4281 - New Intro Game (Italy)
4282 - New York City (USA)
4283 - New Zealand Story, the
4284 - Newzealand Story, The (Europe)
4285 - Nexus (Europe)
4286 - Nibbly '92
4287 - Nibbly '92 (Europe)
4288 - Nibly
4289 - Nick Faldo Plays the Open (Europe)
4290 - Nick Faldo's Championship Golf (Europe)
4291 - Nick Nack (Europe)
4292 - Night Breed
4293 - Night Breed (Europe)
4294 - Night Driver (USA)
4295 - Night Fighter (Europe)
4296 - Night Mission Pinball (USA)
4297 - Night of the Walking Dead (Europe)
4298 - Night Racer (Europe)
4299 - Night Shade
4300 - Night Shade (Europe)
4301 - Night Shift
4302 - Nightdawn (Europe)
4303 - Nightmare (Europe)
4304 - Nightmare Park (USA)
4305 - Nim (Europe)
4306 - Nine (19xx)(Reflex)(Side A)
4307 - Nine (19xx)(Reflex)(Side B)
4308 - Ninja
4309 - Ninja (Mastertronic) (Europe)
4310 - Ninja (SoftGold) (USA)
4311 - Ninja Commando (Europe)
4312 - Ninja Hamster (Europe)
4313 - Ninja Massacre (Europe)
4314 - Ninja Master, The (Europe)
4315 - Ninja Pac Man
4316 - Ninja Rabbits
4317 - Ninja Rabbits (Europe)
4318 - Ninja Scooter Simulator (Europe)
4319 - Ninja Spirit [Collection Disk 1]
4320 - Ninja Spirit [Collection Disk 2]
4321 - Ninja Spirit.crt"
4322 - Ninja Warriors, The
4323 - Niterider
4324 - No Deeper Meaning (Europe)
4325 - No Mercy [E+L]
4326 - No Mercy [GP]
4327 - No Mercy preview [Hotline]
4328 - No Mercy.crt"
4329 - Nobby the Aardvark 0
4330 - Nobby the Aardvark 1
4331 - Nodes of Yesod
4332 - Nogard (USA)
4333 - NOMAD (Europe)
4334 - Nomad of Time, The (Europe)
4335 - Nonterraqueous
4336 - Nonterraqueous (Europe)
4337 - North & South! (Europe)
4338 - North and South
4339 - North Atlantic Convoy Raider (USA)
4340 - Northeast Corridor (USA)
4341 - Northstar
4342 - NorthStar (Europe)
4343 - Norway 1985 - When Superpowers Collide (USA)
4344 - Nosferatu the Vampyre
4345 - Nostalga Speedway (Europe)
4346 - Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less (Europe)
4347 - Noughts and Crosses (Europe)
4348 - Nova
4349 - Nova (Europe)
4350 - Nova Aetas
4351 - Nova Blast.crt"
4352 - Nova Force (Europe)
4353 - Nova II (Europe)
4354 - Nuclear Embargo (Europe)
4355 - Nuclear War Games (Australia)
4356 - Nucleus (USA)
4357 - Nuke (Europe)
4358 - Nukewar
4359 - Nukewar (USA)
4360 - Number Builder (USA)
4361 - Number Learning x3 (USA)
4362 - Number Nabber Shape Grabber (USA)
4363 - Nursery Nightmare (Europe)
4364 - Nutcraka (Europe)
4365 - Oak Flat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator (USA)
4366 - Oasis of Shalimar, The (Europe)
4367 - Oby1
4368 - OBY1 (Europe)
4369 - Ocean Conqueror
4370 - Ocean Conqueror (Europe)
4371 - Octapolis
4372 - Octapolis (Europe)
4373 - Octoplex (Europe)
4374 - Octopus (USA)
4375 - Oddessy (Europe)
4376 - Odell Lake (USA)
4377 - Odysseus - Trojan Warrior (Europe)
4378 - Odyssey (K-Tek + K-Tel Software, Inc.) (USA)
4379 - Odyssey (Logo Software GmbH) (Europe)
4380 - Odyssey, The
4381 - Odyssey, The (USA)
4382 - Official Father Christmas, The (Europe)
4383 - Ograton (Europe)
4384 - Ograton II - The Revenge (Germany)
4385 - Oh No!
4386 - Oh No! (Europe)
4387 - Oil Barons
4388 - Oil Challenge (Germany)
4389 - Oils Well (USA)
4390 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 1]
4391 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 10]
4392 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 2]
4393 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 3]
4394 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 4]
4395 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 5]
4396 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 6]
4397 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 7]
4398 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 8]
4399 - Oils Well [Collection Disk 9]
4400 - Oink! (Europe)
4401 - Old Bones Dice (Europe)
4402 - Oldbones (Europe)
4403 - Olli & Lissa - The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle (Europe)
4404 - Olli & Lissa 3 - The Candlelight Adventure (Europe)
4405 - Olli and Lissa
4406 - Ollie's Follies
4407 - Ollie's Follies (USA)
4408 - Ollo II - The Final Conflict (Europe)
4409 - Olympic Skier
4410 - Olympic Skier (Europe)
4411 - Omega Force One (Germany)
4412 - Omega Race
4413 - Omega Race (USA)
4414 - Omega Race.crt"
4415 - Omega Run, The (Europe)
4416 - Omicron
4417 - On a Move (Germany)
4418 - On Court Tennis
4419 - On Court Tennis (USA)
4420 - On Cue (Europe)
4421 - On Field Football (USA)
4422 - On Ice
4423 - On the Bench (Europe)
4424 - On the Tiles (Europe)
4425 - One Bite Too Deep (Europe)
4426 - One Man and his Droid (Europe)
4427 - One on One
4428 - One on One (USA)
4429 - One-Day Cricket (Europe)
4430 - Oops! (USA)
4431 - Open Sesame (Europe)
4432 - Opera House (USA)
4433 - Operation - Sabotage (Europe)
4434 - Operation Fireball (Europe)
4435 - Operation Hanoi (Europe)
4436 - Operation Hormuz (Europe)
4437 - Operation Iceberg
4438 - Operation Market Garden (USA)
4439 - Operation Swordfish (Europe)
4440 - Operation Terminal (USA)
4441 - Operation Thunderbolt
4442 - Operation Whirlwind (USA)
4443 - Operation Wolf
4444 - Opium (Europe)
4445 - Oracle
4446 - Oracle's Cave, The (Europe)
4447 - Orb of Light, The (USA)
4448 - Orbits (Europe)
4449 - Orbitter (Europe)
4450 - Orc Attack
4451 - Orc Attack (Europe)
4452 - Ordeal
4453 - O'Riley's Mine
4454 - O'Riley's Mine (USA)
4455 - Orion (Europe)
4456 - Orion (Kingsoft) (Europe)
4457 - Orion Quest, The
4458 - Orion Quest, The (Europe)
4459 - Orm and Cheep - Narrow Squeaks (Europe)
4460 - Orm and Cheep - The Birthday Party (Europe)
4461 - Ormus (USA)
4462 - Orpheus in the Underworld (Europe)
4463 - Oskar
4464 - Oskar (Germany)
4465 - Osmium (Europe)
4466 - Osprey! (Europe)
4467 - Ostfriesland Games
4468 - Othello
4469 - Othello (CUE, Inc.) (USA)
4470 - Othello (Stack Computer Services Ltd.) (Europe)
4471 - Othello (Wicked Software) (Europe)
4472 - Oubliette (USA)
4473 - Out on a Limb
4474 - Out on a Limb (Europe)
4475 - Out Take 2
4476 - Outback (Europe)
4477 - Outlaw (Palace Software) (Europe)
4478 - Outlaws
4479 - Outlaws (USA)
4480 - OutRun (Europe)
4481 - OutRun (USA)
4482 - Outrun [Side A_TC]
4483 - Outrun [Side B_TC]
4484 - Outrun [Triad]
4485 - OutRun Europa
4486 - OutRun.crt"
4487 - Over the Net
4488 - Over the Net (Europe)
4489 - Over the Rainbow (USA)
4490 - Overlander
4491 - Overlander (Europe)
4492 - Overlord (The Guild Adventure Software) (Europe)
4493 - Overlord (Virgin Mastertronic) (Europe)
4494 - Overlord [NTSC version]
4495 - Overtake (Europe)
4496 - Oxxonian
4497 - Oxxonian (Europe)
4498 - P. P. Digger
4499 - P. P. Hammer
4500 - P-47 (Europe)
4501 - Pac-Boy (Germany)
4502 - Paccie
4503 - Pac-Land
4504 - Pac-Land (Europe)
4505 - Pacman (Majestic Software) (Europe)
4506 - Pac-Man [Atari]
4507 - Pacman Jnr.
4508 - Pacman U.D.L.
4509 - Pac-Man.crt"
4510 - Pacmania
4511 - Pac-Mania (Europe)
4512 - Pacos Pete (USA)
4513 - Pacrunner
4514 - Pactron (Europe)
4515 - Paddington and the Disappearing Ink (USA)
4516 - Paddington's Early Visit (USA)
4517 - Paddington's Garden Adventure (USA)
4518 - Painterboy
4519 - Pair of Memory
4520 - Pair of Memory (Europe)
4521 - Pakacuda (USA)
4522 - Paladin (Europe)
4523 - Pancake (Europe)
4524 - Pancho
4525 - Pandora (Europe)
4526 - Pang
4527 - Pang.crt"
4528 - Pango (Netherlands)
4529 - Panic 64
4530 - Panic 64 (Europe)
4531 - Panic Dizzy
4532 - Panic Dizzy (Europe)
4533 - Panic Express (Europe)
4534 - Panic Planet
4535 - Panic Run (USA)
4536 - Panther
4537 - Panther (Europe)
4538 - Panzer
4539 - Panzer Battles (Australia)
4540 - Panzer Grenadier (USA)
4541 - Panzer Strike.crt"
4542 - Panzer-Jagd (USA)
4543 - Panzers East (USA)
4544 - Paperboy
4545 - Paperboy (Europe)
4546 - Para Academy (Europe)
4547 - Para Assault Course (Europe)
4548 - Parachutist (Europe)
4549 - Paradroid
4550 - Paradroid - Competition Edition (Europe)
4551 - Paradroid (Europe)
4552 - Paradroid Competition Edition
4553 - Parallax
4554 - Parallax (London Software) (Europe)
4555 - Parallax (Ocean) (Europe)
4556 - Paranoids Anonymous (Europe)
4557 - Paranoimia (Europe)
4558 - Paranom - Elite Squad II (Europe)
4559 - Paras, The (Europe)
4560 - Paratrooper [Compute!] [RR, unknown]
4561 - Paratrooper [original]
4562 - Paratrooper [unknown]
4563 - Paratroopers (Europe)
4564 - Paratroopers [KBR]
4565 - Paratroopers [REM, PK]
4566 - Paratroopers [unknown 1]
4567 - Paratroopers [unknown 2]
4568 - Paratroopers [unknown 3]
4569 - Paratroopers [unknown 4]
4570 - Parc, Le
4571 - Parisian Nights (Europe)
4572 - Park Patrol
4573 - Park Patrol (Europe)
4574 - Parsec
4575 - Passengers on the Wind 2
4576 - Passing Shot
4577 - Passing Shot (Europe)
4578 - Passport to London (USA)
4579 - Pastfinder (USA)
4580 - Patience
4581 - Patience (Commodore) (USA)
4582 - Patternia (Europe)
4583 - Patton vs Rommel (USA)
4584 - Paul der Kafer (Europe)
4585 - Payday (CP Verlag - Game On) (Europe)
4586 - Payday (GameTek) (USA)
4587 - Pay-Off, The (Europe)
4588 - PC Fuzz (Europe)
4589 - Pea Picker (USA)
4590 - Peace Women (Europe)
4591 - Peanut Butter Panic (USA)
4592 - Peanuts Picture Puzzlers (Europe)
4593 - Pearl of Dawn, The (Europe)
4594 - Pebbles
4595 - Pebbles (USA)
4596 - Pedestrian (USA)
4597 - Pedro
4598 - Pedro (Europe)
4599 - Peewee Hockey
4600 - Pegasis
4601 - Pegasus Bridge (Europe)
4602 - Pegasus Odyssey (USA)
4603 - Peg-Out (USA)
4604 - Penalty Soccer (Europe)
4605 - Penetrator (Europe)
4606 - Pengo
4607 - Pengo (Colosoftware) (Europe)
4608 - Pengo (Courbois Software) (Netherlands)
4609 - Pengo (R+M Software) (USA)
4610 - Pengon (Europe)
4611 - Pensate (Europe)
4612 - Percy the Potty Pigeon
4613 - Perils of Darkest Africa (Europe)
4614 - Periscope Up (Europe)
4615 - Perplex
4616 - Perplex (Europe)
4617 - Perplex II (Europe)
4618 - Perseus & Andromeda (Europe)
4619 - Persian Gulf Inferno (Europe)
4620 - Pesky Painter
4621 - Pesky Painter (Europe)
4622 - PET Checkers (USA)
4623 - Petch
4624 - Peter Beardsley's International Football (Europe)
4625 - Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona (Europe)
4626 - Phantasmagoria (Europe)
4627 - Phantom (Tynesoft) (Europe)
4628 - Phantoms of the Asteroid
4629 - Pharaoh
4630 - Pharaoh's Curse
4631 - Pharaoh's Curse (USA)
4632 - Pharaoh's Revenge
4633 - Pharaoh's Revenge [Boot Disk]
4634 - Pharaoh's Revenge [Play Disk]
4635 - Phaser (Europe)
4636 - Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles
4637 - Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles (Europe)
4638 - Philippic (Europe)
4639 - Phimosis
4640 - Phobia
4641 - Photon Reflection (USA)
4642 - Pick 'n' Pile (Europe)
4643 - Pick'n'Pile
4644 - Pictionary - The Game of Quick Draw (Europe)
4645 - Picture Kingdom (Europe)
4646 - Pigs in Space (Europe)
4647 - Pile-Up (Ariolasoft + Reaktor Software) (Europe)
4648 - Pilot 64 (Europe)
4649 - Pinball 9 (Europe)
4650 - Pinball Arcade
4651 - Pinball Construction Set (USA)
4652 - Pinball Power
4653 - Pinball Spectacular
4654 - Pinball Spectacular.crt"
4655 - Pinball Wizard
4656 - Pinball Wizard (Europe)
4657 - Ping Pong
4658 - Pingo (USA)
4659 - Ping-Pong (Imagine + Konami) (Europe)
4660 - Ping-Pong (S+S Soft Vertriebs GmbH) (Europe)
4661 - Pink Panther (Europe)
4662 - Pipe (Europe)
4663 - Pipe Mania (Europe)
4664 - Pipeline Run (Europe)
4665 - Pipes (USA)
4666 - Piracy (Europe)
4667 - Pirate Adventure (Adventure International) (USA)
4668 - Pirate Adventure (Commodore) (USA)
4669 - PIRATES
4670 - Pirates
4671 - Pirates in Hyperspace (Europe)
4672 - Pit The.crt"
4673 - Pit, The (USA)
4674 - Pitfall
4675 - Pitfall 2
4676 - Pitfall II - Lost Caverns.crt"
4677 - Pitfall.crt"
4678 - Pit-Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (Europe)
4679 - Pitstop
4680 - Pitstop II (USA)
4681 - Pitstop.crt"
4682 - Pixie Pete
4683 - Pizza (USA)
4684 - Planet Attack (Europe)
4685 - Planet Force (Germany)
4686 - Planet Miners, The (USA)
4687 - Planet of War (Europe)
4688 - Planet Probe (USA)
4689 - Planetfall (Europe)
4690 - Planets Defender (Europe)
4691 - Plaque Man
4692 - Plaque Man (USA)
4693 - Plasma Bolt (Europe)
4694 - Plasmatron
4695 - Plasmatron (USA)
4696 - Plasto (Europe)
4697 - Platoon [REM]
4698 - Platoon [Triad]
4699 - Platoon [Unknown]
4700 - Platoon.crt"
4701 - Platou (Europe)
4702 - Play a Match
4703 - Play a Match (Europe)
4704 - Play Bridge with Sheinwold (USA).G64"
4705 - Play Golf - Pineview Southern Golf Tradition (USA)
4706 - Play Golf (Ye Olde Course) (USA)
4707 - Play Your Cards Right (Europe)
4708 - Playful Professor - Math Tutor (USA)
4709 - Plexonoid
4710 - Plexonoid (Europe)
4711 - Plis
4712 - Plumb Crazy! (Europe)
4713 - Plundered Hearts (USA)
4714 - Plural (Europe)
4715 - Pneumatic Hammers (Europe)
4716 - Pocket Rockets (USA)
4717 - POD - Proof of Destruction (Europe)
4718 - Pod (Europe)
4719 - Poga
4720 - Poga (Australia)
4721 - Pogo Joe
4722 - Pogo Stick (USA)
4723 - Pogo Stick Olympics (Europe)
4724 - Pogotron (Europe)
4725 - Point X (Europe)
4726 - Point X [Triad 1]
4727 - Point X [Triad 2]
4728 - Poker
4729 - Poker (USA)
4730 - Pokersam (USA)
4731 - Pokie
4732 - Pole Position
4733 - Pole Position (USA)
4734 - Pole Position 2
4735 - Pole Position II (USA)
4736 - Pole Position.crt"
4737 - Police Academy (USA)
4738 - Police Academy II (Europe)
4739 - Police Cadet (USA)
4740 - Poltergeist (Europe)
4741 - Pond, The (USA)
4742 - Pontoon (Graphics) (Europe)
4743 - Pontoon (Text Only) (Europe)
4744 - Pontoon, Roulette & Aces High (Europe)
4745 - Pool
4746 - Pool (Abacus Software, Inc.) (USA)
4747 - Pool (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Europe)
4748 - Pooyan
4749 - Popeye
4750 - Popeye 2
4751 - Popeye 3
4752 - Popeye 86
4753 - Popeye II (Europe)
4754 - Popeye III - Wrestle Crazy (Europe)
4755 - Popeye Pinball
4756 - Popeye.crt"
4757 - Popples Christmas Adventure, A (USA)
4758 - Poseidon - Planet Eleven (Europe)
4759 - Poster Paster
4760 - Postman Pat
4761 - Postman Pat (Europe)
4762 - Postman Pat 2 [Contex]
4763 - Postman Pat 2 [DCS+Fantasy]
4764 - Postman Pat 2 [Nuclear]
4765 - Postman Pat 2 [Yankees+Beastie Boys]
4766 - Postman Pat 3
4767 - Postman Pat II (Europe)
4768 - Postman Pat III (Europe)
4769 - Pot Panic (Europe)
4770 - Potsworth (Europe)
4771 - Potty Painter
4772 - Potty Painter - In The Jungle (Europe)
4773 - Potty Pigeon
4774 - Potty Pigeon (Europe)
4775 - POW Adventure (Europe)
4776 - Power (USA)
4777 - Power at Sea
4778 - Power at Sea (USA)
4779 - Power Boat Race (USA)
4780 - Power Box (Europe)
4781 - Power Drift
4782 - Power Drift (USA)
4783 - Power Pyramids (Europe)
4784 - Power Signal Box (Europe)
4785 - Power Struggle (Europe)
4786 - Power, The
4787 - Power, The (USA)
4788 - Powerama (Europe)
4789 - Powerboat Simulator (Europe)
4790 - Powerboat USA
4791 - Powerplay - The Game of the Gods (USA)
4792 - Powerplay Hockey
4793 - Powerplay Hockey - USA vs USSR (USA)
4794 - Powers of Gloom (USA)
4795 - Powertrak (Europe)
4796 - Pozitronic (Europe)
4797 - PP Digger (Germany)
4798 - PP Hammer and his Pneumatic Weapon (USA)
4799 - Pra-Se (Europe)
4800 - Predator (Activision)
4801 - Predator [DD]
4802 - Predator [DSD, TDF]
4803 - Predator [FLT_Disk 1]
4804 - Predator [FLT_Disk 2]
4805 - Predator [FLT+INC]
4806 - Predator [FLT+TLC]
4807 - Predator [HGN]
4808 - Predator [Triad]
4809 - Predator 2 [F4CG]
4810 - Predator 2 [XF, Sike, L]
4811 - Predator II (Europe)
4812 - Predator, The
4813 - Premier II (Europe)
4814 - President
4815 - President (Europe)
4816 - President Elect - 1984 Edition (USA)
4817 - President Elect - 1988 Edition (USA)
4818 - Presidential Campaign (USA)
4819 - Price of Magik (Europe)
4820 - Pride
4821 - Pride (Europe)
4822 - Prime Ducks (USA)
4823 - Prince of Persia.crt"
4824 - Prince, The
4825 - Prince, The (Europe)
4826 - Princess and the Frog (USA)
4827 - Prison Riot (Europe)
4828 - Prisonball
4829 - Prisoner-Island (USA)
4830 - Pro Boxing
4831 - Pro Boxing (USA)
4832 - Pro Boxing Simulator (Europe)
4833 - Pro Mountain Bike Simulator (Europe)
4834 - Pro Tennis Simulator (Europe)
4835 - PROBE (Europe)
4836 - Prodigy, The (Europe)
4837 - Professional BMX Simulator
4838 - Professional Footballer (Europe)
4839 - Professional Gambler (USA)
4840 - Professional Skateboard Simulator (Europe)
4841 - Professional Ski Simulator (Europe)
4842 - Professional Snooker Simulator (Europe)
4843 - Professor IQ (USA)
4844 - Progolf (Europe)
4845 - Prohibition (France)
4846 - Project Firestart
4847 - Project Firestart [Disk 0]
4848 - Project Firestart.crt"
4849 - Project Hell-Storm
4850 - Project Hell-Storm (Europe)
4851 - Project SOL (Europe)
4852 - Project Space Station
4853 - Project Stealth Fighter (USA)
4854 - Project X (Europe)
4855 - Proof of Destruction
4856 - Prospector (ESP Software) (Europe)
4857 - Prospector (Program One, Inc.) (USA)
4858 - Protector (Mastertronic) (Europe)
4859 - Protium (Europe)
4860 - Protronix (Europe)
4861 - Prowler (Europe)
4862 - Psi Warrior (USA)
4863 - Psi-Droid (Europe)
4864 - Psion Attack (Europe)
4865 - Psycastria (Europe)
4866 - Psychic Kaos (Europe)
4867 - Psychic Kaos [Original]
4868 - Psychic Kaos [Triad]
4869 - Psycho Hopper
4870 - Psycho Hopper (Europe)
4871 - Psycho I (Europe)
4872 - Psycho III (Europe)
4873 - Psycho Pigs UXB
4874 - Psycho Pigs UXB (Europe)
4875 - Psycloid
4876 - Psycloid (Europe)
4877 - Psytron (USA)
4878 - Psyxx (Europe)
4879 - Pub Games
4880 - Pub Quest (Europe)
4881 - Pub Trivia
4882 - Pub Trivia (Europe)
4883 - Pucman (Germany)
4884 - Puffy's Saga (France)
4885 - Pull (Europe)
4886 - Pulse Warrior
4887 - Pulse Warrior (Europe)
4888 - Pulsoid
4889 - Pulsoid (Europe)
4890 - Punch and Judy (Europe)
4891 - Punchy
4892 - Punchy (Europe)
4893 - Punctuation Pete (Europe)
4894 - Punkt Punkt Punkt
4895 - Pure Seed
4896 - Pure-Stat Baseball - Manager Edition (USA)
4897 - Pure-Stat College Basketball (USA)
4898 - Purple Heart
4899 - Purple Heart (Europe)
4900 - Purple Turtles
4901 - Purple Turtles (Europe)
4902 - Push
4903 - Push (Markt Technik - 64'er) (Germany)
4904 - Push (Wicked Software) (Europe)
4905 - Push'em (Germany)
4906 - Push-It (Europe)
4907 - Puzzlacki (Europe)
4908 - Puzzle Gates of the Incas (USA)
4909 - Puzzle Mania (Europe)
4910 - Puzzle Panic
4911 - Puzzle Panic (USA)
4912 - Puzzle Shuffle (Europe)
4913 - Puzzlemaster (Germany)
4914 - Puzzlenoid (Germany)
4915 - Puzznic (Europe)
4916 - Pyjamarama! (Europe)
4917 - Pyramid (Europe)
4918 - Pyramid of Doom (USA)
4919 - Pyramid Pete (Europe)
4920 - Pyramid Puzzler (Europe)
4921 - Pyramid, The (Atlas Adventure Software) (Europe)
4922 - Pyramid, The (Fantasy Software Ltd.) (Europe)
4923 - Pyramide, Die (Europe)
4924 - Pythonesque
4925 - Q10 Tankbuster (Europe)
4926 - Q-bert
4927 - Q-bert.crt"
4928 - Qix
4929 - Quad
4930 - Quad II (Europe)
4931 - Quadra (Europe)
4932 - Quadrant
4933 - Quadrant (Europe)
4934 - Quadrato
4935 - Quadrato (Europe)
4936 - Quadris
4937 - Quadromania (Europe)
4938 - Quak-Attak (Europe)
4939 - Quake Minus 1
4940 - Quake Minus One (Europe)
4941 - Quango [Collection Disk 1]
4942 - Quango [Collection Disk 2]
4943 - Quann Tulla (Europe)
4944 - Quark IX (Andromeda Software) (Europe)
4945 - Quark IX (Commodore) (USA)
4946 - Quartet
4947 - Quartet (USA)
4948 - Quasar (Europe)
4949 - Quasar [Collection Disk 1]
4950 - Quasar [Collection Disk 2]
4951 - Quasar [Collection Disk 3]
4952 - Quasar Zone (USA)
4953 - Quasimodo (USA)
4954 - Que
4955 - Quedex
4956 - Quedex (Europe)
4957 - Queens (Europe)
4958 - Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
4959 - Quest for Tarek (USA)
4960 - Quest for the Garden of Eden (USA)
4961 - Quest for the Golden Eggcup, The (Europe)
4962 - Quest for the Holy Grail, The
4963 - Quest for the Holy Grail, The (Europe)
4964 - Quest of Kron, The
4965 - Quest of Kron, The (USA)
4966 - Quest of Merravid, The (Europe)
4967 - Quest of the Space Beagle, The (USA)
4968 - Quest, The
4969 - Quest, The (Commodore) (USA)
4970 - Quest, The (Penguin Software) (Europe)
4971 - Question of Sport, A
4972 - Question of Sport, A (Europe)
4973 - Questprobe 1 - The Hulk [Collection Disk 1]
4974 - Questprobe 1 - The Hulk [Collection Disk 2]
4975 - Questprobe 1 - The Hulk [Collection Disk 3]
4976 - Questprobe 1 - The Hulk [Collection Disk 4]
4977 - Questprobe 1 - The Hulk [Collection Disk 5]
4978 - Questprobe 1 - The Incredible Hulk (USA)
4979 - Questprobe 2 - Spiderman
4980 - Questprobe 2 - Spider-Man (USA)
4981 - Questprobe 3 - Fantastic 4
4982 - Questprobe 3 - The Human Torch and the Thing (USA)
4983 - Quick Draw McGraw
4984 - Quick Draw McGraw (Europe)
4985 - Quicksand (Europe)
4986 - Quill, The - Adventure Writing System (Europe)
4987 - Quink
4988 - Quink (USA)
4989 - Quintic Warrior (Europe)
4990 - Quinx (Europe)
4991 - Quo Vadis (Europe)
4992 - QX-9 (Germany)
4993 - R.I.S.K. [Triad 1]
4994 - R.I.S.K. [Triad 2]
4995 - R1-D1 Unit Attack
4996 - Rabbit Pie (Europe)
4997 - Race Against Time, The (Europe)
4998 - Race Chase (USA)
4999 - Race for the States (USA)
5000 - Race, The (Europe)
5001 - Races, The - Go Racing with Peter O'Sullevan (USA)
5002 - Racing Destruction Set
5003 - Racing Game, The (Europe)
5004 - Racing Manager, The (Europe)
5005 - Rack 'em Up! (USA)
5006 - Rad Ramp Racer (Europe)
5007 - Rad Warrior
5008 - Rad Warrior (USA)
5009 - Radar Landing (Europe)
5010 - Radar Rat Race
5011 - Radar Rat Race (USA)
5012 - Radax (Europe)
5013 - Radeloos (Netherlands)
5014 - Radius
5015 - Radius (Kingsoft) (Europe)
5016 - Radius (Players Software) (Europe)
5017 - Raft-Away River (USA)
5018 - Raging Beast
5019 - Raging Beast - Ole! (Europe)
5020 - Rags to Riches
5021 - Raid 2000 (Europe)
5022 - Raid on Bungeling Bay
5023 - Raid on Bungeling Bay (USA)
5024 - Raid on New York (USA)
5025 - Raid over Moscow (USA)
5026 - Raid Over Moscow [REM]
5027 - Raid Over Moscow [The Radiating Rader]
5028 - Raiders of the Lost Arch (USA)
5029 - Rail Boss (USA)
5030 - Railroad (Netherlands)
5031 - Railroad Works, The (USA)
5032 - Rails West! (USA)
5033 - Rainbow
5034 - Rainbow Islands
5035 - Rainbow Islands (Europe)
5036 - Rainbow Walker (USA)
5037 - Rally Cross (Anco) (Europe)
5038 - Rally Cross (Codemasters) (Europe)
5039 - Rally Driver
5040 - Rally Driver (Europe)
5041 - Rally Simulator (Europe)
5042 - Rally Speedway
5043 - Rally Speedway (USA)
5044 - Rallye
5045 - Rambo - First Blood Part 2
5046 - Rambo - First Blood Part II (Europe)
5047 - Rambo 3
5048 - Rambo III.crt"
5049 - Rampage
5050 - Rampage (USA)
5051 - Rampage [USA]
5052 - Rampart (Europe)
5053 - Ramparts (Europe)
5054 - Ranarama
5055 - Ranarama (Europe)
5056 - Ranch (USA)
5057 - Ransack (Europe)
5058 - Ransom (Europe)
5059 - Rape an Ape
5060 - Rapid Fire (Europe)
5061 - Rasputin
5062 - Rasputin (Europe)
5063 - Rastan
5064 - Rastan [FLT]
5065 - Rastan [Triad]
5066 - Raster Runner (Europe)
5067 - Rasterscan (Europe)
5068 - Rat Splat (Europe)
5069 - Rat, The (Europe)
5070 - Rator [Triad]
5071 - Rator [Triad+TEG]
5072 - Rats
5073 - Rats (Europe)
5074 - Rattler (Europe)
5075 - Raumpatrouillie (Europe)
5076 - Raw Recruit
5077 - Raw Recruit (Europe)
5078 - RBI 2 Baseball (Europe)
5079 - RCA - Radio Controlled Action (USA)
5080 - RDF 1985 - When Superpowers Collide (USA)
5081 - Reaction (Arcade) (Europe)
5082 - Reaction (Puzzle) (Europe)
5083 - Reactor
5084 - Reactor Run (Europe)
5085 - Reader Rabbit and the Fabulous Word Factory (USA).G64"
5086 - Real Ghostbusters, The (USA)
5087 - Real Stunt Experts
5088 - Real Stunt Experts, The (Europe)
5089 - Realm of Darkness (Europe)
5090 - Realm of Impossibility
5091 - Realm of Impossibility (USA)
5092 - Realm of the Trolls (Europe)
5093 - Realm! (Europe)
5094 - Rebel (Europe)
5095 - Rebel Bomber (USA)
5096 - Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (USA)
5097 - Rebel Planet (Europe)
5098 - Rebounder
5099 - Re-Bounder (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)
5100 - Re-Bounder (Europe)
5101 - Reckless Rufus (Europe)
5102 - Recog-Nice (Germany)
5103 - Red Alert (Europe)
5104 - Red Arrows
5105 - Red Arrows (Europe)
5106 - Red Heat
5107 - Red Heat (Europe)
5108 - Red L.E.D.
5109 - Red Led (Europe)
5110 - Red Max (Europe)
5111 - Red Moon (Europe)
5112 - Red Storm Rising.crt"
5113 - Redhawk
5114 - Redhawk (Europe)
5115 - Reflection (199x)(Resource)
5116 - Reflexis (Europe)
5117 - Relaxed Motions (Europe)
5118 - Renaissance (USA)
5119 - Renegade (Europe)
5120 - Renegade 3
5121 - Renegade F-16 (USA)
5122 - Renegade III - The Final Chapter (Europe)
5123 - Repton 3
5124 - Repton III (Europe)
5125 - Rescue on Fractalus!
5126 - Rescue on Fractalus! (USA)
5127 - Rescue Squad (Europe)
5128 - Retaliation (Europe)
5129 - Retro Ball (USA)
5130 - Retro Torque
5131 - Return of the Jedi
5132 - Return of the Jedi (Europe)
5133 - Return of the Mutant Camels
5134 - Return of the Mutant Camels (Europe)
5135 - Return of the Space Warriors (Europe)
5136 - Return to Earth (Europe)
5137 - Return to Eden (Europe)
5138 - Return to Oz (Europe)
5139 - Revelation (Europe)
5140 - Revenge of Defender
5141 - Revenge of Defender (USA)
5142 - Revenge of the Moon Goddess (Europe)
5143 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels
5144 - Revenge of the Mutant Camels (Europe)
5145 - Revenge of the Toothless Vampire
5146 - Revenge of the Toothless Vampire (Europe)
5147 - Revenger (USA)
5148 - Reversi
5149 - Reversi (USA)
5150 - Reversi GTI (Europe)
5151 - Revs (Europe)
5152 - Revs+ (Europe)
5153 - Rhymes & Riddles (USA)
5154 - Richard Petty's Talladega (USA)
5155 - Richtofen's Revenge
5156 - Rick Dangerous
5157 - Rick Dangerous (Europe)
5158 - Rick Dangerous II (USA)
5159 - Ricochet (Europe)
5160 - Ricochet Maze (USA)
5161 - Ricochet Muncher (USA)
5162 - Riddle of the Redstone (USA)
5163 - Rigel's Revenge
5164 - Rigel's Revenge (Europe)
5165 - Rik the Roadie (Europe)
5166 - Rimrunner
5167 - Rimrunner (Europe)
5168 - Ring of Power, The (Europe)
5169 - Rings of Medusa
5170 - Ringside (USA)
5171 - Ringside Seat (USA)
5172 - Ringwars
5173 - Ringwars (Europe)
5174 - RIOT (USA)
5175 - RISK - Rapid Intercept Seek and Kill (Europe)
5176 - Risk (Europe)
5177 - Risk (Joker Software) (Europe)
5178 - Ritter (Europe)
5179 - River Chase (Europe)
5180 - River Raid
5181 - River Raid (USA)
5182 - River Rescue - Racing Against Time (Europe)
5183 - RMS Titanic (Europe)
5184 - R-Nest
5185 - R-Nest (Europe)
5186 - Road Duels - The Corvette (Australia)
5187 - Road Race.crt"
5188 - Road Raiders (USA)
5189 - Road Rally USA (Europe)
5190 - Road Roller (Europe)
5191 - Road Runner (Europe)
5192 - Road Runner [ESI]
5193 - Road Runner [Triad]
5194 - Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Europe)
5195 - Road Runner.crt"
5196 - Road to Moscow (Electronic Arts) (USA)
5197 - Road Toad (Europe)
5198 - Road Warrior (Europe)
5199 - RoadBlasters (Europe)
5200 - Roadburner
5201 - Roadburner (Europe)
5202 - Roadtoad (USA)
5203 - Roadwar Europa (USA)
5204 - Roadwars (Europe)
5205 - Robbers of the Lost Tomb (USA)
5206 - Robby
5207 - Robin Hood - Legend Quest (Europe)
5208 - Robin Hood (USA)
5209 - Robin Hood Legend Quest
5210 - Robin of Sherwood
5211 - Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon (USA)
5212 - Robin of the Wood
5213 - Robin of the Wood (Europe)
5214 - Robin Smith's International Cricket (Europe)
5215 - Robin to the Rescue
5216 - Robo Runner (Europe)
5217 - Robobolt (Europe)
5218 - RoboCop (Europe)
5219 - Robocop 2
5220 - RoboCop 2.crt"
5221 - Robocop 3 [L]
5222 - RoboCop 3.crt"
5223 - RoboCop.crt"
5224 - Roboservant (Germany)
5225 - Robot Rascals - A Zany Scavenger Hunt (USA)
5226 - Robotron 2084
5227 - Robotron 2084 (USA)
5228 - Robotron 2084.crt"
5229 - Robots of Dawn
5230 - Robots of Dawn (USA)
5231 - Robozone (Europe)
5232 - Rock Band
5233 - Rock Fall
5234 - Rock n' Bolt
5235 - Rock n' Bolt (USA)
5236 - Rock 'n Wrestle (Europe)
5237 - Rock Star Ate my Hamster, A (Europe)
5238 - Rocket Ball (Europe)
5239 - Rocket Launch (Europe)
5240 - Rocketball
5241 - Rockfall (Reflectice Designs) (Europe)
5242 - Rockfall II (Europe)
5243 - Rockford
5244 - Rockford - The Arcade Game
5245 - Rock'n Roll (Europe)
5246 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 1]
5247 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 2]
5248 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 3]
5249 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 4]
5250 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 5]
5251 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 6]
5252 - Rock'n Wrestle [Collection Disk 7]
5253 - Rocky
5254 - Rocky (Europe)
5255 - Rocky Horror Show, the
5256 - Rocky Horror Show, The (Europe)
5257 - Rocky's Boots (USA)
5258 - Rodland
5259 - Rodland.crt"
5260 - Rodney to the Rescue (USA)
5261 - Rogue
5262 - Rogue (Europe)
5263 - Rogue Trooper
5264 - Rogue Trooper (Europe)
5265 - Roland's Ratrace
5266 - Roland's Ratrace (Europe)
5267 - Roll Call USA (USA)
5268 - Roll Over (Europe)
5269 - Rollaround
5270 - Rollaround (Europe)
5271 - Roller Ball
5272 - Rollerboard
5273 - Rollerboard (Europe)
5274 - Rollercoaster Rumbler (Europe)
5275 - Rollin (Europe)
5276 - Rolling Ronny (Europe)
5277 - Rolling Ronny [DOM]
5278 - Rolling Ronny [Phobia]
5279 - Rolling Thunder
5280 - Rolling Thunder (Europe)
5281 - Rolling Twins (Europe)
5282 - Rolloverture (USA)
5283 - Rome and the Barbarian (Europe)
5284 - Rome and the Barbarians
5285 - Rommel - Battles for North Africa (Australia)
5286 - Romper Room's I Love my Alphabet (USA)
5287 - Ronald Rubberduck (Europe)
5288 - Room Ten (Europe)
5289 - Rooter (Europe)
5290 - Rootin' Tootin'
5291 - Roulette Simulator (Europe)
5292 - Round About (USA)
5293 - Round the Bend! (Europe)
5294 - Roundabout
5295 - Roundabout (Europe)
5296 - Row Boat
5297 - Row Boat (USA)
5298 - Row Regatta (Europe)
5299 - Rowdy
5300 - Rox 64
5301 - Rox 64 (Europe)
5302 - Roy of the Rovers (Europe)
5303 - RSVP (USA)
5304 - R-Type
5305 - R-Type [HTL, Preview]
5306 - R-Type [Ikari, Preview]
5307 - R-Type [O, Preview]
5308 - R-Type [OASE, Preview]
5309 - R-Type [PHX+CON, Preview]
5310 - R-Type [TNF, Preview]
5311 - R-Type.crt"
5312 - Rubbish Monster (Germany)
5313 - Rubicon [BR+GP_Side A]
5314 - Rubicon [BR+GP_Side B]
5315 - Rubicon [Brains+GP_Side A]
5316 - Rubicon [Brains+GP_Side B]
5317 - Rubicon [GP_Side A]
5318 - Rubicon [GP_Side B]
5319 - Rubicon [NEI+GP_Side A]
5320 - Rubicon [NEI+GP_Side B]
5321 - Rubicon Alliance, The (USA)
5322 - Rubicon.CRT"
5323 - Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure (Europe)
5324 - Rug Rider (Europe)
5325 - Rugby - The World Cup (Europe)
5326 - Rugby Boss
5327 - Rugby Boss (Europe)
5328 - Rugby Coach (Europe)
5329 - Rugby League Manager (Europe)
5330 - Run for Gold (Europe)
5331 - Run for the Money (USA)
5332 - Run Like Hell (Europe)
5333 - Run the Gauntlet
5334 - Run the Gauntlet (Europe)
5335 - Runaway (Europe)
5336 - Running Man, The
5337 - Running Man, The (Europe)
5338 - Runway 64 (USA)
5339 - Rupert and the Toymaker's Party (Europe)
5340 - Rush'n Attack (USA)
5341 - Rygar
5342 - Rygar (Europe)
5343 - Ryshka (Europe)
5344 - S.W.A.T.
5345 - Sabotage (Europe)
5346 - Saboteur (Cable Software Ltd.) (Europe)
5347 - Saboteur (Durell Software) (Europe)
5348 - Saboteur 2
5349 - Saboteur II - Avenging Angel (Europe)
5350 - Sabre Wulf (Europe)
5351 - Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The
5352 - Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The (Europe)
5353 - Safe-Cracker
5354 - Safe-Cracker (Europe)
5355 - Sailing
5356 - Sailing (USA)
5357 - Saint & Greavsie (Europe)
5358 - Saint Dragon
5359 - Saint Dragon.crt"
5360 - Salamander [3532]
5361 - Salamander [NO]
5362 - Salamander [RWE]
5363 - Salamander [Side A_TAU]
5364 - Salamander [Side B_TAU]
5365 - Salamander.crt"
5366 - Saliva Kid
5367 - Saliva Kid (Europe)
5368 - Salvage III - The Master (USA)
5369 - Sam - Der Schatzsucher (Germany)
5370 - Samantha Fox Strip Poker
5371 - Samantha Fox Strip Poker (Europe)
5372 - Sammy Lightfoot
5373 - Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
5374 - Sam's Jam (Europe)
5375 - Samurai Trilogy
5376 - Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo
5377 - Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo (Europe)
5378 - Samurai Warrior.crt"
5379 - Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio (USA)
5380 - Santa's Christmas Capers (Europe)
5381 - Santolus
5382 - Sanxion
5383 - Sanxion (Europe)
5384 - Saracen (USA)
5385 - Sarakon (Germany)
5386 - SAS 2064 (Europe)
5387 - SAS Combat Simulator (Europe)
5388 - Satan (Spain)
5389 - Saturnlander (Germany)
5390 - Saturn's 10 Moons (Italy)
5391 - Saucer Attack! (Europe)
5392 - Savage (Europe)
5393 - Savage Island - Part I (USA)
5394 - Savage Island - Part II (USA)
5395 - Savage Island (Europe)
5396 - Save Me, Brave Knight
5397 - Save Me, Brave Knight (USA)
5398 - Save New York
5399 - Save New York.crt"
5400 - Save Your Teeth
5401 - SAXXON
5402 - Say Simon (USA)
5403 - Sblock - Sliding-Block Puzzles (Europe)
5404 - Scalextric
5405 - Scanner (Germany)
5406 - Scapeghost - Text (Europe)
5407 - Scarab (Germany)
5409 - Scare Bear (Europe)
5410 - Scare City Motel (USA)
5411 - Scarper! (Europe)
5412 - Scary Adventure
5413 - Scary Adventure (Europe)
5414 - Scary Hall
5415 - Scary Monsters
5416 - Scary Monsters (Europe)
5417 - Scenario (Germany)
5418 - Sceptre of Baghdad
5419 - Schatzsucher (Germany)
5420 - Schizofrenia (Europe)
5421 - SCI - Special Criminal Investigation.crt"
5422 - Scooby and Scrappy Doo (Europe)
5423 - Scooby Doo
5424 - Scooby Doo (Europe)
5425 - Scoop!, The (Europe)
5426 - Scorpio (Europe)
5427 - Scorpion (Europe)
5428 - Scorpius
5429 - Scorpius (Europe)
5430 - Scortia (USA)
5431 - Scottish League Football (Europe)
5432 - Scout
5433 - Scout (Europe)
5434 - Scramble 64
5435 - Scramble 64 (Europe)
5436 - Scramble Spirits
5437 - Scramble Spirits (Europe)
5438 - Scroll of Akbar Khan, The (Europe)
5439 - Scrolls of Abadon, The (USA)
5440 - Scruples (Europe)
5441 - Scuba Dive (Europe)
5442 - Scuba Kidz (Europe)
5443 - Scud-Busters (USA)
5444 - Scumball
5445 - Scumm
5446 - Scumm (Europe)
5447 - SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative (USA)
5448 - Sea Phantom, The (Europe)
5449 - Sea Search
5450 - Sea Wolf (USA)
5451 - Seabase Delta (Europe)
5452 - Seahorses
5453 - Seahorses (USA)
5454 - Search for King Solomon's Mines, The (USA)
5455 - Search for the Lost Dick (Europe)
5456 - Search for the Secret of Life, The (Europe)
5457 - Seas of Blood
5458 - Seaside Special (Europe)
5459 - Seastalker - Dive Deep Into Danger (USA)
5460 - Seawar (Netherlands)
5461 - Seawolfe (Europe)
5462 - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The
5463 - Secret Mission (USA)
5464 - Secret of Bastow Manor, The (USA)
5465 - Secret of Kandar (Europe)
5466 - Secret of Kublaih (USA)
5467 - Secret of St. Bride's, The (Europe)
5468 - Secret of the Silver Blades
5469 - Secret of the Silver Blades [Side C]
5470 - Secret of the Silver Blades [Side D]
5471 - Secret of the Silver Blades [Side E]
5472 - Secret of the Silver Blades [Side F]
5473 - Secrets of the Pyramid of Light
5474 - Sector 90 (Europe)
5475 - Seek and Destroy (Europe)
5476 - Seesaw
5477 - Seesaw (Europe)
5478 - Se-Kaa of Assiah (Europe)
5479 - Sensitive
5480 - Sensitive (USA)
5481 - Sensor (Europe)
5482 - Sentence
5483 - Sentence (Europe)
5484 - Sentinel
5485 - Sentinel (Street Games) (Europe)
5486 - Sentinel (Synapse Software) (USA)
5487 - Sentinel [Synsoft]
5488 - Sentinel, The
5489 - Sentry, The (Europe)
5490 - September (Europe)
5491 - Sequel (Germany)
5492 - Serenade
5493 - Sergeant Seymour - Robotcop (Europe)
5494 - Serpentine
5495 - Serpentine (USA)
5496 - Serpent's Star, The
5497 - Serve & Volley (USA)
5498 - Sesame Street - Pals Around Town (USA)
5499 - Sex Games
5500 - Sex Games (Europe)
5501 - Sex Vixens from Space (Europe)
5502 - Seymour at the Movies (Europe)
5503 - Sgt Slaughter's Mat Wars
5504 - Sgt Slaughters Mat Wars (USA)
5505 - Shackled (Europe)
5506 - Shades (Europe)
5507 - Shadow Dancer (Europe)
5508 - Shadow Force (Europe)
5509 - Shadow of the Beast
5510 - Shadow of the Beast.crt"
5511 - Shadow Skimmer
5512 - Shadow Skimmer (Europe)
5513 - Shadow Warriors (Europe)
5514 - Shadowfax
5515 - Shadowfax (Europe)
5516 - Shadowfire (USA)
5517 - Shadows of Mordor, The (Europe)
5518 - Shaft Raider (USA)
5519 - Shakey City (Europe)
5520 - Shaman (Europe)
5521 - Shamus
5522 - Shamus (USA)
5523 - Shamus Case 2
5524 - Shanghai (USA)
5525 - Shanghai Karate
5526 - Shanghai Karate (Europe)
5527 - Shanghai Karate 2
5528 - Shanghai Warriors (Europe)
5529 - Shao Lin's Road
5530 - Shao-Lin's Road (Europe)
5531 - Shape Shop (USA)
5532 - Shard of Inovar (Europe)
5533 - Shards
5534 - Shark
5535 - Sheep in Space
5536 - Sheep-Dog Trial (USA)
5537 - Sherlock (Europe)
5538 - Sherlock Holmes (Europe)
5539 - Shift (Europe)
5540 - Shifting Sands
5541 - Shiftrix (Germany)
5542 - Shinobi
5543 - Shinobi.crt"
5544 - Ship of the Line (Europe)
5545 - Shipwrecked!! (Europe)
5546 - Shirley Muldowney's Top Fuel Challenge (USA)
5547 - Shiver Me Timbers (Europe)
5548 - Shockway Rider
5549 - Shoe People, The (Europe)
5550 - Shogun (Europe)
5551 - Shoikan
5552 - Shoikan (Europe)
5553 - Shoot Out (Europe)
5554 - Shoot the Rapids (Europe)
5555 - Shooting Gallery (Courbois Software) (Netherlands)
5556 - Shooting Gallery (RSS) (USA)
5557 - Short Circuit
5558 - Shot Away
5559 - Shot the Goulds! (Italy)
5560 - Shots (USA)
5561 - Show Jumping (Europe)
5562 - Shuffle (Germany)
5563 - Shuffleboard
5564 - Shuffleboard (Europe)
5565 - Shuffler (Europe)
5566 - Side Arms
5567 - Sidewalk
5568 - Sidewalk [German]
5569 - Sidewinder
5570 - Sidewinder II
5571 - Sieg in Afrika (Canada)
5572 - Sigma 7
5573 - Sigma 7 (Europe)
5574 - Sign of the Sphinx (USA)
5575 - Silent Destruction
5576 - Silent Service (USA)
5577 - Silent Shadow (Spain)
5578 - Silicon Dreams (Europe)
5579 - Silicon Warrior
5580 - Silicon Warrior (USA)
5581 - Silk Worm
5582 - Silkworm (Europe)
5583 - Silly 64 (USA)
5584 - Silva Pod
5585 - Sim City
5586 - Sim City (France)
5587 - Simon (USA)
5588 - Simpsons, The
5589 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Europe)
5590 - Simpsons, The [Konami]
5591 - Simpsons, The [Konami] [Side C]
5592 - SimulGolf (Italy)
5593 - Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon
5594 - Sir Lancelot (USA)
5595 - Siren City
5596 - Siren City (Europe)
5597 - Sitting Target (Europe)
5598 - Six
5599 - Six (Europe)
5600 - Sixgun Shootout (USA)
5601 - Skate Crazy
5602 - Skate or Die
5603 - Skate or Die.crt"
5604 - Skate Rock
5605 - Skateboard Joust (Europe)
5606 - Skateboarding (USA)
5607 - SkateRock (Europe)
5608 - Skatin' USA (Europe)
5609 - Skegpool Rock (Europe)
5610 - Ski (USA)
5611 - Ski or Die [Side A_Extasy]
5612 - Ski or Die [Side B_Extasy]
5613 - Ski-Devil (Europe)
5614 - Skidz
5615 - Skier
5616 - Skier-64
5617 - Skier-64 (USA)
5618 - Skill Builders (Europe)
5619 - Ski-Three-Dee (USA)
5620 - Skool Daze
5621 - Skool Daze (Europe)
5622 - Skramble (Anirog Software) (Europe)
5623 - Skull (USA)
5624 - Skull and Crossbones
5625 - Skull and Crossbones (Europe)
5626 - Skull Island (USA)
5627 - Sky Diver's Danger (USA)
5628 - Sky High Stuntman (Europe)
5629 - Sky Runner (Europe)
5630 - Sky Shark (USA)
5631 - Sky Terror - Space Blitz (USA)
5632 - Sky Travel - A Window to Our Galaxy (USA)
5633 - Skyfox (Europe)
5634 - Skyfox (USA)
5635 - Skyfox 2
5636 - Skyline Attack (Europe)
5637 - Slaine (USA)
5638 - Slalom (Elwood Computers) (USA)
5639 - Slalom (Tronix) (USA)
5640 - Slamball
5641 - Slam-Dunk (Europe)
5642 - Slap and Tickle (Europe)
5643 - Slap Fight
5644 - Slap Shot
5645 - Slapfight
5646 - Slapshot (USA)
5647 - Slash (Germany)
5648 - Slayer
5649 - Sled Ride (USA)
5650 - Sleepwalker
5651 - Sleepwalker (E)
5652 - Sleepwalker (P)
5653 - Sleigh Surprise (USA)
5654 - Slembl
5655 - Slicks
5656 - Slicks (Europe)
5657 - Slide
5658 - Slide (Germany)
5659 - Slightly Magic (Europe)
5660 - Slimer
5661 - Slimey's Mine
5662 - Slimey's Mine (Europe)
5663 - Slinky
5664 - Slinky (USA)
5665 - Slot Car Racer (Europe)
5666 - Slot Machine Version I (USA)
5667 - Slot Machine Version II (USA)
5668 - Slugger, The
5669 - Slugger, The (Europe)
5670 - Slurpy
5671 - Sly Spy Secret Agent
5672 - Smaragd (Hungary)
5673 - Smash (Europe)
5674 - Smash T.V.
5675 - Smash the Windows (Europe)
5676 - Smash TV (Europe)
5677 - Smash-Ball (Germany)
5678 - Smasher
5679 - Smasher (Europe)
5680 - Smiley's Run (Germany)
5681 - Smugglers' Inn (Europe)
5682 - Smurf 2 - The Revenge (Netherlands)
5683 - Smurf Rescue
5684 - Smurf Rescue (Netherlands)
5685 - Snaffle (Europe)
5686 - Snake Byte (USA)
5687 - Snake for One (Europe)
5688 - Snake Mania
5689 - Snake Mania (Europe)
5690 - Snake-Pit (Europe)
5691 - Snakes (USA)
5692 - Snakman (USA)
5693 - Snap Dragon
5694 - Snare
5695 - Snare (Beyond Belief) (Europe)
5696 - Snare (Thalamus) (Europe)
5697 - Snipes (USA)
5698 - Snoball in Hell (Europe)
5699 - Snocat
5700 - Snodgits (Europe)
5701 - Snokie
5702 - Snokie (USA)
5703 - Snooker (Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Europe)
5704 - Snooker (Visions Software Factory) (Europe)
5705 - Snooker Management (Europe)
5706 - Snoopy
5707 - Snoopy (Netherlands)
5708 - Snow Queen, The (Europe)
5709 - Snow Strike
5710 - Snow Strike.crt"
5711 - Snowboard Race (Europe)
5712 - Snowman
5713 - Snowman (Europe)
5714 - Soccer 7 (Europe)
5715 - Soccer Boss (Europe)
5716 - Soccer Challenge (Europe)
5717 - Soccer Cup II (Europe)
5718 - Soccer Director (USA)
5719 - Soccer Pinball
5720 - Soccer Pinball (Europe)
5721 - Soccer Quiz (Europe)
5722 - Soccer Rivals
5723 - Soccer Rivals (Europe)
5724 - Soccer Star (Europe)
5725 - Soccer Supremo (Europe)
5726 - Software House (Europe)
5727 - Software Star
5728 - Software Star (Europe)
5729 - Solar Fox (USA)
5730 - Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship (USA)
5731 - Solar Jetman [Disk A]
5732 - Solar Jetman [Disk B]
5733 - Soldier of Fortune
5734 - Soldier of Fortune (Firebird) (Europe)
5735 - Soldier of Fortune (Graftgold)
5736 - Soldier of Light
5737 - Soldier of Light (Europe)
5738 - Soldier One
5739 - Solid I (Europe)
5740 - Solitair (Europe)
5741 - Solitax (Europe)
5742 - Solo Flight
5743 - Solo Flight - 2nd Edition (USA)
5744 - Solo Flight (Enhanced) (USA)
5745 - Solo Flight (USA)
5746 - Solomon's Key
5747 - Solomon's Key (Europe)
5748 - Son of Blagger (Europe)
5749 - Son of Blagger [Me+Clonekid 1]
5750 - Son of Blagger [Me+Clonekid 2]
5751 - Son of Blagger [Me+Clonekid 3]
5752 - Son of Blagger [R.A.P.]
5753 - Son of Blagger [unknown 1]
5754 - Son of Blagger [unknown 2]
5755 - Son of Blagger [unknown 3]
5756 - Son of Blagger [unknown 4]
5757 - Sonar Search (USA)
5758 - Sonic Boom
5759 - Sonic Boom (USA)
5760 - Sonic Boom! (USA)
5761 - Sonny The Snail (Germany)
5762 - Sooper Froot (USA)
5763 - Sooty and Sweep (Europe)
5764 - Sooty and Sweep's Fun with Numbers (Europe)
5765 - Sorcerer (Gilsoft) (Europe)
5766 - Sorcerer (Infocom) (USA)
5767 - Sorcerer Lord (Europe)
5768 - Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, The (USA)
5769 - Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (USA)
5770 - Sorcerer's Castle (USA)
5771 - Sorcery
5772 - Sorcery (Europe)
5773 - SOS - The Game with no Name (Europe)
5774 - SOS Terrorists (USA)
5775 - SOS Terrorists II (Europe)
5776 - Souls of Darkon
5777 - Souls of Darkon (Europe)
5778 - South Pacific Battles (USA)
5779 - Southern Belle (Europe)
5780 - Space Academy (Europe)
5781 - Space Ace (Europe)
5782 - Space Action
5783 - Space Action.crt"
5784 - Space Belt (USA)
5785 - Space Bomber (USA)
5786 - Space Business
5787 - Space Combat (USA)
5788 - Space Crusade
5789 - Space Crusade (Europe)
5790 - Space Doubt
5791 - Space Fight (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
5792 - Space Freeze (USA)
5793 - Space Galaxy
5794 - Space Gun
5795 - Space Gun.crt"
5796 - Space Gunner (USA)
5797 - Space Harrier
5798 - Space Harrier 2
5799 - Space Harrier II (Europe)
5800 - Space Harrier.crt"
5801 - Space Hero - The Hero (Europe)
5802 - Space Hit
5803 - Space Hockey
5804 - Space Hunter
5805 - Space Hunter (Europe)
5806 - Space Journey (Europe)
5807 - Space Knight (Hungary)
5808 - Space Math (USA)
5809 - Space Mayhem (Europe)
5810 - Space Maze
5811 - Space Mission (Europe)
5812 - Space Pirate (Europe)
5813 - Space Relief (Europe)
5814 - Space Rendez Vous (Netherlands)
5815 - Space Ric-o-shay (USA)
5816 - Space Rider (Europe)
5817 - Space Rogue [Boot Disk]
5818 - Space Rogue [Data Disk]
5819 - Space Search (Europe)
5820 - Space Sentinel (USA)
5821 - Space Ship (Europe)
5822 - Space Shuttle.crt"
5823 - Space Station Hippy
5824 - Space Station Oblivion (USA)
5825 - Space Taxi
5826 - Space Taxi (Europe)
5827 - Space Towers (Europe)
5828 - Space Trap
5829 - Space Tunnel (Europe)
5830 - Space Vegetable Corps, The (Europe)
5831 - Space Walk (Caesar Software) (USA)
5832 - Space War
5833 - Space Warrior (Caesar Software) (USA)
5834 - Space Warriors (Europe)
5835 - Space Zap
5836 - Space-Ball II (Germany)
5837 - Spacebike
5838 - Spacebike (Europe)
5839 - Spacebomb
5840 - Spacebomb (USA)
5841 - Spacefighter (Europe)
5842 - Space-Pilot
5843 - Space-Pilot (Europe)
5844 - Space-Pilot 2
5845 - Space-Pilot II (Europe)
5846 - Spaghetti Western Simulator (Europe)
5847 - Spanish Treasure, The (USA)
5848 - Spare Change (USA)
5849 - Spartacus - The Swordslayer (Europe)
5850 - Spatial Billiard (USA)
5851 - Special Agent
5852 - Special Agent (Firebird) (Europe)
5853 - Special Agent (Five Ways Software) (Europe)
5854 - Special Delivery - Santa's Christmas Chaos (Europe)
5855 - Special Operations (Europe)
5856 - Speed - Bingo Math (USA)
5857 - Speed Ball (USA)
5858 - Speed Buggy (USA)
5859 - Speed King
5860 - Speed King (Digital Integration) (Europe)
5861 - Speed King (Europe)
5862 - Speed Racer (USA)
5863 - Speed Reader (USA)
5864 - Speed Zone (Europe)
5865 - Speed Zone II (Europe)
5866 - Speedball
5867 - Speedball (Europe)
5868 - Speedball II (Europe)
5869 - Speedball.crt"
5870 - Speed-O-Cycles (USA)
5871 - Speedway-Hero (Europe)
5872 - Speedy Delivery (USA)
5873 - Speedy Slug
5874 - Speedy Slug (Germany)
5875 - Spell of Destruction (USA)
5876 - Spellbound (MAD) (Europe)
5877 - Spellbound (Ocean) (Europe)
5878 - Spellbound [Mastertronic]
5879 - Spellbound [Ocean]
5880 - Spellbound Dizzy (Europe)
5881 - Spellbreaker (USA)
5882 - Spelldiver (USA)
5883 - Spelling Invader (Europe)
5884 - Spellseeker (Europe)
5885 - Spelunker
5886 - Spelunker (USA)
5887 - Spherical (Europe)
5888 - Spheron (Germany)
5889 - Spider and the Fly
5890 - Spider and the Fly (Europe)
5891 - Spider Mountain Adventure (USA)
5892 - Spider Web (Europe)
5893 - Spiderbot
5894 - Spiderbot (USA)
5895 - Spiders (Netherlands)
5896 - Spike's Peak
5897 - Spikey in Transylvania
5898 - Spikey in Transylvania (Europe)
5899 - Spiky Harold (Europe)
5900 - Spindizzy
5901 - Spindizzy (USA)
5902 - Spindizzy 2
5903 - Spirit of the Stones
5904 - Spitball (USA)
5905 - Spite & Malice (USA)
5906 - Spite and Malice
5907 - Spitfire (Europe)
5908 - Spitfire '40 (Europe)
5909 - Spitfire Ace (MicroProse Software) (USA)
5910 - Spitfire Ace (US Gold) (Europe)
5911 - Spitting Image - The Computer Game (Europe)
5912 - Splat! (Europe)
5913 - Split Personalities
5914 - Split Personalities (Europe)
5915 - Splitter
5916 - Spook - The Game (Europe)
5917 - Spooked (Europe)
5918 - Spooks (Europe)
5919 - Spooky Castle
5920 - Spooky Castle (Europe)
5921 - Spooky House Adventure (Europe)
5922 - Spore (Europe)
5923 - Sport of Kings (Europe)
5924 - Sporting News Baseball, The
5925 - Sporting News Baseball, The (USA)
5926 - Spot (Europe)
5927 - Springreiten (Europe)
5928 - Spriteman 64
5929 - Spriteman 64 (Europe)
5930 - Spuk (Germany)
5931 - Spy Hunter
5932 - Spy Hunter.crt"
5933 - Spy School
5934 - Spy School (Europe)
5935 - Spy Strikes Back!, The (Europe)
5936 - Spy Trek
5937 - Spy Trek (USA)
5938 - Spy vs Spy
5939 - Spy vs Spy (USA)
5940 - Spy vs Spy 2
5941 - Spy vs Spy 3
5942 - Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper (USA)
5943 - Spy vs Spy III - Arctic Antics (USA)
5944 - Spy Who Loved Me, the
5945 - Sqij! (Europe)
5946 - Square (USA)
5947 - Square Out
5948 - Square Pairs (USA)
5949 - Square Sphere (USA)
5950 - Square Supremacy (USA)
5951 - Square-Scape (USA)
5952 - Squash
5953 - Squash (USA)
5954 - Squeak! (Europe)
5955 - Squing (Europe)
5956 - Squirm (Europe)
5957 - Squish 'em
5958 - Squish 'em (USA)
5959 - SST - Super Swithers Target (USA)
5960 - St. Jives (Europe)
5961 - Stack 64 Simon (Europe)
5962 - Stack Concentration (Europe)
5963 - Stack Up
5964 - Stack Up (Europe)
5965 - Staff of Karnath
5966 - Staff of Karnath, The
5967 - Staff of Karnath, The (USA)
5968 - Staff of Law, The (Europe)
5969 - Stagger
5970 - Stagger (Germany)
5971 - Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World, The (Europe)
5972 - Stairways (Europe)
5973 - Stalag 1
5974 - Star Ball
5975 - Star Ball (Europe)
5976 - Star Battle (Timeworks, Inc.) (USA)
5977 - Star Brain (Germany)
5978 - Star Command (Europe)
5979 - Star Control
5980 - Star Control (USA)
5981 - Star Crash (Europe)
5982 - Star Empire (USA)
5983 - Star Fleet 1
5984 - Star Fleet I - The War Begins! (1st Edition) (Europe)
5985 - Star Fleet I - The War Begins! (2nd Edition) (Europe)
5986 - Star Force (Europe)
5987 - Star League Baseball (USA)
5988 - Star Maze
5989 - Star Maze (USA)
5990 - Star Paws
5991 - Star Paws (Europe)
5992 - Star Post
5993 - Star Post.crt"
5994 - Star Raiders II (Europe)
5995 - Star Ranger.crt"
5996 - Star Rank Boxing (USA)
5997 - Star Rank Boxing II (USA)
5998 - Star Ship Entry
5999 - Star Slayer (Europe)
6000 - Star Soldier
6001 - Star Tracker (Europe)
6002 - Star Trader (Europe)
6003 - Star Trek
6004 - Star Trek - The Computer Game (USA)
6005 - Star Trek - The Rebel Universe (Europe)
6006 - Star Trek (Cascade Games Ltd.) (Europe)
6007 - Star Trek (Sharedata, Inc. + Green Valley Publishing, Inc.) (USA)
6008 - Star Trek [Sega]
6009 - Star Trek [Toronto PET User's Group]
6010 - Star Trek.crt"
6011 - Star Trooper (Europe)
6012 - Star Wars
6013 - Star Wars - The Arcade Game.crt"
6014 - Star Wars (USA)
6015 - Starace (Europe)
6016 - Starball
6017 - Starball (Europe)
6018 - Starbyte Supersoccer (Germany)
6019 - Starcross (USA)
6020 - Stardragon
6021 - Stareggs (Germany)
6022 - Starfighter
6023 - Starfighter (Europe)
6024 - Starfighter I (USA)
6025 - Starfire
6026 - Starfire (USA)
6027 - Starflight - A Cosmic Adventure (Europe)
6028 - Starforce (Europe)
6029 - Starforce Fighter (Europe)
6030 - Starforce Nova (Europe)
6031 - Starglider
6032 - Starglider (Europe)
6033 - Starion
6034 - Starion (Europe)
6035 - Starlab (USA)
6036 - Star-Lifter (Europe)
6037 - Starlight Zone, The
6038 - Starlight Zone, The (Europe)
6039 - Starquake
6040 - Starquake (Europe)
6041 - Stars and Rings (USA)
6042 - Stars and Rings II (USA)
6043 - Stars and Rings III (USA)
6044 - StarTrash (Europe)
6045 - Star-Wreck (Europe)
6046 - Stationfall (USA)
6047 - Stealth
6048 - Stealth (USA)
6049 - Stealth Mission (USA)
6050 - Steel
6051 - Steel Eagle (Europe)
6052 - Steel Thunder (USA)
6053 - Steg the Slug
6054 - Steg the Slug (Europe)
6055 - Steigar (Europe)
6056 - Stellar 7 [Penguin Software]
6057 - Stellar 7.crt"
6058 - Stellar Dodger (Europe)
6059 - Stellar Strike
6060 - Stellar Triumph (Europe)
6061 - Stellar Wars
6062 - Step on Step (Europe)
6063 - Sterntaler (Germany)
6064 - Steve Crossland - Sub Commander (USA)
6065 - Steve Davis Snooker
6066 - Steve Davis Snooker (Europe)
6067 - Steve Keene Private Spy
6068 - Steve Keene Private Spy [Side C]
6069 - Steve Keene Private Spy [Side D]
6070 - Steve Keene Private Spy [Side E]
6071 - Steve Keene Private Spy [Side F]
6072 - Stifflip & Co. (Europe)
6073 - Sting 64 (Europe)
6074 - Stir Crazy featuring BoBo (France)
6075 - Stix
6076 - Stix (Europe)
6077 - Stock Car (Europe)
6078 - Stock Market (Europe)
6079 - Stocker
6080 - Stocker (USA)
6081 - Stocks and Bonds (USA)
6082 - Stone Age
6083 - Stone Table, The (Europe)
6084 - Stones (Germany)
6085 - Stop the Express
6086 - Stoppt den Calippo-Fresser
6087 - STORM (Europe)
6088 - Storm Across Europe (USA)
6089 - Storm Warrior
6090 - Storm Warrior (Elite+Encore) (Europe)
6091 - Stormbringer
6092 - Stormbringer (Europe)
6093 - Stormlord
6094 - Stormlord (Europe)
6095 - Stormtrooper (Europe)
6096 - Story House (Europe)
6097 - Story Machine (USA)
6098 - Stowaway (USA)
6099 - Stranded
6100 - Strange Odyssey (USA)
6101 - Strangeloop (Europe)
6102 - Stratego
6103 - Stratego (USA)
6104 - Stratton (Europe)
6105 - Street Beat
6106 - Street Beat (Europe)
6107 - Street Cat (USA)
6108 - Street Cred Boxing
6109 - Street Cred Boxing (Europe)
6110 - Street Cred Football
6111 - Street Cred Football (Europe)
6112 - Street Fighter [GO!_Ikari]
6113 - Street Fighter [GO!_REM]
6114 - Street Fighter 2 [Legend+TSM]
6115 - Street Fighter II (Europe)
6116 - Street Fighter.crt"
6117 - Street Gang (Europe)
6118 - Street Hassle (Europe)
6119 - Street Life (Europe)
6120 - Street Machine (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
6121 - Street Machine (Software Invasion) (USA)
6122 - Street Slaughter
6123 - Street Sports Baseball
6124 - Street Sports Baseball (USA)
6125 - Street Sports Basketball
6126 - Street Sports Basketball (USA)
6127 - Street Sports Football
6128 - Street Sports Soccer
6129 - Street Sports Soccer (USA)
6130 - Street Surfer
6131 - Street Surfer (Europe)
6132 - Street Warriors (Europe)
6133 - Streets of London (Europe)
6134 - Strider
6135 - Strider (Europe)
6136 - Strider 2
6137 - Strider II (Europe)
6138 - Strike Aces (USA)
6139 - Strike Force Cobra
6140 - Strike Force Cobra (Europe)
6141 - Strike Force Harrier (Europe)
6142 - Strike! (Europe)
6143 - Striker (Europe)
6144 - Striker in the Crypt of Trogan
6145 - Striker in the Crypts of Trogan (Europe)
6146 - Striker Manager (Europe)
6147 - Strip Poker 3
6148 - Strip Poker II (Byte-Back) (Europe)
6149 - Strip Poker II (Data Stream) (USA)
6150 - Strip Tavla (Europe)
6151 - Stroker
6152 - Stroker (Europe)
6153 - Strontium Dog and the Death Gauntlet (Europe)
6154 - Stuffy (Europe)
6155 - Stun Runner
6156 - STUN Runner (Europe)
6157 - Stunt Bike Simulator (Europe)
6158 - Stunt Car Racer
6159 - Stunt Car Racer (Europe)
6160 - Stuntman (Europe)
6161 - Stuntman Seymour (Europe)
6162 - Su Sweet (Europe)
6163 - Sub Battle Simulator
6164 - Sub Hunt
6165 - Sub Hunt 64 (Europe)
6166 - Subbuteo (Europe)
6167 - Submarine
6168 - Submarine Run (USA)
6169 - Submarine Warfare (USA)
6170 - Submarines (Europe)
6171 - Subsonic
6172 - Subsunk
6173 - Subsunk (Europe)
6174 - Subterranea
6175 - Suburban Commando (Europe)
6176 - Subway Vigilante
6177 - Subway Vigilante (Europe)
6178 - Successors of the Throne, The - War for the Crown II (Germany)
6179 - Suicide Express
6180 - Suicide Express (Europe)
6181 - Suicide Solution
6182 - Suicide Strike
6183 - Suicide Strike (USA)
6184 - Sum Ducks (USA)
6185 - Summer Camp
6186 - Summer Camp (Europe)
6187 - Summer Games
6188 - Summer Games 2
6189 - Summer Games 2.crt"
6190 - Summer Games.crt"
6191 - Summer Olympiad
6192 - Sumo Wrestlers (USA)
6193 - Sun Star
6194 - Sun Star (Europe)
6195 - Supa-Catcha-Troopa! (Europe)
6196 - Super Alien.crt"
6197 - Super Black Belt Karate (USA)
6198 - Super Blitz (USA)
6199 - Super Boulder Dash (USA)
6200 - Super Bowl 20
6201 - Super Bowl XX (Europe)
6202 - Super Bunny (USA)
6203 - Super Cars
6204 - Super Cars (Europe)
6205 - Super Cross (Italy)
6206 - Super Cubert (Europe)
6207 - Super Cup Football (Europe)
6208 - Super Cycle
6209 - Super Cycle (USA)
6210 - Super Cycle [REM]
6211 - Super Dogfight (Europe)
6212 - Super Dominos Brothers (USA)
6213 - Super Dragon Slayer (Europe)
6214 - Super G-Man
6215 - Super Gran - The Adventure (Europe)
6216 - Super Gran (Europe)
6217 - Super Gridder (Europe)
6218 - Super Hang-On
6219 - Super Hang-On (Europe)
6220 - Super Hero (Europe)
6221 - Super Huey (USA)
6222 - Super League (Europe)
6223 - Super Nibbly
6224 - Super Nudge 2000 (Europe)
6225 - Super Pac-Man
6226 - Super Pac-Man (Europe)
6227 - Super Pinball
6228 - Super Pipeline
6229 - Super Pipeline (Europe)
6230 - Super Pipeline 2 [Collection Disk 1]
6231 - Super Pipeline 2 [Collection Disk 2]
6232 - Super Pipeline II (Europe)
6233 - Super Rider (Europe)
6234 - Super Robin Hood
6235 - Super Robin Hood (Europe)
6236 - Super Scoop (Europe)
6237 - Super Scramble Simulator
6238 - Super Scramble Simulator (Europe)
6239 - Super Seymour
6240 - Super Seymour (Europe)
6241 - Super Skramble! (Europe)
6242 - Super Smash
6243 - Super Smash (USA)
6244 - Super Smash.crt"
6245 - Super Snake Simulator (Europe)
6246 - Super Soccer
6247 - Super Soccer (Imagine) (Europe)
6248 - Super Soccer (Memory Soft) (Europe)
6249 - Super Space Invaders (Europe)
6250 - Super Sprint
6251 - Super Sprint (Europe)
6252 - Super Spy (Europe)
6253 - Super Squash 88
6254 - Super Squash 88 (USA)
6255 - Super Star Trek (USA)
6256 - Super Stock Car (Europe)
6257 - Super Stunt Man (Europe)
6258 - Super Sunday - The Office of the General Manager (USA)
6259 - Super Tact (Europe)
6260 - Super Tank Simulator (Europe)
6261 - Super Trolley
6262 - Super Trolley (Europe)
6263 - Super Trucker (Europe)
6264 - Super Wonderboy in Monsterland.crt"
6265 - Super Zaxxon
6266 - Super Zaxxon (HesWare) (USA)
6267 - Super Zaxxon.crt"
6268 - Superbike (Europe)
6269 - Supercuda (USA)
6270 - Superhero (Europe)
6271 - Superkid (Europe)
6272 - Superkid in Space
6273 - Superkid in Space (Europe)
6274 - Superleague Soccer (Europe)
6275 - Superman.crt"
6276 - Supermaze
6277 - Supermind (USA)
6278 - Super-Penetrator
6279 - Supersports (Europe)
6280 - Superstar Ice Hockey (USA)
6281 - Superstar Ice Hockey [REM]
6282 - Superstar Ice Hockey [UCF]
6283 - Superstar Ping-Pong
6284 - Superstar Ping-Pong (Europe)
6285 - Superstar Soccer
6286 - Superstar Soccer (USA)
6287 - SuperTed (Europe)
6288 - Supremacy [DOM]
6289 - Supremacy [DOM+ATC]
6290 - Supremacy [DOM+NEI+ATC, HTL]
6291 - Supremacy.crt"
6292 - Surf City (USA)
6293 - Surfchamp
6294 - Surfchamp (Europe)
6295 - Survival of the Fittest (Europe)
6296 - Survive! (USA)
6297 - Survivors, The (Europe)
6298 - Suspect (USA)
6299 - Suspended (USA)
6300 - SWAG (Europe)
6301 - Swamp Attack (USA)
6302 - Swamp Fever
6303 - Swap (Europe)
6304 - SWAT (Europe)
6305 - Sweep (Europe)
6306 - Sweet Sixteen (USA)
6307 - Swiss Family Robinson (USA)
6308 - Switchblade (Europe)
6309 - Switcher
6310 - SWIV
6311 - SWIV.crt"
6312 - Sword of Fargoal
6313 - Sword of Fargoal, The (USA)
6314 - Sword of Honour
6315 - Sword of Honour - Copy
6316 - Sword of Honour [Instructions]
6317 - Sword of Honour.crt"
6318 - Sword of Kopru (USA)
6319 - Sword of Zedek, The (USA)
6320 - Swordpoint (USA)
6321 - Syncro
6322 - Syncro 2
6323 - Synex
6324 - Sysiphus (Europe)
6325 - Sysiphus in Agypten (Europe)
6326 - System (Germany)
6327 - System 15000 (Europe)
6328 - System II - Move the Stones (Germany)
6329 - System III - The Final Stone (Germany)
6330 - System-4 (Europe)
6331 - T2 Judgement day.crt"
6332 - Table Tennis (Europe)
6333 - TAC - Tactical Armor Command (USA)
6334 - Tag-Team Wrestling
6335 - Tai Chi Tortoise
6336 - Tai Chi Tortoise (Europe)
6337 - Tales of Boon
6338 - Tales of the Arabian Nights
6339 - Tales of the Arabian Nights (Europe)
6340 - Tales of the Cat
6341 - Tales of the Cat (Europe)
6342 - Tales of the Cat [1001]
6343 - Tamer
6344 - Tangent
6345 - Tangent (Europe)
6346 - Tanium - Warhawk II (Europe)
6347 - Tank (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
6348 - Tank (Ocean) (Europe)
6349 - Tank Action
6350 - Tank Action (Europe)
6351 - Tank Atak (Europe)
6352 - Tank Division (Europe)
6353 - Tank Wars.crt"
6354 - Tankattack (Europe)
6355 - Tanker Rescue (Europe)
6356 - Tanks (RadarSoft) (Netherlands)
6357 - Tanks (RadarSoft) (Netherlands)-1
6358 - Tapper
6359 - Tapper.crt"
6360 - Target Renegade
6361 - Target Renegade.crt"
6362 - Targon-64 (USA)
6363 - Tarzan
6364 - Tarzan (Europe)
6365 - Tarzan Goes Ape! (Europe)
6366 - Task 3
6367 - Task III (Europe)
6368 - Task-F (Australia)
6369 - Taskforce (Europe)
6370 - Taskmaster (Europe)
6371 - Tass Times in Tonetown
6372 - Tau Ceti
6373 - Tau Ceti (Europe)
6374 - Tazz (Europe)
6375 - T-Bird (Europe)
6376 - Teacherbusters
6377 - Team Championship (Europe)
6378 - Team Championship II (Europe)
6379 - Team Tetris (Europe)
6380 - Techno Cop.crt"
6381 - Techno Plyn (Europe)
6382 - Tectron (Europe)
6383 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op! (Europe)
6384 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [3532_Disk 1]
6385 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [3532_Disk 2]
6386 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [Enigma, Preview]
6387 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [F4CG_Disk 1]
6388 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [F4CG_Disk 2]
6389 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [Hotline]
6390 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [Sharks+Exc]
6391 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [Sharks+Exc+AEG]
6392 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [Unique, Preview]
6393 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [Konami] [X-Ray]
6394 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [X-Ray_Disk 1]
6395 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles [X-Ray_Disk 2]
6396 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Horizon+Crusade_Disk 1]
6397 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Horizon+Crusade_Disk 2]
6398 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Horizon+Crusade_Disk 3]
6399 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Horizon+Crusade_Disk 4]
6400 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Mirage_Disk 1]
6401 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Mirage_Disk 2]
6402 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Mirage_Disk 3]
6403 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Mirage_Disk 4]
6404 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC_Disk 1]
6405 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC_Disk 2]
6406 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC_Disk 3]
6407 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC_Disk 4]
6408 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+GP_Disk 1]
6409 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+GP_Disk 2]
6410 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+GP_Disk 3]
6411 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+GP_Disk 4]
6412 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+HTL_Disk 1]
6413 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+HTL_Disk 2]
6414 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+HTL_Disk 3]
6415 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [NEC+HTL_Disk 4]
6416 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles World Tour (USA)
6417 - Teenage Mutants Hero Turtles World Tour (Europe)
6418 - Telengard (USA)
6419 - Temple of Apshai Trilogy
6420 - Temple of Apshai Trilogy (USA)
6421 - Temple of Apshai, The
6422 - Temple of Terror
6423 - Ten Little Indians (Europe)
6424 - Ten Pin Bowling (USA)
6425 - Ten Speed (Europe)
6426 - Tennis
6427 - Tennis.crt"
6428 - Tenract 2
6429 - Tenract II - The Evil Is Back Again (Europe)
6430 - Terminus
6431 - Terra Cognita
6432 - Terra Cognita (Europe)
6433 - Terra Cresta (Europe)
6434 - Terra Cresta [Collection Disk 1]
6435 - Terra Cresta [REM]
6436 - Terrafighter (Europe)
6437 - Terramex
6438 - Terramex (Europe)
6439 - Terror Castle (Europe)
6440 - Terror of the Deep (Europe)
6441 - Terrormolinos
6442 - Terrormolinos (Europe)
6443 - Terrorpods (Europe)
6444 - Terry's Big Adventure
6445 - Terry's Big Adventure (Europe)
6446 - Test Drive
6447 - Test Drive 2 [Master Disk]
6448 - Test Drive 2 [Scenery Disk]
6449 - Test Drive.crt"
6450 - Tether Terrain (USA)
6451 - Tetrad (USA)
6452 - Tetrados
6453 - Tetrados (Europe)
6454 - Tetris
6455 - Tetris (Mirrorsoft Ltd.) (Europe)
6456 - Tetroid
6457 - TGIF (USA)
6458 - Th!nk Cross (Europe)
6459 - Thai Boxing
6460 - Thai Boxing [Collection Disk 1]
6461 - Thai Boxing [Collection Disk 2]
6462 - Thai Boxing [Collection Disk 3]
6463 - Thai Boxing [Collection Disk 4]
6464 - Thai Boxing [Collection Disk 5]
6465 - Thanatos (Europe)
6466 - The 5th Axis
6467 - The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown.crt"
6468 - The Fifth Axis
6469 - The Great Escape
6470 - The Human Race
6471 - The Last Ninja.crt"
6472 - The Sentinel
6473 - The Way of the Exploding Fist
6474 - The Way of the Tiger.crt"
6475 - Theatre Europe
6476 - Theatre Europe (Europe)
6477 - Theseus and the Minotaur (Europe)
6478 - They $tole a Million (Europe)
6479 - They Stole a Million
6480 - Thin Ice (Europe)
6481 - Thing Bounces Back
6482 - Thing Bounces Back (Europe)
6483 - Thing on a Spring
6484 - Thing on a Spring (Europe)
6485 - Think Cross
6486 - Think Fast (Germany)
6487 - Thinker, The (Europe)
6488 - This is E.F. IGES - Interactive Game Editor System (Europe)
6489 - Thomas the Tank Engine
6490 - Thompson Twins Adventure, The (Europe)
6491 - Three Stooges, the
6492 - Three Stooges, the [Side C]
6493 - Through the Trap Door
6494 - Through the Trapdoor (Europe)
6495 - Thrust
6496 - Thrust (Europe)
6497 - Thrust 2
6498 - Thrust II (Europe)
6499 - Thruster Ball
6500 - Thud (Europe)
6501 - Thud Ridge - American Aces in 'Nam (USA)
6502 - Thunder Blade [Bros]
6503 - Thunder Blade [Light]
6504 - Thunder Bombs (Europe)
6505 - Thunder Boy
6506 - Thunder Force (Europe)
6507 - Thunder Jaws
6508 - Thunderbird
6509 - Thunderbird (USA)
6510 - Thunderbirds
6511 - Thunderbirds (Firebird) (Europe)
6512 - Thunderbirds (Grandslam Entertainment Ltd.) (Europe)
6513 - Thunderbirds [Grandslam_3532]
6514 - Thunderbirds [Grandslam_DCS]
6515 - Thunderbirds [Grandslam_FLT]
6516 - ThunderBlade (USA)
6517 - Thunderblade.crt"
6518 - ThunderBolt (Europe)
6519 - Thunderboy (Europe)
6520 - Thundercats
6521 - Thunderchopper
6522 - Thunderchopper (USA)
6523 - Thundercross
6524 - Thundercross (Europe)
6525 - Tibo's Tale (Europe)
6526 - Tic Tac Show (USA)
6527 - Ticker (USA)
6528 - Tic-Tac-Toe (USA)
6529 - Tiebreaker (Europe)
6530 - Tiger Hell
6531 - Tiger Mission
6532 - Tiger Mission (USA)
6533 - Tiger Road (USA)
6534 - Tiger Tank
6535 - Tiger Tank (Australia)
6536 - Tiger Tanks (USA)
6537 - Tigers in the Snow (USA)
6538 - Tilt (Codemasters) (Europe)
6539 - Tilt (Genias + LinEL) (Europe)
6540 - Time and Magik - Text Version (Europe)
6541 - Time Bomb (USA)
6542 - Time Crystal, The (USA)
6543 - Time Fighter (Europe)
6544 - Time Machine (USA)
6545 - Time Machine [3532]
6546 - Time Machine [FLT, Light, Crazy, Crest]
6547 - Time Machine [Triad, F4CG, CEN]
6548 - Time Machine, The (Europe)
6549 - Time Out
6550 - Time Puzzle
6551 - Time Runner (USA)
6552 - Time Scanner (USA)
6553 - Time Search (USA)
6554 - Time Soldier (USA)
6555 - Time Thief (USA)
6556 - Time Traveller (Audiogenic Software Ltd.) (Europe)
6557 - Time Trax
6558 - Time Tunnel
6559 - Time Tunnel (Europe)
6560 - Time Warp (Europe)
6561 - Timepuzzle (Europe)
6562 - Timerunner
6563 - Times of Lore
6564 - Times of Lore (USA)
6565 - Timezone (CP Verlag - Magic Disk 64) (Europe)
6566 - Tip Trick
6567 - Tip-Trick (Europe)
6568 - Tit Bit
6569 - Titan (Europe)
6570 - Titania Base (USA)
6571 - Titanic (Europe)
6572 - Titanic Blinky (Europe)
6573 - Titans (Europe)
6574 - TKO (USA)
6575 - To Be on Top
6576 - To Be on Top (Europe)
6577 - Toadforce (Europe)
6578 - Token of Ghall, The
6579 - Token of Ghall, The (Europe)
6580 - Toki.crt"
6581 - Tolteka (Europe)
6582 - Tom
6583 - Tom & Jerry - Hunting High and Low (Europe)
6584 - Tom (Europe)
6585 - Tom Throop's Bridge Baron (USA).G64"
6586 - Tomahawk
6587 - Tomahawk (Europe)
6588 - TOMARC the Barbarian (USA)
6589 - Tomb of Drewan, The (Europe)
6590 - Tombola (Italy)
6591 - Tombs of Xeiops (Europe)
6592 - Tomcat
6593 - Tomcat (Europe)
6594 - Toobin'
6595 - Tooth Invaders
6596 - Tooth Invaders.crt"
6597 - Top 12 (Europe)
6598 - Top Cat - Beverly Hills Cats (Europe)
6599 - Top Fuel Eliminator (USA)
6600 - Top Gun
6601 - Top Gun (Europe)
6602 - Topcross (Europe)
6603 - Topper the Copper
6604 - Tornado (Germany)
6605 - Torpedo (USA)
6606 - Torpedo Run
6607 - Torquest (Europe)
6608 - Total Eclipse (Europe)
6609 - Total Recall (Europe)
6610 - Total Recall [GP]
6611 - Total Recall [HTL]
6612 - Total Recall [I+T]
6613 - Total Recall [TCom]
6614 - Total Recall [unknown_Disk 1]
6615 - Total Recall [unknown_Disk 2]
6616 - Total Recall [X-Ray]
6617 - Touchdown Football (USA)
6618 - Tough Guys
6619 - Tour de France
6620 - Tour de France (USA)
6621 - Tour de France 2005
6622 - Tournament Snooker (Europe)
6623 - Tower of Despair (USA)
6624 - Tower of Terror, The (Europe)
6625 - Tower Toppler (Europe)
6626 - Towering Inferno
6627 - Toy Bizarre.crt"
6628 - Toyballs
6629 - Toyballs (Europe)
6630 - Tracer Sanction, The
6631 - Track & Field (USA)
6632 - Tracker (Europe)
6633 - Tracksuit Manager (Europe)
6634 - Trading Game, The (Europe)
6635 - Traffic (Europe)
6636 - Traffic Jam (USA)
6637 - Traffix (Netherlands)
6638 - Trailblazer
6639 - Trailblazer (Europe)
6640 - Trailblazer II (Europe)
6641 - Train Dispatcher (USA)
6642 - Train Escape to Normandy, The [ESI]
6643 - Train Escape to Normandy, The [REM]
6644 - Train Robbers (Europe)
6645 - Train, The - Escape to Normandy (USA)
6646 - Trains (USA)
6647 - Trans Logic
6648 - Transatlantic (USA)
6649 - Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge
6650 - Trans-Atlantic Balloon Challenge (Europe)
6651 - Transformers (Europe)
6652 - Transformers [Activision]
6653 - Transformers [Ocean]
6654 - Translogic (Europe)
6655 - Transporter (Europe)
6656 - Transylvanian Tower (Europe)
6657 - Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Europe)
6658 - Trap
6659 - Trap (Europe)
6660 - Trap Door, The
6661 - Trap Door, The (Europe)
6662 - Trapdoor
6663 - Trap-Shooting (Europe)
6664 - Trashman
6665 - Trashman.crt"
6666 - Traxxion (Europe)
6667 - Traz
6668 - TRAZ - Transformable Arcade Zone (Europe)
6669 - Tread Bear (Europe)
6670 - Treasure
6671 - Treasure Hunt (Europe)
6672 - Treasure Island
6673 - Treasure Island (Mastertronic) (Europe)
6674 - Treasure Island (Pyramid Software) (Europe)
6675 - Treasure Island Dizzy (Europe)
6676 - Treasure Isle (USA)
6677 - Treasure Quest
6678 - Treasure Quest (Europe)
6679 - Treasure Raiders (Australia)
6680 - Treasures of Ra (USA)
6681 - Treble Champions
6682 - Treble Champions (Europe)
6683 - Trek (USA)
6684 - Trek Adventure (Europe)
6685 - Trener (Poland)
6686 - Trevor Brooking's World Cup Glory (Europe)
6687 - Tri Math v1 (USA)
6688 - Triad (Livewire) (Europe)
6689 - Triaxos (Europe)
6690 - Tribbles (Europe)
6691 - Tricky (Germany)
6692 - Trigger Happy (Europe)
6693 - Trilistron
6694 - Trio (Europe)
6695 - Trip to Atlantis (USA)
6696 - Triple Tournament (Europe)
6697 - Triplex
6698 - Triplex (Europe)
6699 - Tristan and Isolde (Europe)
6700 - Trivia - The Ultimate Quest (Europe)
6701 - Trivia Challenge (USA)
6702 - Trivia Monster, The
6703 - Trivia Trek (Europe)
6704 - Trivia UK (Europe)
6705 - Trivial Fruit (Europe)
6706 - Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning [FLT]
6707 - Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning [SCG, MSS]
6708 - Trivial Pursuit - Commodore Genus [BAM_Disk 2]
6709 - Trivial Pursuit - Commodore Genus [Hotline, CCS, BAM_Disk 1]
6710 - Trivial Pursuit - Commodore Genus [Hotline_Disk 2]
6711 - Troll Castle (Europe)
6712 - Trollie Wallie (Europe)
6713 - Trollie Wallie [Antiram]
6714 - Trollie Wallie [Clonekid & Oddball]
6715 - Trollie Wallie [Mr. Geil]
6716 - Trollie Wallie [unknown]
6717 - Trolls (Europe)
6718 - Trolls and Tribulations (USA)
6719 - Troll's Tale (USA)
6720 - Tron (S+S Soft Vertriebs GmbH) (Europe)
6721 - Tron (Systems Editoriale s.r.l.) (Italy)
6722 - Tronic Cycle (USA)
6723 - Tronic Force (Europe)
6724 - Tronix
6725 - Tropical Fever
6726 - Trouble at Bridgeton (Europe)
6727 - Trouble Bubble (Europe)
6728 - TSI Cycles (USA)
6729 - Tube Madness
6730 - Tube Madness (Europe)
6731 - Tube, The (Europe)
6732 - Tubular Bells (Europe)
6733 - Tug-A-War
6734 - Tunnel of Doom (USA)
6735 - Tunnel Vision
6736 - Tunnel Vision (Europe)
6737 - Tunnelmaze Adventure (Europe)
6738 - Tunnels of Terror
6739 - Tunnels of Terror (Europe)
6740 - Turbo 64 (Europe)
6741 - Turbo Boat Simulator (Europe)
6742 - Turbo Charge [ENI_Disk 1]
6743 - Turbo Charge [ENI_Disk 2]
6744 - Turbo Charge [FLT+Triad_Disk 1]
6745 - Turbo Charge [FLT+Triad_Disk 2]
6746 - Turbo Charge [HTL_Disk 1]
6747 - Turbo Charge [HTL_Disk 2]
6748 - Turbo Charge [HTL+Wrath_Disk 1]
6749 - Turbo Charge [HTL+Wrath_Disk 2]
6750 - Turbo Charge.crt"
6751 - Turbo Esprit (Europe)
6752 - Turbo Kart Racer (Europe)
6753 - Turbo Maze Man
6754 - Turbo Maze Man (USA)
6755 - Turbo Outrun [Side A_Lotus]
6756 - Turbo Outrun [Side A_REM]
6757 - Turbo Outrun [Side B_Lotus]
6758 - Turbo Outrun [Side B_REM]
6759 - Turbo Outrun.crt"
6760 - Turbo the Tortoise
6761 - Turbo the Tortoise (Europe)
6762 - Turf-Form (Europe)
6763 - Turmoil
6764 - Turmoil (USA)
6765 - Turn It 2 - Future Edition (Europe)
6766 - Turn'n'Burn (Europe)
6767 - Turrican
6768 - Turrican [Crest_Side A]
6769 - Turrican [Crest_Side B]
6770 - Turrican [Elite, Preview]
6771 - Turrican [GP_Side A]
6772 - Turrican [GP_Side B]
6773 - Turrican [Sharks_Side A]
6774 - Turrican [Sharks_Side B]
6775 - Turrican [TRC_Side A]
6776 - Turrican [TRC_Side B]
6777 - Turrican 2
6778 - Turrican 3
6779 - Turrican II - The Final Fight.crt"
6780 - Turtle Jump
6781 - Turtle Jump (Europe)
6782 - Turtle Toyland Junior (USA)
6783 - Tusker [Demons+Force]
6784 - Tusker [I+T]
6785 - Tusker [I+T+Ram]
6786 - Tusker [S451]
6787 - Tusker [S451+ESI]
6788 - Tusker [Unicess]
6789 - Tusker.crt"
6790 - Twelve o'Clock (Europe)
6791 - Twilight Zone (Europe)
6792 - Twin Kingdom Valley (Europe)
6793 - Twin Morg Valley
6794 - Twin Terrors (Germany)
6795 - Twin Tornado
6796 - Twin Tornado (USA)
6797 - Twin World
6798 - Twin-Down
6799 - Twinky Goes Hiking
6800 - Twinky Goes Hiking (Europe)
6801 - Twist
6802 - Twist (Europe)
6803 - Twix
6804 - Two Player Soccer Squad (Europe)
6805 - Two Player Super League (Europe)
6806 - Two-To-One (Europe)
6807 - TX (Europe)
6808 - Tycoon - The Commodity Market Simulation (USA)
6809 - Tycoon Itch, The (USA)
6810 - Tyler's Dungeons (USA)
6811 - Type Attack (USA)
6812 - Type Snyper (USA)
6813 - Typhoon
6814 - Typhoon (Europe)
6815 - U.N. Squadron.crt"
6816 - U-96 (Europe)
6817 - Uchi Mata
6818 - UCM - Ultimate Combat Mission (Europe)
6819 - UFO
6820 - UFO (Firebird + Odin Computer Graphics) (Europe)
6821 - UFO Attack (Italy)
6822 - Ugh! (Softek) (Europe)
6823 - Ugh! [Play Byte]
6824 - Ugh! [Softek]
6825 - Uhg (Australia)
6826 - UK Geography (Europe)
6827 - Ultima 1 - The First Age of Darkness
6828 - Ultima 2 [Player Disk]
6829 - Ultima 2 [Program Disk]
6830 - Ultima I - The First Age of Darkness (USA)
6831 - Ultima III - Exodus (USA)
6832 - Ultima IV.crt"
6833 - Ultimate Event, The
6834 - Ultimate Event, The (Germany)
6835 - Ultimate Game Show, The (USA)
6836 - Ultimate Wizard
6837 - Ultimatum, The (Europe)
6838 - Ultra-Smash (Germany)
6839 - Ultrazoyd (Germany)
6840 - Ultrex Quadro Maze (USA)
6841 - Ultrix
6842 - Ultrix (Germany)
6843 - Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (USA)
6844 - UN Squadron
6845 - Undercover (Europe)
6846 - Undercover Zone (Germany)
6847 - Underworld (Australia)
6848 - Underwurlde (Europe)
6849 - Undoroid (Europe)
6850 - United States Adventure (USA)
6851 - United States of America, The (USA)
6852 - Universe (Europe)
6853 - Unknown, The (Part 1) (Europe)
6854 - Uno (USA)
6855 - Untergarte (Europe)
6856 - Untouchables, The (Europe)
6857 - Untouchables, the [Ikari Talent]
6858 - Untouchables, the [REM]
6859 - Up for Grabs (USA)
6860 - Up Up and Away
6861 - Up'n Down
6862 - Up'n Down (USA)
6863 - Upper Gumtree (Europe)
6864 - Upside Down v2 (USA)
6865 - Urban Upstart (Europe)
6866 - Uridium
6867 - Uridium Plus
6868 - Uridium+ (Europe)
6869 - US Map (USA)
6870 - USAAF (USA)
6871 - USS John Young (Europe)
6872 - Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle
6873 - Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle (USA)
6874 - Uwol - Quest for Money
6875 - V - The Computer Game (Europe)
6876 - V65
6877 - Vagan Attack (Europe)
6878 - Valdez (Europe)
6879 - Valhalla (Europe)
6880 - Valley, The (Europe)
6881 - Vampire (Europe)
6882 - Vampires Empire
6883 - Vampire's Empire (Europe)
6884 - Vardan (Italy)
6885 - Vari (Europe)
6886 - Vaults of Zurich, The (USA)
6887 - Vector Ball (Europe)
6888 - Vegas Casino II (Europe)
6889 - Vegas Craps (USA)
6890 - Vegas Gambler (USA)
6891 - Vegas Games (USA)
6892 - Vegas Jackpot
6893 - Vegas Jackpot (Europe)
6894 - Velnor's Lair (Europe)
6895 - Velocipede (Europe)
6896 - Velocipede II (Europe)
6897 - Vendetta [HTL_Disk 1]
6898 - Vendetta [HTL_Disk 2]
6899 - Vendetta [I+T_Disk 1]
6900 - Vendetta [I+T_Disk 2]
6901 - Vendetta [Zzap_Disk 1]
6902 - Vendetta [Zzap_Disk 2]
6904 - Vengeance (Europe)
6905 - Venom (Europe)
6906 - Verminator (Germany)
6907 - Very Big Cave Adventure, The (Europe)
6908 - Video Card Arcade (Europe)
6909 - Video Darts (USA)
6910 - Video Meanies (Europe)
6911 - Video Vegas (USA)
6912 - Viduzzles (USA)
6913 - View to a Kill, A (Europe)
6914 - Vigilante
6915 - Vigilante (Europe)
6916 - Viking (USA)
6917 - Viking Raider (USA)
6918 - Vikings, The
6919 - Vikings, The (USA)
6920 - Vin Tim
6921 - Vincent
6922 - Vincent (Europe)
6923 - Vindicator - Green Beret 2
6924 - Vindicator!, The (Europe)
6925 - Vindicator, The
6926 - Vindicators
6927 - Vindicators (Europe)
6928 - Vioris
6929 - Visible Solar System, The (USA)
6930 - Vitamin (Germany)
6931 - Vixen
6932 - Vixen (Europe)
6933 - Vixplode (Europe)
6934 - Viz
6935 - Viz (Europe)
6936 - Voidrunner
6937 - Voidrunner (Europe)
6938 - Volcano of Raka-Tua (Europe)
6939 - Volfied
6940 - Volfied (Europe)
6941 - Volleyball Simulator (Europe)
6942 - Voodoo Castle (USA)
6943 - Vortex Raider
6944 - Vortex Raider (Europe)
6945 - Vortron (Europe)
6946 - Voyage of the Mayflower (USA)
6947 - Voyager 64 (USA)
6948 - Vultures
6949 - Vyrus (Europe)
6950 - Wacky Darts
6951 - Wacky Darts (Europe)
6952 - Wacky Races
6953 - Wacky Races (Europe)
6954 - Wacky Stories (USA)
6955 - Wall Street (USA)
6956 - Wall$treet (Europe)
6957 - Wall, The (Europe)
6958 - Wallie Goes to Rhymeland
6959 - Wallie Goes to Rhymeland (Europe)
6960 - Wanderer (Europe)
6961 - WAR (Europe)
6962 - War Cars
6963 - War Cars Construction Kit (Europe)
6964 - War in Middle Earth
6965 - War Lord of Atlantis (USA)
6966 - War Machine
6967 - War Machine (Players Software) (Europe)
6968 - War Play
6969 - War Play (Europe)
6970 - War Zone
6971 - War Zone (ECP) (Australia)
6972 - War Zone (Interceptor Software) (Europe)
6973 - War Zone II (Australia)
6974 - Warball (Europe)
6975 - WarGames (Coleco Electronics) (USA)
6976 - Warhawk
6977 - Warlock - The Avenger (Europe)
6978 - Warlock (USA)
6979 - Warlock the Avenger
6980 - Warm Up (Europe)
6981 - Warp
6982 - Warp (USA)
6983 - Warrior
6984 - Warrior 2
6985 - Warrior II (Europe)
6986 - Warrior of Ras 1
6987 - Warrior of Ras 2
6988 - Warrior of Ras 3
6989 - Warrior of Ras 4
6990 - Warrior Words (USA)
6991 - Warriors of Zypar
6992 - Wasteland
6993 - Wastelands
6994 - Wastelands (Europe)
6995 - Water Polo (Europe)
6996 - Waterfall
6997 - Waterfall (Italy)
6998 - Waterline
6999 - Waterski 3D (Europe)
7000 - Waxworks (Europe)
7001 - Way of the Exploding Fist, the
7002 - Way of the Exploding Fist, the [Original]
7003 - Way of the Tiger, the
7004 - Way Out (USA)
7005 - Wayout
7006 - Weather Tamers (USA)
7007 - Weatherwar II (Europe)
7008 - Web (Europe)
7009 - Web Dimension
7010 - Web Dimension (USA)
7011 - Webster - The Word Game (USA)
7012 - WEC Le Mans (Europe)
7013 - Weetabix versus the Titchies, The (USA)
7014 - Wega Station (Europe)
7015 - Weird Dreams
7016 - Weird Dreams (Europe)
7017 - Welcome Aboard
7018 - Wembley Greyhounds (Europe)
7019 - Werewolves of London (Europe)
7020 - West (Europe)
7021 - West Bank
7022 - West Bank (Europe)
7023 - Western Contest (Europe)
7024 - Western Fighter (Europe)
7025 - Western Games
7026 - Western Games.crt"
7027 - Westward Ho (Europe)
7028 - What's the Use in Rain VIII (Europe)
7029 - Wheel of Fortune (Marex + Vermes) (Europe)
7030 - Wheel of Fortune (Sharedata, Inc.) (USA)
7031 - Wheeler Dealer (Europe)
7032 - Wheelies
7033 - Wheelies (USA)
7034 - Wheelin' Wallie
7035 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
7036 - Where in the World is Osama bin Laden
7037 - Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego.crt"
7038 - Where's my Bones (Europe)
7039 - Where's My Bones [L+T, BB]
7040 - Where's My Bones [unknown 1]
7041 - Where's My Bones [unknown 2]
7042 - Where's My Bones [Xerox]
7043 - Where's My Bones 2 [Manik, RDI]
7044 - Whirlinurd (Europe)
7045 - Whirlybird (Europe)
7046 - White Viper
7047 - White Viper (Europe)
7048 - Whitehouse Blues, The (USA)
7049 - Who Dares Wins
7050 - Who Dares Wins (Alligata Software) (Europe)
7051 - Who Dares Wins (Dk'Tronics Ltd.) (Europe)
7052 - Who Dares Wins 2
7053 - Who Dares Wins II (Europe)
7054 - Who Done It (Europe)
7055 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (USA)
7056 - Who Killed Cock Robin (USA)
7057 - Whopper Chase (Spain).TAP"
7058 - Wicked
7059 - Wicked (Europe)
7060 - Widow's Revenge (USA)
7061 - Wild Ride (Europe)
7062 - Wild Ride!
7063 - Wild Streets (Europe)
7064 - Wild West
7065 - Wild West Seymour (Europe)
7066 - Wilde.crt"
7067 - William Wobbler
7068 - William Wobbler (Europe)
7069 - Willow Pattern Adventure, The (Europe)
7070 - Willow.crt"
7071 - Wimbledon '64 (Europe)
7072 - Wing Commander (Europe)
7073 - Wings of Fury (USA)
7074 - Wings of War
7075 - Wings of War (USA)
7076 - Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood
7077 - Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (USA)
7078 - Winter Camp (Europe)
7079 - Winter Games
7080 - Winter Olympiad '88
7081 - Winter Wonderland (Europe)
7082 - Winzer
7083 - Wipeout (USA)
7084 - Witch Hunt (River Software) (Europe)
7085 - Witch Hunt (Supersoft) (Europe)
7086 - Witch's Cauldron, The (Europe)
7087 - WitchSwitch (Europe)
7088 - Witness, The (USA)
7089 - Wiz
7090 - Wiz (Europe)
7091 - Wizard and the Princess, The (USA)
7092 - Wizard Fight (Europe)
7093 - Wizard of Akyrz, The (Europe)
7094 - Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)
7095 - Wizard of Id's WizType (USA)
7096 - Wizard of Wor
7097 - Wizard of Wor (USA)
7098 - Wizard Warz (Europe)
7099 - Wizard's Lair
7100 - Wizard's Lair (Europe)
7101 - Wizards Pet, The (Europe)
7102 - Wizard's Tower (Europe)
7103 - Wizball
7104 - Wizball (USA)
7105 - Wiz-Biz (Europe)
7106 - Wizerior (USA)
7107 - Wizland (Germany)
7108 - Wobbler
7109 - Wobbler (Europe)
7110 - Wolfman (Europe)
7111 - Wombles, The
7112 - Wombles, The (Europe)
7113 - Wonderball (USA)
7114 - Wonderboy
7115 - Wonderboy.crt"
7116 - Wonderland (Caesar Software) (USA)
7117 - Wonky Worms (Germany)
7118 - Woodpecker (Europe)
7119 - Woody the Worm
7120 - Woody the Worm (Europe)
7121 - Word Feud (USA)
7122 - Word Search II - Printer Version (USA)
7123 - Wordpower (Europe)
7124 - Wordrider
7125 - Wordsearch (Europe)
7126 - WordWizard (Europe)
7127 - Working Stone, The
7128 - World Champion Icehockey (Europe)
7129 - World Champions (Europe)
7130 - World Championship Soccer
7131 - World Championship Soccer (Europe)
7132 - World Championship Squash (Europe)
7133 - World Class Blackjack (USA)
7134 - World Class Leaderboard
7135 - World Class Rugby
7136 - World Class Rugby (Europe)
7137 - World Cricket (Europe)
7138 - World Cup
7139 - World Cup (Artic Computing Ltd.) (Europe)
7140 - World Cup (Cult Games) (Europe)
7141 - World Cup 90 - Arcade Soccer (Europe)
7142 - World Cup Carnival
7143 - World Cup Carnival - Mexico '86 (Europe)
7144 - World Cup Hockey
7145 - World Cup Soccer (Macmillan Software) (Europe)
7146 - World Cup Soccer Italia '90 (Europe)
7147 - World Games
7148 - World Games (Europe)
7149 - World Karate Championship
7150 - World Karate Championship (USA)
7151 - World of Soccer (Europe)
7152 - World Rugby (Europe)
7153 - World Soccer
7154 - World Soccer (Europe)
7155 - World Soccer League (Europe)
7156 - World's Greatest Baseball Game, The [1984, Interactive Disk]
7157 - World's Greatest Baseball Game, The [1984, Statistical Disk]
7158 - World's Greatest Baseball Game, The [1986, Interactive Disk]
7159 - World's Greatest Baseball Game, The [1986, Teams & Statistical Disk]
7160 - Worm in Paradise
7161 - Worm in Paradise (Europe)
7162 - Worm, The
7163 - Worms
7164 - Worms (Elwood Computers) (USA)
7165 - Wozzle
7166 - Wrath of the Demon [ILS_Side A]
7167 - Wrath of the Demon [ILS_Side B]
7168 - Wrath of the Demon [X-F_Side A]
7169 - Wrath of the Demon [X-F_Side B]
7170 - Wrestling Superstars (Europe)
7171 - WWF European Rampage Tour
7172 - WWF European Rampage Tour (Europe)
7173 - WWF Wrestlemania
7174 - WWF WrestleMania (Europe)
7175 - X-15 Alpha Mission
7176 - X-15 Alpha Mission (USA)
7177 - X-29 Fighter Mission
7178 - X-29 Fighter Mission (USA)
7179 - Xama (Europe)
7180 - Xarion (Europe)
7181 - Xeno
7182 - Xeno (Europe)
7183 - Xenodron (Europe)
7184 - Xenon
7185 - Xenon (CP Verlag - Game On) (Europe)
7186 - Xenon (Melbourne House) (Europe)
7187 - Xenon Ranger (Europe)
7188 - Xenophobe
7189 - Xenophobe.crt"
7190 - Xertyn-X (Europe)
7191 - Xevious
7192 - Xiphoids
7193 - Xiphoids (Europe)
7194 - Xor (Europe)
7195 - Xpiose (Europe)
7196 - X-Rated Game (Europe)
7197 - Xybots
7198 - Xyron
7199 - Xyron (Europe)
7200 - Yaba (USA)
7201 - Yabba Dabba Doo!
7202 - Yahtcee (Europe)
7203 - Yahtzee
7204 - Yaht-Zee (USA)
7205 - Yathzee
7206 - Yathzee (Europe)
7207 - Yawn, The
7208 - Yes Primeminister
7209 - Yeti (Europe)
7210 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu
7211 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Europe)
7212 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2
7213 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu II
7214 - Yogi Bear
7215 - Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed Monster (Europe)
7216 - Yogi Bear (Europe)
7217 - Yogi's Great Escape (Europe)
7218 - Young Arthur's Quest (USA)
7219 - Young Ones, the
7220 - Yukon
7221 - Yukon (USA)
7222 - Yuppie Trainer, The (Europe)
7223 - Z
7224 - Z (Europe)
7225 - Zacaron Mystery, The - Prutor (Europe)
7226 - Zack! (Europe)
7227 - Zaga (Europe)
7228 - Zaga II - The Conflict (Europe)
7229 - Zak Mckracken and the Alien Mindbenders
7230 - Zak Mckracken and the Alien Mindbenders [Boot]
7231 - Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.crt"
7232 - Zamczysko (Europe)
7233 - Zamzara
7234 - Zamzara (Europe)
7235 - Zap!
7236 - Zap! (Europe)
7237 - Zaxxon
7238 - Zaxxon.crt"
7239 - Zellion (Europe)
7240 - Zelta Pass (Australia)
7241 - Zenith (Europe)
7242 - Zenji.crt"
7243 - Zenon (Europe)
7244 - Zenos (Europe)
7245 - Zepp (Europe)
7246 - Zeppelin
7247 - Zeppelin Rescue (USA)
7248 - Zero Gravity (USA)
7249 - Zero Gravity Race (USA)
7250 - Zeta-7 (Europe)
7251 - Zeus (Europe)
7252 - ZFL Football (USA)
7253 - Zig Zag
7254 - Zig-Zag (Europe)
7255 - Zillion
7256 - Zillion (Europe)
7257 - Zim Sala Bim (Europe)
7258 - Zinj Complex, The (Europe)
7259 - Zodia (Europe)
7260 - Zodiac (Incentive Software) (Europe)
7261 - Zoggon (Europe)
7262 - Zoid (Europe)
7263 - Zoids
7264 - Zoids (Europe)
7265 - Zolyx (Europe)
7266 - ZOMBI
7267 - Zompy Stomp (USA)
7268 - Zonal Patrol (Europe)
7269 - Zone 7 (Netherlands)
7270 - Zone 7 Part III (Netherlands)
7271 - Zone Z (USA)
7272 - Zoom!
7273 - Zoom! (Europe)
7274 - Zoomball
7275 - Zoomerang (Europe)
7276 - Zork 2 - The Wizard of Frobozz
7277 - Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz (USA)
7278 - Zork III - The Dungeon Master (USA)
7279 - Zorro
7280 - Zorro (USA)
7281 - ZoZoom (Europe)
7282 - Zulu
7283 - Zulu (Europe)
7284 - Zwark (USA)
7285 - Zybex
7286 - Zybex (Europe)
7287 - Zygon Warrior
7288 - Zygon Warrior (Australia)
7289 - ZYNAPS
7290 - Zynaps (Europe)
7291 - Zyron
7292 - Zyron (Europe)
7293 - Zyx (Europe)
7294 - Zzzz (Europe)
Family Disk System - 43 Jeux
1 - Ai Senshi Nicol
2 - Akumajou Dracula
3 - All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.
4 - Apple Town Monogatari - Little Computer People
5 - Arumana no Kiseki
6 - Bishoujo Alien Battle
7 - Cocona World
8 - Comic Sakka Series Touma Senki #1 - Mashoujo Gakuen Evil
9 - Comic Sakka Series Touma Senki #3 - Ryuujin Sensei Kikiippatsu
10 - Dr. Chaos - Jigoku no Tobira
11 - Druid - Kyoufu no Tobira
12 - Esper Dream
13 - Exciting Baseball
14 - Exciting Soccer - Konami Cup
15 - Fruits Mahjong 1 - Disk 1 - Mahjong Game Hontai
16 - Gall Force: Eternal Story
17 - Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School
18 - Kalin no Tsurugi
19 - Karate Champ
20 - Kid Icarus
21 - Kieta Princess
22 - Knight Move
23 - Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2
24 - Meikyuu Jiin Dababa
25 - Metroid
26 - Namida no Soukoban Special
27 - Nazo no Murasamejou
28 - Nazoler Land - Dai 2 Gou
29 - Pro Wres
30 - Professional Mahjong Gokuu
31 - Risa no Yousei Densetsu
32 - Santa Claus no Takarabako
33 - Seiken Psychocalibur - Majuu no Mori Densetsu
34 - Smash Ping Pong
35 - Soccer
36 - Suishou no Dragon
37 - Tennis
38 - TwinBee
39 - Ultraman Club - Chikyuu Dakkan Sakusen
40 - Youkai Yashiki
41 - Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic
42 - Zatsugaku Olympic Quiz Part II
43 - Zelda no Densetsu - The Hyrule Fantasy
Game&Watch - 58 Jeux
1 - Armor Battle
2 - Banana
3 - Baseball
4 - Bomb Fight
5 - Casio-HF
6 - Casio-SF
7 - Chicky Woggy copy
8 - Condor
9 - Crazy Chewy
10 - Defendo
11 - DKong
12 - DKong2
13 - Donkey Angler
14 - Donkey Kong Circus
15 - Donkey Kong Coleco
16 - Donkey Kong II
17 - Donkey Kong Jr
18 - Donkey Kong Jr (b)
19 - Dungeons & Dragons
20 - Egg
21 - Engine Room
22 - Escape
23 - Explorers of Space
24 - Fowling
25 - Frog Boaster
26 - Galaxy II
27 - Grab Man
28 - Hippo Teeth
29 - HippoT
30 - Hot Line
31 - HotLine
32 - Las Vegas
33 - Lifeboat
34 - Mario Bros
35 - Mario's Bombs Away
36 - Mickey Mouse
37 - MickeyMP
38 - Monkey
39 - Monkey Jump
40 - Motor Cross
41 - Pac Man
42 - Pancake
43 - Parachut
44 - Penguin Land
45 - Pirate
46 - Roller Coaster
47 - Safari
48 - Sleep Walker
49 - Snoopy
50 - Snoopy Tennis
51 - SnoopyPS
52 - Sub Chase
53 - Tennis Menace
54 - Tom & Jerry Popper
55 - Towering Rescue
56 - Tron
57 - Turtle Bridge
58 - Wild Man Jump
Gameboy - 718 Jeux
1 - 4-in-1 Fun Pak (USA, Europe)
2 - 4-in-1 Fun Pak Volume II (USA, Europe)
3 - A-mazing Tater (USA)
4 - Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA, Europe)
5 - Addams Family, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
6 - Adventure Island (Trad FR)
7 - Adventure Island (USA, Europe)
8 - Adventure Island II - Aliens in Paradise (Trad FR)
9 - Adventure Island II - Aliens in Paradise (USA, Europe)
10 - Adventures of Lolo (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
11 - Adventures of Pinocchio, The (Unknown) (Proto)
12 - Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA)
13 - Adventures of Star Saver, The (USA, Europe)
14 - Aero Star (Trad FR)
15 - Aerostar (USA, Europe)
16 - Agro Soar (Australia)
17 - Aladdin (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
18 - Alfred Chicken (Europe)
19 - Alien 3 (Trad FR)
20 - Alien 3 (USA, Europe)
21 - Alien Olympics (Europe)
22 - Alien vs Predator - The Last of His Clan (USA)
23 - All-Star Baseball 99 (USA)
24 - Alleyway (Trad FR)
25 - Alleyway (World)
26 - Altered Space - A 3-D Alien Adventure (Europe)
27 - Amazing Penguin (Trad FR)
28 - Amazing Penguin (USA, Europe)
29 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (Trad FR)
30 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (USA, Europe)
31 - Animaniacs (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
32 - Another Bible (Trad FR)
33 - Arcade Classic No. 1 - Asteroids & Missile Command (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
34 - Arcade Classic No. 2 - Centipede & Millipede (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
35 - Arcade Classic No. 3 - Galaga & Galaxian (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
36 - Arcade Classic No. 4 - Defender & Joust (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
37 - Arcade Classics - Battlezone & Super Breakout (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
38 - Asterix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
39 - Asterix & Obelix (Europe) (Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced)
40 - Asteroids (USA, Europe)
41 - Astro Rabby (Trad FR)
42 - Atomic Punk (USA)
43 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Trad FR)
44 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA, Europe)
45 - Avenging Spirit (Trad FR)
46 - Avenging Spirit (USA, Europe)
47 - B.C. Kid (Europe)
48 - B.C. Kid 2 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
49 - Baby T-Rex (Europe)
50 - Balloon Kid (Trad FR)
51 - Balloon Kid (USA, Europe)
52 - Bamse (Sweden)
53 - Banishing Racer (Trad FR)
54 - Barbie - Game Girl (USA, Europe)
55 - Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly (USA, Europe)
56 - Baseball (World)
57 - Bases Loaded for Game Boy (USA)
58 - Bataille Navale (France) (En,Fr,De,Es)
59 - Batman - Return of the Joker (Trad FR)
60 - Batman - Return of the Joker (USA, Europe)
61 - Batman - The Animated Series (USA, Europe)
62 - Batman - The Video Game (Trad FR)
63 - Batman - The Video Game (World)
64 - Batman Forever (USA, Europe)
65 - Battle Arena Toshinden (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
66 - Battle Bull (USA)
67 - Battle of Olympus, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
68 - Battle Unit Zeoth (USA, Europe)
69 - Battleship (USA, Europe)
70 - Battletoads (USA, Europe)
71 - Battletoads in Ragnarok's World (Europe)
72 - Battletoads-Double Dragon (Europe)
73 - Beast Fighter (Taiwan) (En) (Sachen) (Unl)
74 - Beavis and Butt-Head (USA, Europe)
75 - Beethoven (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
76 - Beetlejuice (Trad FR)
77 - Beetlejuice (USA)
78 - Best of the Best - Championship Karate (Europe)
79 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure (USA, Europe)
80 - Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks (USA)
81 - Bionic Battler (USA)
82 - Bionic Commando (Europe)
83 - Bionic Commando (Trad FR)
84 - Black Bass - Lure Fishing (USA)
85 - Blades of Steel (Europe)
86 - Blaster Master Jr. (Europe)
87 - Blues Brothers, The - Jukebox Adventure (Europe)
88 - Blues Brothers, The (USA, Europe)
89 - Bo Jackson - Two Games in One (USA)
90 - Boggle Plus (USA)
91 - Bomb Jack (Europe)
92 - Bomber King - Scenario 2 (Trad FR)
93 - Bomberman GB (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
94 - Bonk's Adventure (USA)
95 - Bonk's Revenge (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
96 - Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World (USA)
97 - Boulder Dash (Europe)
98 - Boxxle (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
99 - Boxxle II (USA, Europe)
100 - Brain Bender (Europe)
101 - Brain Drain (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
102 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA, Europe)
103 - BreakThru! (USA)
104 - Bubble Bobble (Trad FR)
105 - Bubble Bobble (USA, Europe)
106 - Bubble Bobble Part 2 (USA, Europe)
107 - Bubble Ghost (USA, Europe)
108 - Bubsy II (Europe)
109 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2, The (Trad FR)
110 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2, The (USA)
111 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (Trad FR)
112 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (USA, Europe)
113 - Burai Fighter Deluxe (USA, Europe)
114 - BurgerTime Deluxe (World)
115 - Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (USA, Europe)
116 - Bust-A-Move 3 DX (Europe)
117 - Buster Bros. (Trad FR)
118 - Buster Bros. (USA)
119 - Caesars Palace (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
120 - Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
121 - Casino FunPak (USA, Europe)
122 - Casper (Europe)
123 - Castelian (Europe)
124 - Castle Quest (Europe)
125 - Castlevania - The Adventure (Europe)
126 - Castlevania Adventure, The (Trad FR)
127 - Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge (USA, Europe)
128 - Castlevania Legends (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
129 - Catrap (Trad FR)
130 - Catrap (USA)
131 - Centipede (USA, Europe)
132 - Championship Pool (USA)
133 - Chase H.Q. (USA, Europe)
134 - Chessmaster, The (DMG-EM) (Europe)
135 - Chiki Chiki Tengoku (Trad FR)
136 - Choplifter II - Rescue & Survive (Europe)
137 - Choplifter III (Europe)
138 - Chuck Rock (USA, Europe)
139 - Cliffhanger (USA, Europe)
140 - College Slam (USA)
141 - Cool Ball (USA)
142 - Cool Hand (Europe) (Fr,De)
143 - Cool Spot (Europe)
144 - Cool World (USA, Europe)
145 - Cosmo Tank (USA)
146 - Crystal Quest (Trad FR)
147 - Crystal Quest (USA)
148 - CutThroat Island (USA, Europe)
149 - Cyraid (Trad FR)
150 - Cyraid (USA)
151 - Daedalian Opus (USA)
152 - Daffy Duck (Europe)
153 - Darkman (Trad FR)
154 - Darkman (USA, Europe)
155 - Darkwing Duck (Europe)
156 - David Crane's The Rescue of Princess Blobette Starring A Boy and His Blob (Europe)
157 - Days of Thunder (USA, Europe)
158 - Dennis (Europe)
159 - Dennis the Menace (USA)
160 - Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
161 - Dexterity (USA, Europe)
162 - Diablo (USA) (Proto)
163 - Dick Tracy (USA)
164 - Dig Dug (Europe)
165 - Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced)
166 - Donkey Kong Land (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
167 - Donkey Kong Land 2 (Trad FR)
168 - Donkey Kong Land 2 (Trad FR) - 1
169 - Donkey Kong Land 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
170 - Donkey Kong Land III (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
171 - Double Dragon (Trad FR)
172 - Double Dragon (USA, Europe)
173 - Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (Trad FR)
174 - Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
175 - Double Dragon II (Trad FR)
176 - Double Dragon II (USA, Europe)
177 - Double Dribble - 5 on 5 (USA)
178 - Dr. Franken (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
179 - Dr. Franken II (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
180 - Dr. Mario (World)
181 - Dragon's Lair - The Legend (Europe)
182 - DragonHeart (France)
183 - Dropzone (Europe)
184 - DuckTales (Europe)
185 - DuckTales 2 (Europe)
186 - Dynablaster (Europe)
187 - Dynablaster (Europe) (Trad FR)
188 - Earthworm Jim (Europe)
189 - Elevator Action (USA, Europe)
190 - Elite Soccer (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
191 - Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (Unl)
192 - Extra Bases! (USA)
193 - F-1 Race (World)
194 - F-15 Strike Eagle (USA, Europe)
195 - F-15 Strike Eagle II (Unknown) (Proto)
196 - F1 Pole Position (USA, Europe)
197 - Faceball 2000 (USA)
198 - Fastest Lap (Japan, USA)
199 - Felix the Cat (USA, Europe)
200 - Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA, Europe)
201 - Fidgetts, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
202 - FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (SGB Enhanced)
203 - FIFA Road to World Cup '98 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
204 - FIFA Soccer '96 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (SGB Enhanced)
205 - FIFA Soccer '97 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
206 - Fighting Simulator 2 in 1 (USA, Europe)
207 - Final Fantasy Adventure (USA)
208 - Final Fantasy Legend II (Trad FR)
209 - Final Fantasy Legend II (Trad FR) - 1
210 - Final Fantasy Legend II (USA)
211 - Final Fantasy Legend III (USA)
212 - Final Fantasy Legend, The (Trad FR)
213 - Final Fantasy Legend, The (USA)
214 - Fire Fighter (Europe)
215 - Fish Dude (USA)
216 - Fist of the North Star (USA)
217 - Flash, The (USA, Europe)
218 - Flintstones, The - King Rock Treasure Island (USA, Europe)
219 - Flintstones, The (USA, Europe)
220 - Flipull (USA)
221 - Football International (Europe)
222 - Foreman for Real (USA, Europe)
223 - Fortified Zone (USA, Europe)
224 - Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA, Europe)
225 - Franky, Joe & Dirk... On the Tiles (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
226 - Frogger (USA)
227 - Game & Watch Gallery (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
228 - Game Boy Datenlogger 1 (Germany) (v1.0) (GBD1) (Unl)
229 - Game Boy Digital Sampling Oscilloscope (Europe) (v3.6) (GBDSO) (Unl)
230 - Game Boy Gallery - 5 Games in One (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
231 - Game Genie (USA) (v2.1) (Unl)
232 - Game of Harmony, The (USA)
233 - gamelist.backup.xml"
234 - gamelist.xml.old"
235 - gamelist.xml"
236 - GameShark (USA) (Unl)
237 - Garfield Labyrinth (Europe)
238 - Gargoyle's Quest (Trad FR)
239 - Gargoyle's Quest (USA, Europe)
240 - Gauntlet II (USA, Europe)
241 - Gear Works (USA, Europe)
242 - George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA, Europe)
243 - Getaway, The (USA)
244 - Ghostbusters II (USA, Europe)
245 - Gluecksrad (Germany)
246 - Go! Go! Tank (USA)
247 - Goal! (Europe)
248 - Godzilla (USA, Europe)
249 - Golf (World)
250 - Golf Classic (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
251 - Gradius - The Interstellar Assault (USA)
252 - Great Greed (USA)
253 - Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (World)
254 - HAL Wrestling (USA)
255 - Hammerin' Harry - Ghost Building Company (Europe)
256 - Harvest Moon GB (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
257 - Hatris (Japan, USA)
258 - Heavyweight Championship Boxing (USA)
259 - Heiankyo Alien (USA)
260 - Hercules (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
261 - High Stakes (USA)
262 - Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (USA, Europe)
263 - Home Alone (USA, Europe)
264 - Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York (USA, Europe)
265 - Hook (Europe)
266 - Hudson Hawk (USA)
267 - Hugo (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
268 - Hugo 2 (Germany)
269 - Humans, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
270 - Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - 5 Foolishly Fun Topsy Turvy Games (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
271 - Hunt for Red October, The (USA, Europe)
272 - Hyper Dunk (Europe)
273 - Hyper Lode Runner (World) (Rev A)
274 - In Your Face (USA)
275 - Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Europe)
276 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA, Europe)
277 - Indien dans la Ville, Un (France) (SGB Enhanced)
278 - InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Berlitz French Translator (USA, Europe)
279 - InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Berlitz Spanish Translator (USA, Europe)
280 - InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Frommer's Travel Guide (USA)
281 - InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Personal Organizer and Phone Book (USA)
282 - InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Spell Checker and Calculator (USA)
283 - InfoGenius Systems - Personal Organizer with Phone Book (Europe)
284 - International Superstar Soccer (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
285 - Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
286 - Ishido - The Way of Stones (USA)
287 - Jack Nicklaus Golf (France)
288 - James Bond 007 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
289 - Jeep Jamboree (USA)
290 - Jelly Boy (Europe)
291 - Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA)
292 - Jeopardy! - Teen Tournament (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
293 - Jeopardy! (USA)
294 - Jet Pack (USA, Europe) (Beta)
295 - Jetsons, The - Robot Panic (USA, Europe)
296 - Jimmy Connors Tennis (USA, Europe)
297 - Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
298 - Jordan vs Bird - One on One (USA, Europe)
299 - Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (USA) (Unl)
300 - Judge Dredd (USA, Europe)
301 - Jungle Book, The (USA, Europe)
302 - Jungle Strike (USA, Europe)
303 - Jurassic Park (USA)
304 - Jurassic Park Part 2 - The Chaos Continues (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
305 - Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
306 - Kid Dracula (Trad FR)
307 - Kid Dracula (USA, Europe)
308 - Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (Trad FR)
309 - Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters (USA, Europe)
310 - Killer Instinct (Trad FR)
311 - Killer Instinct (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
312 - King James Bible (USA) (Unl)
313 - King of Fighters '95, The (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
314 - King of Fighters, The - Heat of Battle (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
315 - King of the Zoo (Europe)
316 - Kingdom Crusade (USA)
317 - Kirby's Block Ball (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
318 - Kirby's Dream Land (USA, Europe)
319 - Kirby's Dream Land 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
320 - Kirby's Pinball Land (USA, Europe)
321 - Kirby's Star Stacker (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
322 - Klax (USA)
323 - Knight Quest (USA)
324 - Konami Golf (Europe)
325 - Krusty's Fun House (USA, Europe)
326 - Kung-Fu Master (USA, Europe)
327 - Kwirk - He's A-maze-ing! (Trad FR)
328 - Kwirk - He's A-maze-ing! (USA, Europe)
329 - Lamborghini American Challenge (USA, Europe)
330 - Last Action Hero (USA, Europe)
331 - Lawnmower Man, The (Europe)
332 - Lawnmower Man, The (Europe) (Trad FR)
333 - Lazlos' Leap (USA)
334 - Legend of Prince Valiant, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
335 - Legend of the River King GB (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
336 - Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening (France)
337 - Lemmings (Europe)
338 - Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Europe)
339 - Lethal Weapon (USA, Europe)
340 - Lingo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl)
341 - Lion King, The (Europe)
342 - Litti's Summer Sports (Germany)
343 - Little Mermaid, The (Europe)
344 - Lock n' Chase ~ Lock 'n' Chase (World)
345 - Looney Tunes (USA, Europe)
346 - Loopz (World)
347 - Lucky Luke (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
348 - Lucle (Japan, Europe)
349 - Madden '95 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
350 - Madden '96 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
351 - Madden '97 (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
352 - Magnetic Soccer (Europe)
353 - Malibu Beach Volleyball (USA)
354 - Marble Madness (USA, Europe)
355 - Mario & Yoshi (Europe)
356 - Mario's Picross (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
357 - Maru's Mission (Trad FR)
358 - Maru's Mission (USA)
359 - Matthias Sammer Soccer (Germany) (SGB Enhanced)
360 - Maui Mallard (USA)
361 - Maus, Die (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
362 - Max (Europe)
363 - McDonaldland (Europe)
364 - McDonaldland (Europe) (Trad FR)
365 - Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge (Europe)
366 - Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge (Trad FR)
367 - Mega Man II (Europe)
368 - Mega Man II (Trad FR)
369 - Mega Man III (Europe)
370 - Mega Man III (Trad FR)
371 - Mega Man IV (Europe)
372 - Mega Man IV (Trad FR)
373 - Mega Man V (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
374 - Mega Man V (Trad FR)
375 - Megalit (USA, Europe)
376 - Mercenary Force (USA, Europe)
377 - Metal Masters (USA)
378 - Metroid II - Return of Samus (Trad FR)
379 - Metroid II - Return of Samus (World)
380 - Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand (Trad FR)
381 - Mickey Mouse - Magic Wands (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
382 - Mickey Mouse (Europe)
383 - Mickey's Chase (Trad FR)
384 - Mickey's Dangerous Chase (Europe)
385 - Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA, Europe)
386 - Micro Machines (USA, Europe)
387 - Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe)
388 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
389 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
390 - Milon's Secret Castle (USA, Europe)
391 - Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA)
392 - Missile Command (USA, Europe)
393 - Mole Mania (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
394 - Monde Perdu, Le - Jurassic Park (France) (SGB Enhanced)
395 - Monopoly (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
396 - Monster Max (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
397 - Monster Truck Wars (USA, Europe)
398 - Montezuma's Return! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
399 - Mortal Kombat (Trad FR)
400 - Mortal Kombat (USA, Europe)
401 - Mortal Kombat & Mortal Kombat II (USA, Europe)
402 - Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe)
403 - Mortal Kombat 3 (Trad FR)
404 - Mortal Kombat II (Trad FR)
405 - Mortal Kombat II (USA, Europe)
406 - Motocross Maniacs (Europe)
407 - Mouse Trap Hotel (USA)
408 - Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise (Trad FR)
409 - Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise (USA)
410 - Mr. Do! (Europe)
411 - Mr. Nutz (Europe)
412 - Ms. Pac-Man (Europe)
413 - Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA, Europe)
414 - Mulan (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
415 - Mysterium (USA)
416 - Mystic Quest (France)
417 - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
418 - Nail'n Scale (USA, Europe)
419 - Navy Seals (Trad FR)
420 - Navy Seals (USA, Europe)
421 - NBA All Star Challenge (USA, Europe)
422 - NBA All Star Challenge 2 (USA, Europe)
423 - NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (USA, Europe)
424 - NBA Jam (USA, Europe)
425 - NBA Live 96 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
426 - Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun - Bangai Rantou Hen (Trad FR)
427 - Nemesis (Europe)
428 - Nemesis II - The Return of the Hero (Europe)
429 - New Chessmaster, The (USA, Europe)
430 - NFL Football (USA)
431 - NFL Quarterback Club '96 (USA, Europe)
432 - NFL Quarterback Club (USA, Europe)
433 - NFL Quarterback Club II (USA, Europe)
434 - NHL '96 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
435 - NHL Hockey '95 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
436 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Europe)
437 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (Europe)
438 - Ninja Boy (USA, Europe)
439 - Ninja Boy 2 (USA, Europe)
440 - Ninja Gaiden Shadow (Trad FR)
441 - Ninja Gaiden Shadow (USA)
442 - Ninja Taro (Trad FR)
443 - Ninja Taro (USA)
444 - Nintendo World Cup (USA, Europe)
445 - NIV Bible & the 20 Lost Levels of Joshua (USA) (Unl)
446 - Nobunaga's Ambition (USA)
447 - Oddworld Adventures (USA, Europe)
448 - Olympic Summer Games (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
449 - Operation C (USA)
450 - Othello (Europe)
451 - Otto's Ottifanten - Baby Bruno's Nightmare (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
452 - Out of Gas (USA)
453 - Pac-Attack (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
454 - Pac-In-Time (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
455 - Pac-Man (Europe)
456 - Pac-Panic (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
457 - Pagemaster, The (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
458 - Palamedes (Europe)
459 - Panel Action Bingo (USA)
460 - Pang (Europe)
461 - Paperboy (USA, Europe)
462 - Paperboy 2 (USA, Europe)
463 - Parasol Stars - Rainbow Islands II (Europe)
464 - Parodius (Europe)
465 - Penguin Wars (USA)
466 - PGA European Tour (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
467 - PGA Tour 96 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
468 - Phantom Air Mission (Europe)
469 - Pierre le Chef Is... Out to Lunch (Europe)
470 - Pinball - Revenge of the 'Gator (USA, Europe)
471 - Pinball Deluxe (Europe)
472 - Pinball Dreams (USA, Europe)
473 - Pinball Fantasies (USA, Europe)
474 - Pinball Mania (Europe)
475 - Pinocchio (Europe)
476 - Pipe Dream (USA)
477 - Pit Fighter (USA, Europe)
478 - Play Action Football (USA)
479 - Pocahontas (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
480 - Pocket Bomberman (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
481 - Pokemon - Version Bleue (France) (SGB Enhanced)
482 - Pokemon - Version Jaune - Edition Speciale Pikachu (France) (GBC,SGB Enhanced)
483 - Pokemon - Version Rouge (France) (SGB Enhanced)
484 - Pop Up (Europe)
485 - Pop'n TwinBee (Europe)
486 - Popeye 2 (Europe)
487 - Populous (Europe)
488 - Power Mission (USA)
489 - Power Racer (Europe)
490 - Prehistorik Man (USA, Europe)
491 - Primal Rage (USA, Europe)
492 - Prince of Persia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
493 - Pro Action Replay (Europe) (Unl)
494 - Probotector (Europe)
495 - Probotector 2 (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
496 - Prophecy - The Viking Child (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
497 - Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback (Trad FR)
498 - Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback (USA)
499 - Pyramids of Ra (USA)
500 - Q Billion (Trad FR)
501 - Q Billion (USA)
502 - Q-bert for Game Boy (Trad FR)
503 - Q-bert for Game Boy (USA, Europe)
504 - Q-bert II (Trad FR)
505 - QIX (World)
506 - Quarth (Trad FR)
507 - Quarth (USA, Europe)
508 - R-Type (USA, Europe)
509 - R-Type II (Europe)
510 - Race Days (Europe)
511 - Race Drivin' (USA, Europe)
512 - Radar Mission (USA, Europe)
513 - Raging Fighter (USA, Europe)
514 - Rampart (USA, Europe)
515 - Real Ghostbusters, The (USA)
516 - Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Space Cadet Adventures (USA)
517 - Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! (USA, Europe)
518 - Reservoir Rat (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
519 - Riddick Bowe Boxing (Europe)
520 - Ring Rage (USA)
521 - Road Rash (USA, Europe)
522 - Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (France)
523 - RoboCop (Trad FR)
524 - RoboCop (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
525 - RoboCop 2 (Trad FR)
526 - RoboCop 2 (USA, Europe)
527 - RoboCop vs. The Terminator (Europe)
528 - Rodland (Europe)
529 - Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (USA)
530 - Rolan's Curse (Trad FR)
531 - Rolan's Curse (USA)
532 - Rolan's Curse II (Trad FR)
533 - Rolan's Curse II (USA)
534 - Rugrats Movie, The (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
535 - Saint Paradise - Saikyou no Senshi-tachi (Trad FR)
536 - Samurai Shodown (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
537 - Schiffe Versenken (Germany) (En,Fr,De,Es)
538 - Sea Battle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
539 - SeaQuest DSV (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
540 - Sensible Soccer - European Champions (Europe)
541 - Serpent (USA)
542 - Shadow Warriors (Europe)
543 - Shanghai (USA)
544 - Shaq Fu (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
545 - Side Pocket (World)
546 - Simpsons Itchy & Scratchy, The - Miniature Golf Madness (USA, Europe)
547 - Simpsons, The - Bart & the Beanstalk (USA, Europe)
548 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Juggernauts (USA, Europe)
549 - Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad (Europe)
550 - Skate or Die - Tour de Thrash (USA)
551 - Small Soldiers (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
552 - SMARTCOM (Europe) (Unl)
553 - Smurfs Nightmare, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
554 - Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
555 - Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
556 - Sneaky Snakes (USA, Europe)
557 - Snoopy - Magic Show (USA, Europe)
558 - Snow Bros. Jr. (Europe)
559 - Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced)
560 - Soccer Mania (USA)
561 - SolarStriker (World)
562 - Solitaire FunPak (USA, Europe)
563 - Solomon's Club (Europe)
564 - Solomon's Club (Trad FR)
565 - Space Invaders (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
566 - Spanky's Quest (Europe)
567 - Spanky's Quest (Trad FR)
568 - Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA, Europe)
569 - Speedy Gonzales (USA, Europe)
570 - Spider-Man - X-Men (USA, Europe)
571 - Spider-Man 2 (Trad FR)
572 - Spider-Man 2 (USA, Europe)
573 - Spider-Man 3 - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (Trad FR)
574 - Spider-Man 3 - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers (USA, Europe)
575 - Spirit of F-1, The (Europe)
576 - Spiritual Warfare (USA) (Unl)
577 - Spirou (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (SGB Enhanced)
578 - Splitz (Europe)
579 - Sports Illustrated - Football & Baseball (USA)
580 - Sports Illustrated - Golf Classic (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
581 - Sports Illustrated for Kids - The Ultimate Triple Dare! (USA)
582 - Spot - The Cool Adventure (USA)
583 - Spot (Europe)
584 - Spud's Adventure (USA)
585 - Spy vs Spy - Operation Boobytrap (Europe)
586 - Square Deal - The Game of Two-Dimensional Poker (USA)
587 - Star Hawk (Europe)
588 - Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (USA, Europe)
589 - Star Trek - The Next Generation (USA, Europe)
590 - Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
591 - Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Europe)
592 - Star Wars (Europe)
593 - Star Wars (Rev A) (Trad FR)
594 - Stargate (USA, Europe)
595 - Stop That Roach! (USA)
596 - Street Fighter II (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced)
597 - Street Racer (USA, Europe)
598 - Sumo Fighter (USA)
599 - Sunsoft Grand Prix (Europe)
600 - Super Battletank (Europe)
601 - Super Black Bass (USA)
602 - Super Breakout (USA)
603 - Super Chase H.Q. (USA, Europe)
604 - Super Chinese Land (Trad FR)
605 - Super Chinese Land 2 (Trad FR)
606 - Super Hunchback (Europe)
607 - Super James Pond (Europe)
608 - Super Kick Off (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Nl)
609 - Super Mario Land (Rev A) (Trad FR)
610 - Super Mario Land (World) (Rev A)
611 - Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (Trad FR)
612 - Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins (USA, Europe) (Rev B)
613 - Super Off Road (USA, Europe)
614 - Super R.C. Pro-Am (USA, Europe)
615 - Super Robot Taisen (Trad FR)
616 - Super Scrabble (USA)
617 - Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
618 - Superman (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
619 - Swamp Thing (USA, Europe)
620 - Sword of Hope II, The (USA)
621 - Sword of Hope, The (USA)
622 - T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
623 - Tail 'Gator (USA, Europe)
624 - TaleSpin (Europe)
625 - Tamagotchi (France) (SGB Enhanced)
626 - Tarzan (USA, Europe)
627 - Tasmania Story (USA)
628 - Taz-Mania (Europe)
629 - Taz-Mania 2 (USA)
630 - Tecmo Bowl (USA)
631 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (Europe)
632 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II - Back from the Sewers (Europe)
633 - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles III - Radical Rescue (Europe)
634 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (Trad FR)
635 - Tennis (World)
636 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Trad FR)
637 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA, Europe)
638 - Tesserae (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
639 - Tetris (World) (Rev A)
640 - Tetris 2 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
641 - Tetris Attack (USA, Europe) (Rev A) (SGB Enhanced)
642 - Tetris Blast (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
643 - Tetris Plus (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
644 - Tintin - Prisoners of the Sun (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
645 - Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl) (SGB Enhanced)
646 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Babs' Big Break (Trad FR)
647 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Babs' Big Break (USA, Europe)
648 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports (Europe)
649 - Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Montana's Movie Madness (USA, Europe)
650 - Tip Off (Europe)
651 - Titus the Fox to Marrakech and Back (USA, Europe)
652 - Tom & Jerry (USA, Europe)
653 - Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics! (USA, Europe)
654 - Top Gun - Guts & Glory (USA, Europe)
655 - Top Rank Tennis (USA)
656 - Top Ranking Tennis (Europe)
657 - Torpedo Range (USA)
658 - Total Carnage (USA, Europe)
659 - Toxic Crusaders (Trad FR)
660 - Toxic Crusaders (USA)
661 - Toy Story (Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
662 - Track & Field (USA, Europe)
663 - Track Meet (USA, Europe)
664 - Trax (USA, Europe)
665 - Trip World (Europe)
666 - True Lies (USA, Europe)
667 - Tumble Pop (USA, Europe)
668 - Turn and Burn (USA)
669 - Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
670 - Turrican (USA, Europe)
671 - Ultima - Runes of Virtue (USA)
672 - Ultima - Runes of Virtue II (USA)
673 - Ultra Golf (USA)
674 - Universal Soldier (USA, Europe)
675 - Urban Strike (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
676 - V-Rally - Championship Edition (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
677 - Vattle Giuce (Trad FR)
678 - Vegas Stakes (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
679 - Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman! (Trad FR)
680 - Wario Blast featuring Bomberman! (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
681 - Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3 (World)
682 - Wario Land II (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
683 - Water World (Europe)
684 - Wave Race (USA, Europe)
685 - Wayne's World (USA)
686 - WCW Main Event (USA, Europe)
687 - We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story (USA, Europe)
688 - Wheel of Fortune (USA)
689 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Europe)
690 - Wild Snake (USA) (SGB Enhanced)
691 - Winter Gold (Europe)
692 - Wizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear (Trad FR)
693 - Wizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear (USA, Europe)
694 - Wordtris (USA)
695 - WordZap (USA)
696 - World Beach Volley - 1992 GB Cup (Europe)
697 - World Bowling (USA)
698 - World Circuit Series (USA)
699 - World Cup 98 (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
700 - World Cup USA '94 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
701 - World Heroes 2 Jet (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)
702 - Worms (Europe)
703 - WWF King of the Ring (USA, Europe)
704 - WWF Raw (USA, Europe)
705 - WWF Superstars (USA, Europe)
706 - WWF Superstars 2 (USA, Europe)
707 - WWF War Zone (USA, Europe)
708 - Xenon 2 - Megablast (USA, Europe)
709 - XVII Olympic Winter Games, The - Lillehammer 1994 (USA)
710 - Yannick Noah Tennis (France)
711 - Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush (Europe)
712 - Yoshi (USA)
713 - Yoshi's Cookie (USA, Europe)
714 - Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai-3-dan - Makai no Tobira (Trad FR)
715 - ZAS (Trad FR)
716 - Zen - Intergalactic Ninja (Europe)
717 - Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (Europe)
718 - Zoop (USA, Europe)
Gameboy Advance - 959 Jeux
1 - 007 - Everything or Nothing (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
2 - 007 - NightFire (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
3 - Ace Combat Advance (USA, Europe)
4 - Ace Lightning (Europe)
5 - Action Man - Robot Atak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
6 - Advance Guardian Heroes (Europe) (En,Fr)
7 - Advance Wars (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
8 - Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
9 - Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius vs. Jimmy Negatron, The (USA, Europe)
10 - Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The - Attack of the Twonkies (USA, Europe)
11 - Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, The - Jet Fusion (USA, Europe)
12 - Aero the Acro-Bat - Rascal Rival Revenge (Europe)
13 - Agassi Tennis Generation (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
14 - Agent Hugo - Roborumble (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi)
15 - Aggressive Inline (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
16 - Aigle de Guerre, L' (France)
17 - Aladdin (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
18 - Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
19 - Alex Rider - Stormbreaker (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
20 - Alien Hominid (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
21 - Alienators - Evolution Continues (USA, Europe)
22 - All Grown Up! - Express Yourself (USA, Europe)
23 - Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
24 - American Dragon - Jake Long - Rise of the Huntsclan (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
25 - An American Tail - Fievel's Gold Rush (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
26 - Anguna (Nathan Tolbert and Chris Hildenbrand)
27 - Animal Snap - Rescue Them 2 by 2 (Europe)
28 - Animaniacs - Lights, Camera, Action! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
29 - Ant Bully, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
30 - Antz - Extreme Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
31 - Army Men - Operation Green (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
32 - Army Men Advance (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
33 - Around the World in 80 Days (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
34 - Arthur and the Minimoys (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
35 - Asterix & Obelix - Bash Them All! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
36 - Asterix & Obelix XXL (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
37 - Astro Boy - Omega Factor (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
38 - Atari Anniversary Advance (Europe)
39 - Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
40 - Atomic Betty (USA, Europe)
41 - ATV - Quad Power Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1)
42 - ATV - Thunder Ridge Riders (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
43 - Avatar - The Legend of Aang - The Burning Earth (Europe) (En,De)
44 - Avatar - The Legend of Aang (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl)
45 - Aventures de Jackie Chan, Les - La Legende de la Main Noire (France)
46 - Babar to the Rescue (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
47 - Back to Stone (Europe) (En,Fr)
48 - Back Track (USA, Europe)
49 - Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
50 - Banjo Pilot (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
51 - Banjo-Kazooie - Grunty's Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
52 - Banjo-Kazooie - La Vendetta di Grunty (Italy)
53 - Banjo-Kazooie - La Venganza de Grunty (Spain)
54 - Barbie - The Princess and the Pauper (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
55 - Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
56 - Barbie Diaries, The - High School Mystery (Europe)
57 - Barbie Groovy Games (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
58 - Barbie Horse Adventures (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
59 - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
60 - Barbie Superpack (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
61 - Barnyard (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
62 - Batman - Vengeance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
63 - Batman Begins (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
64 - BattleBots - Beyond the BattleBox (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
65 - Best Friends - Hunde & Katzen (Germany) (En,De)
66 - Beyblade G-Revolution (Europe) (En,De,Es,It)
67 - Beyblade V-Force - Ultimate Blader Jam (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
68 - Bibi Blocksberg - Der Magische Hexenkreis (Germany)
69 - Bibi und Tina - Ferien auf dem Martinshof (Germany)
70 - Big Mutha Truckers (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
71 - Bionicle - Matoran Adventures (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
72 - Bionicle - Maze of Shadows (Europe) (En,De)
73 - Bionicle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
74 - Bionicle Heroes (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Da)
75 - Black Belt Challenge (Europe)
76 - Blackthorne (Europe)
77 - Board Game Classics (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
78 - Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
79 - Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
80 - Bomberman Max 2 - Blue Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
81 - Bomberman Max 2 - Red Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
82 - Bomberman Tournament (USA, Europe)
83 - Boulder Dash EX (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
84 - Boxing Fever (USA, Europe)
85 - Bratz - Babyz (Europe) (En,Es,It)
86 - Bratz - Forever Diamondz (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)
87 - Bratz - Rock Angelz (France)
88 - Bratz - The Movie (Europe) (Es,It)
89 - Bratz (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
90 - Breath of Fire (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
91 - Breath of Fire II (Europe)
92 - Britney's Dance Beat (Europe) (En,Fr)
93 - Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
94 - Brother Bear (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
95 - Bruce Lee - Return of the Legend (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
96 - Bubble Bobble - Old & New (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
97 - Buffy - Im Bann der Daemonen - Koenig Darkhuls Zorn (Germany)
98 - Buffy contre les Vampires - La Colere de Darkhul (France)
99 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Wrath of the Darkhul King (USA, Europe)
100 - Butt-Ugly Martians - B.K.M. Battles (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
101 - Cabbage Patch Kids - The Patch Puppy Rescue (Europe)
102 - Cabela's Big Game Hunter - 2005 Adventures (USA, Europe)
103 - Caesars Palace Advance - Millennium Gold Edition (USA, Europe)
104 - Camp Lazlo - Leaky Lake Games (Europe)
105 - Care Bears - The Care Quests (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
106 - Carrera Power Slide (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
107 - Cars - Mater-National Championship (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
108 - Cars (Europe) (Fr,Nl)
109 - Casper (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt)
110 - Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
111 - Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (Europe)
112 - Castlevania (Europe)
113 - Castleween (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
114 - Catwoman (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
115 - Catz (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
116 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,Nl)
117 - Charlotte's Web (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
118 - Chessmaster (Europe)
119 - Chicken Little (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
120 - Chicken Shoot (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
121 - Chicken Shoot 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
122 - Chronicles of Narnia, The - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
123 - ChuChu Rocket! (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es)
124 - Cinderella - Magical Dreams (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
125 - Classic NES Series - Bomberman (USA, Europe)
126 - Classic NES Series - Castlevania (USA, Europe)
127 - Classic NES Series - Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
128 - Classic NES Series - Dr. Mario (USA, Europe)
129 - Classic NES Series - Excitebike (USA, Europe)
130 - Classic NES Series - Ice Climber (USA, Europe)
131 - Classic NES Series - Legend of Zelda (USA, Europe)
132 - Classic NES Series - Metroid (USA, Europe)
133 - Classic NES Series - Pac-Man (USA, Europe)
134 - Classic NES Series - Super Mario Bros. (Usa, Europe)
135 - Classic NES Series - Xevious (USA, Europe)
136 - Classic NES Series - Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA, Europe)
137 - Cocoto - Kart Racer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
138 - Cocoto - Platform Jumper (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
139 - Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
140 - Columns Crown (Europe)
141 - Comix Zone (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
142 - Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX (Europe)
143 - Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 1 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
144 - Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
145 - Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
146 - Crash Bandicoot 2 - N-Tranced (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
147 - Crash Bandicoot Fusion (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
148 - Crash Bandicoot XS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
149 - Crash Nitro Kart (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
150 - Crash of the Titans (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
151 - Crazy Chase (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
152 - Crazy Frog Racer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl)
153 - Crazy Taxi - Catch a Ride (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
154 - Creatures (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
155 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
156 - Cruis'n Velocity (USA, Europe)
157 - CT Special Forces - Back to Hell (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
158 - CT Special Forces - Bioterror (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
159 - CT Special Forces (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
160 - Curious George (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv,Da)
161 - Danny Phantom - The Ultimate Enemy (Europe) (En,Fr,Nl)
162 - Daredevil (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)
163 - Dark Arena (USA, Europe)
164 - Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1)
165 - Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3 (USA, Europe)
166 - David Beckham Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
167 - Davis Cup (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
168 - Dead to Rights (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
169 - Deadly Skies (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De)
170 - Defender - For All Mankind (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
171 - Defender of the Crown (Europe)
172 - Demon Driver - Time to Burn Rubber! (Europe)
173 - Denki Blocks! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
174 - Dexter's Laboratory - Chess Challenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
175 - Dexter's Laboratory - Deesaster Strikes! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
176 - Digimon - Battle Spirit (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
177 - Digimon - Battle Spirit 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
178 - Digimon Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
179 - Dinotopia - The Timestone Pirates (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
180 - Disney Princesas (Spain)
181 - Disney Princess - Royal Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
182 - Disney Princess (USA, Europe)
183 - Disney Princesse (France)
184 - Disney Principesse (Italy)
185 - Disney Sports - Basketball (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
186 - Disney Sports - Football (Soccer) (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
187 - Disney Sports - Motocross (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
188 - Disney Sports - Skateboarding (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
189 - Disney Sports - Snowboarding (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
190 - Disney's Party (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
191 - Disneys Prinzessinnen (Germany)
192 - DK - King of Swing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
193 - Dogz - Fashion (Europe)
194 - Dogz (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
195 - Dogz 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
196 - Dokapon (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
197 - Donald Duck Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
198 - Donkey Kong Country (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
199 - Donkey Kong Country 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
200 - Donkey Kong Country 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
201 - Doom (USA, Europe)
202 - Doom II (Europe)
203 - Dora the Explorer - Super Star Adventures! (Europe) (En,Fr,Nl)
204 - Double Game! - Cartoon Network Block Party & Cartoon Network Speedway (Europe)
205 - Double Game! - Golden Nugget Casino & Texas Hold 'em Poker (Europe)
206 - Double Game! - Quad Desert Fury & Monster Trucks (Europe)
207 - Downforce (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
208 - Dr. Muto (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
209 - Dr. Seuss' - The Cat in the Hat (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
210 - Dr. Sudoku (Europe)
211 - Dragon Ball - Advanced Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
212 - Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
213 - Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
214 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
215 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
216 - Dragon's Rock (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
217 - Driv3r (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
218 - Driven (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
219 - Driver 2 Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
220 - Drome Racers (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Da)
221 - Droopy's Tennis Open (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
222 - Duel Masters - Kaijudo Showdown (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
223 - Duel Masters - Sempai Legends (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
224 - Duel Masters - Shadow of the Code (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
225 - Duke Nukem Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
226 - Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
227 - Dynasty Warriors Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
228 - E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
229 - Earthworm Jim (USA, Europe)
230 - Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
231 - Ecks vs Sever (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
232 - Ecks vs Sever II - Ballistic (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
233 - Ed, Edd n Eddy - Jawbreakers! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
234 - Ed, Edd n Eddy - The Mis-Edventures (Europe) (En,Fr)
235 - Eggo Mania (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
236 - Elf - The Movie (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
237 - Eragon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
238 - ESPN Final Round Golf (Europe)
239 - ESPN Great Outdoor Games - Bass Tournament (Europe)
240 - ESPN International Winter Sports (Europe)
241 - ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2 (Europe)
242 - ESPN X-Games Skateboarding (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
243 - European Super League (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
244 - Extreme Ghostbusters - Code Ecto-1 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt)
245 - Extreme Skate Adventure (Europe) (Fr,De)
246 - F-14 Tomcat (USA, Europe)
247 - F-Zero - GP Legend (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
248 - F-Zero - Maximum Velocity (USA, Europe)
249 - F1 2002 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
250 - Fairly OddParents!, The - Clash with the Anti-World (Europe) (En,De,Es,Nl)
251 - Fairly OddParents!, The - Shadow Showdown (Europe)
252 - Famille Delajungle, La - A la Poursuite de Darwin (France)
253 - Famille Delajungle, La - Le Film (France)
254 - Fantastic 4 - Flame On (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)
255 - Fantastic 4 (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,Nl)
256 - Fantastici 4, I (Italy)
257 - FIFA Soccer 06 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
258 - FIFA Soccer 07 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
259 - FIFA Soccer 2003 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
260 - FIFA Soccer 2004 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
261 - FIFA Soccer 2005 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
262 - FightBox (Europe)
263 - FILA Decathlon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv)
264 - Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
265 - Final Fantasy IV Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
266 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
267 - Final Fantasy V Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
268 - Final Fantasy VI Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
269 - Final Fight One (Europe)
270 - Findet Nemo (Germany)
271 - Finding Nemo - The Continuing Adventures (Europe) (Fr,De,Nl)
272 - Finding Nemo (Europe) (Fr,Nl)
273 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
274 - Fire Emblem (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
275 - Fire Pro Wrestling (USA, Europe)
276 - Flintstones, The - Big Trouble in Bedrock (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
277 - Flushed Away (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
278 - Ford Racing 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
279 - Fortress (USA, Europe)
280 - Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (Europe)
281 - Franklin the Turtle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It,Sv,No,Da,Fi)
282 - Franklin's Great Adventures (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
283 - Freekstyle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
284 - Freestyle Scooter (Europe)
285 - Frogger Advance - The Great Quest (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
286 - Frogger's Adventures - Temple of the Frog (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
287 - Frogger's Adventures 2 - The Lost Wand (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
288 - Gadget Racers (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
289 - Game & Watch Gallery Advance (Europe)
290 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Edition Platinum (France)
291 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Edition Premium (France)
292 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Edition Speciale (France)
293 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Platinum Edition (USA, Europe)
294 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Premium Edition (USA, Europe)
295 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Special Edition (USA, Europe)
296 - Game Boy Advance Video - Cartoon Network Collection - Volume 2 (USA, Europe)
297 - Game Boy Advance Video - Codename - Kids Next Door - Volume 1 (USA, Europe)
298 - Game Boy Advance Video - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Le Demenagement (France)
299 - Game Boy Advance Video - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Things Change (USA, Europe)
300 - Game Boy Advance Video - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Yugi vs. Joey (France)
301 - Gang del Bosco, La (Italy)
302 - Garfield - The Search for Pooky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
303 - Garfield and His Nine Lives (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
304 - GBA AV Adapter (China) (Unl)
305 - GBA Movie Player 2 CF (Spain) (Unl)
306 - GBA TV Tuner PAL (China) (v2.0) (Unl)
307 - Gekido Advance - Kintaro's Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
308 - GEMini (Mr Smayds)
309 - Ghost Rider (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
310 - Global Star - Sudoku Fever (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
311 - Glory Days (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
312 - Go! Go! Beckham! - Adventure on Soccer Island (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
313 - Godzilla - Domination! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
314 - Golden Nugget Casino (USA, Europe)
315 - Golden Sun - Die Vergessene Epoche (Germany)
316 - Golden Sun - L'Age Perdu (France)
317 - Golden Sun - L'Era Perduta (Italy)
318 - Golden Sun - La Edad Perdida (Spain)
319 - Golden Sun - The Lost Age (USA, Europe)
320 - Golden Sun (France)
321 - Gradius Advance (Europe)
322 - Grand Theft Auto Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
323 - Gremlins - Stripe vs Gizmo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt)
324 - GT Advance - Championship Racing (USA, Europe)
325 - GT Advance 2 - Rally Racing (Europe)
326 - GT Advance 3 - Pro Concept Racing (Europe)
327 - GT Championship (Europe)
328 - GT Racers (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
329 - Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition (Europe)
330 - Gunstar Future Heroes (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
331 - Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Games (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
332 - Hamtaro - Ham-Ham Heartbreak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
333 - Hamtaro - Rainbow Rescue (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
334 - Happy Feet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
335 - Hardcore Pinball (USA, Europe)
336 - Hardcore Pool (Europe) (En,De,Es,It)
337 - Harlem Globetrotters - World Tour (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
338 - Harry Potter - Quidditch World Cup (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Da)
339 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da)
340 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Da)
341 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Da)
342 - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Da)
343 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da)
344 - Harry Potter Collection (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da)
345 - Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (Europe)
346 - Heidi - The Game (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
347 - Hello Kitty - Happy Party Pals (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
348 - Herbie - Fully Loaded (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
349 - Hey Arnold! - The Movie (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
350 - Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi - Kaznapped! (Europe) (En,De)
351 - High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 (USA, Europe)
352 - Hobbit, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
353 - Home on the Range (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
354 - Hot Potato! (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
355 - Hot Wheels - All Out (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
356 - Hot Wheels - Burnin' Rubber (Europe) (En,Fr)
357 - Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge (USA, Europe)
358 - Hot Wheels - Velocity X (Europe)
359 - Hot Wheels - World Race (Europe)
360 - Hugo - Bukkazoom! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl)
361 - Hugo - The Evil Mirror Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl)
362 - Hugo 2 in 1 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl)
363 - Ice Age (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
364 - Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
365 - Ice Nine (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
366 - Ignition Collection - Volume 1 (Europe)
367 - Incredibili, Gli - Una 'Normale' Famiglia di Supereroi (Italy)
368 - Incredible Hulk, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
369 - Incredibles, The - Rise of the Underminer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt)
370 - Incredibles, The (Europe) (Fr,Nl)
371 - Increibles, Los (Spain)
372 - Inspector Gadget - Advance Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
373 - Inspector Gadget Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
374 - International Karate Advanced (Europe)
375 - International Karate Advanced (Trad FR)
376 - International Karate Plus (Europe)
377 - International Superstar Soccer (Europe)
378 - International Superstar Soccer Advance (Europe)
379 - Invader (Europe)
380 - Invincible Iron Man, The (USA, Europe)
381 - Iridion 3D (USA, Europe)
382 - Iridion II (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
383 - It's Mr. Pants (USA, Europe)
384 - Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Darkhand (USA, Europe)
385 - James Pond - Codename Robocod (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt)
386 - Jazz Jackrabbit (Trad FR)
387 - Jazz Jackrabbit (USA, Europe)
388 - Jet Set Radio (Europe)
389 - Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
390 - Jimmy Neutron un Garcon Genial - L'Attaque des Twonkies (France)
391 - Jisu F-Zero Weilai Saiche (China)
392 - Jonny Moseley Mad Trix (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
393 - Juka and the Monophonic Menace (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
394 - Jungle Book 2, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
395 - Jurassic Park III - Dino Attack (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
396 - Jurassic Park III - Park Builder (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
397 - Jurassic Park III - The DNA Factor (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
398 - Justice League - Injustice for All (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
399 - Justice League Heroes - The Flash (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
400 - Kao the Kangaroo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
401 - Karnaaj Rally (USA, Europe)
402 - Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (USA, Europe)
403 - Kid Paddle (Europe) (Fr,Nl)
404 - Kill Switch (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
405 - Killer 3D Pool (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
406 - Kim Possible (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (Rev 1)
407 - Kim Possible 2 - Drakken's Demise (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
408 - King Kong - The Official Game of the Movie (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
409 - King of Fighters EX, The - NeoBlood (Europe)
410 - King of Fighters EX2, The - Howling Blood (Europe)
411 - Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
412 - Kirby - Nightmare in Dream Land (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
413 - Kirby & the Amazing Mirror (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
414 - Klonoa - Empire of Dreams (Europe)
415 - Knights' Kingdom (Europe) (En,De)
416 - Koala Brothers - Outback Adventures (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
417 - Konami Collector's Series - Arcade Classics (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
418 - Konami Krazy Racers (Europe)
419 - Kong - King of Atlantis (Europe)
420 - Kong - The Animated Series (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
421 - Kurukuru Kururin (Europe)
422 - Lady Sia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
423 - Land Before Time, The - Into the Mysterious Beyond (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
424 - Land Before Time, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
425 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
426 - Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
427 - Lea - Passion Veterinaire (France) (En,Fr)
428 - Legend of Spyro, The - A New Beginning (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
429 - Legend of Spyro, The - The Eternal Night (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
430 - Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
431 - Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
432 - Legends of Wrestling II (USA, Europe)
433 - LEGO Bionicle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
434 - LEGO Island - Xtreme Stunts (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
435 - LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
436 - LEGO Racers 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
437 - LEGO Soccer Mania (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
438 - LEGO Star Wars - The Video Game (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Da)
439 - LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Da)
440 - Lemony Snicket - Raetselhafte Ereignisse (Germany)
441 - Lemony Snicket - Una Serie di Sfortunati Eventi (Italy)
442 - Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (Europe) (Fr,Es)
443 - Lilo & Stitch (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) (Rev 1)
444 - Lilo & Stitch 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
445 - Lion King, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
446 - Little Mermaid, The - Magic in Two Kingdoms (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
447 - Lizzie McGuire (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
448 - Looney Tunes - Back in Action (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
449 - Looney Tunes Double Pack (Europe)
450 - Lord of the Rings, The - The Fellowship of the Ring (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
451 - Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
452 - Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
453 - Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
454 - Lost Vikings, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
455 - Lucky Luke - Wanted! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
456 - Madagascar - Operacion Pinguino (Spain)
457 - Madagascar - Operation Penguin (Europe) (Fr,De)
458 - Madagascar (Europe) (Fr,De,Pt)
459 - Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & Minnie (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
460 - Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
461 - Magical Quest Starring Mickey & Minnie (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
462 - Majesco's Rec Room Challenge (Europe)
463 - Majesco's Sports Pack (Europe)
464 - Maniac Racers Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
465 - Manic Miner (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
466 - March of the Penguins (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
467 - Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
468 - Mario Golf - Advance Tour (Europe)
469 - Mario Kart - Super Circuit (Europe)
470 - Mario Party Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
471 - Mario Power Tennis (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
472 - Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
473 - Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (Europe) (En,It)
474 - Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (Europe) (Fr,De)
475 - Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 (USA, Europe)
476 - Matchbox Cross Town Heroes (Europe)
477 - Max Payne Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
478 - Maya the Bee - Sweet Gold (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
479 - Maya the Bee - The Great Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
480 - Mech Platoon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
481 - Medabots - Metabee (Europe)
482 - Medabots - Rokusho (Europe)
483 - Medabots AX - Metabee Ver. (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
484 - Medabots AX - Rokusho Ver. (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
485 - Medal of Honor - Infiltrator (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
486 - Medal of Honor - Underground (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) (Zoo Digital)
487 - Meet the Robinsons (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
488 - Mega Man & Bass (Europe)
489 - Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Europe)
490 - Mega Man Battle Network (Europe)
491 - Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Europe)
492 - Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Blue (Europe)
493 - Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White (Europe)
494 - Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Blue Moon (Europe)
495 - Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun (Europe)
496 - Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel (Europe)
497 - Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Proto Man (Europe)
498 - Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Falzar (Europe)
499 - Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Gregar (Europe)
500 - Mega Man Zero (Trad FR)
501 - Mega Man Zero (USA, Europe)
502 - Mega Man Zero 2 (Europe)
503 - Mega Man Zero 2 (Trad FR)
504 - Mega Man Zero 3 (Europe)
505 - Mega Man Zero 4 (Europe)
506 - Meine Tierarztpraxis (Germany) (En,De)
507 - Meine Tierpension (Germany) (En,De)
508 - Men in Black - The Series (Europe)
509 - Metal Slug Advance (Europe)
510 - Metroid - Zero Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
511 - Metroid Fusion (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
512 - Micro Machines (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
513 - Midnight Club - Street Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
514 - Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits (USA, Europe)
515 - Mijn Dierenpension (Netherlands) (En,Nl)
516 - Mijn Dierenpraktijk (Netherlands) (En,Nl)
517 - Mike Tyson Boxing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
518 - Minority Report - Everybody Runs (USA, Europe)
519 - Mission Impossible - Operation Surma (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
520 - Miteluode - Lingdian Renwu (China)
521 - Miteluode Ronghe (China)
522 - Monopoly (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
523 - Monster AG, Die (Germany)
524 - Monster Force (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
525 - Monster House (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
526 - Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction (Europe)
527 - Monster Truck Madness (USA, Europe)
528 - Monster Trucks (USA, Europe)
529 - Monster Trucks Mayhem (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
530 - Monster! Bass Fishing (Europe)
531 - Monsters, Inc. (Europe) (En,Fr,It)
532 - Moorhen 3 - The Chicken Chase! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
533 - Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
534 - Mortal Kombat Advance (Europe)
535 - Mother 3 (Trad FR)
536 - Moto GP (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
537 - Motoracer Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
538 - Mr Nutz (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
539 - Mr. Driller 2 (Europe)
540 - Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
541 - Mummy, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
542 - Muppet Pinball Mayhem (Europe)
543 - Muppets, The - On with the Show! (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
544 - MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael (USA, Europe)
545 - My Animal Centre in Africa (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
546 - Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
547 - Namco Museum (Europe)
548 - NBA Jam 2002 (USA, Europe)
549 - Need for Speed - Most Wanted (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
550 - Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
551 - Need for Speed - Underground (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
552 - Need for Speed - Underground 2 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
553 - Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
554 - Next Generation Tennis (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt)
555 - Nicktoons Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
556 - Ninja Cop (Europe)
557 - Nintendo MP3 Player (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
558 - No Rules - Get Phat (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
559 - Noddy - A Day in Toyland (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
560 - Nos Voisins, les Hommes (France)
561 - Oddworld - Munch's Oddysee (USA, Europe)
562 - Onimusha Tactics (Europe)
563 - Open Season (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,Nl)
564 - Ottifanten Pinball (Germany)
565 - Over the Hedge - Beesten bij de Buren (Netherlands)
566 - Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
567 - Over the Hedge (Europe)
568 - Pac-Man Collection (Europe)
569 - Pac-Man Pinball Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
570 - Pac-Man World (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
571 - Pac-Man World & Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
572 - Pac-Man World 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
573 - Payback (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
574 - Penny Racers (Europe)
575 - Peter Pan - Return to Neverland (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
576 - Peter Pan - The Motion Picture Event (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
577 - Pferd & Pony - Best Friends - Mein Pferd (Germany) (En,De)
578 - Pferd & Pony - Lass Uns Reiten 2 (Germany) (En,De)
579 - Pferd & Pony - Mein Gestuet (Germany) (En,De)
580 - Pferd & Pony - Mein Pferdehof (Germany) (En,De)
581 - Pferd & Pony 2 in 1 (Germany)
582 - Phalanx (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
583 - Phantasy Star Collection (Europe)
584 - Piglet's Big Game (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
585 - Pinball Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
586 - Pinball Challenge Deluxe (Europe)
587 - Pinball of the Dead, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
588 - Pinball Tycoon (Europe)
589 - Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
590 - Pinky and the Brain - The Masterplan (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
591 - Pinobee - Wings of Adventure (USA, Europe)
592 - Pippa Funnell - Stable Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr)
593 - Pippa Funnell 2 (Europe) (En,Fr)
594 - Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
595 - Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
596 - Pitfall - L'Expedition Perdue (France)
597 - Pitfall - The Lost Expedition (Europe)
598 - Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA, Europe)
599 - Pixeline i Pixieland (Denmark)
600 - Planet Monsters (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
601 - Planet of the Apes (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
602 - Pocket Music (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
603 - Pokemon - Blattgruene Edition (Germany)
604 - Pokemon - Edicion Esmeralda (Spain)
605 - Pokemon - Edicion Rojo Fuego (Spain)
606 - Pokemon - Edicion Rubi (Spain) (Rev 1)
607 - Pokemon - Edicion Verde Hoja (Spain)
608 - Pokemon - Edicion Zafiro (Spain) (Rev 1)
609 - Pokemon - Emerald Version (USA, Europe)
610 - Pokemon - Feuerrote Edition (Germany)
611 - Pokemon - Fire Red Version (USA, Europe) (Rev 1)
612 - Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (Europe) (Rev 1)
613 - Pokemon - Rubin-Edition (Germany) (Rev 1)
614 - Pokemon - Ruby Version (Europe) (Rev 1)
615 - Pokemon - Saphir-Edition (Germany) (Rev 1)
616 - Pokemon - Sapphire Version (Europe) (Rev 1)
617 - Pokemon - Smaragd-Edition (Germany)
618 - Pokemon - Version Emeraude (France)
619 - Pokemon - Version Rouge Feu (France)
620 - Pokemon - Version Rubis (France) (Rev 1)
621 - Pokemon - Version Saphir (France) (Rev 1)
622 - Pokemon - Version Vert Feuille (France)
623 - Pokemon - Versione Rosso Fuoco (Italy)
624 - Pokemon - Versione Rubino (Italy) (Rev 1)
625 - Pokemon - Versione Smeraldo (Italy)
626 - Pokemon - Versione Verde Foglia (Italy)
627 - Pokemon - Versione Zaffiro (Italy) (Rev 1)
628 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
629 - Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
630 - Polar Express, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
631 - Polarium Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
632 - Polly Pocket! - Super Splash Island (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Vivendi)
633 - Pop Idol (Europe)
634 - Popeye - Rush for Spinach (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
635 - Postman Pat and the Greendale Rocket (Europe) (En,No,Da)
636 - Power Rangers - Dino Thunder (Europe) (Fr,De)
637 - Power Rangers - La Force du Temps (France)
638 - Power Rangers - Ninja Storm (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
639 - Power Rangers - Time Force (USA, Europe)
640 - Power Rangers - Wild Force (USA, Europe)
641 - Power Rangers S.P.D. (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
642 - Powerpuff Girls, The - Him and Seek (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
643 - Powerpuff Girls, The - Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
644 - Prehistorik Man (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
645 - Premier Action Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
646 - Premier Manager 2003-04 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
647 - Premier Manager 2004-2005 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
648 - Premier Manager 2005-2006 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It)
649 - Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
650 - Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time & Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl+En,Fr,De,Es,It)
651 - Princess Natasha - Student, Secret Agent, Princess (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
652 - Pro Beach Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt)
653 - Pro Tennis WTA Tour (Europe)
654 - Punch King - Arcade Boxing (Europe) (En,Fr,Es)
655 - Puyo Pop (Europe) (En,Ja)
656 - Puyo Pop Fever (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
657 - Quad Desert Fury (USA, Europe)
658 - Qui Veut Gagner des Millions (France)
659 - Quiere Ser Millonario (Spain)
660 - Qwak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Unl)
661 - R-Type III - The Third Lightning (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
662 - Racing Fever (Europe) (En,De,Es,It)
663 - Racing Gears Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
664 - Rampage - Puzzle Attack (USA, Europe)
665 - Rapala Pro Fishing (USA, Europe)
666 - Ratatouille (Europe) (Fr,De,Nl)
667 - Rayman - 10th Anniversary (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,No,Da,Fi)
668 - Rayman - Hoodlums' Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
669 - Rayman - Raving Rabbids (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
670 - Rayman 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,No,Da,Fi)
671 - Rayman Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
672 - Razbitume! - Restez Branches! (Europe) (En,Fr)
673 - Razmoket Rencontrent les Delajungle, Les (France)
674 - Razmoket, Les - A Moi la Fiesta (France)
675 - Razmoket, Les - Voler N'Est Pas Jouer (France)
676 - Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
677 - Rebelstar - Tactical Command (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
678 - Reign of Fire (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
679 - Revenge of Shinobi, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
680 - Ripping Friends, The (USA, Europe)
681 - Road Rash - Jailbreak (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
682 - Robot Wars - Advanced Destruction (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
683 - Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
684 - Robotech - The Macross Saga (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
685 - Robots (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
686 - Rock n' Roll Racing (Europe)
687 - Rock'em Sock'em Robots (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
688 - Rocket Power - Beach Bandits (USA, Europe)
689 - Rocket Power - Le Cauchemar d'Otto (France)
690 - Rocky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
691 - Rugrats - Castle Capers (USA, Europe)
692 - Rugrats - Go Wild (USA, Europe)
693 - Rugrats - I Gotta Go Party (USA, Europe)
694 - Rugrats - Travesuras en el Castillo (Spain)
695 - Sabre Wulf (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
696 - Sabrina - The Teenage Witch - Potion Commotion (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
697 - Salt Lake 2002 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
698 - Samurai Jack - The Amulet of Time (USA, Europe)
699 - Santa Claus Jr. Advance (Europe)
700 - Santa Claus Saves the Earth (Europe)
701 - Scooby-Doo (Europe)
702 - Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
703 - Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
704 - Scooby-Doo! - Mystery Mayhem (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
705 - Scooby-Doo! - Unmasked (Europe) (Es,It)
706 - Scorpion King, The - Sword of Osiris (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
707 - Scrabble (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
708 - Scrabble Scramble! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
709 - Scurge - Hive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
710 - Secret Agent Barbie - Royal Jewels Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
711 - Sega Arcade Gallery (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
712 - Sega Rally Championship (Europe)
713 - Sega Smash Pack (Europe)
714 - Serious Sam Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
715 - Shaman King - Master of Spirits (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
716 - Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
717 - Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures (Europe)
718 - Shark Tale (Europe) (Fr,De,Es)
719 - Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder (USA, Europe)
720 - Sheep (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
721 - Shin chan - Aventuras en Cineland (Spain)
722 - Shin chan contra los Munecos de Shock Gahn (Spain)
723 - Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
724 - Shining Soul (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
725 - Shining Soul II (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
726 - Shonen Jump's - One Piece (Trad FR)
727 - Shrek - Hassle at the Castle (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
728 - Shrek - Reekin' Havoc (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
729 - Shrek - Smash n' Crash Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
730 - Shrek - Super Slam (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
731 - Shrek - Swamp Kart Speedway (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
732 - Shrek 2 - Beg for Mercy (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It)
733 - Shrek 2 (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It,Sv)
734 - Shrek the Third (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
735 - Sigma Star Saga (USA, Europe)
736 - Silent Scope (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
737 - SimCity 2000 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
738 - Simpsons, The - Road Rage (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
739 - Sims 2, The - Pets (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
740 - Sims 2, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
741 - Sims, The - Bustin' Out (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
742 - Sitting Ducks (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
743 - Sky Dancers - They Magically Fly! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
744 - Smashing Drive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
745 - Smuggler's Run (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
746 - Smurfs, The - The Revenge of the Smurfs (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
747 - Snood (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
748 - Snood 2 - On Vacation (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
749 - Soccer Kid (USA, Europe)
750 - Sonic Advance (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es)
751 - Sonic Advance 2 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
752 - Sonic Advance 3 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
753 - Sonic Battle (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
754 - Sonic Pinball Party (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
755 - Sound of Thunder, A (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
756 - Space Channel 5 - Ulala's Cosmic Attack (Europe)
757 - Space Invaders (France)
758 - SpaceTwins
759 - SpaceTwins"
760 - Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
761 - Spider-Man - Battle for New York (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
762 - Spider-Man - Mysterio's Menace (USA, Europe)
763 - Spider-Man (France)
764 - Spider-Man 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
765 - Spider-Man 3 (Europe)
766 - Spirit - Der Wilde Mustang - Auf der Suche nach Homeland (Germany)
767 - Spirit - L'Etalon des Plaines - A la Recherche de la Terre Natale (France)
768 - Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron - Search for Homeland (Europe)
769 - SpongeBob and Friends - Attack of the Toybots (Europe) (En,De)
770 - SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
771 - SpongeBob SquarePants - Creature from the Krusty Krab (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv,Da)
772 - SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, Pants! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Sv)
773 - SpongeBob SquarePants - Revenge of the Flying Dutchman (USA, Europe)
774 - SpongeBob SquarePants - SuperSponge (USA, Europe)
775 - SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends - Battle for Volcano Island (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
776 - SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends in Freeze Frame Frenzy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl)
777 - SpongeBob SquarePants and Friends Unite! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
778 - SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
779 - Spy Hunter (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es)
780 - Spy Kids 3-D - Game Over (Europe)
781 - Spyro - Season of Ice (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
782 - Spyro 2 - Season of Flame (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
783 - Spyro Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
784 - Spyro Fusion (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
785 - SSX 3 (USA, Europe)
786 - SSX Tricky (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
787 - Stadium Games (Europe)
788 - Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
789 - Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
790 - Star Wars - Flight of the Falcon (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
791 - Star Wars - Jedi Power Battles (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
792 - Star Wars - The New Droid Army (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
793 - Star Wars Trilogy - Apprentice of the Force (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
794 - Star X (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
795 - Starsky & Hutch (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
796 - Steel Empire (Europe)
797 - Steven Gerrard's Total Soccer 2002 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
798 - Strawberry Shortcake - Ice Cream Island - Riding Camp (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Da)
799 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Europe)
800 - Street Jam Basketball (USA, Europe)
801 - Street Racing Syndicate (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
802 - Strike Force Hydra (Europe)
803 - Stuart Little 2 (France)
804 - Stuntman (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
805 - Sum of All Fears, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
806 - Super Black Bass Advance (Europe)
807 - Super Bubble Pop (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
808 - Super Bust-A-Move (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
809 - Super Dodge Ball Advance (Europe)
810 - Super Dodge Ball Advance (Trad FR)
811 - Super Dropzone - Intergalactic Rescue Mission (Europe)
812 - Super Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA, Europe)
813 - Super Hornet FA 18F (USA, Europe)
814 - Super Mario Advance (USA, Europe)
815 - Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
816 - Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
817 - Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1)
818 - Super Mario Ball (Europe)
819 - Super Monkey Ball Jr. (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
820 - Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Europe)
821 - Super Robot Taisen - Original Generation (Europe)
822 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Revival (Europe)
823 - Superman - Countdown to Apokolips (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
824 - Superman Returns - Fortress of Solitude (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
825 - Surf's Up (Europe) (En,Fr,Es)
826 - Sword of Mana (Europe) (Fr,De)
827 - Tak - The Great Juju Challenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl)
828 - Tak 2 - The Staff of Dreams (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
829 - Tak and the Power of Juju (Europe) (Es,It)
830 - Tales of Phantasia (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
831 - Tang Tang (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Fi)
832 - Tarzan - L'Appel de la Jungle (France)
833 - Tarzan - Return to the Jungle (USA, Europe)
834 - Tarzan - Rueckkehr in den Dschungel (Germany)
835 - Taxi 3 (France)
836 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
837 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
838 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Double Pack (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
839 - Tekken Advance (Europe)
840 - Tekken Advance (Trad FR)
841 - Tennis Masters Series 2003 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt)
842 - Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
843 - Tetris Worlds (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Nl)
844 - Texas Hold 'em Poker (Europe) (Rev 1)
845 - TG Rally (Europe)
846 - Thunderbirds - International Rescue (Europe)
847 - Thunderbirds (USA, Europe)
848 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (USA, Europe)
849 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
850 - Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Pumpkin King (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
851 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Bad Dream (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
852 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Stackers (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
853 - Tir et But - Edition Champions du Monde (France)
854 - Titeuf - Mega Compet (France)
855 - Titeuf - Ze Gagmachine (France)
856 - Titi et les Bijoux Magiques (France)
857 - TOCA World Touring Cars (Europe)
858 - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
859 - Tom and Jerry - The Magic Ring (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
860 - Tom and Jerry in Infurnal Escape (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
861 - Tom and Jerry Tales (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
862 - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
863 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
864 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
865 - Tony Hawk's American Sk8land (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It)
866 - Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
867 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (France)
868 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (France)
869 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (USA, Europe)
870 - Tony Hawk's Underground (USA, Europe)
871 - Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (USA, Europe)
872 - Top Gear GT Championship (Europe)
873 - Top Gear Rally (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
874 - Top Gun - Firestorm Advance (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
875 - Top Spin 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
876 - Totally Spies! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
877 - Totally Spies! 2 - Undercover (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
878 - Treasure Planet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) (Rev 1)
879 - Trick Star (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
880 - Tringo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
881 - Trollz - Hair Affair! (Europe) (En,Fr,Es)
882 - Tron 2.0 - Killer App (Europe)
883 - Turok Evolution (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
884 - Tweety and the Magic Gems (Europe)
885 - Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - Bush Rescue (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De)
886 - Ultimate Brain Games (USA, Europe)
887 - Ultimate Card Games (USA, Europe)
888 - Ultimate Spider-Man (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It)
889 - Unglaublichen, Die (Germany)
890 - Uno 52 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
891 - Uno Free Fall (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
892 - Uranus
893 - Uranus Zero
894 - Uranus Zero EV
895 - Uranus2
896 - Urban Yeti! (USA, Europe)
897 - Urbz, The - Sims in the City (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
898 - V-Rally 3 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
899 - V.I.P. (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
900 - Van Helsing (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
901 - Vecinos Invasores (Spain)
902 - Virtua Tennis (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
903 - Virtual Kasparov (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
904 - W.i.t.c.h. (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
905 - Wade Hixton's Counter Punch (USA, Europe)
906 - Waimanu (disjointedstudio)
907 - Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray (Europe)
908 - Waliou Xunbao Ji (China)
909 - Waliou Zhizao (China)
910 - Wario Land 4 (Trad FR)
911 - Wario Land 4 (USA, Europe)
912 - WarioWare, Inc. - Minigame Mania (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
913 - Weekend Miljonairs (Netherlands)
914 - Wer Wird Millionaer (Germany)
915 - Wild Thornberrys Movie, The (USA, Europe)
916 - Wild Thornberrys, The - Chimp Chase (USA, Europe)
917 - Wild, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
918 - Wing Commander - Prophecy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
919 - Wings (Europe)
920 - Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
921 - Winter Sports (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
922 - WinX Club - Quest for the Codex (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
923 - WinX Club (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
924 - Wolfenstein 3D (USA, Europe)
925 - Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
926 - World Championship Poker (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
927 - World Poker Tour (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
928 - World Tennis Stars (Europe)
929 - Worms Blast (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
930 - Worms World Party (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
931 - WWE - Road to WrestleMania X8 (USA, Europe)
932 - WWE - Survivor Series (USA, Europe)
933 - WWF - Road to WrestleMania (USA, Europe)
934 - X-Bladez - Inline Skater (Europe)
935 - X-Men - Reign of Apocalypse (USA, Europe)
936 - X-Men - The Official Game (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It)
937 - X-Men 2 - La Vengeance de Wolverine (France)
938 - X2 - Wolverine's Revenge (USA, Europe)
939 - Xploder Advance (Europe) (Alt) (Unl)
940 - xXx (France)
941 - Yggdra Union - We'll Never Fight Alone (Europe)
942 - Yoshi's Universal Gravitation (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
943 - Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghostfiles - Spirit Detective (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
944 - Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghostfiles - Tournament Tactics (USA, Europe)
945 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Day of the Duelist - World Championship Tournament 2005 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
946 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Destiny Board Traveler (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
947 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
948 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Reshef of Destruction (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
949 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Sacred Cards (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
950 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Ultimate Masters Edition - World Championship Tournament 2006 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
951 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - World Championship Tournament 2004 (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
952 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
953 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
954 - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Duel Academy (Europe)
955 - Zapper (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
956 - Zidane Football Generation (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
957 - Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
958 - ZooCube (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
959 - Zooo (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Gameboy Color - 577 Jeux
1 - 1942
2 - 10-Pin Bowling
3 - 102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue
4 - 3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride
5 - 3D Pocket Pool
6 - 4x4 World Trophy
7 - 720 Degrees
8 - Action Man - Search for Base X
9 - Adventures of the Smurfs
10 - AirForce Delta
11 - Aladdin
12 - Alfred's Adventure
13 - Alice in Wonderland
14 - Aliens - Thanatos Encounter
15 - All Star Tennis 2000
16 - All-Star Baseball 2000
17 - All-Star Baseball 2001
18 - Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare
19 - Animorphs
20 - Antz
21 - Antz Racing
22 - Armada - FX Racers
23 - Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M.
24 - Army Men
25 - Army Men - Air Combat
26 - Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2
27 - Army Men 2
28 - Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day!
29 - Asterix - Search for Dogmatix
30 - Asteroids
31 - Atlantis - The Lost Empire
32 - Austin Powers - Oh, Behave!
33 - Austin Powers - Welcome to My Underground Lair!
34 - Azure Dreams
35 - Babe and Friends
36 - Baby Felix - Halloween
37 - Backgammon (M4)
38 - Ballistic
39 - Barbie - Fashion Pack Games
40 - Barbie - Magic Genie Adventure
41 - Barbie - Ocean Discovery
42 - Barbie - Pet Rescue
43 - Barca Total 2000
44 - Bass Masters Classic
45 - Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker
46 - Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker
47 - Battle Tanx
48 - Battleship
49 - Beach'n Ball
50 - Beauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure
51 - Billy Bob's Huntin' 'n' Fishin'
52 - Bionic Commando - Elite Forces
53 - Bionic Commando - Elite Forces (Trad FR)
54 - Black Bass - Lure Fishing
55 - Blade
56 - Blaster Master - Enemy Below
57 - Blue's Clues - Blue's Alphabet Book
58 - Boarder Zone
59 - Bob the Builder - Fix It Fun!
60 - Bomberman Max - Blue Champion
61 - Bomberman Max - Red Challenger
62 - Bomberman Quest
63 - Bubble Bobble
64 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
65 - Bug's Life, A
66 - Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3
67 - Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 4
68 - Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Carrot Crazy
69 - Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Operation Carrots
70 - Bust-A-Move 4
71 - Bust-A-Move Millennium
72 - Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
73 - Caesars Palace II
74 - Cannon Fodder
75 - Carmageddon
76 - Casper
77 - Caterpillar Construction Zone
78 - Catwoman
79 - Catwoman (Trad FR)
80 - Catz - Your Virtual Petz Palz
81 - Centipede
82 - Championship Motocross 2001 featuring Ricky Carmichael
83 - Chase H.Q. - Secret Police
84 - Chicken Run
85 - Colin McRae Rally
86 - Commander Keen
87 - Conker's Pocket Tales
88 - Cool Bricks
89 - Cool Hand
90 - Crazy Bikers
91 - Croc 1
92 - Croc 2
93 - Cross Country Racing
94 - Cruis'n Exotica
95 - Crystalis
96 - Crystalis (Trad FR)
97 - Cubix - Robots For Everyone - Race 'N Robots
98 - Cyber Tiger
99 - Daffy Duck - Fowl Play
100 - Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
101 - David Beckham Soccer
102 - Deadly Skies
103 - Deer Hunter
104 - Deja Vu I & II
105 - Denki Blocks!
106 - Dexter's Laboratory - Robot Rampage
107 - Dexter's Laboratory - Robot Rampage (Trad FR)
108 - Dinosaur
109 - Dinosaur'us
110 - Disney's Tarzan
111 - Diva Starz - Mall Mania
112 - Dogz - Your Virtual Petz Palz
113 - Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers
114 - Donald Duck - Quack Attack
115 - Donkey Kong Country
116 - Donkey Kong Country (Trad FR)
117 - Doug's Big Game
118 - Dracula - Crazy Vampire
119 - Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors
120 - Dragon Dance
121 - Dragon Tales - Dragon Wings
122 - Dragon Warrior I & II
123 - Dragon Warrior III
124 - Dragon Warrior Monsters
125 - Dragon Warrior Monsters (Trad FR)
126 - Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - Cobi's Journey
127 - Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - Tara's Adventure
128 - Dragon's Lair
129 - Driver - You Are The Wheelman
130 - Dropzone
131 - Duke Nukem
132 - Dukes of Hazzard, The - Racing for Home
133 - E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Digital Companion
134 - E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Escape from Planet Earth
135 - Earthworm Jim - Menace 2 the Galaxy
136 - ECW Hardcore Revolution
137 - Elevator Action EX
138 - Elmo in Grouchland
139 - Elmo's 123s
140 - Elmo's ABCs
141 - Emperor's New Groove, The
142 - ESPN International Track & Field
143 - ESPN National Hockey Night
144 - European Super League
145 - Evel Knievel
146 - Extreme Ghostbusters
147 - Extreme Sports with The Berenstain Bears
148 - F-1 Racing Championship
149 - F-1 World Grand Prix
150 - F-1 World Grand Prix II
151 - F-18 Thunder Strike
152 - F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The
153 - F1 Championship Season 2000
154 - FIFA 2000
155 - Fish Files, The
156 - Fix & Foxi - Episode 1 Lupo
157 - Flintstones Burgertime in Bedrock
158 - Flintstones, The - Burgertime in Bedrock
159 - Flipper & Lopaka
160 - Force 21
161 - Formula One 2000
162 - Fort Boyard
163 - FREME Tuner
164 - Frogger
165 - Frogger 2
166 - Galaga - Destination Earth
167 - Game & Watch Gallery 2
168 - Game & Watch Gallery 3
169 - Games Frenzy
170 - Gex - Enter the Gecko
171 - Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko
172 - Ghosts 'N Goblins
173 - Gift
174 - Gobs of Games
175 - Godzilla - The Series - Monster Wars
176 - Gold and Glory - The Road to El Dorado
177 - Golden Goal
178 - Grand Theft Auto
179 - Grand Theft Auto 2
180 - Gremlins Unleashed
181 - Grinch, The
182 - Halloween Racer
183 - Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite!
184 - Hands of Time
185 - Harley-Davidson - Race Across America
186 - Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
187 - Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
188 - Harvest Moon 2 GBC
189 - Harvest Moon 2 GBC (Trad FR)
190 - Harvest Moon 3 GBC
191 - Harvest Moon GB
192 - Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy
193 - Hercules - The Legendary Journeys
194 - Heroes of Might and Magic
195 - Heroes of Might and Magic II
196 - Hexcite - The Shapes of Victory
197 - Hole in One Golf
198 - Hollywood Pinball
199 - Holy Magic Century
200 - Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver
201 - Hoyle Card Games
202 - Hoyle Casino
203 - Hugo - Black Diamond Fever
204 - Hype - The Time Quest
205 - Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
206 - Inspector Gadget
207 - Inspector Gadget - Operation Madkactus
208 - International Karate
209 - International Superstar Soccer '99
210 - International Superstar Soccer 2000
211 - International Track & Field
212 - International Track & Field - Summer Games
213 - Jeff Gordon XS Racing
214 - Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
215 - Jimmy White's Cueball
216 - Joust & Defender
217 - JumpStart Dino Adventure - Field Trip
218 - Jungle Book, The - Mowgli's Wild Adventure
219 - Jurassic Boy 2
220 - Keep the Balance
221 - Kelly Club - Clubhouse Fun
222 - Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest
223 - Kirikou
224 - Klax
225 - Klustar
226 - Knockout Kings
227 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1
228 - Konami GB Collection Vol.1 (Trad FR)
229 - Konami GB Collection Vol.2
230 - Konami GB Collection Vol.3
231 - Konami GB Collection Vol.4
232 - Konami GB Collection Vol.4 (Trad FR)
233 - Konami Winter Games
234 - Land Before Time, The
235 - Las Vegas Cool Hand
236 - Last Bible (Trad FR)
237 - Last Bible II (Trad FR)
238 - Laura (M8)
239 - Le Mans 24 Hours
240 - Legend of the River King 2
241 - Legend of the River King GB
242 - Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX
243 - Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Ages
244 - Legend of Zelda, The - Oracle of Seasons
245 - LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge
246 - Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings
247 - Lil' Monster
248 - Lion King, The - Simba's Mighty Adventure
249 - Little Mermaid II, The - Pinball Frenzy
250 - Little Nicky
251 - Logical
252 - Looney Tunes
253 - Looney Tunes Collector - Alert!
254 - Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Alert!
255 - Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Revenge!
256 - Looney Tunes Racing
257 - Lucky Luke - Desperado Train
258 - Lucky Luke (M4)
259 - Lufia - The Legend Returns
260 - Lufia - The Legend Returns (Trad FR)
261 - M&M's Minis Madness
262 - Madden NFL 2000
263 - Madden NFL 2001
264 - Madden NFL 2002
265 - Magi Nation
266 - Magical Chase GB - Minarai Mahoutsukai Kenja no Tani e (Trad FR)
267 - Magical Drop
268 - Magical Tetris Challenge
269 - Marble Madness
270 - Mario Bros
271 - Mario Golf
272 - Mario Tennis
273 - Marvin Strikes Back!
274 - Mask of Zorro, The
275 - Matchbox - Emergency Patrol
276 - Maya the Bee - Garden Adventures
277 - Maya the Bee & Her Friends
278 - Mega Man Xtreme
279 - Mega Man Xtreme (Trad FR)
280 - Mega Man Xtreme 1
281 - Mega Man Xtreme 2
282 - Mega Man Xtreme 2 (Trad FR)
283 - Men In Black - The Series
284 - Men In Black 2 - The Series
285 - Merlin
286 - Metal Gear Solid
287 - Metal Walker
288 - Mia Hamm Soccer Shootout
289 - Mickey's Racing Adventure
290 - Mickey's Speedway USA
291 - Micro Machines 1 and 2 - Twin Turbo
292 - Micro Machines V3
293 - Micro Maniacs
294 - Microsoft Entertainment Pack
295 - Microsoft Pinball Arcade
296 - Microsoft Puzzle Collection
297 - Millenium Winter Sports
298 - Missile Command
299 - Mission Impossible
300 - Monkey Puncher
301 - Monopoly
302 - Monopoly (Trad FR)
303 - Monster Rancher Battle Card GB
304 - Montezuma's Return
305 - Moomin's Tale
306 - Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter
307 - Mortal Kombat 4
308 - Mortal Kombat 4 (Trad FR)
309 - Motocross Maniacs 2
310 - Mowglis Wild Adventure
311 - Mr Nutz
312 - Mr. Driller
313 - MTV Sports - Pure Ride
314 - MTV Sports - Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald
315 - MTV Sports - T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX
316 - Mummy Returns, The
317 - Mummy, The
318 - Muppets, The
319 - Nations, The - Land of Legends
320 - NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant
321 - NBA Hoopz
322 - NBA In The Zone
323 - NBA In The Zone 2000
324 - NBA Jam '99
325 - NBA Jam 2001
326 - NBA Pro '99
327 - NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC
328 - New Addams Family Series, The
329 - New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, The
330 - New Batman Adventures, The - Chaos in Gotham
331 - NFL Blitz
332 - NFL Blitz 2000
333 - NFL Blitz 2001
334 - NHL 2000
335 - NHL Blades of Steel
336 - NHL Blades of Steel 2000
337 - Nicktoons' Racing
338 - No Fear - Downhill Mountain Biking
339 - NO GAMES"
340 - Noddy and the Birthday Party
341 - NSYNC - Get to the Show
342 - NYR - N.Y. Race
343 - O'Leary Manager 2000
344 - Obelix
345 - Paperboy
346 - Papyrus
347 - Perfect Dark
348 - Pitfall - Beyond the Jungle
349 - Planet of the Apes
350 - Player Manager 2001
351 - Pocket Bomberman
352 - Pocket Bomberman (Trad FR)
353 - Pocket Bowling
354 - Pocket Music
355 - Pocket Racing
356 - Pocket Soccer
357 - Poke'mon Pikachu
358 - Pokemon - Crystal Version
359 - Pokemon - Gold Version
360 - Pokemon - Silver Version
361 - Pokemon - Yellow Version
362 - Pokemon Crystal
363 - Pokemon Diamond
364 - Pokemon Gold
365 - Pokemon Pinball
366 - Pokemon Pinball (Trad FR)
367 - Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
368 - Pokemon Silver
369 - Pokemon Trading Card Game
370 - Polaris SnoCross
371 - Pong - The Next Level
372 - Pooh and Tigger's Hunny Safari
373 - Pop'n Pop
374 - Portal Runner
375 - Power Quest
376 - Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue
377 - Power Rangers - Time Force
378 - Power Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball
379 - Powerpuff Girls, The - Bad Mojo Jojo
380 - Powerpuff Girls, The - Battle Him
381 - Powerpuff Girls, The - Paint the Townsville Green
382 - Prince Naseem Boxing
383 - Prince of Persia
384 - Pro Darts
385 - Pro Pool
386 - Project S-11
387 - Project S-11 (Trad FR)
388 - Puchi Carat
389 - Puzzle Master
390 - Puzzled
391 - Q-bert
392 - Qix Adventure
393 - Quest - Fantasy Challenge
394 - Quest for Camelot
395 - Quest RPG - Brian's Journey
396 - R-Type DX
397 - Radikal Bikers
398 - Rainbow Islands
399 - Rampage - World Tour
400 - Rampage 2 - Universal Tour
401 - Rampart
402 - Rats!
403 - Rayman
404 - Razor Freestyle Scooter
405 - Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
406 - Rescue Heroes - Fire Frenzy
407 - Reservoir Rat
408 - Resident Evil Gaiden
409 - Return of the Ninja
410 - Revelations - The Demon Slayer
411 - Rhino Rumble
412 - Rip-Tide Racer
413 - Road Champs - BXS Stunt Biking
414 - Road Rash
415 - Roadsters '98
416 - Roadsters Trophy
417 - Robin Hood
418 - Robocop
419 - Robopon - Sun Version
420 - Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem
421 - Rocket Power - Gettin' Air
422 - Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter
423 - Roland Garros French Open
424 - Ronaldo V.Soccer
425 - Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends
426 - Rox
427 - Rugrats
428 - Rugrats - Time Travelers
429 - Rugrats - Totally Angelica
430 - Rugrats in Paris - The Movie
431 - Rugrats Movie, The
432 - Sabrina - The Animated Series - Spooked!
433 - Sabrina - The Animated Series - Zapped!
434 - San Francisco Rush 2049
435 - Santa Claus Junior
436 - Scooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers
437 - Scrabble
438 - Sesame Street Sports
439 - Sgt. Rock - On The Front Line
440 - Shadowgate Classic
441 - Shamus
442 - Shantae
443 - Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder
444 - Shrek - Fairy Tale Freakdown
445 - Simbas Mighty Adventure
446 - Simpsons Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror
447 - Smurfs Nightmare
448 - Smurfs Nightmare, The
449 - Snoopy Tennis
450 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
451 - SnowCross
452 - Soccer Manager
453 - SouthParkGBC
454 - Space Invaders
455 - Space Marauder
456 - Spacestation Silicon Valley
457 - Spawn
458 - Speedy Gonzales - Aztec Adventure
459 - Spider-Man 1
460 - Spider-Man 2
461 - Spirou - La Panque Mecanique
462 - SpongeBob SquarePants - Legend of the Lost Spatula
463 - Spy vs. Spy
464 - Star Ocean - Blue Sphere (Trad FR)
465 - Star Wars Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures
466 - Star Wars Episode I - Racer
467 - Stranded Kids
468 - Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
469 - Stuart Little - The Journey Home
470 - Super Breakout!
471 - Super Chinese Fighter EX (Trad FR)
472 - Super Mario Bros DX
473 - Supercross Freestyle
474 - Supreme Snowboarding
475 - Survival Kids
476 - Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing
477 - SWIV
478 - Sylvester and Tweety
479 - Tarzan
480 - Tazmanian Devil - Munching Madness
481 - Tech Deck Skateboarding
482 - Test Drive 2001
483 - Test Drive 6
484 - Test Drive Cycles
485 - Test Drive Le Mans
486 - Test Drive Off-Road 3
487 - Tetris DX
488 - Three Lions
489 - Thunderbirds
490 - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000
491 - Tintin in Tibet
492 - Tiny Toon Advantures - Dizzy's Candy Quest
493 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Saves the Day
494 - Titus the Fox
495 - TNN Outdoors Fishing Champ
496 - TOCA Touring Car Championship
497 - Toki Tori
498 - Tom and Jerry
499 - Tom and Jerry - Mouse Hunt
500 - Tom and Jerry in Mouse Attacks!
501 - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
502 - Tomb Raider
503 - Tomb Raider - Curse of the Sword
504 - Tomb Raider Curse of the Sword
505 - Tonic Trouble
506 - Tonka Construction Site
507 - Tonka Raceway
508 - Tony Hawk 1
509 - Tony Hawk 2
510 - Tony Hawk 3
511 - Toobin'
512 - Toonsylvania
513 - Tootuff
514 - Top Gear Pocket
515 - Top Gear Pocket 2
516 - Top Gear Rally
517 - Top Gear Rally 2
518 - Total Soccer 2000
519 - Towers - Lord Baniff's Deceit
520 - Toy Story 2
521 - Toy Story Racer
522 - Trick Boarder
523 - Triple Play 2001
524 - Trouballs
525 - Turok - Rage Wars
526 - Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil
527 - Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion
528 - Turok 4
529 - Tweenies - Doodles' Bones
530 - Tweety's High-Flying Adventures
531 - Tyco RC - Racin' Ratz
532 - UEFA 2000
533 - Ultimate Paint Ball
534 - Ultimate Surfing
535 - Uno
536 - V-Rally - Championship Edition
537 - Vegas Games
538 - Vigilante 8
539 - VIP
540 - Wacky Races
541 - Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour
542 - Wario Land 3 (Trad FR)
543 - Warioland 2
544 - Warioland 3
545 - Warlocked
546 - Warriors of Might and Magic
547 - WCW Mayhem
548 - Wendy - Every Witch Way
549 - Wetrix GB
550 - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition
551 - Wild Thornberrys, The - Rambler
552 - Wings of Fury
553 - Winnie the Pooh - Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood
554 - Woody Woodpecker
555 - Woody Woodpecker Racing
556 - World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks
557 - Worms Armageddon
558 - WWF Attitude
559 - WWF Betrayal
560 - WWF Wrestlemania 2000
561 - X-Men - Mutant Academy
562 - X-Men - Mutant Wars
563 - X-Men - Wolverine's Rage
564 - Xena - Warrior Princess
565 - Xtreme Sports
566 - Xtreme Wheels
567 - Yars' Revenge - The Quotile Ultimatum
568 - Yoda Stories
569 - Yogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast
570 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Duel Stories (Trad FR)
571 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories
572 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Saikyou Kettousha Senki - Jounouchi Deck (Trad FR)
573 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Saikyou Kettousha Senki - Kaiba Deck (Trad FR)
574 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Saikyou Kettousha Senki - Yuugi Deck (Trad FR)
575 - Zebco Fishing!
576 - Zidane Football Generation
577 - Zoboomafoo - Playtime In Zobooland
Game Gear - 277 Jeux
1 - 5 in 1 Funpak (USA)
2 - Addams Family, The (World)
3 - Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA, Europe)
4 - Aerial Assault (World)
5 - Aladdin (USA, Europe)
6 - Alien 3 (USA, Europe)
7 - Alien Syndrome (USA, Europe)
8 - Andre Agassi Tennis (USA)
9 - Arcade Classics (USA)
10 - Arch Rivals (USA)
11 - Arena (USA, Europe)
12 - Ariel the Little Mermaid (USA, Europe)
13 - Asterix and the Great Rescue (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
14 - Asterix and the Secret Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
15 - Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (USA, Europe)
16 - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (USA, Europe)
17 - Baku Baku Animal (Europe)
18 - Barbie Super Model (Unknown) (Proto)
19 - Bare Knuckle ~ Streets of Rage (World)
20 - Bare Knuckle II ~ Streets of Rage 2 ~ Streets of Rage II (World)
21 - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (USA)
22 - Batman Forever (World)
23 - Batman Returns (World)
24 - Batter Up (USA, Europe)
25 - Battleship (USA, Europe)
26 - Battletoads (Japan, Europe)
27 - Beavis and Butt-Head (USA, Europe)
28 - Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (USA)
29 - Bonkers Wax Up! (USA, Europe)
30 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (Europe)
31 - Bubble Bobble (USA, Europe)
32 - Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (USA, Europe)
33 - Bust-A-Move (USA, Europe)
34 - Caesars Palace (USA)
35 - Captain America and the Avengers (USA, Europe)
36 - Casino Funpak (USA)
37 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Europe)
38 - Chakan (USA, Europe)
39 - Championship Hockey (Europe)
40 - Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
41 - Chessmaster, The (USA, Europe)
42 - Chicago Syndicate (USA, Europe)
43 - Choplifter III (USA)
44 - Chuck Rock (World)
45 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)
46 - CJ Elephant Fugitive (Europe)
47 - Cliffhanger (USA)
48 - Clutch Hitter (USA)
49 - Columns (USA, Europe)
50 - Cool Spot (Europe)
51 - Cosmic Spacehead (Europe)
52 - Crazy Faces (Unknown) (Proto)
53 - Crystal Warriors (USA, Europe)
54 - Cutthroat Island (USA, Europe)
55 - Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
56 - Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (USA, Europe)
57 - Defenders of Oasis (USA, Europe)
58 - Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
59 - Desert Strike (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
60 - Devilish (Europe)
61 - Double Dragon (USA, Europe)
62 - Dr. Franken (Unknown) (Proto)
63 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA, Europe)
64 - Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Europe)
65 - Dragon Crystal (USA, Europe)
66 - Dropzone (Europe)
67 - Dynamite Headdy (USA, Europe)
68 - Earthworm Jim (Europe)
69 - Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, Europe)
70 - Ecco the Dolphin (USA, Europe)
71 - Ernie Els Golf (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
72 - Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (USA, Europe)
73 - Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (Europe)
74 - F1 - World Championship Edition (Europe)
75 - F1 (USA, Europe)
76 - F-15 Strike Eagle (USA, Europe)
77 - Factory Panic (Europe)
78 - Fantastic Dizzy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
79 - Fantasy Zone (Japan, Europe)
80 - Fatal Fury Special (Europe)
81 - FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe)
82 - FIFA Soccer 96 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
83 - Foreman for Real (World)
84 - Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA)
85 - Fred Couples' Golf (USA)
86 - Frogger (USA) (Proto)
87 - Galaga 2 (Europe)
88 - Garfield - Caught in the Act (USA, Europe)
89 - Gear Works (USA)
90 - George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA, Europe)
91 - GG Aleste II ~ Power Strike II (Japan, Europe)
92 - G-LOC - Air Battle (USA, Europe)
93 - GP Rider (USA, Europe)
94 - Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude! (USA, Europe)
95 - Halley Wars (USA, Europe)
96 - Home Alone (USA, Europe)
97 - Hook (Europe)
98 - Hurricanes (Europe)
99 - Incredible Crash Dummies, The (World)
100 - Incredible Hulk, The (USA, Europe)
101 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA, Europe)
102 - Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (USA, Europe)
103 - Itchy & Scratchy Game, The (USA, Europe)
104 - James Bond 007 - The Duel (Europe)
105 - James Pond 3 - Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
106 - James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Europe)
107 - Jang Pung II (Korea) (Unl)
108 - Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA, Europe)
109 - Jeopardy! (USA)
110 - Joe Montana Football (USA, Europe)
111 - Journey from Darkness - Strider Returns (USA, Europe)
112 - Judge Dredd (USA, Europe)
113 - Jungle Book, The (Europe)
114 - Jungle Strike (USA)
115 - Jurassic Park (USA, Europe)
116 - Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (USA, Europe)
117 - Klax (USA, Europe)
118 - Krusty's Fun House (USA, Europe)
119 - Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Europe)
120 - Last Action Hero (USA)
121 - Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Europe)
122 - Lemmings (World)
123 - Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Unknown) (Proto)
124 - Lion King, The (Europe)
125 - Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (USA)
126 - Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (USA, Europe)
127 - Madden 96 (USA, Europe)
128 - Madden NFL 95 (USA)
129 - Magical Puzzle Popils (World) (En,Ja)
130 - Majors Pro Baseball, The (USA)
131 - Marble Madness (USA, Europe)
132 - Marko's Magic Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
133 - Master of Darkness (Europe)
134 - Mega Man (USA)
135 - Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA, Europe)
136 - Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA)
137 - Micro Machines (Europe)
138 - Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe)
139 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, Europe)
140 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, Europe)
141 - MLBPA Baseball (USA)
142 - Monster Truck Wars (USA, Europe)
143 - Mortal Kombat (USA, Europe)
144 - Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe)
145 - Mortal Kombat II (World)
146 - Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
147 - NBA Action Starring David Robinson (USA)
148 - NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (World)
149 - NBA Jam (USA, Europe)
150 - NFL '95 (USA)
151 - NFL Quarterback Club (World)
152 - NFL Quarterback Club '96 (USA, Europe)
153 - NHL All-Star Hockey (USA)
154 - NHL Hockey (USA, Europe)
155 - Ninja Gaiden (USA, Europe)
156 - Olympic Gold (Japan, USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
157 - Ottifants, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
158 - Out Run (Europe)
159 - Out Run Europa (Europe)
160 - Pac-Attack (USA, Europe)
161 - Pac-In-Time (Unknown) (Proto)
162 - Pac-Man (USA)
163 - Paperboy (USA, Europe)
164 - Paperboy 2 (USA, Europe)
165 - Pengo (USA, Europe)
166 - Pete Sampras Tennis (Europe)
167 - PGA Tour 96 (USA, Europe)
168 - PGA Tour Golf (USA, Europe)
169 - PGA Tour Golf II (USA, Europe)
170 - Phantom 2040 (USA, Europe)
171 - Pinball Dreams (USA)
172 - Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA)
173 - Poker Face Paul's Gin (USA)
174 - Poker Face Paul's Poker (USA)
175 - Poker Face Paul's Solitaire (USA)
176 - Power Drive (Europe)
177 - Predator 2 (USA, Europe)
178 - Primal Rage (USA, Europe)
179 - Prince of Persia (USA, Europe)
180 - Putt & Putter (USA, Europe)
181 - Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy (USA, Europe)
182 - R.B.I. Baseball '94 (USA)
183 - R.C. Grand Prix (USA, Europe)
184 - Revenge of Drancon (USA)
185 - Riddick Bowe Boxing (USA)
186 - Rise of the Robots (USA, Europe)
187 - Ristar - The Shooting Star (World)
188 - Road Rash (Europe)
189 - RoboCop 3 (World)
190 - RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA, Europe)
191 - S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (Europe)
192 - Samurai Shodown (USA)
193 - Scratch Golf (USA)
194 - Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 (Europe)
195 - Sensible Soccer (Europe)
196 - Shaq Fu (USA, Europe)
197 - Shinobi (USA, Europe)
198 - Shinobi II - The Silent Fury (World) (Ja)
199 - Side Pocket (USA)
200 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (USA, Europe)
201 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the World (World)
202 - Slider (USA, Europe)
203 - Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
204 - Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
205 - Solitaire FunPak (USA)
206 - Solitaire Poker (USA, Europe)
207 - Sonic Blast (World)
208 - Sonic Chaos (USA, Europe)
209 - Sonic Drift 2 (Japan, USA)
210 - Sonic Labyrinth (World)
211 - Sonic The Hedgehog - Triple Trouble (USA, Europe)
212 - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World)
213 - Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (USA, Europe)
214 - Space Harrier (World)
215 - Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (USA, Europe)
216 - Spider-Man - X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (USA)
217 - Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (USA, Europe)
218 - Spirou (Europe) (Proto)
219 - Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (USA, Europe)
220 - Sports Trivia - Championship Edition (USA, Europe)
221 - Sports Trivia (USA)
222 - Star Trek - The Next Generation - The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial (USA)
223 - Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus (USA, Europe)
224 - Star Wars (Europe)
225 - Stargate (World)
226 - Striker (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
227 - Super Battletank (USA)
228 - Super Columns (USA, Europe)
229 - Super Golf (USA)
230 - Super Monaco GP (USA, Europe)
231 - Super Off Road (USA, Europe)
232 - Super Return of the Jedi (USA, Europe)
233 - Super Smash T.V. (World)
234 - Super Space Invaders (USA, Europe)
235 - Superman - The Man of Steel (Europe)
236 - Surf Ninjas (USA)
237 - T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
238 - Tails Adventures (World) (En,Ja)
239 - Taito Chase H.Q. (USA)
240 - TaleSpin (USA, Europe)
241 - Tarzan - Lord of the Jungle (Europe)
242 - Taz in Escape from Mars (USA, Europe)
243 - Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds (USA, Europe)
244 - Tempo Jr. (World)
245 - Tengen World Cup Soccer (USA, Europe)
246 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (World)
247 - Terminator, The (USA, Europe)
248 - Tesserae (USA, Europe)
249 - Tintin in Tibet (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,Nl,Sv)
250 - Tom and Jerry - The Movie (USA, Europe)
251 - True Lies (World)
252 - Ultimate Soccer (Japan, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
253 - Urban Strike (USA, Europe)
254 - Vampire - Master of Darkness (USA)
255 - Virtua Fighter Animation (USA, Europe)
256 - VR Troopers (USA, Europe)
257 - Wheel of Fortune (USA)
258 - Wimbledon (World)
259 - Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt,Sv,No)
260 - Wizard Pinball (Europe)
261 - Wolfchild (Europe)
262 - Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap (Europe)
263 - Wonder Boy (Europe)
264 - Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (Europe) (Beta)
265 - Woody Pop (World)
266 - World Class Leader Board (USA, Europe)
267 - World Cup USA 94 (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
268 - World Series Baseball (USA)
269 - World Series Baseball '95 (USA)
270 - WWF Raw (USA, Europe)
271 - WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (Europe)
272 - X-Men - Gamemaster's Legacy (USA, Europe)
273 - X-Men - Mojo World (USA, Europe)
274 - X-Men (USA)
275 - Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush (Unknown) (Proto)
276 - Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (Europe)
277 - Zoop (USA)
Lynx - 84 Jeux
1 - Alien vs Predator
2 - APB
3 - Awesome Golf
4 - Baseball Heroes
5 - Basketbrawl
6 - Batman Returns
7 - Battle Wheels
8 - BattleZone 2000
9 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
10 - Block Out
11 - Blue Lightning
12 - Bubble Trouble
13 - California Games
14 - Centipede
15 - Checkered Flag
16 - Chip's Challenge
17 - Conquest of Zow
18 - Crystal Mines II : Buried Treasure
19 - Desert Strike : Return to the Gulf
20 - Dinolympics
21 - Dirty Larry : Renegade Cop
22 - Double Dragon
23 - Dracula the Undead
24 - Dragnet
25 - Electrocop
26 - European Soccer Challenge
27 - Eye of the Beholder
28 - Fat Bobby
29 - Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge
30 - Gates of Zendocon
31 - Gauntlet : The Third Encounter
32 - Gordo 106
33 - Hard Drivin'
34 - Hockey
35 - Hydra
36 - Ishido : The Way of Stones
37 - Jimmy Connors' Tennis
38 - Joust
39 - Klax
40 - Krazy Ace Miniature Golf
41 - Kung Food
42 - Lemmings
43 - Lexis
44 - Loopz
45 - Lynx Casino
46 - Lynx II Production Test Program V0.02
47 - Malibu Bikini Volleyball
48 - Marble Madness
49 - Marlboro Go!
50 - Ms. Pac-Man
51 - NFL Football
52 - Ninja Gaiden III : The Ancient Ship of Doom
53 - Pac-Land
54 - Paperboy
55 - Pinball Jam
56 - Pit-Fighter
57 - Power Factor
58 - Qix
59 - Raiden
60 - Rampage
61 - Rampart
62 - RoadBlasters
63 - Robo-Squash
64 - Robotron : 2084
65 - Rygar
66 - S.T.U.N. Runner
67 - Scrapyard Dog
68 - Shadow of the Beast
69 - Shanghai
70 - Steel Talons
71 - Super Asteroids & Missile Command
72 - Super Off Road
73 - Super Skweek
74 - SwitchBlade II
75 - Todd's Adventures in Slime World
76 - Toki
77 - Tournament Cyberball 2072
78 - Turbo Sub
79 - Viking Child
80 - Warbirds
81 - World Class Soccer
82 - Xenophobe
83 - Xybots
84 - Zarlor Mercenary
Master System - 511 Jeux
1 - 94 Super World Cup Soccer (Korea)
2 - Ace of Aces (Europe)
3 - Action Fighter (USA, Europe) (Rev 2)
4 - Addams Family, The (Europe)
5 - Aerial Assault (Europe)
6 - Aerial Assault (Trad FR)
7 - After Burner (World)
8 - Air Rescue (Europe)
9 - Air Rescue (Trad FR)
10 - Aladdin (Europe)
11 - Aladdin (Trad FR)
12 - Aleste (Japan)
13 - Alex Kidd - High-Tech World (USA, Europe)
14 - Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars (World)
15 - Alex Kidd 3 - Curse in Miracle World
16 - Alex Kidd BMX Trial (Japan)
17 - Alex Kidd in High Tech World (Trad FR)
18 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Trad FR)
19 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World (USA, Europe)
20 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2
21 - Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Trad FR)
22 - Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (USA, Europe)
23 - Alex Kidd no Miracle World (Japan)
24 - ALF (Trad FR)
25 - Alf (USA)
26 - Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Korea) (Unl)
27 - Alien 3 (Europe)
28 - Alien Storm (Europe)
29 - Alien Syndrome (Japan)
30 - Alien Syndrome (USA, Europe)
31 - Altered Beast (USA, Europe)
32 - American Baseball (Europe)
33 - American Pro Football (Europe)
34 - Andre Agassi Tennis (Europe)
35 - Anmitsu Hime (Japan)
36 - Arcade Smash Hits (Europe)
37 - Argos no Juujiken (Japan)
38 - Argos no Juujiken (Trad FR)
39 - Ariel - The Little Mermaid (Brazil)
40 - Ashura (Japan)
41 - Assault City (Europe)
42 - Asterix (Europe) (En,Fr)
43 - Asterix and the Great Rescue (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
44 - Asterix and the Secret Mission (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
45 - Astro Flash (Japan)
46 - Astro Warrior (Japan, USA)
47 - Astro Warrior & Pit Pot (Europe)
48 - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Europe)
49 - Aztec Adventure - The Golden Road to Paradise (World)
50 - Back to the Future Part II (Europe)
51 - Back to the Future Part III (Europe)
52 - Baku Baku Animal (Brazil)
53 - Bank Panic (Europe)
54 - Basket Ball Nightmare (Europe)
55 - Batman Returns (Europe)
56 - Batman Returns (Trad FR)
57 - Battle Out Run (Europe)
58 - Battlemaniacs (Brazil)
59 - Black Belt (USA, Europe)
60 - Blade Eagle (World)
61 - Block Hole (Korea) (Unl)
62 - Bobble Bobble (Korea)
63 - Bomber Raid (Trad FR)
64 - Bomber Raid (World)
65 - Bonanza Bros (Trad FR)
66 - Bonanza Bros. (Europe)
67 - Bonkers Wax Up! (Brazil)
68 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (Europe)
69 - Bubble Bobble (Europe)
70 - Bubble Bobble (Trad FR)
71 - Buggy Run (Europe)
72 - C_So! (Korea) (Unl)
73 - California Games (USA, Europe)
74 - California Games II (Europe)
75 - Captain Silver (USA)
76 - Casino Games (USA, Europe)
77 - Castelo Ra-Tim-Bum (Brazil)
78 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Europe)
79 - Champions of Europe (Europe)
80 - Championship Hockey (Europe)
81 - Chapolim x Dracula - Um Duelo Assustador (Brazil)
82 - Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
83 - Choplifter (USA, Europe)
84 - Chouon Senshi Borgman (Japan)
85 - Chuck Rock (Europe)
86 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe)
87 - Circuit, The (Japan)
88 - Cloud Master (Trad FR)
89 - Cloud Master (USA, Europe)
90 - Color & Switch Test (Unknown)
91 - Columns (USA, Europe)
92 - Comic Bakery (Korea)
93 - Comical Machine Gun Joe (Japan)
94 - Comical Machine Gun Joe (Taiwan)
95 - Cool Spot (Europe)
96 - Cosmic Spacehead (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
97 - Cyber Shinobi (Trad FR)
98 - Cyber Shinobi, The (Europe)
99 - Cyber Shinobi, The (Unknown) (Beta)
100 - Cyborg Hunter (Trad FR)
101 - Cyborg Hunter (USA, Europe)
102 - Cyborg Z (Korea)
103 - Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
104 - Dallyeora Pigu-Wang (Korea) (Unl)
105 - Danan - The Jungle Fighter (Europe)
106 - Danan the Jungle Fighter (Trad FR)
107 - Dead Angle (USA, Europe)
108 - Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck (Europe)
109 - Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
110 - Desert Strike (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
111 - Dick Tracy (USA, Europe)
112 - Digger Chan (Aypok)
113 - Dinobasher Starring Bignose the Caveman (Europe) (Proto)
114 - Dinobasher Starring Bignose the Caveman (Trad FR)
115 - Dinosaur Dooley, The (Korea) (Unl)
116 - Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken (Japan)
117 - Double Dragon (World)
118 - Double Hawk (Europe)
119 - Double Hawk (Trad FR)
120 - Double Target - Cynthia no Nemuri (Japan)
121 - Dr. Hello (Korea) (Unl)
122 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Europe)
123 - Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Europe)
124 - Dragon Crystal (Europe)
125 - Dynamite Duke (Europe)
126 - Dynamite Dux (Europe)
127 - Dynamite Headdy (Brazil)
128 - Dynamite Headdy (Trad FR)
129 - E-SWAT - City Under Siege (USA, Europe) (Easy Version)
130 - E-SWAT - City Under Siege (USA, Europe) (Hard Version)
131 - E.I. - Exa Innova (Korea)
132 - Eagles 5 (Korea)
133 - Earthworm Jim (Brazil)
134 - Ecco - The Tides of Time (Brazil)
135 - Ecco the Dolphin (Europe)
136 - Enduro Racer (Japan)
137 - Enduro Racer (USA, Europe)
138 - Excellent Dizzy Collection, The (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Proto)
139 - F-1 Spirit - The Way to Formula-1 (Korea) (Unl) (Pirate)
140 - F-16 Fighter (USA, Europe)
141 - F-16 Fighting Falcon (USA)
142 - F1 (Europe)
143 - FA Tetris (Korea) (Pirate)
144 - Family Games (Japan)
145 - Fantastic Dizzy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
146 - Fantasy Zone - The Maze (USA, Europe)
147 - Fantasy Zone (Japan)
148 - Fantasy Zone (Taiwan)
149 - Fantasy Zone (Trad FR)
150 - Fantasy Zone (World) (v1.2)
151 - Fantasy Zone 2 - The Tears of Opa-Opa (Trad FR)
152 - Fantasy Zone 3 - The Maze (Trad FR)
153 - Fantasy Zone II - Opa-Opa no Namida (Japan)
154 - Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (USA, Europe)
155 - Ferias Frustradas do Pica Pau (Brazil)
156 - FIFA International Soccer (Brazil) (En,Es,Pt)
157 - Final Bubble Bobble (Japan)
158 - Fire & Forget II (Europe)
159 - Fire & Ice (Brazil)
160 - Flash, The (Europe)
161 - Flashpoint (Korea) (Unl)
162 - Flight Of Pigarus
163 - Flintstones, The (Europe)
164 - Forgotten Worlds (Europe)
165 - Forgotten Worlds (Trad FR)
166 - Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot (Japan)
167 - G-LOC Air Battle (Europe)
168 - Gaegujangi Ggachi (Korea) (Unl)
169 - Gain Ground (Europe)
170 - Galactic Protector (Japan)
171 - Galaxian (Korea) (Unl)
172 - Galaxy Force (Europe)
173 - Galaxy Force (USA)
174 - Game Box Serie Esportes Radicais (Brazil)
175 - Gangcheol RoboCop (Korea) (Unl)
176 - Gangster Town (USA, Europe)
177 - Gauntlet (Europe)
178 - George Foreman's KO Boxing (Europe)
179 - Geraldinho (Brazil)
180 - Ghost House (Japan)
181 - Ghost House (USA, Europe)
182 - Ghostbusters (Trad FR)
183 - Ghostbusters (USA, Europe)
184 - Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Trad FR)
185 - Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA, Europe)
186 - Global Defense (USA, Europe)
187 - Gokuaku Doumei Dump Matsumoto (Japan)
188 - Golden Axe (USA, Europe)
189 - Golden Axe Warrior (Trad FR)
190 - Golden Axe Warrior (USA, Europe)
191 - Golfamania (Europe)
192 - Golvellius (Trad FR)
193 - Golvellius (USA, Europe)
194 - GP Rider (Europe)
195 - Great Baseball (USA, Europe)
196 - Great Basketball (World)
197 - Great Football (World)
198 - Great Golf (World)
199 - Great Ice Hockey (Japan, USA)
200 - Great Soccer (Europe)
201 - Great Tennis (Japan)
202 - Great Volleyball (Japan)
203 - Great Volleyball (USA, Europe)
204 - Gun.Smoke (Korea) (Unl)
205 - Haja no Fuuin (Japan)
206 - Hang-On (Europe)
207 - Hang-On & Astro Warrior (USA)
208 - Hang-On & Safari Hunt (USA)
209 - Heavyweight Champ (Europe)
210 - Heroes of the Lance (Europe)
211 - High School! Kimengumi (Japan)
212 - Hokuto no Ken (Japan)
213 - Hokuto no Ken (Taiwan)
214 - Hokuto no Ken (Trad FR)
215 - Home Alone (Europe)
216 - Hong Kil Dong (Korea)
217 - Hook (Europe) (Proto)
218 - Hoshi wo Sagasite... (Japan)
219 - Hwarang Ui Geom (Korea)
220 - Impossible Mission (Europe)
221 - Incredible Crash Dummies, The (Europe)
222 - Incredible Hulk, The (Europe)
223 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Europe)
224 - James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA)
225 - James Bond 007 - The Duel (Europe)
226 - James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod (Europe)
227 - Jang Pung 3 (Korea) (Unl)
228 - Jang Pung II (Korea) (Unl)
229 - Janggun-ui Adeul (Korea)
230 - Joe Montana Football (USA, Europe)
231 - Jungle Book, The (Europe)
232 - Jurassic Park (Europe)
233 - Kenseiden (Trad FR)
234 - Kenseiden (USA, Europe)
235 - King & Balloon (Korea) (Unl)
236 - King's Quest - Quest for the Crown (USA)
237 - Klax (Europe)
238 - Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious (Korea)
239 - Krusty's Fun House (Europe)
240 - Kujaku Ou (Japan)
241 - Kung Fu Kid (Trad FR)
242 - Kung Fu Kid (USA, Europe)
243 - Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Europe)
244 - Laser Ghost (Europe)
245 - Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Brazil)
246 - Lemmings (Europe)
247 - Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Unknown) (Proto)
248 - Line of Fire (Europe)
249 - Line of Fire (Trad FR)
250 - Lion King, The (Europe)
251 - Lord of Sword (Japan)
252 - Lord of the Sword (USA, Europe)
253 - Loretta no Shouzou (Japan)
254 - Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (Europe)
255 - Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The (Trad FR)
256 - Mahjong Sengoku Jidai (Japan)
257 - Makai Retsuden (Japan)
258 - Maou Golvellius (Japan)
259 - Marble Madness (Europe)
260 - Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting (USA)
261 - Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting & Safari Hunt (Europe)
262 - Master of Darkness (Europe)
263 - Masters of Combat (Europe)
264 - Maze Hunter 3-D (USA, Europe)
265 - Maze Walker (Japan)
266 - Megumi Rescue (Japan)
267 - Mercs (Europe)
268 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (USA, Europe)
269 - Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (Europe)
270 - Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion (Trad FR)
271 - Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (Brazil)
272 - Micro Machines (Europe)
273 - Micro Xevious, The (Korea) (Unl)
274 - Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord (USA, Europe)
275 - Missile Defense 3-D (USA, Europe)
276 - Monica no Castelo do Dragao (Brazil)
277 - Monopoly (Europe)
278 - Montezuma's Revenge Featuring Panama Joe (USA)
279 - Mopiranger (Korea) (Unl)
280 - Mortal Kombat (Europe)
281 - Mortal Kombat (Trad FR)
282 - Mortal Kombat 3 (Brazil)
283 - Mortal Kombat II (Europe)
284 - Ms. Pac-Man (Europe)
285 - My Hero (USA, Europe)
286 - NBA Jam (Europe) (Proto)
287 - Nekkyuu Koushien (Japan)
288 - Nemesis (Korea)
289 - Nemesis 2 (Korea)
290 - New Boggle Boggle 2 (Korea) (Unl)
291 - New Zealand Story, The (Europe)
292 - Ninja (Japan)
293 - Ninja Gaiden (Europe)
294 - Ninja Gaiden (Trad FR)
295 - Ninja, The (USA, Europe)
296 - Olympic Gold (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
297 - Opa Opa (Japan)
298 - Operation Wolf (Europe)
299 - Operation Wolf (Trad FR)
300 - Ottifants, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
301 - Out Run (World)
302 - Out Run 3-D (Europe)
303 - Out Run Europa (Europe)
304 - Out-Run (Trad FR)
305 - Pac-Mania (Europe)
306 - Paperboy (Europe)
307 - Parlour Games (USA, Europe)
308 - Pat Riley Basketball (USA) (Proto)
309 - Penguin Adventure (Korea) (Unl) (Pirate)
310 - Penguin Land (USA, Europe)
311 - PGA Tour Golf (Europe)
312 - Phantasy Star (Trad FR)
313 - Phantasy Star (USA, Europe) (Rev 3)
314 - Pit Fighter (Europe)
315 - Pong Master 4k
316 - Pooyan (Korea)
317 - Populous (Europe)
318 - Poseidon Wars 3-D (USA, Europe)
319 - Power Boggle Boggle (Korea) (Unl)
320 - Power Strike (USA, Europe)
321 - Power Strike 2 (Trad FR)
322 - Power Strike II (Europe)
323 - Predator 2 (Europe)
324 - Prince of Persia (Europe)
325 - Pro Wrestling (USA, Europe)
326 - Pro Yakyuu Pennant Race, The (Japan)
327 - Promocao Especial M. System III Compact (Brazil) (Sample)
328 - Psychic World (Europe)
329 - Psychic World (Trad FR)
330 - Psycho Fox (Trad FR)
331 - Psycho Fox (USA, Europe)
332 - Putt & Putter (Europe)
333 - Puznic (Korea) (Unl)
334 - Quartet (USA, Europe)
335 - Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy (Brazil)
336 - R-Type (World)
337 - R.C. Grand Prix (USA, Europe)
338 - Rainbow Islands - Story of the Bubble Bobble 2 (Europe)
339 - Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Brazil)
340 - Rambo - First Blood Part II (USA)
341 - Rambo III (USA, Europe)
342 - Rampage (USA, Europe)
343 - Rampart (Europe)
344 - Rastan (Trad FR)
345 - Rastan (USA, Europe)
346 - Reggie Jackson Baseball (USA)
347 - Renegade (Europe)
348 - Renegade (Trad FR)
349 - Rescue Mission (USA, Europe)
350 - Road Fighter (Korea) (Unl)
351 - Road Rash (Europe)
352 - RoboCop 3 (Europe)
353 - RoboCop versus The Terminator (Europe)
354 - Rocky (World)
355 - Running Battle (Europe)
356 - Running Battle (Trad FR)
357 - Sagaia (Europe)
358 - Sangokushi 3 (Korea) (Unl)
359 - Sapo Xule - O Mestre do Kung Fu (Brazil)
360 - Sapo Xule - S.O.S Lagoa Poluida (Brazil)
361 - Sapo Xule vs. Os Invasores do Brejo (Brazil)
362 - Satellite 7 (Japan)
363 - Schtroumpfs Autour du Monde, Les (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
364 - Scramble Spirits (Europe)
365 - Scramble Spirits (Trad FR)
366 - SDI (Japan)
367 - Secret Command (Europe)
368 - Sega Chess (Europe)
369 - Sega Graphic Board (USA) (v2.0) (Proto)
370 - Sega World Tournament Golf (Europe)
371 - Seishun Scandal (Japan)
372 - Sensible Soccer (Europe)
373 - Shadow Dancer (Europe)
374 - Shadow of the Beast (Europe)
375 - Shanghai (Trad FR)
376 - Shanghai (USA, Europe)
377 - Shinobi (USA, Europe)
378 - Shooting Gallery (USA, Europe)
379 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Europe)
380 - Simpsons, The - Bart vs. the World (Europe)
381 - Sitio do Picapau Amarelo (Brazil)
382 - Sky Fighter (Korea) (Unl)
383 - Sky Jaguar (Korea)
384 - Slap Shot (Europe)
385 - Smurfs, The (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
386 - Solomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita no Namida (Japan)
387 - Sonic Blast (Brazil)
388 - Sonic Chaos (Europe)
389 - Sonic the Hedgehog (Trad FR)
390 - Sonic The Hedgehog (USA, Europe)
391 - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Europe)
392 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Trad FR)
393 - Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (Europe)
394 - Sonic's Edusoft (Unknown) (Proto)
395 - Space Gun (Europe)
396 - Space Harrier (Europe)
397 - Space Harrier 3-D (USA, Europe)
398 - Space Harrier 3D (Japan)
399 - Special Criminal Investigation (Europe)
400 - Special Criminal Investigation (Europe) (Beta)
401 - Speedball (Europe) (Virgin)
402 - Speedball 2 (Europe)
403 - Spellcaster (Trad FR)
404 - SpellCaster (USA, Europe)
405 - Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Europe)
406 - Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (USA, Europe)
407 - Sports Pad Football (USA)
408 - Sports Pad Soccer (Japan)
409 - Spy vs. Spy (USA, Europe)
410 - Star Wars (Europe)
411 - Street Fighter II (Brazil)
412 - Street Master (Korea) (Unl)
413 - Streets of Rage (Europe)
414 - Streets of Rage 1 (Trad FR)
415 - Streets of Rage 2 (Trad FR)
416 - Streets of Rage II (Europe)
417 - Strider (USA, Europe)
418 - Strider II (Europe)
419 - Submarine Attack (Europe)
420 - Suho Cheonsa (Korea) (Unl)
421 - Sukeban Deka II - Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu (Japan)
422 - Summer Games (Europe)
423 - Super Arkanoid (Korea) (Unl)
424 - Super Basketball (USA) (Sample)
425 - Super Bioman I (Korea) (Unl)
426 - Super Boy 4 (Korea) (Unl)
427 - Super Boy I (Korea) (Unl)
428 - Super Boy II (Korea) (Unl)
429 - Super Boy III (Korea) (Unl)
430 - Super Bubble Bobble (Korea) (Unl)
431 - Super Columns & Tetris (Korea) (Unl)
432 - Super Kick Off (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
433 - Super Monaco GP (Europe)
434 - Super Monaco GP (USA)
435 - Super Off Road (Europe)
436 - Super Racing (Japan)
437 - Super Smash T.V. (Europe)
438 - Super Space Invaders (Europe)
439 - Super Tennis (USA, Europe)
440 - Super Tetris (Korea) (Pirate)
441 - Super Wonder Boy - Monster World (Japan)
442 - Super Wonder Boy (Japan, Europe)
443 - Superman - The Man of Steel (Europe)
444 - T2 - The Arcade Game (Europe)
445 - Taito Chase H.Q. (Europe)
446 - Taz in Escape from Mars (Brazil)
447 - Taz-Mania (Europe)
448 - Taz-Mania (Trad FR)
449 - Tecmo World Cup '92 (Europe) (Beta)
450 - Tecmo World Cup '93 (Europe)
451 - Teddy Boy (USA, Europe)
452 - Teddy Boy Blues (Japan)
453 - Tennis Ace (Europe)
454 - Tensai Bakabon (Japan)
455 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe)
456 - Terminator, The (Europe)
457 - Three Dragon Story, The (Korea) (Unl)
458 - Thunder Blade (Japan)
459 - Thunder Blade (USA, Europe)
460 - Time Soldiers (Trad FR)
461 - Time Soldiers (USA, Europe)
462 - Tom and Jerry - The Movie (Europe)
463 - Toto World 3 (Korea) (Unl)
464 - TransBot (USA, Europe)
465 - Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es)
466 - Ttoriui Moheom (Korea)
467 - Turma da Monica em O Resgate (Brazil)
468 - TV Colosso (Brazil)
469 - Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (Europe)
470 - Ultimate Soccer (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
471 - Vampire (Beta) (Trad FR)
472 - Vigilante (Trad FR)
473 - Vigilante (USA, Europe)
474 - Virtua Fighter Animation (Brazil)
475 - Walter Payton Football (USA)
476 - Wanted (USA, Europe)
477 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
478 - Wimbledon (Europe)
479 - Wimbledon II (Europe)
480 - Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt,Sv,No)
481 - Wolfchild (Europe)
482 - Wonder Boy (USA, Europe)
483 - Wonder Boy 3 - The Dragon's Trap (Trad FR)
484 - Wonder Boy 5 - Wonder Boy in Monster World (Trad FR)
485 - Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trap (USA, Europe)
486 - Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Trad FR)
487 - Wonder Boy in Monster Land (USA, Europe)
488 - Wonder Boy in Monster World (Europe)
489 - Wonsiin (Korea) (Pirate)
490 - Woody Pop - Shinjinrui no Block Kuzushi (Japan)
491 - World Class Leader Board (Europe)
492 - World Cup Italia '90 (Europe)
493 - World Cup USA 94 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv)
494 - World Games (Europe)
495 - World Grand Prix (Europe)
496 - World Grand Prix (USA)
497 - World Soccer (World)
498 - WWF Wrestlemania - Steel Cage Challenge (Europe)
499 - X-Men - Mojo World (Brazil)
500 - Xenon 2 - Megablast (Europe) (Virgin)
501 - Xyzolog (Korea)
502 - Y's - The Vanished Omens (Trad FR)
503 - Ys - The Vanished Omens (USA, Europe)
504 - Ys (Japan)
505 - Zaxxon 3-D (World)
506 - Zillion (Japan, Europe) (En,Ja)
507 - Zillion (Trad FR)
508 - Zillion (USA) (Rev 1)
509 - Zillion II - The Tri Formation (Trad FR)
510 - Zillion II - The Tri Formation (World)
511 - Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (Europe)
Megadrive - 1143 Jeux
1 - 3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA)
2 - 6-Pak (USA)
3 - 688 Attack Sub (USA, Europe)
4 - A Ressha de Gyoukou MD (Japan)
5 - AAAHH!!! Real Monsters (USA)
6 - Aah! Harimanada (Japan)
7 - Action 52 (USA) (Unl)
8 - Addams Family Values (Europe)
9 - Addams Family, The (USA, Europe)
10 - Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer (English v061023)
11 - Advanced Daisenryaku (Japan)
12 - Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (Trad FR)
13 - Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA)
14 - Adventures of Mighty Max, The (USA)
15 - Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA)
16 - Aero Blasters (Japan)
17 - Aero the Acro-Bat (USA)
18 - Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA)
19 - Aerobiz (USA)
20 - Aerobiz Supersonic (USA)
21 - After Burner II (USA, Europe)
22 - Air Buster (USA)
23 - Air Diver (USA)
24 - Aladdin (Trad FR)
25 - Aladdin (USA)
26 - Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Trad FR)
27 - Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA)
28 - Alien 3 (USA, Europe)
29 - Alien Soldier (Europe)
30 - Alien Storm (World)
31 - Alisia Dragoon (Japan)
32 - Alisia Dragoon (USA)
33 - Altered Beast (Alternate Style)
34 - Altered Beast (Trad FR)
35 - Altered Beast (USA, Europe)
36 - American Gladiators (USA)
37 - Amy Rose In Sonic The Hedgehog
38 - Andre Agassi Tennis (USA)
39 - Angry Birds - Star Wars
40 - Animaniacs (USA)
41 - Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika - Genchou Hishi (Japan)
42 - Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats, The (USA, Europe)
43 - Arcade Classics (USA, Europe)
44 - Arch Rivals - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
45 - Arcus Odyssey (USA)
46 - Ariel the Little Mermaid (USA, Europe)
47 - Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (USA, Europe)
48 - Arrow Flash (USA, Europe)
49 - Art Alive (World)
50 - Art of Fighting (USA)
51 - Asterix and the Great Rescue (USA)
52 - Asterix and the Power of the Gods (Europe)
53 - Atomic Robo-Kid (USA)
54 - Atomic Runner (Trad FR)
55 - Atomic Runner (USA)
56 - ATP Tour Championship Tennis (USA)
57 - Australian Rugby League (Europe)
58 - Awesome Possum Kicks Dr Machino's Butt! (USA)
59 - Aworg (Japan)
60 - AWS Pro Moves Soccer (USA)
61 - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (USA)
62 - B.O.B. (USA, Europe)
63 - Back to the Future Part III (USA)
64 - Bad Omen (Japan)
65 - Bahamut Senki (Japan)
66 - Ball Jacks (Japan, Europe)
67 - Ballz 3D - Fighting at Its Ballziest (USA, Europe)
68 - Barbie Super Model (USA)
69 - Barbie Vacation Adventure
70 - Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tetsuken - Streets of Rage (World) (Rev A)
71 - Bare Knuckle II (Japan)
72 - Bare Knuckle III (Japan)
73 - Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (USA, Europe)
74 - Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 (USA)
75 - Barney's Hide & Seek Game (USA)
76 - Bass Masters Classic - Pro Edition (USA)
77 - Bass Masters Classic (USA)
78 - Batman - Revenge of the Joker (USA)
79 - Batman (Japan)
80 - Batman (USA)
81 - Batman Forever (World)
82 - Batman Returns (World)
83 - Battle Golfer Yui (Japan)
84 - Battle Mania (Japan)
85 - Battle Squadron (Trad FR)
86 - Battle Squadron (USA, Europe)
87 - Battlemaster (USA)
88 - BattleTech - A Game of Armored Combat (USA)
89 - Battletoads (World)
90 - Battletoads & Double Dragon (USA)
91 - Battletoads and Double Dragon L7
92 - Beast Ball
93 - Beast Warriors (Japan)
94 - Beast Wrestler (USA)
95 - Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (Trad FR)
96 - Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (USA)
97 - Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast (USA)
98 - Beavis and Butt-Head (USA)
99 - Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (Trad FR)
100 - Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure, The (USA)
101 - Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA)
102 - Beyond Oasis (USA)
103 - Bible Adventures (USA) (Unl)
104 - Bill Walsh College Football (USA, Europe)
105 - Bill Walsh College Football 95 (USA)
106 - Bimini Run (USA)
107 - Bio Hazard Battle (Trad FR)
108 - Bio Hazard Battle (USA, Europe)
109 - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan)
110 - Blades of Vengeance (USA, Europe)
111 - Blaster Master 2 (USA)
112 - Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II (USA)
113 - Blockout (World)
114 - Bloodshot (Europe)
115 - Blue Almanac (Japan)
116 - Body Count (Europe)
117 - Bonanza Brothers (USA, Korea)
118 - Bonkers (USA, Europe)
119 - Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (USA)
120 - Boogie Woogie Bowling (Japan)
121 - Boxing Legends of the Ring (USA)
122 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA)
123 - Brett Hull Hockey '95 (USA)
124 - Brian Lara Cricket (Europe)
125 - Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Europe)
126 - Brutal - Paws of Fury (USA)
127 - Bubba'n'Stix - A Strategy Adventure (USA)
128 - Bubble and Squeak (USA)
129 - Bubsy II (USA, Europe)
130 - Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (USA, Europe)
131 - Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (USA, Europe)
132 - Budokan - The Martial Spirit (USA)
133 - Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (USA)
134 - Bulls versus Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (USA, Europe)
135 - Bulls Vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs (USA, Europe)
136 - Burning Force (Japan)
137 - Burning Force (USA)
138 - Butt Babies & Tranny Tramps - Abnormal Family
139 - Cadash (USA, Asia)
140 - Caesars Palace (USA)
141 - Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (USA)
142 - Caliber.50 (USA)
143 - California Games (USA, Europe)
144 - Cannon Fodder (Europe)
145 - Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
146 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA)
147 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Trad FR)
148 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (USA, Europe)
149 - Castlevania - Bloodlines (USA)
150 - Centurion - Defender of Rome (USA, Europe)
151 - Chakan (Trad FR)
152 - Chakan (USA, Europe)
153 - Champions World Class Soccer (World)
154 - Championship Bowling (USA)
155 - Championship Pool (USA)
156 - Championship Pro-Am (USA)
157 - Chase H.Q. II (USA)
158 - Chavez II (USA)
159 - Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Europe)
160 - Chelnov (Japan)
161 - Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool (USA)
162 - Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (USA)
163 - Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf (USA)
164 - Chibi Maruko-Chan - Wakuwaku Shopping (Japan)
165 - Chiki Chiki Boys (USA, Europe)
166 - Chou Yakyuu Miracle Nine (Japan)
167 - Chuck Rock (USA)
168 - Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA)
169 - Classic Collection (Europe)
170 - Clay Fighter (USA)
171 - Cliffhanger (USA)
172 - Clue (USA)
173 - Coach K College Basketball (USA)
174 - College Football USA 96 (USA)
175 - College Football USA 97 (USA)
176 - College Football's National Championship (USA)
177 - College Football's National Championship II (USA)
178 - College Slam (USA)
179 - Columns (World)
180 - Columns III - Revenge of Columns (USA)
181 - Combat Cars (USA, Europe)
182 - Comix Zone (Japan)
183 - Comix Zone (USA)
184 - Congo - The Game
185 - Contra - Hard Corps (Enhanced Edition)
186 - Contra - Hard Corps (Trad FR)
187 - Contra - Hard Corps (USA, Korea)
188 - Contra - The Hard Corps (Japan)
189 - Cool Spot (USA)
190 - Cosmic Spacehead (USA, Europe)
191 - Crack Down (USA)
192 - Crayon Shin-Chan - Arashi o Yobu Sono Ko (Japan)
193 - Cross Fire (USA)
194 - Crude Buster (Japan)
195 - Crue Ball - Heavy Metal Pinball (USA, Europe)
196 - Crusader of Centy (USA)
197 - Crying - Asia Seimei Sensou (Japan)
198 - Crystal's Pony Tale (USA)
199 - Curse (Japan)
200 - Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel (Japan)
201 - CutThroat Island (USA, Europe)
202 - Cyber-Cop (USA)
203 - CyberBall (World)
204 - Cyborg Justice (USA, Europe)
205 - Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Europe)
206 - Dahna Megami Tanjou (Japan)
207 - Dahna Megami Tanjou (Trad FR)
208 - Daikoukai Jidai (Japan)
209 - Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan)
210 - Dangerous Seed (Japan)
211 - Darius II (Japan)
212 - Dark Castle (USA, Europe)
213 - Darwin 4081 (Japan, Korea)
214 - Dashin' Desperadoes (USA)
215 - David Crane's Amazing Tennis (USA)
216 - David Robinson Basketball (Japan)
217 - David Robinson's Supreme Court (USA, Europe)
218 - Davis Cup Tennis (USA, Europe)
219 - Davis Cup World Tour Tennis 2
220 - Deadly Moves (USA)
221 - Death and Return of Superman, The (USA)
222 - Death Duel (USA)
223 - DecapAttack (Trad FR)
224 - DecapAttack (USA, Europe)
225 - Demolition Man (USA, Europe)
226 - Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (USA, Europe)
227 - Desert Strike - Return To The Gulf (USA, Europe)
228 - Devil Crash MD (Japan)
229 - Devil's Course 3-D Golf (J) [!]
230 - Devilish - The Next Possession (USA)
231 - Dick Tracy (Trad FR)
232 - Dick Tracy (World)
233 - Dick Vitale's 'Awesome, Baby!' College Hoops (USA)
234 - Dino Dini's Soccer (Europe)
235 - Dino Land (USA)
236 - Dinosaur's Tale, A (USA)
237 - Dinosaurs for Hire (USA)
238 - Disney Collection, The (Europe)
239 - DJ Boy (USA)
240 - Doctor Robotnik's Creature Capture (X)
241 - Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan)
242 - Dominus
243 - Donald in Maui Mallard (Europe)
244 - Doom Troopers (USA)
245 - Doraemon - Yume Dorobou to 7 Nin no Gozans (Japan)
246 - Double Clutch (Europe)
247 - Double Dragon (USA, Europe)
248 - Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
249 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan)
250 - Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (USA)
251 - Double Dribble - The Playoff Edition (USA)
252 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Trad FR)
253 - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA)
254 - Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA)
255 - Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Japan)
256 - Dragon's Fury (USA, Europe)
257 - Dragon's Lair
258 - Dragon's Revenge (USA, Europe)
259 - Dream Team USA (Japan)
260 - Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (USA)
261 - Dungeons & Dragons - Warriors of the Eternal Sun (USA, Europe)
262 - Dyna Brothers (Japan)
263 - Dyna Brothers 2 (Japan)
264 - Dynamite Duke (World)
265 - Dynamite Headdy (USA, Europe)
266 - EA Sports Double Header (Europe)
267 - Earnest Evans (USA)
268 - Earth Defense (USA) (Unl)
269 - Earthworm Jim (USA)
270 - Earthworm Jim 2 (USA)
271 - Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA)
272 - Ecco Jr. (USA, Australia)
273 - Ecco the Dolphin (Japan)
274 - Ecco the Dolphin (Trad FR)
275 - Ecco the Dolphin (USA, Europe)
276 - Ecco the Dolphin II (Japan)
277 - Eggman in Sonic 1
278 - El Viento (Enhanced Edition)
279 - El Viento (Trad FR)
280 - El. Viento (USA)
281 - Elemental Master (USA)
282 - Eliminate Down (Japan)
283 - ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA)
284 - ESPN National Hockey Night (USA)
285 - ESPN Speed World (USA)
286 - ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA)
287 - ESWAT - City Under Siege (Trad FR)
288 - ESWAT - City Under Siege (USA, Europe)
289 - Eternal Champions (USA)
290 - Europa Sensen (Japan)
291 - Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (World)
292 - Ex-Mutants (USA, Europe)
293 - Ex-Ranza (Japan)
294 - Exile (USA)
295 - Exo Squad (USA)
296 - Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (Unl)
297 - F-117 Night Storm (USA, Europe)
298 - F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA)
299 - F-22 Interceptor (USA, Europe)
300 - F1 - World Championship Edition (Europe)
301 - F1 Circus MD (Japan)
302 - F1 Hero MD (Japan)
303 - Faery Tale Adventure, The (USA, Europe)
304 - Family Feud (USA)
305 - Fantasia (World)
306 - Fantastic Dizzy (USA, Europe)
307 - Fastest 1 (Japan)
308 - Fatal Fury (USA)
309 - Fatal Fury 2 (USA, Korea)
310 - Fatal Labyrinth (USA, Europe)
311 - Fatal Rewind (USA, Europe)
312 - Fatman (Japan)
313 - Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA)
314 - Fido Dido
315 - FIFA 98 - Road to World Cup (Europe)
316 - FIFA International Soccer (USA, Europe)
317 - FIFA Soccer 95 (USA, Europe)
318 - FIFA Soccer 96 (USA, Europe)
319 - FIFA Soccer 97 (USA, Europe)
320 - Fighting Masters (Trad FR)
321 - Fighting Masters (USA)
322 - Final Blow (Japan)
323 - Final Zone (Japan, USA)
324 - Fire Mustang (Japan)
325 - Fire Shark (USA)
326 - Fix it Felix Jr
327 - Flash Point
328 - Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA)
329 - Flicky (USA, Europe)
330 - Flink (Europe)
331 - Flintstone (Japan)
332 - Flintstones, The (Trad FR)
333 - Flintstones, The (USA)
334 - Foreman for Real (World)
335 - Forgotten Worlds (World)
336 - Formula One (USA)
337 - Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA, Europe)
338 - Frogger (USA)
339 - Fun 'N' Games (USA)
340 - Funny World & Balloon Boy (USA) (Unl)
341 - Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Japan)
342 - G-LOC Air Battle (World)
343 - Gadget Twins (USA)
344 - Gaiares (Japan, USA)
345 - Gaiares (Trad FR)
346 - Gain Ground (World)
347 - Galaxy Force II (World)
348 - Gambler Jiko Chuushinha - Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou (Japan)
349 - gamelist.backup.xml"
350 - gamelist.xml"
351 - Garfield - Caught in the Act (USA, Europe)
352 - Gargoyles (Trad FR)
353 - Gargoyles (USA)
354 - Gauntlet (Japan)
355 - Gauntlet (Japan) (En,Ja)
356 - Gauntlet IV (Japan) (En,Ja)
357 - Gauntlet IV (USA, Europe)
358 - Gemfire (USA)
359 - General Chaos (USA, Europe)
360 - Generations Lost (Trad FR)
361 - Generations Lost (USA, Europe)
362 - Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA)
363 - George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA)
364 - Ghostbusters (Trad FR)
365 - Ghostbusters (World)
366 - Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Trad FR)
367 - Ghouls 'n Ghosts (USA, Europe)
368 - Global Gladiators (Europe)
369 - Gods (USA)
370 - Golden Axe (Trad FR)
371 - Golden Axe (World)
372 - Golden Axe 2 - Enhanced Colors
373 - Golden Axe Color Hack
374 - Golden Axe II (Trad FR)
375 - Golden Axe II (World)
376 - Golden Axe III (Japan)
377 - Golden Axe III (Trad FR)
378 - Goofy's Hysterical History Tour (USA)
379 - Granada (Japan, USA)
380 - Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA)
381 - Great Waldo Search, The (USA)
382 - Greatest Heavyweights (USA)
383 - Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude! (USA, Europe)
384 - Grind Stormer (USA)
385 - Growl (USA)
386 - Gunship (Europe)
387 - Gunstar Heroes (Japan)
388 - Gunstar Heroes (Trad FR)
389 - Gunstar Heroes (USA)
390 - Hard Drivin' (World)
391 - HardBall '94 (USA, Europe)
392 - HardBall '95 (USA)
393 - HardBall III (USA)
394 - HardBall! (USA)
395 - Haunting Starring Polterguy (USA, Europe)
396 - Head-On Soccer (USA)
397 - Heavy Nova (USA)
398 - Heavy Unit - Mega Drive Special (Japan)
399 - Hellfire (Trad FR)
400 - Hellfire (USA)
401 - Herzog Zwei (USA, Europe)
402 - High Seas Havoc (USA)
403 - Hit the Ice (USA)
404 - Hokuto no Ken (Japan)
405 - Home Alone (USA, Europe)
406 - Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA)
407 - Honoo no Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei (Japan)
408 - Hook (USA)
409 - Humans, The (USA)
410 - Hurricanes (Europe)
411 - Hybrid Front, The (Japan)
412 - Hyper Marbles (SN) (Japan)
413 - IMG International Tour Tennis (USA, Europe)
414 - Immortal, The (USA, Europe)
415 - Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA, Europe)
416 - Incredible Hulk, The (USA, Europe)
417 - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA)
418 - Insector X (Trad FR)
419 - Insector X (USA)
420 - Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (USA)
421 - International Rugby (Europe)
422 - International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (Europe)
423 - Ishido - The Way of Stones (USA)
424 - Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (USA, Europe)
425 - J. League Champion Soccer (Japan)
426 - J. League Pro Striker - Perfect Edition (Japan)
427 - J. League Pro Striker (Japan)
428 - J. League Pro Striker 2 (Japan)
429 - J. League Pro Striker Final Stage (Japan)
430 - Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (USA, Europe)
431 - James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA, Europe)
432 - James Bond 007 - The Duel (USA)
433 - James Pond - Underwater Agent (USA, Europe)
434 - James Pond 3 (USA, Europe)
435 - James Pond II - Codename Robocod (USA, Europe)
436 - Jammit (USA)
437 - Jantei Monogatari (Japan)
438 - Jelly Boy
439 - Jennifer Capriati Tennis (USA)
440 - Jeopardy! - Deluxe Edition (USA)
441 - Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA)
442 - Jeopardy! (USA)
443 - Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl (USA)
444 - Jewel Master (Trad FR)
445 - Jewel Master (USA, Europe)
446 - Jim Power - The Arcade Game
447 - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (Europe)
448 - Joe & Mac (USA)
449 - Joe Montana Football (World)
450 - Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World)
451 - John Madden Football - Championship Edition (USA)
452 - John Madden Football '92 (USA, Europe)
453 - John Madden Football '93 (USA, Europe)
454 - John Madden Football (USA, Europe)
455 - Jordan Vs Bird (USA, Europe)
456 - Joshua & The Battle of Jericho (USA) (Unl)
457 - Judge Dredd (World)
458 - JuJu Densetsu (Japan)
459 - Junction (Japan, USA)
460 - Jungle Book, The (USA)
461 - Jungle Strike (USA, Europe)
462 - Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (USA, Europe)
463 - Jurassic Park (Japan)
464 - Jurassic Park (USA)
465 - Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World (Trad FR)
466 - Justice League Task Force (World)
467 - Juuouki (Japan)
468 - Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (USA)
469 - Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (USA, Europe)
470 - Kick Boxing, The (Japan)
471 - Kick Off 3 - European Challenge (Europe)
472 - Kid Chameleon (USA, Europe)
473 - King of the Monsters (USA)
474 - King of the Monsters 2 (USA)
475 - King Salmon - The Big Catch (USA)
476 - King's Bounty - The Conqueror's Quest (USA, Europe)
477 - Kirby in Sonic The Hedgehog
478 - Kishi Densetsu (Japan)
479 - Klax (USA, Europe)
480 - Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog
481 - Koutetsu Teikoku (Japan)
482 - Krusty's Super Fun House (USA, Europe)
483 - Kujaku Ou 2 (Japan)
484 - Kuuga - Operation Vapor Trail (Japan)
485 - Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan)
486 - La Russa Baseball 95 (USA, Australia)
487 - Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (USA)
488 - Landstalker - Le Tresor du Roi Nole (France)
489 - Landstalker (USA)
490 - Langrisser (Japan)
491 - Langrisser II (Japan) (v1.1)
492 - Langrisser II (Japan) (v1.2)
493 - Last Action Hero (USA, Europe)
494 - Last Battle (USA, Europe)
495 - Lawnmower Man, The (USA, Europe)
496 - Legend of Galahad, The (USA, Europe)
497 - Legende de Thor, La (France)
498 - Lemmings (Japan, USA)
499 - Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (USA)
500 - Lethal Enforcers (USA)
501 - Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (USA)
502 - LHX Attack Chopper (USA, Europe)
503 - Liberty or Death (USA)
504 - Light Crusader (USA)
505 - Lightening Force - Quest for the Darkstar (USA)
506 - Lion King, The (World)
507 - Lord Monarch (Japan)
508 - Lost Vikings, The (USA)
509 - Lost World, The - Jurassic Park (USA, Europe)
510 - Lotus II (USA, Europe)
511 - Lotus Turbo Challenge (USA, Europe)
512 - M-1 Abrams Battle Tank (USA, Europe)
513 - Madden NFL '94 (USA, Europe)
514 - Madden NFL 95 (USA, Europe)
515 - Madden NFL 96 (USA, Europe)
516 - Madden NFL 97 (USA, Europe)
517 - Madden NFL 98 (USA)
518 - Madou Monogatari I (Japan)
519 - Magic School Bus, The (USA)
520 - Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Japan)
521 - Magical Taruruuto-kun (Japan)
522 - Mahjong Cop Ryuu - Shiro Ookami no Yabou (Japan)
523 - Man Overboard! (Europe)
524 - Maou Renjishi (Japan)
525 - Marble Madness (USA, Europe)
526 - Mario Andretti Racing (USA, Europe)
527 - Mario Lemieux Hockey (USA, Europe)
528 - Marko (USA)
529 - Marsupilami (USA)
530 - Marvel Land (USA)
531 - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA)
532 - Master of Monsters (USA)
533 - Master of Weapon (Japan)
534 - Math Blaster - Episode 1 (USA)
535 - Mazin Saga - Mutant Fighter (USA)
536 - McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (USA)
537 - Mega Anser (Japan)
538 - Mega Bomberman (USA)
539 - Mega Bomberman SRAM (v1.1)
540 - Mega Games 1 (Europe)
541 - Mega Games 2 (Europe)
542 - Mega Games 3 (Europe)
543 - Mega Games 6 Vol. 1 (Europe)
544 - Mega Games 6 Vol. 2 (Europe)
545 - Mega Games 6 Vol. 3 (Europe)
546 - Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Europe)
547 - Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Trad FR)
548 - Mega SWIV (Europe)
549 - Mega Turrican (Trad FR)
550 - Mega Turrican (USA)
551 - Megapanel (Japan)
552 - MegaTraX (Japan)
553 - Menacer 6-Game Cartridge (USA, Europe)
554 - Mercs (World)
555 - Metal Fangs (Japan)
556 - Metal Sonic Hyperdrive
557 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Trad FR)
558 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World)
559 - Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA)
560 - Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Japan)
561 - Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA)
562 - Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA)
563 - Micro Machines (USA, Europe)
564 - Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe)
565 - Micro Machines Military (Europe)
566 - Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Europe)
567 - Midnight Resistance (USA)
568 - Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (USA)
569 - Might and Magic - Gates to Another World (USA, Europe)
570 - Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra
571 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA)
572 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA)
573 - Mike Ditka Power Football (USA, Europe)
574 - Minato no Toreijia (Japan)
575 - Minnesota Fats - Pool Legend (USA)
576 - MLBPA Baseball (USA)
577 - Monopoly (USA)
578 - Monster World IV (Japan)
579 - Monster World IV (Trad FR)
580 - Mortal Kombat (Trad FR)
581 - Mortal Kombat (World)
582 - Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
583 - Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition (v1.0a)
584 - Mortal Kombat II (Trad FR)
585 - Mortal Kombat II (World)
586 - Mortal Kombat II Unlimited
587 - Mortal Kombat Revelations
588 - Mr. Nutz - Hoppin' Mad
589 - Mr. Nutz (Europe)
590 - Ms. Pac-Man (USA, Europe)
591 - Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA)
592 - MUSHA - Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor (Trad FR)
593 - MUSHA - Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor (USA)
594 - Musha Aleste - Full Metal Fighter Ellinor (Japan)
595 - Mutant League Football (Japan)
596 - Mutant League Football (USA, Europe)
597 - Mutant League Hockey (USA, Europe)
598 - Mystic Defender (Trad FR)
599 - Mystic Defender (USA, Europe)
600 - Mystical Fighter (USA)
601 - Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu - F-1 Super License (Japan)
602 - NBA Action '94 (USA)
603 - NBA Action '95 Starring David Robinson (USA, Europe)
604 - NBA All-Star Challenge (USA, Europe)
605 - NBA Hang Time (USA)
606 - NBA Jam (USA, Europe)
607 - NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World)
608 - NBA Live 95 (USA, Europe)
609 - NBA Live 96 (USA, Europe)
610 - NBA Live 97 (USA, Europe)
611 - NBA Live 98 (USA)
612 - NBA Playoff - Bulls vs Blazers (Japan)
613 - NBA Pro Basketball - Bulls vs Lakers (Japan)
614 - NBA Showdown '94 (USA, Europe)
615 - NCAA Final Four Basketball (USA)
616 - NCAA Football (USA)
617 - New 3D Golf Simulation Harukanaru Augusta (Japan)
618 - New Horizons (USA)
619 - New Zealand Story, The (Japan)
620 - Newman Haas Indy Car Featuring Nigel Mansell (World)
621 - NFL '95 (USA, Europe)
622 - NFL 98 (USA)
623 - NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (USA)
624 - NFL Quarterback Club (World)
625 - NFL Quarterback Club 96 (USA, Europe)
626 - NFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana (USA, Europe)
627 - NHL '94 (USA, Europe)
628 - NHL 95 (USA, Europe)
629 - NHL 96 (USA, Europe)
630 - NHL 97 (USA, Europe)
631 - NHL 98 (USA)
632 - NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (USA)
633 - NHL Hockey (USA)
634 - NHLPA Hockey 93 (USA, Europe)
635 - Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (USA)
636 - Nikkan Sports Pro Yakyuu Van (Japan)
637 - Ninja Burai Densetsu (Japan)
638 - Ninja Gaiden
639 - No Escape (USA)
640 - Nobunaga's Ambition (USA)
641 - Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama (USA, Europe)
642 - Oh Mummy Genesis
643 - Old-Towers
644 - Olympic Gold (USA)
645 - Olympic Summer Games (USA, Europe)
646 - Omega Blast
647 - Onslaught (USA, Europe)
648 - Ooze, The (Japan, USA)
649 - Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45 (USA)
650 - Osomatsu-kun - Hachamecha Gekijou (Japan)
651 - Ottifants, The (Europe)
652 - Out of This World (USA)
653 - Outlander (USA)
654 - OutRun (Japan)
655 - OutRun (USA, Europe)
656 - OutRun 2019 (USA)
657 - OutRunners (USA)
658 - P.T.O - Pacific Theater of Operations (USA)
659 - Pac-Attack (USA)
660 - Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA)
661 - Pac-Mania (USA, Europe)
662 - Paddle Fighter (Japan)
663 - Pagemaster, The (USA)
664 - Panorama Cotton (Japan)
665 - Paperboy (USA, Europe)
666 - Paperboy 2 (USA, Europe)
667 - Pat Riley Basketball (USA)
668 - Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA)
669 - Pele II - World Tournament Soccer (USA, Europe)
670 - Pele! (USA, Europe)
671 - Pengo (Japan)
672 - Pete Sampras Tennis (USA, Europe)
673 - PGA European Tour (USA, Europe)
674 - PGA Tour 96 (USA, Europe)
675 - PGA Tour Golf (USA, Europe)
676 - PGA Tour Golf II (USA, Europe)
677 - PGA Tour Golf III (USA, Europe)
678 - Phantasy Star II (Evil Overload)
679 - Phantasy Star II (Trad FR)
680 - Phantasy Star II (USA, Europe)
681 - Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (Trad FR)
682 - Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (USA, Europe)
683 - Phantasy Star IV (Trad FR)
684 - Phantasy Star IV (USA)
685 - Phantom 2040 (USA)
686 - Phelios (USA)
687 - Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA)
688 - Pinocchio (USA)
689 - Pirates of Dark Water, The (USA, Europe)
690 - Pirates! Gold (USA)
691 - Pit-Fighter (World)
692 - Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA)
693 - Pocahontas (USA)
694 - Populous (USA)
695 - Power Athlete (Japan)
696 - Power Drive (Europe)
697 - Power Monger (USA, Europe)
698 - Powerball (USA)
699 - Predator 2 (USA, Europe)
700 - Premier Manager (Europe)
701 - Premier Manager 97 (Europe)
702 - Primal Rage (USA, Europe)
703 - Prime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders (USA)
704 - Prince of Persia (USA)
705 - Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame
706 - Pro Quarterback (USA)
707 - Probotector (X)
708 - Psy-O-Blade Moving Adventure (J) [!]
709 - Psycho Pinball (Europe)
710 - Puggsy (Trad FR)
711 - Puggsy (USA)
712 - Pulseman (Japan)
713 - Pulseman (Trad FR)
714 - Punisher, The (USA)
715 - Putter Golf (SN) (Japan)
716 - Puzzle & Action - Ichidanto-R (Japan)
717 - Puzzle & Action - Tanto-R (Japan)
718 - Pyramid Magic (Japan)
719 - QuackShot Starring Donald Duck (World)
720 - QuackShot Starring Donald Duck ~ QuackShot - Guruzia Ou no Hihou (Trad FR)
721 - Quad Challenge (USA)
722 - R.B.I. Baseball '93 (USA)
723 - R.B.I. Baseball '94 (USA, Europe)
724 - R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA)
725 - R.B.I. Baseball 4 (USA)
726 - Race Drivin' (USA)
727 - Radical Rex (USA)
728 - Ragnacenty (Japan)
729 - Raiden Trad (Japan, USA)
730 - Rainbow Islands Extra (Japan)
731 - Rambo III (Trad FR)
732 - Rambo III (World)
733 - Rampart (USA)
734 - Ranger X (USA)
735 - Ransei no Hasha (Japan)
736 - Rastan Saga II (USA)
737 - Red Zone (USA, Europe)
738 - Ren & Stimpy Show Presents Stimpy's Invention, The (USA)
739 - Rent A Hero (Japan)
740 - Resident evil
741 - Revenge of Shinobi, The (Trad FR)
742 - Revenge of Shinobi, The (USA, Europe)
743 - Revolution X (USA, Europe)
744 - Richard Scarry's BusyTown (USA)
745 - rick dangerous (unl)
746 - Rings of Power (USA, Europe)
747 - Rise of the Robots (Europe)
748 - Risk (USA)
749 - Risky Woods (USA, Europe)
750 - Ristar - The Shooting Star (Japan)
751 - Ristar (USA, Europe)
752 - Road Rash (USA, Europe)
753 - Road Rash 3 (USA, Europe)
754 - Road Rash II (USA, Europe)
755 - RoadBlasters (Japan)
756 - RoadBlasters (USA)
757 - RoboCop 3 (USA, Europe)
758 - RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA)
759 - Robotnik's Revenge
760 - Rock n' Roll Racing (USA)
761 - Rock n' Roll Racing (X)
762 - Rocket Knight Adventures (Trad FR)
763 - Rocket Knight Adventures (USA)
764 - Rockman Megaworld (Japan)
765 - Roger Clemens MVP Baseball (USA)
766 - Rolling Thunder 2 (Trad FR)
767 - Rolling Thunder 2 (USA)
768 - Rolling Thunder 3 (Trad FR)
769 - Rolling Thunder 3 (USA)
770 - Rolo to the Rescue (USA, Europe)
771 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA)
772 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny (USA)
773 - Royal Blood (Japan)
774 - Rugby World Cup 95 (USA, Europe)
775 - Ryuuko no Ken (Japan)
776 - Sagaia (USA)
777 - Saint Sword (USA)
778 - Sally Acorn In Sonic The Hedgehog-image
779 - Same! Same! Same! (Japan)
780 - Sampras Tennis 96 (Europe)
781 - Samurai Shodown (USA)
782 - Sangokushi II (Japan)
783 - Sangokushi III (Japan)
784 - Saturday Night Slammasters (USA)
785 - Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA)
786 - SeaQuest DSV (USA)
787 - Second Samurai (Europe)
788 - Sega Sports 1 (Europe)
789 - Senjou no Ookami II ~ Mercs (Trad FR)
790 - Sensible Soccer - International Edition (Europe)
791 - Sensible Soccer (Europe)
792 - Sesame Street Counting Cafe (USA)
793 - Shadow Blasters (Trad FR)
794 - Shadow Blasters (USA)
795 - Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (Trad FR)
796 - Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (World)
797 - Shadow In Sonic 1
798 - Shadow of the Beast (USA, Europe)
799 - Shadow of the Beast II (USA, Europe)
800 - Shadow Run (X)
801 - Shadowrun (USA)
802 - Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA)
803 - Shaq-Fu (USA, Europe)
804 - Shining and the Darkness (Japan)
805 - Shining Force (USA)
806 - Shining Force II (Trad FR)
807 - Shining Force II (USA)
808 - Shining in the Darkness (USA, Europe)
809 - Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Enhanced Edition)
810 - Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Trad FR)
811 - Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA)
812 - Shogi no Hoshi (Japan)
813 - Shove It! ...The Warehouse Game (USA)
814 - Shura no Mon (Japan)
815 - Side Pocket (USA)
816 - Simpsons, The - Bart Vs. The Space Mutants (USA, Europe)
817 - Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (USA, Europe)
818 - Skeleton Krew (USA)
819 - Skitchin' (USA, Europe)
820 - Slam - Shaq Vs. The Legends
821 - Slap Fight MD (Japan)
822 - Slaughter Sport (USA)
823 - Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe)
824 - Smurfs, The (Europe)
825 - Snake Rattle n Roll (Europe)
826 - Snow Bros
827 - Socket (USA)
828 - Sol-Deace (USA)
829 - Soldiers of Fortune (USA)
830 - Soleil (France)
831 - Soleil (Trad FR)
832 - Sonic - Zeta Overdrive (X)
833 - Sonic & Knuckles (World)
834 - Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog (World)
835 - Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World)
836 - Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (World)
837 - Sonic 1 Megamix
838 - Sonic 2 Delta II
839 - Sonic 2 Retro Remix
840 - Sonic 3D Blast (USA, Europe)
841 - Sonic 3D Blast Director's Cut
842 - Sonic Boom
843 - Sonic Classics (World)
844 - Sonic Crackers
845 - Sonic Eraser (Japan)
846 - Sonic in Streets of Rage 3
847 - Sonic Knuckle (SK Hack)
848 - Sonic S Factor
849 - Sonic Spinball (Japan)
850 - Sonic Spinball (USA)
851 - Sonic the Hedgehog (Japan)
852 - Sonic the Hedgehog (Trad FR)
853 - Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)
854 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World)
855 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Limited Edition
856 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (USA)
857 - Sorcer Kingdom (Japan)
858 - Sorcerer's Kingdom (USA)
859 - Sorcerian (Japan)
860 - Space Harrier II (World)
861 - Space Invaders '91 (USA)
862 - Sparkster (USA)
863 - Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA)
864 - Spider-Man (USA, Europe) (Acclaim)
865 - Spider-Man (World) (Sega)
866 - Spider-Man and Venom - Maximum Carnage (World)
867 - Spider-Man and Venom - Separation Anxiety (USA, Europe)
868 - Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (USA, Europe)
869 - Spiritual Warfare (USA) (Unl)
870 - Spirou (Europe)
871 - Splatterhouse 2 (USA)
872 - Splatterhouse 3 (USA)
873 - Sports Talk Baseball (USA)
874 - Spot Goes to Hollywood (USA)
875 - Star Control (USA)
876 - Star Cruiser (Japan)
877 - Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (USA)
878 - Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (USA)
879 - Starflight (USA, Europe)
880 - Stargate (USA, Europe)
881 - Steel Empire (Trad FR)
882 - Steel Empire (USA)
883 - Steel Talons (USA, Europe)
884 - Stormlord (USA)
885 - Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (USA)
886 - Street Fighter II' Plus - Champion Edition (Japan)
887 - Street of Rage
888 - Street Racer (Europe)
889 - Street Smart (Japan, USA)
890 - Streets of Rage (Trad FR)
891 - Streets of Rage (World)
892 - Streets of Rage 2 - Wolverine
893 - Streets of Rage 2 (Trad FR)
894 - Streets of Rage 2 (USA)
895 - Streets of Rage 2 Syndicate Wars
896 - Streets of Rage 3 - Really Gay Edition (Hack)
897 - Streets of Rage 3 - Special Edition (Hack)
898 - Streets of Rage 3 (Trad FR)
899 - Streets of Rage 3 (USA)
900 - Strider (Trad FR)
901 - Strider (USA, Europe)
902 - Strider II (Trad FR)
903 - Strider Returns - Journey from Darkness (USA)
904 - Striker (Europe)
905 - Sub-Terrania (USA)
906 - Summer Challenge (USA, Europe)
907 - Sunset Riders (USA)
908 - Super Airwolf (Japan)
909 - Super Baseball 2020 (USA, Europe)
910 - Super Battleship (USA)
911 - Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA)
912 - Super Daisenryaku (Japan)
913 - Super Fantasy Zone (Europe)
914 - Super Hang-On (World)
915 - Super High Impact (USA)
916 - Super Hydlide (Trad FR)
917 - Super Hydlide (USA)
918 - Super Kick Off (Europe)
919 - Super League 91 (Japan)
920 - Super Monaco GP (USA)
921 - Super Off Road (USA, Europe)
922 - Super Shinobi II, The (Japan)
923 - Super Shinobi, The (Japan)
924 - Super Skidmarks (Europe)
925 - Super Smash T.V. (USA, Europe)
926 - Super Street Fighter II - Enhanced Colors
927 - Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (USA)
928 - Super Thunder Blade (World)
929 - Super Volley Ball (USA)
930 - Superman (USA)
931 - Surging Aura (Japan)
932 - Surging Aura (Trad FR)
933 - Sword of Sodan (USA, Europe)
934 - Sword of Vermilion (Trad FR)
935 - Sword of Vermilion (USA, Europe)
936 - Syd of Valis (Trad FR)
937 - Syd of Valis (USA)
938 - Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers (USA)
939 - Syndicate (USA, Europe)
940 - T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA, Europe)
941 - T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
942 - Taiga Drama Taiheiki (Japan)
943 - Taikou Risshiden (Japan)
944 - TaleSpin (USA, Europe)
945 - Tanto R (Japan)
946 - Target Earth (USA)
947 - Task Force Harrier EX (USA)
948 - Taz in Escape from Mars (USA)
949 - Taz-Mania (World)
950 - Tazmania (Trad FR)
951 - Team USA Basketball (USA, Europe)
952 - Techno Clash (USA, Europe)
953 - Technocop (USA)
954 - Tecmo Cup (Japan)
955 - Tecmo Cup (Japan) (Proto) [b]
956 - Tecmo Cup Football Game
957 - Tecmo Super Baseball (USA)
958 - Tecmo Super Bowl (USA)
959 - Tecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition (USA)
960 - Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition (USA)
961 - Tecmo Super Hockey (USA)
962 - Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA)
963 - Tecmo World Cup (USA)
964 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (USA)
965 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA)
966 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The HyperStone Heist - Enhanced Colors
967 - Teitoku no Ketsudan (Japan)
968 - Tel Tel Stadium (Japan)
969 - Terminator, The (Trad FR)
970 - Terminator, The (USA)
971 - Test Drive II - The Duel (USA, Europe)
972 - Tetris (Japan)
973 - The Chaos Engine 2
974 - The Itchy & Scratchy Game
975 - The Revenge of Fu Manchu
976 - Theme Park (USA, Europe)
977 - Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA)
978 - Thunder Force II (Trad FR)
979 - Thunder Force II (USA, Europe)
980 - Thunder Force III (Japan, USA)
981 - Thunder Force III (Trad FR)
982 - Thunder Force IV (Japan)
983 - Thunder Force IV (Trad FR)
984 - Thunder Fox (USA)
985 - Thunderbolt II
986 - Tick, The (USA)
987 - Time Dominator 1st (Japan)
988 - Time Killers (USA)
989 - TinHead (USA)
990 - Tintin au Tibet (Europe)
991 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (USA, Korea)
992 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (Trad FR)
993 - Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (USA)
994 - TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (USA)
995 - TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 (USA)
996 - Todd's Adventures in Slime World (USA)
997 - Toe Jam & Earl (Trad FR)
998 - Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Trad FR)
999 - ToeJam & Earl (World)
1000 - ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (USA)
1001 - Toki - Going Ape Spit (Trad FR)
1002 - Toki - Going Ape Spit (World)
1003 - Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (USA)
1004 - Tommy Lasorda Baseball (USA)
1005 - Tony La Russa Baseball (USA, Australia)
1006 - Top Gear 2 (USA)
1007 - Top Pro Golf (Japan)
1008 - Top Pro Golf 2 (Japan)
1009 - Total Football (Europe)
1010 - Toughman Contest (USA, Europe)
1011 - Tougiou King Colossus (English v061030)
1012 - Tougiou King Colossus (Japan)
1013 - Toxic Crusaders (USA)
1014 - Toy Story (USA)
1015 - Toys (USA)
1016 - Trampoline Terror! (USA)
1017 - Traysia (USA)
1018 - Triple Play - Gold Edition (USA)
1019 - Triple Play 96 (USA)
1020 - Trouble Shooter (USA)
1021 - Troy Aikman NFL Football (USA)
1022 - True Lies (World)
1023 - Truxton (World)
1024 - Turbo OutRun (Japan, Europe)
1025 - Turrican (USA, Europe)
1026 - Twin Cobra - Desert Attack Helicopter (USA)
1027 - Twin Cobra (Trad FR)
1028 - Twin Hawk (Japan, Europe)
1029 - Twinkle Tale (Japan)
1030 - Two Crude Dudes (USA)
1031 - Two Tribes - Populous II (Europe)
1032 - Tyrants - Fight through Time (USA)
1033 - Uchu Senkan Gomora (Japan)
1034 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
1035 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy
1036 - Ultimate Qix (USA)
1037 - Ultimate Soccer (Europe)
1038 - Ultraman (Japan)
1039 - Uncharted Waters (USA)
1040 - Undead Line (Japan)
1041 - Universal Soldier (USA, Europe)
1042 - Unnecessary Roughness '95 (USA)
1043 - Urban Strike (USA, Europe)
1044 - Valis (Trad FR)
1045 - Valis (USA)
1046 - Valis III (Japan)
1047 - Valis III (Japan) (Rev A)
1048 - Valis III (Trad FR)
1049 - Valis III (USA)
1050 - Valis SD (J) [!]
1051 - Vampire Killer (Japan)
1052 - Vapor Trail (USA)
1053 - Vector the Crocidile In Sonic the Hedgehog (Rev 1.3)
1054 - Vectorman (USA, Europe)
1055 - Vectorman 2 (USA)
1056 - Verytex (Japan)
1057 - Viewpoint (USA)
1058 - Virtua Fighter 2 (USA, Europe)
1059 - Virtua Racing (USA)
1060 - Virtual Bart (World)
1061 - Virtual Pinball (USA, Europe)
1062 - Vixen 357 (Japan)
1063 - Volfied (Japan)
1064 - VR Troopers (USA, Europe)
1065 - Wacky Races
1066 - Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio (USA)
1067 - Waialae no Kiseki (Japan)
1068 - Wani Wani World (Japan)
1069 - Wardner (Trad FR)
1070 - Wardner (USA)
1071 - Wardner no Mori Special (Japan)
1072 - Warlock (USA, Europe)
1073 - Warpspeed (USA)
1074 - Warrior of Rome (USA)
1075 - Warrior of Rome II (USA)
1076 - Warsong (USA)
1077 - Warsong (X)
1078 - Waterworld
1079 - Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (USA, Europe)
1080 - Wayne's World (USA)
1081 - Weaponlord (USA)
1082 - Whac-a-Critter (USA) (Unl)
1083 - Wheel of Fortune (USA)
1084 - Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego (USA, Europe)
1085 - Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego (USA, Europe)
1086 - Whip Rush (Trad FR)
1087 - Whip Rush (USA)
1088 - Wild Snake
1089 - Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (USA)
1090 - Wimbledon Championship Tennis (USA)
1091 - Wings of Wor (USA)
1092 - Winter Challenge (USA, Europe)
1093 - Winter Olympic Games (USA)
1094 - Wiz'n'Liz (USA)
1095 - Wolfchild (USA)
1096 - Wolverine - Adamantium Rage (USA, Europe)
1097 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Japan, Europe)
1098 - Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Japan)
1099 - Wonder Boy in Monster World (Trad FR)
1100 - Wonder Boy in Monster World (USA, Europe)
1101 - Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (Japan)
1102 - Wonder Boy VI - Monster World IV
1103 - World Championship Soccer (Japan, USA)
1104 - World Championship Soccer II (USA)
1105 - World Class Leaderboard Golf (USA)
1106 - World Cup USA 94 (USA, Europe)
1107 - World Heroes (USA)
1108 - World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan)
1109 - World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (Trad FR)
1110 - World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (USA, Korea)
1111 - World Series Baseball '95 (USA)
1112 - World Series Baseball '96 (USA)
1113 - World Series Baseball (USA)
1114 - World Series Baseball 98 (USA)
1115 - World Trophy Soccer (USA)
1116 - Worms (Europe)
1117 - Wrestle War (Japan, Europe)
1118 - Wrestleball (Japan)
1119 - WWF Raw (World)
1120 - WWF Royal Rumble (World)
1121 - WWF Super WrestleMania (USA, Europe)
1122 - WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe)
1123 - X-Men (USA)
1124 - X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (USA, Europe)
1125 - X-Perts (USA)
1126 - XDR - X-Dazedly-Ray (Japan)
1127 - Xenon 2 - Megablast (Europe)
1128 - Yogi Bear - Cartoon Capers (Europe)
1129 - Ys III (USA)
1130 - Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (English v071113)
1131 - Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (Trad EN)
1132 - Zan Yasha Enbuden (Japan)
1133 - Zany Golf (USA, Europe)
1134 - Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA)
1135 - Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe)
1136 - Zero Wing (Europe)
1137 - Zero Wing (Trad FR)
1138 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA)
1139 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors (X)
1140 - Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (Trad FR)
1141 - Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension (USA)
1142 - Zoom! (World)
1143 - Zoop (USA)
Neo-Geo - 152 Jeux
1 - 2020 Super Baseball
2 - 3 Count Bout
3 - Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
4 - Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3
5 - Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku
6 - Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian
7 - Andro Dunos
8 - Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken
9 - Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2
10 - Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
11 - Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki
12 - Bang Bead
13 - Baseball Stars 2
14 - Baseball Stars Professional
15 - Battle Flip Shot
16 - Blazing Star
17 - Blue's Journey / Raguy
18 - Breakers
19 - Breakers Revenge
20 - Burning Fight
21 - Captain Tomaday
22 - Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz
23 - Crossed Swords
24 - Cyber-Lip
25 - Digger Man
26 - Double Dragon
27 - Eight Man
28 - Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den
29 - Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai
30 - Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - Arata-naru Tatakai
31 - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai
32 - Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special
33 - Fight Fever
34 - Football Frenzy
35 - Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors
36 - Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
37 - Garou - Mark of the Wolves
38 - Ghost Pilots
39 - Ghostlop
40 - Goal! Goal! Goal!
41 - Gururin
42 - Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster
43 - Jockey Grand Prix
44 - Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite
45 - King of the Monsters
46 - King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing
47 - Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle
48 - Last Resort
49 - League Bowling
50 - Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu
51 - Magical Drop II
52 - Magical Drop III
53 - Magician Lord
54 - Mahjong Kyo Retsuden
55 - Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon
56 - Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
57 - Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II
58 - Metal Slug 3
59 - Metal Slug 4
60 - Metal Slug 5
61 - Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001
62 - Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai
63 - Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger
64 - Mutation Nation
65 - NAM-1975
66 - Neo Bomberman
67 - Neo Drift Out - New Technology
68 - Neo Mr. Do!
69 - Neo No Panepon
70 - Neo Pong
71 - Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf
72 - Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory
73 - Nightmare in the Dark
74 - Ninja Combat
75 - Ninja Commando
76 - Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho
77 - Over Top
78 - Panic Bomber
79 - Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer
80 - Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin
81 - Power Spikes II
82 - Prehistoric Isle 2
83 - Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move
84 - Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again
85 - Puzzle De Pon!
86 - Puzzle De Pon! R!
87 - Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid
88 - Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down
89 - Quiz King of Fighters
90 - Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen part 2
91 - Rage of the Dragons
92 - Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken
93 - Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu
94 - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers
95 - Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
96 - Riding Hero
97 - Robo Army
98 - Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits
99 - Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen
100 - Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken
101 - Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin
102 - Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero
103 - Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei
104 - Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou
105 - Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2
106 - Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001
107 - Shock Troopers
108 - Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad / Lansquenet 2004
109 - Soccer Brawl
110 - Spin Master / Miracle Adventure
111 - Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi
112 - Stakes Winner 2
113 - Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream
114 - Strikers 1945 Plus
115 - Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
116 - Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou
117 - Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football
118 - Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Michi
119 - Super Sidekicks 4: The Ultimate 11
120 - SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom
121 - Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi
122 - Tecmo World Soccer '96
123 - The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou
124 - The King of Fighters 2000
125 - The King of Fighters 2001
126 - The King of Fighters 2002
127 - The King of Fighters 2003
128 - The King of Fighters '94
129 - The King of Fighters '95
130 - The King of Fighters '96
131 - The King of Fighters '97
132 - The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends
133 - The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle
134 - The Last Blade
135 - The Last Blade 2
136 - The Super Spy
137 - Thrash Rally
138 - Top Hunter
139 - Top Player's Golf
140 - Twinkle Star Sprites
141 - Viewpoint
142 - V-Liner
143 - Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer
144 - Waku Waku 7
145 - Windjammers
146 - World Heroes
147 - World Heroes 2
148 - World Heroes 2 Jet
149 - World Heroes Perfect
150 - Zed Blade
151 - Zintrick
152 - Zupapa
Neo-Geo Pocket - 9 Jeux
1 - Baseball Stars
2 - King of Fighters R-1 - Pocket Fighting Series
3 - Melon-chan no Seichou Nikki
4 - Neo Cherry Master - Real Casino Series
5 - Neo Geo Cup '98
6 - Pocket Tennis - Pocket Sports Series
7 - Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon!
8 - Samurai Shodown! - Pocket Fighting Series
9 - Shougi no Tatsujin
Neo-Geo Pocket Color - 81 Jeux
1 - Bakumatsu Rouman Tokubetsu Hen - Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana
2 - Baseball Stars Color
3 - Big Bang Pro Wrestling
4 - Bikkuriman 2000 - Viva! Pocket Festiva!
5 - Bio Motor Unitron
6 - Bio Motor Unitron 2
7 - Bust-A-Move
8 - Cool Boarders Pocket
9 - Cool Cool Jam
10 - Crush Roller
11 - Dark Arms: Beast Buster 1999
12 - Delta Warp
13 - Densetsu no Ogre Battle: Zenobia no Ouji
14 - Densha de Go! 2
15 - Dive Alert - Matt's Version
16 - Dive Alert: Becky's Version
17 - Doko Demo Mahjong
18 - Dynamite Slugger
19 - Evolution: Eternal Dungeon
20 - Fantastic Night Dreams: Cotton
21 - Faselei!
22 - Fatal Fury: First Contact
23 - Ganbare Neo Poke-kun
24 - Infinity Cure
25 - King of Fighters R-2
26 - Koi Koi Mahjong
27 - Magical Drop Pocket
28 - Memories Off - Pure
29 - Metal Slug 1st Mission
30 - Metal Slug 2nd Mission
31 - Mezase! Kanji Ou
32 - Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Shashinkan
33 - Neo 21 - Real Casino Series
34 - Neo Baccarat - Real Casino Series
35 - Neo Cherry Master Color - Real Casino Series
36 - Neo Derby Champ Daiyosou
37 - Neo Dragon's Wild - Real Casino Series
38 - Neo Mystery Bonus - Real Casino Series
39 - Neo Poke Pro Yakyuu
40 - Neo Turf Masters
41 - NeoGeo Cup '98 Plus
42 - Nigeronpa
43 - Oekaki Puzzle
44 - Pachinko Hisshou Guide - Pocket Parlor
45 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Azteca
46 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Dekahel 2
47 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Delsol 2
48 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - e-Cup
49 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Hanabi
50 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Oohanabi
51 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Porcano 2
52 - Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket - Ward of Lights
53 - Pac-Man
54 - Party Mail
55 - Pocket Love if
56 - Pocket Reversi
57 - Pocket Tennis Color - Pocket Sports Series
58 - Prize Game - PP-AA01 Pusher Program
59 - Puyo Pop
60 - Puzzle Bobble Mini
61 - Puzzle Link
62 - Puzzle Link 2
63 - Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon! Color
64 - RockMan Battle & Fighters
65 - Samurai Shodown II
66 - Shanghai Mini
67 - Shinki Sekai Evolution - Hateshinai Dungeon
68 - Shougi no Tatsujin Color
69 - SNK Gals Fighters
70 - SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition
71 - SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters
72 - SNK vs. Capcom - Gekitotsu Card Fighters - SNK Supporter Version
73 - SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash - Capcom Version
74 - SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash - SNK Version
75 - SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
76 - Sonic the Hedgehog : Pocket Adventure
77 - Soreike!! Hanafuda Doujou
78 - Super Real Mahjong - Premium Collection
79 - The King of Fighters - Battle de Paradise
80 - The Last Blade: Beyond the Destiny
81 - Tsunagete Pon! 2
NES - 2138 Jeux
1 - 10-Yard Fight (J)
2 - 10-Yard Fight (USA, Europe)
3 - 100 Man $ Kid - Maboroshi no Teiou Hen (J)
4 - 1942 (Japan, USA)
5 - 1942 (Trad FR)
6 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway (Trad FR)
7 - 1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA)
8 - 1999 - Hore, Mitakotoka! Seikimatsu (J)
9 - 2-in-1 Cosmo Cop + Cyber Monster (Sachen)
10 - 2-in-1 Tough Cop + Super Tough Cop (Sachen) [U]
11 - 2048 (tsone)
12 - 3 in 1 Supergun (1993)(Micro Genius)(AS)
13 - 3-D Battles of World Runner, The (USA)
14 - 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (J)
15 - 720 (USA)
16 - 8 Eyes (J)
17 - 8 Eyes (Trad FR)
18 - 8 Eyes (USA)
19 - 89 Dennou Kyuusei Uranai (J)
20 - A Ressha de Ikou (J)
21 - Aa Yakyuu Jinsei Icchokusen (J)
22 - Abadox - The Deadly Inner War (Trad FR)
23 - Abadox (USA)
24 - Abarenbou Tengu (Zombie Nation) (J)
25 - Aces - Iron Eagle 3 (J)
26 - Action 52 (USA) (Unl) (Rev A)
27 - Action in New York (Trad FR)
28 - AD&D Dragons of Flame (J)
29 - AD&D Heroes of the Lance (J)
30 - AD&D Hillsfar (J)
31 - AD&D Pool of Radiance (J)
32 - Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (Trad FR)
33 - Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (USA)
34 - Addams Family, The - Uncle Fester's Quest (USA)
35 - Addams Family, The (USA)
36 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon Strike (USA)
37 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the Lance (USA)
38 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Hillsfar (USA)
39 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance (USA)
40 - Adventure Island (Trad FR)
41 - Adventure Island 3 (Trad FR)
42 - Adventure Island II (Trad FR)
43 - Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (USA)
44 - Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (Trad FR)
45 - Adventures of Bayou Billy, The (USA)
46 - Adventures of Captain Comic, The (USA) (Unl)
47 - Adventures of Dino Riki, The (USA)
48 - Adventures of Dr. Franken, The (U) (Prototype)
49 - Adventures of Gilligan's Island, The (USA)
50 - Adventures of Lolo (Europe)
51 - Adventures of Lolo (Trad FR)
52 - Adventures of Lolo (USA)
53 - Adventures of Lolo 2 (Trad FR)
54 - Adventures of Lolo 2 (USA)
55 - Adventures of Lolo 3 (Trad FR)
56 - Adventures of Lolo 3 (USA)
57 - Adventures of Rad Gravity, The (Trad FR)
58 - Adventures of Rad Gravity, The (USA)
59 - Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (USA)
60 - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (USA)
61 - After Burner (USA) (Unl)
62 - Ai Sensei no Oshiete - Watashi no Hoshi (J)
63 - Aigiina no Yogen - From The Legend of Balubalouk (J)
64 - Air Fortress (Trad FR)
65 - Air Fortress (USA)
66 - Airwolf (USA)
67 - Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha (J)
68 - Akira (J)
69 - Akuma Kun - Makai no Wana (J)
70 - Akuma no Shoutaijou (J)
71 - Akumajou Densetsu (J)
72 - Akumajou Dracula (J)
73 - Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun (J)
74 - Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (Trad FR)
75 - Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (USA)
76 - Aladdin (Europe)
77 - Alfred Chicken (USA)
78 - Alien 3 (USA)
79 - Alien Syndrome (J)
80 - Alien Syndrome (USA) (Unl)
81 - All-Pro Basketball (USA)
82 - Alpha Mission (USA)
83 - Amagon (Trad FR)
84 - Amagon (USA)
85 - America Daitouryou Senkyo (J)
86 - America Oudan Ultra Quiz - Shijou Saidai no Tatakai (J)
87 - American Dream (J)
88 - American Gladiators (USA)
89 - Ankoku Shinwa - Yamato Takeru Densetsu (J)
90 - Antarctic Adventure (J)
91 - Anticipation (USA)
92 - Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (J)
93 - Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genghis Khan (J)
94 - Arabian Dream Sherazaado (J)
95 - Arch Rivals - A Basket Brawl! (USA)
96 - Archon (USA)
97 - Arctic (J)
98 - Arctic Adventure - The Penguin & Seal (Australia) (Unl)
99 - Argos no Senshi (J)
100 - Argus (J)
101 - Arkanoid (Trad FR)
102 - Arkanoid (USA)
103 - Arkanoid 2 (J)
104 - Arkanoid II (Trad FR)
105 - Arkista's Ring (USA)
106 - Armadillo (J)
107 - Artelius (J)
108 - Asmik Kun Land (J)
109 - ASO - Armored Scrum Object (J)
110 - Asterix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
111 - Astro Fang - Super Machine (J)
112 - Astro Robo Sasa (J)
113 - Astyanax (Trad FR)
114 - Astyanax (USA)
115 - Athena (Trad FR)
116 - Athena (USA)
117 - Athletic World (USA)
118 - Atlantis no Nazo (J)
119 - Attack Animal Gakuen (J)
120 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Trad FR)
121 - Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (USA)
122 - Aussie Rules Footy (Australia)
123 - Auto-Upturn (1991)(Sachen)(TW)[TC-017][NES cart]
124 - AV Pachi Slot (J)
125 - B-Wings (J)
126 - Babel no Tou (J)
127 - Baby Boomer (Trad FR)
128 - Baby Boomer (USA) (Unl)
129 - Back to the Future (Trad FR)
130 - Back to the Future (USA)
131 - Back to the Future Part II & III (USA)
132 - Bad Dudes (Trad FR)
133 - Bad Dudes (USA)
134 - Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (Europe)
135 - Bad News Baseball (USA)
136 - Bad Street Brawler (USA)
137 - Baken Hisshou Gaku - Gate In (J)
138 - Bakushou Ai no Gekijou (J)
139 - Bakushou Jinsei Gekijoh 3 (J)
140 - Bakushou! Star Monomane Shitennou (J)
141 - Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijoh (J)
142 - Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijoh 2 (J)
143 - Ballblazer (J)
144 - Balloon Fight (Trad FR)
145 - Balloon Fight (USA)
146 - Baltron (J)
147 - Banana (J)
148 - Banana Prince
149 - Bananan Ouji no Dai Bouken (J)
150 - Bandai Golf - Challenge Pebble Beach (USA)
151 - Bandit Kings of Ancient China (USA)
152 - Barbie (USA) (Rev A)
153 - Barcode World (J)
154 - Bard's Tale 2 - The Destiny Knight, The (J)
155 - Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown (USA)
156 - Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (USA)
157 - Base Wars - Cyber Stadium Series (USA)
158 - Baseball (USA, Europe)
159 - Baseball Fighter (J)
160 - Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA)
161 - Baseball Star - Mezase Sankanou!! (J)
162 - Baseball Stars (USA)
163 - Baseball Stars II (USA)
164 - Bases Loaded (USA) (Rev B)
165 - Bases Loaded 3 (USA)
166 - Bases Loaded 4 (USA)
167 - Bases Loaded II - Second Season (USA)
168 - Bashi Bazook - Morphoid Masher (U) (Prototype)
169 - Batman - Return of the Joker (Trad FR)
170 - Batman - Return of the Joker (USA)
171 - Batman - The Video Game (Trad FR)
172 - Batman - The Video Game (USA)
173 - Batman (J)
174 - Batman Returns (USA)
175 - Batsu & Terii (J)
176 - Battle Baseball (J)
177 - Battle Chess (USA)
178 - Battle City (J)
179 - Battle Fleet (J)
180 - Battle Formula (J)
181 - Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril (Trad FR)
182 - Battle Kid 2 - Mountain of Torment
183 - Battle of Olympus, The (Trad FR)
184 - Battle of Olympus, The (USA)
185 - Battle Stadium - Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu (J)
186 - Battle Storm (J)
187 - Battleship (USA)
188 - Battletank (USA)
189 - Battletoads (USA)
190 - Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (USA)
191 - Be-Bop-Highschool - Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu (J)
192 - Beauty and the Beast (Europe)
193 - Bee 52 (USA) (Unl)
194 - Beetlejuice (USA)
195 - Best Keiba - Derby Stallion (J)
196 - Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA)
197 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu '90 (J)
198 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu (J)
199 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu (Shin Data) (J)
200 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu 2 (J)
201 - Best Play Pro Yakyuu Special (J)
202 - Bible Adventures (Trad FR)
203 - Bible Adventures (USA) (Unl) (v1.4)
204 - Bible Buffet (USA) (Unl) (v6.0)
205 - Big Nose Freaks Out (USA) (Unl)
206 - Big Nose the Caveman (USA) (Unl)
207 - Bigfoot (USA)
208 - Bignose and the Witchdoctor (Camerica) (Prototype)
209 - Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! - Harukanaru Kin Medal (J)
210 - Bikkuriman World - Gekitou Sei Senshi (J)
211 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (USA)
212 - Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge (USA)
213 - Bin Guo 75 (1990)(Sachen)(TW)
214 - Binary Land (J)
215 - Bio Force Ape (Trad FR)
216 - Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (J)
217 - Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Trad FR)
218 - Bio Senshi Dan - Increaser tono Tatakai (J)
219 - Bio Senshi Dan - Increaser Tono Tatakai (Trad FR)
220 - Bionic Commando (Trad FR)
221 - Bionic Commando (USA)
222 - Bird Week (J)
223 - Black Bass 2, The (J)
224 - Black Bass USA, The (USA)
225 - Blackjack (USA) (Unl)
226 - BladeBuster (High Level Challenge)
227 - Blades of Steel (USA)
228 - Blaster Master (USA)
229 - Blodia Land - Puzzle Quest (J)
230 - Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (J)
231 - Blue Marlin, The (USA)
232 - Blue Shadow (Trad FR)
233 - Blues Brothers, The (USA)
234 - Bo Jackson Baseball (USA)
235 - Bokosuka Wars (J)
236 - Bomber King (J)
237 - Bomber King (Trad FR)
238 - Bomberman (Trad FR)
239 - Bomberman (USA)
240 - Bomberman 2 (J)
241 - Bomberman II (USA)
242 - Bonk's Adventure (USA)
243 - Booby Kids (J)
244 - Boulder Dash (J)
245 - Boulder Dash (USA)
246 - Boy and His Blob, A - Trouble on Blobolonia (USA)
247 - Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA)
248 - Break Time - The National Pool Tour (USA)
249 - BreakThru (USA)
250 - Bubble Bath Babes (UE)
251 - Bubble Bobble (Trad FR)
252 - Bubble Bobble (USA)
253 - Bubble Bobble Part 2 (USA)
254 - Bucky O'Hare (Trad FR)
255 - Bucky O'Hare (USA)
256 - Buggy Popper (J)
257 - Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout, The (Trad FR)
258 - Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout, The (USA)
259 - Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The (USA)
260 - Bump'n'Jump (USA)
261 - Burai Fighter (Trad FR)
262 - Burai Fighter (USA)
263 - Burger Time (USA)
264 - Business Wars (J)
265 - Buzz and Waldog (Prototype)
266 - Cabal (USA)
267 - Cadillac (J)
268 - Caesars Palace (USA)
269 - California Games (USA)
270 - California Raisins, The - The Grape Escape (U) (Prototype)
271 - Caltron - 6 in 1 (USA) (Unl)
272 - Capcom Barcelona '92 (J)
273 - Captain America and the Avengers (Trad FR)
274 - Captain America and the Avengers (USA)
275 - Captain Comic - The Adventure (Trad FR)
276 - Captain Ed (J)
277 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Trad FR)
278 - Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA)
279 - Captain Saver (J)
280 - Captain Silver (J)
281 - Captain Skyhawk (Trad FR)
282 - Captain Skyhawk (USA) (Rev A)
283 - Captain Tsubasa (J)
284 - Captain Tsubasa Vol 2 - Super Striker (J)
285 - Casino Derby (J)
286 - Casino Kid (USA)
287 - Casino Kid 2 (USA)
288 - Castelian (USA)
289 - Castle Excellent (J)
290 - Castle of Deceit (USA) (Unl)
291 - Castle of Dragon (USA)
292 - Castle Quest (J)
293 - Castlequest (USA)
294 - Castlevania (Trad FR)
295 - Castlevania (USA) (Rev A)
296 - Castlevania 3 (Trad FR)
297 - Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (Trad FR)
298 - Castlevania II - Simon's Quest (USA)
299 - Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (USA)
300 - Cat Ninden Teyandee (Trad FR)
301 - Cattou Ninden Teyandee (J)
302 - Caveman Games (USA)
303 - Chack 'n Pop (J)
304 - Challenge of the Dragon (1990)(Sachen)(AS)[TC-011][NES cart]
305 - Challenge of the Dragon (USA) (Unl) (Color Dreams)
306 - Challenger (J)
307 - Championship Bowling (USA)
308 - Championship Lode Runner (J)
309 - Championship Lode Runner (Trad FR)
310 - Championship Pool (USA)
311 - Championship Rally (Europe)
312 - Chaos World (J)
313 - Chase (Shiru)
314 - Cheetahmen 2 patch
315 - Cheetahmen II (USA) (Unl)
316 - Chess Academy (1991)(Sachen)(TW)[SA-015][Famicom cart]
317 - Chessmaster, The (USA)
318 - Chester Field - Ankoku Shin heno Chousen (J)
319 - Chibi Maruko Chan - Uki Uki Shopping (J)
320 - Chiisana Obake - Acchi Socchi Kocchi (J)
321 - Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race (J)
322 - Chiller (USA) (Unl)
323 - Chinese Checkers (1991)(Sachen)(TW)[TC-019][NES cart]
324 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Trad FR)
325 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (USA)
326 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (Trad FR)
327 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (USA)
328 - Chitei Senkuu Vazorudaa (J)
329 - Chiyo no Fuji no Ooichou (J)
330 - Choplifter (J)
331 - Chou Hen (J) (Joy Van)
332 - Chou Jikuu Yousai - Macross (J)
333 - Chou Jinrou Senki - Warwolf (J)
334 - Chou Wakusei Senki - Metafight (J)
335 - Choujin - Ultra Baseball (J)
336 - Choujin Sentai - Jetman (J)
337 - Chubby Cherub (USA)
338 - Chuka Taisen (J)
339 - Chuugoku Janshi Story - Tonpuu (J)
340 - Chuugoku Senseijutsu (J)
341 - Circus Caper (USA)
342 - Circus Charlie (J)
343 - Circus Charlie (Trad FR)
344 - City Adventure Touch - Mystery of Triangle (J)
345 - City Connection (USA)
346 - Clash at Demonhead (Trad FR)
347 - Clash at Demonhead (USA)
348 - Classic Concentration (USA)
349 - Cliffhanger (USA)
350 - Clu Clu Land (World)
351 - Cobra Command (USA)
352 - Cobra Triangle (USA)
353 - Cocoron (J)
354 - Code Name - Viper (Trad FR)
355 - Code Name - Viper (USA)
356 - Color a Dinosaur (USA)
357 - Colorful Dragon (1989)(Sachen)(TW)[SA-005]
358 - Columbus - Ougon no Yoake (J)
359 - Commando (USA)
360 - Conan (USA)
361 - Conflict (USA)
362 - Conquest of the Crystal Palace (Trad FR)
363 - Conquest of the Crystal Palace (USA)
364 - Contra (Trad FR)
365 - Contra (USA)
366 - Contra Force (Trad FR)
367 - Contra Force (USA)
368 - Cool World (Trad FR)
369 - Cool World (USA)
370 - Corvette ZR-1 Challenge (1991)(Hasbro International)(EU)
371 - Cosmic Epsilon (J)
372 - Cosmic Wars (J)
373 - Cosmo Genesis (J)
374 - Cosmo Police - Galivan (J)
375 - Cowboy Kid (Trad FR)
376 - Cowboy Kid (USA)
377 - Crackout (Europe)
378 - Crash 'n the Boys - Street Challenge (USA)
379 - Crash 'n' the Boys - Street Challenge (Trad FR)
380 - Crayon Shin Chan - Ora to Poi Poi (J)
381 - Crazy Climber (J)
382 - Creatom (199x)(TXC Corp)(AS)
383 - Crisis Force (J)
384 - Crisis Force (Trad FR)
385 - Cross Fire (J)
386 - Cross Fire (Trad FR)
387 - Cross Fire (U) (Prototype)
388 - Crystal Mines (Trad FR)
389 - Crystal Mines (USA) (Unl)
390 - Crystalis (Trad FR)
391 - Crystalis (USA)
392 - Cyberball (USA)
393 - Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (USA)
394 - Cycle Race - Road Man (J)
395 - Dai 2 Ji - Super Robot Taisen (J)
396 - Dai Kaijuu - Deburas (J)
397 - Dai Koukai Jidai (J)
398 - Dai Meiro - Meikyuu no Tatsujin (J)
399 - Dai Senryaku (J)
400 - Daiku no Gen San (J)
401 - Daiku no Gen San 2 - Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu (J)
402 - Daiva - Imperial of Nirsartia (J)
403 - Dance Aerobics (USA)
404 - Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (USA)
405 - Dark Lord (J)
406 - Darkman (USA)
407 - Darkwing Duck (Trad FR)
408 - Darkwing Duck (USA)
409 - Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum (USA)
410 - Dash Yarou (J)
411 - Datach - Battle Rush - Build Up Robot Tournament (J)
412 - Datach - Crayon Shin Chan - Ora to Poi Poi (J)
413 - Datach - Dragon Ball Z - Gekitou Tenkaichi Budou Kai (J)
414 - Datach - J League Super Top Players (J)
415 - Datach - SD Gundam - Gundam Wars (J)
416 - Datach - Ultraman Club - Supokon Fight! (J)
417 - Datach - Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Bakutou Ankoku Bujutsu Kai (J)
418 - Datsugoku (J)
419 - Day Dreamin' Davey (USA)
420 - Days of Thunder (USA)
421 - Deadly Towers (USA)
422 - Death Race (USA) (Unl)
423 - Deathbots (USA) (Unl) (v1)
424 - Deblock (J)
425 - Deep Dungeon 3 - Yuushi heno Tabi (J)
426 - Deep Dungeon 4 - Kuro no Youjutsushi (J)
427 - Defender II (USA)
428 - Defender of the Crown (USA)
429 - Defenders of Dynatron City (USA)
430 - Deja Vu (USA)
431 - Demon Sword - Release the Power (USA)
432 - Dengeki - Big Bang! (J)
433 - Densetsu no Kishi - Elrond (J)
434 - Derby Stallion - Zenkoku Ban (J)
435 - Desert Commander (USA)
436 - Destination Earthstar (USA)
437 - Destiny of an Emperor (USA)
438 - Devil Man (J)
439 - Devil World (Europe)
440 - Devil World (Trad FR)
441 - Dezaemon (J)
442 - Dick Tracy (Trad FR)
443 - Dick Tracy (USA)
444 - Die Hard (Trad FR)
445 - Die Hard (USA)
446 - Dig Dug (J)
447 - Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise (USA)
448 - Digger T. Rock - The Legend of the Lost City (USA)
449 - Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei (J)
450 - Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei 2 (J)
451 - Dirty Harry (USA)
452 - Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi (J)
453 - Dokuganryuu Masamune (J)
454 - Don Doko Don (J)
455 - Don Doko Don 2 (J)
456 - Donald Duck (J)
457 - Donald Land (J)
458 - Donkey Kong (Trad FR)
459 - Donkey Kong (World) (Rev A)
460 - Donkey Kong 3 (Trad FR)
461 - Donkey Kong 3 (World)
462 - Donkey Kong Classics (USA, Europe)
463 - Donkey Kong Jr. (Trad FR)
464 - Donkey Kong Jr. (World) (Rev A)
465 - Donkey Kong Jr. + Jr. Lesson (J)
466 - Donkey Kong Jr. Math (Trad FR)
467 - Donkey Kong Jr. Math (USA, Europe)
468 - Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansuu Asobi (J)
469 - Door Door (J)
470 - Door Door FDS (J) [f1]
471 - Doraemon - Gigazombie no Gyakushuu (J)
472 - Doraemon (J)
473 - Double Dare (USA)
474 - Double Dragon (Trad FR)
475 - Double Dragon (USA)
476 - Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (J)
477 - Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (J)
478 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Trad FR)
479 - Double Dragon II - The Revenge (USA) (Rev A)
480 - Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (Trad FR)
481 - Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (USA)
482 - Double Dribble (USA) (Rev A)
483 - Double Moon Densetsu (J)
484 - Double Strike - Aerial Attack Force (USA) (Unl) (v1.1)
485 - Dough Boy (J)
486 - Downtown - Nekketsu Koushin Kyoku - Soreyuke Dai Undoukai (J)
487 - Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari (J)
488 - Downtown Special - Kunio Kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zenin Shuugou! (J)
489 - Dr. Chaos (USA)
490 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (USA)
491 - Dr. Mario (Japan, USA) (Rev A)
492 - Dr. Mario (Trad FR)
493 - Drac's Night Out (U) (Prototype)
494 - Dragon Ball - Dai Maou Fukkatsu (J)
495 - Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (J)
496 - Dragon Ball 3 - Gokuu Den (J)
497 - Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (J)
498 - Dragon Ball Z 2 - Gekishin Freeza!! (J)
499 - Dragon Ball Z 3 - Ressen Jinzou Ningen (J)
500 - Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (J)
501 - Dragon Buster (J)
502 - Dragon Buster (Trad FR)
503 - Dragon Buster 2 - Yami no Fuuin (J)
504 - Dragon Fighter (J)
505 - Dragon Fighter (USA)
506 - Dragon Ninja (J)
507 - Dragon Power (USA)
508 - Dragon Quest (J)
509 - Dragon Quest 2 (J)
510 - Dragon Quest 3 (J)
511 - Dragon Quest 4 (J)
512 - Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu (J)
513 - Dragon Slayer 4 - Drasle Family (J)
514 - Dragon Spirit - Aratanaru Densetsu (J)
515 - Dragon Spirit - The New Legend (USA)
516 - Dragon Unit (J)
517 - Dragon Warrior - Part II (USA)
518 - Dragon Warrior (Trad FR)
519 - Dragon Warrior (USA) (Rev A)
520 - Dragon Warrior III (USA)
521 - Dragon Warrior IV (USA)
522 - Dragon Wars (J)
523 - Dragon's Lair (USA)
524 - Dream Master (J)
525 - Driar (Stefan Adolfsson - David Eriksson)
526 - Dropzone (Europe)
527 - Duck Hunt (Trad FR)
528 - Duck Hunt (World)
529 - Duck Maze (Australia) (Unl)
530 - Duck Tales (USA)
531 - Duck Tales 2 (J)
532 - Duck Tales 2 (USA)
533 - DuckTales (Trad FR)
534 - DuckTales 2 (Trad FR)
535 - Dudes With Attitude (USA) (Unl)
536 - Dungeon & Magic - Swords of Element (J)
537 - Dungeon Kid (J)
538 - Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements (USA)
539 - Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball (USA)
540 - Dynamite Batman (J)
541 - Dynamite Bowl (J)
542 - Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus (USA)
543 - Earth Bound Zero (Trad FR)
544 - Earthbound (U) (Prototype)
545 - Eggerland - Meikyuu no Fukkatsu (J)
546 - Egypt (J)
547 - Egypt (Trad FR)
548 - Elevator Action (J)
549 - Elevator Action (USA)
550 - Eliminator Boat Duel (USA)
551 - Elite (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
552 - Elysion (J)
553 - Emo Yan no 10 Bai Pro Yakyuu (J)
554 - Empereur, L' (USA)
555 - Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken (J)
556 - Erunaaku no Zaihou (J)
557 - Escape From Atlantis, The (Prototype-1)
558 - Esper Bouken Tai (J)
559 - Esper Dream 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (J)
560 - Excitebike (Japan, USA)
561 - Excitebike (Trad FR)
562 - Exciting Boxing (J)
563 - Exciting Rally - World Rally Championship (J)
564 - Exed Exes (J)
565 - Exed Exes (Trad FR)
566 - Exerion (J)
567 - Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) (Unl) (v4.0)
568 - F-1 Race (J)
569 - F-1 Sensation (J)
570 - F-117A - Stealth Fighter (USA)
571 - F-15 City War Rev 1.1 (1990)(American Video Entertainment)(US)
572 - F-15 Strike Eagle (USA)
573 - F1 Circus (J)
574 - F15 City War (USA) (Unl) (v1.1)
575 - Famicom Disk System BIOS (J)
576 - Famicom Doubutsu Seitai Zukan! - Katte ni Shirokuma - Mori wo Sukue no Maki! (J)
577 - Famicom Igo Nyuumon (J)
578 - Famicom Jump - Eiyuu Retsuden (J)
579 - Famicom Jump 2 - Saikyou no 7 Nin (J)
580 - Famicom Meijin Sen (J)
581 - Famicom Shougi - Ryuuousen (J)
582 - Famicom Top Management (J)
583 - Famicom Wars (J)
584 - Famicom Wars (Trad FR)
585 - Famicom Yakyuu Ban (J)
586 - Family BASIC (J) (V2.0a)
587 - Family BASIC (J) (V2.1a)
588 - Family BASIC (J) (V3.0)
589 - Family Block (J)
590 - Family Boxing (J)
591 - Family Circuit '91 (J)
592 - Family Circuit (J)
593 - Family Computer - Othello (J)
594 - Family Feud (USA)
595 - Family Jockey (J)
596 - Family Mahjong (J)
597 - Family Mahjong 2 - Shanghai Heno Michi (J)
598 - Family Pinball (J)
599 - Family Quiz (J)
600 - Family School (J)
601 - Family Tennis (J)
602 - Family Trainer - Aerobics Studio (J)
603 - Family Trainer - Athletic World (J)
604 - Family Trainer - Dai Undoukai (J)
605 - Family Trainer - Fuuun Takeshi Jou 2 (J)
606 - Family Trainer - Jogging Race (J)
607 - Family Trainer - Manhattan Police (J)
608 - Family Trainer - Meiro Dai Sakusen (J)
609 - Family Trainer - Rairai Kyonshiizu (J)
610 - Family Trainer - Running Stadium (J)
611 - Family Trainer - Totsugeki Fuuun Takeshi Jou (J)
612 - Famista '89 - Kaimaku Ban!! (J)
613 - Famista '90 (J)
614 - Famista '91 (J)
615 - Famista '92 (J)
616 - Famista '93 (J)
617 - Famista '94 (J)
618 - Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The (USA) (Unl)
619 - Fantasy Zone (J)
620 - Fantasy Zone (USA) (Unl)
621 - Fantasy Zone 2 - The Teardrop of Opa-Opa (J)
622 - Faria - A World of Mystery & Danger! (USA)
623 - Faria (J)
624 - Faxanadu (J)
625 - Faxanadu (Trad FR)
626 - Faxanadu (USA) (Rev A)
627 - FC Genjin - Freakthoropus Computerus (J)
628 - Felix the Cat (Trad FR)
629 - Felix the Cat (USA)
630 - Ferrari - Grand Prix Challenge (J)
631 - Ferrari - Grand Prix Challenge (USA)
632 - Fester's Quest (Trad FR)
633 - Field Combat (J)
634 - Fighting Golf (J)
635 - Fighting Road (J)
636 - Fighting Road (Trad FR)
637 - Final Combat (1992)(Sachen)(TW)[SA-020][NES cart]
638 - Final Fantasy (J)
639 - Final Fantasy (Trad FR)
640 - Final Fantasy (USA)
641 - Final Fantasy 1 & 2 (J)
642 - Final Fantasy 2 (J)
643 - Final Fantasy 3 (J)
644 - Final Fantasy II (Trad FR)
645 - Final Fantasy II (U) (Prototype)
646 - Final Fantasy III (Trad FR)
647 - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (Trad EN)
648 - Final Lap (J)
649 - Final Mission (J)
650 - Fire 'n Ice (USA)
651 - Fire Emblem (J)
652 - Fire Emblem Gaiden (J)
653 - Fire Emblem Gaiden (Trad FR)
654 - Fisher-Price - Firehouse Rescue (USA)
655 - Fisher-Price - I Can Remember (USA)
656 - Fisher-Price - Perfect Fit (USA)
657 - Fist of the North Star (Trad FR)
658 - Fist of the North Star (USA)
659 - Flappy (J)
660 - Fleet Commander (J)
661 - Flight of the Intruder (USA)
662 - Flintstones - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy, The (J)
663 - Flintstones, The - The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (USA)
664 - Flintstones, The - The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! (USA)
665 - Flipull - An Exciting Cube Game (J)
666 - Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll (Trad FR)
667 - Flying Dragon - The Secret Scroll (USA)
668 - Flying Hero (J)
669 - Flying Warriors (USA)
670 - Formation Z (J)
671 - Formula 1 Sensation (Europe)
672 - Formula One - Built to Win (USA)
673 - Foton - The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (J)
674 - Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (Trad FR)
675 - Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (USA)
676 - Freedom Force (Trad FR)
677 - Freedom Force (USA)
678 - Friday the 13th (Trad FR)
679 - Friday the 13th (USA)
680 - Front Line (J)
681 - Fudou Myouou Den (J)
682 - Fun House (USA)
683 - Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (J)
684 - Fushigina Bloby - Blobania no Kiki (J)
685 - Fuzzical Fighter (J)
686 - Fuzzical Fighter (Trad FR)
687 - G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor (USA)
688 - G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero (Trad FR)
689 - G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero (USA)
690 - Gaiapolis (1994)(Sachen)(AS)[TC-029]
691 - Galactic Crusader (USA) (Unl) (Bunch Games)
692 - Galaga - Demons of Death (USA)
693 - Galaga (J)
694 - Galaxian (J)
695 - Galaxy 5000 (USA)
696 - Galg (J)
697 - Gambler Jiko Chuushin Ha - Mahjong Game (J)
698 - Gambler Jiko Chuushin Ha 2 (J)
699 - Game Party (J)
700 - Game Party (Trad FR)
701 - Ganbare Goemon 2 (J)
702 - Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru (J)
703 - Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou (J)
704 - Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (J)
705 - Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (Trad FR)
706 - Ganbare Pennant Race! (J)
707 - Ganso Saiyuuki - Super Monkey Dai Bouken (J)
708 - Garfield - A Week of Garfield (J)
709 - Gargoyle's Quest II - The Demon Darkness (USA)
710 - Gargoyle's Quest II (Trad FR)
711 - Gauntlet (USA)
712 - Gauntlet II (USA)
713 - Gegege no Kitarou - Youkai Dai Makyou (J)
714 - Gegege no Kitarou 2 - Youkai Gundan no Chousen (J)
715 - Geimos (J)
716 - Gekikame Ninja Den (J)
717 - Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (J)
718 - Gekitou Puroresu!! - Toukon Densetsu (J)
719 - Gekitou Stadium!! (J)
720 - Gemfire (USA)
721 - Genghis Khan (USA)
722 - Genpei Touma Den - Computer Boardgame (J)
723 - George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA)
724 - Getsufuu Maden (J)
725 - Getsufuu Maden (Trad FR)
726 - Ghostbusters (J)
727 - Ghostbusters (Trad FR)
728 - Ghostbusters (USA)
729 - Ghostbusters II (USA)
730 - Ghosts'n Goblins (Trad FR)
731 - Ghosts'n Goblins (USA)
732 - Ghoul School (USA)
733 - Gimmi a Break - Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen (J)
734 - Gimmi a Break - Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Ketteisen 2 (J)
735 - Gimmick! (J)
736 - Gimmick! (Trad FR)
737 - Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (J)
738 - Ginga no Sannin (J)
739 - Gluck The Thunder Warrior (199x)(Micro Genius)(TW)
740 - Go! Benny! (Unl)
741 - Goal! (USA)
742 - Goal! Two (USA)
743 - Goal!! (J)
744 - God Slayer - Haruka Tenkuu no Sonata (J)
745 - Godzilla - Monster of Monsters! (USA)
746 - Godzilla (J)
747 - Godzilla 2 - War of the Monsters (USA)
748 - Gold Medal Challenge '92 (USA)
749 - Golf '92, The (J)
750 - Golf (USA)
751 - Golf Club - Birdy Rush (J)
752 - Golf Grand Slam (USA)
753 - Golf Ko Open (J)
754 - Golgo 13 - Dai 1 Shou - Kamigami no Tasogare (J)
755 - Golgo 13 - The Mafat Conspiracy (USA)
756 - Golgo 13 - The Riddle of Icarus (J)
757 - Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (Trad FR)
758 - Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (USA)
759 - Gomoku Narabe (J)
760 - Goonies 2 - Fratelli Saigo no Chousen (J)
761 - Goonies II, The (Trad FR)
762 - Goonies II, The (USA)
763 - Goonies, The (J)
764 - Goonies, The (Trad FR)
765 - Gorby no Pipeline Dai Sakusen (J)
766 - Gorilla Man (J)
767 - Gotcha! - The Sport! (USA)
768 - Gozonji - Yaji Kita Chin Douchuu (J)
769 - Gradius (ArchiMENdes Hen) (J)
770 - Gradius (Trad FR)
771 - Gradius (USA)
772 - Gradius 2 (J)
773 - Gradius II (Trad FR)
774 - Grand Master (J)
775 - Great Battle Cyber (J)
776 - Great Boxing - Rush Up (J)
777 - Great Deal (J)
778 - Great Tank (J)
779 - Great Waldo Search, The (USA)
780 - Great Wall, The (1992)(Sachen)(AS)[SA-019][NES cart]
781 - Greg Norman's Golf Power (USA)
782 - Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (Trad FR)
783 - Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (USA)
784 - Gryzor (J)
785 - Guardian Legend, The (Trad FR)
786 - Guardian Legend, The (USA)
787 - Guerrilla War (USA)
788 - Guevara (J)
789 - Gumshoe (Trad FR)
790 - Gumshoe (USA, Europe)
791 - Gun Hed (J)
792 - Gun Nac (Trad FR)
793 - Gun Nac (USA)
794 - Gun Sight (J)
795 - Gun-Dec (J)
796 - Gun.Smoke (Trad FR)
797 - Gun.Smoke (USA)
798 - Gyrodine (J)
799 - Gyromite (Trad FR)
800 - Gyromite (World)
801 - Gyruss (USA)
802 - Haja no Fuuin (J)
803 - Hammerin' Harry (Europe)
804 - Hammerin' Harry (Trad FR)
805 - Hana no Star Kaidou (J)
806 - Hanafuda Yuukyou Den - Nagarebana Oryuu (J)
807 - Hanjuku Hero (J)
808 - Happily Ever After (Trad FR)
809 - Happy Birthday Bugs (J)
810 - Happy Pairs (1991)(Sachen)(TW)[TC-016][NES cart]
811 - Harlem Globetrotters (USA)
812 - Hatris (J)
813 - Hatris (USA)
814 - Hayauchi Super Igo (J)
815 - Heavy Barrel (USA)
816 - Heavy Shreddin' (USA)
817 - Hebereke (J)
818 - Hebereke (Trad FR)
819 - Hector 87 (J)
820 - Heisei Tensai Bakabon (J)
821 - Hell Fighter (1991)(Sachen)(TW)[SA-016][NES cart]
822 - Hello Kitty no Ohanabatake (J)
823 - Hello Kitty World (J)
824 - Hello Kitty World (Trad FR)
825 - Herakles no Eikou - Toujin Makyou Den (J)
826 - Herakles no Eikou 2 - Titan no Metsubou (J)
827 - Hero Quest (U) (Prototype)
828 - Hi no Tori - Houou Hen - Gaou no Bouken (J)
829 - Hidden Chinese Chess - Um Chi - Glommy Chess (1989)(Sachen)(TW)[o][TC-002]
830 - Higemaru Makaijima - Nanatsu no Shima Dai Bouken (J)
831 - High Speed (USA)
832 - Highway Star (J)
833 - Hirake! Ponkikki (J)
834 - Hiryuu no Ken - Ougi no Sho (J)
835 - Hiryuu no Ken 2 - Dragon no Tsubasa (J)
836 - Hiryuu no Ken 3 - 5 Nin no Ryuu Senshi (J)
837 - Hiryuu no Ken Special - Fighting Wars (J)
838 - Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi (J)
839 - Hissatsu Shigoto Nin (J)
840 - Hit the Ice (U) (Prototype)
841 - Hitler no Fukkatsu - Top Secret (J)
842 - Hitler no Fukkatsu - Top Secret (Trad FR)
843 - Hogan's Alley (World)
844 - Hokuto no Ken (J)
845 - Hokuto no Ken 2 - Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu (J)
846 - Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden (J)
847 - Hokuto no Ken 4 - Shichisei Haken Den - Hokuto Shinken no Kanata he (J)
848 - Hollywood Squares (USA)
849 - Holy Diver (J)
850 - Home Alone (USA) (Rev A)
851 - Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA)
852 - Home Run Nighter - Pennant League!! (J)
853 - Home Run Nighter '90 - The Pennant League (J)
854 - Honey Peach - Mei Nu Quan (1990)(Sachen)(AS)[f][a][SA-006]
855 - Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (J)
856 - Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei 2 (J)
857 - Hook (Trad FR)
858 - Hook (USA)
859 - Hoops (USA)
860 - Hoshi no Kirby - Yume no Izumi no Monogatari (J)
861 - Hoshi wo Miru Hito (J)
862 - Hostages - The Embassy Mission (J)
863 - Hot Slot (UE)
864 - Hototogisu (J)
865 - Hottaaman no Chitei Tanken (J)
866 - Houma ga Toki (J)
867 - Hudson Hawk (USA)
868 - Hudson's Adventure Island (USA)
869 - Hudson's Adventure Island II (USA)
870 - Hudson's Adventure Island III (USA)
871 - Huge Insect (1993)(Sachen)(TW)(proto)[SA-022]
872 - Hunt for Red October, The (USA) (Rev A)
873 - Hyakkiyakou (J)
874 - Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari - The Tales on a Watery Wilderness (J)
875 - Hydlide (Trad FR)
876 - Hydlide (USA)
877 - Hydlide 3 - Yami Kara no Houmonsha (J)
878 - Hydlide Special (J)
879 - Hyokkori Hyoutan Jima - Nazo no Kaizokusen (J)
880 - Hyper Olympic (Gentei Ban!) (J)
881 - Hyper Olympic (J)
882 - Hyper Sports (J)
883 - I Love Softball (J)
884 - Ice Climber (Trad FR)
885 - Ice Climber (USA, Europe)
886 - Ice Hockey (Trad FR)
887 - Ice Hockey (USA)
888 - Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong (J)
889 - Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong 2 (J)
890 - Idol Hakkenden (J)
891 - Idol Shisen Mahjang (J)
892 - Igo - Ky